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DNA甲基化微阵列   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
DNA甲基化微阵列是近年发展起来的高通量分析基因组水平DNA甲基化状态和模式的新型技术,已成为肿瘤表观遗传学组研究的重要工具之一。利用DNA甲基化微阵列研究某种疾病状态下异常甲基化的基因有利于进一步明确该疾病的表观遗传学异常机制,发现与之相关的表观遗传学标志物。现有的DNA甲基化微阵列主要包括CpG岛微阵列和甲基化寡聚核苷探针微阵列,根据已有的文献资料,较为详细地阐述了上述技术的原理、特点和适用范围,对于研究者根据自己的研究目的选择适当的DNA甲基化微阵列技术具有一定的指导价值。  相似文献   

基因芯片技术及其在植物上的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
基因芯片技术(gene chip technology)是采用光导原位合成或缩微印刷等方法,将大量特定的DNA探针片段有序地固定于固相载体的表面,形成DNA微阵列,然后与待测的标记样品靶DNA或RNA分子杂交,对杂交信号进行扫描及计算机检测分析,从而获取所需的生物信息。该技术在植物研究中广泛应用于寻找特异性相关基因和新基因,基因表达分析,基因突变和多态性检测,DNA测序等。  相似文献   

为筛选乙型肝炎(乙肝)病毒(HBV)感染应答基因,探讨HBV感染分子机理,采用生物信息学分析、筛选宿主细胞中与乙肝病毒、丙型肝炎(丙肝)病毒、流行性感冒(流感)病毒等感染密切相关的基因,设计并合成寡核苷酸探针,制备了含231种病毒感染相关基因的寡核苷酸微阵列.利用此微阵列比较HepG2细胞、HepG2.2.15细胞之间的基因表达谱差异,筛选乙肝病毒感染候选应答基因,从分子水平对乙肝病毒感染作用机理进行初步研究.制备的病毒感染相关基因表达谱微阵列的监测结果显示,阳性对照和看家基因探针出现较强信号,空白点样液和阴性对照探针未出信号,大部分基因探针信号强度在可分析范围内,上矩阵和下矩阵反映的基因表达情况一致,证明微阵列的特异性、敏感性、重复性都较好.HepG2.2.15与HepG2细胞基因表达谱比较结果显示,28个宿主基因在HepG2.2.15细胞中高表达,包括ASGR1、AFP、Fibronectin、APOC等基因;4个基因低表达,包括RRM1、ICSBP等基因.初步筛选获得HBV感染候选应答基因.此结果表明,制备的微阵列敏感性、特异性、重复性好,可为研究病毒宿主相互作用关系提供技术平台,应用此微阵列筛选获得的HBV候选应答基因可为揭示HBV感染的分子致病机理提供新的信息,为抗HBV药物研究提供潜在的作用靶点.  相似文献   

一种基于寡核苷酸微阵列芯片的多重可扩增探针杂交技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多重可扩增探针杂交技术(multiplex amplifiable probe hybridization,MAPH)是近年来发展起来的一种用于基因组中DNA拷贝数检测的新技术。并发展了一种基于寡核苷酸微阵列芯片的MAPH技术。该方法根据所检测的DNA序列,制备若干具有通用引物的FCR产物作为可扩增探针组,与固定在尼龙膜上待测的基因组DNA杂交。用磁珠回收特异性杂交的探针,经生物素标记的通用引物扩增后,与相应的寡核苷酸微阵列芯片杂交。该特异性的寡核苷酸微阵列芯片包括10个抗肌营养不良基因的外显子探针和阴性、阳性探针。杂交清冼后,链霉亲和素-Cy3染色用芯片扫描仪得到杂交的荧光图像。分析荧光信号的强度差异给出特定基因片段拷贝数的变化。该方法用微阵列技术代替MAPH中的电泳检测技术,可大幅度增加检测的通量。选择了一个正常男性、一个正常女性和一个肌营养不良症患者的基因组DNA来进行验证。结果表明,该方法能够同时给出抗肌营养不良基因多个外显子中的基因片段拷贝数差异信息。  相似文献   

