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我国部分黄牛品种线粒体D-loop区遗传多样性与起源分化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张桂香  郑友民  王志刚  韩旭  贾善刚  陈宏 《遗传》2009,31(2):160-168
为了解我国地方黄牛品种线粒体DNA的遗传变异情况, 文章测定了16个地方黄牛品种206个个体线粒体D-loop区的全序列, 共检测到101个变异位点; 99种单倍型, 其中73种是普通牛单倍型, 26种是瘤牛单倍型; 平均核苷酸差异为22.6920, 单倍型多样度为0.9320, 核苷酸多样度为0.0227, 表明我国黄牛品种遗传多样性非常丰富。构建的NJ进化树显示16个品种来源于两大母系: 普通牛和瘤牛; 构建的Network图表明73种普通牛单倍型可以分为3大单倍型群; 26种瘤牛单倍型分为5种单倍型群, 推测我国瘤牛在迁移过程中, 至少经历了4次群体扩张事件。通过分析比较地方黄牛品种与内罗门牛共有的 H3单倍型, 发现其中只有16%的序列与内罗门牛的H3单倍型非常相似, 其余84%的序列均发生了鸟嘌呤变异, 推测这些变异很可能是我国瘤牛固有的变异。  相似文献   

贵州黄牛mtDNA D-loop 遗传多样性研究   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
对贵州4个地方黄牛品种共计82个个体的线粒体DNA D-loop区全序列910 bp进行分析,检测到31种单倍型,其核苷酸多态位点65个,约占所测核苷酸总长的7.14%,其中有62个转换,2个颠换,1个转换/颠换共存。贵州4个黄牛品种mtDNA D-loop区核苷酸多样度(π值)为2.16%~2.61%,单倍型多样度(H)为0.695~0.909,表明贵州黄牛mtDNA遗传多样性比较丰富。根据单倍型构建了贵州4个黄牛品种的NJ分子系统树。聚类表明,贵州黄牛有普通牛和瘤牛2大母系起源,其影响较为均一。并探讨了用核苷酸多样度π值的大小来衡量黄牛群体遗传分化程度的可行性。   相似文献   

中国黄牛品种资源丰富,尚有28个地方固有品种.为了进一步深入了解这些宝贵遗传资源,本研究通过mtDNA变异特征与多态性分析揭示这些来自中国不同地域地方黄牛的母系起源与分子系统学特征.在17个品种84个体的mtDNA D-loop全序列中,一共检测到了102个核苷酸替代突变位.由此定义的53个单倍型被类聚为2个明显的单倍群:普通牛和瘤牛.mtDNA D-loop全序列变异的第一个特征是转换发生的频率远高于颠换;第二个特征是缺失与替代突变共存;第三个特征是缺失突变率比较高.所有D-loop全序列的核苷酸多样性和单倍型多样性分别为0.026 78±0.000 50和0.919±0.027.普通牛D-loop单倍型在北方牛种群中占有优势(80%~100%),而瘤牛单倍型在南方牛种群中占有优势(42.9%~100%),2种不同单倍型在中原牛种群中的分布也存在差异.2种不同单倍型在中国不同地域17个黄牛品种中的差异性分布揭示出了瘤牛mtDNA基因在中国黄牛中自南而北、由高到低的流动模式,这种基因流动模式的形成可能是由历史事件、地理隔离以及气候环境差异等造成的.  相似文献   

