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不同形态型雄性罗氏沼虾的交配能力   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王春  成永旭 《应用生态学报》2010,21(4):1043-1048
从行为生态学角度,对采自孟加拉国库尔纳专区羌纳县布苏尔河罗氏沼虾原产地池塘种群中3种不同形态型雄虾的繁殖行为及交配能力进行了初步研究.结果表明:社群中蓝螯型(BC)、橙螯型(OC)和小型(SM)雄性罗氏沼虾的交配行为模式没有明显的区别,但BC、OC和SM雄虾在交媾前守卫、交媾及精荚传递和交媾后守卫3个典型行为中投入的时间存在明显差异.BC雄虾交媾前守卫、交媾及精荚传递用时明显比OC、SM雄虾短,而交媾后守卫用时明显比OC 、SM雄虾长.SM雄虾在交媾前守卫和精荚传递上投入的时间最长,而交媾后守卫用时最短.在雌虾体质量为雄虾体质量的80%,且♀∶♂为8∶1性比条件下,BC、OC和SM雄虾在120 h内平均交媾次数分别为4.6、2.2、1.3,BC雄虾具有较强的连续交媾能力.罗氏沼虾的交配能力与其体质量相关,雄、雌虾的体质量相匹配才能保证成功交媾.否则会出现“假交”现象.  相似文献   

日本沼虾行为研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
本文描述了日本沼虾摄食、领域、防御与攻击、清洁及交配行为,并与其它沼虾类、对虾类、虾蛄类等甲壳动物行为进行了比较研究。日本沼虾在水温10℃以上摄食行为活跃,其领域行为明显,防御与攻击行为主要用第2步足。雌虾交配前可能分泌性外激素,雄虾用小触角接收这种激素,从而表现出交配行为。雌虾交配前要进行生殖蜕皮。其交配行为包括试探、守卫、攀爬、拥抱、交配及后守卫等6个连续阶段,在交配阶段排放精荚,持续时间仅2-3s。  相似文献   

动物转基因的方法有很多,但对于许多抱卵孵化的甲壳动物,许多已有的转基因方法不可行或不易操作。在对罗氏沼虾(Macrobrachium rosenbergii)的基因改良过程中,通过精荚微注射(spermatophore-microinjection, SMI),将目的基因直接注射到交配后的雌虾胸部腹面的精荚中,再由精子介导的简便高效的转基因技术,成功地将抗冻蛋白基因导入到罗氏沼虾的胚胎中,获得了16%以上的基因转移率。这一方法的建立,为进一步开展抱卵孵化的甲壳动物的分子遗传和发育生物学的研究以及育种工作的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

罗氏沼虾生物学及人工养殖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗氏沼虾(Macrobrachium rosenbergii)原产印度太平洋区域热带、亚热带地区之淡水、咸淡水水域,以其个体大而闻名于世。我们将春天繁殖的虾苗在池塘中饲养,经5—6个月,一般体长为9—10厘米,体重20—25克。最大个体体长达到15厘米、体重100克以上。据报道,在东南亚一些天然水域里,发现其最大个体中,雄虾体长40厘米,体重600克;雌虾体长25厘米、体重200克。我国台湾省屏东县乌龙溪捕获一尾世界上最大记录的雄虾,体长27.43  相似文献   

青虾产卵周期的观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杞桑 《水生生物学报》1977,1(2):191-196
珠江下游鱼池产的青虾,产卵期为3月初至11月底。繁殖期间抱卵率出现两次高峰。春季出现在4月下旬至5月中旬;秋季出现在9月中旬。但后者不十分明显。5月以前抱卵雌虾的平均体长为36.4±2.3毫米,6月以后的平均体长为24.1±2.2毫米,t=123,p0.01。将抱卵雌虾分为7个体长组,比较了各体长组的抱卵率,个体较大的雌虾抱卵率总是较高。抱卵量(Y)与体长(X)呈指数关系,回归方程为:Y=6.310e0.1151X,F0.05F=1862.5F0.01。    相似文献   

