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镧对马尾松苗的根系生长和IAA含量的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在0.1~1.0mg/L硝酸镧的Hoagland培养液中,马尾松(PinusmasonianaLamb.)截根苗的侧根数目明显增加,为对照的1.75~3.75倍;根的鲜重、干重显著提高,增幅达33.7%~46.4%;根系还原力也提高13.5%~28.5%。根长仅在0.05~0.5mg/L的低浓度下比对照有所增加,在浓度高于1.0mg/L时,根长只有对照的53.3%。侧根内的游离态IAA含量随溶液中镧的浓度增加而相应增加,IAA氧化酶的活性则相应降低。硝酸镧处理对该苗地上部的促进效应不如根部显著。  相似文献   

ELISA技术筛选200种中草药抗HBsAg的实验研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
使用ELISA技术对200种中草药水提取物进行抗HBsAg的实验研究,共筛出有效药物7种(占总数的3.5%)。若按5种不同剂量(0.3、0.6、1.2、2.5、5.0mg/100μl)的药物、2种不同浓度的HBsAg(10.92、14.26P/N值)与3种不同接触时间(立即、1h、2h)的10项P/N值均数来综合评价药效指数时,7种有效药物的次序为青蒿(1.67P/N值)、大蒜(2.19P/N值)、红孩儿(2.31P/N值)、仙鹤草(2.31)、魔芋(2.32P/N值)、冬瓜皮(2.63P/N值)和猕猴桃(2.89P/N值)。  相似文献   

Pb2+ 、Cd2+ 和Hg2+ 显著地缩短蚕豆(Vicia faba L.)根尖细胞分裂的持续时间,延长细胞间期的时间间隔,在总体上延长了细胞分裂周期;除Hg2+ 随浓度升高一直表现为对有丝分裂抑制外,在Pb2+ 、Cd2+ 和Zn2+ 浓度分别小于1.0、0.01、10.0 ppm 时,细胞有丝分裂指数随处理浓度升高而上升,当超出上述浓度时则随浓度升高而下降;微核率(MCNF)在Pb2+ 、Cd2+ 、Hg2+ 和Zn2+ 的浓度分别小于1.0、5.0、0.50、100.0 ppm 时,染色体畸变率(CAF)在Pb2+ 、Cd2+ 、Hg2+ 和Zn2+ 的浓度分别小于5.0、5.0、0.50、100.0 ppm 时,这两参数随处理浓度的升高而增大;超过上述浓度后,则随处理浓度升高而下降。Mn2+ 对各项参数无显著影响。对蚕豆根尖细胞遗传学毒性顺序为Hg2+ > Cd2+ > Pb2+ > Zn2+ > Mn2+ 。经综合分析,3 个参数在不同剂量范围下相关性程度有很大的差异。认为蚕豆根尖微核技术检测危险化学品和监测环境污染时取得可靠结果的条件是:受检物质在检测条件下不严重抑制细胞分裂和CAF和MCNF呈正相关  相似文献   

NaCl胁迫对螺旋藻生长及抗氧化酶活性的影响   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
在01%~5.0%NaCl浓度范围的培养基中培养极大螺旋藻(Spirulinamaxima),发现NaCl浓度高于2.0%时螺旋藻生长受到明显抑制。培养7天后测定超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(ASAPOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性和丙二醛(MDA)含量。结果表明:在盐胁迫下,SOD酶活性升高;抗坏血酸过氧化物酶和过氧化氢酶活性在低盐胁迫下活性升高,高盐胁迫下抗坏血酸过氧化物酶活性迅速降低,过氧化物酶则完全失活;MDA含量先随盐胁迫程度增加而降低,后随盐胁迫的进一步增强恢复至对照水平。  相似文献   

洗涤剂LAS在土壤上吸附行为及机理研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
使用连续反应器研究了25℃温度LAS正土壤上吸附的行为和机理,LAS在自然土壤上的吸附等温线可分成线性和指数增长两个阶段,在低LAS浓度(<90μgml^-1)下,吸附着温线为直线,Kd=1.2-2.0在高LAS深度(>90μgml^-1)时,LAS产生协同吸附,吸附量呈指数增加,土壤吸附LAS的机理主要是专点位表面相互作用及氢键,吸附容量主要取决于土壤物理性粘粒的含量。  相似文献   

