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核酸侵入反应是由5’核酸内切酶或flap内切酶催化的,能够识别切割核酸片段形成的特异性结构的一类反应。近年来发展了很多基于该反应的生物大分子检测技术,能够对DNA、RNA、miRNA及蛋白质进行高灵敏、高特异性的测定。这些技术大都无需扩增待测靶标,极大地降低了扩增产物交叉污染的风险,在临床检测中具有很大的应用前景。本文对这些检测技术的原理及应用作简要综述。  相似文献   

Flap核酸内切酶1(Flap endonuclease 1,FEN1)是一种能催化核酸侵入反应的核酸内切酶,可应用于信号放大检测方法,但该酶详细的表达纯化工艺尚无报道,并且活性难以准确测定,限制了其应用。通过合成嗜热古球菌Archaeoglobus fulgidus来源的FEN1基因序列,构建了p ET24a(+)-FEN1-His重组质粒,并通过优化表达条件,得到了FEN1最优表达条件为:37℃、200 r/min振荡培养8 h后,加入诱导剂IPTG至终浓度为0.05 mmol/L,再于37℃、200 r/min诱导表达11 h,最终经镍亲和层析成功纯化得到了分子量约为38 k Da的重组FEN1。同时建立了基于荧光标记探针的FEN1活性测定方法,准确测定了重组FEN1的活性,为建立基于该酶的核酸检测方法提供了可靠的酶活力依据。最终将重组FEN1用于实时荧光PCR偶联高特异核酸侵入信号扩增法检测了乙醛脱氢酶2基因(aldh2)的基因型,得到了准确的分型结果,表明重组FEN1能用于基因多态性的分型检测中,为发展基于核酸侵入反应的核酸检测方法提供了可靠的工具酶。  相似文献   

寡核苷酸是生物医学和生命科学研究中调节基因表达的基本工具,并被开发为基因靶向治疗药物,用于治疗病毒、肿瘤和遗传病。寡核苷酸药物主要包括反义寡核苷酸、小干扰RNA、核酶、脱氧核酶、反基因、Cp G寡核苷酸、转录因子诱饵和核酸适配体等。天然的寡核苷酸在体内很容易被降解,特异性低,且有毒副作用。因此,药物寡核苷酸通常带有特定的修饰基团,如硫代磷酸二酯键、氟代、甲基以及锁核酸等,以增强寡核苷酸在体内的稳定性,提高特异性,并降低其毒副作用。目前,寡核苷酸主要采用化学方法合成,但化学合成的寡核苷酸初产物纯度低,而纯化十分困难。大规模核酸合成仪和纯化设备十分昂贵,因而大量合成和纯化寡核苷酸的成本高昂,大大限制了寡核苷酸药物的研究和应用。尽管已经涌现了多种多样的核酸扩增和检测方法,但用于扩增寡核苷酸的方法极少,且均不适合大量制备寡核苷酸。一种新的基于热循环的寡核苷酸扩增方法,称为"聚合酶-内切酶扩增反应"(Polymerase-endonuclease amplification reaction,PEAR),能够使寡核苷酸等小分子核酸在双酶催化下,利用独特的"滑动-切割机制"进行自我复制,并实现指数扩增。PEAR反应简单、高效、稳定。该方法已成功制备硫代和氟代修饰的寡核苷酸,与化学合成法相比,该技术不依赖于大规模DNA合成仪,降低了生产成本,适合大量生产高纯度的寡核苷酸,将有助于推动寡核苷酸药物的研究和应用。  相似文献   

背景:血液安全性筛查是输血前必要检测项目。目前临床采用血清学检测技术,存在较长的检测窗口期,易产生假阴性检测结果,造成输血交叉感染。目的:建立多重环介导核酸等温扩增技术,实现在一管反应体系内同时检测四种病原体:乙肝病毒,丙肝病毒,艾滋病毒和梅毒螺旋体。方法:通过限制性酶切处理多重环介导核酸等温扩增产物,利用酶切产物的长度分析扩增产物的种类,从而分析待测样本中含有何种血液病原体。结果:检测164例临床样本,其检测结果可以通过琼脂糖电泳,聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳及芯片电泳分析,且均可实现对多重扩增产物的酶切片段进行区分和鉴别。结论:多重环介导核酸等温扩增技术可以同时单管检测多种待测血液病原体,可以为临床提高简单、快速、高灵敏和高特异的检测技术。  相似文献   

