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West、Brown和Enquist提出的植物分形网络模型(简称WBE模型)认为: 植物的分支指数(1/a, 1/b)决定植物的代谢指数, 当分支指数1/a、1/b分别为理论值2.0、3.0时, 代谢速率与个体大小的3/4次幂成正比, 但是恒定的3/4代谢指数并不能全面地反映植物的代谢情况。基于分支指数的协同变化, Price、Enquist和Savage对WBE模型进行扩展, 提出植物分支参数协同变化模型(简称PES模型)。该文借助于PES模型分析了7种木本植物的分支指数和代谢指数。结果表明: 物种间叶面积与叶生物量呈异速生长关系, 基于叶面积得到的分支指数1/a和代谢指数θ在物种间无显著差异, 基于叶生物量得到的分支指数1/a、1/b和代谢指数θ在物种间均存在显著差异, 但基于叶面积和叶生物量分别拟合出的整体分支指数1/a、1/b和代谢指数θ与理论值均无显著差异, 且用叶面积作为代谢速率的替代指标比用叶生物量分析得出的代谢指数与理论值更接近。今后研究应当关注植物叶面积与叶生物量的异速生长关系对植物代谢速率及相关功能特性的影响。  相似文献   

陈国鹏  赵文智 《生态学杂志》2016,27(6):1870-1876
新陈代谢速率是植物最基本的生物学速率,与地表植被的水碳代谢过程密切相关.表征代谢速率及其替代指标(如叶生物量等)与个体大小间相关生长关系的代谢指数是生态学研究的一个热点,WBE模型论证的3/4恒定代谢指数最为经典,但也饱受争议.本研究以毛乌素沙地南缘沙柳为对象,检验了WBE模型的可用性,揭示代谢指数随丛生枝生长发育的变化规律.结果表明: 基于叶生物量和茎叶生物量估计的沙柳丛生枝代谢指数α为0.97,显著大于WBE模型的恒定指数3/4;分支半径指数1/a和分支长度指数1/b分别为2.67和3.83,均显著大于理论值2.0和3.0.分龄级估计的丛生枝分支半径指数和分支长度指数分别为2.64~3.24和2.86~4.30,各龄级代谢指数的估计值和计算值分别为1.01~1.29和0.94~1.13,龄级差异均不显著.斜率异质性检验表明,不同龄级的丛生枝共有代谢指数估计值1.08和计算值1.00、分支半径指数2.84和分支长度指数3.35,均显著大于理论值.在各龄级丛生枝共有代谢指数1.08下,代谢常数在y轴上的负向漂移幅度随龄级增加而显著增大.尽管枝龄未引起沙柳丛生枝代谢指数的显著变化,但在给定大小的枝条上,大龄枝较低龄枝的代谢活性下降明显.  相似文献   

荒漠草本植物是荒漠生态系统物种多样性的主体, 对其生物量分配及叶片化学计量特征随植物生长的变化规律的研究有助于深入了解荒漠草本植物生存策略和功能特征。该文选择古尔班通古特沙漠4种优势草本(2种短命植物, 2种一年生长营养期植物)为研究对象, 通过野外原位多时段取样, 对比研究了四者生物量分配、叶片N-P化学计量学随植物生长的变化特征, 以及二者之间的关系。结果表明, 在生物量累积过程中, 4种植物根冠比逐渐减小, 地上与地下生物量间的相关生长关系也发生变化, 其中琉苞菊(Hyalea pulchella)和角果藜(Ceratocarpus arenarius)的相关生长指数先增加后减小, 并趋于稳定, 而尖喙牻牛儿苗(Erodium oxyrrhynchum)和沙蓬(Agriophyllum squarrosum)的相关生长指数由小到大并趋于等速生长。琉苞菊叶片N、P含量呈逐渐增长趋势, 而另外3种植物呈下降趋势, 表明所研究的荒漠植物在生长过程中, 叶片N-P化学计量发生改变, 叶片化学计量特征与生物量指标的相关性较弱。  相似文献   

