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选择19个不同类型南瓜品种,研究了300 mmol·L-1 NaCl胁迫条件下,幼苗地上部和根系Na+、K+、Ca2+含量、Na+/K+、Na+/Ca2+、钠-钾和钠-钙运输选择性系数(SNa+,K+和SNa+,Ca2+值)的变化.结果表明:NaCl胁迫处理8 d后,不同品种南瓜幼苗Na+含量均明显增加,而K+含量下降,离子平衡被打破.青栗(Q1)南瓜幼苗根系Na+含量、地上部Na+/K+、Na+/Ca2+、SNa+,K+和SNa+,Ca2+值均明显高于黑蜜南瓜(H2)和黑籽南瓜(H3).不同品种南瓜幼苗体内Na+含量、地上部Na+/K+和Na+/Ca2+、SNa+,K+和SNa+,Ca2+值变化趋势与NaCI胁迫下不同品种南瓜幼苗盐害指数的结果基本一致,进一步验证了Q1耐盐性强与NaCl胁迫下地上部Na+/K+、Na+/Ca2+、SNa+,K+和SNa+,Ca2+值较低以及K+、Ca2+含量较高有关;而H2和H3对盐敏感与NaCl胁迫下地上部Na+/K+、Na+/Ca2+、SNa+,K+和SNa+,Ca2+值较高,以及K+、Ca2+含量较低有关.  相似文献   

荒漠盐生植物根际系统盐分分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
弋良朋  马健  李彦 《生态学杂志》2009,28(5):827-832
利用盐土和棉田土,采用水平根垫法对4种不同类型的荒漠盐生植物进行栽培实验,应用冰冻薄层切片法对距根表不同距离的土壤进行分层取样,并测定不同层次土壤中pH、总盐、Cl-、SO42-、Na+、K+、Ca2+和Mg2+的含量。结果表明: 在盐土中,距根表不同距离的土壤中,pH值呈有规律的梯度分布,即根际微区pH值较土体下降,且距根表越近,pH值越低;而在棉田土中却没有显著变化;总盐在根际出现较大的亏缺区,最大亏缺率位于距根表0~4 mm处;在盐土中,除芦苇外,其余3种盐生植物的根际土中Cl-、SO42-、Na+、K+、和Mg2+的含量在根际有明显的富集;在棉田土中,除K+外,这些离子在根际也有富集,但富集程度比盐土低,K+表现亏缺,而Ca2+却是富集的;4种植物尤其是稀盐盐生植物和泌盐盐生植物,地上部分的主要盐离子(如Cl-、Na+、Ca2+和K+)含量比地下部分高,在根际富集程度最高的Cl-和Na+,在植株的地上部分也增加的最多。  相似文献   

硫对石灰性土壤化学性质的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张昌爱  张民  曾春 《应用生态学报》2007,18(7):1453-1458
通过连续两茬油菜盆栽试验,分析了硫对土壤pH、电导率、交换性阳离子和水溶性阴离子等指标的影响.结果表明:硫能显著降低土壤pH、增加土壤电导率;施硫会使土壤交换性Na+和交换性K+含量升高,并加剧土壤水溶性阴离子总量的累积;施硫对交换性Ca2+和Mg2+含量影响较小,也未能显著改变土壤阳离子交换量和土壤碱化度.与尿素相比,硫包膜尿素对土壤pH和电导率的影响不显著,但对交换性阳离子和水溶性阴离子影响较大;与尿素处理相比,施硫未表现出明显的增产效应;施硫较多时,油菜产量显著降低.  相似文献   

