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温度对星豹蛛实验种群增长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据星豹蛛(Pardosa astribera Koch)在20℃、23℃、29℃、32℃和35℃6种恒温条件下的发育历期、幼蛛存活率、成蛛产卵率、产卵量和孵化率组建了星豹蛛在不同温度条件下的实验种群增长表,结果表明星豹蛛在所试验的6种恒温条件下其种群数量可保持上升趋势,其中以在29℃条件下种数量增长最快、繁殖1代种群数量对增加37.78倍;以在20℃的条件下种群数量增长最慢,繁殖1代其中种群数量可增加15.77倍。  相似文献   

间斑寇蛛幼蛛过冬和早期饲养管理是人工饲养的关键。通过比较不同保存温度和不同保存时间下过冬幼蛛的孵化率、存活率和平均体质量,研究了间斑寇蛛幼蛛过冬的规律,并探讨了相对湿度、环境温度和食物种类对幼蛛离开卵囊后的早期生长发育的影响。结果表明:4℃左右是比较理想的卵囊保存过冬温度,但在此温度下保存7个月后存活率开始下降,到13个月幼蛛存活率降为零;卵囊放入低温保存前需在室内放置一段时间(约2个月)以使卵粒孵化成幼蛛;4℃左右下过冬的幼蛛离开卵囊后,在相对湿度55%~60%、环境温度25℃~30℃的条件下,用黄粉虫喂养4周后体质量增长40余倍,成活率达80%以上。  相似文献   

为调查青新园蛛的生物生态学特征,分别在田间和实验室条件下对其进行观察.如预期所示,幼蛛、亚成熟蛛和成蛛一起群居越冬.在湖南,青新园蛛每年可以繁殖3-4代,其中第4代寿命最长,第2-3代寿命最短.青新园蛛有织网的习性,雌蛛和雄蛛多次交配,一只雌蛛最多可产12个卵袋,每个卵袋平均含82.2颗卵粒.在群居模式中,刚孵化的蛛幼会安全的生活在雌蛛的背部.青新园蛛幼蛛的生长历期为40-120天,成蛛为33-176天.除第二代外,青新园蛛雌雄蛛的性别比率均小于1.该文详细描述了青新园蛛幼龄期和亚成熟期的生物学特征.在实验室条件下,青新园蛛的饥饿耐受力要强于抗旱力.  相似文献   

斜纹猫蛛生物学特性的观察   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
对斜纹猫蛛的生物学特性进行观察,结果表明,斜纹猫蛛在鲁东南沿海地区一年发生一代,以不同的若蛛在松树翘皮下、枝叶基部和杂草丛中越冬,翌年4月上旬出蛰活动,若(幼)蛛经7龄,5月上旬开始羽化成蛛,5月中旬开始产卵,卵期13.9d,若(幼)蛛期341.5d,成蛛期40.6d,雌雄比为3:1。成蛛日捕食松大蚜6.056头,是多种害虫的天敌。该蛛的发生与自然灾害、海拔高度、天敌等关系密切。封山育林,禁止使用化学农药是保护成若蛛、扩大繁殖的关键。  相似文献   

横纹金蛛生物学特性初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王昌贵  王翠珍 《蛛形学报》1994,3(2):141-144
横纹金蛛在山东省日照市一年1代,以1龄幼蛛在卵袋内越冬。5月上旬开始出蜇;幼蛛6龄,老熟幼蛛7月中旬羽化。8月上旬产卵,8月下旬孵化。卵期21~45d,幼蛛生活历期311.2d,成蛛寿命52~87d,雌雄比4:1;成蛛日食量0.50609g,日网捕虫30头,每只成蛛期共食虫35.4263g,网捕虫2405头,是一些害虫的重要天敌。该蛛发生与气候、海拔、天敌等关系密切。  相似文献   

本文就难波小黑蛛实验种群增长与温度的关系方面的试验结果进行初次报道。并根据温度与难波小黑蛛的发育历期,卵存活率、幼蛛存活率以及成蛛繁殖力的关系组建了不同温度条件下的难波小黑蛛的实验种群生命表。结果表明,种群增长指数以15℃时最低为45.34,2s℃时最高达88.12。种群增长指数与温度的关系可用公式拟合: (1)y=192.5200-18.2660x+0.5636x~2(15≤x≤25) R=1 (2)y=-1584.3420+122.7555x-2.2343x~2(25≤x≤32)R=1 (y=种群增长指数,x=温度)由(1)式推导可知,理论上种群增长指数在16.10℃时最低,为44.52;由(2)式推导可知,理论上种群增长指数在27.47℃时最高,达101.25。  相似文献   

