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肝素钠粗品工业化高效生产工艺的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从原料的选用、工艺的综合应用和后产品的处理等方面对肝素钠粗品的生产进行了探讨。结果显示,二次盐解可提高收率16.5%,二次吸附提高19.3%,三次洗脱增加13.0%,4℃沉淀和冷冻干燥分别减少活性损失1.4%和1.0%,在沉淀剂YNB99-1和Na2SO3的保护下,后产品肝素钠的酸化处理收率达98%。  相似文献   

为提高肝素钠粗品效价,改善产品色泽,采用二次盐解、双氧水氧化和脱色等工艺对肝素钠粗品进行精制,并探讨工艺条件对产品效价、收率的影响。结果得到最佳精制工艺条件:盐解质量浓度为2%,盐解pH为8.0,醇沉体积浓度45%,氧化剂(双氧水)体积分数为3%。该精制工艺能够有效地提高效价(平均比粗产品提高1.5倍),收率较高,并具有操作简便、省时等特点。  相似文献   

bFGF活性稳定性的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:研究bEGF的生物活性稳定性。方法:通过在不同稳定剂中,改变bEGF与肝素钠结合的比例,经MTT法检测bEGF生物活性。结果:以甘露酵、甘油和人血白蛋白作物稳定剂时,bEGF与肝素钠的最佳结合比例为3:1,以海藻糖作稳定剂时,bEGF与肝素钠的最佳结合比例为1:1,以右旋糖苷作稳定剂时,bEGF与肝素钠的最佳结合比例为2:1。以右旋糖苷作稳定剂最好,在甘露酵、甘油和人血白蛋白稳定剂较好,以海藻糖作稳定剂稍差。结论:配方中有肝素钠存在可明显提高bEGF的生物活性。  相似文献   

摘要 目的:分析孟鲁司特钠联合肝素钠对小儿过敏性紫癜的效果及对T细胞亚群、凝血功能的影响。方法:选择我院自2019年4月至2022年4月接诊的136例过敏性紫癜患儿作为研究对象,随机分为对照组和观察组,各68例。两组均在常规治疗的基础上,对照组予以肝素钠治疗,观察组予以孟鲁司特钠联合肝素钠治疗。比较两组各项临床症状的消退时间,治疗前后的外周血T细胞亚群(CD3+、CD4+、CD8+、CD4+/CD8+)、凝血功能指标[纤维蛋白原(FIB)、凝血酶原时间(PT)、凝血活酶时间(APTT)];根据临床症状、体征及实验室指标的改善情况,综合评价疗效,计算两组总有效率。结果:观察组关节疼痛、便血缓解、腹痛缓解和紫癜消退的时间均短于对照组(P<0.05);观察组治疗后外周血CD3+、CD4+、CD4+/CD8+水平较对照组高,CD8+水平较对照组低(P<0.05);观察组治疗后FIB水平较对照组低,PT、APTT均长于对照组(P<0.05);观察组总有效率为95.59 %,高于对照组的79.41 %(P<0.05)。结论:孟鲁司特钠联合肝素钠能协同提高小儿过敏性紫癜的效果,调节T细胞亚群,增强免疫功能,改善凝血功能,值得临床予以重视应用。  相似文献   

目的:观察大鼠脾切除后免疫功能与血流变的相关性。方法:在水合氯醛麻醉下给大鼠行脾切除术制备模型大鼠,并分组给与不同处理研究脾切除后免疫功能与血流变的相关性。结果:通过统计学分析证明脾切除能明显升高脾切除模型大鼠的全血黏度、全血还原黏度、聚集指数以及电泳指数,血小板,降低免疫功能,而肝素钠能在一定程度上降低这种改变,进而提高机体的免疫功能。结论:脾切除能升高大鼠的全血黏度、全血还原黏度、聚集指数以及电泳指数,血小板,从而增加大鼠患血栓性疾病的机率,并可以降低大鼠的免疫功能,而肝素钠能在一定程度上降低这种血液高黏度的改变,进而提高机体的免疫功能,证明血流变与免疫功能有正相关性。  相似文献   

