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里氏木霉(Trichoderma reesei)被认为是最合适联合生物加工(consolidated bioprocessing)的微生物之一。原始里氏木霉菌株产乙醇能力太低,需要进一步提高其产酒量。我们通过基因组重排技术提高了里氏木霉菌株产乙醇能力和乙醇耐受力。首先对CICC40360菌株孢子进行NTG诱变得到正向突变菌株,再以此为出发菌株进行基因组重排。进行基因组重排后,重组菌株在含不同乙醇浓度的原生质体再生培养基上进行筛选。突变菌株和原始菌株一起做摇瓶发酵实验进行比较以确定产乙醇能力的提高。经过两轮基因组重排后,筛选获得表现最优异的重组菌S2-254。该菌株能在利用50g/l葡萄糖发酵出6.2g/l乙醇,同时能耐受3.5% (v/v)浓度乙醇。上述结果表明,本实验采用的基因组重排技术能够有效而且快速获得具有目的性状的优良菌株。  相似文献   

NTG诱变农抗702产生菌链霉菌702的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:筛选出产抗真菌活性物质的高产链霉菌702突变株。方法:分别以链霉菌702菌株为试验材料,以庆大霉素为敏感抗生素,NTG诱变链霉菌702菌株,获得抗庆大霉素突变株。结果:NTG处理90min对菌株的致死率可达73.46%,突变率高达23.64%,经过摇瓶筛选获得高产突变株20-29-12,产素单位达到1 443μg/mL,比出发菌株提高了38.08%。结论:采用抗药性致死突变标志的NTG诱变筛选模型可以获得产抗真菌活性物质的链霉菌702高产菌株。  相似文献   

研究利用核糖体工程育种方法结合紫外诱变处理产他克莫司链霉菌SIIA-9818,以期筛选得到发酵水平有较大提高的新菌株。首轮采用链霉素抗性筛选,第二轮组合链霉素和利福平抗性结合紫外诱变育种,进一步巩固育种成效。采用链霉素抗性诱变得到突变株T-122,其气生菌丝丰满程度明显好于原对照株,发酵效价提高22.8%;采用组合链霉素和利福平抗性结合紫外诱变T-122,得到多株高产菌株,其中H-493发酵水平较原出发菌株提高82.6%;在50 L发酵罐通过增大搅拌转速,使菌种H-493发酵单位进一步提高31.0%。本方法简单经济,得到的突变株发酵单位显著提高,组分无明显变化,传代稳定。  相似文献   

梅岭霉素产生菌抗药性突变标志诱变筛选模型的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过梅岭霉素 (Meilingmycin)产生菌南昌链霉菌NS 4 1 80菌株孢子对 6种抗生素敏感性测定 ,采用诱变剂EMS四种不同诱变剂量对菌株孢子进行诱变处理 ,诱变处理的孢子涂布在含致死浓度链霉素的高氏平板上。然后从抗药性突变标志菌株中进一步筛选梅岭霉素高产菌株。在 150 0多个抗药性突变株中通过初筛获得了比诱变出发菌株的产素能力提高 50 %以上菌株。通过诱变剂量分别与抗药性突变率和突变株产素产量的变势统计分析表明 ,菌株抗药性突变与产素突变密切相关 ,产素突变的EMS诱变剂量高于抗药性突变诱变剂量 ,在 0 .0 3mol/LEMS剂量作用下 ,菌株致死率为 99.4 3% ,抗药性突变率为 0 .0 4 4 0 % ,建立了梅岭霉素产生菌抗药性突变标志诱变推理性筛选模型。为南昌链霉菌高产菌种选育研究作了有益的尝试 ,并有助于其它链霉菌属的抗生素产生菌育种研究。  相似文献   

