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附生植物是山地森林生态系统中重要的结构性成分。因受林冠调查技术限制, 人们对林冠附生植物知之甚少。本文在前人有关西双版纳植物区系研究的基础上, 结合野外调查和标本资料, 对该地区附生植物的物种组成与分布进行了整理。结果表明, 西双版纳热带森林附生维管植物共有29科134属486种, 约占全部维管植物的11%。附生兰科是最丰富的类群(69属293种), 其中以石斛属(Dendrobium) (49种)和石豆兰属(Bulbophyllum) (48种)物种数最多。蕨类是仅次于兰科的附生类群(13科38属97种), 其中水龙骨科(51种)占附生蕨类总数的50%以上。基于生活史和养分来源的划分标准, 该地区48%的附生物种属于兼性附生, 其次是以兰科为主的专性附生(46%), 半附生仅占6%。从区系上看, 西双版纳附生植物属的分布具有明显的热带亚洲性质。附生植物主要分布于资源受限的林冠生境, 对环境变化极为敏感, 在人为干扰日益加剧的背景下, 这类植物正面临严重威胁。因此, 需要加强对西双版纳林冠亚系统的保护。  相似文献   

徐海清  刘文耀  沈有信  刘伦辉  李玉辉   《广西植物》2006,26(1):43-48,96
对云南石林喀斯特山地原生植被——半湿润常绿阔叶林中附生植物的组成、生物量以及附生植物持水量等进行研究,结果表明该区森林林木附生植物种类相对较少,只有8科9种附生维管束植物和5种苔藓植物,而林内岩石表面则有石附生维管束植物16科17种,苔藓植物3种,两种不同生境附生植物的相似性系数为0.5。相同取样面积(400cm2)条件下,岩石表面附生植物平均生物量(11.7g)比林木表面(4.9g)的高。附生植物一次持水量为自身干重的5.5~9.7倍。  相似文献   

亚热带常绿阔叶林和暖温带落叶阔叶林叶片热值比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
田苗  宋广艳  赵宁  何念鹏  侯继华 《生态学报》2015,35(23):7709-7717
植物干重热值(GCV)是衡量植物生命活动及组成成分的重要指标之一,反映了植物光合作用中固定太阳辐射的能力。利用氧弹量热仪测定了亚热带和暖温带两个典型森林生态系统常见的276种常见植物叶片的干重热值,探讨了亚热带和暖温带植物热值分布特征,以及不同生活型、乔木类型间植物热值的变化规律。实验结果发现:亚热带常绿阔叶林和暖温带落叶阔叶林叶片热值的平均值分别为17.83 k J/g(n=191)和17.21k J/g(n=85),整体表现为亚热带植物暖温带植物。不同地带性植被的植物叶片热值在不同生活型间表现出相似的规律,其中亚热带常绿阔叶林表现为:乔木(19.09 k J/g)灌木(17.87 k J/g)草本(16.65 k J/g);暖温带落叶阔叶林表现为:乔木(18.41 k J/g)灌木(17.94 k J/g)草本(16.53 k J/g);不同乔木类型间均呈现常绿乔木落叶乔木、针叶乔木阔叶乔木的趋势。落叶阔叶乔木表现为亚热带暖温带,而常绿针叶乔木则呈现亚热带暖温带的趋势。此外,我们对于两个分布区域内的4种针叶树种叶片热值进行了比较,发现华北落叶松(19.32 k J/g,暖温带)杉木(19.40 k J/g,亚热带)马尾松(19.82 k J/g,亚热带)油松(20.95 k J/g,暖温带)。亚热带常绿阔叶林和暖温带落叶阔叶林植物热值的特征及其变化规律,为森林生态系统的能量流动提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

云南树干附生苔藓生物量沿纬度及海拔梯度的变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨不同森林群落树干附生苔藓的生物量及其组成沿纬度、海拔梯度的变化格局,采用样地调查法,对云南热带(勐腊县)、亚热带(镇沅县)及亚高山(丽江玉龙县)不同海拔不同森林类型中树干附生苔藓的总生物量、优势组分生物量和不同生活型组分生物量的分布格局进行调查研究。结果表明:(1)随着纬度、海拔的升高,3种代表性森林类型单位面积树干附生苔藓植物的生物量上升,以丽江亚高山针叶林最高(3.57 g·400 cm~(-2));镇沅亚热带常绿阔叶林次之,为2.00 g·400 cm~(-2);勐腊热带森林最低,仅为0.53 g·400 cm~(-2)。(2)3种森林类型树干附生苔藓植物的优势组分中无相同物种。(3)随着纬度、海拔的上升,单位面积附生苔藓植物平均生物量上升,优势种类的相对生物量占比有所下降,勐腊热带森林、镇沅哀牢山亚热带常绿阔叶林和丽江玉龙雪山亚高山针叶林树干附生苔藓优势组分的生物量分别占总生物量的92.3%、75.6%和85.2%。(4)随着纬度和海拔的上升,3种森林类型树干附生苔藓植物群落不同生活型组分的生物量存在明显的分异规律。细平铺型、扇形和丛集型分别为勐腊热带森林、镇沅哀牢山亚热带常绿阔叶林和丽江玉龙雪山亚高山针叶林的优势附生苔藓生活型。  相似文献   