元素硫和双氰胺对蔬菜地土壤硝态氮淋失的影响   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
采用温室盆栽淋洗试验,以NH4HCO3为氮肥源,研究了元素硫(S0)和双氰胺(DCD)对种葱和不种作物土壤NO3--N淋失量和NO3--N、NH4+-N浓度的影响.结果表明,在12周试验期间,与对照相比,S0+DCD和S0处理NO3--N淋失量分别低83%~86%和83%;NH4+-N淋失量分别高16.8~21.0 mg·盆-1和20.4~25.0 mg·盆-1;而同期无机氮(NO3--N、NH4+-N)淋失量则低60%.试验结束后,,S0+DCD和S0处理土壤无机氮含量分别比对照高79.9%~85.4%和74.9%~82.6%,以NH4+-N为主.S0+DCD处理无机氮淋失量比S0和DCD处理分别低4.6%~14.4%和15.4%~30.1%;试验结束后土壤无机氮分别高6.1%和16.8~36.0%.在Na2S2O3+DCD、Na2S2O3和DCD处理中也发现类似结果.可见S0施入土壤具有与DCD同样的氨稳定和硝化抑制作用.S0与DCD配合施用可使DCD的硝化抑制性增强,其作用机理是S0氧化中间体S2O32-、S4O62-,具有抑制硝化和DCD降解作用,延缓DCD硝化抑制效果.S0与DCD配合施用可用于延缓太湖流域蔬菜地土壤NH4+-N向NO3--N转化,减少氮向水体迁移风险.  相似文献   

表层岩溶动力系统中土壤水分及其岩溶效应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对广西弄拉表层岩溶动力系统中森林和灌丛的土壤容重、非毛管孔隙度等物理性质以及土壤CO2、土壤水和泉水水化学特征进行了研究.结果表明:森林和灌丛环境下的土壤物理性质存在显著性差异,影响土壤含水量.土壤水固定CO2浓度和土壤CO2之间存在显著的负相关关系.森林土壤水中游离CO2浓度为0,灌丛为5.33×103 mg·m-3.土壤水和泉水中pH、Ca2+、Mg2+ 、Cl-浓度存在一定的负相关关系,其K+、Na、HCO3-浓度和有机碳含量存在正相关关系.经过雨水的淋溶,土壤层各离子浓度均大幅度增加,其溶蚀能力大大增强.森林环境下的岩溶作用稳定但强度大,灌丛环境下的岩溶作用活跃但强度小.  相似文献   

采用饱和浸提液与土水比1∶5浸提液两种方法分析了松嫩平原94份盐碱土样品的电导率、钠吸附比、主要阳离子(Na+、K+、Ca2+、Mg2+)以及总阳离子浓度等化学参数,并对两种方法测定的盐碱化参数相关性进行了研究。结果表明:饱和浸提液电导率、钠吸附比、总阳离子浓度、Na+离子浓度与土水比1∶5浸提液相应参数存在极显著的相关关系,其关系方程可用于松嫩平原盐碱土饱和浸提液与1∶5浸提液间化学参数的换算;而K+、Ca2+、Mg2+离子浓度在两种浸提液间不存在相关性。  相似文献   

