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新疆二叠纪西蒙螈类化石   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文记述了西蒙螈类一新属——乌鲁木齐鲵,这是我国首次发现的完好的迷齿两栖类化石。  相似文献   

四川盆地发现地史上最晚的一件迷齿类化石   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<正> 迷齿类是一类古老的两栖动物.它们曾广泛地生存于世界各大洲、繁盛于石炭纪一二叠纪.三叠纪时趋向衰落.以往,生物学家认为,这类动物到三叠纪末就全部绝灭了.近年,澳大利亚墨尔本拉乔巴大学的 A. Warren教授,报道了在昆士兰南部含铁矿层中发现的迷齿类化石,时代确认为早侏罗世,证实了迷齿类动物曾残存到了侏罗纪.1983年,中国科学院古脊椎动物与古  相似文献   

<正> 1983年中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所新疆考察队在准噶尔盆地东部,克拉麦里地区的恐龙沟和五彩湾两地的石树沟组的中、下部层位中,发现了一些迷齿类化石,包括一些零散的脊椎骨和头骨碎片化石。石树沟组的时代当前一般认为是晚侏罗世的,也有人认为是中侏罗世晚期的。这是我国首次在侏罗纪地层发现迷齿类化  相似文献   

爪鲵骨骼系统的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文运用常规脊椎动物骨骼标本制作技术 ,以岫岩县三家子乡华山地区的爪鲵为材料 ,制作了爪鲵的骨骼标本 ,并对其骨骼系统进行了全面的测量和形态学研究 ,探讨了爪鲵的亲缘关系和进化地位。结果表明 :爪鲵的犁骨齿呈两列短弧形 ,与北鲵属相似 ,但较北鲵属为长 ;爪鲵囟门大 ,舌骨无骨化现象 ,且末端变细 ,可作为爪鲵属是较为进化类群的证据之一 ;爪鲵椎骨为原始的双凹型 ,且具有拟肋骨 ,尾肋较少且短 ,可作为两栖类向爬行类进化的证据之一。  相似文献   

赵尔宓 《四川动物》1994,13(1):162-166
巴鲵幼体的犁骨齿为位于内鼻孔间略呈“八”形的两列,其前端超出内鼻孔甚多。变态过程中.随着犁骨的生长.其上的犁骨齿前部向内侧弯成直角或锐角.因此,巴鲵属具有小鲵科中与众皆不相同的犁骨齿列型式.研究比较了巴鲵属模式种施氏巴鲵与北鲵属模式种中亚北鲵的国内外各数十号标本.包括二者的模式标本.将该二属的属征加以订正.费梁等认为巴鲵属为北鲵属的异名.可能与他们观察北鲵的标本较少(3号)以及误以为北鲵非繁殖期成体“以水栖为主,均有唇褶”所致.  相似文献   

爪鲵骨骼系统的研究(图版Ⅴ)   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
王丽文  赵艳艳  梁传成 《四川动物》2004,23(3):172-177,i004
本文运用常规脊椎动物骨骼标本制作技术,以岫岩县三家子乡华山地区的爪鲵为材料,制作了爪鲵的骨骼标本,并对其骨骼系统进行了全面的测量和形态学研究,探讨了爪鲵的亲缘关系和进化地位。结果表明:爪鲵的犁骨齿呈两列短弧形,与北鲵属相似,但较北鲵属为长;爪鲵囟门大,舌骨无骨化现象,且末端变细,可作为爪鲵属是较为进化类群的证据之一;爪鲵椎骨为原始的双凹型,且具有拟肋骨,尾肋较少且短,可作为两栖类向爬行类进化的证据之一。  相似文献   

中国化石两栖类和有鳞类研究进展:过去15年回顾   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
过去15年中,我国的化石两柄类和有鳞类研究取得了加速进展。共报道了16种两栖类和22种有鳞类,其中15种两栖类和11种有鳞类为新种,包括我国最古老的四足动物宁夏晚泥盆世的潘氏中国螈,湖北中三叠世的大型全椎两栖类宽头远安鲵,东北晚侏罗世/早白垩世的多种滑体两栖类(如无尾类三燕丽蟾和北票中蟾,有尾类奇异热河螈和东方塘螈),华北占近纪的蜥蜴类(如淅川短齿蜥和垣曲响蜥),以及内蒙古晚白垩世的多种蜥蜴类等。部分旧属种被修订,多与热河生物群的种类有关,如细小矢部龙过去依据幼年个体被认为是一种小型细弱的蜥蜴,新材料显示它实为大型强壮的种类。一批新的两栖类和有鳞类重要化石点被发现,如辽宁北票市四合屯、陆家屯和葫芦岛市水口子,河北丰宁县炮仗沟以及内蒙古宁城县道虎沟和乌拉特后旗巴彦满达呼。我国晚侏罗世/早白垩世两栖类和有鳞类对研究滑体两栖类和有鳞类相关类群的起源和早期演化提供了重要信息,但系统发育研究工作尚处于初级阶段。  相似文献   