【背景】厦门霉素A是厦门链霉菌(Streptomyces xiamenensis) 318菌株的主要次级代谢产物,具有显著的抗纤维化活性及药用潜力。但野生型菌株中厦门霉素A的产量仅有14 mg/L,其生产水平亟待提升。【目的】通过随机诱变-抗性标记筛选获得高产菌株并进行培养基优化,以提高厦门霉素A的产量。【方法】在厦门霉素A的生物合成基因簇后融合一个抗性基因,用于报告整个基因簇的表达水平。对构建的基因工程菌株进行常压室温等离子体(atmospheric and room temperature plasma,ARTP)诱变,从抗性水平高的突变菌株中筛选高产菌株,并通过培养基优化,使厦门霉素A产量显著提升。【结果】构建携带卡那霉素抗性标记的产厦门霉素A的工程菌MT-XN作为出发菌株,对该菌株进行一轮ARTP诱变,使用90 mg/L卡那霉素筛选,得到了厦门霉素A产量为101.7 mg/L的突变菌株MA-8。进一步通过响应面法优化培养基配方,在最佳培养基中MA-8菌株产生的厦门霉素A达到134.2 mg/L,较野生型菌株提高了845.1%。【结论】采用随机诱变-报告基因筛选系统,可快速筛选出厦门霉素A产量大幅提升的高产菌株,为后续的药物开发奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

【目的】通过诱变筛选技术选育阿维菌素高产突变株,对其发酵培养基进行响应面优化,提高阿维菌素产量。【方法】采用常压室温等离子体(ARTP)诱变技术,结合链霉抗性和卡那霉素抗性筛选法及96深孔板高通量筛选法,筛选阿维菌素高产株。在单因素实验的基础上,应用响应面分析法对其发酵培养基进行优化,最后确定最佳培养基配方。【结果】获得一株遗传性状稳定的阿维菌素高产株K-1A6,其阿维菌素产量达到4.22 g/L,比出发菌株9-39提高了23.4%,在最佳培养基中阿维菌素产量达到5.36 g/L,较优化前提高了27.01%。【结论】通过对阿维链霉菌9-39菌株进行ARTP诱变筛选及发酵培养基优化研究能显著提高阿维菌素的产量。  相似文献   

目的:获得博安霉素高产菌株,同时比较了铜蒸汽激光与妥布霉素抗性及二者复合诱变的选育效果。方法:采用铜蒸汽激光辐照30 min与妥布霉素100 r/m L抗性处理及其复合诱变选育博安霉素产生菌轮枝链霉菌(S.verticillus)B-31。结果:在复合诱变组中,获得一株高产突变株GB-160,经发酵罐应用后,发酵单位较出发菌株提高1.5倍,并且遗传性能稳定。结论:该方法能有效获得抗生素高产优质菌株。在医药生物工程中,具有较高的实用价值,为其它药物微生物选育提供借鉴。  相似文献   

以短乳杆菌为研究对象,通过基因组重排技术选育胸苷磷酸化酶高产菌株。首先采用紫外复合诱变筛选出EA42、EB27作为基因组重排育种的亲本并制备成原生质体,分别采用紫外照射50min和60℃水浴加热60min双亲灭活原生质体,然后用质量分数40%PEG6000,30℃恒温诱导融合10min进行基因组重排。经过3轮基因组重排育种,成功选育出3株胸苷磷酸化酶高产菌株,其中菌株F3-36在菌体发酵量提高的前提下,进行5次传代测试其胸苷磷酸化酶活均在2.500U/mg湿菌体,比原始菌株酶活提高了260%。  相似文献   

离子注入选育高产壮观链霉菌的研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
利用离子注入选育高产壮观链霉菌。壮观链霉菌1043为一壮观霉素生产菌种,通过实验建立了离子注入选育壮观链霉菌。其效价较出发菌株提高了102.3%。  相似文献   

本研究采用紫外诱变育种技术对一株产恩拉霉素抗真菌链霉菌(Streptomyces fungicidicus)F110进行了诱变处理,经链霉素抗性、利福霉素B抗性以及双重抗性筛选,共获得了132株抗生素抗性突变株,其中26株突变菌株的恩拉霉素产量与出发菌株相比均有明显提高。摇瓶发酵条件下,突变株SR93的恩拉霉素产量最高可达2 400μg/m L,与出发菌株相比提高了38%。传代结果表明:该突变株产素水平稳定,因此具备较好的开发及工业应用价值。  相似文献   

