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为明确南洋臀纹粉蚧Planococcus lilacinus(Cockerell)雌成虫及其蜡泌物的结构特征,利用扫描电镜观察该虫体表主要器官、蜡质及泌蜡腺体的超微结构.结果表明:南洋臀纹粉蚧雌成虫外覆白色粉状厚蜡被,体缘具18对蜡棒,触角8节、口器和足发达且分布有不同长度的毛形和刺形感受器,眼为单眼,腹脐和背孔唇形、发达;体表蜡质包含带状蜡丝、空心管状蜡丝和月牙形蜡丝,由三格腺和刺孔群分泌的带状蜡丝大量分布于整个虫体,由管状腺分泌的空心管状蜡丝主要分布于虫体腹部腹面和体缘,由多格腺分泌的月牙形蜡丝主要分布于虫体腹部腹面.研究结果初步揭示了南洋臀纹粉蚧雌成虫体表主要器官、蜡质及泌蜡腺体的超微结构特征,可为研究该虫搜索寄主、寻找配偶、群集为害、抵御逆境和传播扩散等行为活动提供支持.  相似文献   

采用扫描电镜技术研究了柿白毡蚧Asiacornococcus kaki(Kuwana)泌蜡腺体、蜡泌物的超微结构与蜡壳形成过程.结果发现,蜡壳形成分3个阶段,即泌蜡发生期、泌蜡增长期和蜡囊形成期,由3种腺体分泌的蜡质构成.锥刺是泌蜡的主要器官,其分泌的粗蜡管形成蜡壳的框架.管腺分泌空心细蜡丝,与框架蜡管紧密交织在一起.单孔腺分泌的细小蜡丝散布虫体表面.雄茧扁平,由空心长丝状蜡编织形成.  相似文献   

采用制作玻片标本和扫描电镜技术研究了康氏粉蚧Pseudococcus comstocki(Kuwana)在不同发育阶段的显微形态特征及蜡泌物的超微形态。结果表明:三格腺是康氏粉蚧最主要的腺体,随着虫体的发育,数量增多,分布变广,每个腺孔分泌一根蜡丝,覆盖体表;管腺只在特定的时期分泌长的空心蜡管构成卵囊;多格腺分泌多棱形卷曲的小蜡丝粘附在卵粒上,防止其相互粘连。  相似文献   

采用扫描电镜、红外光谱、气相色谱/质谱联用技术研究了柑橘真棉蚧Eupulvinariacitricola(Kuwana)(半翅目:蚧科)蜡泌物的超微形态、红外光谱和卵囊蜡质的化学成分特征。结果发现:该蚧雌虫背面腺体分泌湿蜡,在体表面形成薄的半透明蜡壳,背面蜡壳分为6个小区,表面由湿蜡凝结成片状和蜡块状构造。雌成虫产卵期由腹面多格腺分泌丝状蜡结成卵囊。雄若虫也分泌湿蜡,雄蛹的蜡茧薄,表面有浅的凹凸花纹。用雌成虫卵囊、背面蜡壳和雄茧的蜡质作红外光谱分析,它们的谱图具有共同的基本特征,吸收峰群分为5个区域:2900cm-1附近的3个强吸收峰组成的峰群是>CH2和—CH3的特征吸收峰;1800cm-1~1500cm-1之间的吸收峰群是羰基(>C=O)和C=C键的伸缩振动;1500cm-1~1400cm-1区域是>CH2和—CH3基团的吸收峰;1400cm-1~1000cm-1之间为饱和碳链—C—C—C—骨架振动。730cm-1附近为环状化合物的基团吸收峰群。由此确定它们的组成都是长碳链结构的脂肪酸、脂肪醇、烃类、酯类或带有环状结构的化合物。其主要区别在第2、3、4区吸收峰的形式、强度和数量,反映出基团的种类和数量不同。雌成虫卵囊蜡质甲酯化后GC/MS检测出7个组分(表1),全部为长链脂肪酸。未经甲酯化的蜡质检测出4类16个组分(表2),可分为长链烃、酸、醇、酯。第一类为饱和长链烃,5个组分,占总组分的38.38%;第二类是长链脂肪酸,包括直链饱和酸和不饱和酸共6个组分,占31.59%;第三类是直链饱和醇,占2.87%;第四类是酯类化合物,4个组分,占总组分的27.16%。  相似文献   

