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先天性无虹膜症是一种罕见的人类眼部遗传病,通常由常染色体显性突变引起。主要表现为先天性虹膜缺失或者发育不全,伴随多种眼部异常。其致病基因为PAX6,是PAX家族的成员之一,1991年被定位克隆,从此揭示它对眼发育至关重要的调节作用。我们综述了PAX6蛋白在眼部发育过程中的作用及PAX6基因突变导致的一些眼发育异常,着重总结了先天性无虹膜症的临床表现、研究进展,并对PAX6基因突变数据库的相关数据进行了分析。  相似文献   

一个遗传性胰腺炎家系中新发现的胰蛋白酶原基因突变   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
刘奇才  程祖建  杨艳  欧启水 《遗传》2007,29(9):1067-1070
对1个遗传性胰腺炎(hereditary pancreatitis, HP)家系中6例成员和120例无亲缘关系健康人的胰蛋白酶原基因(protease serine 1, PRSS1)进行PCR扩增, 产物纯化后测序, 结合受检者的血清肿瘤标志物、糖尿病相关生化指标以及近亲属的一般临床资料进行分析。结果发现4例家系成员PRSS1基因3号外显子区136位碱基存在C→T杂合性突变, 他们的基因型表现为野生型与突变型杂合现象, 另外在先证者PRSS1基因的3号外显子区171位碱基还存在着一个同义突变点(C→T), 而对照组和家系其他成员中未发现此两种突变, 突变阳性患者表现为乳酸、糖基化血红蛋白和糖类肿瘤标志物(CA19-9、CA125)增高。因此, PRSS1基因3号外显子区136位碱基C→T杂合性突变与该家系遗传性胰腺炎有关, 是该家系中遗传性胰腺炎的遗传易感因素。  相似文献   

本文研究兔的UCP2基因的多态性,为地方兔种的选种和选育提供一定的依据。分别以比利时兔、加利福尼亚兔和新西兰兔构建其DNA池,设计6对引物扩增3个兔种UCP2基因的外显子序列和部分内含子序列,用PCR产物直接进行双向测序快速的筛选出兔的UCP2的多态位点。结果表明:在兔UCP2基因中筛选到8个多态性位点:intron2-G2217T、exon3-A63C、exon3-G169A、intron5-C61A、exon6-C11G、intron6-C7T、intron6-C46T、intron6-C73A,其中exon3-A63C和exon3-G169A位于第3外显子上,且exon3-A63C为错义突变,导致编码的酪氨酸(Tyr)变为丝氨酸(Ser)。exon6-C11G在第6外显子上,其余的多态位点都在内含子中,除了intron6-C7T外,其余的多态位点在三种兔种中都有。结论:通过生物信息学对兔UCP2基因的分析发现m RNA二级结构、二级结构和蛋白质的三级结构在突变前后都发生变化。  相似文献   

通过PCR和直接测序的方法,对一性连锁Alport综合征家系17个受检个体的COL4A5基因所有51个外显子及其相邻内含子的DNA序列进行检测。结果发现,在第26外显子2240位点,男患者存在C碱基缺失(2240delc),女患者存在杂合缺失,同时对女患者相应的PCR产物进行克隆和测序以验证PCR测序结果的可靠性,而在正常家系成员和80例对照中均未发现此位点异常,说明2240delc为引起该家系临床病变的突变位点,不是多态性位点。在性连锁Alport综合征中,COL4A5基因的这个单碱基缺失突变位点为首次报道。  相似文献   

目的:探讨导致蛋白C、蛋白S、抗凝血酶缺乏症的分子发病机制。方法:检测蛋白C活性(PC:C)、蛋白S活性(PS:C)以及抗凝血酶活性(AT:C);PCR法分别扩增患者PC、PS、AT基因序列,寻找突变点。结果:蛋白C合并蛋白S合并抗凝血酶AT缺乏患者PC基因启动子区域存在C4867T杂合突变(NG_016323.1),为蛋白C基因的多态性位点;在蛋白S基因第四号外显子区域有G68395T杂合突变(NG_009813.1),导致Arg90Leu(NP_000304.2),为国际首次报道。遗传性PS缺陷在家系:四名家系成员均检测到PS基因第四号外显子区域一个杂合(错义)突变,G68395T(NG_009813.1)。结论:PC基因启动子的多态性位点C4867T杂合突变(NG_016323.1),PS基因第四号外显子区域的G68395T杂合突变(NG_009813.1),可能是导致患者PC、PS联合缺乏的原因。PS基因第四号外显子区域G68395T(NG_009813.1)杂合突变,可能是导致PS缺陷症家系成员PS缺乏的原因。  相似文献   