大气氮沉降对阔叶林红壤淋溶水化学模拟研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在氮饱和的森林生态系统中,氮沉降的增加将导致NO3-淋溶的增加及土壤酸度的提高,从而影响土壤质量及林业的可持续发展。然而,大气氮沉降对我国南方红壤地区森林生态系统中土壤的影响研究还很少,尤其是氮沉降引起的土壤淋溶液化学组成方面。研究中,以中国科学院红壤生态实验站林草生态试验区阔叶林红壤为对象,在恒温(20℃)条件下,通过土壤淋洗柱(直径10cm、高60cm)进行了8个月间隙性淋溶试验,来模拟研究不同氮输入量(0、7.8、26mg月-1.柱-1和52mg月-1柱-1)对阔叶林红壤NO3-、NH4 、SO42-、H 和土壤盐基离子(Ca2 、Mg2 、K 和Na )的淋溶和土壤酸度的影响。结果表明,随氮输入量增加,淋溶液中NO3-、EC、H 和总盐基离子逐渐增加,但淋溶液中无NH4 。不同氮处理时,土壤有机氮总表观矿化量分别为189.6、263.9、372.8mg月-1.柱-1与554.2mg柱-1,氮输入明显促进了土壤有机氮的矿化,且土壤有机氮的表观矿化量与氮输入量间呈正线性相关(R2=0.997**)。无氮(0mg月-1柱-1)、低氮(7.8mg月-1柱-1)、中氮(26mg月-1柱-1)和高氮(52mg月-1柱-1)输入处理下,土壤交换态盐基淋溶总量分别占土壤交换性盐基总量的13.6、18.4、27.7%和48.1%。不同的盐基离子对氮输入的反应不同,Ca2 和Mg2 淋溶量随氮输入量的增加而增加,对Na 和K 则无明显影响。土壤交换态离子中随淋洗液输出最多的为Ca2 (无氮、低氮、中氮和高氮输入处理的土壤交换态输出量占土壤交换态的比例分别为22.6、31.4、46.7%和82.5%),其次为Na (无氮、低氮、中氮和高氮输入处理的土壤交换态输出量占土壤交换态的比例分别为16.0、10.7、17.6%和26.3%),最少的为Mg2 (无氮、低氮、中氮和高氮输入处理的土壤交换态输出量占土壤交换态的比例分别为5.0、6.9、11.1%和16.9%),几乎没有土壤交换性K 输出。与对照相比,有氮处理后土壤中硫酸根离子的淋失量明显减少(p<0.05)。表层土壤pH值随氮输入量的增加而显著下降,各处理间差异极显著(p<0.01)。可见,大气氮沉降的增加将加速阔叶林红壤的养分淋失和土壤酸化的程度。  相似文献   

将当年生构树幼苗置于含有不同浓度(04、1、2、3、4 g·kg-1)NaCl的土壤中,研究其生物量积累、叶片细胞质膜透性和K+、Ca2+、Na+、Cl-等离子的吸收、分布及运输,并观察盐害症状.结果表明:构树幼苗的叶片质膜透性随着NaCl浓度的增加和胁迫时间的延长而升高,根冠比随NaCl浓度的升高而增加,大于3 g·kg-1的土壤盐胁迫对构树叶片的质膜透性及植株的生物量积累影响显著.构树幼苗各器官中Na+和Cl-含量随土壤NaCl浓度升高而显著增加,K+和Ca2+则随之降低,叶片各离子含量均明显高于根和茎.说明盐胁迫影响根系对K+和Ca2+的吸收,并抑制了它们向地上部分的选择性运输,使叶和茎的K+和Ca2+含量下降.构树通过吸收积累Na+和Cl-抵御土壤盐分带来的渗透胁迫,但过量的Na+和Cl-积累会造成单盐毒害.作为抗盐性较高的非盐生植物,构树地上部分的拒盐作用不显著.  相似文献   

杭州湾滨海滩涂盐基阳离子对植物分布及多样性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴统贵  吴明  虞木奎  萧江华  成向荣 《生态学报》2011,31(20):6022-6028
滨海滩涂由于其高含盐量显著影响了植物群落分布及生物多样性。目前有关滩涂含盐量与生物多样性的关系研究较多,但不同区域盐基离子组成不同,且对植物的影响也存在较大差异,以杭州湾南岸不同年代形成的滩涂为研究对象,系统监测了50个样方土壤交换性盐基阳离子的组成、分布和植物组成及多样性特征等,采用去趋势典范对应分析(DCCA)、线性回归和多元逐步回归分析了4种盐基阳离子对物种数量、分布和多样性的影响。结果表明,杭州湾南岸滩涂4种主要盐基阳离子含量(g/kg)大小顺序为Ca2+>Na+>Mg2+>K+,其中Ca2+占到总含量的61.97%;经DCCA分析发现4种盐基阳离子对植物群落的分布均有显著影响,但以Ca2+的影响程度最大;随着盐基离子含量的逐渐降低,物种数量逐渐增加,多样性指数逐渐增加,同时也发现Ca2+对两种多样性指数影响最大。  相似文献   

