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 此项研究工作于1986年5—9月植物生长季节内,在海北高寒草甸生态系统定位站进行。用钴纸法测定了矮嵩草等10种植物的蒸腾强度、垂穗披碱草等3种植物的蒸腾日进程和不同植被覆盖地段的蒸腾—蒸发量,在测定时记录了气温、湿度等有关气象资料,以便分析。研究结果表明:1.矮嵩草等10种植物的蒸腾强度随植物种和所处的物候期而变化,植物生长早期蒸腾强度较低,进入生殖阶段,蒸腾强度明显提高。2.垂穗披碱草等3种植物蒸腾强度日进程呈明显的单峰型曲线,在中午或午后出现峰值,没有午休现象。这同气孔一直开着有关,是矮嵩草草甸植物蒸腾的特征之一。 3.不同植被覆盖地段的蒸腾—蒸发表明,有植被覆盖的地段的蒸腾—蒸发量较裸地的蒸发量为高。  相似文献   

秦岭火地塘林区锐齿栎群落中6种植物光合特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用Li-6400便携式光合测定系统测定了火地塘林区主要成林树种锐齿栎群落中6种植物的光合特性。结果表明:(1)从林冠层到草本层,光合有效辐射强度明显减弱,并且乔木层、灌木层和草本层之间的差异均达到了显著水平(P〈0.05);(2)乔木层锐齿栎的光合速率日变化为“双峰”曲线,表现出明显的“午休”现象,而林下植物灌木层和草本层光合速率日变化整体上呈“单峰”曲线,无“午休”现象;(3)光饱和点和光补偿点均表现为乔木〉灌木〉草本。表明植物光合“午休”现象是由中午高光强、高气温和低湿度引起的。并非某些植物的特性.植物的光合特性与其生境特点相符。  相似文献   

大棚甜瓜蒸腾规律及其影响因子   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究大棚甜瓜的蒸腾规律和影响因子,可以为大棚甜瓜水分优化管理提供理论依据。利用大棚盆栽试验,设定了4个水分梯度,定量分析了大棚甜瓜蒸腾规律及蒸腾量与植株生理特性、气象环境因子、土壤水分含量的关系。结果表明:(1)各水分处理条件下甜瓜蒸腾强度日变化曲线均呈"双峰型",有明显的"午休"现象。(2)甜瓜生理需水系数与叶面积指数、有效积温关系显著,分别呈线性和抛物线函数关系。(3)甜瓜全生育期累计蒸腾量呈现出"慢—快—慢"的变化规律,可以用Logistic函数进行模拟。(4)甜瓜叶面积指数、日平均空气温度、日平均空气相对湿度、日太阳辐射累积、土壤相对含水量均与单株日蒸腾量呈显著性相关关系;甜瓜叶面积指数对蒸腾的综合作用最大,是决策变量;土壤水分含量是限制变量,主要通过对其他因子的影响间接作用于蒸腾。(5)气象环境因子对甜瓜蒸腾量的影响力很大程度上取决于土壤水分含量;气象环境因子与蒸腾量的相关性随土壤水分含量的增大而增大,在土壤相对含水量为70%—80%范围内达到最高值,当土壤含水量接近田间持水量时,与各因子的相关系数逐渐下降。(6)甜瓜水分胁迫指数与土壤相对有效含水量关系显著,二者呈现线性关系。  相似文献   

压力室(PRESSURE CHAMBER)在植物水分状况研究中的应用   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
在土壤,植物,大气连续体中,大气的水势通常远低于植物体的水势。因而使植物叶片水分不断地向周围大气中散失,由此形成土壤—植物—大气的水势下降梯度。在植物体内则也因而形成根—茎—叶的水势下降梯度;从而促使水分得以源源不断地从土壤进入根部,通过根、茎的木质部而运向叶子,再从叶表蒸腾,散失。在蒸腾着的植物中,其导管内的水柱常被牵拉得很紧,承受着巨大的负压。Dixon于1914年最早采用一种较原始的压力室,试图测定蒸腾着的植物的导管中水柱所承受的负压。以后Hains也作了  相似文献   

