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为初步探讨园蛛总科内网型不同的蜘蛛间分子系统发生关系,测定了9种蜘蛛核18S rRNA基因的部分序列。联合GenBank中的2种蜘蛛18S rRNA基因序列数据,用NJ法、MP法和ML法重建分子系统树,结果表明:(1)织圆网的园蛛科和肖蛸科蜘蛛在园蛛总科中不是姊妹群;(2)不织圆网的球蛛科和皿蛛科也不是单系发生,证实了皿蛛片网和球蛛网独立起源的观点;(3)皿蛛科蜘蛛的分子系统发生地位与肖蛸科较近、而与园蛛科较远,这表明皿蛛科和园蛛科问雄性触肢结构的相似性很可能是类似而不是同源相似。  相似文献   

棒络新妇和悦目金蛛拖丝超微结构与力学行为   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用SEM对棒络新妇Nephila clavata腹部向上和向下在水平纱窗上爬行时纺出的拖丝、悦目金蛛Argiope amoena捕食拖丝与垂直向下缓慢纺出的拖丝及其圆网的铆钉丝进行了超微结构观察,采用电子单纤强力仪对棒络新妇拖丝与悦目金蛛圆网铆钉丝进行了力学拉伸试验.结果 表明棒络新妇和悦目金蛛拖丝均呈现出一至多根细丝纤维的多样化超微结构特征,其中悦目金蛛圆网铆钉丝还呈现出"S"形似弹簧的结构.两种蜘蛛丝的力学行为和性能与各自的功能要求相一致.蜘蛛能调节拖丝的超微结构、纤维组成和直径大小以适应其在不同环境条件下对力学性能和功能的瞬时需要.研究结果有助于拓宽和加深人们对蜘蛛丝超微结构、力学性能与生物学功能之间关系的认识和理解.  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜、氨基酸分析仪、X-衍射仪和单纤维电子强力仪分别对悦目金蛛Argiopeamoena拖丝、网框丝和卵袋丝的超微结构和理化特性进行了测试和观察。结果表明,悦目金蛛卵袋不是由一种结构均一的丝纤维构成,而是由直径相差悬殊的Ⅰ型卵袋丝和Ⅱ型卵袋丝2种丝纤维共同组成,该结果对卵袋丝仅由管状腺产生的观点提出了疑问。在氨基酸组成上悦目金蛛拖丝和网框丝相似,但其卵袋丝的氨基酸组成与拖丝和网框丝相比差别明显。另外还发现卵袋丝的强度、结晶度大于拖丝和网框丝,而它的延伸性能却不及拖丝和网框丝。  相似文献   

徐亚君 《蛛形学报》2000,9(1):58-58
1999年5月2日,发现我家东墙(与围墙隔成封闭小巷)爬山虎叶间有一雌性悦目金蛛(Argiopeamoena),体长约12 mm(目测),网心无丝区。有X形支持带,网面与墙面平行,整墙上末发现其它同类蜘蛛。6月14日突然发现有一雄蛛织简网(精网),平行于雌网内侧,雌雄蛛间相距约30 mm。雄网仅有框架丝(主要2条与雌网互用)和5条经丝,中心有一圈半纬丝,整日与雌蛛一样不离网心、头向地下垂、8足分4组默然相对。18日下午见雄网心附近有露状液1滴(精液)。19日下午雄蛛已弃精网,停于雌网下缘的框架丝上,24 h内原地静伏不动。  相似文献   

棒络新妇和悦目金蛛丝腺形态初步观察   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
研究比较了结网型蜘蛛棒络新妇Nephila clavata和悦目金蛛Argiope amoena的丝腺形态特征,为国内蜘蛛丝腺蛋白的研究提供原始的丝腺解剖图,同时结合对2种蜘蛛卵袋的解剖、网的特征和室内捕食黄粉虫Tenebrio molitor幼虫行为的观察比较,探讨了2种蜘蛛丝腺的生物学功能与其生存繁殖策略之间的关系。本文分别观察描述了棒络新妇和悦目金蛛的大壶状腺、小壶状腺、鞭状腺、柱状腺、葡萄状腺和梨状腺共6种丝腺。2种蜘蛛丝腺形态特征基本相似;部分丝腺在形态结构和颜色上有些差异;悦目金蛛的葡萄状腺比棒络新妇发达。观察表明2种蜘蛛的网和卵袋特征差异较大,两者捕食策略也不同,棒络新妇采用咬一捆缚(Bit—Wrapping)策略,悦目金蛛则采用捆缚一咬(Wrapping-Bit)策略。棒络新妇和悦目金蛛的网和卵袋特征与丝腺的颜色相一致。同时,其葡萄状腺数量和大小与其各自的捕食策略相关。  相似文献   

