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沙蜥属隶属于鬣蜥科,是欧亚大陆荒漠和稀疏草原常见的蜥蜴。该属特征变异较大,存在许多争议。本文从其分类史、系统演化关系、生物地理学研究三个方面进行总结,并指出沙蜥属卵生类群的系统关系还比较混乱,生物地理历史过程有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

海南岛是我国的第二大岛,属热带季风岛屿.近些年,随着生物地理学理论的不断发展,国内外学者对海南岛的两栖爬行动物生物地理学做了大量研究.本文从描述生物地理学和解释生物地理学两方面,对海南岛两栖爬行动物生物地理学的研究进行回顾和综述,并展望了一些尚待深入研究的问题.  相似文献   

九种沙蜥的核型——兼论中国沙蜥属核型演化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
报道了沙蜥属9种21个不同居群的核型及银分带核型。荒漠沙蜥、草原沙蜥和斑点沙蜥2n=46=22I+24m,NF=46。叶城沙蜥2n=46=2sI+20I+24m,NF=46。南疆沙蜥、泽当沙蜥、青海沙蜥和红原沙蜥2n=48=24I+24m,NF=48。青海沙蜥具有异型性染色体。大耳沙蜥2n=48=2V+8sV+12sI+26m,NF=58。9种中,NOR均位于微小染色体对上。与本属已知核型比较,确认我国沙蜥属核型均来自共同的核型祖先,可分为3个核型类群:(1)2n=46,11对大染色体类群;(2)2n=48,12对大染色体类群;(3)大耳沙蜥。前两个类群核型与生态地理分布紧密相关。讨论了我国沙蜥属物种核型演化趋势,并结合地史资料探讨了本属核型演化与第三纪以来古地史变迁的关系。  相似文献   

贵南沙蜥Phrynocephalus guinanensis为近年沙蜥属新命名的物种,形态上区别于贵德沙蜥P.putjatia与青海沙蜥P.vlangalii,而最近沙蜥分子系统发育研究的结果不支持贵南沙蜥为一有效种,它在分子树拓扑结构上与贵德沙蜥一亚分支样本聚在一起。本文观察贵南沙蜥核型为2n=24I+24m,具有12对大染色体和12对小染色体,其中大染色体均为端部类型,且无性别相关的异型染色体。青海11个沙蜥种群染色体特征的聚类分析表明贵南沙蜥与贵德沙蜥聚于同一分支,该分支构成青海沙蜥分支的姐妹支,证实贵南沙蜥与贵德沙蜥具有较近的核型演化关系。研究结果不支持贵南沙蜥为有效物种。  相似文献   

三种沙蜥核型的比较研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
本文报道了白条沙蜥Phrynocephalus albolineatus,东疆沙蜥P.grumgrizimaloi及西藏沙蜥P.theobaldi的核型,西藏沙蜥2n=22I+26m,NF=48,其余二者2n=22I+24m,NF=46。与同属已知其它的核型进行了比较。沙蜥属中至少存在2b=46和2n=48两种核型类群,二者可能与“沙蜥属物种形成的两个起源中心”的假说相关。讨论了沙蜥属中的核型演化  相似文献   

本文通过比较四种沙蜥近缘种:青海沙蜥(Phrynocephalus vlangalii)、荒漠沙蜥(P.przewalskii)、变色沙蜥(P.versicolor)和叶城沙蜥(P.axillaries)形态特征和分析青海沙蜥种群沿海拔梯度的变异来验证Bergmann和Allen规律在爬行动物沙蜥属的适用性。生存在邻近地区不同海拔梯度的四种沙蜥个体大小种间比较显示遵循Bergmann和Allen规律,分布于高海拔的青海沙蜥尾椎骨数显著少于其它三种低海拔沙蜥,这种沿海拔梯度种间形态变异可能主要由遗传因素决定。青海沙蜥随海拔梯度的上升个体变小,四肢变短,形态变异反Bergmann规律,相对尾长随海拔变异遵循Allen规律,但相对四肢长度反Allen规律。这种变异可能更受到不同海拔梯度环境特征,尤其是高海拔缺氧和食物短缺的影响。  相似文献   

中国植物区系地理学研究的回顾和展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物区系地理学是研究世界或某一地区植物种类的组成、现代和过去的分布以及它们的起源和演化历史的科学。植物区系地理学的研究内容包括广义植物地理学中的植物科属地理学、植物分布学和植物历史地理学3个部分。植物区系地理学是生物地理学的一个分支,是植物学和地理学...  相似文献   

西藏几种沙蜥的分类、演化、分布及其与古地史的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
西藏地区有沙蜥属3种:西藏沙蜥(Phrynocephalustheobaldi)红尾沙蜥(P.erythrurus)和泽当沙蜥(P.zetangensis),根据形态特征和地理分布特点西藏沙蜥又为为西藏沙蜥指名亚种(P.theobalditheobaldi)和1新亚种-西藏沙蜥东方亚种(P.theobaldiorientalisnov.ssp)二者的主要鉴别特征是:(1)前者后肢贴体前伸达到或超过  相似文献   