传统的植物遗传转化方法周期长、工作量大、过程繁琐,不利于基因功能的快速高通量鉴定.近年来随着基因沉默机制研究的深入和不断发展,利用病毒诱导的基因沉默(Virus induced gene silencing,VIGS)进行植物功能基因组研究作为一种快速、高通量的反向遗传学工具已被广泛应用在烟草、马铃薯、番茄等植物中, 在大规模的植物基因组功能鉴定中展示了广阔的应用前景.综述了 VIGS 的作用机制、植物病毒栽体、转化方法以及在植物基因功能研究等方面的应用及前景.  相似文献   

目的:研究细胞因子LIF、EGF、bFGF和肝素钠,以及氧分压、温度等多因素对昆明系小鼠胚胎干细胞(KM-ESC)原代集落形成和后期增殖的影响。方法:本研究选择LIF、EGF、bFGF、肝素钠、5%O2,20%O2和37℃、39℃作为研究条件。并检测不同情况下小鼠胚胎干细胞原代集落形成和后期增殖情况。结果:LIF对KM-ESC原代集落形成和后期增殖具有显著促进作用,极显著高于EGF、bFGF和肝素钠组(P〈0.01)。温度对KM-ESC原代集落形成和增殖具有显著影响,39℃条件下,原代集落形成率、直径和后期增殖显著高于37℃(P〈0.05);而氧分压对KM-ESC原代集落形成无显著作用(P〉0.05),但是对原代集落直径和后期增殖有一定促进作用,20%O2组显著高于5%O2组(P〈0.05)。结论:LIF、EGF、bFGF、肝素钠、39℃、20%O2对小鼠胚胎干细胞原代集落形成和后期增殖具有显著促进作用。  相似文献   

贵州产五步蛇蛇毒磷脂酶A2的抗凝血及抗血栓作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
饶颖竹  肖桂元 《蛇志》1999,11(2):12-13
目的研究贵州产五步蛇蛇毒磷脂酶A2的抗凝血及抗血栓作用。方法对大鼠静脉注射不同剂量的PLA2,测定大鼠的凝血时间、凝血酶原时间、抗凝效价和血栓抑制率。结果PLA2浓度达到1.0mg/kg以上,能显著延长大鼠凝血时间及凝血酶原时间,其抗凝效价相当于肝素钠的24.8%~31.5%。PLA2能显著抑制大鼠实验性动脉及静脉血栓的形成。结论贵州产五步蛇PLA2具有较强的抗凝血和抗血栓作用。  相似文献   

目的:研究细胞因子LIF、EGF、bFGF和肝素钠,以及氧分压、温度等多因素对昆明系小鼠胚胎干细胞(KM-ESC)原代集落形成和后期增殖的影响。方法:本研究选择LIF、EGF、bFGF、肝素钠、5%O2,20%O2和37℃、39℃作为研究条件。并检测不同情况下小鼠胚胎干细胞原代集落形成和后期增殖情况。结果:LIF对KM-ESC原代集落形成和后期增殖具有显著促进作用,极显著高于EGF、bFGF和肝素钠组(P<0.01)。温度对KM-ESC原代集落形成和增殖具有显著影响,39℃条件下,原代集落形成率、直径和后期增殖显著高于37℃(P<0.05);而氧分压对KM-ESC原代集落形成无显著作用(P>0.05),但是对原代集落直径和后期增殖有一定促进作用,20%O2组显著高于5%O2组(P<0.05)。结论:LIF、EGF、bFGF、肝素钠、39℃、20%O2对小鼠胚胎干细胞原代集落形成和后期增殖具有显著促进作用。  相似文献   