重庆酸雨区人工木荷林对土壤化学性质的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
 在属于酸雨区的重庆市铁山坪林场,选择在马尾松(Pinus massoniana)纯林火烧迹地上人工营造的木荷(Schima superba)纯林,采用钻取 土芯法调查木荷对土壤化学性质的影响,并与毗邻的同时造林但未遭受火烧的马尾松纯林比较。结果表明,木荷纯林0~20和20~60 cm土层的 pH值分别为3.61和3.77,盐基饱和度分别为4.68%和7.92%,而马尾松纯林的pH值分别为3.78和3.88,盐基饱和度分别为9.25%和16.32%。与马 尾松纯林相比,木荷纯林土壤的交换性盐基离子(K+ 、Na+ 、Ca 2+和Mg 2+ )和全磷含量普遍低,而酸性阳离子Al 3+ 、Fe 3+和H+含量明显偏高 (p<0.05)。结果说明,并非木荷作为阔叶林对酸化土壤的改良作用就好于作为针叶林的马尾松,木荷纯林导致了土壤酸化加剧,养分非常缺 乏。因此,在酸雨区土壤酸化条件下,如果采用木荷营造防火林带或者进行马尾松纯林改造时,不宜集中大片营造木荷纯林,以避免对土壤环 境产生不利影响。  相似文献   

江远清  莫江明  方运霆  李志安   《广西植物》2007,27(1):106-113
研究鼎湖山自然保护区马尾松林、马尾松荷木混交林和季风常绿阔叶林三种代表性森林类型表层土壤(0~20cm)交换性阳离子含量及其季节动态。结果表明:土壤交换性阳离子含量因元素种类、森林类型和季节不同而异。三种森林土壤交换性阳离子含量都表现为:Al3+>H+>K+>Ca2+、Mg2+、Na+。几乎所有调查的阳离子含量在阔叶林显著高于马尾松林和混交林,但后两者之间大多数阳离子含量差异不显著。鼎湖山森林土壤可交换性阳离子含量虽然较高,但盐基饱和度却很低。马尾松林、混交林和阔叶林土壤可交换性阳离子含量在1997年6月份分别为:58.3、84.5和118.7mmolc/kg,盐基饱和度分别为:5.5%、3.2%和4.5%。三种森林土壤交换性Ca2+、Mg2+、K+和H+含量季节差异极显著(P<0.001),但交换性Al3+含量只在马尾松林土壤存在极显著的季节性差异(P<0.001)。同一元素季节变化大小程度趋向马尾松林>混交林>阔叶林。森林土壤交换性Ca2+、Na+和H+含量与土壤pH值相关关系不明显,但交换性Mg2+、K+和Al3+与土壤pH值间呈极显著负相关。  相似文献   

酸雨作用下的森林冠层盐基离子(Ca2+,Mg2+,K+)淋洗   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
在韶山针阔叶混交林中设立了10个30 m×30 m的样方,对1年中各个季节的森林截留沉降、降雨后树冠层总滤出量、盐基离子滤出量以及树冠层对H+和NH4+的摄入量进行了分析和估算.韶山森林湿沉降成分中以Ca2+为主,Mg2+,K+含量较低.树冠层盐基离子总滤出量中Ca2+最高,达到155.34 mmo1 m-2a-1,Mg2+最低,为30.74mmol m-2a-1,K+居中,为84.13 mmol m-2a-1.Ca2+的大量滤出表明它是树冠层缓冲降水酸度的主要介质,同时也表明酸雨对韶山森林的潜在危害,其在总滤出量中的比重的季节变化是夏(58.4%)>春(54.1%)>冬(51.4%)>秋(32.5%).盐基离子的滤出量以冬→春→夏→秋依次递减,但是树冠层季节摄入NH4的量在30-100mmo1 m-2而对H+的摄入量则在30-180 mmol m-2.  相似文献   