中国部分黄牛品种mtDNA遗传多态性研究   总被引:53,自引:4,他引:49  
对我国8个黄牛品种22个个体的mtDNA D-loop区910bp全序列进行了分析。结果表明:8个黄牛品种D-loop区序列中,A T平均含量为61.65%;经比对,共检测到66个核苷酸多态位点,约占核苷酸总数的7.25%;D-loop全序列突变类型有5种,即转换、颠换、插入、缺失及转换与颠换共存,它们分别占核苷酸多态位点的81.82%、6.06%、7.57%、3.03%及1.52%。以欧洲牛mtDNA D-loop全序列为标准,8个黄牛群体D-loop的平均核苷酸变异率分3个层次:西镇牛、蒙古牛、黑白花牛及秦川牛的核苷酸变异率最低,分别为0.37%、0.44%、0.52%和0.66%;南阳牛与郏县红牛的核苷酸变异率居中,分别为1.91%和2.02%;晋南牛与岳阳牛的核苷酸变异率最高,分别为4.47%和4.73%。中国黄牛品种内D-loop区序列歧异度为0.55%~5.39%,品种间序列歧异度为1.21%~6.59%。在所测黄牛个体中,mtDNA D-loop序列由19种单倍型组成,单倍型比例为86.36%,说明中国黄牛mtDNA遗传多态性很丰富。由此构建了中国8个黄牛品种的NJ分子系统树,聚类分析表明:所测黄牛的mtDNA D-loop序列表现为3个单倍型组,从而揭示中国黄牛可能有3个母系起源,以普通牛起源和瘤牛起源为主。  相似文献   

目的:测定务川黑牛mtDNA D-loop区全序列,以了解其遗传背景。方法:采用PCR直接测序方法测定务川黑牛mtD-NA D-loop区全序列。结果:32个个体D-loop区的全序列中,四种碱基A、T、C和G含量分别为:33.1%、28.4%、25.0%和13.5%,A+T平均含量61.5%。经过序列比对,共检测到57个变异位点,占所测mtDNA序列总长的6.26%,其中转换54个,颠换3个;产生17种单倍型,其中6种是普通牛单倍型,11种是瘤牛单倍型;平均核苷酸差异为22.623,单倍型多样度0.901±0.039,核苷酸多样度0.0249±0.00147。结论:务川黑牛这一品种遗传多样性非常丰富,据此构建的NJ进化树显示务川黑牛含有普通牛和瘤牛的血统。  相似文献   

为了从母系遗传角度深入阐明中国荷斯坦牛和鲁西黄牛的群体遗传多样性以及起源进化,本研究采用PCR测序法测定了9头中国荷斯坦牛和11头鲁西黄牛的线粒体DNA D-loop区的部分序列,并经剪切后进行生物信息学软件分析.结果表明,20个个体D-loop区共711 bp,共检测到19种单倍型和50个多态位点.核苷酸多样性(Pi)为0.021 33±0.004 54,单倍型多样性(Hd)为0.994±0.019,平均核苷酸差异数(k)为15.146 20.构建的NJ网络进化树共分为两大支系,其中部分鲁西黄牛与瘤牛聚为一支,而中国荷斯坦牛和部分鲁西黄牛与普通黄牛聚为一支.说明中国荷斯坦牛和鲁西黄牛群体遗传多样性均较高;鲁西黄牛同时含有瘤牛和普通黄牛的血统,而中国荷斯坦牛只含有普通黄牛的血统.  相似文献   

西藏牦牛mtDNA D-loop区的遗传多样性及其遗传分化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过测定和分析西藏11个牦牛类群114个个体的mtDNA D-loop区全序列,对西藏牦牛的遗传多样性、类群间的亲缘关系及其遗传分化进行了研究。结果表明:①西藏牦牛mtDNA D-loop区全序列长度为890—896 bp,4种核苷酸T、C、A、G的平均比例分别为28.5%、25.3%、32.4%、13.8%,西藏牦牛mtDNA D-loop区富含碱基A+T,表现出一定的碱基偏好性。②共检测到130个变异位点,占分析总位点数的14.33%;其中单一多态位点85个,占多态位点总数的65.38%,简约信息位点45个,占多态位点总数的34.62%。序列变异中碱基缺失、插入和碱基替换等均有,其中碱基替换变异类型中转换114次,颠换12次,在转换变异类型中以A/G、T/C为主,占95.61%,在颠换变异类型中以A/T为主,占75%。③在114个个体中鉴定出90种单倍型,单倍型多样性为0.981±0.008,核苷酸多样性为0.01056±0.00701,均说明西藏牦牛具有丰富的单倍型类型。④90种单倍型分为2个聚类簇(Ⅰ、Ⅱ),聚类簇Ⅰ包含80种单倍型,占全部单倍型的88.89%,涵盖本研究中所有的西藏牦牛类群;聚类簇Ⅱ中有10种单倍型,占单倍型总数的11.11%,涉及的类群有工布江达、帕里、丁青、巴青、江达、类乌齐、桑桑、桑日、斯布,说明西藏牦牛可能有2个母系起源。⑤西藏牦牛类群间核苷酸分歧度(Dxy)在0.503%—1.416%之间,聚类分析和AMOVA分析显示西藏牦牛可分为两大类,康布牦牛、嘉黎牦牛为一类,其余的牦牛类群为另一类。  相似文献   

