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廖中举  张曼婷 《生态学报》2020,40(9):3144-3153
生态创新是实现绿色发展的重要举措。为了深入了解生态创新的研究进展,基于Web of Science引文数据库,系统收集了2007—2018年间615篇符合生态创新主题的论文,采用文献计量、内容分析等方法对文献进行了科学和系统分析,构建了生态创新研究的整合框架。结果发现:生态创新的研究基础围绕"基础理论、竞争优势、环境政策工具"三个方面,其研究热点包括生态创新的绩效评估、生态创新与企业绩效的关系,以及生态创新的驱动因素。最后,基于分析结果,本研究勾勒出了生态创新领域未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

廖中举  黄超 《生态学杂志》2017,28(12):4150-4156
生态创新是实现可持续发展的重要方式.它具有“知识溢出”和“环保溢出”双重正外部性,受到了理论和实践界的广泛关注.为了系统把握生态创新的研究现状,本研究梳理了国外近10年生态创新的相关文献,对生态创新的内涵、特性与维度构成进行了系统的回顾,围绕制度理论、利益相关者理论、资源基础观理论等剖析了生态创新的驱动因素;重点探究了生态创新对企业财务绩效的正向和负向影响,以及生态创新影响财务绩效的中介和调节机理.最后,结合现有研究的不足,提出了未来研究展望.  相似文献   

以往许多研究都表明孤独症谱系障碍(autism spectrum disorder, ASD)患者的社会性注意行为及其神经回路存在异常,但是对于其原因还未有确切定论.目前研究主要存在三种取向:感觉加工损伤、社会认知缺陷和贝叶斯模型.感觉加工损伤取向和社会认知缺陷取向都只从感觉加工或社会功能的其中一个层面解释该群体的社会性注意障碍.贝叶斯模型是一个综合模型,但其能否成为解释孤独症群体社会性注意缺陷的统一模型仍需进一步的实证研究验证.未来除了进一步验证不同的理论假说,还应利用理论假说开发孤独症诊断和筛查工具以及干预方法,提高研究的生态效度,进一步揭示该群体社会性注意异常的本质.  相似文献   

城市绿地空间结构对绿地生态场的影响   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:14  
国内外对城市绿地生态效应的研究主要有以下3个特点:一是基于GIS技术,在中尺度上(一般以一个城市作为研究对象)开展城市绿地与城市气候的相关分析;二是以绿地斑块为单位,观测比较不同结构绿地内部的小气候效应;三是基于植物蒸腾理论,通过计算绿色生长量估测不同结构绿地内的小气候效应.对自然生态系统的研究结果表明,城市绿地作为一个开放的生物系统,必将通过系统交换对绿地周围的环境产生影响.绿地与非绿地空间的系统交换过程不仅仅与植物的叶面积指数有关,还要受到绿地斑块的大小、几何形状、植物类型、生长密度与高度及周边环境和气候条件等因素的影响.尽管植物生态场理论的研究侧重对植物群落中个体的空间作用,尤其是相邻植物竞争过程的分析,但其理论构架和计算方法有可能为城市绿地生态效应的研究开辟一条新的路径. 试验者在太原市区选择了6个不同空间结构的绿地样地.使用温湿度记录仪观测了绿地周边的温湿度变化,并利用植物生态场理论作了分析.提出用生态场强、场梯度和场幅作为城市绿地生态效应的主要评价指标.其中,场强用绿地内侧5m处的测试数据与对照的差值来表示.其含义为绿地对周边环境温度或湿度的干扰强度.场梯度是指相邻两个数据的差值.场幅即场影响范围. 结果表明,绿地面积、林分和生长量等绿地空间结构因子对绿地的生态场特征都不同程度地产生影响.在其他结构因子相近或相同的条件下,当绿地面积达到一定时,随着面积的进一步增加,绿地降温和增湿的幅度(场幅)有降低的趋势.与片林相比,草坪的增湿效果好于降温效果.分析结果显示,利用生态场理论能够更好地描述城市不同空间结构绿地的生态效应及其差异.  相似文献   