微阵列(microarrays)技术及其应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
微阵列分为cDNA微阵列和寡聚核苷酸微阵列,微阵列上“印”有大量已知部分序列的DNA探针,微阵列技术就是利用分子杂交原理,使同时被比较的标本(用同位素或荧光素标记)与微阵列杂交,通过检测杂交信号强度及数据处理,把他们转化成不同标本中特异基因的丰度,从而全国比较不同标本的基因表达水平的差异,微阵列技术是一种探索基因组功能的有力手段。  相似文献   

微阵列技术及其应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
微阵列技术是在一小片固相基质上储存大量生物信息的新技术,应用微阵列可在基因组水平研究基因表达,进行基因的功能分析,基因制图和基因测序,检测基因突变及多态性,真正实现了基因分析的大规模、平行、小型和自动化。  相似文献   

通过二十多年的探索和研究,脱氧核糖寡核苷酸(DNA)片段的化学合成得到了突飞猛进的发展。DNA固相合成技术的问世更使DNA化学合成技术达到了精确、高效和自动化。重组DNA技术以及外源DNA分子在异源体系中的表达为DNA结构功能及基因表达调控机制的研究打开了新局面,使得生物学的研究发生了革命性的变化,而DNA分子的化学合成为分子生物学家对特定的基因进行遗传工程的操作,选择性地对DNA分子进行改造提供了崭新的手段。借助于化学合成的DNA片段,人  相似文献   

建立一种高通量的基因微阵列检测技术,对常见呼吸道病毒感染进行监控.根据公开发表的8个病毒科38种常见呼吸道病毒的序列,计算其保守区域,设计病毒的特异性检测探针,制备呼吸道病毒检测基因微阵列.利用随机引物PCR方法标记样品中的病毒靶序列,标记产物与基因微阵列上的探针杂交,清洗、扫描后进行结果分析.采用流感病毒、麻疹病毒、腮腺炎病毒和风疹病毒作为报告病毒,并对80例上呼吸道感染患者的咽拭子标本进行验证测试.初步结果表明,该呼吸道病毒微阵列基因芯片检测是可行的,在利用基因微阵列技术对病毒监控方面进行了有益的尝试,得到了有经验的信息.  相似文献   

固相核酸已被广泛用于DNA/cDNA微阵列、固相PCR及其它核酸与生物分子检测的传感技术中.和硬质玻璃载片相比,三维聚丙烯酰胺凝胶作为固定核酸的载体具有结合核酸容量高、利于反应的类似液相环境和较少的空间效应等优点.综述了丙烯酰胺凝胶作为固定核酸载体的发展历史.着重介绍了丙烯酰胺修饰核酸直接聚合固定的方法以及在DNA芯片、焦测序、固相PCR(克隆)、及全基因组测序等核酸分析中的应用.  相似文献   

为了高通量地检测大量培养细胞中基因原位表达, 发明了一种制作细胞微阵列的新方法,成功地制作含20种细胞系共100个供体细胞石蜡混合物点阵的细胞微阵列.免疫组化检测P53, P21, PTEN、P16基因在细胞微阵列中的蛋白质表达.原位杂交检测BRD7、NGX6 基因在细胞微阵列中mRNA原位表达.建立了P53、P21、PTEN、P16蛋白和BRD7、NGX6 mRNA 在不同培养细胞中的原位表达谱.细胞微阵列为基因功能研究提供一种新的高通量工具.细胞微阵列可广泛用于DNA、RNA和蛋白质水平上的基因原位表达研究.细胞微阵列还可用于筛选药物作用靶标的研究.  相似文献   

DNA芯片与应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
DNA芯片就是利用光导原位化学合成或液相合成自动化点样,将数以万计的寡核苷酸固定于固相支持物硅片、尼龙膜上,与荧光素或同位素标记的特检样本DNA/cDNA杂交,通过对杂交信号分析反映样本中的DNA序列信息。它广泛应用基因表达、DNA测序、基因分型、基因突变与多态性检测和遗传作图等生物医学研究领域。  相似文献   

基因芯片技术及其应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
基因芯片是近年来产生的一项生物高技术。它是利用原位合成或合成后交联法,将大量的核酸片段有规则地固定在固相支持物如载玻片、金属片、尼龙膜上,制成芯片,然后将要检测的样品用荧光素或同位素标记,再与做成的芯片充分杂交,通过对杂交信号的检测来分析样品中的信息。基因芯片技术已在基因表达水平的检测、基因点突变及多态性检测、DNA序列测定、寻找可能的致病基因和疾病相关基因、蛋白质作图、基因组文库作图等方面显示出了广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