以乌兰布和沙漠东北部的甘蒙柽柳、沙木蓼、霸王、沙冬青、花棒、白刺、梭梭和柠条8种沙生灌木为材料,对沙生灌木生长季末期的光合生理特性进行了研究。结果表明:(1)8种沙生灌木秋季的气孔导度日变化有明显的峰谷;气孔导度日均值最大的为梭梭(0.71 mol.m-2.s-1),最小的为柠条(0.08 mol.m-2.s-1);(2)8种沙生灌木秋季的光合速率日变化均呈现单峰曲线,影响光合速率变化的因素以非气孔限制因素为主;光合速率峰值出现时间以柠条最早(11:30),甘蒙柽柳和沙木蓼最晚(15:30);光合速率日均值最大的为沙木蓼(7.99μmol.m-2.s-1),最小的为柠条(3.40μmol.m-2.s-1);(3)蒸腾速率的日变化除梭梭和柠条呈现单峰曲线外,其余6种灌木呈现出准双峰曲线或双峰曲线;蒸腾速率日均值最大的为梭梭(4.42 mmol.m-2.s-1),最小的为柠条(0.47mmol.m-2.s-1);气孔运动因素对蒸腾作用的影响占据优势;(4)8种沙生灌木的光合水分利用效率在白昼普遍高于早晚,且以柠条的光合水分利用效率日均值最大(7.18μmol.mmol-1),梭梭最小(1.23μmol.mmol-1);蒸腾速率日均值高的沙生灌木光合水分利用效率日均值低,反之亦然。  相似文献   

几个主要地面因子对草原群落蒸发蒸腾的影响   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
 在中国科学院内蒙古草原生态系统定位研究站,采用“土柱称重法”,观测了几个主要地面因子对草原群落蒸发蒸腾的影响。主要研究结果如下:1.土壤因子的影响:(1)在通常情况下,草原群落蒸发、蒸腾及蒸散均随土壤水分增加而增大;当土壤水分过多时,群落蒸腾由于植物受涝而降低。(2)在低土壤含水量条件下,群落蒸发随土壤粘粒含量增加呈线性降低;在高土壤含水量条件下,群落蒸发随土壤粘粒含量增加而升高。(3)不同土壤含水量的群落蒸发,均随土壤紧实度增大而升高,并先后达最高值。土壤含水量愈低,蒸发达最高值愈滞后。 2.放牧因素的影响:群落蒸腾与牧压呈线性负相关;群落蒸发与牧压呈线性正相关。群落生物量随牧压增大而降低是导致群落蒸发和蒸腾与牧压呈正、负相关的主要原因。 3.退化群落及其恢复群落的蒸发蒸腾:群落退化导致群落蒸发升高,蒸腾降低;相应的群落恢复导致群落蒸发降低,蒸腾升高。在—定程度上,群落退化及其恢复演替虽然能明显改变群落T/E值1),但却不会引起群落蒸散值的明显变化。  相似文献   

关红杰 《生态学报》2023,43(14):5875-5889
植物可利用水分是决定沙生灌木生长的主要因子,生物土壤结皮(简称生物结皮)在降雨期影响降水入渗,而在干旱期改变土壤蒸发,从而影响土壤水分分布,最终可能影响灌木水分吸收。然而,关于不同降水条件下生物结皮对灌木水分吸收和水分胁迫的影响机制认识不清。以油蒿为研究对象,基于试验数据和1990—2019年气象数据,采用数学模拟,定量研究了毛乌素沙地不同降水条件下生物结皮对土壤水分分布和油蒿水分吸收的影响,评价干旱期生物结皮对油蒿水分胁迫的影响。结果表明:与无结皮处理相比,生物结皮处理的土壤蒸发降低了5.1%;生物结皮改善了干旱期的土壤水分条件;生物结皮降低了植物水分胁迫的比例,平均降低比例为8.1%;生物结皮提高了植物水分吸收,平均增加比例为12.8%;生物结皮和对照植物水分吸收的比值随季节降水量的增加而降低,均值为1.13。综上,生物结皮的出现并未消极地影响沙生灌木的水分吸收。研究结果有助于理解生物结皮与灌木的共生或竞争关系。  相似文献   

作者利用Betula pubescens,马铃薯及粮谷类作物,在不同经纬度地区上测定了植物叶子水分在一昼夜中的变化情形,发现它们的变化不大。作者也利用水耕法种植大麦和燕麦,定期的放置它们到1—2℃的冷水浴中,测定了它们的蒸腾强度,发现  相似文献   