研究植物功能性状随环境梯度的变异和关联格局, 对于认识不同环境梯度下群落构建和植物适应型具有重要意义。该研究以漓江河岸带不同河段植物群落为研究对象, 调查了研究区内36个样方的物种组成, 测量了样方内42种木本植物的叶面积(LA)、比叶面积(SLA)和木材密度(WD)的功能性状值, 并运用性状梯度分析法对3个功能性状进行群落内(α组分)和群落间(β组分)组分分解及相关性分析。结果表明: (1)群落平均LA表现为中游最小且和下游差异显著, 群落平均WD则表现为中上游显著高于下游, 群落平均SLA在两两河段间均差异显著。(2)不同河段的3个植物功能性状β组分差异显著且实际观测值均小于随机模拟的零模型分布, 但α组分在河岸带不同河段均差异不显著且3个功 能性状的α组分分布范围均小于β组分, 说明在河岸带不同河段的群落构建过程中环境筛选的作用要大于群落内种间的相互作用。(3)性状SLALA在群落间和群落内呈现出实际观测和随机模拟的相关性均较低, 暗示了LASLA各自代表了植物在不同生态策略上的维度; 但SLAWD实际观测值和随机模拟值呈现出较强的负相关关系, 暗示这2个性状对于环境筛选表现出较高的整体趋同适应性, 体现了植物功能性状对群落间环境变异的依赖性大于群落内种间相互作用的依赖性。  相似文献   

研究植物功能性状变异以及不同性状之间的关系, 有助于了解植物对环境的适应策略, 对揭示群落构建和生物多样性维持机制具有重要意义。本研究以桂林岩溶石山青冈群落18种主要木本植物为研究对象, 采用单因素方差分析、混合线性模型以及Pearson相关分析和主成分分析等方法探讨了不同生长型和生活型物种的9个枝、叶功能性状(叶绿素含量、叶片厚度、叶面积、叶干质量、比叶面积、叶干物质含量、叶组织密度、小枝干物质含量和小枝组织密度)的变异与关联。结果表明: (1) 9个功能性状的变异程度不同, 叶面积和叶干质量的种内和种间变异系数最大, 小枝干物质含量和小枝组织密度的种内和种间变异系数最小。(2)在生长型水平上, 乔木、灌木和木质藤本的绝大部分功能性状差异显著。(3)对于不同生活型植物, 除叶面积和比叶面积为落叶植物显著大于常绿植物外, 其余7个功能性状皆为常绿植物显著大于落叶植物。(4)不同生长型和生活型植物功能性状的种内和种间变异大小存在差异, 除部分植物功能性状在一些功能型上表现为种内变异高于种间变异, 其余功能性状的种间变异皆高于种内变异。(5)各功能性状之间关系在个体水平和物种水平大致相同, 但是个体水平上的显著相关比例高于物种水平。研究发现, 植物功能性状的种间变异基本高于种内变异, 但种内变异不容忽略。此外, 不同生长型和生活型物种采取不同的生态策略来适应喀斯特生境。今后的研究应基于个体水平采样并结合环境因子从生长型和生活型等不同功能型角度上深入探究植物功能性状在种内和种间等不同尺度上的变异与关联。  相似文献   

WBE 模型及其在生态学中的应用:研究概述   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
李妍  李海涛  金冬梅  孙书存 《生态学报》2007,27(7):3018-3031
介绍了WBE模型,综述了该模型在生态学中的应用进展。WBE模型,以及以该模型为基础的MTE模型,假设生物体为自相似分形网络结构,提出代谢速率和个体大小之间存在3/4指数关系,分别预测了从个体到生物圈多个尺度上的生物属性之间的异速生长关系,而且部分得到了验证。WBE模型的应用涵盖了个体组织生物量、年生长率,种群密度和生态系统单位面积产量、能量流动率等多个方面;即使在生物圈大尺度上,WBE模型也可用来预测试验中无法直接测量的特征变量的属性,如全球碳储量的估算等。至今,关于WBE和MTE模型仍然存在各种褒贬争论,讨论焦点主要集中于模型建立的前提假设以及权度指数的预测。今后的研究工作应规范试验技术和方法,考虑物种多样性和环境等因素的影响,提出符合各类生物的模型结构体系,使其具有更广泛的应用性和预测性。  相似文献   