中缝隐核投射至中脑导水管周围灰质腹侧部的递质分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
实验在戊巴比妥钠麻醉大鼠上进行。双侧中脑导水管周围灰质腹侧部(vPAG)微量注射1μg/μl肾上腺素(每侧0.1μl),刺激中缝隐核(NRO)引起的降压反应明显增强,但该效应可被vPAG预先注射心得安所阻断,而注射酚妥拉明对上述效应无明显影响;vPAG内单独微量注射1μg/μl心得安(每侧0.1μl),可部分阻断NRO降压反应,而注射1μg/μl酚妥拉明(每侧0.1μl)无明显影响;双侧vPAG微量注射10μg/μl吗啡或0.1mol/L5-HT(每侧0.1μl),基础血压无明显变化,NKO的降压反应幅度减小(P<0.05)。提示,NKO对vPAG的兴奋作用的可能递质为肾上腺素,通过β受体介导;吗啡或5-HT则可减弱NRO对vPAG的兴奋性投射作用。  相似文献   

使用ELISA技术检测中草药抗HBeAg的实验研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
使用ELISA技术对250种中草药水提取物进行抗HBeAg的实验研究,共筛出有效药物7种(占总数的2.8%)。若按5种不同剂量(0.3、0.6、1.2、2.5、5.0mg/100μl)的药物、2种不同浓度的HBeAg(10.92、14.26P/N值)与3种不同接触时间(立即、1h、2h)的10项P/N值均数来综合评价药效指数时,7种有效药物的次序为丹参(1.55)、皂夹(2.34)、黄莲(2.81  相似文献   

甜瓜的组织培养与快速繁殖   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
1植物名称甜瓜(Cucumismelo)品种“状元”。2材料类别顶芽、侧芽。3培养条件初代培养基:(1)MS+6-BA0.2mg·L-1(单位下同)+IAA0.2。增殖培养基:(2)MS+6-BAI+IAA0.2。生根培养基:(3)Miller+IAA0.2;(4)Miller(无激素)。以上培养基pH均为5.8~6.0。琼脂浓度在(1)、(2)中为0.7%,在(3)、(4)中为0.6%;糖浓度在(1)、(2)中为3%,在(3)、(4)中为2%。培养温度均为(25±3)℃,光照度2000lx,光…  相似文献   

正常足月儿畸变产物耳声发射(DPOAEs)特性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究提出正常足月儿畸变产物耳声发射(DPOAEs) 特性分析如下:1 . DPOAEs 反应强度曲线,DP 图显示两个反应峰(f2 = 1 .6 和5 .0 kHz) 和一个反应谷(f2 = 3 .1 ~4 .0 kHz) ;2. DPOAE 本底噪声及其特性,f2 = 1.0 kHz 其测试频率点(2f1 -f2) 本底噪声最高(P< 0 .05) ,f2 = 3 .1 ,4.0 和5 .0kHz ,测试频率点(2f1 -f2) 本底噪声较低(P< 0.05) ;除f2 = 4.0 kHz 外,DPOAE 本底噪声与其反应强度均未呈现直线相关特性;3 . DPOAE SNR 特性,f2 = 1.0 kHz 其SNR 最小(P= 0.000) ,f2 =2 .0 kHz 其SNR 最大(P0 .003) ;4. DPOAE SNR 和TEOAE SNR 相关特性,除1.0 kHz 频段外,其余频段其二者间均有着非常显著的直线相关特性。  相似文献   

巨大芽孢杆菌D01吸附金(Au3+)的研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
巨大芽孢杆菌(Bacillus megaterium)D01菌体吸附AU^3+的最适pH值为3.0,其生物吸附作用是一种快速的过程,最初5min 的吸附量可达到最大吸附量的95%,温度不影响该吸附作用。在pH3.0和30℃、起始金离子浓度与菌体浓度之比为305mg/g的条件下,吸附30min,吸附率达99.1%,吸附量为302.0mg/g干菌体。D01菌体能将浓度中的Au^3+还原成Au^0,在细  相似文献   

Gross structure and dimensions of the gills have been examined in a hill-stream sisorid catfish,Glyptothorax pectinopterus, which remains adhered to rocks by means of an adhesive organ developed on the ventral side of the thorax. The fish shows a greater weight-specific gill area and greater length of the gill filaments by comparison with other hill-stream fishes. Adaptation for life in a hill-stream habitat is shown by the presence of additional filaments on the gills and patches of specialised cells on the filament epithelium.  相似文献   

Summary Autoradiography was used to examine the influence of lateral ciliary activity on the pattern of leucine uptake into isolated gill tissue from the mussel,Mytilus californianus. Metachronal activity of the lateral cilia, normally absent in the in vitro gill, was reestablished by application of 10 μM 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT). This treatment produced a 5–7 fold stimulation in the rate of leucine uptake into isolated gills. The treatment with 5-HT did not, however, affect the fractional incorporation of leucine into alcohol insoluble vs alcohol soluble material. Autoradiograms of gills treated with 5-HT showed extensive labelling of frontal, lateral, and abfrontal surfaces of gill filaments compared to the control condition in which label was largely confined to the frontal region of the gill. Quantitative analyses of the autoradiograms revealed a 4-fold increase in the number of silver grains over lateral and abfrontal surfaces compared to control gills. Autoradiograms of gills from intact mussels exposed to3H-leucine showed a pattern of silver grain deposition similar to that observed in in vitro gills treated with 5-HT. It is concluded that the capacity for amino acid transport exists in cells from the frontal, lateral, and abfrontal surfaces of gill filaments, butaccess to dissolved substrates by transport sites on lateral and abfrontal surfaces is dependent upon lateral ciliary activity.  相似文献   

