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【目的】肠道是动物的主要消化器官,同时也是机体抵抗外源病原菌的重要屏障,已有研究表明,动物的品种、饲养方式、生长阶段均会影响动物的肠道菌群结构,但对舍饲和放牧饲养条件下藏猪的肠道菌群结构,以及藏猪和长白、约克与杜洛克三元杂交猪(DLY猪)的肠道菌群结构是否有差异,尚未见报道。【方法】本研究选取6–7月龄的放牧藏猪、舍饲藏猪和DLY猪的小肠组织,分别采用组织切片法测定各试验猪的肠道形态、酶活性测定试剂盒测定肠道内容物的消化酶活性,高通量测序法测定肠道微生物。【结果】DLY猪小肠的肌层厚度和绒毛高度高于藏猪,而隐窝深度低于藏猪;舍饲藏猪和放牧藏猪的小肠形态没有显著变化。DLY猪小肠的胰蛋白酶活性高于藏猪,而淀粉酶活性低于藏猪。三组猪小肠微生物的优势菌门均为Proteobacteria、Firmicutes和Bacteroidetes;藏猪的优势菌属为Ralstonia和Escherichia,而DLY猪的优势菌属为Ralstonia和Bradyrhizobium,但含量却存在显著性差异。舍饲藏猪与放牧藏猪肠道菌群结构相似度较高,而藏猪与DLY猪肠道菌群结构相似度较低。【结论】放牧藏猪、舍饲藏猪和DLY猪的小肠形态、消化酶活性和肠道菌群结构均存在显著性差异。  相似文献   

【目的】为探究饲养方式对藏猪结肠消化酶活性、菌群结构和短链脂肪酸含量的影响。【方法】研究分别选取5头相同月龄的放养藏猪和舍饲藏猪。屠宰采集结肠粪便样品,分别利用酶联免疫吸附法(enzyme linked immunosorbent assay, ELISA)试剂盒、高通量测序技术和气相色谱仪测定放养藏猪和舍饲藏猪结肠消化酶活性、菌群结构和短链脂肪酸含量。【结果】同一月龄下,放养藏猪的日增重显著低于舍饲藏猪(P<0.05)。放养藏猪结肠中纤维素酶和半纤维素酶的活性均显著高于舍饲藏猪(P<0.05);2种饲养方式藏猪结肠的6种α多样性指数均无显著差异(P>0.05),且主成分分析(principal component analysis, PCA)得到放养藏猪和舍饲藏猪结肠菌群存在一定的相似性。在门和科分类水平上,相较于舍饲藏猪,放养藏猪结肠中疣微菌门、黄杆菌科、月形单胞菌科、浮霉状菌科和伊格尔兹氏菌科的相对丰度显著升高,而链球菌科、韦荣氏球菌科、假单胞菌科、红环菌科、红螺菌科、乳杆菌科、理研菌科和巴斯德氏菌科的相对丰度显著降低(P<0.05);在属和种分类水平上,...  相似文献   

烤后不同霉变程度烟叶际真菌群落组成与多样性分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
【目的】为了解烤后不同霉变程度烟叶真菌群落组成与多样性。【方法】基于IlluminaMiSeq高通量测序平台对烤后烟叶叶柄和叶片叶际样品的真菌群落组成进行了分析。【结果】霉变重烟叶叶片(BQ)、霉变重烟叶叶柄(BZ)、霉变轻烟叶叶片(JQ)、霉变轻烟叶叶柄(JZ) 4类样品真菌分布于子囊菌门(Ascomycota)、担子菌门(Basidiomycota)、接合菌门(Zygomycota)等7个菌门、27个纲、58个目、104个科、171个属的360个真菌分类单元(OTUs)。不同霉变程度烟叶叶际真菌群落组成、分类单元的相对丰度及优势分类单元皆存在不同程度差异。在属的水平上,霉变重烟叶叶片(BQ)的优势菌属为Aspergillus (89.64%)、Myrothecium (2.54%)、Rhodotorula (2.48%)、Gibberella (1.49%);霉变重烟叶叶柄(BZ)的优势菌属为Aspergillus(96.93%)和Alternaria(1.92%);霉变轻烟叶叶片(JQ)的优势菌属为Aspergillus(40.13%)、Rhodotorula(31.81%)、Alternaria(16.75%);霉变轻烟叶叶柄(JZ)的优势菌属为Aspergillus (62.77%)、Alternaria (9.74%)、Rhodotorula (5.20%)。【结论】霉变轻烟叶叶片样品真菌群落的多样性最高,霉变轻烟叶叶柄的真菌群落丰富度最高。霉变重烟叶样品的叶片部位的真菌群落丰富度和多样性均高于叶柄。烟叶霉烂为烤房常见病害,其病原真菌种类多样,且广泛分布于烟叶和环境中。该研究结果为烤房烟叶霉烂病的防治可根据不同发病程度的不同部位的真菌群落构成特征,制定相应的防治方案提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

