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目的:建立兔颈动、静脉移植血管桥动物模型,观察移植桥血管内膜增生和狭窄的电镜下表现。方法:通过兔双侧颈动脉进行动脉桥和静脉桥的移植,形成双侧移植血管桥再狭窄动物模型。在第8周施行血管桥移植手术的同时留取右侧颈动静脉标本作为对照血管,再分别于第12周、16周和第20周分别处死模型兔,采集移植桥血管标本,在光镜下测量其内膜厚度、面积、狭窄度,并进行电镜观察。结果:颈动脉和颈静脉桥移植后,随着时间的延长,桥血管的出现平滑肌迁移,脂质沉积,内膜增生,血管狭窄等改变,且以静脉桥血管的病理改变更为明显。结论:在兔形成动脉粥样硬化病变基础上,进行双侧颈动脉血管桥的移植,建立兔双侧颈动脉移植血管桥再狭窄动物模型,有利于设立自身对照,研究术后动静脉桥再狭窄差异机制;建立动、静脉桥后,位于血管中膜的平滑肌细胞出现向血管内膜迁移现象,说明中膜平滑肌细胞迁移进入内膜导致新内膜形成是血管再狭窄的重要环节。  相似文献   

目的建立冠心病冠状动脉旁路移植术后移植静脉桥狭窄的动物模型。方法取3.0~3.5 kg普通新西兰兔8只,取同侧颈外静脉与颈总动脉进行端端吻合,吻合时采用间断缝合的方法。结果术后2周、4周取下静脉桥及对侧颈外静脉,光镜下见静脉桥新生内膜形成,中膜增厚,弹力纤维减少;胶原纤维不均匀性增厚。结论本模型能反映冠状动脉旁路移植术后静脉桥狭窄的情况,可满意模拟人冠状动脉旁路移植术后大隐静脉桥的病理变化。  相似文献   

球囊拉伤血管内膜是目前研究血管内膜增厚,管腔狭窄的方便而切实的模型。因此,对其演变过程的形态学研究是必要的。方法:应用PTCA球囊导管拉伤兔髂动脉,用光镜、电镜和扫描电镜观察拉伤后不同时间的动态变化。结果:拉伤后各期变化不同,拉伤后1周内,以血细胞沉积为主,1周后,内膜开始增生,2至4周增生最快。增生活跃的内膜平滑肌细胞来自活化的中膜平滑肌细胞。内皮细胞增生极慢,4周内未见内膜内皮化,呈虫食样改变。结论:球囊拉伤兔髂动脉内膜,可引起血栓形成,炎症反应,平滑肌细胞增生和细胞外基质堆积,导致血管腔狭窄。此研究为今后的工作提供一定的客观依据  相似文献   

李光  尤斌  李平  李玉玲  吴意娜  张聪聪 《生物磁学》2013,(18):3436-3440,3444
目的:通过观察炎性因子白细胞介素-1β、白细胞介素-18在小鼠静脉移植后再狭窄血管中的表达,为临床冠脉搭桥术后血管再狭窄的早期诊断和药物治疗提供潜在靶点。方法:48只雄性小鼠,其中24只小鼠取出下腔静脉作为供体,采用套管法移植至另外24只小鼠的右颈动脉。建立颈动静脉血管移植模型,成活后随机分成三组每组8只,分别在一周、四周、八周处死,取移植血管,观察移植血管的通畅情况、血管内膜、中膜的增殖情况及炎性因子IL-1β、IL-18的表达;以供体血管作为对照组。结果:24只模型小鼠均存活,移植静脉血管内膜、中膜不同程度增生,免疫组化结果显示,正常静脉无明显炎症细胞侵润,移植静脉在一周时组织中大量MAC-2阳性单核巨噬细胞侵润,细胞因子IL-1β、IL-18的表达与正常静脉相比明显增加,、IL-18的表达分别为(9.52±1.81)%VS(0.82±0.12)%;(7.51±1.31)%VS(0.69±0.06)%,均为P〈0.05)。在四周、八周仍有大量巨噬细胞侵润,细胞因子IL-1β高表达,四周、八周IL-1β表达分别为(7.01±1.21)%、(2.48±0.62)%。移植静脉管壁逐渐增厚,管腔逐渐狭窄;与对照组静脉比较(56.15μm±4.65μm),一周、四周、八周血管内膜厚度显著增厚分别为(204.26μm±24.29μm 551.83μm±35.00μm 723.90μm±127.42μm,均为P〈0.05)。结论:炎性因子IL-1β、IL-18在静脉移植血管再狭窄中的表达增加,参与静脉移植后血管再狭窄的发生,因此可通过抑制炎性因子IL-1β、IL-18来治疗冠脉搭桥后静脉再狭窄。  相似文献   