基于Cyt b基因全长序列,对我国10个地方黄牛品种的遗传多态性和系统发育关系进行了分析.中国黄牛Cyt b基因序列富含碱基A和T,A+T平均含量为56.7%,密码子第3位点核苷酸表现出较强的碱基组成偏倚,该位点上G的含量最低,为 3.5%,而A的含量最高,为44.6%,核苷酸组成偏差指数为0.45.在47个个体1 140 bp的序列中检测到30个变异位点,约占核苷酸总数的2.63%,密码子第3位点的突变率(76.7%)远高于第1位点(16.7%)和第2位点(6.6%),第2位点的非同义替代率(100%)远高于第1位点(40%)和第3位点(4.3%).定义了15种单倍型.将10个品种作为一个大的种群分析时,发现中国黄牛Cyt b基因具有较高的单倍型多样性(Hd=0.783±0046)和一定程度的核苷酸多样性(Pi=0.00828±0.00030),这与中国黄牛地理分布广、种群庞大和起源复杂有关系.基于Kimura 2 parameter距离采用UPGMA法构建的10个黄牛品种分子系统树中将47个个体分别与瘤牛和普通牛聚在一起,说明中国黄牛主要起源于瘤牛和普通牛.北方牛受普通牛的影响较大,南方牛受瘤牛的影响较大,但是对于亲缘关系复杂的中原地区黄牛而言,瘤牛和普通牛对它们的影响力大小因品种而异,因而它们分别和北方牛和南方牛之间的亲缘关系远近程度也存在差异.不同品种之间的亲缘关系差异可能与它们的地理分布差异具有一定的关系.  相似文献   

中国部分牦牛品种线粒体DNA遗传多态性研究   总被引:30,自引:1,他引:29  
采用DNA测序技术首次测定了中国5个牦牛品种(类群)35个个体线粒体DNA控制区(D loop)全序列,结果表明:牦牛线粒体DNA控制区全序列长度为891~895bp,T、C、A、G4种核苷酸的含量分别为28.5%、25.3%、32.5%、13.7%。检测到55个变异位点,约占分析位点总数的6.16%,核甘酸变异类型有转换、颠换、插入/缺失4种。确定了24种单倍型,单倍型H4和H6为中国牦牛的主体单倍型,各单倍型在品种间分布不平衡,所测定的5个牦牛品种(类群)单倍型多样度平均为0.9697±0.0180,说明我国牦牛D loop单倍型类型丰富。牦牛品种内各序列平均核苷酸差异数为10.936,核苷酸多样度为1.231%;牦牛品种间核苷酸分歧度(Dxy)约为0.760%~2.155%,品种间双参数距离范围为0.000~0.029,表明我国牦牛遗传多态性丰富。对D环序列变异的分子方差分析和单倍型网络关系图的结果表明:我国牦牛品种间出现显著的遗传分化,牦牛单倍型网络关系图聚为2个聚类簇,表明我国牦牛有2个母系来源,或者有2个主要的驯化地点。  相似文献   