【目的】研究两种饲粮对环江香猪结肠内容物菌群结构及其代谢物的影响。【方法】选用33.5±8.1 kg的环江香猪10头,随机分为两组,每组5头猪,单栏饲养,分别饲喂高营养水平饲粮(粗蛋白质含量为13.11%,消化能为14.73 MJ/kg)和低营养水平饲粮(粗蛋白质含量为9.77%,消化能为12.24 MJ/kg)。饲喂75 d后屠宰,每组选3头猪采集结肠内容物提取细菌总DNA,PCR扩增获得16S r RNA基因V4标签片段,用于Mi Seq高通量测序,基于QIIME平台比较结肠内容物菌群结构多样性;每组取5头猪的结肠内容物,利用气相色谱和液相色谱分析其中短链脂肪酸、氨氮、生物胺、吲哚和粪臭素的含量。【结果】硬壁菌门、拟杆菌门、螺旋体门和软壁菌门细菌为环江香猪结肠内容物中的优势菌门;饲粮组成不影响环江香猪结肠内容物菌群结构的多样性,高营养水平饲粮组结肠内容物中广古细菌含量显著低于、瘤胃球菌属和假丁酸弧菌属细菌含量显著高于低营养水平饲粮组;高营养水平饲粮组环江香猪结肠内容物中乙酸和丙酸含量显著低于、氨氮和尸胺含量显著高于低营养水平饲粮组。【结论】硬壁菌门、拟杆菌门、螺旋体门和软壁菌门细菌为环江香猪结肠内容物中的优势菌门,短期饲喂高营养水平饲粮可改变环江香猪结肠中的部分微生物含量及其代谢特性。  相似文献   

【背景】近年来,油茶低效林面积较大,根际土壤微生物影响林木抗性和生长,对林业可持续发展具有重要意义。【目的】了解广东省本地油茶和引种油茶根际土壤微生物群落特征。【方法】利用高通量测序分析油茶根际土壤微生物群落组成。【结果】油茶根际土壤细菌有26门77纲201目377科593属676种,真菌有14门50纲121目266科502属631种。油茶根际土壤中的优势细菌为酸杆菌门和变形菌门,优势真菌为子囊菌门和担子菌门。两种油茶根际土壤微生物组成差异显著,本地油茶根际土壤的细菌多样性显著高于引种油茶。在门水平上,脱硫杆菌门细菌和罗兹菌门、被孢霉门真菌的相对丰度在两种油茶间差异显著,Amorphotheca在本地油茶根际土壤中特异性富集。两种油茶根际土壤细菌碳代谢相对丰度差异显著,真菌以腐生营养型为主,其次为病理营养型和共生营养型。本地油茶根际土壤中显著富集土壤腐生菌,而共生营养型真菌(尤其是丛枝菌根真菌)相对丰度(6.43%)显著低于引种油茶中(21.83%)。此外,有机质和养分含量是影响油茶根际土壤微生物群落的关键因子。【结论】本地油茶和引种油茶根际土壤微生物群落组成和结构差异显著,Amorp...  相似文献   