彭宇  赵敬钊  胡萃 《蛛形学报》2001,10(1):22-25
幼蛛在蜘蛛的种群中占有很大比例。通过室内饲养。获得了不同龄期的真水狼蛛幼蛛。其体重、体长、背甲宽、步足长、眼域宽以及中斑下的条形纵斑长度都随着龄期的增大而增加。背甲宽和中斑下的条形斑纹长度可用来判断真水幼蛛的龄期。雌蛛的取食量大于雄蛛,高龄幼蛛大于低龄幼蛛。幼蛛在蜕皮时不取食,蜕皮后,取食量明显增加。  相似文献   

芦苇卷叶蛛生物学特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
芦苇卷叶蛛在山东青州一年可发生2-3代,以若蛛,成蛛越冬,若蛛经4-5次蜕皮发育为成蛛。雌,雄可多次交配,雌蛛一生可产卵囊3-5个,单雌产卵量平均41.6粒,孵化率为87%。世代平均历期128.35天,寿命230天左右,♀:♂=1.36:1。耐饥力的大小与温度高低,有无水分供应及发育阶段有关,在相同条件下,成蛛的耐饥力在于幼蛛,温度高耐饥力弱,反之,则强。  相似文献   

棕管巢蛛Clubiona japonicola 在山东日照沿海地区1年发生1代,以幼蛛在树皮下、针叶基部、杂草丛中越冬.翌年4月上旬出蛰,4月下旬发育为成蛛.5月上旬开始交配产卵,卵期7.6 d, 幼蛛期321.4 d,成蛛期71.2 d.雌雄性比为3∶2.成蛛日均食松大蚜 Cinara pinea 5.8头.是多种害虫的重要天敌.  相似文献   

棒络新妇和悦目金蛛拖丝超微结构与力学行为   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用SEM对棒络新妇Nephila clavata腹部向上和向下在水平纱窗上爬行时纺出的拖丝、悦目金蛛Argiope amoena捕食拖丝与垂直向下缓慢纺出的拖丝及其圆网的铆钉丝进行了超微结构观察,采用电子单纤强力仪对棒络新妇拖丝与悦目金蛛圆网铆钉丝进行了力学拉伸试验.结果 表明棒络新妇和悦目金蛛拖丝均呈现出一至多根细丝纤维的多样化超微结构特征,其中悦目金蛛圆网铆钉丝还呈现出"S"形似弹簧的结构.两种蜘蛛丝的力学行为和性能与各自的功能要求相一致.蜘蛛能调节拖丝的超微结构、纤维组成和直径大小以适应其在不同环境条件下对力学性能和功能的瞬时需要.研究结果有助于拓宽和加深人们对蜘蛛丝超微结构、力学性能与生物学功能之间关系的认识和理解.  相似文献   

I examined the function of maternal care in a foliage spider,Chiracanthium japonicum. Females of this species make breeding nests with rolled-up grass leaves and provide themselves to spiderlings as food at the end of maternal care. By removing mothers from their offspring at 2 different times, the effects of maternal care on egg and spiderling survival rates were estimated separately. Mother attendance greatly improved survival and development of eggs as well as spiderlings. Detailed observations on the fate of immatures in breeding nests with and without their mothers showed lower hatching and spiderling emergence rates when mothers were removed. Furthermore, spiderlings that fed on their mother’s body showed accelerated growth and quickly molted into the 3rd instar with the delay of dispersal. This suggests that matriphagy, or eating the mother, enables spiderlings of this species to disperse at a later instar. Therefore, I conclude that the maternal care of this spider consists of guarding offspring, supporting offspring development and feeding spiderlings.  相似文献   