用基因组重排技术选育赖氨酸高产菌株   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
赵凯  段巍  孙立新  周东坡 《微生物学报》2009,49(8):1075-1080
摘要:【目的】以北京棒杆菌(Corynebacterium pekinense)1为研究对象,选育赖氨酸高产菌株,并探索赖氨酸产生菌基因组重排育种的基本规律。【方法】利用基因组重排技术选育赖氨酸高产菌株。【结果】通过四轮基因组重排成功选育出了5株遗传稳定的高产赖氨酸菌株,其中1株重排菌株赖氨酸产量达到16.95 g/dL,比原始菌株Corynebacterium pekinense 1赖氨酸产量提高了37.14%,比亲本菌株赖氨酸产量提高了17.46%~31.19%。【结论】首次采用基因组重排技术改良赖氨酸产生菌,成功选育出了5株产量较稳定的高产赖氨酸菌株,具有潜在的应用价值。  相似文献   

Current study was focused on the development of a non-fastidious lactic acid producing strain having better growth rate, low pH tolerance and good productivity by genome shuffling of a mutant strain of Lactobacillus delbrueckii NCIM 2025 and an amylase producing non-fastidious Bacillus amyloliquefaciens ATCC 23842. After the third cycle of the protoplast fusion, lactic acid production by few fusants was monitored and the best fusant was selected for further studies. Optimization of the important process parameters for lactic acid production was conducted using Plackett-Burman design and response surface methodology. Selected fusant could utilize the liquefied cassava bagasse starch directly with minimum nutrient supplementation for lactic acid production. During validation, 40g/L of lactic acid was obtained ( approximately 96% conversion of starch to lactic acid) by using fusant inoculum (3%, v/v) from 83g/L cassava bagasse (starch content 50% w/w) supplemented with yeast extract and peptone (0.2% each, w/v) and the buffering agent (2% CaCO(3), w/v).  相似文献   

To apply the fundamental principles of genome shuffling in breeding of taxol-producing fungi, Nodulisporium sylviform was used as starting strain in this work. The procedures of protoplast fusion and genome shuffling were studied. Three hereditarily stable strains with high taxol production were obtained by four cycles of genome shuffling. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of taxol produced was confirmed using thin-layer chromatography (TLC), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and LC-MS. A high taxol producing fungus, Nodulisporium sylviform F4-26, was obtained, which produced 516.37 μg/L taxol. This value is 64.41% higher than that of the starting strain NCEU-1 and 31.52%–44.72% higher than that of the parent strains.  相似文献   

Improvement of pristinamycin production by Streptomyces pristinaespiralis was performed by using recursive protoplast fusion and selection for improved resistance to the product antibiotic in a genome shuffling format. A 100-mug/ml pristinamycin resistant recombinant, G 4-17, was obtained after four rounds of protoplast fusion, and its production of pristinamycin reached 0.89 g/l, which was increased by 89.4% and 145.9% in comparison with that of the highest parent strain M-156 and the original strain CGMCC 0957, respectively. The subculture experiments indicated that the hereditary character of high producing S. pristinaespiralis G 4-17 was stable. It is concluded that genome shuffling improves the production of pristinamycin by enhancing product-resistance in a stepwise manner. Pristinamycin fermentation experiments by recombinant G 4-17 were carried out in a 5-l fermentor, and its production of pristinamycin reached 0.90 g/l after 60 h of fermentation.  相似文献   