瓣状核酸内切酶-1(Flap endonuclease 1,FEN1)是一种可以识别三碱基重叠结构(三核酸)并对其进行切割,释放出5’-flap片段的结构特异性酶,并且有着高效稳定的切割效率。基于此种特性,通过不同的信号输出方式,FEN1酶现被用于DNA、RNA、病毒等放大检测中。首先对FEN1酶的发现、性质以及作用方面做了相应介绍,然后根据所检测的靶物质不同,对FEN1酶所介导的生物传感器进行分类,主要包括对单核苷酸多态性的检测、甲基化检测、基因型检测、RNA检测、病毒检测、肿瘤检测和微生物检测等。此外,对FEN1酶与纳米材料的结合以及体内表征及治疗也进行了较为详细的介绍。同时,还对传感器之间的原理、灵敏度、特异性及适用领域等方面进行比较和优缺点的简单评价。最后,对FEN1酶所介导的生物传感器的中存在的不足,以及未来的发展方向进行了展望,旨在为今后研发更便携、更灵敏、更准确的FEN1功能核酸生物传感器提供理论参考。  相似文献   

核酸内切酶在细胞凋亡中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
核酸内切酶在形成细胞凋亡的典型特征——DNA片段化中,发挥着直接的重要作用.介绍了已知的参与细胞凋亡的二价金属离子依赖性和非依赖性核酸内切酶种类,其中二价金属离子依赖性主要有nuc18、DNaseⅠ、Ca2+/Mg2+核酸内切酶、Ca2+/Mn2+核酸内切酶、DNaseγ、nuc58和nuc40;二价金属离子非依赖型主要有DNaseⅡ及类似核酸内切酶.此外,还初步探讨了核酸内切酶降解染色质DNA的过程及其作用机制.  相似文献   

限制性核酸内切酶是现代分子生物学实验过程中常用的工具酶之一,在不同版本的教材中均作为重点内容要求学生掌握。结合教学实践,从限制性核酸内切酶的识别序列、切割位点及在基因工程中的应用等几个方面进行了比较、分析,进而总结了几个关于限制性核酸内切酶的几个"一定"问题。  相似文献   

基因扩增产物的固相杂交-酶联显色方法的建立   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建立基于基因扩增技术的简便、快速的病毒核酸定量检测方法.将标记有生物素的寡核苷酸引物所扩增的病毒基因产物,与通过共价键结合在微孔反应板上的特异性探针进行快速杂交,然后通过辣根过氧化物酶标记的抗生物素进行酶联显色,读取光密度值.应用本方法对血清中乙型、丙型肝炎病毒核酸定量检测,灵敏度分别可达1-5拷贝/反应.此方法简便、快速、特异性好、敏感性高、半定量指标客观,可广泛应用于肝炎病毒感染的临床诊断和疗效评价.  相似文献   

沈延  肖安  黄鹏  王唯晔  朱作言  张博 《遗传》2013,35(4):395-409

宋吴涛  刘喜朋  缪晓玲 《微生物学报》2021,61(12):4070-4085
[目的] 表达纯化嗜酸嗜热硫化叶菌(Sulfolobus acidocaldarius)的核酸内切酶V (Saci_0544),对其核酸内切酶活性及酶学特征进行探究。[方法] 将Sulfolobus acidocaldarius核酸内切酶V (SacEndoV)在大肠杆菌中进行重组表达,经亲和层析纯化得到目标蛋白;利用带有不同类型损伤的寡核苷酸作为底物,结合变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术,鉴定SacEndoV对相应损伤寡核苷酸底物的剪切活性。[结果] SacEndoV特异性剪切含脱氧肌苷(Deoxyinosine)的损伤DNA底物,明显偏好单链DNA底物。SacEndoV在70-95℃温度范围内酶活性高,酶活性依赖于二价金属离子,Mg2+为最佳辅助离子,其最佳反应pH为7.5-8.0,高于200 mmol/L的NaCl会明显抑制其剪切活性。损伤DNA中脱氧肌苷3''端相邻的脱氧核糖核苷酸的结构完整性对于SacEndoV识别并剪切相应底物具有重要影响,脱氧肌苷3''端无碱基位点的存在使得SacEndoV不能够切断损伤DNA。此外,经测定SacEndoV对于含肌苷的损伤RNA底物具有剪切活性。[结论] 本研究证实SacEndoV是一种典型的核酸内切酶V,对含脱氧肌苷的损伤DNA具有特异性的内切酶活性,推测其在Sulfolobus acidocaldarius体内参与脱氧肌苷的切除修复。  相似文献   

