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摘要 目的:DNA连接酶III(DNA ligase III, Lig3)基因是碱基切除修复通路中的关键基因,在胚胎发育过程中发挥重要作用,通过研究Lig3基因在叶酸代谢障碍状态下的表达情况,探讨其对小鼠胚胎神经发育的影响。方法:采用无特定病原体(specific pathogen free, SPF)级C57BL/6J成年小鼠(8-9周,18-20 g),雌雄1:1合笼,孕鼠随机分为实验组和对照组,孕7.5天实验组腹腔注射4.5 mg/kg体重甲氨蝶呤(Methotrexate, MTX,二氢叶酸还原酶抑制剂)诱导产生叶酸代谢障碍的小鼠神经管畸形(neural tube defects, NTDs)模型,对照组腹腔注射等体积的生理盐水。孕10.5天体视显微镜下观察胎鼠的发育情况。同时利用200 nM的MTX建立叶酸代谢障碍的小鼠神经干细胞模型。在模型建立成功的基础上,应用实时荧光定量聚合酶链反应(Real time quantitative PCR,RT-qPCR)及免疫印迹(Western blot)等方法研究碱基切除修复通路相关基因Lig3的表达水平。结果:4.5 mg/kg 体重MTX处理孕鼠后胎鼠NTDs的发生率为31.1%(19/61),而正常对照组未见胎鼠NTDs的发生。在体视显微镜下可见NTDs胎鼠神经管未闭合,而正常胎鼠发育完好。RT-qPCR检测发现叶酸代谢障碍小鼠NTDs 胚胎神经组织中Lig3 mRNA的表达水平明显低于对照组(P<0.05)。Western blot检测发现,与对照组相比,叶酸代谢障碍NTDs胎鼠神经组织中Lig3蛋白水平明显降低(P<0.05)。同时,在MTX处理的神经干细胞中,Lig3的表达水平明显低于对照组(P<0.05)。对凋亡相关蛋白Cleaved caspase-3进行检测发现MTX处理后的NTDs胎鼠神经组织及细胞模型中其表达均明显增加,表明细胞凋亡增加。结论:在叶酸代谢障碍前提下,Lig3表达降低,DNA修复功能减弱,细胞凋亡增加,导致NTDs的发生,为NTDs及出生缺陷的防控提供新思路。  相似文献   

目的:利用甲氨蝶呤(methotrexate,MTX)干预孕鼠,探讨MTX对早期神经胚基因表达的影响。方法:用MTX(4.5 mg/kg体重)干预孕鼠,通过NimbleGene表达谱芯片、Real time-PCR及免疫组化等方法进行差异表达基因的筛选和验证。结果:MTX处理后神经管畸形(NTDs)发生率为32.1%。表达谱芯片筛选出166个差异表达基因,其中4个凋亡相关基因(Endog,Trp53,Casp3,Bax)均表现为上调(fold change1.5,P0.05),3个增殖相关基因(Ptch1,Pla2g4a,Foxg1)均表现为下调(fold change0.67,P0.05);NTDs胚胎神经上皮Caspase-3表达显著升高(P0.05),phospho-histone H3(pH3)表达显著降低(P0.05)。结论:MTX影响了早期神经胚的基因表达,尤其是引起了凋亡、增殖相关基因表达的异常,这可能在叶酸缺乏引起NTDs发生的相关机制之一。  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨热应激致神经管畸形(NTDs)中转化生长因子beta(TGF-beta)的表达情况。选用昆明小鼠40只,实验组20只小鼠于妊娠后8.5天(E8.5)在42℃温箱中喂养30分钟,进行热应激处理,建立小鼠胚胎NTDs模型。对照组不处理。11.5d取胎鼠,通过体视显微镜和组织学切片观察实验组和对照组神经管发育情况,计算神经管畸形发生率;  相似文献   