植物代谢速率与个体生物量关系研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
植物的各项生理生态功能(例如,呼吸、生长和繁殖)都与个体生物量成异速生长关系。West, Brown及Enquist基于分形网络结构理论所提出的WBE模型认为:植物的代谢(呼吸)速率正比于个体生物量的3/4次幂。然而,恒定的“3/4异速生长指数”与实测数据、植物生理生态学等研究之间存在矛盾,引发激烈的争论。论文分析了不同回归方法对代谢指数的影响,重点对植物代谢速率与个体生物量异速生长关系研究进展进行了综述,分析并得出了植物代谢指数在小个体时接近1.0,并随着生物量的增加而系统减小,且其密切依赖于氮含量的调控的结论。据此,提出了进一步深入研究植物代谢速率个体生物量关系需要解决的一些科学问题。  相似文献   

Research indicates that increases in total leaf area (A(T)) may fail to keep pace with increases in total leaf mass (M(L)) across plants differing in size (e.g., as measured by stem diameter, D). This "diminishing returns" hypothesis predicts that the scaling exponent for A(T) vs. M(L) will be less than one and that the exponent for specific leaf mass (i.e., A(T) / M(L)) vs. D will be negative. These predictions were examined using data from 46 plants ranging between 0.125 cm ≤ D ≤ 0.485 m across 25 woody dicot species. Standardized major axis slopes were used to quantify scaling exponents and random effects models were used to quantify species and size effects on the numerical values of exponents. The exponents for A(T) vs. M(L) and A(T) / M(L) vs. D differed among species and different species groupings. In general, the exponent for A(T) vs. M(L) was less than one and the exponent for A(T) / M(L) vs. D was negative, as predicted. However, random effects models indicated that species effects overshadowed size effects, although size effects were statistically significant. The diminishing returns hypothesis therefore receives statistical support, i.e., although the numerical values of exponents are "species-dependent," they are less than unity, as predicted by theory.  相似文献   

杨力  王满堂  陈晓萍  孙俊  钟全林  程栋梁 《生态学报》2020,40(21):7745-7754
叶面积与叶生物量的关系对于理解植物叶片的碳收益和投资权衡策略具有重要意义。收益递减假说认为植物的叶面积与叶生物量成显著异速生长关系,其异速生长指数<1.0,但该假说是否适用于不同生活型(常绿与落叶)亚热带木本植物不同冠层高度(上下冠层)当年生小枝的叶片仍不清楚。以江西亚热带常绿阔叶林的69种常绿与落叶木本植物当年生小枝上的叶为研究对象,采用标准化主轴回归估计(standardized major axis estimation,SMA)方法检验不同冠层高度和生活型叶面积与叶生物量的异速生长关系。结果显示:(1)当年生小枝叶生物量在不同冠层高度和生活型的植物中无显著差异(P>0.05),叶面积在常绿和落叶植物中有显著差异(P<0.05),常绿和落叶植物的比叶重存在显著差异(P<0.05),而落叶植物的比叶重在不同冠层高度存在显著差异(P<0.05),同一冠层,常绿植物比叶重显著高于落叶植物(P<0.05);(2)69种植物的叶面积与叶生物量异速生长指数具有物种特异性,60.9%的物种叶面积与叶生物量呈等速生长关系;(3)不同冠层和生活型植物的叶面积与叶生物量呈等速生长关系,但其异速生长常数在不同冠层高度与生活型间存在差异。这些结果表明冠层高度和生活型未改变叶面积-生物量之间的等速生长关系,不支持"收益递减"假说。  相似文献   