As part of an experimental study of air pollution effects on tree growth and health, we combined process studies with an ecosystem approach to evaluate the effects of acidic deposition on soil acidification, nutrient cycling and proton fluxes in miniature red spruce ecosystems. Ninety red spruce saplings were transplanted into 1-m diameter pots containing reconstructed soil profiles and exposed to simulated acid rain treatments of pH 3.1, 4.1 and 5.1 for four consecutive growing seasons. All the principal fluxes of the major elements were measured. During the first year of treatments, the disturbance associated with the transplanting of the experimental trees masked any treatment effects by stimulating N mineralization rates and consequent high N03 cation, and H+ flux through the soil profile. In subsequent years, leaching of base cations and labile Al was accelerated in the most intensive acid treatment and corresponding declines in soil pH and exchangeable pools of Ca and Mg and increases in exchangeable Al concentrations were observed in the organic horizon. Leaching of Ca2+ and Mg2+ also was significantly higher in the pH 4.1 than in the pH 5.1 treatment. Flux of Ca from foliage and soil was increased in response to strong acid loading and root uptake increased to compensate for foliar Ca losses. In contrast, K cycling was dominated by root uptake and internal cycling and was relatively insensitive to strong acid inputs. Cation leaching induced by acidic deposition was responsible for the majority of H+ flux in the pH 3.1 treatment in the organic soil horizon whereas root uptake accounted for most of the H+ flux in the pH 4.1 and 5.1 treatments. Although no measurable effects on tree nutrition or health were observed, base cation leaching was significantly accelerated by acidic deposition, even at levels below that observed in the eastern U.S., warranting continued concern about acid deposition effects on the soil base status of forested ecosystems.  相似文献   

We evaluated how litter raking removed basic nutrients from forest soils by simulating this historical silvicultural practice on two spruce stands (Picea abies) in the Czech Republic. Experimental litter raking depleted the soil pool of exchangeable base cation nutrients (Ca2+, Mg2+ and K+) by up to 31% after the first litter raking in 2003. A second litter raking in the following year further reduced the soil pool by up to 16%, and the third litter raking in 2005 reduced the pool by up to 6% more. These losses of base cations were substantially greater than their annual input into the forest soil (estimated as from total atmospheric deposition and mineral weathering) as well as their annual runoff. The concentration of Mg and Ca in spruce needless decreased considerably within 3 years from the beginning of the experiment. In addition, the observed litter chemistry was used to estimate historical nutrient removal from litter raking by applying them to historical records of litter removal rates. According to these calculations, the annual loss of total Ca, Mg and K from spruce stands would be from 40% to 100% of its present annual input into the soil, and from 50% to 190% of annual runoff. On the basis of previous results estimated by geochemical modeling, we found that the loss of base cations due to litter raking was similar to their leaching due to acid deposition. We conclude that long-term removal of litter as widely practiced throughout the 19th century in Central Europe may have been responsible for a loss of base cations equivalent to that caused by acid deposition during the 20th century.  相似文献   

There is growing concern that available base cation pools in soil are declining in eastern North America and that some forests are approaching nitrogen (N) saturation due to the combined effects of acid deposition and harvesting. To assess these concerns, elemental mass balances for calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K), and N were conducted over a 17-year period in a representative mixed hardwood forest (HP4) in the Muskoka-Haliburton region in central Ontario, Canada. On average, 76% of the N measured in bulk deposition, which is a conservative estimate of total N deposition, was retained in HP4, with tree uptake accounting for over half of the retained N. Year-to-year variations in annual NO3 export were affected by climate variations, although the low annual NO3-N concentrations (80–156 g/L) suggest that HP4 is not approaching N saturation. Losses of Ca, Mg, and K in stream export plus accumulation in trees (more than 12 cm in diameter at breast height) exceeded inputs in deposition by 296, 76.2, and 53.6 kg/ha, respectively, over the 17-year period. Inclusion of mineral weathering estimates obtained using PROFILE, zirconium (Zr) depletion, and total analysis correlation failed to balance Ca losses from HP4, and calculations indicate that between 98 and 145 kg/ha (depending on mineral weathering estimate) was lost from the soil exchangeable pool between 1983 and 1999. These losses were supported by repeated field measurements, which showed that the exchangeable Ca concentrations and soil pH decreased over the 17-year period, particularly in the upper soil horizons. When mineral weathering estimates are included, mass balance calculations generally indicated that there was no net loss of Mg and K from HP4, which was confirmed by our soil measurements. At present, there is sufficient Ca in the soil exchangeable pool to sustain forest growth at HP4; however, continued losses of Ca due to leaching and harvesting at the present rate may ultimately threaten the health and productivity of the forest within just a few decades.  相似文献   