比较枸橼酸钠和肝素钠用于成人血液透析导管封管的效果。将68例使用中心静脉置管的血液透析患者随机分为实验组和对照组,每组各34例,透析结束后,分别以枸橼酸钠和肝素钠对实验组和对照组的患者进行封管,持续8周后,比较两组患者的PT、APTT、感染发生率、出血发生率、导管堵塞发生率以及导管功能良好率是否有差异。实验组和对照组封管后1 h和4 h PT,APTT时间与封管前相比都有升高,但对照组指标有显著的统计学差异(p0.05),实验组则没有;对照组有8例患者出现出血状况,实验组有一例,同时对照组有7例患者在透析期间出现感染,实验组有2例,两组在封管后出血发生率和感染发生率均有显著性的统计学差异(p0.05);而在导管堵塞发生率以及导管功能良好率方面没有显著的统计学差异(p0.05)。对于中心静脉置管的血液透析患者,枸橼酸钠较之肝素钠临床效果更好,并发症更少。  相似文献   

肝素钠精制工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高肝素钠粗品效价,改善产品色泽,采用二次盐解、双氧水氧化和脱色等工艺对肝素钠粗品进行精制,并探讨工艺条件对产品效价、收率的影响。结果得到最佳精制工艺条件:盐解质量浓度为2%,盐解pH为8.0,醇沉体积浓度45%,氧化剂(双氧水)体积分数为3%。该精制工艺能够有效地提高效价(平均比粗产品提高1.5倍),收率较高,并具有操作简便、省时等特点。  相似文献   

When considering worldwide demand for biopharmaceuticals, it becomes necessary to consider alternative process strategies to improve the economics of manufacturing such molecules. To address this issue, the current study investigates precipitation to selectively isolate the product or remove contaminants and thus assist the initial purification of a intracellular protein. The hypothesis tested was that the combination of two or more precipitating agents will alter the solubility profile of the product through synergistic or antagonistic effects. This principle was investigated through several combinations of ammonium sulfate and sodium citrate at different ratios. A synergistic effect mediated by a known electrostatic interaction of citrate ions with Fab' in addition to the typical salting-out effects was observed. On the basis of the results of the solubility studies, a two step primary recovery route was investigated. In the first step termed conditioning, post-homogenization and before clarification, addition of 0.8 M ammonium sulfate extracted 30% additional product. Clarification performance measured using a scale-down disc stack centrifugation mimic determined a four-fold reduction in centrifuge size requirements. Dual salt precipitation in the second step resulted in >98% recovery of Fab' while removing 36% of the contaminant proteins simultaneously.  相似文献   

Overexpression of recombinant Fc fusion proteins in Escherichia coli frequently results in the production of inclusion bodies that are subsequently used to produce fully functional protein by an in vitro refolding process. During the refolding step, misfolded proteins such as disulfide scrambled forms can be formed, and purification steps are used to remove these product-related impurities to produce highly purified therapeutic proteins. A variety of analytical methods are commonly used to monitor protein variants throughout the purification process. Capillary electrophoresis (CE)-based techniques are gaining popularity for such applications. In this work, we used a nonreduced capillary electrophoresis–sodium dodecyl sulfate (nrCE–SDS) method for the analysis of disulfide scrambled forms in a fusion protein. Under denatured nonreduced conditions, an extra post-shoulder peak was observed at all purification steps. Detailed characterization revealed that the peak was related to the disulfide scrambled forms and was isobaric with the correctly folded product. In addition, when sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS–PAGE) was used during the CE–SDS peak characterization, we observed that the migration order of scrambled forms is reversed on CE–SDS versus SDS–PAGE. This illustrates the importance of establishing proper correlation of these two techniques when they are used interchangeably to guide the purification process and to characterize proteins.  相似文献   