目的观察叶酸缺乏斑马鱼胚胎的背主动脉(DA)发育情况,初步探讨叶酸缺乏后胚胎DA发育异常的机理。方法采用将二氢叶酸还原酶(DHFR)功能阻断的方法构建叶酸缺乏斑马鱼模型,分别应用DHFR抑制剂甲氨蝶呤(MTX)以及DHFR基因knock-down技术处理斑马鱼胚胎。在胚胎发育至48 hpf时在显微镜下观察胚胎的整体发育情况,在60 hpf时应用荧光显微造影的方法观察胚胎的背主动脉发育状况。利用胚胎整体原位杂交和real-time PCR的方法检测影响DA发育的关键因子ephrinB2、Ang-1和Radar的表达情况,利用TUNEL法检测胚胎底索的凋亡情况。结果MTX处理组胚胎以及DHFR knock-down组胚胎有相似的胚胎发育异常表型。荧光显微造影显示叶酸缺乏组胚胎的DA发育异常。叶酸缺乏组胚胎的ephrinB2、Ang-1和Radar表达减弱,底索凋亡增加。结论叶酸缺乏可导致斑马鱼胚胎背主动脉发育异常,其机理与ephrinB2、Ang-1和Radar的表达减弱以及底索凋亡增加有关。  相似文献   

目的:探讨人类胚胎脑组织中是否存在H3K79同型半胱氨酸修饰(H3K79Hcy)及其在神经管畸形(NTDs)中的作用。方法:通过质谱检测组蛋白H3K79是否存在同型半胱氨酸修饰位点。进一步合成包含组蛋白H3K79位点的同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)修饰的肽段,并与牛血清白蛋白(BSA)偶联后免疫兔子得到抗组蛋白H3K79Hcy多克隆抗体,并对抗体进行特异性检测;采用此抗H3K79Hcy抗体比较人类高Hcy NTDs样本和正常对照样本的H3K79Hcy水平。结果:(1)人胚胎组织组蛋白H3K79位点存在同型半胱氨酸修饰;(2)高Hcy水平NTDs脑组织中H3K79Hcy修饰水平高于正常对照(P0.05)。结论:人胚胎组织存在H3K79Hcy修饰,此修饰异常可能促进神经管畸形的发生。  相似文献   

目的 探讨高温致神经管畸形(NTDs)作用的分子机制,为防治NTDs的发生提供理论依据.方法 在高温致金黄地鼠NTDs模型的基础上,应用免疫荧光染色技术,观察NTDs发生过程中p-ERK1/2在鼠胚神经上皮细胞中的表达变化.结果 对照组和实验组孕鼠在高温水浴处理后16、24h,p-ERK1/2免疫阳性产物分布于鼠胚神经上皮细胞和周围间充质细胞的胞浆中;水浴后36、60h,p-ERK1/2表达部位出现了由细胞浆向细胞核的转移;高温处理后,p-ERK1/2在实验组各期胚胎神经上皮细胞内的表达均比对照组减弱.结论 ERK1/2参与胚胎神经管的发育过程,其表达降低在高温致神经管畸形的发生中起重要作用.  相似文献   

神经管畸形(neural tube defects,NTDs)是胚胎发育过程中由于神经管闭合失败所导致的出生缺陷,也是新生儿最常见的先天畸形之一。神经管畸形的发生是一个多因素、多步骤的复杂过程。近年来,叶酸已逐渐成为NTDs研究中专注度最高的一个环境因素,但其在神经管闭合过程中的作用机制尚不完全清楚。本文就近年来叶酸在神经管发育中的作用机制作一综述,简要阐明叶酸转运机制、叶酸代谢、叶酸与DNA甲基化、叶酸与组蛋白修饰等方面在早期胚胎发育神经管形成过程中的作用。  相似文献   

目的探讨PDGFR-α在高温致神经管畸形(NTDs)中的作用.方法在高温致神经管畸形动物模型上,采用免疫组织化学和图像分析技术,研究血小板源性生长因子受体α(PDGFR-α)在发育不同阶段的神经上皮中的表达,并观察高温对其表达的影响.结果在正常对照组,PDGFR-α广泛分布于神经管及其周围组织中;在高温致畸组,神经上皮中PDGFR-α的表达明显减弱,甚至不表达.结论 PDGFR-α的表达与神经管正常发育密切相关,其表达的减少可能是高温致NTDs机制中的重要环节.  相似文献   