中国人Ⅱ型MPS家系IDS基因的一种新突变的鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭奕斌  潘宏达  郭春苗  李咏梅  陈路明 《遗传》2009,31(11):1101-1106
为了研究粘多糖贮积症Ⅱ型(MPSⅡ)患者发病的分子遗传学机制, 以便为今后的产前基因诊断等创造必要的前提条件, 文章先采用尿糖胺聚糖(GAGs)定性检测法对疑似MPSⅡ的先证者进行初诊, 然后采用PCR、PCR 产物直接测序法对先证者及其家系成员进行突变检测。在检出IDS基因c.876del2新突变后, 对随机采集的120例正常对照和其他非II型MPS患者包括MPSⅠ, Ⅳ, Ⅵ三型的病人共15例的IDS基因exon 6进行序列分析, 同时采用不同物种突变点序列的保守性分析法, 以及直接测定患儿及其家庭相关成员IDS酶活性的方法对该新突变进行致病性分析。结果显示: 先证者尿检呈强阳性(GAGs +++); 其IDS基因exon 6编码区内存在c.876-877 del TC新缺失突变, 为半合子突变, 而其母、其姐为杂合突变; 正常对照和其他非II型MPS患者的IDS基因exon 6的检测结果均未发现该突变; 不同物种氨基酸序列的同源性比对显示: c.876-877 del TC突变所在的位置即p.292-293的苯丙氨酸(F)谷氨酰胺(Q)高度保守; 酶活性测定的结果显示: 先证者的IDS酶活性仅为2.3 nmol/4 h/mL, 大大低于正常值, 而其父的为641.9 nmol/4 h/mL, 其母的血浆酶活性为95.8 nmol/ 4h/mL, 其姐的为103.2 nmol/4 h/mL。说明所发现的c.876-877 del TC缺失移码突变是一种新的病理性突变, 是该MPSⅡ患儿发病的根本内因。  相似文献   

为给贵州本地绵羊选种选育提供更好的科学依据,本试验利用威宁绵羊和贵州半细毛羊构建DNA池,设计4对引物扩增其STAT5b基因部分外显子及内含子序列。PCR产物经纯化后进行双向测序。利用DNAStar和BLAST分析确定多态性位点。利用生物信息学软件分析SNPs位点对STAT5b基因RNA二级结构、STAT5b蛋白二级及三级结构的影响。结果表明,在扩增的STAT5b基因中筛选到6个SNPs:exon5-G12A、exon8-G56A、exon8-C104T、intron2-A3164C、intron4-C1026T和intron5-T3323C,其中exon8-G56A为错义突变,导致编码的谷氨酸(Glu)变为赖氨酸(Lys);exon5-G12A和exon8-C104T多态位点均未改变氨基酸的编码,为同义突变;intron2-A3164C、intron4-C1026T和intron5-T3323C均在内含子区,不参与氨基酸编码。  相似文献   

目的:研究一典型的青少年发病的成人型糖尿病家系并研究其基因突变位点。方法:以1个典型MODY家系的7名成员为研究对象,同时以10名无糖尿病家族史的普通2型糖尿病患者和10名健康人员为2个对照组。抽取外周血,分离白细胞,用快速盐析法提取基因组DNA,以基因组DNA为模板对HNF-1α基因的4号、2号和6号外显子和GCK基因的1号外显子进行PCR扩增,扩增产物经纯化后直接进行序列测定,并分别和各自的正常序列进行比较。结果:7名MODY家系成员HNF-1α2号外显子上游的内含子均存在一碱基G→A置换,即IVS2nt-42 G-A;4例存在HNF-1α6号外显子P380fsinsG移码突变,其中1例合并P379S点突变和IVS6nt-4G-A突变;1例存在P379S点突变;2例未发现突变和多态性。GCK基因的1号外显子及其内含子均未发现有突变或多态性。20名对照组成员均未发现有GCK1号外显子和HNF-1α2、4、6号外显子及其内含子的突变。结论:本家系是HNF-1α基因的6号外显子及其上游内含子突变(移码突变和/或点突变)和2号外显子上游内含子的一个碱基突变,该家系MODY属于MODY3。  相似文献   