The structural role of extracellular-matrix (ECM) has been recognized in both plants and animals as a support and anchorage-inducing cell behavior. Unlike the animal ECM proteins, the proteins that have been identified in plant ECM have not yet been purified from whole plants and cell wall. As several immunological data indicate the presence of animal ECM-like proteins in plants cell wall, especially under salt stress or water deficit, we propose a protocol to purify a fibronectin-like protein from the cell wall of epicotyls of young germinating peas. The process consists of a combination of gelatin and heparin affinity chromatography, close to the classical one used for human blood plasma fibronectin purification. Proteins with affinity for gelatin and heparin, immunologically related to human fibronectin, are found in the cell wall of epicotyls grown under salt stress or not. Total amount of purified proteins is 3-4 times more enriched in salt stressed epicotyls. SDS-PAGE and Western blot with antibodies directed against human blood plasma fibronectin give evidence that the cell wall proteins purified by gelatin/heparin affinity chromatography are closely related to human fibronectin. The present protocol leads us to purify 17 (control) or 65 (salt stress) micrograms of protein per g of fresh starting material. Our results suggest that plant cell wall proteins can provide better anchorage of the cell to its cell-wall during salt stress or water deficit and could be considered not only as cell adhesion but also as signaling molecules.  相似文献   

The contamination crisis of 2008 has brought to light several risks associated with use of animal tissue derived heparin. Because the total chemical synthesis of heparin is not feasible, a bioengineered approach has been proposed, relying on recombinant enzymes derived from the heparin/HS biosynthetic pathway and Escherichia coli K5 capsular polysaccharide. Intensive process engineering efforts are required to achieve a cost‐competitive process for bioengineered heparin compared to commercially available porcine heparins. Towards this goal, we have used 96‐well plate based screening for development of a chitosan‐based purification process for heparin and precursor polysaccharides. The unique pH responsive behavior of chitosan enables simplified capture of target heparin or related polysaccharides, under low pH and complex solution conditions, followed by elution under mildly basic conditions. The use of mild, basic recovery conditions are compatible with the chemical N‐deacetylation/N‐sulfonation step used in the bioengineered heparin process. Selective precipitation of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) leads to significant removal of process related impurities such as proteins, DNA and endotoxins. Use of highly sensitive liquid chromatography‐mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance analytical techniques reveal a minimum impact of chitosan‐based purification on heparin product composition. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 31:1348–1359, 2015  相似文献   

Immobilization of biologically active proteins is of great importance to research and industry. Cellulose is an attractive matrix and cellulose-binding domain (CBD) an excellent affinity tag protein for the purification and immobilization of many of these proteins. We constructed two vectors to enable the cloning and expression of proteins fused to the N- or C-terminus of CBD. Their usefulness was demonstrated by fusing the heparin-degrading protein heparinase I to CBD (CBD-HepI and HepI-CBD). The fusion proteins were over-expressed in Escherichia coli under the control of a T7 promoter and found to accumulate in inclusion bodies. The inclusion bodies were recovered by centrifugation, the proteins were refolded and recovered on a cellulose column. The bifunctional fusion protein retained its abilities to bind to cellulose and degrade heparin. C-terminal fusion of heparinase I to CBD was somewhat superior to N-terminal fusion: Although specific activities in solution were comparable, the latter exhibited impaired binding capacity to cellulose. CBD-HepI-cellulose bioreactor was operated continuously and degraded heparin for over 40 h without any significant loss of activity. By varying the flow rate, the mean molecular weight of the heparin oligosaccharide produced could be controlled. The molecular weight distribution profiles, obtained from heparin depolymerization by free heparinase I, free CBD-HepI, and cellulose-immobilized CBD-HepI, were compared. The profiles obtained by free heparinase I and CBD-HepI were indistinguishable, however, immobilized CBD-HepI produced much lower molecular weight fragments at the same percentage of depolymerization. Thus, CBD can be used for the efficient production of bioreactors, combining purification and immobilization into essentially a single step.  相似文献   

