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浙江东部牛蛙的自然种群及潜在危害   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
牛蛙(Rana catesbeiana)的入侵已成为一些本地两栖类种群数量下降或灭绝的主要因素之一。1959年牛蛙被引入中国大陆,但直到1990年才开始在国内大范围饲养。牛蛙的自然种群在国内一直未见报道。我们于2003年9—11月调查了浙江省东部5区3县的牛蛙种群,发现在岱山、秀山、六横及佛渡岛上有牛蛙分布,共捕获23只牛蛙,包括4只成年个体,18个亚成体和1只蝌蚪。于2004年1月和2月在岱山捕获28只蝌蚪。结果显示:(1)牛蛙的蝌蚪能在当地越冬成活,说明牛蛙在上述4岛成功地建立了自然种群;(2)牛蛙主要分布于水库、池塘和溪流,牛蛙的生境与6种当地蛙有部分重叠;(3)养殖时管理不善造成的牛蛙逃逸,以及牛蛙价格过低而导致养殖户将牛蛙弃置野外可能是牛蛙入侵的主要原因。牛蛙对当地蛙的潜在威胁很大,开展牛蛙的分布、食性和种群动态研究是当务之急。  相似文献   

两栖动物的不同科或属,乃至同一物种不同的地理种群内具有两种不同的性别决定系统,这种系统发生分布特征显示两栖动物的性别决定系统经历了多次转换。同型性染色体在许多两栖动物中存在,"高频转换"假说和"fountain-of-youth"假说是其形成的两种可能机制。激素在两栖动物性别决定早期起着重要作用。此外,我们还重点介绍了两栖动物中迄今唯一确认的性别决定基因(DM-W基因)。该综述将增进对两栖动物性别决定机制的多样性及其起源的认识,并为濒危两栖动物的物种保护和种群恢复以及养殖群体的利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

水产养殖逃逸有多种途径:直接逃逸为鱼类入侵生态学提供了独特的"天然实验"数据,而民间放生为水产养殖逃逸的主要间接途径,此外还包括观赏渔业的弃养等其他途径。以2016年清江流域外来种鲟鱼逃逸事件为例,探讨了逃逸后对长江外来种入侵影响,包括与土著种——国家一级保护动物中华鲟的竞争排斥、潜在杂交风险和养殖疾病传播等。在此基础上,讨论了通过网箱养殖的陆地工厂化和加强科普宣传使民间放生可能导致的降低生物多样性转化为科学放流的保存甚至提升生物多样性等预防措施,并指明了逃逸发生后续监管的方向,最后展望了水产养殖逃逸对长江外来种入侵影响评估的未来发展方向。  相似文献   

王剑  史海涛  马凯  李闯 《动物学杂志》2012,47(5):124-126
2011年在海南琼海万泉河发现外来鱼种马那瓜丽体鱼(Parachromis managuensis)。该种为凶猛的肉食性鱼类,已在野外建立种群,可能会对本土鱼类产生不利影响。建议主管部门禁止人为放生。  相似文献   

广东海丰鸟类自然保护区黑脸琵鹭越冬种群现状   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
黑脸琵鹭(Platalea minor)是全球性濒危鸟类,广东海丰鸟类自然保护区作为新发现的重要越冬地,具有全球保护意义.2004~2007年对保护区内黑脸琵鹭越冬种群的调查结果表明,该越冬种群数量逐年增加(27~72只),占全球总数比例也相应增加(2.2%~4.1%).其主要分布在红树林、沿海滩涂和人工养殖塘3种生境,其中,沿海滩涂累计记录到的个体数最多,达217只;人工养殖塘记录剑最大集群,为52只.需积极采取有效措施保护该越冬种群及其生境.  相似文献   

拉萨国家级自然保护区拉鲁湿地发现牛蛙   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
原产于美国落基山脉以东地区的牛蛙(Rana Catesbeiana )是一种非常危险的外来物种。 2014年6月14-24日在拉萨市国家级自然保护区拉鲁湿地内发现成 、幼体 的牛蛙。建议借助政府、知名宗教人士、媒介等力量,以制度、呼吁、宣传等有效渠道,尽快解决湿地放生牛蛙的问题,以降低湿地现有牛蛙的种群增长及栖息地的进一步扩大。  相似文献   