巴鲵属犁骨齿列形态的研究及其与北鲵属属征的订正   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
巴鲵幼体的犁骨齿为位于内鼻孔间略呈“八”形的两列,其前端超出内鼻孔甚多;变态过程中,随着犁骨的生长,其上的犁骨齿前部向内侧弯成直角或锐角。因此,巴鲵属具有小鲵科中与众皆不相同的犁骨齿列型式。研究比较了巴鲵属模式种施氏巴鲵与北鲵属模式种中亚北鲵的国内外各数十号标本,包括二者的模式标本,将该二属的属征加以订正。费梁等认为巴鲵属为北鲵属的异名,可能与他们观察北鲵的标本较少(3号)以及误以为北鲵非繁殖期成体“以水栖为主,均有唇褶”所致。  相似文献   

为明确浙江近海鲵属鱼类物种组成, 对采自舟山和温州近海共计411尾鲵鱼样品进行形态学测定, 并基于线粒体细胞色素氧化酶Ⅰ亚基(COⅠ)基因片段探讨其序列差异及系统发育关系。结果显示: 浙江近海的鲵属鱼类为少鳞鲵和中国鲵, 两种鲵鱼形态特征鲜明, 鱼鳔形态差异明显。所测得的少鳞鲵和中国鲵COⅠ基因片段长度均为600 bp, 平均GC含量分别为46.6%和49.9%。依据Kimura-2-parameter模型(K2P), 少鳞鲵和中国鲵的种内平均遗传距离分别为0.002和0.000, 两种间平均遗传距离为0.211。采用邻接法构建的系统发育树显示, 中国鲵先和邵氏鲵聚为一支, 然后与少鳞鲵聚为一支, 再与其他鲵属鱼类聚类。研究结果明确了浙江沿海鲵属鱼类的物种组成, 并为探讨少鳞鲵和中国鲵的系统发育关系及基于COⅠ基因的鲵属鱼类物种鉴定提供了参考。  相似文献   

小鲵科为亚洲特有的有尾两栖动物,是现生有尾目10科中第三大科.中国是小鲵科动物属、种分布的主要区域,且研究其分类历史较久,学者较多,故导致学术观点差异较大.本文对中国小鲵科分类地位发生变更的部分属(巴鲵属Liua、拟小鲵属Pseudohynobius、肥鲵属Pachyhynobius)、种(秦巴巴鲵L. tsinpaensis、满洲小鲵Hynobius mantchuricus、豫南小鲵H. yunanicus、弱唇褶山溪鲵Batrachuperus cochranae和太白山溪鲵B. taibaiensis)的变更历史进行回顾,旨在为小鲵科动物的分类提供一个清晰的背景知识.  相似文献   

似卞氏兽(三列齿类爬行动物)新材料   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文记述了四川下沙溪庙组发现的三列齿类新材料,归入似卞氏兽属,建立—新种,自贡种.新材料首次揭示了该类动物的鼻腔构造.  相似文献   

The genus Ctemogenys was originally described as a lizard on the basis of isolated jaw fragments from the Upper Jurassic deposits of Como Bluff, Wyoming. The discovery of new material from a Middle Jurassic locality at Kirtlington, Oxfordshire, showed that Cteniogenys was not a lizard, but an early choristodere. The skull is represented by a collection of isolated bones, associated on the basis of fit and dermal sculpture pattern. The bones are here described and compared with those of the Late Cretaceous and Palaeocene choristoderes Champsosaurus and Simoedosaurus. Allowing for the much smaller size of the Middle Jurassic form, there is a close correspondence between the isolated bones of the three genera. Comparison with known choristoderes, based on an analysis of 53 derived character states, suggests that Ctemogenys is the most primitive of known genera. In general, the character states shared by all choristoderes support recent analyses which conclude that choristoderes arc derived from archosauromorph diapsids, not lepidosauromorphs as once thought. At Kirtlington, Cteniogenys forms part of a diverse microvertebrate assemblage including amiids, sharks, frogs, salamanders, lizards, mammals, crocodiles, pterosaurs, turtles and small dinosaurs.  相似文献   