探讨血管内皮细胞的特异丝裂原-血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)基因阻止血管内膜损伤后形成再狭窄的组织变化过程。建立球囊拉伤血管内膜的兔髂动脉模型,将携带VEGF目的基因的真核表达载体pcDNA3/VEGF经多聚赖氨酸处理的PTCA球囊导管导入拉伤的血管内膜。VEGF基因组拉伤2周时血管内壁有VEGF mRNA和蛋白的高表达。血管内膜内皮化较快。2周时即有许多血管内皮细胞呈岛状分布。4周时内膜基本恢复光滑。内膜平滑肌细胞增生明显减少,而对照组2周时血管内膜粗糙,基底膜暴露,拉伤后4周仍无内皮细胞再生,最后形成虫蚀样改变。血管中膜平滑肌细胞穿过内弹性膜进入内膜并大量增生,内膜增厚。VEGF基因定位导入血管内壁后。VEGF mRNA和蛋白高表达且发挥其生物学效应,内皮细胞岛状增生,加快内膜内皮化,减轻内膜增厚。  相似文献   

家兔新型动脉粥样硬化狭窄模型的建立及其动态观察   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
目的 为血管成形术后再狭窄的研究提供非球囊扩张和动脉造影的简单易行的新型动脉粥样硬化斑块狭窄动物模型。方法 选择日本大耳白兔 18只 (含正常组 6只 ) ,用电刺激血栓形成仪刺激颈总动脉并在术后高脂饲料喂养 6周 ,模型分别于术后 3天、1周、3周、6周处死颈总动脉取材 ,常规病理切片行HE、弹力V G染色 ,光学显微镜观察病理变化。结果 术后 1周内动脉有血栓形成 ,内皮剥脱和部分内弹力板断裂 ,内皮细胞增生 ,中膜局部平滑肌细胞有少量水肿、消失 ,外膜有中性粒细胞浸润 ;术后 3周以上则内膜明显增生 ,内膜下脂质沉积 ,中膜平滑肌细胞核有轻度减少 ,纤维组织及基质增生 ,以损伤部位更明显 ,外膜刺激部位有轻度增厚。术后 6周 6只动物颈总动脉均形成管腔狭窄。结论 用电刺激加高脂饲料喂养的方法可成功建立动脉粥样硬化狭窄的动物模型 ;该模型的病理表现与人类动脉粥样硬化的病理过程相似 ,且避免了二次球囊造模法形成的血管盲端  相似文献   

目的比较间断吻合和连续吻合法建立静脉桥狭窄动物模型的优劣。方法SD大鼠20只,分成两组(间断吻合组和连续吻合组),取颈外静脉与颈总动脉行端端吻合。术后4周取下静脉桥,观察桥管通畅性,分析新生内膜与中膜的厚度、面积比。结果连续组与间断组相比手术时间更短,出血更少,但桥管通畅率低,两组内膜增生程度没有显著差异。结论连续吻合用时短,出血少,对术者要求更高,较易形成吻合口狭窄。两者造模效果一样。  相似文献   

该文探讨了高压氧治疗对早期兔动静脉瘘模型中静脉血管平滑肌细胞增殖和迁移的影响。通过腺嘌呤诱导36只成年新西兰兔建立慢性肾衰模型,然后将其随机分为3组(每组12只):假手术组;单纯动静脉瘘组;高压氧治疗和动静脉瘘组。应用Masson染色检测静脉内膜增生和血管重塑的情况;免疫组化染色和Western blot检测α-SMA、PCNA、PDGF-BB、VEGF-A、TNF-α和MMP-9表达情况; RT-PCR检测α-SMA、PDGF-BB和VEGF-A表达水平。结果显示,相较于假手术组,单纯动静脉瘘组的静脉管壁弹力纤维明显增生,中内膜增厚,血管明显重塑。与单纯动静脉瘘组相比较,高压氧治疗和动静脉瘘组的弹力纤维增生受到抑制,以及相关的各目的蛋白和mRNA的表达水平下降。这说明,动静脉瘘术后,高压氧治疗可明显抑制动静脉瘘静脉血管平滑肌细胞的增殖和迁移,改善血管重塑。  相似文献   