旅游用地生态效应及调控研究框架设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
余中元  赵志忠 《生态科学》2013,32(4):523-528
旅游产业的快速发展和不合理的土地利用方式对资源环境的可持续发展带来了潜在的威胁,对环境造成一定的破坏和污染。旅游行业急需建立旅游用地生态效应评估和监管制度。目前,对旅游用地引起的生态效应的研究还处于定性描述探索阶段,缺乏深入系统的研究,理论体系也相当不成熟。旅游学科急需构建理论研究框架体系,对旅游用地生态效应及调控机制研究进行系统规划和设计。本文在前人研究基础上,针对理论与实践的需要,设计旅游用地生态效应及调控机制系统研究框架(基础研究层面、技术层面、政策建议)和研究内容计划(旅游用地分类体系研究、旅游用地生态效应机制研究、生态效应调控机制研究、旅游用地生态效应调控政策建议、成果展示与推广),期望能对我国旅游产业用地生态效应研究起到抛砖引玉和理论启迪的作用。  相似文献   

湿地植物间竞争和促进互作的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
湿地植物间关系主要包括竞争(负效应)和促进(正效应),是湿地生态研究的核心内容之一,对植物分布、群落和生态系统组成具有重要的调节作用。本文阐述了竞争理论及影响湿地植物竞争能力的主要因素,介绍了促进作用及其在湿地生态系统中的形成机理,详细综述了植物间关系转变的主要理论以及影响湿地植物间关系转变的主要环境因子(水位、温度、盐度、生物因子)。随着环境胁迫强度的增加,植物间关系一般会从竞争转变为促进作用,即优越条件下以竞争为主,胁迫条件下以促进作用为主。针对当前湿地植物间关系的研究多集中于滨海盐生湿地,类型较单一的情况,认为将来需加强对淡水湿地、河口湿地等各类系统的研究。同时,加强湿地植物间关系转变的生物学机制、时间效应,对新研究方法的探索等方面的研究也有助于进一步理解湿地植物间竞争和促进作用的发生及转变机理。  相似文献   

国内草原生态补偿研究进展   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
杨清  南志标  陈强强 《生态学报》2020,40(7):2489-2495
草原生态补偿是我国建设生态文明的必由之路。伴随着草原生态补偿奖励政策于2011年的实施,学术界就草原生态补偿展开了多视角、系统性和定量化的研究。基于文献研究法,文章在草原生态补偿主体、补偿客体、补偿标准、补偿方式、保障机制、牧民意愿及满意度以及补偿效应等方面对当前研究成果进行了系统梳理与总结,揭示了目前政策实施所存在的政策机制与激励机制不相容、补偿资金来源单一、补偿标准偏低、补偿形式单一、社会保障配套制度缺乏、监管缺失和法律机制不完善等问题;最后,对后续研究的重要领域进行展望:进一步加强多学科理论支撑体系研究,研究方法的规范统一,研究视域的拓展以及政策实施绩效评估等,以确保政策高效可持续实施。  相似文献   

生态创新的内涵、分类体系与研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
董颖  石磊 《生态学报》2010,30(9):2465-2474
我国正处于从"中国制造"向"中国创造"转变的关键时期,生态创新对于我国经济增长模式的生态化转型和综合国家竞争力的提升具有重要的意义。在回顾生态创新发展历程的基础上辨析了生态创新的概念内涵,指出双重外部性、技术推动与市场拉动效应的特殊性、以及环境管治的推/拉效应是生态创新不同于一般创新的特性。接着,分微观、中观和宏观尺度建构了生态创新的等级体系并阐述了主要研究领域和范式。然后,评述了企业、行业和国家3个尺度上的生态创新进展,指出企业生态创新研究最为活跃,而行业和区域层面的研究相对滞后。最后,分析了当前生态创新研究存在的问题,并指出我国如果在企业生态创新、国家生态竞争战略、经济发展模式生态化转型和生态创新管治等战略问题上左右摇摆甚至处理不当,很可能将失去在生态创新"第六轮工业革命"崛起的机会。  相似文献   