Nitrogen deposition contributes to soil acidification in tropical ecosystems   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Elevated anthropogenic nitrogen (N) deposition has greatly altered terrestrial ecosystem functioning, threatening ecosystem health via acidification and eutrophication in temperate and boreal forests across the northern hemisphere. However, response of forest soil acidification to N deposition has been less studied in humid tropics compared to other forest types. This study was designed to explore impacts of long‐term N deposition on soil acidification processes in tropical forests. We have established a long‐term N‐deposition experiment in an N‐rich lowland tropical forest of Southern China since 2002 with N addition as NH4NO3 of 0, 50, 100 and 150 kg N ha?1 yr?1. We measured soil acidification status and element leaching in soil drainage solution after 6‐year N addition. Results showed that our study site has been experiencing serious soil acidification and was quite acid‐sensitive showing high acidification (pH(H2O)<4.0), negative water‐extracted acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) and low base saturation (BS,< 8%) throughout soil profiles. Long‐term N addition significantly accelerated soil acidification, leading to depleted base cations and decreased BS, and further lowered ANC. However, N addition did not alter exchangeable Al3+, but increased cation exchange capacity (CEC). Nitrogen addition‐induced increase in SOC is suggested to contribute to both higher CEC and lower pH. We further found that increased N addition greatly decreased soil solution pH at 20 cm depth, but not at 40 cm. Furthermore, there was no evidence that Al3+ was leaching out from the deeper soils. These unique responses in tropical climate likely resulted from: exchangeable H+ dominating changes of soil cation pool, an exhausted base cation pool, N‐addition stimulating SOC production, and N saturation. Our results suggest that long‐term N addition can contribute measurably to soil acidification, and that shortage of Ca and Mg should receive more attention than soil exchangeable Al in tropical forests with elevated N deposition in the future.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) is a critical limiting nutrient that regulates plant productivity and the cycling of other essential elements in forests. We measured foliar and soil nutrients in 22 young Douglas-fir stands in the Oregon Coast Range to examine patterns of nutrient availability across a gradient of N-poor to N-rich soils. N in surface mineral soil ranged from 0.15 to 1.05% N, and was positively related to a doubling of foliar N across sites. Foliar N in half of the sites exceeded 1.4% N, which is considered above the threshold of N-limitation in coastal Oregon Douglas-fir. Available nitrate increased five-fold across this gradient, whereas exchangeable magnesium (Mg) and calcium (Ca) in soils declined, suggesting that nitrate leaching influences base cation availability more than soil parent material across our sites. Natural abundance strontium isotopes (87Sr/86Sr) of a single site indicated that 97% of available base cations can originate from atmospheric inputs of marine aerosols, with negligible contributions from weathering. Low annual inputs of Ca relative to Douglas-fir growth requirements may explain why foliar Ca concentrations are highly sensitive to variations in soil Ca across our sites. Natural abundance calcium isotopes (δ44Ca) in exchangeable and acid leachable pools of surface soil measured at a single site showed 1 per mil depletion relative to deep soil, suggesting strong Ca recycling to meet tree demands. Overall, the biogeochemical response of these Douglas-fir forests to gradients in soil N is similar to changes associated with chronic N deposition in more polluted temperate regions, and raises the possibility that Ca may be deficient on excessively N-rich sites. We conclude that wide gradients in soil N can drive non-linear changes in base-cation biogeochemistry, particularly as forests cross a threshold from N-limitation to N-saturation. The most acute changes may occur in forests where base cations are derived principally from atmospheric inputs.  相似文献   