目的建立一个能模拟冠状动脉旁路移植术桡动脉桥情况的模型。方法50只新西兰兔,股动脉与颈总动脉行端侧吻合,两吻合口之间的颈总动脉予以结扎。术后1、3、7、14、56d分别取完整动脉桥,进行肉眼观察,HE染色观察病理变化,弹力纤维染色,计算机测算血管内膜厚度、新生内膜中膜比指数;电镜观察血管内皮细胞变化。结果50只兔成功建立动脉桥,无手术及围手术期死亡,桥血管总通畅率为86%,对通畅的桥血管作形态学观测发现血管移植后7d起至56d内膜增厚有统计学差异。结论本动物模型可以较好地模拟冠状动脉旁路移植术桡动脉桥的情况。  相似文献   

大鼠颈动脉再狭窄模型的建立及其病理机制的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:建立再狭窄动物模型,探讨再狭窄的发生规律及病理机制.方法:模拟临床经皮冠状动脉成形术(Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty,PTCA)过程,造成大鼠颈动脉扩张及血管内膜的损伤,在此基础上系统地观测术后不同时相点内膜、中膜的增生以及细胞增殖的动态变化规律,以及血管内皮修复情况.结果:新生内膜于术后28天增厚达高峰,增生的血管内膜细胞中以α-Atin染色细胞为主,提示血管内膜的增生大多来自中膜的平滑肌细胞.损伤动脉壁细胞增殖,中膜增厚在14时达到高峰与术后即刻比较有显著性差异(P<0.05),但35天中膜面积与术后第一天比较无显著性差异(P>0.05.血管回缩管腔明显变窄.血管外弹力板周径和内弹力板周径在手术后当天有明显增加,与对侧比较差异显著(P<0.05).但随后开始出现收缩性重构并在第14-28天达到高峰.手术后35天与对侧比较无显著性差异(P>0.05).血管内膜剥脱后血管内膜第14天即可以见到部分再内皮化,28天血管内膜基本完全再内皮化.结论:损伤动脉狭窄的主要原因为血管的收缩性重构和内膜过度增生.  相似文献   

目的:提高肾移植术后移植肾动脉破裂的诊治水平。方法:回顾性分析临床所见4例肾移植术后移植肾动脉破裂诊治并复习国内外病例文献资料。结果:移植肾动脉破裂口均不在吻合口,离吻合口距离为0.5~0.8cm;破裂原因:3例为霉菌感染,1例为细菌感染;经行移植肾切除和抗真菌、抗菌治疗后,2例受者恢复血透,1例因术中肺梗塞死亡,1例因失血性休克而死亡。结论:移植肾动脉破裂临床上较少见,后果严重,不仅会影响到移植肾功能,更可能危及病人生命,早期诊断、紧急手术探查和特异性治疗可改善预后,挽救患者生命。  相似文献   

Purpose: Sequential graft and Y-type graft are two different surgical procedures in coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). The hemodynamic environment of them are different, that may cause different short-term surgical result and long-term patency. In this study, the short-term and long-term result of sequential and Y-type graft was discussed by comparing the hemodynamics of them. Materials and Methods: Two postoperative 3-dimensional (3D) models were built by applying different graft on a patient-specific 3D model with serious stenosis. Then zero-dimensional (0D)/3D coupled simulation was carried out by coupling the postoperative 3D models with a 0D lumped parameter model of the cardiovascular system. Results: The flow rate of native coronary arteries and grafts are all calculated and illustrated in this paper. No significant difference of the native coronary arteries flow and graft flow exists between two surgical procedures. The wall shear stress (WSS) and streamline were also depicted. The graft WSS of sequential graft is 19.1% higher than Y-type graft. While flow separation appears at the bifurcation of Y-type graft. Conclusion: The short-term outcomes of sequential graft and Y-type graft are almost the same. But it can be found from the hemodynamics factors that the longterm patency of the sequential graft is better.  相似文献   