新疆三种沙蜥的核型分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
我们对新疆三种沙蜥—叶城沙蜥(Pnrynocephalus axillaris Blanford)、东疆沙蜥(Ph.grum-grizimaloiBadriage)和变色沙蜥(Ph.versicolor Strauch)的染色体组型和精巢细胞减数分裂进行了观察和分析,现报道如下。 材料和方法:叶城沙蜥采自吐鲁番、哈密地区(5,6);东疆沙蜥采自阜康县北沙窝(5,5);变色沙蜥采自乌鲁木齐市郊(2,4)。采用培养皿蒸汽固定法和常规制片法制做染色体标本,进行核型分析。计算  相似文献   

杨军  温晓敏  原洪 《四川动物》2005,24(3):254-259
2004年7月17日~8月20日,由沈阳师范大学组织、世界自然保护联盟中国两栖爬行动物专家组参与进行了西藏两栖爬行动物考察.藏北队从新疆经青海进西藏,后经青海、甘肃返回新疆,沿途采集两栖爬行动物标本,在西藏主要考察藏北地区.藏北队共计采集到10种标本,分隶4科6属.通过此次考察,发现一些物种的新的地理分布区,包括红尾沙蜥Phrynocephalus erythrurus、白条沙蜥Phrynocephalus koslowi、变色沙蜥Phrynocephalus versicolor、高山倭蛙Nanorana parkeri、花脊游蛇Coluber ravergieri.  相似文献   

The toad-headed lizards of genus Phrynocephalus are distributed from northwestern China to Turkey and are one of the major components of the central Asian desert fauna. To date, published morphological and molecular phylogenetic hypotheses of Phrynocephalus are only partially congruent, and the relationships within the genus are still far from clear. We re-analyzed published mitochondrial gene sequence data (12S, 16S, cyt b, ND4-tRNA(Leu)) by employing partition-specific modeling in a combined DNA analysis to clarify existing gaps in the phylogeny of Chinese Phrynocephalus. Using this phylogenetic framework, we inferred the genus' historical biogeography by using weighted ancestral-area analysis and dispersal-vicariance analysis in combination with a Bayesian relaxed molecular-clock approach and paleogeographical data. The partitioned Bayesian analyses support the monophyly of Phrynocephalus and its sister-group relationship with Laudakia. An earlier finding demonstrating the monophyly of the viviparous group is corroborated. However, our hypothesis of internal relationships of the oviparous group differs from a previous hypothesis as our results do not support monophyly of the oviparous taxa. Instead, the viviparous taxa form a clade with many oviparous taxa exclusive of P. helioscopus and P. mystaceus. Our results also suggest that: (1) P. putjatia is a valid species, comprising populations from Guide, Qinghai Province and Tianzhu, Gansu Province; (2) P. hongyuanensis is not a valid species, synonymized instead with P. vlangalii; (3) P. zetangensis is not a valid species and should be included in P. theobaldi; (4) the population occurring in Kuytun, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is recognized as P. guttatus instead of P. versicolor; and (5) the Lanzhou population of P. frontalis is part of P. przewalskii. Congruent with previous hypotheses, the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau played a fundamental role in the diversification of Phrynocephalus. An evolutionary scenario combining aspects of vicariance and dispersal is necessary to explain the distribution of Phrynocephalus. Bayesian divergence-time estimation suggests that Phrynocephalus originated at the Middle-Late Miocene boundary (15.16-10.4 Ma), and diversified from Late Miocene to Pleistocene from a center of origin in Central Asia, Tarim Basin, and Junggar Basin temperate desert, followed by several rapid speciation events in a relatively short time. The proposed biogeographic scenarios also indicate that the Tarim Basin desert may be the secondary diversification center, followed by Junggar Basin temperate desert and Alashan Plateau temperate desert. In the viviparous group, the allopatric speciation of P. theobaldi and P. vlangalii may have been caused by the uplifting of Tanggula Mountain Ranges. In addition, the results of this study make an important contribution to understanding the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau and Tian Shan Mountains and the biogeography of the entire region.  相似文献   

环境因子对荒漠沙蜥种群密度影响的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
本文研究人类改造荒漠的活动,植被,潜在的可利用的食物资源,竞争种的密度,土壤理化性质等坏境因子对荒漠沙蜥种群密度的影响。结果说明:人类的活动对沙蜥种群密度没有显著影响;决定沙蜥种群密度的主导因子是潜在的可利用的食物资源,植被,土壤含水量,竞争种的密度。这些因子的任何改变都能改变沙蜥的种群密度,均具有调节种群的作用。  相似文献   

中国的沙蜥属研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文对我国迄今所知的18种沙蜥,进行了生物学特性,地理成分和分布的叙述,并依据其开矿特征分别编制民成,幼体的种类检索表,供分类以及野外采集和生态研究时鉴定蜥种使用。  相似文献   