瘤坚大球蚧蜡泌物的超微形态与红外光谱特征   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
谢映平  郑乐怡 《昆虫学报》2001,44(4):408-415
采用扫描电镜和红外光谱技术研究了瘤坚大球蚧Eulecanium gigantea在不同发育阶段蜡泌物的超微形态和化学成分。结果发现:该虫在低龄期分泌湿蜡,最初在虫体背面凝结成晶体状的不同大小颗粒,接着连接成片状和块状构造,最后蜡质堆积形成龟背状蜡壳。蜡壳的各个板块与体壁上突起的腺孔分布区位置相对应。雄虫蜡壳与低龄期若虫蜡壳质地相同。雌成虫分泌的蜡质为长而卷曲的空心蜡丝。雌成虫背面和腹面蜡泌物的红外光谱特征说明二者所含的主要化学基团和成分是相同的。尽管雄虫蜡壳与雌虫的化学成分基本相似,但存在的官能团有明显差别,主要表现在雄虫蜡泌物光谱图上1736.3 cm-1处出现两个吸收峰,而雌虫只有一个;在振动频率1 242.0 cm-1~1 106.6 cm-1出现3个C-O键振动峰,而雌虫的是一系列锯齿状长碳链-C-C-C-骨架振动峰。根据红外光谱特征分析,推测该虫蜡泌物的化学成分可能主要是由长链烃、长链脂肪酸、脂肪醇和某些带芳香环的化合物组成。  相似文献   

本文采用显微观察技术及酶含量测定方法,对日本松干蚧Matsucoccus matsumurae(Kuwana)分泌蜡质的几个虫态及各虫态虫体内与蜡质合成相关的脂肪酸合成酶(FAS)和脂肪酸延伸酶(FAE)的含量变化进行了研究。结果表明:雄性泌蜡主要在二龄若虫期和三龄若虫期,前者为珠形若虫,虫体分泌少量湿蜡,在体表形成薄蜡层,由气门周缘分泌蜡丝,后者泌蜡量大,为蜡丝结茧;雌性泌蜡主要在二龄若虫和雌成虫泌蜡形成卵囊期。FAS含量变化与泌蜡活动关系密切,在雄性的三龄若虫期最高,二龄若虫期次之,蛹期最低;雌性成虫泌蜡前和中期FAS含量最高,产卵完毕时最低,二龄若虫期居中;FAE含量与FAS变化相似,但在二龄若虫期也较高。这说明FAS和FAE参与了蜡质合成过程。  相似文献   

福州城南木麻黄上发生珠蚧 (硕蚧 )科的草履蚧、吹绵蚧和银毛吹绵蚧 ,草履蚧发生极其严重 ,吹绵蚧于 5月间也一度猖獗 ,银毛吹绵蚧其次。总受害株达 99% ,受害梢率达 6 0 %以上 ,造成木麻黄生长衰弱甚至枯死。笔者在一年多的时间中 ,对此三种珠蚧及天敌田间种群消长进行了初步的考查。( 1 )草履蚧在福州一年发生 1代 ,以成虫和少数三龄若虫在木麻黄主枝和主干上越冬 ,冬季天气温暖时还见有爬动 ,翌年 3月下旬成虫爬至树头基部松土层 3- 5cm内或树干的裂缝等处 ,分泌绵絮状蜡质的卵囊产卵其中。室内观察一头雌成虫可连续产卵 3天 ,第一天产下…  相似文献   

采用显微技术观察了崇安草蜥(Takydromus sylvaticus)舌的显微和超微结构.舌腹面黏膜光滑;背面黏膜粗糙,由丝状乳头和轮廓乳头组成.丝状乳头锥体形,数量较多,排列成行,分布于舌体背面两侧和侧翼的腹面.在舌的横切片上有3~7个轮廓乳头,其表面平整,周围有环形沟,舌腺开口于环形沟中.舌肌肉发达.超微结构显示,舌上皮细胞问具有紧密连接,舌乳头细胞表面具有丰富的微绒毛.舌腺为单管泡状腺,分泌管由单层柱状上皮构成.柱状上皮细胞有两种,一种为分泌细胞,一种为暗细胞.分泌细胞内有典型的分泌颗粒,可协助食物的吞咽.暗细胞内无分泌颗粒,是否与离子分泌以及渗透压调节有关,尚需进一步证实.  相似文献   