Graft union formation in tomato plants: peroxidase and catalase involvement   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The use of grafted plants in vegetable crop production is now being expanded greatly. However, few data are available on the formation of graft unions in vegetables. In this work, the structural development of the graft union formation in tomato plants is studied, together with the possible relationship with activities of peroxidases and catalases. METHODS: Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) seedlings of cultivar Fanny were grafted on the rootstock of cultivar AR-9704 using the 'tongue approach grafting' method, and were grown in a crop chamber. A study of the structural development of the graft union and the involvement of peroxidases and catalases in the process of graft formation was carried out during the first stages of the graft union (4, 8 and 15 d after grafting). KEY RESULTS: Observation of the structure of the graft union showed formation of xylem and phloem vessels through the graft union 8 d after grafting. In addition, root hydraulic conductance, L0, indicate that the graft union is fully functional 8 d after grafting, which coincided with an increase of peroxidase and catalase activities. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that increased peroxidase and catalase activities might be implicated in graft development in tomato plants.  相似文献   

以中华猕猴桃(Actinidia chinensis)武植2号(Wuzhi-2),通山5号(Tongshan-5)品种和美味猕猴桃(A.deliciosa)金魁(Jinkui)品种为接穗,采用美味猕猴桃等9种类型猕猴桃一年生实生苗为砧木进行嫁接,研究其短期嫁接亲和性,并对这9种砧木进行抗根结线虫(Meloidogyne)筛选试验。结果表明,种间的嫁接亲和性及抗根线虫性 均有显著差异:以美味猕猴桃和中华猕猴桃优良品种实生苗为砧木,与3个品种均有高的亲和性,成活率高达100%,且抗性在9种砧木中最强;其它物种作砧木均有不足,武植2号/山猴猴桃,通山5号/M16,通山5号/山梨猕猴桃3个嫁接组合的亲和性均较好,成活率在80%以上,但山梨猕猴桃较易感病且与金魁的亲和力较低,M16抗性虽较好,但与金魁,武植2号的亲和力也较低,漓江猕猴桃是抗性较强的物种,但它与3种接穗品种的亲和力都较小,其它5种砧木,对根结线虫的抗性均不强,因此结合成活率及抗根结线虫两因素,在供试材料中,美味猴猕桃和中华猕猴桃接适应性广且抗性强,是较好的砧木或选育砧木的亲本材料。  相似文献   

目的:探讨椎弓根内固定联合椎体间植骨融合术治疗退行性腰椎滑脱症的临床效果。方法:回顾性分析我院2012年3月至2014年3月收治的30例采用椎弓根内固定联合椎体间植骨融合术治疗的退行性腰椎滑脱症患者临床资料,观察患者对手术效果的满意度,并对症状进行JOA评分。比较患者术前术后的腰椎X线的影像学变化,观察术后临近节段的退变发生率与影像的融合率。结果:术后随访1-3年发现患者JOA评分的平均改善率为(73.81±16.12)%,术后滑脱率与椎间高度均有明显改善,与术前比较差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。术后影像学显示植骨融合A级15例,B级12例,C级3例,融合优良率为90%。结论:椎弓根内固定联合椎体间植骨融合术对退行性腰椎滑脱症具有显著的临床效果,不仅可以缓解疼痛,改善功能评分,而且使患者影像学变化恢复正常生理形态,是理想的手术方法之一。  相似文献   

In this study, the right sciatic nerves of 40 rats were used to determine whether a nerve graft within a vein graft might accelerate and facilitate axonal regeneration, compared with a nerve graft alone. The animals were separated into four groups, as follows: group 1, sham control; group 2 (control), segmental nerve resection and no repair; group 3, segmental nerve resection and nerve grafting; group 4, segmental nerve resection and reconstruction with a nerve graft within a vein conduit graft. For all groups, sciatic functional indices were calculated before the operation and on postoperative days 7 and 90. On postoperative day 90, the sciatic nerves were reexposed and nerve conduction velocities were recorded. The sciatic nerves were harvested from all groups for counting of the myelinated axons with a stereological method. No statistically significant differences with respect to return of gait function, axon count, or nerve conduction were noted between groups 3 and 4 (p > 0.05). However, functional recovery in group 4 on postoperative day 90 was significant, compared with group 2 (p < 0.05); the recovery difference between groups 2 and 3 was not significant (p > 0.05). This study was not able to demonstrate any functional benefits with the use of a nerve graft within a vein graft, compared with standard nerve grafting.  相似文献   



Little is known about optimal management of prosthetic vascular graft infections, which are a rare but serious complication associated with graft implants. The goal of this study was to compare and characterize these infections with respect to the location of the graft and to identify factors associated with outcome.