三丁基锡(TBT)对罗氏沼虾的毒性效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将罗氏沼虾(Macrobrachium rosenbergii)幼虾和成虾暴露在不同浓度的三丁基锡(tributyhin,TBT)溶液中,进行急性和慢性毒性实验,通过组织病理学观察研究TBT对罗氏沼虾的毒性效应。结果表明:TBT对罗氏沼虾幼虾和成虾的96h半致死浓度(96h LC50)分别为51和376μg.L-1,安全浓度(SC)分别为5.1和37.6μg.L-1;罗氏沼虾幼虾暴露在浓度分别为1.25、2.5和5μg.L-1的TBT溶液中30d后,其体重和体长均极显著低于对照组(P<0.05);罗氏沼虾成虾暴露在浓度分别为2、8和32μg.L-1的TBT溶液中30d后,生长速度虽未见明显差异,但鳃和肝胰脏组织结构均出现异常;TBT浓度高于8μg.L-1时,处理组鳃上皮细胞肿胀,支持细胞中的细胞核萎缩,鳃血窦中血细胞聚集,肝胰脏细胞肿大,出现空泡化,细胞中出现细小颗粒;TBT浓度达32μg.L-1时,罗氏沼虾肝胰脏细胞空泡化程度严重,细胞核消失,部分细胞解体并出现坏死区;表明一定剂量的TBT对罗氏沼虾的鳃和肝胰脏有明显的毒性效应。  相似文献   

在斑节对虾Penaeus monodon Fabricius(俗称草虾)中,普遍观察到当通过有限制眼柄切除来诱导性腺成熟和产卵时,其孵化率下降。过去,这种繁殖引为降低常归因于受精囊中缺乏精子存在。此外,已发现大多数经眼柄切除的雌虾并未交配。罗氏沼虾Macrobrachiumrosenbergii人工授精获得成功,但其孵化的成功  相似文献   

为获得罗氏沼虾蜕皮激素受体(ecdysone receptor, EcR)基因编码序列,并检测mRNA表达模式。本实验拟利用克隆测序技术,以肝胰腺为实验素材,扩增EcR基因的编码区;借助生物信息学手段对所得序列进行分析;采用实时荧光定量PCR技术检测EcR基因在肌肉和肝胰腺等8个组织中的m RNA表达量。结果表明,罗氏沼虾EcR基因的编码区长度为1 716 bp,共编码571个氨基酸。物种间同源性比较分析发现,罗氏沼虾EcR基因序列与褐虾、黑背陆地蟹、日本沼虾、美洲龙螯虾、大西洋砂招潮蟹、蓝蟹、三疣梭子蟹、中华绒螯蟹和拟穴青蟹的同源性分别为90.7%、84.1%、83%、81%、81%、80.6%、79.8%、77.2%和75.9%。组织表达谱结果显示,EcR基因在所检8种组织中广泛表达,且不同性别相同组织间和相同性别不同组织间EcR的表达均存在不同程度的差异性。其中EcR基因在雄虾的鳃组织中表达量最高,在肌肉组织表达量最低;在雌虾的卵巢组织中高表达,在腹节神经组织中低表达。此外,EcR基因在雌虾的性腺、肠和肝胰腺组织中的表达量极显著或显著高于雄虾(p0.01或p0.05),在鳃组织中极显著低于雄虾(p0.01)。本研究成功克隆了罗氏沼虾的EcR基因,检测到EcR基因在各组织中广泛表达,且在不同性别相同组织和相同性别不同组织中存在显著差异。本实验为进一步研究EcR基因与生长发育调控作用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

对刚孵化后的罗氏沼虾(Macrobrachium rosenbergii)亲虾用高低两个浓度的壬基酚(nonylphenol,NP,100μg/L和0·01μg/L)和雌二醇(estradiol,E2,1μg/L和0·01μg/L)进行浸泡处理,分别于3d和5d对罗氏沼虾肝胰腺和卵巢中卵黄蛋白原(vitellogenin,VTG)基因表达变化进行半定量分析。结果显示,NP和E2能够提高罗氏沼虾肝胰腺和卵巢中卵黄蛋白原VTG基因的表达。100μg/LNP对罗氏沼虾表现出雌激素效应,0·01μg/LNP作用效果不明显;而E2则在1μg/L和0·01μg/L两个浓度下均对罗氏沼虾有较强的雌激素效应。在100μg/LNP作用下,卵巢VTG表达量3d和5d均保持较高水平,无明显下降,其他实验组均是3dVTG基因表达量升高,5d后表达量较3d表达量有所降低。结果表明,与其他动物一样,NP对罗氏沼虾具有内分泌干扰作用。  相似文献   