神经管畸形(neural tube defects,NTDs)是一种最常见的严重中枢神经系统先天性畸形,在世界各地均有发生。它是造成流产、死产的主要原因之一,即便胎儿存活,也严重影响患儿的生长发育和生活质量,同时给家庭和社会带来沉重的精神压力和经济负担。神经管畸形的发生绝大多数是由遗传因素与环境因素相互作用的结果,若孕妇在孕早期缺乏叶酸、高热、接触射线、服用药物、感染或发生妊娠期糖尿病等条件下,结合遗传因素作用,均有可能导致神经管畸形的发生,但其目前其的确切病因及其发病机制仍有待深入研究。大量研究表明,在孕妇血清中低叶酸、低维生素B12水平及高血浆同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)水平,都与NTDs的发生密切相关。本文主要围绕同型半胱氨酸的代谢,从分子水平和基因水平对与神经管畸形相关的各因素做一综述。  相似文献   

神经管畸形(neural tube defects,NTDs)是胚胎在早期发育过程中,由于神经管闭合不全或障碍引起的一组以脑和(或)脊髓发育异常为主的先天畸形。目前,对于神经管畸形的发病机制和病因没有明确的定论。很多因素参与神经管畸形的发生,主要涉及遗传、环境、以及二者的相互作用。遗传因素的研究主要着重于寻找神经管畸形的致病基因并进行基因功能缺陷研究,但是神经管畸形是多因素参与的结果,基因功能缺陷研究并不能完全解释其发病机制。基于目前的研究现状,近年来,环境因素通过调控表观遗传的修饰进而参与调节NTDs发生相关基因表达的研究逐渐受到重视。  相似文献   

Copy number variations (CNVs) are thought to act as an important genetic mechanism underlying phenotypic heterogeneity. Impaired folate metabolism can result in neural tube defects (NTDs). However, the precise nature of the relationship between low folate status and NTDs remains unclear. Using an array‐comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) assay, we investigated whether CNVs could be detected in the NTD embryonic neural tissues of methotrexate (MTX)‐induced folate dysmetabolism pregnant C57BL/6 mice and confirmed the findings with quantitative real‐time PCR (qPCR). The CNVs were then comprehensively investigated using bioinformatics methods to prioritize candidate genes. We measured dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) activity and concentrations of folate and relevant metabolites in maternal serum using enzymologic method and liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS). Three high confidence CNVs on XqA1.1, XqA1.1‐qA2, and XqE3 were found in the NTD embryonic neural tissues. Twelve putative genes and three microRNAs were identified as potential susceptibility candidates in MTX‐induced NTDs and possible roles in NTD pathogenesis. DHFR activity and 5‐methyltetrahydrofolate (5‐MeTHF), 5‐formyltetrahydrofolate (5‐FoTHF), and S‐adenosylmethionine (SAM) concentrations of maternal serum decreased significantly after MTX injection. These findings suggest that CNVs caused by defects in folate metabolism lead to NTD, and further support the hypothesis that folate dysmetabolism is a direct cause for CNVs in MTX‐induced NTDs. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 74: 877–893, 2014  相似文献   