Two techniques in particular are used to study site-specific DNA methylation: genomic sequencing after bisulfite modification and polymerase chain reaction after digestion by a methylation-sensitive endonuclease (usually HpaII). Only the former methodology assesses the methylation status of all the cytosine residues in the DNA sequence, but it is so complex and time consuming that the latter procedure, though limited to the restriction sites recognized by the endonuclease(s) used, is often preferred at least for a first analysis. In this work we investigate differences between these two techniques in the assessment of DNA methylation and offer some suggestions on how to avoid uncorrected results. Although there is substantial accordance in the results obtained using these different techniques, we observed a general overestimate for methylation levels above 30% and a general underestimate for methylation levels below this value using the HpaII/PCR technique in the study of methylation of the 5'-flanking region of the mouse myogenin gene in cultured muscle cells and mouse tissues.  相似文献   

In its basic concept, in vitro DNA amplification by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is restricted to those instances in which segments of known sequence flank the fragment to be amplified. Recently, techniques have been developed for amplification of unknown DNA sequences. These techniques, however, are dependent on the presence of suitable restriction endonuclease sites. Here, we describe a strategy for PCR amplification of DNA that lies outside the boundaries of known sequence. It is based on the use of one specific primer, homologous to the known sequence, and one semi-random primer. Restriction sites in the 5' proximal regions of both primers allow for cloning of the amplified DNA in a suitable sequencing vector or any other vector. It was shown by sequence analysis that the cloned DNA fragments represent contiguous DNA fragments that are flanked at one side by the sequence of the specific primer. When omitting the semi-random primer, a single clone was obtained, which originated from PCR amplification of target DNA by the specific primer in both directions.  相似文献   

Transfer RNA intron processing in the halophilic archaebacteria   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
An in vitro assay system has been developed for the Halobacterium volcanii tRNA intron endonuclease using in vitro generated precursor RNAs. A partially purified enzyme preparation is capable of precise and accurate excision of the intron from the halobacterial tRNA(Trp) precursor. The cleavage reaction produces products having 5' hydroxyl and 2',3' cyclic phosphate termini. Processing of precursor molecules containing deletions within the exon regions indicates that the halobacterial endonuclease does not require intact mature tRNA structure in the substrate; this is in contrast to the eukaryotic endonuclease enzyme that has an absolute requirement for these structures. The large halobacterial tRNA(Trp) intron does not appear to be a primary site for recognition by the endonuclease, however, its removal affects cleavage efficiency. Through a comparison of the structural and sequence features of the halobacterial substrates and the precursors of other archaebacterial intron-containing precursors, a common element is proposed for the recognition of substrates by intron endonuclease.  相似文献   

Endonuclease V of bacteriophage T4 binds to UV-irradiated deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) but not to unirradiated DNA. We have developed an assay to detect this binding, based on the retention of enzyme--DNA complexes on nitrocellulose filters. The amount of complex retained, ascertained by using radioactive DNA, is a measure of T4 endonuclease V activity. The assay is simple, rapid, and specific, which makes it useful for detecting T4 endonuclease V activity both in crude lysates and in purified preparations. We have used it to monitor enzyme activity during purification and to study binding of the enzyme to DNA under conditions that minimize the ability of the enzyme to nick DNA. From our data we conclude that (1) T4 endonuclease V binds to UV-irradiated DNA but not to DNA that has been previously incised by the endonuclease, (2) equilibrium between the free and complexed form of the enzyme is attained under our reaction conditions, (3) dissociation of enzyme--DNA complexes is retarded by sodium cyanide, and (4) retention of enzyme--DNA complexes on nitrocellulose filters is enhanced by high concentrations of saline--citrate.  相似文献   

Isolation of deletion and substitution mutants of adenovirus type 5   总被引:57,自引:0,他引:57  
N Jones  T Shenk 《Cell》1978,13(1):181-188
The infectivity of adenovirus type 5 DNA can be increased to about 5 x 103 plaque-forming units per μg DNA if the DNA is isolated as a DNA-protein complex. Utilizing this improved infectivity, a method was developed for the selection of mutants lacking restriction endonuclease cleavage sites. The procedure involves three steps. First, the DNA-protein complex is cleaved with a restriction endonuclease. The Eco RI restriction endonuclease was used here. It cleaves adenovirus type 5 DNA to produce three fragments: fragment A (1–76 map units), fragment C (76–83 map units) and fragment B (10–83 map units). Second, the mixture of fragments is rejoined by incubating with DNA ligase, and, third, the modified DNA is used to infect cells in a DNA plaque assay. Mutants were obtained which lacked the endonuclease cleavage site at 0.83 map units. Such mutant DNAs were selected by this procedure because they were cleaved by the Eco RI endonuclease to produce only two fragments: a normal A fragment and a fused B/C fragment. These two fragments could be rejoined to produce a viable DNA molecule as a result of a bimolecular reaction with one ligation event; this exerted a strong selection for such molecules since a trimolecular reaction (keeping the C fragment in its proper orientation) and two ligation events were required to regenerate a wild-type molecule. The alterations resulting in the loss of the Eco RI endonuclease cleavage site at 0.83 map units include both deletion and substitution mutations. The inserted sequences in the substitution mutations are cellular in origin.  相似文献   