This was a retrospective study over more than a decade at a tertiary care university hospital that has an established multidisciplinary approach to treating graft infections. Cases of possible prosthetic vascular graft infection were identified from the hospital''s infectious diseases database and evaluated against strict diagnostic criteria. Patients were divided into groups according to the locations of their grafts: thoracic-aortic, abdominal-aortic, or peripheral-arterial. Statistical analyses included evaluation of patient and infection characteristics, time to treatment failure, and factors associated specifically with cure rates in aortic graft infections. The primary endpoint was cure at one year after diagnosis of the infection.


Characterization of graft infections according to the graft location did show that these infections differ in terms of their characteristics and that the prognosis for treatment seems to be influenced by the location of the infection. Cure rate and all-cause mortality at one year were 87.5% and 12.5% in 24 patients with thoracic-aortic graft infections, 37.0% and 55.6% in 27 patients with abdominal-aortic graft infections, and 70.0% and 30.0% in 10 patients with peripheral-arterial graft infections. In uni- and multivariate analysis, the type of surgical intervention used in managing infections (graft retention versus graft replacement) did not affect primary outcome, whereas a rifampicin-based antimicrobial regimen was associated with a higher cure rate.


We recommend that future prospective studies differentiate prosthetic vascular graft infections according to the location of the grafts and that rifampicin-based antimicrobial regimens be evaluated in clinical trials involving vascular graft infections caused by staphylococci.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The incidence and potential clinical consequences of bacterial contamination of autologous and allogeneic BM products remains open to question. We report our experience of bacterial contamination of BM grafts and adverse events that occurred after transplantation. METHODS: From January 2003 to February 2006, 257 BM harvests were processed and infused at our institution. Analysis of microbial contamination incidence before and after processing, sensitivity spectra of isolated bacteria and adverse events after graft infusion were analyzed. RESULTS: Nineteen of 257 BM (7.4%) were contaminated. Coagulase-negative Staphylococcus (n=9) and Propionibacterium acnes (n=6) were the most frequently isolated microorganisms. Two of nine coagulase-negative staphylococci were found to be resistant to erythromycin and two of six P. acnes to fosfomycin and gentamycin. The frequency and severity of immediate adverse events reported in patients receiving a contaminated graft were similar to those observed in patients receiving a non-contaminated product. No major adverse sequelae occurred after infusion of contaminated grafts. Finally, none of the patients transplanted with a contaminated graft developed bacteriemia that could have been related to the isolated microorganism. DISCUSSION: Microbial contamination of BM progenitor cell grafts does not induce severe clinical complications or infectious diseases after infusion. The vast majority of isolated pathogens were skin contaminants.  相似文献   

We examined the timing and mechanisms of mesodermal and neural determination in Cynops , using the secondary embryo induced by transplantation of the prechordal endomesoderm. Two unique approaches were used: one was to observe gastrulation movements induced by the graft, and the other to measure the volumes of formed tissues. Transplanted graft pulled host animal cap cells inside to form a new notochord and other mesoderm of the secondary embryo, showing determination of mesoderm during gastrulation. The graft attained a certain width beneath the host ectoderm and moved near to the animal pole of the host by late gastrula, and a neural plate, which had a similar width to the graft, was formed covering the graft. The volume of neural tissues of the secondary embryo at tail-bud stages was about half that of the normal embryo, while the volumes of notochord were comparable in each case. These data suggest that prechordal endomesoderm, rather than notochord, determines the limit of neural plate in the overlying ectoderm. Similar dorsal grafts were transplanted at early gastrula in Xenopus but did not form well developed secondary embryos, demonstrating that the timing and mechanisms of mesoderm formation in Xenopus are different from those in Cynops .  相似文献   

国产真丝涤纶人造血管的动物应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨国产真丝涤纶人造血管动物应用的可行性。方法:以真丝涤纶人造血管行犬的腹主动脉移植。结果:移植后1个月血管腔内表面形成不完善的内膜,外膜纤维组织明显增生;移植后3个月血管腔内表面完全内皮化,外膜部分肉芽组织胶原化;半年至1年内皮细胞排列更加整齐有序,吻合口轻度内膜增生,但无狭窄,外周为致密的纤维组织。结论:真丝涤纶人造血管作为新一代血管代用品是可行的,但其远期通畅率是有待进一步观察。  相似文献   

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