对10头原种婆罗门牛mtDNA D-loop全序列912 bp测序,婆罗门牛遗传多样性丰富,检测到的9种单倍型兼有瘤牛(B. indicus)与普通牛(B. taurus)的遗传背景,核苷酸变异率为6.25%,单倍型多态度为0.978±0.054,核苷酸多态度为0.014 30±0.008 68。所有单倍型聚为明显的两大分支,婆罗门牛的大部分单倍型为普通牛单倍型类群, 并占绝对优势(90%),仅Brah-6与亚洲瘤牛聚在一起,属于亚洲瘤牛线粒体单倍型,表明婆罗门牛的确是集亚洲瘤牛、欧洲普通牛等优良特性于一身(易产犊、产肉性能好、耐热与体表寄生虫等)的瘤牛品种之一。育种学家引种瘤牛的目的是改善当地牛的生产力与适应性,现代普通牛表现出明显又普遍的瘤牛渐渗现象。对现代的瘤牛品种而言,除亚洲瘤牛品种外,普通牛对其他瘤牛品种育成的贡献同样高。 支持瘤牛(B. indicus)为独立驯化、起源于印度次大陆的假说。  相似文献   

Cai X  Chen H  Lei C  Wang S  Xue K  Zhang B 《Genetica》2007,131(2):175-183
In order to clarify the origin and genetic diversity of indigenous cattle breeds in China, we carried out phylogenetic analysis of representatives of those breeds by employing mitochondrial gene polymorphism. Complete cyt b gene sequences, 1140 bp in length, were determined for a total of 136 individuals from 18 different breeds and these sequences were clustered into two distinct genetic lineages: taurine (Bos taurus) and zebu (Bos indicus). In analysis of the cyt b gene diversity, Chinese cattle showed higher nucleotide (0.00923) and haplotype diversity (0.848) than the reports from other studies, and the animals from the taurine lineage indicated higher nucleotide diversity (0.00330) and haplotype diversity (0.746) than the ones from the zebu lineage (0.00136; 0.661). The zebu mtDNA dominated in the southern breeds (63.3–100%), while the taurine dominated in the northern breeds (81.8–100%). Six cattle breeds from the central area of China exhibited intermediate frequencies of zebu mtDNA (25–71.4%). This polymorphism revealed a declining south-to-north gradient of female zebu introgression and a geographical hybrid zone of Bos taurus and Bos indicus in China.  相似文献   

The Mongolian cattle are one of the most widespread breeds with strictly Bos taurus morphological features in northern China. In our current study, we presented a diversity of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) D-loop region and Y chromosome SNP markers in 25 male and 8 female samples of Mongolian cattle from the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region in Western China, and detected 21 B. taurus and four Bos indicus (zebu) mtDNA haplotypes. Among four B. indicus mtDNA haplotypes, two haplotypes belonged to I1 haplogroup and the remaining two haplotypes belonged to I2 haplogroup. In contrast, all 25 male Mongolian cattle samples revealed B. taurus Y chromosome haplotype and no B. indicus haplotypes were found. Historical and archeological records indicate that B. taurus was introduced to Xinjiang during the second millennium BC and B. indicus appeared in this region by the second century AD. The two types of cattle coexisted for many centuries in Xinjiang, as depicted in clay and wooden figurines unearthed in the Astana cemetery in Turfan (3rd–8th century AD). Multiple lines of evidence suggest that the earliest B. indicus introgression in the Mongolian cattle may have occurred during the 2nd–7th centuries AD through the Silk Road around the Xinjiang region. This conclusion differs from the previous hypothesis that zebu introgression to Mongolian cattle happened during the Mongol Empire era in the 13th century.  相似文献   

Indigenous cattle of India belong to the species, Bos indicus and they possess various adaptability and production traits. However, little is known about the genetic diversity and origin of these breeds. To investigate the status, we sequenced and analyzed the whole mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of seven Indian cattle breeds. In total, 49 single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) were identified among the seven breeds analyzed. We observed a common synonymous SNV in the COII gene (m.7583G?>?A) of all the breeds studied. The phylogenetic analysis and genetic distance estimation showed the close genetic relationship among the Indian cattle breeds, whereas distinct genetic differences were observed between Bos indicus and Bos taurus cattle. Our results indicate a common ancestor for European Zwergzebu breed and South Indian cattle. The estimated divergence time demonstrated that the Bos indicus and Bos taurus cattle lineages diverged 0.92 million years ago. Our study also demonstrates that ancestors of present zebu breeds originated in South and North India separately ~30,000 to 20,000 years ago. In conclusion, the identified genetic variants and results of the phylogenetic analysis may provide baseline information to develop appropriate strategies for management and conservation of Indian cattle breeds.  相似文献   