We constructed a strain of Escherichia coli overproducing 6His-tagged Eco29kI by placing the coding sequence under control of a strong bacteriophage T5 promoter. The yield of 6His-Eco29kI restriction endonuclease expression could be increased to about 20% of the total cellular protein, but inclusion bodies formed consisting of insoluble 6His-Eco29kI protein. We developed a fast and effective protocol for purification of the homogeneous enzyme from both soluble and insoluble fractions and established their identity by catalytic activity assay. The isolated enzymes were tested for recognition specificity and optimal reaction conditions as a function of NaCl and KCl concentrations, temperature, and pH compared with the native Eco29kI restriction endonuclease. The 6His-tagged enzyme retained the specificity of the native protein but had an altered optimum of its catalytic reaction.  相似文献   

T4 endonuclease V is a pyrimidine dimer-specific endonuclease which generates incisions in DNA at the sites of pyrimidine dimers by a processive reaction mechanism. A model is presented in which the degree of processivity is directly related to the efficacy of the one-dimensional diffusion of endonuclease V on DNA by which the enzyme locates pyrimidine dimers. The modulation of the processive nicking activity of T4 endonuclease V on superhelical covalently closed circular DNA (form I) which contains pyrimidine dimers has been investigated as a function of the ionic strength of the reaction. Agarose gel electrophoresis was used to separate the three topological forms of the DNA which were generated in time course reactions of endonuclease V with dimer-containing form I DNA in the absence of NaCl, and in 25, 50, and 100 mM NaCl. The degree of processivity was evaluated in terms of the mass fraction of form III (linear) DNA which was produced as a function of the fraction of form I DNA remaining. Processivity is maximal in the absence of NaCl and decreases as the NaCl concentration is increased. At 100 mM NaCl, processivity is abolished and endonuclease V generates incisions in DNA at the site of dimers by a distributive reaction mechanism. The change from the distributive to a processive reaction mechanism occurs at NaCl concentrations slightly below 50 mM. The high degree of processivity which is observed in the absence of NaCl is reversible to the distributive mechanism, as demonstrated by experiments in which the NaCl concentration was increased during the time course reaction. In addition, unirradiated DNA inhibited the incision of irradiated DNA only at NaCl concentrations at which processivity was observed.  相似文献   

The process by which DNA-interactive proteins locate specific sequences or target sites on cellular DNA within Escherichia coli is a poorly understood phenomenon. In this study, we present the first direct in vivo analysis of the interaction of a DNA repair enzyme, T4 endonuclease V, and its substrate, pyrimidine dimer-containing plasmid DNA, within UV-irradiated E. coli. A pyrimidine dimer represents a small target site within large domains of DNA. There are two possible paradigms by which endonuclease V could locate these small target sites: a processive mechanism in which the enzyme "scans" DNA for dimer sites or a distributive process in which dimers are located by random three-dimensional diffusion. In order to discriminate between these two possibilities in E. coli, an in vivo DNA repair assay was developed to study the kinetics of plasmid DNA repair and the dimer frequency (i.e. the number of dimer sites on a given plasmid molecule) in plasmid DNA as a function of time during repair. Our results demonstrate that the overall process of plasmid DNA repair initiated by T4 endonuclease V (expressed from a recombinant plasmid within repair-deficient E. coli) occurs by a processive mechanism. Furthermore, by reducing the temperature of the repair incubation, the endonuclease V-catalyzed incision step has been effectively decoupled from the subsequent steps including repair patch synthesis, ligation, and supercoiling. By this manipulation, it was determined that the overall processive mechanism is composed of two phases: a rapid processive endonuclease V-catalyzed incision reaction, followed by a slower processive mechanism, the ultimate product of which is the dimer-free supercoiled plasmid molecule.  相似文献   

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