基于高通量测序的褐飞虱肠道微生物多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】探明褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens成虫肠道微生物群落结构和多样性。【方法】分离褐飞虱成虫完整肠道并提取总DNA,利用Illumina MiSeq(PE300)技术对其肠道细菌16S rRNA的V3-V4变异区和真菌ITS2序列进行测序,统计肠道微生物的操作分类单元(operational taxonomic unit, OTU)数量,分析其物种组成、丰度及Alpha多样性。并通过qPCR技术验证随机挑选注释到的4种肠道菌的高通量测序数据的有效性。【结果】分别获得褐飞虱成虫肠道细菌16S rRNA和真菌ITS2优质序列32 395和24 986条,根据序列相似性进行聚类分析分别获得235和128个OTUs。其中,细菌共注释到7个门, 15个纲, 26个目, 45个科和73个属;真菌共鉴定到3个门, 9个纲, 12个目, 15个科和18个属。在门分类水平上,细菌以变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)和厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)为优势门类;真菌以子囊菌门(Ascomycota)为绝对优势菌门。在属分类水平上,细菌的优势属为不动杆菌属Acinetobacter以及紫单胞菌科(Porphyromonadaceae)未确定属和毛螺菌科(Lachnospiraceae)未确定属,其丰度分别为36.37%, 17.22%和15.01%;真菌的优势属为粪壳菌纲(Sordariomycetes)未确定属,丰度为95.77%。Alpha多样性分析结果显示,褐飞虱肠道细菌(真菌)的观测物种数、Chao1指数、Shannon指数和Simpson 指数分别为235(128), 262.64(165.40), 3.90(0.91)和0.62(0.75)。4种肠道菌的qPCR结果显示高通量测序数据具有较高的有效性。【结论】褐飞虱成虫肠道细菌和真菌群落整体多样性比较丰富。研究结果为从共生微生物角度解析褐飞虱的环境适应性以及开发基于微生物防治的新技术等方面提供了依据。  相似文献   

纳帕海高原湿地真菌群落多样性和组成的分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【背景】位于滇西北的纳帕海高原湿地,是我国唯一的低纬度、高海拔、季节性半封闭型高原湿地。真菌在湿地生态系统的维持和稳定中发挥着特殊作用,然而关于纳帕海高原湿地真菌群落多样性和组成的研究目前仍无报道。【目的】对纳帕海高原湿地不同季节和土壤类型真菌群落多样性和组成及与环境因子的关系开展系统研究分析,促进对高原湿地微生物多样性的深入认识。【方法】采用荧光定量PCR和高通量测序技术,分析了纳帕海高原湿地不同季节和土壤类型中真菌的数量、群落多样性和组成及其与环境因子的关系。【结果】真菌数量级的变化对于人为干扰下的湿地土壤退化是敏感的响应指标。在真菌群落组成中,约有60%以上未确定的分类信息,40%有确定分类信息的包括6个门17个纲37个目53个科63个属,大部分分类信息集中在Ascomycota门,相对优势属为Gibberella。通过分类水平、OTU水平和β多样性分析比较,在纳帕海高原湿地整体真菌群落多样性和组成受季节变化影响不显著,但不同土壤类型的变化呈显著差异,推测是由于不同采样区植物根际效应和种类的影响。CCA (Canonical correlation analysis)分析表明,在不同采样区受不同土壤理化因子的影响。【结论】揭示了纳帕海高原湿地土壤真菌群落多样性和组成的区域特征,从微生物学角度进一步提出了对纳帕海高原湿地环境保护和恢复的重要性。  相似文献   

【目的】本研究旨在阐明取食行为对丽蝇蛹集金小蜂Nasonia vitripennis(Walker)雌雄虫体内可培养真菌群落结构的影响,对其体内可培养真菌进行多样性研究。【方法】采用不同浓度、不同培养基通过分离培养法研究丽蝇蛹集金小蜂体内真菌,将培养所得真菌采用形态和分子方法(ITS基因序列)进行鉴定。【结果】取食前后丽蝇蛹集金小蜂雌、雄虫体内共分离得到49种真菌,隶属子囊菌门,盘菌亚门的座囊菌纲、散囊菌纲、锤舌菌纲、子囊菌纲,共10个属,其中以链格孢属(Alternaria)、枝孢属(Clacdosporium)、青霉属(Penicillium)为优势属。【结论】丽蝇蛹集金小蜂体内可培养真菌物种数目,雄虫多于雌虫,取食后多于取食前。本研究结果说明食物、性别是丽蝇蛹集金小蜂体内可培养真菌群落结构产生差异的重要因素。  相似文献   