基因组混组作为一种育种方法,通过循环原生质体融合等手段,使得不同菌株来源的基因组能够得到充分重组,增加将正向突变整合到同一重组子中的机会。使用4株带有4种不同标记的枯草芽胞杆菌亲本为初始菌株,通过循环转化、循环转导或循环原生质体融合的手段进行基因组混组,统计后代中非亲本类型占整个群体的比例,以衡量基因组混组的效果。分别经过5轮循环原生质体融合、循环转化或者循环转导,结果显示,重组程度较高者在后代群体中的比例较低,带有4种标记的后代未出现,带有3种标记的后代最高分别为4.53×10?4、1.64×10?4、4.47×10?3,明显低于文献报道的天蓝色链霉菌中同样实验的结果:带4种和3种标记的后代分别占2.5%、17%。对比上述实验的结果和文献报道的天蓝色链霉菌、乳杆菌基因组混组的结果,并结合计算机模拟循环融合过程,分析后认为:要达到较充分的基因组混组,需要有能够实现微生物细胞间高频重组的操作技术作为基础,重组频率应该不低于10?3~10?2数量级。  相似文献   

[目的]本文以肺炎克雷伯氏杆菌为研究对象,利用基因组重排技术,提高其对发酵体系中主要产物的耐受性,获得1,3-丙二醇高产菌.[方法]以含预处理后的出发菌株的补料发酵终点液的96孔板为筛选方法,利用基因组重排技术育种.[结果]筛选到的5株高产菌株(LSG1,LSG2,LSG4,LSG5,LSG6),在3升罐批次发酵中的1...  相似文献   

Screening and breeding of high taxol producing fungi by genome shuffling   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
To apply the fundamental principles of genome shuffling in breeding of taxol-producing fungi, Nodulisporium sylviform was used as starting strain in this work. The procedures of protoplast fusion and genome shuffling were studied. Three hereditarily stable strains with high taxol production were obtained by four cycles of genome shuffling. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of taxol produced was confirmed using thin-layer chromatography (TLC), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and LC-MS. A high taxol producing fungus, Nodulisporium sylviform F4-26, was obtained, which produced 516.37 μg/L taxol. This value is 64.41% higher than that of the starting strain NCEU-1 and 31.52%―44.72% higher than that of the parent strains.  相似文献   

The epothilones are highly promising prospective anticancer agents that are produced by the myxobacterium Sorangium cellulosum. We mutated the epothilone producing S. cellulosum strain So0157-2 to improve the production of epothilones. For evaluation in high-throughput of a large number of mutants, we developed a simple microtiter method for primary screening. Using the classical UV-mutation method plus selection pressures, the production capacity was increased about 0.5 approximately 2.5 times the starting strain. The mutants with higher production and different phenotypes were further subjected to recursive protoplast fusions and the fusants products were screened under multi-selection pressure. Furthermore, the production was greatly increased by the genome shuffling. For epothilone B, the production of one fusant was increased about 130 times compared to the starting strain, increasing from 0.8 mg l(-1) to 104 mg l(-1).  相似文献   

Aims:  To obtain spectinomycin and spectinamine by heterologous expression into the biosynthetic deoxysugar (desosamine) gene-deleted host Streptomyces venezuelae YJ003.
Methods and Results:  The 17-kb spectinomycin biosynthetic gene cluster from Streptomyces spectabilis ATCC 27741 was heterologously expressed into Streptomyces venezuelae YJ003. Furthermore, the speA , speB and spcS2 encoded in the spectinomycin biosynthetic gene cluster of cosmid pSPC8 were also heterologously characterized to be responsible for the production of spectinamine.
Conclusions:  The results of this study indicated that pSPC8 contains all the genes necessary for the biosynthesis of spectinomycin. We also concluded that SpeA, SpeB and SpcS2 are sufficient for the biosynthesis of spectinamine. We also verified that SpeB and SpcS2 show dual character in the biosynthetic pathway of spectinomycin in Streptomyces spectabilis .
Significance and Impact of the Study:  This is the report regarding the expression of a biosynthetic gene cluster that gives rise to the production of aminoglycoside antibiotics in Streptomyces venezuelae YJ003. Therefore, this work may serve as a foundation for further research on spectinomycin biosynthesis and other aminoglycosides.  相似文献   

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