【目的】为了明确乌牛早和白毫早茶园与茶细蛾Caloptilia theivora关系密切的主要蜘蛛天敌种类,为茶细蛾的综合治理工作中科学利用和保护自然天敌提供科学依据。【方法】用灰色关联度法分析天敌对茶细蛾在数量上的关联度和天敌与茶细蛾空间半变异函数理论模型变程间的关联度,用生态位分析法研究天敌与茶细蛾之间的时间生态位相似性系数,对上述结果进行标准化,即二种关联度和相似性系数各自除以本类型参数的最大值,其商为密切指数。密切指数之和的最大者即为与茶细蛾关系密切的第一位天敌,以此为依据分析与茶细蛾跟随关系密切的天敌位次在茶树品种间和年度间的差异。【结果】茶树品种间差异是,2015年乌牛早茶园对茶细蛾跟随关系密切的前四位天敌中有粽管巢蛛ClubionajaponicolaBoes. et Str、锥腹肖蛸Tetragnatha maxillosa、斜纹猫蛛Oxyopes sertatus、茶色新圆蛛Neoscona theisi,2015年白毫早茶园有粽管巢蛛、锥腹肖蛸、茶色新圆蛛和斜纹猫蛛,两品种间8种天敌位次相异率为62.5%。2016年白毫早茶园的是斜纹猫蛛、粽管巢蛛、茶色新圆蛛和锥腹肖蛸,乌牛早茶园的是茶色新圆蛛、草间小黑蛛Erigonidiumgraminicolum、锥腹肖蛸和粽管巢蛛,两品种平均位次相异率为87.5%。两年两品种间天敌位次相异率为75%。年度间差异,2015年与2016年年度间相比,乌牛早茶园前四位天敌均有锥腹肖蛸、粽管巢蛛、茶色新圆蛛,但位次不同。天敌位次相异率为87.5%。白毫早茶园年度间,前四位均有锥腹肖蛸、粽管巢蛛、茶色新圆蛛和斜纹猫蛛,但位次不同,天敌位次相异率为75%。两种茶园年度间平均天敌位次相异率为81.25%。根据序号之和及密切指数之和评判,与茶细蛾在数量,时间和空间关系密切的前四位蜘蛛类天敌依次是棕管巢蛛、茶色新圆蛛、锥腹肖蛸和斜纹猫蛛。【结论】茶树品种对茶细蛾天敌位次的影响大于年度间的影响。  相似文献   

不同体重悦目金蛛的蛛网结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蛛网是蜘蛛的捕食工具,其结构反映了蜘蛛的捕食投入和捕食策略。对不同大小悦目金蛛(Argiope amoena)的蛛网捕丝长度、捕丝间距、捕食面面积、支持带总面积、半径丝根数和网捕丝分布不对称性等进行观测。结果表明①在体重小于200mg的个体中,捕丝长度、捕丝间距和捕食面面积与个体大小呈显著正相关,而大于200mg的个体中,这种关系并不显著;②蜘蛛在发育到一定程度的时候(在本研究中为22.7mg)才可能出现支持带,并且支持带总面积与体重之间呈显著正相关;③半径丝根数会随体重的增加而减少;④在小于200mg的蜘蛛中,网上、下部捕丝长度比与体重呈显著负相关,而在大于200mg的个体中,二者之间的关系并不显著。这与我们预测的结果是基本一致的,即蛛网的这种结构变化是蜘蛛不同发育阶段捕食投入和捕食策略的反应。  相似文献   

为了合理保护和利用天敌及科学地选取抽样方法,2015年和2016年合肥地区乌牛早茶园茶蚜、假眼小绿叶蝉、卵形短须螨和双斑长跗萤叶甲与其天敌之间的空间关系,并比较两年间同一种天敌与该害虫空间跟随关系密切程度差异的原因。运用地学统计学方法求得天敌和害虫各自的变程,用灰色关联度方法分析害虫与天敌变程之间的关联度,关联度值越大的天敌在空间上对害虫的跟随关系越密切。与害虫空间跟随关系密切的前三位天敌,2015年茶蚜的是茶色新圆蛛、锥腹肖蛸和粽管巢蛛,2016年是锥腹肖蛸、八斑球腹蛛和鳞纹肖蛸,两年只有锥腹肖蛸相同。2015年假眼小绿叶蝉的是茶色新圆蛛,八斑球腹蛛和粽管巢蛛,2016年的是八斑球腹蛛、茶色新圆蛛和鳞纹肖蛸,两年间前三位天敌中有八斑球腹蛛和茶色新圆蛛相同,但位次不同。2015年卵形短须螨空间跟随关系密切的前三位天敌是茶色新圆蛛、粽管巢蛛和鳞纹肖蛸,2016年的是鳞纹肖蛸、粽管巢蛛和八斑球腹蛛,两年间前三位天敌中有粽管巢蛛和鳞纹肖蛸相同,但位次不同。2015年双斑长跗萤叶甲的是八斑球腹蛛、粽管巢蛛和鳞纹肖蛸,2016年的是鳞纹肖蛸、粽管巢蛛和茶色新圆蛛,两年间前三位天敌中有鳞纹肖蛸和粽管巢蛛相同,但位次不同。初步分析表明年度间与害虫跟随关系天敌位次的变化原因是,害虫个体数与某种天敌个体数之比,比值越小,天敌与害虫跟随关系越密切,似乎是天敌食饵资源短缺所致。  相似文献   