退化高寒草地土壤真菌群落与土壤环境因子间相互关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
【目的】为探究祁连山高寒草地退化过程中土壤真菌群落分布特征与土壤环境因子间的相互关系。【方法】利用Illumina Miseq PE250高通量测序技术对轻度、中度和重度退化草地土壤真菌群落结构变化及其多样性进行分析,并对土壤真菌群落与土壤环境因子的相互关系进行冗余分析(RDA)。【结果】随着退化程度加剧,土壤pH呈现出升高趋势,电导率呈现出先升高后降低趋势,土壤含水量、有机碳、全氮、全磷和全钾含量均逐渐降低。高通量测序共得到750575条有效序列和5788个OTUs;各试验点样地中真菌群落Chao1指数和Shannon-Wiener指数变化各异。在门分类水平上,子囊菌门(Ascomycota)、担子菌门(Basidiomycota)、接合菌门(Zygomycota)、球囊菌门(Glomeromycota)和壶菌门(Chytridiomycota)是各草地土壤的优势类群。RDA分析表明,土壤速效钾、全氮、速效氮和有机碳是祁连山不同退化高寒草地土壤真菌群落分布的主要驱动因子。【结论】祁连山不同退化高寒草地土壤真菌群落间差异明显,土壤环境因子是影响土壤真菌群落分布的重要因素。  相似文献   

新疆巴音布鲁克草原白蘑蘑菇圈土壤真菌多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【背景】新疆巴音布鲁克草原为我国第二大高山草原,草原上生长的白蘑(Tricholoma mongolicum Imai)属于口蘑属(Tricholoma)的一种,可形成典型的蘑菇圈。【目的】了解巴音布鲁克草原白蘑蘑菇圈圈上及其两侧土壤真菌的物种组成和群落结构特点,为研究白蘑蘑菇圈的形成与生长及其子实体的发生提供一定的理论依据。【方法】采用Illumina HiSeq平台高通量测序技术研究白蘑蘑菇圈周围土壤真菌的物种组成丰富度和菌群结构多样性。【结果】测定有效序列经注释得到809个操作分类单元(Optical taxonomic unit,OTU),分为5个门、26个纲、79个目、166个科、232个属;蘑菇圈上土壤真菌的物种丰富度、群落结构多样性以及特异性物种均低于圈外及圈内,蘑菇圈上特有真菌物种为Xylodonnothofagi、Agaricales、Phaeococcomyces、Ochrocladosporium adansoniae、Coniochaeta ligniaria、未知子囊菌、 Tomentella amyloapiculata、 Dothideomycetes、Incertea_sedis_Helotiales。【结论】研究表明白蘑蘑菇圈的形成影响土壤真菌的分布,圈上优势真菌类群对其他真菌类群具有抑制作用,蘑菇圈向外生长可能与微生物群落结构失衡有关。  相似文献   



The Tibetan pig is one of domestic animals indigenous to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Several geographically isolated pig populations are distributed throughout the Plateau. It remained an open question if these populations have experienced different demographic histories and have evolved independent adaptive loci for the harsh environment of the Plateau. To address these questions, we herein investigated ~ 40,000 genetic variants across the pig genome in a broad panel of 678 individuals from 5 Tibetan geographic populations and 34 lowland breeds.


Using a series of population genetic analyses, we show that Tibetan pig populations have marked genetic differentiations. Tibetan pigs appear to be 3 independent populations corresponding to the Tibetan, Gansu and Sichuan & Yunnan locations. Each population is more genetically similar to its geographic neighbors than to any of the other Tibetan populations. By applying a locus-specific branch length test, we identified both population-specific and -shared candidate genes under selection in Tibetan pigs. These genes, such as PLA2G12A, RGCC, C9ORF3, GRIN2B, GRID1 and EPAS1, are involved in high-altitude physiology including angiogenesis, pulmonary hypertension, oxygen intake, defense response and erythropoiesis. A majority of these genes have not been implicated in previous studies of highlanders and high-altitude animals.


Tibetan pig populations have experienced substantial genetic differentiation. Historically, Tibetan pigs likely had admixture with neighboring lowland breeds. During the long history of colonization in the Plateau, Tibetan pigs have developed a complex biological adaptation mechanism that could be different from that of Tibetans and other animals. Different Tibetan pig populations appear to have both distinct and convergent adaptive loci for the harsh environment of the Plateau.