Integrated designs of chromatographic processes for purification of biopharmaceuticals provides potential gains in operational efficiency and reductions of costs and material requirements. We describe a combined method using screening and in silico algorithms for ranking chromatographic steps to rapidly design orthogonally selective integrated processes for purifying protein therapeutics from both process- and product-related impurities. IFN-α2b produced in Pichia pastoris containing a significant product variant challenge was used as a case study. The product and product-related variants were screened on a set of 14 multimodal, ion exchange, and hydrophobic charge induction chromatography resins under various pH and salt linear gradient conditions. Data generated from reversed-phase chromatography of the fractions collected were used to generate a retention database for IFN-α2b and its variants. These data, in combination with a previously constructed process-related impurity database for P. pastoris, were input into an in silico process development tool that generated and ranked all possible integrated chromatographic sequences for their ability to remove both process and product-related impurities. Top-ranking outputs guided the experimental refinement of two successful three step purification processes, one comprising all bind-elute steps and the other having two bind-elute steps and a flowthrough operation. This approach suggests a new platform-like approach for rapidly designing purification processes for a range of proteins where separations of both process- and product-related impurities are needed.  相似文献   

A synthetic gene for human platelet factor 4 (hPF4) has been expressed at high levels as a fusion protein in Escherichia coli. The hPF4 sequence has been cleaved from the fusion protein by cyanogen bromide treatment and purified by column chromatography. Like hPF4, our recombinant hPF4 (rhPF4) is tetrameric under physiological conditions, binds heparin, and inhibits angiogenesis. Extensive purification to remove trace amounts of uncleaved fusion protein completely from the desired product rhPF4 was difficult. We have exploited recombinant DNA technology by modifying the fusion moiety to accomplish separation. This type of modification, which did not affect expression level, could be applied to other recombinant fusion proteins.  相似文献   

Purification of the Ah receptor from C57BL/6J mouse liver   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The photoaffinity ligand for the Ah receptor, [125I]-2-azido-3-iodo-7,8-dibromodibenzo-p-dioxin, previously has been shown to selectively label two peptides in the cytosol fraction of C57BL/6J mouse liver: a 95-kDa peptide, the ligand binding moiety of the Ah receptor, and a 70-kDa proteolytic fragment formed from the larger peptide (Poland, A., Glover, E., Ebetino, F. H., and Kende, A.S. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 6352-6365). These two peptides were partially purified to an approximately 20,000-fold enrichment with a 15-20% yield by the following scheme: 1) photoaffinity labeling of the 35-55% ammonium sulfate fraction of liver cytosol; 2) chromatography on polyethyleneimine-Sepharose coupled at low charge density and heparin/Mn2+ precipitation of the dilute column eluate; 3) DEAE-Sepharose chromatography to remove heparin; 4) chromatography on heparin-Sepharose; 5) preparative sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis followed by electroelution of the protein and ion pair extraction to remove sodium dodecyl sulfate; and 6) high performance liquid chromatography on a reverse-phase C-4 column. Following initial chromatography on polyethyleneimine Sepharose, it was found that substantial subsequent purification could only be achieved under denaturing conditions.  相似文献   

Ricin B (RTB), the non-toxic lectin subunit of ricin, is a promising mucosal adjuvant and carrier for use in humans. RTB fusion proteins have been expressed in tobacco hairy root cultures, but the secreted RTB component of these proteins was vulnerable to protease degradation in the medium. Moreover, castor bean purified RTB spiked into tobacco hairy root culture media showed significant degradation after 24 h and complete loss of product after 72 h. Aqueous two-phase extraction (ATPE) was tested for fast recovery of RTB not only to partially purify the protein but also to improve its stability. Two different polyethylene glycol (PEG)/salt/water systems including PEG/potassium phosphate and PEG/sodium sulfate, were studied. RTB was shown to be favorably recovered in PEG/sodium sulfate systems. Statistical analysis indicated that the ionic strength of the system and the sodium sulfate concentration were important in optimizing the partition coefficient of RTB. A selectivity of almost three could be achieved for RTB in optimized systems, and RTB partitioned in the PEG-rich phase exhibited extended stability. Therefore, ATPE was shown to be effective in initial recovery/purification and stabilization of RTB and may hold promise for other unstable secreted proteins from hairy root culture.  相似文献   

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