Shunosaurus, from the Middle Jurassic of China, is probably the best‐known basal sauropod and is represented by several complete skeletons. It is unique among sauropods in having a small, bony club at the end of its tail. New skull material provides critical information about its anatomy, brain morphology, tooth replacement pattern, feeding habits and phylogenetic relationships. The skull is akinetic and monimostylic. The brain is relatively small, narrow and primitively designed. The tooth replacement pattern exhibits back to front replacement waves in alternating tooth position. The teeth are spatulate, stout and show well‐developed wear facets indicative of coarser plant food. Upper and lower tooth rows interdigitate and shear past each other. Tooth morphology, skull architecture, and neck posture indicate that Shunosaurus was adapted to ground feeding or low browsing. Shunosaurus exhibits the following cranial autapomorphies: emargination of the ventral margin of the jugal/quadratojugal bar behind the tooth row; postorbital contains a lateral pit; vomers do not participate in the formation of the choanae; pterygoid is extremely slender and small with a dorsal fossa; quadrate ramus of the pterygoid is forked; quadratojugal participates in the jaw articulation; tooth morphology is a combination of cylindrical and spatulate form; basipterygoid process is not wrapped by the caudal process of the pterygoid; trochlear nerve has two exits; occlusal level of the maxillary tooth row is convex downward, whereas that of the dentary is concave upward, acting like a pair of garden shears; dentary tooth count is 25 or more; and the replacing teeth invade the labial side of the functional teeth. Cranial characters among the basal sauropods are reviewed. As Shunosaurus is the earliest sauropod for which cranial remains are known, it occupies an important position phylogenetically, showing the modification of skull morphology from the prosauropod condition. Although the skull synapomorphies of Sauropoda are unknown at present, 27 cranial synapomorphies are known for the clade Eusauropoda. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2002, 136 , 145?169.  相似文献   

A partial skull from the Lower Keuper (Middle Triassic) of Germany is recognized as belonging to a new genus and species of plagiosaurid temnospondyl. It is readily identified by the following autapomorphies: (1) extremely large orbits medially extended to give very thin interorbital region and cheek; (2) posterior skull table abbreviated, with splint‐like supratemporals, postparietals and parietals; (3) supraorbital lateral line sulcus absent on frontal, with blind ending on parietal, and continued at the anterior margin of the postorbital; (4) occiput sloping posteriorly, with subtympanic fossa exposed in ventral view; (5) cultriform process and basicranial suture extremely narrow; (6) mandibular and maxillary teeth very long with crowns markedly curved inwards. The new taxon shares the following derived character states with Plagiosternum: (1) the pentagonal shape of orbits; (2) the slender interorbital region and cultriform process; (3) the small‐scale, polygonal pit‐and‐ridge ornament on posterior skull table, with single prominent tubercles rising from ridges. Phylogenetic analysis finds plagiosaurids to be monophyletic within a broad range of temnospondyls, nesting within a clade of short‐skulled stereospondyls. Plagio‐suchus is the most basal plagiosaurid, and Plagiosternum forms the sister group to the new taxon. The biological significance of the large orbits of plagiosaurids and their relationships to the eyeballs is discussed. The only type of eyeball that would be feasible for all known plagiosaurids would be a small spherical structure possibly situated near the anterior edge of the orbit. For those plagiosaurs with extremely large shallow orbits like Plagiosternum and Megalophthalma, a possible adaptation would be a lens‐less eye comprising a flat retinal plate across the entire orbit.  相似文献   

The Middle Jurassic (Late Bathonian) Mammal Bed at Kirtlington, Oxfordshire, has yielded a rich assemblage of small vertebrates including mammals, frogs, salamanders and small reptiles. This paper describes the skull of a new diapsid reptile, Marmorelta oxoniensis, which was common within the fauna. The skull is gracile with large orbits and relatively long external nares. The frontals and parietals are single in the adult and almost separated on the roof of the skull by the postfrontals. The temporal region shows a mosaic of primitive and derived character states. The quadrate was firmly held to the skull by a large squamosal and a small, free, quadratojugal was retained. However, reduction of the anterior process of the quadratojugal and of the posterior process of the jugal left the lower temporal fenestra broadly open. Comparison with other diapsids leads to the conclusion that Marmoretta was a lepidosauromorph, most probably the sister taxon of Lepidosauria.  相似文献   