Aims Shrub species have evolved specific strategies to regulate biomass allocation among various organs or between above- and belowground biomass and shrub biomass model is an important approach to estimate biomass allocation among different shrub species. This study was designed to establish the optimal estimation models for each organ (leaf, stem, and root), aboveground and total biomass of 14 common shrub species in Mountain Luya, Shanxi Province, China. Furthermore, we explored biomass allocation characteristics of these shrub species by using the index of leaf biomass fraction (leaf to total biomass), stem biomass fraction (stem to total biomass), root biomass fraction (root to total biomass), and root to shoot mass ratio (R/S) (belowground to aboveground biomass).
Methods We used plant height, basal diameter, canopy diameter and their combination as variables to establish the optimal biomass estimation models for each shrub species. In addition, we used the ratios of leaf, stem, root to total biomass, and belowground to aboveground biomass to explore the difference of biomass allocation patterns of 14 shrub species.
Important findings Most of biomass estimation models could be well expressed by the exponential and linear functions. Biomass for shorter shrub species with more stems could be better estimated by canopy area; biomass for taller shrub species with less stems could be better estimated by the sum of the square of total base diameter multiply stem height; and biomass for the rest shrub species could be better estimated by canopy volume. The averaged value for these shrub species was 0.61, 0.17, 0.48, and 0.35 for R/S, leaf biomass fraction, stem biomass fraction, and root biomass fraction, respectively. Except for leaf biomass fraction, R/S, stem biomass fraction, and root biomass fraction for shrubs with thorn was significantly greater than that for shrubs without thorn.  相似文献   

Scaling, as the translation of information across spatial, temporal, and organizational scales, is essential to predictions and understanding in all sciences and has become a central issue in ecology. A large body of theoretical and empirical evidence concerning allometric scaling in terrestrial individual plants and plant communities has been constructed around the fractal volume-filling theory of West, Brown, and Enquist (the WBE model). One of the most thought-provoking findings has been that the metabolic rates of plants, like those of animals, scale with their size as a 3/4 power law. The earliest, single most-important study cited in support of the application of the WBE model to terrestrial plants claims that whole-plant resource use in terrestrial plants scales as the 3/4 power of total mass, as predicted by the WBE model.However, in the present study we show that empirical data actually do not support such a claim. More recent studies cited as evidence for 3/4 scaling also suffer from several statistical and data-related problems. Using a forest biomass dataset including 1 266 plots of 17 main forest types across China, we explored the scaling exponents between tree productivity and tree mass and found no universal value across forest stands. We conclude that there is not sufficient evidence to support the existence of a single constant scaling exponent for the metabolism-biomass relationship for terrestrial plants.  相似文献   

Aims How alien invasive plants and co-occurring native plants utilize nutrients is one of major issues in invasion ecology. Foliar nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) contents and stoichiometry can elucidate the uptake ability and limitation status of nutrients in plants, which provides basic knowledge for understanding the invading ability and co-occurrence or disappearance of plants.
Methods Based on typical alien invasive plants (Chromolaena odorata, Ageratina adenophora) and native plants in southwestern China, this study focused on strategies of N and P utilization among invasive plants and native plants under different invasion conditions. The species compositions, aboveground biomass, leaf N and P contents and leaf N:P were investigated for plants in plots with no invasion and with different invasion extents (estimated by the plot-based percentage of invaders’ biomass in total community) at Mt. Kongming in Xishuangbanna region, Yunnan Province, China.
Important findings The species number decreased significantly with the invasion extent of both C. odorata and A. adenophora, although the aboveground biomass was greatly enhanced. Leaf N and P contents did not differ between the two studied invaders, but they showed significantly higher N and P levels than both co-occurring and only native species (p < 0.05). Besides, leaf N and P contents of invaders increased with the invasion extent, and leaf N of native plants also showed an increasing trend with the invasion extent. When the influence of invasion was checked for the same species, leaf P contents decreased, whereas leaf N and N:P increased for most native plants under invasion. Based on the absolute foliar N and P contents, N:P values, we inferred that native plants were still limited by N, although N availability might be enhanced by invasion. Both invasive plants had leaf N:P values lower than 10, suggesting a higher P uptake relative to N uptake. All above results highlighted a higher N and P uptake of typical alien invasive plants in southwestern China.  相似文献   