DNA methylation is thought to be involved in the etiology of neural tube defects (NTDs). However, the exact mechanism between DNA methylation and NTDs remains unclear. Herein, we investigated the change of methylation in mouse model of NTDs associated with folate dysmetabolism by use of ultraperformance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC/MS/MS), liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), microarray, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry and Real time quantitative PCR. Results showed that NTD neural tube tissues had lower concentrations of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-MeTHF, P = 0.005), 5-formyltetrahydrofolate (5-FoTHF, P = 0.040), S-adenosylmethionine (SAM, P = 0.004) and higher concentrations of folic acid (P = 0.041), homocysteine (Hcy, P = 0.006) and S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH, P = 0.045) compared to control. Methylation levels of genomic DNA decreased significantly in the embryonic neural tube tissue of NTD samples. 132 differentially methylated regions (35 low methylated regions and 97 high methylated regions) were selected by microarray. Two genes (Siah1b, Prkx) in Wnt signal pathway demonstrated lower methylated regions (peak) and higher expression in NTDs (P<0.05; P<0.05). Results suggest that DNA hypomethylation was one of the possible epigenetic variations correlated with the occurrence of NTDs induced by folate dysmetabolism and that Siah1b, Prkx in Wnt pathway may be candidate genes for NTDs.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND : Suboptimal maternal folate status is considered a risk factor for neural tube defects (NTDs). However, the relationship between dietary folate status and risk of NTDs appears complex, as experimentally induced folate deficiency is insufficient to cause NTDs in nonmutant mice. In contrast, folate deficiency can exacerbate the effect of an NTD‐causing mutation, as in splotch mice. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether folate deficiency can induce NTDs in mice with a permissive genetic background which do not normally exhibit defects. METHODS : Folate deficiency was induced in curly tail and genetically matched wild‐type mice, and we analyzed the effect on maternal folate status, embryonic growth and development, and frequency of NTDs. RESULTS : Folate‐deficient diets resulted in reduced maternal blood folate, elevated homocysteine, and a diminished embryonic folate content. Folate deficiency had a deleterious effect on reproductive success, resulting in smaller litter sizes and an increased rate of resorption. Notably, folate deficiency caused a similar‐sized, statistically significant increase in the frequency of cranial NTDs among both curly tail (Grhl3 mutant) embryos and background‐matched embryos that are wild type for Grhl3. The latter do not exhibit NTDs under normal dietary conditions. Maternal supplementation with myo‐inositol reduced the incidence of NTDs in the folate‐deficient wild‐type strain. CONCLUSIONS : Dietary folate deficiency can induce cranial NTDs in nonmutant mice with a permissive genetic background, a situation that likely parallels gene‐nutrient interactions in human NTDs. Our findings suggest that inositol supplementation may ameliorate NTDs resulting from insufficient dietary folate. Birth Defects Research (Part A), 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Hypothesis: folate-responsive neural tube defects and neurocristopathies   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Antony AC  Hansen DK 《Teratology》2000,62(1):42-50
BACKGROUND: What accounts for the wide spectrum of folate-responsive dysmorphogeneses? Both embryonic and fetal cells are entirely dependent on maternal folate to support their requirement for precisely timed proliferative bursts during gestation. Folate receptors (FRs) mediate transport into cells and are central to transplacental maternal-to-fetal folate transport. FRs are also critical for neural tube and neural crest development because recent murine "knock-out" and "knock-down" of FRs results in a high percentage of folate-responsive neural tube defects (NTDs) and neurocristopathies. HYPOTHESIS: Central to our hypothesis is the fact that folate deficiency is accompanied by a reduction in the proliferative capacity of highly mitotic neural tube or neural crest cells. Therefore, depending on when in pregnancy various cohorts of highly proliferative cells are deprived of folate, and the origin of the affected cells will determine the type of developmental dysmorphogenesis. Thus, selective folate deficiency in early pregnancy of only highly proliferative neural tube or neural crest cells predisposes to NTDs or gross dysmorphogenesis, respectively. Folate deficiency that compromises placental development will predispose to small-for-date babies due to an overall nutrient deficiency, and the development of folate insufficiency later in pregnancy could predispose to more subtle midline birth defects involving atresia of neural crest cell-derived structures. Finally, a congenital folate transport defect would only be corrected by suprapharmacological doses of folate, which ensures passive diffusion. CONCLUSION: This hypothesis can explain the results of several earlier and more recent clinical trials on folate supplementation in pregnancy, but it also raises the possibility that there may be several as yet undiscovered neurocristopathies that are folate responsive. Teratology 62:42-50, 2000. Published 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Obese women have an approximately twofold higher risk to deliver an infant with neural tube defects (NTDs) despite folate supplementation. Placental transfer of folate is mediated by folate receptor alpha (FR-α), proton coupled folate transporter (PCFT), and reduced folate carrier (RFC). Decreased placental transport may contribute to NTDs in obese women. Serum folate levels were measured and placental tissue was collected from 13 women with normal BMI (21.9±1.9) and 11 obese women (BMI 33.1±2.8) undergoing elective termination at 8–22 weeks of gestation. The syncytiotrophoblast microvillous plasma membranes (MVM) were isolated using homogenization, magnesium precipitation, and differential centrifugation. MVM expression of FR-α, PCFT and RFC was determined by western blot. Folate transport capacity was assessed using radiolabeled methyl-tetrahydrofolate and rapid filtration techniques. Differences in expression and transport capacity were adjusted for gestational age and maternal age in multivariable regression models. P<.05 was considered statistically significant. Serum folate levels were not significantly different between groups. Placental MVM folate transporter expression did not change with gestational age. MVM RFC (−19%) and FR-α (−17%) expression was significantly reduced in placentas from obese women (P<.05). MVM folate transporter activity was reduced by−52% (P<.05) in obese women. These differences remained after adjustment for gestational age. There was no difference in mTOR signaling between groups. In conclusion, RFC and FR alpha expression and transporter activity in the placental MVM are significantly reduced in obese women in early pregnancy. These results may explain the higher incidence of NTDs in infants of obese women with adequate serum folate.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Oral consumption of synthetic folic acid can prevent neural tube defects (NTDs), which are some of the most severe congenital anomalies. The prevalence of NTDs in Ukraine and other countries of the former U.S.S.R. has not been well studied. We determined the prevalence of NTD-affected pregnancies in Northwestern Ukraine as background for policy decisions related to flour fortification in this country. METHODS: The Ukrainian-American Birth Defects Program was established in 1999 and conducts population- based surveillance of birth defects in several oblasts (states) of Ukraine. We determined the prevalence of NTDs in the Volyn and Rivne oblasts of Northwestern Ukraine for three years, 2000-2002. RESULTS: There were 75,928 births in the two oblasts in 2000-2002. There were 159 cases of NTDs among live births, stillbirths, and induced abortions. The prevalence of NTDs in the two oblasts in Northwestern Ukraine is 2.1 per 1000 births. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of NTD-affected pregnancies we found in Northwestern Ukraine is almost four times what it should be. This prevalence suggests that population folate deficiency is widespread in Ukraine. Universal folic acid fortification of flour milled in Ukraine is urgently needed to end this epidemic of birth defects. Such fortification would be expected to prevent folate deficiency anemia, heart attacks, and strokes.  相似文献   