为了了解我国两栖动物受威胁现状和致危因素, 进而制定相关的保护措施和开展国际合作, 本文依据中国两栖动物野生种群与生境现状, 利用《IUCN物种红色名录濒危等级和标准》(3.1版)和《IUCN物种红色名录标准在国家或地区的应用指南》(4.0版), 对中国已知的408种两栖动物的濒危状况进行了评估, 并编制了《中国两栖动物红色名录》。评估结果表明: 中国两栖动物有1种灭绝, 1种区域灭绝, 受威胁的两栖动物共计176种, 占评估物种总数的43.1%, 明显高于《IUCN濒危物种红色名录》(2015)的物种受威胁率(30.8%)。中国两栖动物特有种272种, 其中48.9%属于受威胁物种。中国两栖动物受威胁比例最高的目是有尾目(63.4%), 明显高于无尾目(39.0%); 受威胁比例最高的科是隐鳃鲵科(Cryptobranchidae) (仅有1种, 100%受威胁), 小鲵科(Hynobiidae) (86.7%)和叉舌蛙科(Dicroglossidae) (78.1%)。有11个省区的受威胁物种数占本省区两栖动物物种总数的30%及以上, 前3位分别是四川(40.8%)、广西(39.2%)和云南(37%)。中国大多数两栖动物物种分布在西南山地和华南地区, 以海拔2,000 m以下区域为主。栖息地退化或丧失、捕捉、环境污染列受威胁两栖动物致危因子的前3位。鉴于中国两栖动物区系的复杂性和独特性, 进一步加强两栖动物资源调查、种群和生境监测及相关科学研究, 仍是今后一段时期开展两栖动物多样性保护和濒危物种拯救行动的关键性基础工作。  相似文献   

为了解滇西北紫水鸡的分布及其种群现状,于2008年11月和2009年11月至2010年4月采用直接计数法和样点法,对大理西湖及其邻近湖泊的紫水鸡种群数量进行了调查;同时收集以往有关紫水鸡种群数量及其分布的相关资料.结果 表明:滇西北紫水鸡的分布范围南起大理市,北至香格里拉县,共7个湖泊有紫水鸡分布的记录.其中洱源西湖和鹤庆母屯海是滇西北紫水鸡的主要栖息地,其余5个湖泊的种群数量较少.西湖冬季和春季的种群密度分别是32.67只/km2和18.33只/km2;母屯海春季的种群密度为50.77只/km2.紫水鸡分布的湖泊均存在不同程度的人为活动干扰.调查期间,紫水鸡主要见于水草丰富的浅水区域、沼泽和芦苇丛生境.针对紫水鸡保护存在的问题,提出相应的建议.  相似文献   

昆明两栖动物分布与栖息环境关系初探   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
本项工作自1997年6月-1999年5月以点、面结合的方式对昆明地区两栖类的种类、分布作了调查,共采集标本450余号,计11种,隶属2目6科6属,其中牛蛙为引入种。工作中以白龙寺地区为研究重点,连续对该地区的两栖类动物进行采集和观察,依据观察结果记述了两栖动物的种类和种群分布,探讨了种群分布与栖息环境变化的关系、种群受人类活动影响的程度等。各物种季节栖息范围的变化主要受水的影响,也与各物种的生态习  相似文献   

白头硬尾鸭(Oxyuraleucocephala)属雁形目(Anseriformes)鸭科(Anatidae),是一种古北界分布的珍稀水禽,在国际上被IUCN列为“濒危(EN)”物种,同时被列入CITES公约和迁徙物种公约(CMS)。该物种主要有中亚、西亚、欧洲、北非4个相互隔离的繁殖种群。据湿地国际(Wetland International)最新估计全球数量8000~13000只。在我国,该物种被列入中国濒危动物红皮书,以往在新疆南部的克州和博斯腾湖附近以及北疆的天山、昌吉有过分布记录。近期新疆记录包括:2006年10~11月,10余只次个体被国外观鸟者(Paul Holt)记录于石河子地区和五家渠八一…  相似文献   