灌木作为干旱半干旱地区植被的主要组成部分,对于维持生态系统稳定性和发挥生态服务功能具有重要作用。灌丛保育效应可以减轻限制性因子对目标植物生长和繁殖的不利影响,促进退化生境植物物种自然更新和植被恢复。本文综述了近20年有关灌丛保育效应研究和应用的主要成果,从微生境改善、肥岛形成、防御和抵抗作用发挥、有益微生物引入和协助繁殖体传播或保存以及种间竞争网络格局改变等方面阐述灌丛保育效应的促进机制,并从非生物环境、生物干扰、生活史阶段和生长繁殖策略等方面分析影响灌丛保育效应发挥的关键因素。从完善灌丛保育效应的理论机制和开展多因素共同作用下多植物物种相互作用关系模型构建角度,对灌丛保育效应的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

“源”“汇”景观理论及其生态学意义   总被引:70,自引:2,他引:68  
陈利顶  傅伯杰  赵文武 《生态学报》2006,26(5):1444-1449
格局与过程的关系是景观生态学研究中的核心内容.景观格局指数是定量分析景观格局与生态过程的主要方法,但由于许多景观格局指数难以将格局与过程有机融合在一起而陷入困境,探讨景观格局分析中有效表征生态过程的理论与方法,对于景观生态学的发展具有积极意义.基于大气污染中的“源”“汇”理论,在已有研究基础上,提出了“源”“汇”景观的概念和理论.认为根据不同景观类型的功能,可以将他们划分为“源”“汇”两种景观类型,从而将过程的内涵融于景观格局分析中.该理论认为:(1)在格局与过程研究中,异质景观可以分为“源”“汇”景观两种类型,其中“源”景观是指那些能促进过程发展的景观类型,“汇”景观是那些能阻止或延缓过程发展的景观类型;(2)“源”“汇”景观的性质是相对的,对于某一过程的“源”景观,可能是另一过程的“汇”景观,“源”“汇”景观的分析必须针对特定的过程;(3)“源”“汇”景观区分的关键在于判断景观类型在生态过程演变中所起的作用,是正向推动作用还是负向滞缓作用;(4)不同类型“源”(或者“汇”)景观对于同一种生态过程的贡献是不同的,在分析景观格局对生态过程的影响时需要考虑这种作用的差异;(5)“源”“汇”景观理论可以应用于非点源污染、生物多样性保护、城市热岛效应等不同领域.“源”“汇”景观理论提出的主要目的是探究不同景观类型在空间上的动态平衡对生态过程影响,从而找到适合一个地区的景观空间格局.这一理论的提出有助于推动景观格局与生态过程研究的深入,希望以此为基础,通过大量的实证研究,丰富和完善“源”、“汇”景观的理论和方法.  相似文献   

彭雪蓉  刘洋  赵立龙 《生态学报》2014,34(22):6440-6449
生态创新因具有"双重正外部性"而得到实践界和理论界的双重青睐,与此形成鲜明对照的是,现有研究对生态创新概念的适用层次、理论定位、内涵与测量等基本理论问题的理解模糊而缺乏一致性。回顾了企业社会责任、环境管理和创新管理三大领域的相关研究成果,辨析了企业生态创新的内涵特征与外延,进一步梳理了企业生态创新的维度划分与测量,对企业生态创新的未来研究给出了展望。  相似文献   

Life cycle cost (LCC) computations are a well-established instrument for the evaluation of intertemporal choices in organizations, but they have not been widely adopted by private consumers yet. Consumer investment decisions for products and services with higher initial costs and lower operating costs are potentially subject to numerous cognitive biases, such as present-biased preferences or framing effects. This article suggests a classification for categorizing different cost profiles for eco-innovation and a conceptual model for the influence of LCC information on consumer decisions regarding eco-innovation. It derives hypotheses on the decision-making process for eco-innovation from a theoretical perspective. To verify the hypotheses, the publication reviews empirical studies evaluating the effects of LCC information on consumer investment decisions. It can be concluded that rather than finding ways to make customers pay more for environmentally sound products, the marketing challenge for eco-innovation should be reconceptualized as one of lowering customers' perceived initial cost and increasing awareness of LCC. Most existing studies report a positive effect of LCC information on the purchase likelihood of eco-innovations. Disclosing LCC information provides an important base for long-term thinking on the individual, corporate, and policy levels.  相似文献   