We investigated the host selection mechanism of actinospore stages of 2 myxosporeans, Myxobolus arcticus and Thelohanellus hovorkai, infecting masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio), respectively. Discharge of the polar filaments and sporoplasm release by M. arcticus actinospores occurred within the first 5 min of exposure to skin mucus of masu salmon. The actinospores also reacted to the mucus of nonsusceptible fish, i.e., sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) and goldfish (Carassius auratus), although the reactivity was comparatively lower. After exposure of masu, and sockeye and chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) to M. arcticus actinospores, the penetration of sporoplasms was observed in the fins and gills of masu and sockeye salmon to a similar extent and to a lesser extent in chum salmon. Thelohanellus hovorkai actinospores exhibited a slow response of sporoplasm release to common carp mucus as well as penetration into the gills of common carp. Neither chemoresponse to mucus of nonsusceptible fish (goldfish and sockeye salmon) nor sporoplasm invasion in goldfish was observed for T. hovorkai actinospores. These results indicate notable differences in the host selection at the time of entry between M. arcticus and T. hovorkai; the former responds quickly to fish mucus with low host specificity, whereas the latter was highly host specific in a dilatory reaction.  相似文献   

To gain insight into the multiple functions of a complex biological structure, the morphology of the pharynx of the larva (ammocoete) of the lamprey Petromyzon marinus was investigated with scanning electron microscopy and histochemistry (PAS and Alcian blue). Features studied include the gills, the parabranchial chambers external to the gills, intrapharyngeal ciliary tracts, the ridged pharyngeal roof, the floor, and the intrapharyngeal taste buds. Significant findings are: (1) All (nonciliated) cells lining these structures are covered with microvilli or microridges. The pattern and packing density of these membrane features vary among different pharyngeal structures. The lumenar membranes of pharyngeal lining cells overlie a mucous prosecretion in the apical cytoplasm, suggesting that the microvilli/ridges on these membranes function to anchor mucus. (2) Patterns of microvilli/ridges on the gill respiratory lamellae differ among ammocoetes of different species. (3) Pharyngeal osmo-regulatory cells (“chloride cells”) could not be identified on the basis of the microvillus/ridge pattern. (4) Two types of ciliary tracts are present within the pharynx. One has tall (x = 13 μm) and densely packed cilia, whereas the other has shorter (x = 7 μm) and less densely packed ones. Because mucus covers both types of tracts their function appears to involve the transport of mucus. (5) Food particles were found on the lateral surfaces of the gill filaments and on the surfaces of the parabranchial chambers. It appears that goblet cells in the epithelia of these regions secrete mucus in which the particles are trapped.  相似文献   

In Periopkrlialnwdon scldosseri the respiratory organs consist of the gills, the suprabranchial and opercular chambers. The gills are more suited for aerial than aquatic respiration as is shown by the presence of the vascular papillae, blood sinusesand dilated blood vessels in their lamellae. The gill lamellae possess a surface coat of sulphated mucopolysaccharides that prevents water loss during exposure to the air. The filaments of the outer hemibranchs in the first gill arch are reduced to nearly one quarter of those of its posterior hemibranch. The gill area in relation to body weight shows a high slope value ( b =0·93).  相似文献   

Summary Morphological, histological and behavioral features indicate thatMycedium elephantotus, a zooxanthellate scleractinian species without tentacles, is well adapted for utilizing suspended organic matter for nutrition. The colonies are composed of vertically growing fan-like plates and can reach diameters of more than 1 m in depths below 20 m. The external body surface is coated with a mucus layer (cuticle) which enables the acquisition and accumulation of suspended organic material. The mucus-entangled particles pass to the mouth openings by gravitational transport assisted by water movement. In experiments the corals were able to discriminate between suspended food and mineral particles. Both types of particles were rapidly entangled in fine mucus nets or filaments. Mineral particles were never ingested and instead tumbled down the inclined skeletal plates. In contrast, food particles were actively incorporated when the mucus filaments accidentally touched the stomodaea during the downward gliding. The food-enriched mucus filaments were either transported by ciliary activity into the coelenteron or were sucked into the body cavities by decreasing pressure in the coelenteron caused by contraction of longitudinal, mesenterial muscles. The discriminative reactions to mineral or food particles are probably based on the release of different types of mucus. Nematocysts are infrequent in the oral epidermis, indicating that the capture of living prey plays a subordinate role in nutrition. The mesenterial filaments, in contrast, are densely packed with large nematocysts. Storage products were piled up within the tissues of gastral pockets. The adaptations ofMycedium elephantotus for using suspended food particles may explain the particularly high abundance of this species between ca. 20 and 40 m depth on a steeply inclined fore-reef slope in the Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea). The evidence indicating the importance of heterotrophic fueling toM. elephantotus is supported by carbonate production rates which are, in contrast to that of many other zooxanthellate scleractinian species, almost constant at depths between 5 and 40 m and which are uneffected by varying light regimes over the year, suggesting that the reduced phototrophic contribution by the zooxanthellae is compensated by mucus suspension feeding.  相似文献   