Lack of Evidence for 3/4 Scaling of Metabolism in Terrestrial Plants   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Scaling, as the translation of information across spatial, temporal, and organizational scales, is essential to predictions and understanding in all sciences and has become a central issue in ecology. A large body of theoretical and empirical evidence concerning allometric scaling in terrestrial individual plants and plant communities has been constructed around the fractal volume-filling theory of West, Brown, and Enquist (the WBE model). One of the most thought-provoking findings has been that the metabolic rates of plants, like those of animals, scale with their size as a 3/4 power law. The earliest, single most-important study cited in support of the application of the WBE model to terrestrial plants claims that whole-plant resource use in terrestrial plants scales as the 3/4 power of total mass, as predicted by the WBE model. However, in the present study we show that empirical data actually do not support such a claim. More recent studies cited as evidence for 3/4 scaling also suffer from several statistical and data-related problems. Using a forest biomass dataset including 1 266 plots of 17 main forest types across China, we explored the scaling exponents between tree productivity and tree mass and found no universal value across forest stands. We conclude that there is not sufficient evidence to support the existence of a single constant scaling exponent for the metabolism-biomass relationship for terrestrial plants.  相似文献   

探究地形变化对不同生活型植物叶功能性状的影响有助于深入理解森林群落物种组成的维持特征。该研究以湖北星斗山常绿落叶阔叶混交林为研究对象, 测量了50个样地中224种木本植物的叶面积、叶厚度、叶干质量、叶干物质含量和比叶面积, 运用单因素方差分析揭示了乔木、灌木和木质藤本的叶功能性状变异特征, 并采用偏曼特尔检验分别从群落水平和物种水平分析了地形变化对不同生活型木本植物叶功能性状的影响。研究发现: 不同生活型植物叶性状变异系数分布范围为23.42%-110.45%; 不同生活型之间的植物叶功能性状差异明显。群落水平上, 海拔与乔木叶干质量、灌木叶面积和木质藤本叶厚度显著正相关, 坡度仅对灌木和木质藤本比叶面积具有显著影响, 坡向与灌木叶厚度、叶干质量和比叶面积显著正相关。物种水平上, 海拔比坡度和坡向对植物叶功能性状影响更为显著, 且不同物种对地形变化的敏感度不一致; 在控制空间结构影响后, 地形因子对植物叶功能性状的影响降低。该研究结果表明, 不同生活型植物的叶功能性状对地形变化的响应格局不同, 这可能是星斗山常绿落叶阔叶混交林植物多样性的主要维持机制。  相似文献   

叶片性状-环境关系对于预测气候变化对植物的影响至关重要。该研究以青藏高原东缘常见阔叶木本植物为研究对象, 从47个样点采集了332个物种共666个种群的叶片, 测量了15个叶片性状, 调查了该区域木本植物叶片性状的变异程度, 并从种内和种间水平探讨了叶片性状对环境的响应及适应策略。结果表明, 反眏叶片大小的性状均具有较高的变异, 其中, 叶片面积是变异程度最大的性状。除气孔密度外, 大多数叶片性状与海拔显著相关。气候是叶片性状变异的重要驱动因素, 3.3%-29.5%的叶片性状变异由气候因子组合解释。其中, 气温对叶片性状变异解释度最高, 日照时间能解释大部分叶片性状的变异, 而降水量对叶片性状变异的解释度相对较小。与环境(海拔和气候因子)显著相关的叶片性状在种内明显少于种间水平, 可能是植物性状之间的协同变化与权衡使种内性状变异比较小, 从而减弱了种内叶片性状与环境因子的相关性。研究结果总体表明,叶片性状与木本植物对环境的适应策略密切相关, 植物通过选择小而厚的叶片和较短的叶柄以适应高海拔的 环境。  相似文献   