采用Mishio和Yokoi(1991)的方法,在水分运转阻力短期内(如几个小时)恒定不变的假设下,研究了田间冬小麦土壤—叶片途径水分运转阻力.结果表明,一天中,当气孔没有“午休”现象或“午休”现象不明显时,冬小麦土壤—叶片途径水分运转阻力在白天保持恒定,到夜晚则明显增大;当气孔“午休”现象较明显时,冬小麦土壤—叶片途径水分运转阻力在气孔“午休”期间和夜晚明显增大,其余时间基本保持恒定.夜间和气孔“午休”期间阻力增大的原因不确定.土壤干旱条件下冬小麦土壤—叶片途径水运转阻力显著大于土壤湿润条件下,表明水运转阻力与植物抗旱性有关.土壤干旱条件下施肥处理冬小麦土壤—叶片途径水运转阻力显著大于不施肥处理,而土壤湿润条件下显著小于不施肥处理,表明施肥对植物具有调节作用,使之更好地适应干旱环境.  相似文献   

对毛乌素沙地沙地柏群落的水分状况作了初步研究,在典型的沙地柏群群落中选取位于丘顶(水分条件较差)和丘间低地(水分条件较好)的两个样地作为研究对象,观测了植物叶子的蒸腾速率,气孔阻力及水势等生理生态指标,并结合群落特征和土壤水分状况,探讨了水分与亏缺对沙地柏的影响。研究结果表明:1)虽然沙地柏具有比多数沙生灌木国小的蒸腾速率和更强的抗旱性,但是在不能利用地下水的情况下,其过大的密度可经起大量蒸腾耗水  相似文献   

The present study aims at characterizing plant water status under field conditions on a daily basis, in order to improve operational predictions of plant water stress. Ohm's law analog serves as a basis for establishing daily soil-plant relationships, using experimental data from a water-limited soybean crop: 227-1. The daily transpiration flux, T, is estimated from experimental evapotranspiration data and simulated soil evaporation values. The difference, 227-2, named the effective potential gradient, is derived from i) the midday leaf potential of the uppermost expanded leaves and ii) an effective soil potential accounting for soil potential profile and an effectiveness factor of roots competing for water uptake. This factor is experimentally estimated from field observation of roots. G is an apparent hydraulic conductance of water flow from the soil to the leaves. The value of the lower potential limit for water extraction, required to assess the effective soil potential, is calculated with respect to the plant using the predawn leaf potential. It is found to be equal to –1.2 MPa. It appears that over the range of soil and climatic conditions experienced, the daily effective potential gradient remains constant (1.2 MPa), implying that, on a daily basis, transpiration only depends on the hydraulic conductance. The authors explain this behaviour by diurnal variation of osmotic potential, relying on Morgan's theory (1984). Possible generalization of the results to other crop species is suggested, providing a framework for reasoning plant water behaviour at a daily time step.  相似文献   

Summary The diurnal course of water potential, stomatal conductance and transpiration was measured on mature umbels (the major evaporating surface) of papyrus (Cyperus papyrus L.) growing in a fringing swamp on Lake Naivasha, Kenya.Umbel water potential declined only slightly during the morning but fell rapidly after midday to a minimum value of-1.5 M Pa in early afternoon. The two main structures forming the umbels, the bracteoles and rays, showed similar patterns of change of stomatal conductance throughout the day. The values of conductance indicate major stomatal opening during the morning, partial midday closure and some recovery of opening during the afternoon.It appears that the increase in water vapour pressure deficit of the air is the major cause of the midday closure of the stomata and that plant water potential has little effect. The reason why transpiration is reduced at high vapour pressure deficits when water is freely available to the roots is not clear. However, it is speculated that the restricted water movement into the plant from the anaerobic root environment has the effect of reducing the uptake of toxic ferrous iron.The daily total of canopy transpiration is estimated to be 12.5 mm, twice the value previously reported for papyrus but similar to daily valus determined for other wetland communities.  相似文献   