The existence of a layer of mucus covering the gill lamellae of healthy rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) was investigated. Using cryo-scanning electron microscopy, a smooth, undulating, thin layer was observed which completely covered gill filaments and lamellae, thereby obscuring epithelial microridges. After processing cryopreserved gill arches in glutaraldehyde for conventional scanning electron microscopy, the layer was no longer present and epithelial microridges were clearly visible. The identity of this layer was investigated using cryopreserved gills which were treated in one of two ways. First, gills were incubated with a rabbit antiserum to gill mucus, with normal rabbit serum, or with phosphate-buffered saline. Following fixation in glutaraldehyde and processing, only the gill tissue incubated with the mucus-specific antiserum was still covered with the smooth layer. The layer was also retained on the gills of fish anesthetized in a solution containing mucusspecific antiserum and then processes in glutaraldehyde for conventional scanning electron microscopy. The tenacious nature of the mucous layer was demonstrated by its stability following exposure to formalin and a cationic detergent. Second, the presence of this layer was confirmed on gill tissue which was cryopreserved, followed by freeze-substitution and vapor fixation, and then examined by transmission electron microscopy.  相似文献   

The existence of a layer of mucus covering the gill lamellae of healthy rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) was investigated. Using cryo-scanning electron microscopy, a smooth, undulating, thin layer was observed which completely covered gill filaments and lamellae, thereby obscuring epithelial microridges. After processing cryopreserved gill arches in glutaraldehyde for conventional scanning electron microscopy, the layer was no longer present and epithelial microridges were clearly visible. The identity of this layer was investigated using cryopreserved gills which were treated in one of two ways. First, gills were incubated with a rabbit antiserum to gill mucus, with normal rabbit serum, or with phosphate-buffered saline. Following fixation in glutaraldehyde and processing, only the gill tissue incubated with the mucus-specific antiserum was still covered with the smooth layer. The layer was also retained on the gills of fish anesthetized in a solution containing mucusspecific antiserum and then processes in glutaraldehyde for conventional scanning electron microscopy. The tenacious nature of the mucous layer was demonstrated by its stability following exposure to formalin and a cationic detergent. Second, the presence of this layer was confirmed on gill tissue which was cryopreserved, followed by freeze-substitution and vapor fixation, and then examined by transmission electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar , were given 2-min bath immunization with Yersinia ruckeri O-antigen bacterins at doses of 10, 100, and 1000 μg ml−1. The uptake of the antigen was followed by light and electron microscopy of samples taken immediately and periodically after immunization, and the immune response monitored by the passive haemolytic plaque assay. The particulate antigen was observed in the gill mucus, adhering to and within the pavement cells covering the gill filaments, and in mononuclear phagocytes below the epidermal gill cells. There was a direct doseresponse correlation in the observed immune response according to the numbers of splenic antibody-producing cells 14 days after immunization. The cells involved in the recognition and uptake of a bacterin are initial important steps in the immune response, and these studies may aid in the immunopotentiation of fish vaccines and bacterins.  相似文献   

Iron, which occurs in sea water as particulate ferric hydroxide, is accumulated to high concentrations by the common mussel, Mytilus edulis (L.). The kinetics of the accumulation and excretion of iron in Mytilus has been studied using 59Fe-labelled ferric hydroxide and the tissue distribution and identification at the sub-cellular level determined by analytical electron microscopy. Iron-59 accumulates in linear proportion to the sea-water concentration and is found in all tissues; the concentration factors for viscera, kidneys, gills, muscle = mantle is 25: 6: 4: 1, respectively. The particulate iron is taken up by pinocytosis by special epithelial cells in the gills, gut, kidney and possibly labial palps and held in membrane-bound vesicles, unaccompanied by mucus in the case of gills and kidney, but with mucus present in the digestive diverticulum and mid-gut cells. There is no free iron within the cytoplasm. Approximately 30 % of the iron presented to the gut is not absorbed being voided with the faeces. The absorbed iron is exocytosed and then passed on to amoebocytes in the haemolymph for transport to other tissues, a major portion being excreted by transfer to the byssal threads.  相似文献   

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