贵州茂兰泽陆蛙繁殖生态观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用野外定点观测、室内解剖观测和调查访问等方法,于2007年4月~2009年7月观察贵州茂兰地区泽陆蛙的繁殖生态.结果表明,泽陆蛙体色多样,常态型(Ⅰ型)和背纵线型(Ⅱ型)为主要类型.泽陆蛙具有迁移繁殖习性,刚栽上秧苗的稻田为理想求偶场和繁殖场;繁殖盛期在5月中旬~6月下旬.泽陆蛙具有明显性二型现象,雌雄之比为1:1.46(n=257);解剖怀卵量1245.4±480.8枚(n=17), 单粒卵重0.837 mg±0.192 mg(n=14),Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型怀卵量及单粒卵重无显著性差异;为分批次产卵种类,每次产卵量约78枚,每批产卵量约469枚;卵产出后有胶质相连,聚集成一个平面内的卵群,漂浮于水面,动物极灰黑色,植物极灰白色.繁殖行为包括鸣叫求偶、抱对和产卵3个过程;雄蛙集体鸣叫,强制性抱对;鸣叫是雄体相互识别和吸引雌体的关键因素.野外条件下,受精卵孵化期为4~7 d,温度为制约因素;幼体至少需要1周年以上的生长期才能加入繁殖群体.体色多样、体形相对较小、怀卵量大、产卵期长,可能是泽陆蛙成为该地区优势两栖类的主要原因.  相似文献   

The sexual behavior of four troops of wild Japanese monkeys at Jigokudani and at Takasakiyama was observed for about one month during the middle of the breeding season. Sexual behavior was classified into 46 types from the viewpoint of sign behavior, and a catalogue of this was presented. It was shown that there was high correlation between the two most common types of behavior of the male, hindquarters-display and hand-on-back, and subsequent copulation. Seven stages were noticed in the sequence from initial encounter to leave-taking of a consort pair, and these stages were observed in a fairly regular order in the copulatory sequence. There was correlation between male positive attitude toward females and dominance rank order of the male, but was not between copulation and the dominance rank order. Adult females without infant showed and received positive sexual behavior; females who had an infant neither showed nor received the behavior; juvenile females showed but did not receive the behavior. Males showed positive sexual behavior toward females of their own group, but copulation between them was the most scarce due to female refusal.  相似文献   

2005年3~12月,在江西桃红岭自然保护区对华南梅花鹿主雄的社会行为进行了初步研究,记录了主雄等级序位的建立与维持、声音通讯、领域性、争雌打斗、交配和护群等6类社会行为,并对这些行为的生物学意义进行了初步分析.  相似文献   

于2001年3月—2002年1月,采用焦点取样法对甘肃兴隆山自然保护区麝场圈养马麝的刻板行为进行了研究。结果表明:该麝场的圈养马麝有刻板行为的发育,雌麝的刻板行为持续时间少于雄麝,但二者间的差异不显著。野捕马麝幼年期的人工哺乳经历使其刻板行为表达强度相对小于麝场圈养下繁殖马麝。年龄对雌雄麝的刻板行为表达强度的效应相似,亚成体马麝的刻板行为表达较多,成体马麝体的刻板行为表达相对较少,老年马麝刻板行为持续时间最长,2.5和4.5岁是圈养马麝刻板行为发育的关键时期。此外,能顺利繁殖的个体,其刻板行为表达的持续时间少于繁殖失败的个体。  相似文献   

Many sea urchin genera exhibit cryptic covering behaviors. One such behavior has been documented in the sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla, and previous studies have theorized that this behavior serves as protection from UV radiation. However, other hypotheses have been presented such as protection from predators or added weight to help T. gratilla resist strong currents. A field study was conducted in October-November 2015 in Moorea, French Polynesia to assess urchin covering behavior in natural habitats. The study found that urchins partially underneath rocks covered more, and with more algae, than urchins totally underneath rocks. To test if this behavior was driven by light intensity, a series of 30-minute experimental trials were run on 10 individuals in bright and dim conditions. Individuals were given red and clear plastic, and percent cover of each was recorded. These tests were repeated once fifty percent of spines had been removed from the urchin, in order to determine whether spine loss affects T. gratilla covering behavior. The study found that urchins had a distinct preference for cover that best protects them from UV radiation. Spine loss did not significantly affect urchin ability to cover, and urchins with removed spines still preferred opaque cover. Additionally, covering behavior was mapped onto a phylogeny of echinoderms to determine how it might have evolved. Understanding urchin covering behavior more fully is a step towards an understanding of the evolution of cryptic behavior across species.  相似文献   

The role of gonadal hormones in modifying agonistic behavior of female P. leucopus was examined by means of ovariectomy and treatment with estradiol benzoate (EB), progesterone (P), or testosterone propionate (TP). Aggression was lower in diestrous females than in proestrous females, and was eliminated by ovariectomy. Submissive behavior increased following ovariectomy; surgery had no effect on investigative behavior. Administration of EB had no effect on aggressive or submissive behavior, but higher dosages caused an increase in investigative and sexual behavior. Higher dosages of P increased aggression; P had no effect on submissive or investigative behavior. An increase in aggression also resulted from administration of high levels of TP. TP also caused an increase in investigative behavior, and had no effect on submissive behavior. These results may be due to direct effects of the administered hormones on behavior or to indirect effects such as a stimulation of prolactin secretion or alteration of adrenal function.  相似文献   