角蜡蚧和日本龟蜡蚧蜡泌物的超微结构及化学成分分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢映平  薛皎亮 《昆虫学报》2005,48(6):837-848
采用扫描电镜和气相色谱/质谱联用技术研究了角蜡Ceroplastes ceriferus (Fabricius) 和日本龟蜡蚧C. japonicus Green蜡泌物的超微结构及化学成分。结果表明,这2种蜡蚧分泌蜡质和形成蜡壳的过程基本相似。在1、2龄期分泌的蜡质为“干蜡”,蜡壳为星芒状,虫体周缘的蜡芒均为2大节,与其2个龄期发育相对应,每一个大节又分为若干小节。同时,虫体背面中央蜡质堆积成帽状,也分为均匀的多层。由此说明泌蜡过程具有节律性。虫体周缘与蜡芒对应的突起区上分布着密集的刻点状腺孔,每一个腺孔分泌1根蜡丝,这在以往玻片标本中是观察不到的。雌性第3龄幼虫和成虫期,虫体分泌“湿蜡”,形成龟背状蜡壳,泌蜡腺孔主要为三格腺和四格腺。在肛突区发现了密集的泌蜡腺孔,排列为纵条纹状。从角蜡蚧蜡泌物甲酯化处理样品中检测到14个组分,从直接测试 (未经甲酯化处理) 样品中检测到14个组分;而从日本龟蜡蚧则分别检测到10个组分和25个组分。它们的主要成分是一系列高级的长链饱和与不饱和的烃、脂肪酸、脂肪醇、酯类、醛类以及杂环、多环或大环状化合物。对它们可能的生物生态学功能进行了讨论。  相似文献   

朝鲜毛球蚧蜡泌物的超微形态与红外光谱特征   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
谢映平  郑乐怡 《昆虫学报》2002,45(3):329-335
采用扫描电镜和红外光谱技术研究了朝鲜毛球蚧Didesmococcus koreanus在不同发育阶段蜡泌物的超微形态和化学成分。结果发现:该虫在低龄期的蜡泌物的形态是长丝状,到3龄和成虫期是由湿蜡凝结成不同大小的颗粒,块状和片状。雄虫蜡壳是薄蜡片构成,表面呈鱼鳞状凹凸。低龄期若虫蜡泌物的红外光谱特征与雌成虫的十分相似,说明二者所含的主要化学成分是相同的,雄虫和低龄若虫及雌成虫蜡壳萃取物的红外光谱的吸收峰型基本一致,但在1 240.7 cm-1处出现一个中等强度的特征峰,这充分说明3种蜡泌物的有机化合物种类和结构一致,只是雄虫分泌物与另二者比较具有特征官能团,从而,利用该吸收峰可以区别出雄虫。此外,根据红外光谱特征分析,可以知道该虫蜡泌物的化学成分主要为长链脂肪酸、脂肪醇和一些带芳香环的化合物。  相似文献   

In this paper, the wax secretions and wax glands of Matsucoccus matsumurae (Kuwana) at different instars were investigated using light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The first and second instar nymphs were found to secrete wax filaments via the wax glands located in the atrium of the abdominal spiracles, which have a center open and a series of outer ring pores. The wax gland of the abdominal spiracle possesses a large central wax reservoir and several wax-secreting cells. Third-instar male nymphs secreted long and translucent wax filaments from monolocular, biolocular, trilocular and quadrilocular pores to form twine into cocoons. The adult male secreted long and straight wax filaments in bundles from a group of 18–19 wax-secreting tubular ducts on the abdominal segment VII. Each tube duct contained five or six wax pores. The adult female has dorsal cicatrices distributed in rows, many biolocular tubular ducts and multilocular disc pores with 8–12 loculi secreting wax filaments that form the egg sac, and a rare type wax pores with 10 loculi secreting 10 straight, hollow wax filaments. The ultrastructure and cytological characteristics of the wax glands include wax-secreting cells with a large nucleus, multiple mitochondria and several rough endoplasmic reticulum. The functions of the wax glands and wax secretions are discussed.  相似文献   

埃及吹绵蚧Icerya aegyptiaca (Douglas)与捷氏吹绵蚧I. jacobsoni Green隶属半翅目绵蚧科Monophlebidae吹绵蚧属Icerya,是我国南方常见害虫。因二者在各发育阶段均覆盖蜡质分泌物,形态上难以区分,常被混淆。本文通过对这2种蚧虫的寄主植物、活虫体形态特征、玻片标本的显微形态特征等方面进行详细比较,以期为这2种害虫的准确鉴定和监测防控提供依据。  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(2):546-553
Droschia stebbingii (Green) belonging to the family Monophlebidae (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) is a serious, phytophagous and dimorphic pest. D. stebbingii and D. mangiferae (Green) with sixty-two common hosts and minor morphological variations pose problems towards their taxonomic identification. Light and scanning electron microscopy were used to outline the ultrastructural details of cuticular wax producing structures of D. stebbingii. Three types of wax-pores along with tubular duct were observed on the head, thorax and abdomen. Quinquelocular and multilocular disc-pores exhibited variations in the central loculus with single and double opening. Short curly wax strands were secreted from the outer loculi whereas central loculus secreted long tubular strands. Additionally, bilocular pores secreting curly wax were observed having two large loculi separated by a septum. GC–MS analysis of cuticular wax indicated the presence of hydrocarbons and wax esters forming majority of the covering along with long chain alcohols, ketones and acids. Variations in the percentage of hydrocarbon and wax esters content were observed for two populations of D. stebbingii collected from different hosts. Hydrocarbons were abundant in populations collected on Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre whereas long chain esters dominated the wax profile for the population collected from Tectona grandis L.f. Compositional variations in the cuticular wax of D. stebbingii on different host along with knowledge on the ultrastructural wax pores and waxy secretion would provide an insight to the existing knowledge of this scale insect.  相似文献   