Although the chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), the etiological agent of amphibian chytridiomycosis, has been implicated in mass mortality and population declines on several continents around the world, there have been no reports on the presence of Bd infections in amphibians in China. We employed quantitative PCR and histological techniques to investigate the presence of Bd in introduced North American bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) (referred to hereafter as bullfrog) and native amphibians in bullfrog-invaded areas of the Yunnan Province, China. A total of 259 samples at five wild sites were collected between June and September in 2007 and 2008, including bullfrogs and four native amphibian species (Rana pleuraden, Rana chaochiaoensis, Odorrana andersonii, and Bombina maxima). In addition, 37 samples of adult bullfrogs were obtained from a food market. Bd infections were discovered in bullfrogs and three native amphibian species from all of the surveyed sites. Of the 39 Bd-positive samples, 35 were from wild-caught bullfrog tadpoles, postmetamorphic bullfrogs, R. pleuraden, R. chaochiaoensis, and O. andersonii, and four were from adult bullfrogs from the market. Our results provide the first evidence of the presence of Bd in Chinese amphibians, suggesting that native amphibian diversity in China is at risk from Bd. There is an urgent need to monitor the distribution of Bd in amphibians in China and understand the susceptibility of native amphibian species to chytridiomycosis. Strict regulations on the transportation of bullfrogs and the breeding of bullfrogs in markets and farms should be drafted in order to stop the spread of Bd by bullfrogs.  相似文献   

The American bullfrog, Rana (Lithobates) catesbeianus, is endemic to eastern North America, but has been introduced to approximately 40 countries on four continents and is considered one of the hundred worst invasive alien species in the world. Here, we investigated the genetics of invasive bullfrogs in the Willamette Valley, Oregon, USA, where bullfrogs are widespread and abundant to determine: (1) the minimum number of bullfrog introductions; (2) the native source population(s); and (3) whether genetic variation is reduced compared to source populations. To answer these questions, we analyzed partial sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene for 251 bullfrogs from the Willamette Valley and the native range. We found that bullfrogs from the Mississippi River basin and Great Lakes region were introduced at least once to the Willamette Valley. Genetic variation measured as haplotype diversity (h) and nucleotide diversity (?? n ) was not significantly different between Willamette Valley and source populations. Our results were in contrast to a recent genetic analysis of invasive bullfrog populations in Europe, which found that genetic variation in European bullfrog populations was much lower than in source populations. European bullfrogs also originated from different source populations than Willamette Valley bullfrogs. The difference in genetic composition between Willamette Valley and European bullfrogs is likely due to differences in their invasion histories and may have implications for the potential of bullfrogs in these different regions to adapt and expand.  相似文献   

The predatory behavior of invasive species can affect their ecological impact, and offer opportunities for targeted control. In Australia, tadpoles of invasive cane toads(Rhinella marina) do not consume eggs of native anurans, but are strongly attracted to(and consume) newly-laid eggs of conspecifics; chemical cues from such eggs(or adult secretions) thus can be used to attract toad tadpoles to traps. Do other invasive anurans show similar selectivity? Our laboratory trials on a Chinese population of invasive American bullfrogs(Lithobates catesbeianus) revealed similar behaviors as exhibited by Australian cane toads. Bullfrog tadpoles rarely consumed the eggs of native anurans, but were attracted to both bullfrog eggs and bullfrog skin secretions. Although the attraction response was less intense in bullfrogs than in cane toads, it might nonetheless enable selective removal of bullfrog tadpoles from invaded sites.  相似文献   

The relationship between invasion success and native biodiversity is central to biological invasion research. New theoretical and analytical approaches have revealed that spatial scale, land‐use factors and community assemblages are important predictors of the relationship between community diversity and invasibility and the negative effects of invasive species on community diversity. In this study we assess if the abundance of Lithobates catesbeianus, the American bullfrog, negatively affects the richness of native amphibian species in Atlantic Forest waterbodies in Brazil. Although this species has been invading Atlantic Forest areas since the 1930s, studies that estimate the invasion effects upon native species diversity are lacking. We developed a model to understand the impact of environmental, spatial and species composition gradients on the relationships between bullfrogs and native species richness. We found a weak positive relationship between bullfrog abundance and species richness in invaded areas. The path model revealed that this is an indirect relationship mediated by community composition gradients. Our results indicate that bullfrogs are more abundant in certain amphibian communities, which can be species‐rich. Local factors describing habitat heterogeneity were the main predictors of amphibian species richness and composition and bullfrog abundance. Our results reinforce the important role of habitats in determining both native species diversity and potential invasibility.  相似文献   