The functional association between body size and metabolic rate (BS-MR) is one of the most intriguing issues in ecological physiology. An average scaling exponent of 3/4 is broadly observed across animal and plant taxa. The numerical value of 3/4 is theoretically predicted under the optimized version of West, Brown, and Enquist's vascular resource supply network model. Insects, however, have recently been proposed to express a numerically different scaling exponent and thus application of the WBE network model to insects has been rejected. Here, we re-analyze whether such variation is indeed supported by a global deviation across all insect taxa at the order and family levels to assess if specific taxa influence insect metabolic scaling. We show that a previous reported deviation is largely due to the effect of a single insect family (Termitidae). We conclude that the BS-MR relationship in insects broadly supports the core predictions of the WBE model. We suggest that the deviation observed within the termites warrants further investigation and may be due to either difficulty in accurately measuring termite metabolism and/or particularities of their life history. Future work on allometric scaling should assess the nature of variation around the central tendencies in scaling exponents in order to test if this variation is consistent with core assumptions and predictions of the WBE model that stem by relaxing its secondary optimizing assumptions that lead to the 3/4 exponent.  相似文献   

植物叶片性状随叶龄的变化是植物生活史策略的体现, 反映了植物叶片的物质投资和分配方式。该研究通过在个体和物种2个水平, 比较浙江天童1 hm 2样地内常绿阔叶树种的平均叶面积(MLA)、比叶面积(SLA)和叶片干物质含量(LDMC)在当年生和往年生叶片间的差异和关联, 探究叶片物质分配策略在异龄叶间的变化, 并分析叶龄对植物叶片性状, 特别是叶片面积建成消耗的影响。结果显示: 1)在个体和物种水平上, MLA变异系数最大(个体: 79.5%; 物种: 66.5%), SLA次之(个体: 28.1%; 物种: 24.7%), LDMC较低(个体: 17.0%, 物种: 14.1%); 当年生叶片MLA、LDMCSLA的变异系数均高于往年生叶片; 2)往年生叶MLA显著大于当年生叶(t = -38.53, p < 0.001), 往年生叶SLA显著小于当年生叶(t = 45.30, p < 0.001), 往年生叶LDMC显著大于当年生叶(t = -9.71, p < 0.001); 3)在个体水平, 当年生叶片MLA、SLALDMC值分别解释了往年生叶片MLA、SLALDMC变异的86%、48%和41%; 在物种水平, 当年生叶片MLA、SLALDMC值分别解释了往年生叶片MLA、SLALDMC变异的97%、83%和85%; 4) SLA在异龄叶间的变化表明, 与往年生叶片相比, 投资相同干物质, 当年生叶片可形成较大的叶面积, 其叶片面积建成消耗较小。研究认为, 植物叶性状在异龄叶间具有较大的变异性和关联性, 叶面积形成过程中生物量建成与消耗的协调可能影响植物叶片的发育。  相似文献   

Aims Branches and leaves are the two main structural units of tree crown composition. Among the adaptive strategies of plants, the functional traits of branches and the relationships between branch traits and leaf traits determine the capacity of trees to access light and space. In this study, our objective is to test the hypothesis that leaf display efficiency is affected by the stem length to stem slender ratio within current-year twigs.Methods The stem length to stem slender ratios of current-year twigs were used as the proxy of stem structure traits. Leaf area ratio (total leaf area per stem mass), leaf density (leaf number per stem length) and leaf/stem mass ratio (total leaf mass per stem mass) were used as the proxies of leaf display efficiency. The relationship between stem structure traits and leaf display efficiency within current-year twigs were studied for 25 evergreen and 60 deciduous broadleaved woody species in Qingliang Mountain, Zhejiang, China. The standardized major axis estimation method was used to examine the scaling relationship between stem structural traits and leaf display efficiency within current-year twigs.Important findings The proxies of leaf display efficiency, measured by leaf area ratio, leaf density or leaf/stem mass ratio, were all significantly and negative correlated with stem length to stem slender ratio within current-year twigs in both evergreen and deciduous broadleaved woody species. This suggested that leaf display efficiency decreased with stem length to stem slender ratios within current-year twigs, which may reflect the role of mechanical safety and light within twigs. The slope of the relationship between leaf display efficiency and stem long-dimension structure traits in evergreen species was not significantly different from the one in deciduous species. In contrast, the y-intercept of the relationship between leaf density and stem long-dimension structure traits was significantly larger in evergreen species than in deciduous species, i.e. the leafing intensity of evergreen species was higher than that of deciduous species. Individual leaf area and specific leaf area were smaller in evergreen species than in deciduous species, which resulted in deciduous species have a larger leaf area per stem mass and leaf mass per stem mass at a given stem length to stem slender ratio compared to evergreen species. It may reflect the conservative adaptive strategy of high consumption and slow benefit in evergreen species. Our results demonstrated that leaf display efficiency could be affected by stem length, and would change with leaf life-span (deciduous versus evergreen).  相似文献   