吴芳  潘红春 《蛛形学报》2012,21(1):51-60
本文从妖面蛛总科和园蛛总科系统发生关系、园蛛总科网型不同的蜘蛛间的系统发生关系及蛛网构建行为等几个方面着重介绍了圆网蛛类系统发生及网型进化的研究进展.圆网蛛类系统发生与其网型进化有效地结合、进行综合研究将有助于圆网蛛类的起源及网型多样性的研究.  相似文献   

贵州省茶园蜘蛛区系分布特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
戴轩  韩宝瑜 《生态学报》2009,29(5):2356-2367
经10多年考查和鉴定,记述了贵州省茶区蜘蛛26科204种,其中优势类群园蛛科50种、跳蛛科25种、肖蛸科20种、蟹蛛科14种、平腹蛛科13种,占总种数60%.全省性种类角类肥蛛、黄褐新园蛛、草间小黑蛛、食虫瘤胸蛛、三突花蛛、鞍形花蟹蛛、机敏蝇豹、纵条蝇狮、悦目金蛛、棒络新妇蛛、八斑鞘腹蛛、星豹蛛、棕管巢蛛、斜纹猫蛛、机敏漏斗蛛、浙江豹蛛、兰翠蛛、黑色蝇虎、茶色新园蛛和锥腹肖蛸等64种,占总种数31%.在我国动物区划中,贵州大部属于华中区的西部山地高原亚区,西部少数地区属于西南区的西南山地亚区.结合茶树适生格局,把茶园蜘蛛区系划分为:黔中山地丘陵区(Ⅰ)、黔东低山丘陵盆地区(Ⅱ)、黔南低山河谷区(Ⅲ)、黔北中山峡谷区(Ⅳ)、黔西高原中山区(Ⅴ).Ⅰ区发现蜘蛛21科137种,占全省总种数67%;常见的优势种有角类肥蛛、黄褐新园蛛、灌木新园蛛、青新园蛛和悦目金蛛等37种,占该区蜘蛛总种数27%;特有种为山地艾蛛、畸形艾蛛、对称曲腹蛛、西山新园蛛、小青新园蛛、四点亮腹蛛、桐庐指蛛、锯胸微蛛、黑底狼蛛、中华刺足蛛、裂额银斑蛛、贵州花蟹蛛和三斑花蟹蛛等13种.Ⅱ区发现蜘蛛26科185种,占全省总种数91%;优势种有角类肥蛛、棕管巢蛛、毁坏管巢蛛、斜纹猫蛛和三突花蛛等31种,占该区蜘蛛总种数17%;特有种有中华蟱蛛、棒络新妇蛛、四斑粗螯蛛、风雅丽蛛和江安七纺蛛等58种.Ⅲ区发现蜘蛛15科92种,占总种数45%;优势种为角类肥蛛、草间小黑蛛、食虫瘤胸蛛、驼背额角蛛和八斑鞘腹蛛等18种,占该区蜘蛛总种数20%.特有种为圆腹艾蛛、椭圆新园蛛、横带隆背蛛和凤振粗螯蛛等4种.Ⅳ区发现蜘蛛15科76种,占全省总种数37%;优势种为角类肥蛛、机敏漏斗蛛、机敏蝇豹、纵条蝇狮和黑色蝇虎等18种,占该区蜘蛛总种数24%.Ⅴ区发现蜘蛛14科64种,占总种数31%;优势种为角类肥蛛、黄褐新园蛛、机敏漏斗蛛、机敏蝇豹、黄斑菲蛛等15种,占该区蜘蛛总种数23%;Ⅳ和Ⅴ区无特有种类.Ⅲ区雨、热和光照条件较优越,但其为新辟茶区,蜘蛛种数少于Ⅰ和Ⅱ区.从西北部高寒山区向东部低丘,海拔明显降低,气候从北亚热带过渡到中亚热带,雨量、光照和积温加大,茶树等农林作物增多,茶园蜘蛛种类增多.  相似文献   