The nymphs and pupae of the giant whitefly, Aleurodicus dugesii, produce large quantities of external lipids, both as waxy particles and as waxy filaments. The nymphs and pupae extrude filaments from two dorsal rows of five pores each. Filaments can attain lengths of 5-8 cm. The external lipids of nymphs and pupae consist largely of long-chain aldehydes, alcohols, acetate esters and wax esters. Hydrocarbons are minor components. Soon after hatching, the nymph produced an unidentified waxy fringe extruded laterally from its margin. After molting to the second instar, long, hollow, waxy filaments were produced by the immature stages. The major lipid class associated with the filaments was saturated wax esters (89%), mainly C44, C46 and C60. Associated with formation of the filaments were waxy particles in the shape of curls, which peeled off of the extruding filaments. Similar but more tubular-shaped curls were also produced by numerous lateral pores so that, eventually, the curls completely camouflaged the nymph. The major lipid class of the curls was wax esters (50%), mainly C44 and C46. The cuticular surface lipids of the nymphs were mainly long-chain aldehydes (43%) and wax esters (27%). Unsaturated fatty acid moieties constituted 2 and 19% of the wax esters of curls and nymph cuticular surface lipids, respectively. The major lipid classes of pupae and of their palisade were long-chain aldehydes and alcohols. No unsaturated wax esters were detected in the filaments, but 30% of pupal and 21% of palisade surface wax esters were unsaturated in their fatty acid moieties, 16:1, 18:1 and 20:1.  相似文献   

Zhang YF  Xie YP  Xue JL  Fu XH  Liu WM 《动物学研究》2012,33(3):e13-e17
Using scanning electron microscopy and optical microscopy,we studied the structure of the integument and wax glands of the mealybug,Phenacoccus fraxinus Tang(Hemiptera:Coccoidea:Pseudococcidae).We observed the ultrastructure of four wax pores including trilocular,quinquelocular,and multilocular pores as well as tubular ducts,recording characteristics of their structure,size and distribution.We found that that the integument of the mealybug consists of three main layers-the procuticle,epidermis and basement membrane-and four sub-layers of the procuticle-the epicuticle,exocuticle,endocuticle and formation zone.The waxsecreting gland cells were closely arranged in epidermis.All of them were complex and composed of one central cell and two or more lateral cells.These complex cells possess a large common reservoir for collection and storage.Synthesized by the glandular cells,the wax is excreted outside integument through canals.  相似文献   

Cottony-cushion scale ( Icerya purchasi ) infestation on red berried mistletoe ( Viscum cruciatum ) is reported for the first time. Mistletoe is a hemiparasitic plant that was parasitizing stems of olive trees; however, I. purchasi infested only the mistletoe and not the olive. Economic implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. . Wax production in the grass-feeding eriophyid Abacarus hystrix (Nalepa) is seasonally variable; enlarged lateral and dorsal bands of wax filaments develop in adults of summer generations. Wax filaments increase the total surface area of summer-generation mites, without a concomitant increase in cuticular surface-to-volume ratio. Genetic and environmental interactions in changes in the rate of wax production were examined. High temperatures, but not changes in photoperiod, were found to stimulate increased rates of wax production. The degree of wax filamentation was independent of the genetic origin of mites, hence filaments are polyphenic, rather than polymorphic, in origin. The role of wax filaments in the regulation of water-loss and in drag maximization were experimentally investigated. The relative survival of waxed and unwaxed mites was compared at various temperature and humidity combinations, and the influence of wax filaments on surface drag was assessed by comparing the slopes of regression lines of cuticular surface area relative to terminal velocity of waxed and unwaxed mites. Significantly greater survival times in waxed compared to unwaxed mites at low relative humidities suggest mat wax filaments have a function in the regulation of water-loss. Significantly lower mean terminal velocities in waxed mites indicated that total drag relative to cuticular surface area was greater in waxed than unwaxed mites, probably as a result of increased skin friction generated by wax filaments. The increased non-cuticular surface area created by wax filaments may be advantageous during summer-migrations of A.hystrix by increasing wind shear stress on the mites at the leaf margin, enhancing buoyancy while air-borne and reducing the rate of desiccation-induced mortality.  相似文献   

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