李力 《生态学报》2022,42(12):4784-4794
不同国家生态创新水平有高低,生态创新系统有差异。生态创新系统是由一系列参与者通过相互作用形成的网络,目的是推动有助于生态环境和社会经济协调发展的知识和技术的生产、传播和应用。为比较不同国家生态创新系统的发展状况和可持续性,分析不同国家生态创新系统的优势和不足,提出生态创新系统两步评估法和整体分析框架。把生态创新系统的功能和过程结合起来,对生态创新系统的发展水平进行评价。重点关注系统的长期发展,即系统可持续性。基于资本的角度,包括知识、经济、人力和社会资本,建立生态创新系统可持续评估模型,考察相关资本存量、流量和风险因素。根据创新系统理论、文献回顾和国际研究比较,遴选出30个关键指标,构建涵盖2个指标矩阵的综合评价指标体系。采用主成分分析和综合评价方法,对不同国家生态创新系统的功能-过程和可持续性分别进行评价。研究表明,法国、德国、韩国、西班牙和挪威生态创新系统的功能-过程表现最强,韩国、德国、奥地利、挪威、捷克生态创新系统的可持续性表现最强。根据生态创新系统的现状和可持续性,主要生态创新国家可以分为四种类型,据此采用不同发展策略。如韩国系统现状水平和可持续性都较高,属于生态创新先进国。...  相似文献   

As of 1 January 2006 all automotive OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) and component manufacturers operating within the European Union will need to comply with the End-of-Life Vehicle Directive (referred to hereafter as the EU ELV Directive). The EU ELV Directive compels all OEMs to take back and dismantle all motor vehicles for domestic use at the end of their useful lives. Each component part will then be either reused or recycled. To this end, the ultimate goal of the EU ELV Directive is that all motor vehicles for domestic use will have a reuse or recyclable content of 85% at the end of their useful lives, moving toward 95% by 2015. The burden of the EU ELV Directive falls on both the OEMs and their component manufacturers, forcing them to innovate and "design for disassembly." This being the case, it offers a unique real world example with which to test the Porter Hypothesis. Porter asserts that strict, correctly formulated environmental regulation can offer a firm secondary benefits through improved product design and the reduction of waste. This in turn allows the firm to offset the cost of compliance. Because the EU ELV Directive has been fashioned to force firms into a process of innovation and redesign, the magnitude of these so-called offsets can be judged. This article employs Rugman and Verbeke's 1998 strategic matrix of firm response to environmental regulation to examine qualitative details of the strategic response of automotive component manufacturers and OEMs in the United Kingdom to the demands of the directive to judge the volume of offsets generated. This analysis shows no support for the Porter Hypothesis and challenges the assumptions of Rugman and Verbeke's model.  相似文献   

行业异质性视角下我国工业生态创新效率评价   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
张雪梅  叶贝贝 《生态学报》2019,39(14):5198-5207
随着资源紧缺、环境污染日益严峻,生态创新成为各国追逐的政治目标,研究我国不同工业行业的生态创新效率对我国的创新发展和可持续发展具有重要意义。从生态创新内涵出发,构建包括环境效益和经济效益在内的生态创新效率评价指标体系。以2009—2015年我国34个工业行业面板数据为样本,利用生产要素密集度将选取的34个工业行业归类为资源密集型行业、劳动密集型行业和资本密集型行业。运用基于实数编码加速遗传算法的投影寻踪分类模型进行综合评价,该方法可以依据最佳投影方向来判断各评价指标对综合评价目标的贡献大小和方向,利用投影指标值实现对34个行业的统一分类和评价。结果表明:不同要素密集度行业的生态创新效率存在显著差异,资本密集型行业的生态创新效率最高,资源密集型行业和劳动密集型行业的生态创新效率较为接近,但都低于行业整体平均水平,其中尤以劳动密集型行业中的有色金属矿采选业的生态创新效率最低;生态创新研发人力、财力的投入以及创新活动所带来的经济效益对生态创新效率的提升影响较大,而仪器和设备等物质投入对生态创新效率影响较小。  相似文献   