We acclimated adults of two viviparous(Phrynocephalus guinanensis and P.vlangalii) and one oviparous(P.versicolor) species of toad-headed lizards(Agamidae) to 28 °C,33 °C and 38 °C to examine whether thermal preference(preferred body temperature,Tp) and thermal tolerance(critical thermal minimum,CTMin;critical thermal maximum,CTMax) were affected by acclimation temperature,and correlate with body size and habitat use.Both Tp and CTMax were highest in P.versicolor and lowest in P.vlangalii,with P.guinanensis in between.The two viviparous species did not differ in CTMin and thermal tolerance range,and they both were more resistant to low temperatures and had a wider range of thermal tolerance than the oviparous species.Both CTMin and CTMax shifted upward as acclimation temperature increased in all the three species.Tp was higher in the lizards acclimated to 33 °C than in those to 28 °C or 38 °C.The range of thermal tolerance was wider in the lizards acclimated to 28 °C than in those to 33 °C or 38 °C.The data showed that:1) thermal preference and tolerance were affected by acclimation temperature,and differed among the three species of Phrynocephalus lizards with different body sizes and habitat uses;2) both Tp and CTMax were higher in the species exchanging heat more rapidly with the environment,and CTMin was higher in the species using warmer habitats during the active season;and 3) thermal preference and tolerance might correlat with body size and habitat use in Phrynocephalus lizards.  相似文献   

Ecology and historical (phylogeny-based) biogeography have much to offer one another, but exchanges between these fields have been limited. Historical biogeography has become narrowly focused on using phylogenies to discover the history of geological connections among regions. Conversely, ecologists often ignore historical biogeography, even when its input can be crucial. Both historical biogeographers and ecologists have more-or-less abandoned attempts to understand the processes that determine the large-scale distribution of clades. Here, we describe the chasm that has developed between ecology and historical biogeography, some of the important questions that have fallen into it and how it might be bridged. To illustrate the benefits of an integrated approach, we expand on a model that can help explain the latitudinal gradient of species richness.  相似文献   

We incubated eggs of five Phrynocephalus species (P. albolineatus, P. axillaries, P. grumgrzimailoi, P. helioscopus and P. przewalskii) at three constant temperatures (24℃, 28℃ and 32℃) to examine differences in incubation length and hatchling morphology among species and among temperature treatments. We combined data from this study with those reported previously for P. frontalis and P. versicolor to examine whether embryonic stage at laying is a causal factor for interspecific variation in incubation length, and whether the phylogenetic relationship inferred from hatchling morphology is consistent with the relationship based on mitochondrial DNA data. Mean values for incubation length differed among the five species studied herein and, in all these five species, incubation length decreased at a decreasing rate as temperature increased. In none of the five species did hatchling size (snout-vent length and body mass) and other morphological variables differ among the three temperature treatments. The seven oviparous Phrynocephalus lizards found in China differ from each other in hatchling morphology, and embryonic stage at laying is a causal factor of inter- and intra-specific variation in incubation length. The phylogenetic relationship inferred from hatchling morphology is not always consistent with the currently known relationship based on mitochondrial DNA data. Data from this study and those reported previously allow the conclusion that any Phrynocephalus species may have its unique position along the axis defined by hatchling morphology.  相似文献   

大数据时代土壤微生物地理学研究综述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
靳一丹  陆雅海 《生态学报》2022,42(13):5152-5164
土壤蕴含极为丰富的微生物多样性,它们在物质分解、元素生物地球化学循环、植物生产力和生物健康中扮演着关键角色。理解土壤微生物的生物地理分布格局、形成机制与群落构建规则,有助于预测在全球变化背景下土壤微生物组的功能演变及其对陆地生态系统的调控影响。自21世纪以来,土壤微生物生物地理学在各种大型国际微生物计划的推动下逐步形成了分子生物学技术耦合大数据分析的模式,实现了多种尺度上的关联研究。阐述了土壤微生物在分布格局和群落构建规则方面的研究进展,重点介绍了分子生物学技术和大数据分析在土壤微生物生物地理研究中的应用,对土壤微生物生物地理学未来在微生物分类分辨率、模型验证与构建和功能基因地理学的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

西藏沙蜥属一新种—泽当沙蜥   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据形态特征,泽当居群与西藏沙蜥、红尾沙蜥有显著区别,为沙蜥属一新种:泽当沙蜥Phrynocephalus zetangensis sp.nov.Wang,Zeng et Wu鉴别特征为鼻鳞1枚;鼻间鳞4-5枚;背鳞数少于腹鳞数;雄性尾末端黑色,雌性灰白色。  相似文献   

历史生物地理学的进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来历史生物地理学的进展主要是隔离分化学派的进展。对隔离分化学派的几个分支学派,特别是分支生物地理学和泛生物地理学在理论和方法方面的进展作了简要回顾和介绍。最近十年来分子手段广泛应用于历史生物地理学研究的各个方面,尤其是谱系生物地理学的快速崛起是历史生物地理学的一个明显特征。对本学科的发展做了初步的展望。  相似文献   

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