Zygiella x-notata is an orb-weaving spider that often renews its trap daily. Web building has associated costs and benefits, and building successive webs may have consequences for lifetime reproductive success. In the laboratory, we tested the ability of Z. x-notata to modify its building behaviour in response to various stages in predation (prey detection, capture and ingestion) experienced with a previous web. We determined which stages provided information for the spiders. Spiders that detected, captured and ingested prey and then rebuilt their web used less silk and made a smaller capture area than in the previous web. There was no effect of prey detection alone on the next web. Capture without feeding gave the same results as capture followed by feeding. The spiders that ate prey without detection and capture (feeding by hand) had the same energetic gains as spiders that caught prey but delayed building a new web. The spiders thus showed plasticity in web-building behaviour and in the amount of silk used (energetic investment) in the short term (from one web to the next). Changes in body condition may therefore influence web construction. Moreover, information gained during prey capture appeared to influence the size and structure of the next web. This ability should enable spiders to adapt their web building to maximize their fitness. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Behavioural and biomaterial coevolution in spider orb webs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mechanical performance of biological structures, such as tendons, byssal threads, muscles, and spider webs, is determined by a complex interplay between material quality (intrinsic material properties, larger scale morphology) and proximate behaviour. Spider orb webs are a system in which fibrous biomaterials—silks—are arranged in a complex design resulting from stereotypical behavioural patterns, to produce effective energy absorbing traps for flying prey. Orb webs show an impressive range of designs, some effective at capturing tiny insects such as midges, others that can occasionally stop even small birds. Here, we test whether material quality and behaviour (web design) co‐evolve to fine‐tune web function. We quantify the intrinsic material properties of the sticky capture silk and radial support threads, as well as their architectural arrangement in webs, across diverse species of orb‐weaving spiders to estimate the maximum potential performance of orb webs as energy absorbing traps. We find a dominant pattern of material and behavioural coevolution where evolutionary shifts to larger body sizes, a common result of fecundity selection in spiders, is repeatedly accompanied by improved web performance because of changes in both silk material and web spinning behaviours. Large spiders produce silk with improved material properties, and also use more silk, to make webs with superior stopping potential. After controlling for spider size, spiders spinning higher quality silk used it more sparsely in webs. This implies that improvements in silk quality enable ‘sparser’ architectural designs, or alternatively that spiders spinning lower quality silk compensate architecturally for the inferior material quality of their silk. In summary, spider silk material properties are fine‐tuned to the architectures of webs across millions of years of diversification, a coevolutionary pattern not yet clearly demonstrated for other important biomaterials such as tendon, mollusc byssal threads, and keratin.  相似文献   

Spider webs are made of silk, the properties of which ensure remarkable efficiency at capturing prey. However, remaining on, or near, the web exposes the resident spiders to many potential predators, such as ants. Surprisingly, ants are rarely reported foraging on the webs of orb-weaving spiders, despite the formidable capacity of ants to subdue prey and repel enemies, the diversity and abundance of orb-web spiders, and the nutritional value of the web and resident spider. We explain this paradox by reporting a novel property of the silk produced by the orb-web spider Nephila antipodiana (Walckenaer). These spiders deposit on the silk a pyrrolidine alkaloid (2-pyrrolidinone) that provides protection from ant invasion. Furthermore, the ontogenetic change in the production of 2-pyrrolidinone suggests that this compound represents an adaptive response to the threat of natural enemies, rather than a simple by-product of silk synthesis: while 2-pyrrolidinone occurs on the silk threads produced by adult and large juvenile spiders, it is absent on threads produced by small juvenile spiders, whose threads are sufficiently thin to be inaccessible to ants.  相似文献   

The cribellum is an oval spinning field whose spigots produce silk fibrils that form the outer surfaces of the primitive prey capture threads found in aerial spider webs. A comparison of the cribella and cribellar capture threads of 13 species of spiders representing seven families (Amaurobiidae, Desidae, Dictynidae, Filistatidae, Neolanidae, Oecobiidae, and Uloboridae) confirms that the stickness of a cribellar thread is directly related to the number of spigots on a spider's cribellum. This comparison also demonstrates that the origin of orb-weaving spiders from ancestors that constructed less highly organized webs was associated with increases in both the weight-specific number of cribellum spigots and the weight-specific stickiness of cribellar prey capture threads. In contrast to other cribellate spiders, the number of cribellum spigots of orb-weaving species of the family Uloboridae scales to spider mass. Thus, the origin of orb-weaving spiders involved not only behavioural changes that stylized and restricted the placement of cribellar threads, but also included morphological changes that increased the stickiness of these capture threads by endowing them with more cribellar fibrils.  相似文献   