Diversity patterns of livestock species are informative to the history of agriculture and indicate uniqueness of breeds as relevant for conservation. So far, most studies on cattle have focused on mitochondrial and autosomal DNA variation. Previous studies of Y-chromosomal variation, with limited breed panels, identified two Bos taurus (taurine) haplogroups (Y1 and Y2; both composed of several haplotypes) and one Bos indicus (indicine/zebu) haplogroup (Y3), as well as a strong phylogeographic structuring of paternal lineages.

Methodology and Principal Findings

Haplogroup data were collected for 2087 animals from 138 breeds. For 111 breeds, these were resolved further by genotyping microsatellites INRA189 (10 alleles) and BM861 (2 alleles). European cattle carry exclusively taurine haplotypes, with the zebu Y-chromosomes having appreciable frequencies in Southwest Asian populations. Y1 is predominant in northern and north-western Europe, but is also observed in several Iberian breeds, as well as in Southwest Asia. A single Y1 haplotype is predominant in north-central Europe and a single Y2 haplotype in central Europe. In contrast, we found both Y1 and Y2 haplotypes in Britain, the Nordic region and Russia, with the highest Y-chromosomal diversity seen in the Iberian Peninsula.


We propose that the homogeneous Y1 and Y2 regions reflect founder effects associated with the development and expansion of two groups of dairy cattle, the pied or red breeds from the North Sea and Baltic coasts and the spotted, yellow or brown breeds from Switzerland, respectively. The present Y1-Y2 contrast in central Europe coincides with historic, linguistic, religious and cultural boundaries.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA variation in cattle of South China: origin and introgression   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Y Yu  L Nie  Z Q He  J K Wen  C S Jian  Y P Zhang 《Animal genetics》1999,30(4):245-250
Ten restriction endonucleases were used to investigate the mitochondrial DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism (mtDNA RFLP) of 11 native cattle breeds and one cultivated cattle breed in South China. Twenty-three restriction morphs were detected, which can be sorted into five haplotypes. A phylogenetic tree of the haplotypes was constructed by using the 'upgMa' method. Our study showed that haplotype I and II are identical to the zebu (Bos indicus) and taurine (Bos taurus) haplotypes, respectively. Zebu and taurine were the two major origins of cattle populations in South China, and the zebu probably had more influence on the native cattle population than taurine did. Haplotype III is identical to haplotype I of yak (Bos grunniens), which was only detected in the Diqing cattle breed. Haplotype IV was detected for the first time. This haplotype, found only in Dehong cattle, might be from an independent domestication event, probably from another Bos indicus population. Divergence of haplotypes I and IV occurred about 268,000-535,000 years ago, much earlier than the 10,000-year history of cattle husbandry. Our results also suggest a secondary introgession of mtDNA from yak to Diqing cattle.  相似文献   

Complete mitochondrial DNA D‐loop sequences of 1105 individuals were used to assess the diversity of maternal lineages of cattle populations in China. In total, 250 taurine and 88 zebu haplotypes were identified. Five main haplogroups—T1a, T2, T3, T4 and T5—were identified in Bos taurus, whereas Bos indicus harbored two haplogroups—I1 and I2. Our results suggest that the distribution of T1a in Asia was concentrated mainly in the northeast region (northeast China, Korea and Japan); haplogroups T2, T3 and T4 were predominant in Chinese cattle; and T5 was sporadically detected in Mongolian and Pingwu cattle. In contrast to the widespread presence of I1, I2 was distributed only in southwestern China (Yunnan‐Guizhou Plateau and the Tibet Autonomous Region) and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. This is the first time that all five taurine haplogroups and two zebu haplogroups have been found in Mongolian cattle. In addition, eight individuals in Tibetan cattle carried the Bos grunniens mtDNA type. The high mtDNA diversity (= 0.904 ± 0.008) and the weak genetic structure among the 57 Chinese cattle breeds/populations are consistent with their complex historical background, migration route and ecological environment.  相似文献   