Summary Adult size and fecundity, total reproductive biomass, egg size, and spiderling size and resistance to desiccation were compared in three populations of the communal orb-weaving spider,Metepeira spinipes, in Mexico. In a desert population and in one from a moist tropical forest adult size, fecundity, and total reproductive biomass were similar, but were markedly smaller than in a climatologically intermediate agricultural habitat. Egg size and protein content were greater in the desert and agricultural habitats than in the moist forest, but spiderling size increased from desert to agricultural to moist forest populations. Desert spiderlings survived significantly longer than moist forest spiderlings at all humidity treatments over a 10% to 100% range. An explanation for these results is proposed based on apparent differences in energy allocation and expenditure which arise from the distinct climate, colony structure, and prey and space availability in the three habitats.  相似文献   

棒络新妇和悦目金蛛丝腺形态初步观察   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
研究比较了结网型蜘蛛棒络新妇Nephila clavata和悦目金蛛Argiope amoena的丝腺形态特征,为国内蜘蛛丝腺蛋白的研究提供原始的丝腺解剖图,同时结合对2种蜘蛛卵袋的解剖、网的特征和室内捕食黄粉虫Tenebrio molitor幼虫行为的观察比较,探讨了2种蜘蛛丝腺的生物学功能与其生存繁殖策略之间的关系。本文分别观察描述了棒络新妇和悦目金蛛的大壶状腺、小壶状腺、鞭状腺、柱状腺、葡萄状腺和梨状腺共6种丝腺。2种蜘蛛丝腺形态特征基本相似;部分丝腺在形态结构和颜色上有些差异;悦目金蛛的葡萄状腺比棒络新妇发达。观察表明2种蜘蛛的网和卵袋特征差异较大,两者捕食策略也不同,棒络新妇采用咬一捆缚(Bit—Wrapping)策略,悦目金蛛则采用捆缚一咬(Wrapping-Bit)策略。棒络新妇和悦目金蛛的网和卵袋特征与丝腺的颜色相一致。同时,其葡萄状腺数量和大小与其各自的捕食策略相关。  相似文献   

During the maternal social period, Amaurobius ferox spiderlings (Araneae: Amaurobiidae) show mutual tolerance, group cohesion and cooperation in prey capturing, which are recognized as the main characteristics in the evolution of spider sociality. Measuring spatial volume occupied by the spiderlings within the maternal web, this study investigated variation in group cohesion over the maternal social period, from emergence to dispersal. The results showed that the spatial volume of spiderlings varied greatly during the maternal social period and was associated with the development of the spiderlings. Strong group cohesion appeared to be related to maternal food provision, trophic egg laying and matriphagy. An increase of the spatial volume was obviously observed after matriphagy. The experiment revealed that group cohesion decreased after the second molt. A compact group of spiderlings should facilitate maternal food production at the prompted time, and reduced group cohesion after the second molt might lead to eventual dispersal of A. ferox spiderlings.  相似文献   

To emerge from the egg case, Argiope aurantia spiderlings must penetrate a tightly woven outer cover composed primarily of large-diameter cylindrical gland fibers and small-diameter fibers, likely of aciniform gland origin. They accomplish this using enzymatic digestion and mastication to form a communal hole in the outer cover. The involvement of proteolytic enzymes in this process was demonstrated by zymography of spiderling homogenates and washes made from the edges of holes. The specific source(s) of the proteases is unknown, but histological examination of spiderling sections indicates that the digestive tract, venom glands, and gnathocoxal glands are all functioning at the time of emergence from the egg case. Observations on edges of holes indicate that spiderlings are able to solubilize the small-diameter fibers completely, but cylindrical gland fibers only partially. In the outer cover, cylindrical fibers are composed of numerous fibrils embedded within a matrix. Spiderlings appear to be unable to solubilize the fibrils, but digestion of the matrix allows the spiderlings to push the fibrils aside to create the opening.  相似文献   