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The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-834) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

本研究利用包含140个与猪肌肉生长和脂肪沉积密切相关基因的Oligo功能分类基因芯片检测了藏猪在2、4、6和8月龄间背最长肌中这些基因的表达量变化,并在2月龄时与脂肪型的太湖猪和瘦肉型的长白猪进行比较.ANOVA分析结果表明:2-8月龄间藏猪分别有10和 7个基因的表达差异达极显著(P<0.01)和显著水平(P<0.05);2月龄时藏猪体重极显著低于长白猪(P<0.01)和显著低于太湖猪(P<0.05),而藏猪肌纤维面积却为最大,但品种间差异未达显著水平(P>0.05);2月龄时3个品种间分别有15和13个基因的表达差异达极显著 (P<0.01)和显著水平(P<0.05).STEM聚类分析结果表明:直线下降和上升是藏猪在2 -8月龄间最具代表性的基因表达模式(P<0.01).另外,5个差异表达基因的荧光定量RT -PC R验证结果与基因芯片结果的Person相关系数平均高达0.856±0.109.提示:藏猪在2-8月龄间骨骼肌生长发育强度较肌内脂肪合成沉积占优势,2月龄时藏猪脂肪酸合成相关基因的表达水平较其他两品种低,而脂肪酸β氧化和肌纤维生长相关基因的表达水平较高,与其在高原独特的自然生态环境和全放牧散养的饲喂方式下长期形成的品种特性相符 [动物学报 54(3):442-452,2008].  相似文献   

In this study, we have characterized the mitochondrial diversity of 81 swine from Uganda. Median‐joining network analysis of D‐loop sequences from these individuals and others characterized in previous studies allowed us to determine that Ugandan pigs cluster with populations from the West (Europe/North Africa), Far East and India. In addition, partial sequencing of the Y‐chromosome UTY locus in 18 Ugandan domestic pigs revealed the segregation of a single HY1 lineage that has a cosmopolitan distribution. A Western and Far Eastern ancestry for East African pigs had been already reported, but this is the first study demonstrating an additional contribution from the Indian porcine gene pool. This result is consistent with the high frequency of zebuine alleles in cattle from East Africa. The geographic coordinates of East Africa, at the crossroads of many trading routes that, through the ages, linked Europe, Africa and Asia, might explain the rich and complex genetic heritage of livestock native to this area.  相似文献   

The present study was performed to investigate the infection status of intestinal parasites in pigs and beef cattle in rural areas of Chungcheongnam-do, Korea. From November 2009 to April 2010, a total of 241 fecal samples of pigs and beef cattle (136 and 105, respectively) were examined by direct smear and centrifugal sedimentation methods. The overall positive rates of intestinal parasites among pigs and beef cattle were 73.5% and 4.8%, respectively, and the double-infection rate was 10.3% in pigs. Of 136 specimens from pigs, Balantidium coli, Ascaris suum, and Entamoeba spp. infections were found in 88 (64.7%), 24 (17.6%), and 5 cases (3.7%), respectively. Of 105 beef cattle, Entamoeba spp. infections were detected in 5 cases (4.8%). From these results, it is shown that pigs raised on rural farms in Chungcheongnam-do had a high B. coli infection rate and a moderate A. suum infection rate. These results demonstrate that environmentally resistant cysts or eggs could be widespread on the farms examined, and thus an effective hygienic management system is needed to prevent them from serving as the source of infection for human beings.  相似文献   