A field study of baboon behavior as it relates to crop-raiding was conducted on the Kenya Coast. The results proved useful for quantifying the distribution, movement, and other factors of their behavior. Such variables as troop organization, crop season, and the behavior of the farmers influence raiding behavior. Apparently diversionary activities of crop-raiding baboons result from troop distribution along habitat margins between farms and forest and from baboon vigilance behavior.  相似文献   

李鑫  谢亮  徐帆  纪永佳  王韬  谢鹏 《四川动物》2012,31(5):798-802,807
为了从笼养食蟹猴行为时间分配的研究中分析影响行为时间分配的因素并为抑郁模型行为评价选择最佳的时间窗,2011年1月~6月,采用动物焦点观察法对江苏省苏州中科实验动物有限公司的40只笼养食蟹猴的昼间活动规律进行昼间7个时段行为观察.研究发现,笼养食蟹猴昼间7个时段行为时间分配表现为休息最多(68.58%),其次是进食(10.14%)、社会交流(9.92%)、运动(5.57%);争斗和交配较少;社会交流行为持续时间在上午时段( 10:30~11:30)明显高于下午时段(14:30 ~ 16:30)(Z=-4.72,P<0.01);幼崽对母亲猴的行为影响明显,有幼崽组较无幼崽组具有更高的社会行为(Z=-2.86,P<0.01)和运动行为(Z=-6.57,P<0.01);运动行为与年龄呈负相关(rs=-0.357).研究表明幼崽和年龄因素影响食蟹猴7个时段行为时间分配,抑郁模型行为评价宜选择上午时段(10:30 ~11:30).  相似文献   

2002年5~11月对7巢火斑鸠的伴巢行为进行了预观察;2003年4~9月采用所有事件取样法(Alloccurrence recording)和焦点动物取样法(Focal animalsampling)对其3巢的孵卵期和育雏期伴巢行为进行了系统研究。结果表明:其伴巢行为时间长,雌雄差异大。孵卵期内伴巢行为变化小;而育雏期则较复杂,行为特征和时间变化大,根据行为不同可分3个时期:暖雏期、守护期、巢周育雏期。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether rheological properties of the vaginal fluid at the time of insemination could be used as an indicator of potential fertility in dairy cows. Thixotropy and flow behavior were evaluated. Vaginal samples were collected from 347 cows at the time of insemination, within a 12- to 24-h interval after the onset of a natural estrus. Logistic regression analysis showed no significant effects of thixotropy measurements on the pregnancy rate, while flow behavior and the index of consistency (K) had a significant effect. The decrease in the consistency index (K) was related to the increase in the pregnancy rate (odds ratio = 0.99; P = 0.014), and the risk of nonpregnancy was higher (odds ratio = 0.46; P = 0.024) in cows in which vaginal fluid had a Newtonian behavior. Non-Newtonian behavior was recorded in 294 samples (85%) while 53 behaved as Newtonian fluids. For samples from all cows, the mean value of the consistency index was 310 +/- 28.2 milliPascals.second(n) (x +/- SEM) and ranged from 0 to 3881 milliPascals.second(n). In Newtonian samples, the consistency index mean was 2.6 +/- 0.6 milliPascals.second(n) and 367.6 +/- 30.4 milliPascals.second(n) for non-Newtonian samples. Of the 347 cows, 131 (38%) became pregnant. For flow behavior classification, 15 (28.3%) cows in which samples had Newtonian behavior and 116 (39.5%) cows with non-Newtonian samples became pregnant. Therefore, the highest probability of pregnancy was shown by cows in which samples had non-Newtonian behavior and the lowest consistency index values. Our data suggest that flow behavior measurements of the vaginal fluid at the time of insemination may be an indicator of potential fertility in cattle.  相似文献   

The behavior and organization of a group of 33 juvenile rhesus monkeys removed from a single free-ranging group were found to parallel closely intact rhesus social groups. Dominance ranking among the juveniles was 95% predictable from prior knowledge of mothers' ranks. Grooming, sitting close together, sitting touching, and play were found to occur much more frequently between matrilineal kin than expected from random selection of partner. Some estrous behavior was observed, including two instances of peri-menstrual estrus. One lengthy homosexual interaction between two two-year-old females was observed. The basis of much of the behavior and organization shown by the juveniles was found to be the matrilineal kin bonds brought from their natal group.  相似文献   

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