Host-microbe symbioses rely on the successful transmission or acquisition of symbionts in each new generation. Amphibians host a diverse cutaneous microbiota, and many of these symbionts appear to be mutualistic and may limit infection by the chytrid fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, which has caused global amphibian population declines and extinctions in recent decades. Using bar-coded 454 pyrosequencing of the 16S rRNA gene, we addressed the question of symbiont transmission by examining variation in amphibian skin microbiota across species and sites and in direct relation to environmental microbes. Although acquisition of environmental microbes occurs in some host-symbiont systems, this has not been extensively examined in free-living vertebrate-microbe symbioses. Juvenile bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana), adult red-spotted newts (Notophthalmus viridescens), pond water and pond substrate were sampled at a single pond to examine host-specificity and potential environmental transmission of microbiota. To assess population level variation in skin microbiota, adult newts from two additional sites were also sampled. Cohabiting bullfrogs and newts had distinct microbial communities, as did newts across the three sites. The microbial communities of amphibians and the environment were distinct; there was very little overlap in the amphibians'' core microbes and the most abundant environmental microbes, and the relative abundances of OTUs that were shared by amphibians and the environment were inversely related. These results suggest that, in a host species-specific manner, amphibian skin may select for microbes that are generally in low abundance in the environment.  相似文献   

Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis is the chytridiomycete fungus which has been implicated in global amphibian declines and numerous species extinctions. Here, we show that introduced North American bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) consistently carry this emerging pathogenic fungus. We detected infections by this fungus on introduced bullfrogs from seven of eight countries using both PCR and microscopic techniques. Only native bullfrogs from eastern Canada and introduced bullfrogs from Japan showed no sign of infection. The bullfrog is the most commonly farmed amphibian, and escapes and subsequent establishment of feral populations regularly occur. These factors taken together with our study suggest that the global threat of B. dendrobatidis disease transmission posed by bullfrogs is significant.  相似文献   

The emerging fungal pathogen, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), has been associated with global amphibian population declines and extinctions. American bullfrogs (Lithobates catesbeianus) are widely reported to be a tolerant host and a carrier of Bd that spreads the pathogen to less tolerant hosts. Here, we examined whether bullfrogs raised from eggs to metamorphosis in outdoor mesocosms were susceptible to Bd. We experimentally exposed metamorphic juveniles to Bd in the laboratory and compared mortality rates of pathogen-exposed animals to controls (non-exposed) in two separate experiments; one using a Bd strain isolated from a Western toad and another using a strain isolated from an American bullfrog. We wanted to examine whether metamorphic bullfrogs were susceptible to either of these strains. We show that bullfrogs were susceptible to one strain of Bd and not the other. In both experiments, infection load detected in the skin decreased over time, suggesting that metamorphic bullfrogs from some populations may be inefficient long-term carriers of Bd.  相似文献   

An exotic species is the favorite prey of a native enemy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Li Y  Ke Z  Wang S  Smith GR  Liu X 《PloS one》2011,6(9):e24299
Although native enemies in an exotic species'' new range are considered to affect its ability to invade, few studies have evaluated predation pressures from native enemies on exotic species in their new range. The exotic prey naiveté hypothesis (EPNH) states that exotic species may be at a disadvantage because of its naïveté towards native enemies and, therefore, may suffer higher predation pressures from the enemy than native prey species. Corollaries of this hypothesis include the native enemy preferring exotic species over native species and the diet of the enemy being influenced by the abundance of the exotic species. We comprehensively tested this hypothesis using introduced North American bullfrogs (Lithobates catesbeianus, referred to as bullfrog), a native red-banded snake (Dinodon rufozonatum, the enemy) and four native anuran species in permanent still water bodies as a model system in Daishan, China. We investigated reciprocal recognition between snakes and anuran species (bullfrogs and three common native species) and the diet preference of the snakes for bullfrogs and the three species in laboratory experiments, and the diet preference and bullfrog density in the wild. Bullfrogs are naive to the snakes, but the native anurans are not. However, the snakes can identify bullfrogs as prey, and in fact, prefer bullfrogs over the native anurans in manipulative experiments with and without a control for body size and in the wild, indicating that bullfrogs are subjected to higher predation pressures from the snakes than the native species. The proportion of bullfrogs in the snakes'' diet is positively correlated with the abundance of bullfrogs in the wild. Our results provide strong evidence for the EPNH. The results highlight the biological resistance of native enemies to naïve exotic species.  相似文献   

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