蜘蛛位置对成功捕获猎物和球型网图案的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
静坐在球型网的中心,蜘蛛可能遭受天敌的攻击并暴露在不利的天气条件下,如风和雨。然而,栖居于网的中心使蜘蛛比隐藏在隐蔽场所中的蜘蛛能更迅速地察觉并捕获猎物,这是因为猎物的位置仅能被位于网中心的蜘蛛所确定。对在隐蔽场所中的蜘蛛而言,提高对猎物捕获率的方式之一是尽量减少隐蔽所与网中心的距离。而且,网中心与隐蔽所之间较短的距离使蜘蛛能更迅速地逃离危险境况。我使用既在网中心、又在隐蔽场所的硬类肥蛛(Larinioides sclopetarius Clerck),来检验这两种行为如何影响对猎物的捕获成功率。隐藏在隐蔽场所中的蜘蛛更经常忽略猎物,使猎物也有比较多的逃离机会,这样,与在网中心的蜘蛛相比,猎物的损失率就更高。另外,研究了隐蔽场所的位置对球型网图案的影响。在大多数球型网中,网中心上方的区域比网下方小,丝也比较少,形成了结构不对称的网;隐蔽场所通常在网的上方。当隐蔽场所的位置在实验中被倒转时,就形成了非典型的球型网。最后,L.sclopetarius建造的网有很突出的边缘非对称性,与隐蔽场所相邻的区域面积较小,而远离隐蔽场所的区域面积较大,这也可解释为减少了隐蔽场所和网中心之间的距离[动物学报50(4):559-565.2004]。  相似文献   

Although phylogenetic studies have shown covariation between the properties of spider major ampullate (MA) silk and web building, both spider webs and silks are highly plastic so we cannot be sure whether these traits functionally covary or just vary across environments that the spiders occupy. As MaSp2‐like proteins provide MA silk with greater extensibility, their presence is considered necessary for spider webs to effectively capture prey. Wolf spiders (Lycosidae) are predominantly non‐web building, but a select few species build webs. We accordingly collected MA silk from two web‐building and six non‐web‐building species found in semirural ecosystems in Uruguay to test whether the presence of MaSp2‐like proteins (indicated by amino acid composition, silk mechanical properties and silk nanostructures) was associated with web building across the group. The web‐building and non‐web‐building species were from disparate subfamilies so we estimated a genetic phylogeny to perform appropriate comparisons. For all of the properties measured, we found differences between web‐building and non‐web‐building species. A phylogenetic regression model confirmed that web building and not phylogenetic inertia influences silk properties. Our study definitively showed an ecological influence over spider silk properties. We expect that the presence of the MaSp2‐like proteins and the subsequent nanostructures improves the mechanical performance of silks within the webs. Our study furthers our understanding of spider web and silk co‐evolution and the ecological implications of spider silk properties.  相似文献   

Many orb-weaving spiders decorate their webs with extra, bright white, ultraviolet light reflecting silk. Previous studies suggest that these decorations increase a spider's foraging efficiency by improving web attractiveness, which is known as the prey-attraction hypothesis. One assumption of this hypothesis is that individuals which decorate their webs at a higher frequency are expected to have a higher growth rate. Using a decoration-building orb-weaving spider, Argiope versicolor, I show a strong positive relationship between the growth rate in terms of weight gain and the frequency of decoration-building, as well as the rate of insect interception. This is the first study to reveal a fitness consequence of decorating behaviour in spiders.  相似文献   

1. The replacement of dry, fuzzy cribellar prey capture thread by viscous, adhesive capture thread was a major event in the evolution of orb-weaving spiders. Over 95% of all orb-weaving species now produce adhesive threads.
2. Adhesive thread achieves its stickiness with a much greater material economy than does cribellar thread.
3. Transformational analyses show that, relative to spider mass, adhesive orb-weavers invest less material per mm of capture thread and produce stickier capture threads than do cribellate orb-weavers.
4. The total cost of producing an orb-web that contains cribellar thread is reduced by 32% when a spider recycles its silk and another 34% when these capture threads are replaced by adhesive threads of equal stickiness.
5. The increased economy with which adhesive capture thread achieves its stickiness may have been an important factor that favoured the origin and success of modern orb-weaving spiders that produce adhesive capture threads.  相似文献   

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