Energy consumption of buildings is one of the major drivers of environmental impacts. Life cycle assessment (LCA) may support the assessment of burdens and benefits associated to eco-innovations aiming at reducing these environmental impacts. Energy efficiency policies however typically focus on the meso- or macro-scale, while interventions are typically taken at the micro-scale. This paper presents an approach that bridges this gap by using the results of energy simulations and LCA studies at the building level to estimate the effect of micro-scale eco-innovations on the macro-scale, i.e. the housing stock in Europe.


LCA and dynamic energy simulations are integrated to accurately assess the life cycle environmental burdens and benefits of eco-innovation measures at the building level. This allows quantitatively assessing the effectiveness of these measures to lower the energy use and environmental impact of buildings. The analysis at this micro-scale focuses on 24 representative residential buildings within the EU. For the upscaling to the EU housing stock, a hybrid approach is used. The results of the micro-scale analysis are upscaled to the EU housing stock scale by adopting the eco-innovation measures to (part of) the EU building stock (bottom–up approach) and extrapolating the relative impact reduction obtained for the reference buildings to the baseline stock model. The reference buildings in the baseline stock model have been developed by European Commission-Joint Research Centre based on a statistical analysis (top–down approach) of the European housing stock. The method is used to evaluate five scenarios covering various aspects: building components (building envelope insulation), technical installations (renewable energy), user behaviour (night setback of the setpoint temperature), and a combined scenario.

Results and discussion

Results show that the proposed combination of bottom–up and top–down approaches allow accurately assessing the impact of eco-innovation measures at the macro-scale. The results indicate that a combination of policy measures is necessary to lower the environmental impacts of the building stock to a significative extent.


Interventions addressing energy efficiency at building level may lead to the need of a trade-off between resource efficiency and environmental impacts. LCA integrated with dynamic energy simulation may help unveiling the potential improvements and burdens associated to eco-innovations.


A global ecological restoration agenda has led to ambitious programs in environmental policy to mitigate declines in biodiversity and ecosystem services. Current restoration programs can incompletely return desired ecosystem service levels, while resilience of restored ecosystems to future threats is unknown. It is therefore essential to advance understanding and better utilize knowledge from ecological literature in restoration approaches. We identified an incomplete linkage between global change ecology, ecosystem function research, and restoration ecology. This gap impedes a full understanding of the interactive effects of changing environmental factors on the long‐term provision of ecosystem functions and a quantification of trade‐offs and synergies among multiple services. Approaches that account for the effects of multiple changing factors on the composition of plant traits and their direct and indirect impact on the provision of ecosystem functions and services can close this gap. However, studies on this multilayered relationship are currently missing. We therefore propose an integrated restoration agenda complementing trait‐based empirical studies with simulation modeling. We introduce an ongoing case study to demonstrate how this framework could allow systematic assessment of the impacts of interacting environmental factors on long‐term service provisioning. Our proposed agenda will benefit restoration programs by suggesting plant species compositions with specific traits that maximize the supply of multiple ecosystem services in the long term. Once the suggested compositions have been implemented in actual restoration projects, these assemblages should be monitored to assess whether they are resilient as well as to improve model parameterization. Additionally, the integration of empirical and simulation modeling research can improve global outcomes by raising the awareness of which restoration goals can be achieved, due to the quantification of trade‐offs and synergies among ecosystem services under a wide range of environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The evolutionary implications of environmental change due to organismic action remain a controversial issue, after a decades—long debate on the subject. Much of this debate has been conducted in qualitative fashion, despite the availability of mathematical models for organism–environment interactions, and for gene frequencies when allele fitness can be related to exploitation of a particular environmental resource. In this article we focus on representative models dealing with niche construction, ecosystem engineering, the Gaia Hypothesis and community interactions of Lotka–Volterra type, and show that their quantitative character helps bring into sharper focus the similarities and differences among their respective theoretical contexts.  相似文献   

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