The PCMT1 gene encodes the protein repair enzyme protein-l-isoaspartate (d-aspartate) O-methyltransferase, which is known to protect certain neural cells against Bax-induced apoptosis. Previous studies have produced inconsistent results regarding the effects of PCMT1 (rs4816 and rs4552) polymorphisms on neural tube defects (NTDs). Reduced maternal plasma folate levels and/or elevated homocysteine (Hcy) levels are considered to be risk factors for NTDs. In order to clarify the key factors contributing to the apparent discrepancy and investigate gene–environment interaction, we conducted a case–control study including 121 cases and 146 matched controls to investigate the association between the two PCMT1 polymorphisms in fetuses and the risk of NTDs in the Chinese population of Lvliang, which has low folate intake. Maternal plasma folate and Hcy levels were also measured, and the interaction between fetal PCMT1 gene status and maternal folate metabolites was assessed. Maternal plasma folate concentrations in the NTD group were lower than in controls (10.23 vs. 13.08 nmol/L, adjusted P = 0.059), and Hcy concentrations were significantly higher (14.46 vs. 11.65 μmol/L, adjusted P = 0.026). Fetuses carrying the rs4816 AG + GG genotype, combined with higher maternal plasma Hcy, had a 6.46-fold (95 % CI 1.15–36.46) increased risk of anencephaly. The results of this study imply that the fetal PCMT1 rs4816 polymorphism may play only a weak role in NTD formation and that gene–environment interactions might be more significant.  相似文献   

The causal metabolic pathway and the underlying mechanism between folate deficiency and neural tube defects (NTDs) remain obscure. Thymidylate (dTMP) is catalyzed by thymidylate synthase (TS) using the folate-derived one-carbon unit as the sole methyl donor. This study aims to examine the role of dTMP biosynthesis in the development of neural tube in mice by inhibition of TS via a specific inhibitor, raltitrexed (RTX). Pregnant mice were intraperitoneally injected with various doses of RTX on gestational day 7.5, and embryos were examined for the presence of NTDs on gestational day 11.5. TS activity and changes of dUMP and dTMP levels were measured following RTX treatment at the optimal dose. DNA damage was determined by detection of phosphorylated replication protein A2 (RPA2) and γ-H2AX in embryos with NTDs induced by RTX. Besides, apoptosis and proliferation were also analyzed in RTX-treated embryos with NTDs. We found that NTDs were highly occurred by the treatment of RTX at the optimal dose of 11.5 mg/kg b/w. RTX treatment significantly inhibited TS activity. Meanwhile, dTMP was decreased associated with the accumulation of dUMP in RTX-treated embryos. Phosphorylated RPA2 and γ-H2AX were significantly increased in RTX-treated embryos with NTDs compared to control. More apoptosis and decreased proliferation were also found in embryos with NTDs induced by RTX. These results indicate that impairment of dTMP biosynthesis caused by RTX led to the development of NTDs in mice. DNA damage and imbalance between apoptosis and proliferation may be potential mechanisms.  相似文献   

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