Synthetic DNAs and oligonucleotides, which can be prepared conveniently by combining chemical synthesis and enzymatic methods, have been used extensively in recombinant DNA research. Examples include total gene synthesis, probes for the isolation of specific genes from cDNA or genomic libraries, linkers containing specific restriction sites for cloning, primers for DNA and RNA sequencing, and primers for the construction of specific mutations (either deletion, insertion or point mutations) by oligonucleotide-directed site-specific mutagenesis.This article reviews recent advances in the chemical and enzymatic synthesis of oligo- and polynucleotides and the application of synthetic DNA to the expression of foreign proteins. The synthesis of genes, including structural genes and regulatory genes are reviewed. Oligonucleotide-directed site-specific mutagenesis and use of synthetic DNA to optimize foreign protein expression are also discussed.  相似文献   

Chemical synthesis of DNA sequences provides a powerful tool for modifying genes and for studying gene structure, expression and function. Modified genes and consequently protein/enzymes can bridge genomics and proteomics research or facilitate commercial applications of gene and protein technologies. In this review, we will summarize various strategies, designing softwares and error correction methods for chemical gene synthesis, particularly for the synthesis and assembly of long DNA molecules based on polymerase cycling assembly. Also, we will briefly discuss some of the major applications of chemical synthesis of DNA sequences in basic research and applied areas.  相似文献   

Z Wang  X Wu  E C Friedberg 《Biochemistry》1992,31(14):3694-3702
Excision repair of DNA is an important cellular response to DNA damage caused by a broad spectrum of physical and chemical agents. We have established a cell-free system in which damage-specific DNA repair synthesis can be demonstrated in vitro with nuclear extracts from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Repair synthesis of UV-irradiated plasmid DNA was observed in a radiation dose-dependent manner and was unaffected by mutations in the RAD1, RAD2, RAD3, RAD4, RAD10, or APN1 genes. DNA damaged with cis-platin was not recognized as a substrate for repair synthesis. Further examination of the repair synthesis observed with UV-irradiated DNA revealed that it is dependent on the presence of endonuclease III-sensitive lesions in DNA, but not pyrimidine dimers. These observations suggest that the repair synthesis observed in yeast nuclear extracts reflects base excision repair of DNA. Our data indicate that the patch size of this repair synthesis is at least seven nucleotides. This system is expected to facilitate the identification of specific gene products which participate in base excision repair in yeast.  相似文献   

Gene synthesis is frequently used in modern molecular biology research either to create novel genes or to obtain natural genes when the synthesis approach is more flexible and reliable than cloning. DNA chemical synthesis has limits on both its length and yield, thus full-length genes have to be hierarchically constructed from synthesized DNA fragments. Gibson Assembly and its derivatives are the simplest methods to assemble multiple double-stranded DNA fragments. Currently, up to 12 dsDNA fragments can be assembled at once with Gibson Assembly according to its vendor. In practice, the number of dsDNA fragments that can be assembled in a single reaction are much lower. We have developed a rational design method for gene construction that allows high-number dsDNA fragments to be assembled into full-length genes in a single reaction. Using this new design method and a modified version of the Gibson Assembly protocol, we have assembled 3 different genes from up to 45 dsDNA fragments at once. Our design method uses the thermodynamic analysis software Picky that identifies all unique junctions in a gene where consecutive DNA fragments are specifically made to connect to each other. Our novel method is generally applicable to most gene sequences, and can improve both the efficiency and cost of gene assembly.  相似文献   

Generation of complex libraries of defined nucleic acid sequences can greatly aid the functional analysis of protein and gene function. Previously, such studies relied either on individually synthesized oligonucleotides or on cellular nucleic acids as the starting material. As each method has disadvantages, we have developed a rapid and cost-effective alternative for construction of small-fragment DNA libraries of defined sequences. This approach uses in situ microarray DNA synthesis for generation of complex oligonucleotide populations. These populations can be recovered and either used directly or immortalized by cloning. From a single microarray, a library containing thousands of unique sequences can be generated. As an example of the potential applications of this technology, we have tested the approach for the production of plasmids encoding short hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) targeting numerous human and mouse genes. We achieved high-fidelity clone retrieval with a uniform representation of intended library sequences.  相似文献   

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