基于叶片水势的内蒙古典型草原植物水分适应特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水分是限制草原生态系统植物生存、繁殖和扩散最重要的生态因子,植物通过多样的水分适应策略适应干旱环境。为了解典型草原植物水势特征及其影响因素,在2017年和2018年的生长季对内蒙古典型草原71种植物的叶片黎明水势、午后水势、叶片和根系功能性状进行了测定与分析。结果表明:测定的71种植物叶片的黎明水势分布于-2.67—-0.63 MPa,午后水势分布于-4.67—-1.01 MPa;一年生植物的叶片具有最高的黎明水势、午后水势和最小的水势日差值(叶片的黎明水势与午后水势的差值),多年生禾草的叶片具有最低的黎明水势、午后水势和最大的水势日差值;71种植物对水分的适应策略可分为高水势保持型、低水势忍耐型和变水势波动型;叶片午后水势与叶片干物质含量和根系深度呈极显著的负相关关系(P0.01),但与比叶面积呈极显著的正相关关系(P0.01)。本研究有助于从植物生理学的角度上准确认识典型草原植物的水分适应性及水分生态特征。  相似文献   

应用压力室技术和稳态气孔仪,测定了在北京地区8年生人工油松林,7个气候生态型13个种源的水势值季节变化和蒸腾速率的日变化及季节变化。结果表明,油松各种源一年中,水势值最低的是严冬季节(-19.75巴)和高温干旱期(-14.81巴)。从不同生态型水势值来看,差异明显。无论在严寒的一月还是在高温干旱的六月,东北型水势值最高,其次是西北型,南部型最低。西南型略高于南部型。水势值高低还明显表现与越冬死亡率高低的关系,南部型种源水势值最低,越冬死亡率也最高。各种源蒸腾速率日变化和季节变化有明显的规律,与环境因子(光照、气温、大气湿度) 密切相关。在日变化中呈现早、晚低,中午高的“凸形峰曲线”。随着春季温度升高,在季节变化中,五月份升至第一高峰,而六月高温干旱期,蒸腾速率明显下降,形成一个低谷。雨季以后的8、9月份升至全年最高值,11月秋末冬初又下降至很低。全年呈现一双峰曲线。从各生态型种源蒸腾速率来看,差异是很明显的,以东北型最高,其次是西北型,中部型,中西型居中,西南型,南部型最小。除上述外,从针叶形态解剖特征上来看,各生态型也差别明显,东北型、西北型的针叶短、窄、薄,表皮和皮下组织则较厚,而南部型种源的针叶长、宽、厚,表皮及皮下组织则较薄。这均反映了不同生态型避旱机制的差异。  相似文献   

The present study examines the seasonal and diurnal patterns of water management by plant species inhabiting the wall fissures of the ancient castle of Patras. Their water status (water potential), stomatal behaviour (leaf resistance and transpiration rate) as well as tissue water relations (turgor loss point, osmoregulation capability and cell wall elasticity) were recorded in relation to season, daytime and respective environmental conditions. Despite some minor deviations, all five species exhibited a water spending strategy with high diurnal transpiration rates through seasons, limited only by the generally low light intensities prevailing at the northwest-facing vertical walls. Progressive shortage of water during summer resulted in the reduction of transpiration in four species. Diurnal water losses caused a reduction of water potential until midday or dusk, which further decreased with the progress of the dry period. However, predawn water potential remained high through all seasons. The above finding, together with the high transpiration, was unexpected for species growing in a very hostile environment as far as water supply is regarded. It could be partly explained by the recently found ability of all five species to absorb dew from leaf surfaces. However, such plants should also possess mechanisms to take up water efficiently from a rather dry substrate. Indeed, pressure–volume analysis revealed substantial seasonal changes in osmoregulatory capacity and minor changes in cell wall elasticity of leaf tissue. Both changes facilitate (the mechanism differs) water uptake from the wall-fissure substrate during the dry period. Although the relative contribution of the two mechanisms was different, they both allowed plants to maintain turgor and thus growth throughout their growing season.  相似文献   