在自然盐碱生境下,通过测定不同月份土壤和马蔺体内主要阳离子Na+、K+、Ca2+、Mg2+的含量,研究了主要阳离子的吸收、转运变化及其在马蔺体内的分布.结果表明: 不同月份马蔺体内阳离子含量变动很大.在6月以后,随着马蔺的生长, Na+、K+、Ca2+和Mg2+4种离子在植物体内累积量逐渐增加.其中,根中Ca2+、Na+含量峰值出现在7月,分别为2.30%和0.51%,K+、Mg2+的含量峰值分别出现在9、10月,分别为0.27%和0.28%;叶片中Na+含量在7月达到最大值(0.57%);K+、Ca2+和Mg2+在8月分别达到1.30%、2.69%和0.47%.与Na+相比, 7、8月时马蔺对K+的选择吸收能力较低,但转运能力较强.马蔺对所测离子有很强的富集能力,各种离子在植物体内的含量都明显高于土壤背景值,且不同部位对离子的利用和累积能力不同,马蔺对各阳离子的累积主要集中在地上30 cm到地下40 cm范围内.马蔺地上部分平均单株K+、Na+、Ca2+和Mg2+含量分别是地下部分的9.11、4.07、0.98和2.27倍.  相似文献   

北京西山不同人工林枯落物层的水化学性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过采集降雨经枯落物后的水样,初步研究了北京西山地区油松林和栓皮栎林林下枯落物层的水化学性质.结果表明:大气降水经过林冠进入枯落物层后,油松林和栓皮栎林林下不同元素的浓度发生明显变化.枯落物水中K 、Na 、Ca2 、Mg2 、NH4 -N和NO3--N的浓度随时间的变化趋势基本一致.穿透雨经过枯落物层后,水中K 、Na 、Ca2 和Mg2 的平均浓度增加,而NH4 -N、NO3--N的平均浓度减小.其中,栓皮栎林和油松林中Ca2 浓度分别增加了7.54和5.27mg.L-1.栓皮栎林下枯落物层中K 、Na 、Ca2 、Mg2 的平均浓度高于油松林,而NH4 -N、NO3--N的平均浓度则低于油松林;经降水淋溶作用后,栓皮栎林和油松林林下枯落物归还林地的养分分别为41.59和58.12kg.hm-2,其中归还林地较多的是Ca2 ,其次是K .  相似文献   

D Fleischman  M Denisevich 《Biochemistry》1979,18(23):5060-5066
The guanylate cyclase activity of axoneme--basal apparatus complexes isolated from bovine retinal rods has been investigated. The Mg2+ and Mn2+ complexes of GTP4- serve as substrates. Binding of an additional mole of Mg2+ or Mn2+ per mole of enzyme is required. Among cations which are ineffective are Ca2+, Ni2+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Zn2+, and Co2+. The kinetics are consistent with a mechanism in which binding of Mg2+ or Mn2+ to the enzyme must precede binding of MgGTP or MnGTP. The apparent dissociation constants of the Mg--enzyme complex and the Mn--enzyme complex are 9.5 x 10(-4) and 1.1 x 10(-4) M, respectively. The apparent dissociation constants for binding of MgGTP and MnGTP to the complex of the enzyme with the same metal are 7.9 x 10(-4) and 1.4 x 10(-4) M, respectively. The cyclase activity is maximal and independent of pH between pH 7 and 9. KCl and NaCl are stimulatory, especially at suboptimal concentrations of Mg2+ or Mn2+. Ca2+ and high concentrations of Mg2+ and Mn2+ are inhibitory. Ca2+ inhibition appears to require the binding of 2 mol of Ca2+ per mol of enzyme. The dissociation constant of the Ca2--enzyme complex is estimated to be 1.4 x 10(-6) M2. The axoneme--basal apparatus preparations contain adenylate cyclase activity whose magnitude is 1--10% that of the guanylate cyclase activity.  相似文献   

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