Summary. As in other social spider species, subadult Anelosimus jabaquara females found new colonies after solitary dispersal. Some individuals, however, usually remain and reproduce in their natal nests. To test the hypothesis that large females disperse more often than smaller ones, we compared the body size of A. jabaquara females that remained in their natal colonies with those that left to build solitary webs. We also compared clutch size, egg diameter, total egg volume and spiderling size in both conditions. Emigrating females were significantly larger and laid larger clutches. The smaller females that had not dispersed laid significantly larger eggs, although their total egg volume was lower. Spiderlings of solitary females were smaller and had a smaller range of size variation than those from colonies. We discuss the implications of these results in terms of costs and benefits of dispersion for spiders in different nutritional conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Seasonal changes in resource investment into individual offspring are well documented, but no attention has been paid to the allocation of the invested resource among the body parts of the offspring. In the present study, seasonal changes in the absolute and relative sizes in a spiderling of the wolf spider Pardosa pseudoannulata Boes. et Str. are investigated, and the relationship between spiderling body size and the ability to moult during a food shortage is clarified. Spiderlings that emerge in November have a significantly larger cephalothorax and abdomen than those that emerge in June. In addition, the abdomen–cephalothorax size ratio is significantly greater in November than in June offspring. Under limited food availability conditions, only 40% of spiderlings moult. Nymphs that do moult have a significantly larger cephalothorax, abdomen and abdomen–cephalothorax size ratio than nymphs that do not moult. Thus, both the quantity of resources invested in the cephalothorax and abdomen of a spiderling and the proportional allocation of resources between the two body parts change seasonally in Pa. pseudoannulata ; alteration of the resource allocation occurs in late autumn. Larger spiderlings of Pa. pseudoannulata that emerge in late autumn would be able to develop into advanced instars even during food shortage, and therefore may have better overwintering survival rates.  相似文献   

Summary When exposed to certain air flows spiderlings of the wandering spider Cupiennius getazi (Ctenidae) drop from their dwelling plant and swing in the wind from a gradually lengthening dragline. If body contact is made with a nearby substrate the spiderling detaches. We refer to this form of aerial dispersal as the drop and swing dispersal behavior (DASDB). The dragline being only up to about 70 cm long and only rarely ruptured by the drag forces of the wind, this is a close range type of dispersal as opposed to the ballooning known for many other species of spiders. DASDB is readily elicited in spiderlings at an age of ca. 9 days (outside egg sac). At this age their mass is 1.26 ±0.35 mg and their yolk usually depleted. They then start to catch prey and escape from the unfavorable conditions in the small space around the egg sac where hundreds of spiderlings compete. Air flow rates effectively eliciting DASDB in the laboratory are between 0.2 m/s and 1.5 m/s. The number of spiderlings showing DASDB increases considerably if the air flow is turbulent as opposed to laminar. A numerical model defining the window within which DASDB is supported mechanically was developed from theoretical considerations. Taking the effective wind speeds and the mechanical properties of the dragline, the model accounts very well for the fact that actual rupture of the dragline was observed only rarely in C. Getazi. Other features of the DASDB are also correctly predicted. The model is not only applicable to DASDB but also to the drop and swing preballooning behavior known to occur in several other species of spiders.Abbreviations DASDB drop and swing dispersal behavior  相似文献   

Maternal care is provided by several spider species, but there are no reports of mother spiders recognizing their young, which suggests that maternal care can be exploited by unrelated individuals. Diaea ergandros, a crab spider with extreme, sacrificial maternal care, does accept unrelated spiderlings (ca. 43.9% of spiderlings) into its nest in areas of high nest density. However, a field and a laboratory experiment with mother spiders and natural and adoptive spiderlings demonstrated that mothers did recognize their own offspring. Recognition was not expressed in survival as adopted (unrelated) spiderlings had similar survival rate to that of natural offspring. Instead it was displayed in growth; mother D. ergandros caught large prey items for their own offspring, but not for adopted spiderlings, and so natural offspring grew more than adopted spiderlings. Also, mothers produced trophic oocytes, which are important for the sacrificial care that influences spiderling survival, only when they lived with their own offspring.  相似文献   

在不惊扰蜘蛛的情况下对悦目金蛛Argiope amoena和圆尾肖蛸Tetragnatha vermiformis的个体大小与蛛网粘丝区面积问的相关性进行了野外观察。主要测量了蜘蛛体长、蛛网粘丝区直径、蛛网框丝固着点间最大距离、网中枢到地面或水面距离、网平面与水平线的夹角等参数;另外还对蛛网框丝固着点间最大距离作为圆网蛛网址选择行为量化指标的可行性进行了探讨。结果表明,2种蜘蛛体长与蛛网粘丝区面积以及蜘蛛体长与蛛网框丝固着点间最大距离均呈现明显的正相关。悦目金蛛体长与蛛网粘丝区面积的相关性高于圜尾肖蛸,这可能与悦目金蛛在其生境中易于找到框丝固着点、而圆尾肖蛸在其生境中较难找到框丝同着点有关;  相似文献   

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