CO2 exchange, transpiration and leaf water potential of Welwitschia mirabilis were measured in three contrasting habitats of the Namib desert. From these measurements stomatal conductance, internal CO2concentration and WUE were calculated. In two of the three habitats photosynthetic CO2 uptake decreased and transpiration increased with increasing leaf age while in the third habitat CO2 uptake increased and transpiration decreased with leaf age. Except for the stomata of young leaf sections in this habitat, stomata closed with increasing δw leading to a pronounced midday depression of CO2 uptake. The high stomatal limitation of photosynthetic CO2 uptake of glasshouse-grown plants was verified in the natural habitat. Photosynthetic CO2 uptake saturated between 800 and 1300 μmol photons m?2 s?1depending on leaf age and habitat. CO2 uptake had a broad temperature optimum declining significantly beyond 32 °C. Predawn leaf water potential reflected water availability and atmospheric conditions in the three habitats and ranged from ? 2.5 to ? 6.2 MPa. There was a pronounced diurnal course of leaf water potential in all habitats. During the day a gradient in water potential developed along the leaf axis with the lowest potential at the leaf's tip. With respect to whole plant balances of CO2 exchange and transpiration, there were marked differences between Welwitschias in the three habitats. Despite a negative CO2 balance over a period of five months, leaves in the driest habitat grew constantly at the expense of carbon reserves in the plant. Only at the wettest site did carbon gain exceed carbon demand for growth. The WUE of whole plants was insignificant in all habitats. The results were as contrasting as the habitats and plants and did not allow generalisations about adaptational features of Welwitschia mirabilis.  相似文献   

毛乌素沙地沙地柏(Sabina vulgaris)的水分生态初步研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
对毛乌素沙地沙地柏群落的水分状况作了初步研究。在典型的沙地柏群落中选取位于丘顶(水分条件较差)和丘间低地(水分条件较好)的两个样地作为研究对象,观测了植物叶子的蒸腾速率、气孔阻力及水势等生理生态指标,并结合群落特征和土壤水分状况,探讨了水分亏缺对沙地柏的影响。研究结果表明:1)虽然沙地柏具有比多数沙生灌木较小的蒸腾速率和更强的抗旱性,但是在不能利用地下水的情况下,其过大的密度可引起大量蒸腾耗水,并使植物处于严重的水分亏缺之中;2)在沙地柏群落的退化乃至于成片枯死过程中,水分胁迫是重要的因素之一;3)为了防风固沙,人工栽植沙地柏的适宜地段应选择水分条件较好的沙地(如滩地覆沙),而在高大的沙丘或梁地栽植沙地柏,应该注意规模和密度。  相似文献   

The effect of short-term flooding was examined in 2-year-old apricot trees (Prunus armeniaca cv. Búlida). Six apricot trees of similar appearance were submitted to two treatments: three were irrigated daily, while the others were flooded for a period of 50 h by submerging the pots in plastic water tanks. The trees were removed from the water, drained and then placed in the same conditions as the control plants. A decrease in transpiration in the flooded trees with respect to the control plants was evident. The daily pattern of soil O2 concentration and plant hydraulic resistance followed a similar trend during the flooding. However, this relationship was not maintained throughout the experiment, since the O2 values increased rapidly when the waterlogging ceased, while plant hydraulic resistance only recovered at the end of the experiment when the original root system, damaged by flooded conditions, was replaced with new roots. In flooded trees, the midday leaf water potential decreased progressively from the beginning of flooding, but gradually recovered when the waterlogging ceased. Leaf conductance values of treated plants were slow to recover, reaching values of the control plants 8 days after the leaf water potential had recovered. The close relationship observed during most of the experiment between the leaf water parameters, leaf conductance and plant hydraulic conductance indicate that hydraulic messages are likely to play a dominant role in co-ordinating the observed responses of the shoot.  相似文献   

Plant temperature (Tp) is an important indicator of plant health. To determine the dynamics of plant temperature and self-cooling ability of the plant, we measured Tp in Artemisia ordosica in July, in the Mu Us Desert of Northwest China. Related factors were also monitored to investigate their effects on Tp, including environmental factors, such as air temperature (Ta), relative humidity, wind speed; and physiological factors, such as leaf water potential, sap flow, and water content. The results indicate that: 1) Tp generally changes in conjunction with Ta mainly, and varies with height and among the plant organs. Tp in the young branches is most constant, while it is the most sensitive in the leaves. 2) Correlations between Tp and environmental factors show that Tp is affected mainly by Ta. 3) The self-cooling ability of the plant was effective by midday, with Tp being lower than Ta. 4) Increasing sap flow and leaf water potential showed that transpiration formed part of the mechanism that supported self-cooling. Increased in water conductance and specific heat at midday may be additional factors that contribute to plant cooling ability. Therefore, our results confirmed plant self-cooling ability. The response to high temperatures is regulated by both transpiration speed and an increase in stem water conductance. This study provides quantitative data for plant management in terms of temperature control. Moreover, our findings will assist species selection with taking plant temperature as an index.  相似文献   

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