对10头原种婆罗门牛mtDNAD-loop全序列912 bp测序,婆罗门牛遗传多样性丰富,检测到的9种单倍型兼有瘤牛(B.indicus)与普通牛(B.taurus)的遗传背景,核苷酸变异率为6.25 %,单倍型多态度为0.978±0.054 ,核苷酸多态度为0.014 30±0.008 68。所有单倍型聚为明显的两大分支,婆罗门牛的大部分单倍型为普通牛单倍型类群,并占绝对优势(90 %) ,仅Brah-6与亚洲瘤牛聚在一起,属于亚洲瘤牛线粒体单倍型,表明婆罗门牛的确是集亚洲瘤牛、欧洲普通牛等优良特性于一身(易产犊、产肉性能好、耐热与体表寄生虫等)的瘤牛品种之一。育种学家引种瘤牛的目的是改善当地牛的生产力与适应性,现代普通牛表现出明显又普遍的瘤牛渐渗现象。对现代的瘤牛品种而言,除亚洲瘤牛品种外,普通牛对其他瘤牛品种育成的贡献同样高。支持瘤牛(B.indicus)为独立驯化、起源于印度次大陆的假说。  相似文献   

Population structure and ancestry of Qinchuan cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The aim of this study was to estimate population structure and ancestry of Qinchuan cattle by genotyping 27 individuals using the GeneSeek HD 77k BeadChip, and another 1355 cattle representing breeds distributed worldwide, which had been genotyped using the Illumina Bovine 50k BeadChip. Qinchuan cattle were characterized by a dominant Bos taurus ancestry, accompanied by a considerable proportion of Bos indicus ancestry based on principal components analysis and supervised admixture analysis. A small proportion of Bos javanicus ancestry was detected as well. A similar admixture pattern in both Qinchuan and Turkish cattle breeds reflects their similar degrees of zebu introgression. Our study presents a relatively clear view of the population structure and ancestry of Qinchuan cattle, serving to benefit our understanding of this breed and leading to better targeted conservation approaches moving forward.  相似文献   

A small number of west African Bos taurus cattle breeds, including the N'Dama, constitute a valuable genetic resource by virtue of their ability to remain productive under trypanosomiasis challenge. However, introgression of Bos indicus genes into the trypanotolerant breeds, particularly by introduction of zebu bulls, is a threat to this resource. This work describes the characterization and cloning of a bovine randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) that is generated in polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with the 10 base primer ILO1065 from Bos indicus male templates, but not from B. taurus male templates or female templates of either type. Male-specific sequences with homology to the RAPD also occur in B. taurus breeds. This suggests that the polymorphism may be due to base substitution(s) in an ILO1065 priming site, or insertion/deletion events either affecting priming sites or occurring between sites on the cattle Y chromosome. We have shown that cattle, whether of B. indicus or B. taurus phenotype, which possess a typically B. indicus metaphase Y chromosome on the basis of QFQ banding, have a B. indicus ILO1065-generated genotype. The ILO1065-primed RAPD can be used in a simple dot blot assay as a probe of RAPD-PCR products, to provide a convenient, reliable and effective means of detecting introgression of zebu genes in B. taurus cattle populations.  相似文献   

The relative importance of dry- and wet-bulb temperatures on cutaneous function inBos indicus andBos taurus females under humid tropical climatic conditions was evaluated. The parameters investigated were sweating rate and skin temperature, while the species utilised were zebu White Fulani (Bos indicus) and German Brown and German Black and White (Bos taurus).The sweating rate, irrespective of breed, differed with the site of sampling and was more influenced by dry-bulb (59%) than by wet-bulb temperature (41%). Skin temperature responded more to wet-bulb temperature in White Fulani and German Black and White cattle, but not in German Brown cattle.It is concluded that the response of the animals, with respect to sweating, was similar but that the efficiency of sweating, judged by the lowering of skin temperature, was higher inBos indicus than inBos taurus. This, in part, may explain the higher degree of comfort demonstrated byBos indicus under tropical conditions.  相似文献   

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