The main objective of the present work was to determine the nutritional value and the strategies of using green banana meal (BM) in growing pigs. Two trials involving a total of 96 growing pigs were designed to study the effect of the harvest stage on the nutritional and energy values of BM (trial 1) and to evaluate the consequence of feeding gradual levels of BM on growth performance and feeding behavior in growing pigs (trial 2). In trial 1, the digestive utilization of three diets including 40% BM were compared with a control (C) soybean meal-corn diet in two batches of 12 pigs. BM was obtained from fruits harvested at 750 degrees-days (DD; early harvesting stage), 900 DD (normal harvesting stage) and 1150 DD (late harvesting stage). In trial 2, 72 Large White pigs were grouped in pens of nine animals and were given ad libitum access to one of the four dietary treatments (two pens/diet) differing from the rate of inclusion of 900 DD BM (0%, 20%, 40%, 60%). The estimated energy apparent digestibility coefficients of BM increased with the harvest stage (75.5%, 80.7% and 83.2% for BM at 750, 900 and 1150 DD, respectively). Digestible energy and metabolizable energy values were higher for BM at 1150 DD (13.56 and 13.05 MJ/kg DM, respectively) than at 900 DD (13.11 and 12.75 MJ/kg DM, respectively) or at 750 DD (12.00 and 11.75 MJ/kg DM, respectively). In trial 2, average daily gain and feed conversion ratio were not affected (P>0.05) by the rate of BM inclusion (822 g/day and 2.75 kg/kg on average, respectively). Feed intake and feeding behavior parameters were not significantly influenced by the dietary treatments except for the rate of feed ingestion with a lower value for the diet with 40% of BM (27.4 v. 32.2 g/min on average; P<0.01) when compared with the other diets. Results of this study indicate that the energy value of BM increases with the harvest stage and that BM can be incorporated up to 60% in growing finishing pig diets.  相似文献   

Two experiments, a performance experiment and a mineral balance study, were conducted on grower-finisher pigs (42 to 101 kg live weight) to investigate the effects of Peniophora lycii phytase enzyme and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25-OHD3) on growth performance, carcass characteristics, nutrient retention and excretion, and bone and blood parameters. The two experiments were designed as a 2 × 2 factorial (two levels of phytase and two levels of 25-OHD3). The four diets were T1, low-phosphorous diet; T2, T1 + phytase; T3, T1 + 25-OHD3 and T4, T1 + phytase + 25-OHD3 diet. In all, 25 μg of 25-OHD3 was used to replace 1000 IU of vitamin D3 in diets T3 and T4. Diets were pelleted (70°C) and formulated to contain similar concentrations of energy (13.8 MJ DE/kg), lysine (9.5 g/kg) and digestible phosphorus (P; 1.8 g/kg). Neither the inclusion of phytase nor 25-OHD3 in the diet had any effect on pig performance. There was an interaction between phytase and 25-OHD3 on calcium (Ca) and P retention (P < 0.01) and on the apparent digestibility of ash (P < 0.01), P (P < 0.001) and Ca (P < 0.001). Pigs offered phytase diets only, had a higher retention of Ca and P and digestibility of ash (P < 0.01), P (P < 0.001) and Ca (P < 0.01) compared with pigs offered unsupplemented diets. However, when the combination of phytase and 25-OHD3 were offered, no effects were detected compared with 25-OHD3 diets only. Pigs fed phytase diets had higher bone ash (P < 0.01), bone P (P < 0.01) and bone Ca (P < 0.05) concentrations compared with pigs offered non-phytase diets. In conclusion, pigs offered phytase diets had a significantly increased bone ash, Ca and P than pigs offered unsupplemented phytase diets. However, there was no advantage to offering a combination of phytase and 25-OHD3 on either bone strength or mineral status compared to offering these feed additives separately.  相似文献   

Molecular cloning, tissue distribution and ontogenetic regulation of sodium/proton exchanger isoform 2 (NHE-2) mRNA expression were evaluated in the pig small intestine during postnatal development. The 2872-bp porcine full cDNA sequence of the NHE-2 (EF672046) cloned in this study showed 80% and 70% homology with known human and mouse gene sequence, respectively. Hydrophobic prediction suggests 13 putative membrane-spanning domains within porcine NHE-2. The porcine NHE-2 mRNA was detected in the brain, liver, kidney, heart, lung, small intestine and muscle. The small intestine had the highest NHE-2 mRNA abundance and the brain, lung and liver had the lowest NHE-2 mRNA abundance (P < 0.05). Along the longitudinal axis, the duodenum had the highest NHE-2 mRNA abundance and the ileum and colon had the lowest NHE-2 mRNA abundance (P < 0.05). The NHE-2 mRNA level was increased from day 1 to day 26 in the duodenum (P < 0.05) and dropped dramatically on day 30 (P < 0.05). There is no difference between day 1 and day 7 (P > 0.05). After day 30, the NHE-2 mRNA level remained the same except on day 90 (P > 0.05). The mRNA expression of NHE-2 was not only differentially regulated by age but also differentially distributed along the small intestine of piglets at early stages and growing stages of life, which may contribute to changes in NHE activity.  相似文献   

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