A new species of an atoposaurid crocodilian, Theriosuchus guimarotae, is described from the Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) of Portugal. Theriosuchus guimarotae can be distinguished from other species of Theriosuchus by a lateral surface of squamosal bevelled ventrally; a rounded, caudally projecting and dorsally sculptured caudolateral corner of the squamosal; a premaxillomaxillary suture aligned caudomedially in dorsal aspect; a minimum space between the supratemporal foramina that comprises one third of the total width of the cranial table; a minimum width of the frontal between the orbits that comprises one third of the maximum width of the skull at the orbits; a dentition that comprises only pseudocaniniform and lanceolate-shaped teeth; the presence of an external mandibular fenestra and all vertebral bodies amphicoelous. Its osteology also sheds light on the diagnosis of Theriosuchus within Atoposauridae. The material additionally includes specimens representative of several ontogenetic stages, each of which is discussed here. With its Late Jurassic age, T. guimarotae represents the oldest well-preserved material of Theriosuchus and reveals further knowledge about the palaeobiogeography of the genus in western Europe.  相似文献   

1963年在新疆阜康曾经发现过肯氏兽的材料,这批化石中有被称为“九龙壁”的一群个体。这些化石曾被归入副肯氏兽属,命名为短吻副肯氏兽(Parakannemeyeria brevirostris)(孙艾玲,1978)。最近依据这个种建立了一个新属:西域肯氏兽(Xiyukannemeyeria),于是新疆的肯氏兽与华北的肯氏兽就没有相同属了(刘俊、李锦玲,2003)。  相似文献   

Abstract:  A new monotypic aphid family, Sinojuraphididae, is described from the Middle Jurassic of China. Its antennae and wing venation have very plesiomorphic structures, even more than in known Triassic taxa (e.g. 12 antennomeres, Cu with a very long stem, very narrow pterostigma), confirming the persistence of ancient, probably Triassic, lineages among Jurassic aphids.  相似文献   

The cranial osteology of the small theropod dinosaur Proceratosaurus from the Bathonian of Minchinhampton, England, is described in detail, based on new preparation and computed tomography (CT) scan images of the type, and only known, specimen. Proceratosaurus is an unusual theropod with markedly enlarged external nares and a cranial crest starting at the premaxillary–nasal junction. The skull is highly pneumatic, with pneumatized nasals, jugals, and maxillae, as well as a highly pneumatic braincase, featuring basisphenoid, anterior tympanic, basipterygoid, and carotid recesses. The dentition is unusual, with small premaxillary teeth and much larger lateral teeth, with a pronounced size difference of the serrations between the mesial and distal carina. The first dentary tooth is somewhat procumbent and flexed anteriorly. Phylogenetic analysis places Proceratosaurus in the Tyrannosauroidea, in a monophyletic clade Proceratosauridae, together with the Oxfordian Chinese taxon Guanlong. The Bathonian age of Proceratosaurus extends the origin of all clades of basal coelurosaurs back into the Middle Jurassic, and provides evidence for an early, Laurasia‐wide, dispersal of the Tyrannosauroidea during the late Middle to Late Jurassic. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009.  相似文献   

The Middle Jurassic (Bathonian) turtle material from the Mammal Bed at Kirtlington, Oxfordshire, England, has recently been tentatively referred to the Pleurosternidae, although the known synapomorphies of this clade were absent from the specimens. Here we present new evidence from shell bone histology that corroborates reports of pleurosternids at Kirtlington and further reveal that two different histomorphs (= two different taxa) are present in this locality. The first histomorph presents the distinctive histological structure of pleurosternids, which is described herein for the first time: the external cortical bone layers are differentiated into an inner zone of coarse, irregularly interwoven structural fibre bundles and an outer fine-fibred zone. The second histomorph has a more plesiomorphic structure and can only be assigned to Cryptodira indet. A morphological reassessment of the Kirtlington material fails to recognize two different taxa and shows that only sparse evidence supports the presence of pleurosternids in this locality. Shell bone histology thus appears as a powerful tool to study poorly preserved specimens and may in some case (like with pleurosternids) help resolve phylogenetic relationships. According to our results, the stratigraphic appearance of the Pleurosternidae is adjusted from the Kimmeridgian (Late Jurassic) to the Bathonian (Middle Jurassic), which significantly reduces the ghost lineage of Paracryptodira.     Bone histology, turtles, Paracryptodira, Pleurosternidae, Middle Jurassic, Kirtlington.  相似文献   

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