目的:对收集的43例先天性小耳畸形患者进行遗传因素分析,对Goosecoid(GSC)基因测序,探讨GSC基因与先天性小耳畸形的关系。方法:采集43例小耳畸形患者的外周血提取基因组DNA,对GSC基因的三个外显子分别设计引物,经PCR扩增纯化后直接测序。结果:6例患者在第二外显子的第197bp处发生了C→T的同义突变,编码氨基酸仍为酪氨酸;2例患者在第三外显子的第125bp处发生了A→G的错义突变,编码氨基酸由谷氨酸变成谷氨酰胺。结论:在先天性小耳畸形的患者中发现了GSC基因的突变。  相似文献   

对一个中国汉族Gilbert综合征遗传家系致病基因突变位点进行鉴定,以期了解该病的分子遗传学基础。首先提取先证者基因组DNA,PCR扩增尿苷二磷酸葡萄糖醛酸转移酶UGT1A1基因的5个外显子,以琼脂糖电泳鉴定PCR产物,纯化后直接测序鉴定。基因扫描显示,与血清胆红素水平密切相关的UGT1A1基因在第1和第5外显子存在纯合突变,而 UGT1A1基因启动子区域和内含子/外显子剪接边界位点序列未检测到突变。进一步对其他家系成员该基因的相应位点进行突变检测,结果显示他们在第1和第5外显子也存在杂合突变,其中还有两个成员在启动子区域检测到(TA)插入突变。对家系成员未抗凝新鲜血液进行生化检测证实了基因突变分析的结果。综合以上结果发现该家系三种突变并存,致病因素为第1和/或第5外显子突变,为显性遗传,两种突变位点纯合导致先证者出现严重胆红素代谢功能障碍。该家系因此成为Gilbert综合征突变位点及其致病机理研究的一个典型临床病例。  相似文献   

We report four new mutations in Japanese patients with mucopolysaccharidosis IVA (MPSIVA) who were heterozygous for a common double gene deletion. A nonsense mutation of CAG to TAG at codon 148 in exon 4 was identified, resulting in a change of Q to a stop codon and three missense mutations. V (GTC) to A (GCC) at codon 138 in exon 4, P (CCC) to S (TCC) at codon 151 in exon 5, and P (CCC) to L (CTC) at codon 151 in exon 5. Introduction of these mutations into the normal GALNS cDNA and transient expression in cultured fibroblasts resulted in a significant decrease in the enzyme activity. V138A and Q148X mutations result in changes of restriction site, which were analyzed by restriction-enzyme assay. P151S and P151L mutations that did not alter the restriction site were detected by direct sequencing or allele specific oligohybridization. Detection of the double gene deletion was initially done using Southern blots and was confirmed by PCR. Haplotypes were determined using seven polymorphisms to the GALNS locus in families with the double gene deletion. Haplotype analysis showed that the common double gene deletion occurred on a single haplotype, except for some variation in a VNTR-like polymorphism. This finding is consistent with a common founder for all individuals with this mutation.  相似文献   

Seventy-seven patients with aniridia, referred for cytogenetic analysis predominantly to assess Wilms tumor risk, were studied by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), through use of a panel of cosmids encompassing the aniridia-associated PAX6 gene, the Wilms tumor predisposition gene WT1, and flanking markers, in distal chromosome 11p13. Thirty patients were found to be chromosomally abnormal. Cytogenetically visible interstitial deletions involving 11p13 were found in 13 patients, 11 of which included WT1. A further 13 patients had cryptic deletions detectable only by FISH, 3 of which included WT1. Six of these, with deletions <500 kb, share a similar proximal breakpoint within a cosmid containing the last 10 exons of PAX6 and part of the neighboring gene, ELP4. Two of these six patients were mosaic for the deletion. The remaining four had chromosomal rearrangements: an unbalanced translocation, t(11;13), with a deletion including the WAGR (Wilms' tumor, aniridia, genitourinary abnormalities, and mental retardation) region, and three balanced rearrangements with what appear to be position effect breakpoints 3' of PAX6: (a) a t(7;11) with the 11p13 breakpoint approximately 30 kb downstream of PAX6, (b) a dir ins(12;11) with a breakpoint >50 kb from PAX6, and (c) an inv(11)(p13q13) with a breakpoint >75 kb downstream of PAX6. The proportion and spectrum of chromosome anomalies in familial (4/14, or 28.5%) and sporadic (26/63, or 41%) cases are not significantly different. An unexpectedly high frequency of chromosomal rearrangements is associated with both sporadic and familial aniridia in this cohort.  相似文献   