水淹和土壤养分是影响三峡库区消落带植物生长的主要环境因子。消落带不同高程的植物长期经历不同的淹水强度和土壤养分条件。该研究假设同一物种来自于消落带不同高程的植株可能产生性状分化, 从而对根部淹水和土壤养分变化具有不同的生长和繁殖响应策略。为了验证以上假设, 选取在三峡库区消落带高低高程均广泛分布的物种水蓼(Polygonum hydropiper)为研究对象, 采集自然种群的种子。在温室同质园条件下, 研究了根部水淹和土壤养分提升对高低高程水蓼植株生长和繁殖特性的影响。研究结果表明根部水淹显著或趋于显著降低了水蓼植株功能叶的叶长、叶宽、总分枝数、叶生物量、花生物量和总生物量; 低养分处理显著或趋于显著降低了水蓼植株的总节数、总分枝数、根生物量、花生物量和总生物量, 表明根部水淹和低土壤养分对水蓼的生长和繁殖能力具有抑制作用。同时, 根部水淹和土壤养分的交互作用显著影响植株的根生物量, 表明根部水淹条件下高土壤养分更有利于植株根生物量的积累。高高程植株的根生物量和叶生物量显著或趋于显著高于低高程植株, 而低高程植株的始花时间早于高高程植株, 且繁殖分配也显著高于高高程植株, 表明高低高程水蓼植株对资源的分配策略不同。该研究结果表明水蓼的生长和繁殖特性受根部水淹和土壤养分共同限制, 但对根部水淹条件下高土壤养分生境具有较好的适应性; 同时, 低高程植株可以通过调整其生长和繁殖特性以提高对所处生境胁迫的适应性。  相似文献   

过去几十年来暖春等异常气候事件发生的频次和强度显著增加, 使植物春季物候期发生了明显变化。但异常气候事件对植物春季物候积温需求的影响仍不清楚, 限制了对未来物候变化预测精度的提升。该研究利用西安植物园1963-2018年39种木本植物的展叶始期和相应气象数据, 首先根据3-4月平均气温划分了偏冷年、正常年和偏暖年, 对比了冷暖年相对于正常年的展叶始期变化。其次, 利用3种积温算法计算了各植物逐年的展叶始期积温需求, 比较了积温需求在冷暖年和正常年的差异。最后, 评估了传统积温模型在模拟偏冷或偏暖年展叶始期时的误差。结果表明, 所有植物的展叶始期在偏暖年比正常年平均早8.6天, 而在偏冷年平均晚8.2天。在偏暖年, 大多数物种展叶始期的积温需求(以5 ℃为阈值, 平均257.5度日)显著高于正常年(平均195.1度日); 在偏冷年的积温需求(平均168.0度日)低于正常年, 但在统计上差异不显著。就不同类群而言, 古老类群相对于年轻类群在偏冷年的推迟天数更多, 积温需求变化较小, 但在偏暖年无显著差异。不同生活型间物候与积温需求变化也无显著差异。造成偏暖年积温需求增加的可能原因是偏暖年冬季气温较高, 导致植物受到的冷激程度减轻, 从而抑制了后续的展叶。在正常年, 积温模型模拟木本植物展叶始期的平均误差仅为0.4-1.9天。在偏暖年和偏冷年, 模拟值分别比观测值平均早4.1天和晚3.0天。因此在预测未来物候变化时, 需要考虑气候波动条件下的积温需求变化。  相似文献   

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