Germline and somatic mutations of the hMSH2 gene were determined in a Japanese hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) family fulfilling the Amsterdam criteria. PCR-SSCP-sequencing of genomic DNA detected a somatic hMSH2 mutation of an A deletion at codon 227-229 in a duodenal carcinoma and a somatic hMSH2 mutation of an A insertion at codon 21 in a gastric carcinoma from affected family members, both carcinomas exhibiting high microsatellite instability. However, no germline hMSH2 mutation was detected by the PCR-SSCP-sequencing method. Genomic DNA was then analyzed by Southern blot hybridization using three hMSH2 cDNA probes (probe A involving exons 1-5, probe B involving exons 4-11 and probe C involving exons 9-16) after digestion by restriction enzymes, EcoRI, HindIII and NsiI. The NsiI digest of DNA from normal tissues of affected members exhibited an aberrant 8.6 kb restriction fragment, in addition to the normal 10.6 kb fragment, when hybridized to probes A and B. This suggested the presence of a heterozygous 2kb genomic deletion encompassing exon 4, 5 or 6. RT-PCR-sequencing revealed that the deleted region encompassed exon 5. This novel genomic deletion of the hMSH2 gene was confirmed to be pathogenic, and the Southern hybridization pattern was applied to the pre-symptomatic diagnosis.  相似文献   

Aniridia is a rare, bilateral, congenital ocular disorder causing incomplete formation of the iris, usually characterized by iris aplasia/hypoplasia. It can also appear with other ocular anomalies, such as cataracts, glaucoma, corneal pannus, optic nerve hypoplasia, macular hypoplasia, or ectopia lentis. In the majority of cases, it is caused by mutation in the PAX6 gene, but it can also be caused by microdeletions that involve the 11p13 region. Twelve unrelated patients of Polish origin with a clinical diagnosis of aniridia were screened for the presence of microdeletions in the 11p13 region by means of multiplex ligation probe amplification (MLPA). Additionally, the coding regions of the PAX6 gene were sequenced in all probands. MLPA examination revealed different size deletions of the 11p13 region in five patients. In three cases, deletions encompassed the entire PAX6 gene and a few adjacent genes. In one case, a fragment of the PAX6 gene was deleted only. In the final case, the deletion did not include any PAX6 sequence. Our molecular findings provide further evidence of the existence of the distant 3′ regulatory elements in the downstream region of the PAX6 gene, which is known from other studies to influence the level of protein expression. Sequence analysis of the PAX6 gene revealed the three different point mutations in the remaining four patients with aniridia. All the detected mutations were reported earlier. Based on accomplished results, the great diversity of the molecular basis of aniridia was found. It varies from point mutations to different size deletions in the 11p13 region which encompass partly or completely the PAX6 gene or cause a position effect.  相似文献   

Aniridia is a severe eye disease characterized by iris hypoplasia; both sporadic cases and familial cases with an autosomal dominant inheritance exist. Mutations in the PAX6 gene have been shown to be the genetic cause of the disease. Some of the sporadic cases are caused by large chromosomal deletions, some of which also include the Wilms tumor gene (WAGR syndrome), resulting in an increased risk of developing Wilms tumor. Based on the unique registration of both cancer and aniridia cases in Denmark, we have made the most accurate risk estimate to date for Wilms tumor in sporadic aniridia. We have found that patients with sporadic aniridia have a relative risk of 67 (confidence interval: 8.1-241) of developing Wilms tumor. Among patients investigated for mutations, Wilms tumor developed in only two patients out of 5 with the Wilms tumor gene (WT1) deleted. None of the patients with smaller chromosomal deletions or intragenic mutations were found to develop Wilms tumor. Our observations suggest a smaller risk for Wilms tumor than previous estimates, and that tumor development requires deletion of WT1. We report a strategy for the mutational analysis of aniridia cases resulting in the detection of mutations in 68% of sporadic cases and 89% of familial cases. We also report four novel mutations in PAX6, and furthermore, we have discovered a new alternatively spliced form of PAX6.  相似文献   

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