王青  刘聪聪  何念鹏  侯继华 《生态学报》2023,43(9):3766-3777
气孔是植物与大气进行水气交换的阀门,调节着植物的蒸腾与光合作用。因此,气孔性状的变异影响着植物功能,并能够反映植物对环境的适应。目前,内蒙古高原草地植物气孔性状的空间变异及其对环境的响应尚未被探究。于2018年在内蒙古高原草原区沿降水梯度设置了10个受人为干扰较少的天然草地样地,采集每个样地及周围的植物,并对每个物种叶片上、下表皮的气孔性状进行了测量和计算。结果表明:(1)气孔密度(SD)、气孔大小(SS)和气孔相对面积(SRA)的均值分别为262.29个/mm2、378.84μm2和8.10%;下表皮与上表皮的气孔密度比(R.SD)、大小比(R.SS)和相对面积比(R.SRA)的均值分别为1.54、1.04和1.61。(2)由于草地生境开阔,气孔形态性状在不同生活型(草本与木本植物、一二年生与多年生草本)间没有显著差异(P>0.05)。(3)从草甸草原到荒漠草原,叶片SD和SRA减小,SS增大,气孔性状变异的主要驱动因素是年降水。(4)气孔综合指标SRA主要受SD驱动,降低叶片SD是内蒙古高原草地植物提高耐旱性的重要机制之一。(5)植...  相似文献   

叶片性状能够反映植物对环境的适应.认识喀斯特地区兰科植物的叶片性状及其适应意义对其科学合理的保育具有重要参考价值.本文于干季与雨季研究了广西雅长兰科植物自然保护区内落叶、常绿地生、常绿石附生三种类型共19种野生兰科植物的叶片性状及其相互关系,并比较了不同类型兰科植物之间的差异.其中18种兰科植物为C3植物,仅棒叶鸢尾兰(Oberonia myosurus)为CAM植物.相比于落叶兰,常绿兰具有较高的比叶重( LMA)和叶片碳氮比(C/N),但其叶片氮、磷含量较低.在常绿兰科植物中,石附生兰的叶片Ca含量与δ13C高于地生兰.石附生兰的叶片磷含量在雨季要高于干季,而地生兰的叶片δ13C在于季要高于雨季.该地区常绿兰科植物的N/P值>16,表明其可能受到磷的限制.  相似文献   

该文以福建武夷山亚热带常绿阔叶林为研究对象, 通过设置3个氮(N)添加梯度的野外实验, 研究了群落内乔木植物、灌木植物、草本植物、蕨类植物和苔藓植物叶片N、磷(P)化学计量特征对N沉降的响应, 以及不同功能群和物种化学计量特征对N沉降响应的差异。在已开展5年人工N添加的样地内, 3年的监测结果表明: N添加整体上提高了植物叶片N含量, 草本层植物叶片N含量对N添加的响应比乔木层和灌木层植物更加敏感, 优势种米槠(Castanopsis carlesii)、草本植物砂仁(Amomum villosum)、蕨类植物狗脊(Woodwardia japonica)的叶片N含量显著增加。N添加整体上增加了植物叶片P含量, 乔木层植物和灌木层植物叶片P含量没有显著变化, 草本层植物叶片P含量显著增加, 而苔藓植物叶片P含量显著减少。N添加促使武夷山亚热带常绿阔叶林植物叶片N:P由18.67上升至19.72, 加剧了植物生长的P限制; 乔木物种N:P的变化较灌木和草本物种更加稳定。N添加条件下, 植物叶片N:P的变化主要受到叶片P含量而非N含量变化的影响, N添加对生态系统P循环的影响显著。  相似文献   

气候变化下西南地区植物功能型地理分布响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以中国西南地区(云南、贵州、四川和重庆)为研究区,基于中国植被图划分植物功能型,筛选影响各植物功能型分布的主导环境因子,进而通过最大熵模型结合未来气候情景(2050年)预测西南地区植物功能型地理分布。结果表明:(1)根据植物冠层特征(针叶/阔叶、常绿/落叶)及对水分和温度的需求,结合研究区实际植被数据,筛选得到15类植物功能型,包含6类乔木、6类灌木和3类草本功能型;(2)影响西南地区热带乔木分布的主导因子为最冷月最低温度和年降水量(贡献率达90.3%),亚热带植物功能型分布主要受到温度变化影响(贡献率达41.7%),温带植物功能型则受降水因子的影响最大(贡献率约40.1%),高寒草甸草和高寒常绿阔叶灌木主要受温度和海拔因子影响,高寒落叶阔叶灌木受降水因子影响大;(3)随CO_2排放量增加,未来西南各植物功能型分布呈现不同变化,其中,热带常绿阔叶乔木适宜区逐渐扩大;亚热带落叶木本类植物功能型的高适宜区面积2050年(RCP8.5)增至10.3%,呈东移趋势;亚热带常绿木本和草本类植物功能型适宜区广(占研究区总面积86.5%),未来气候下分布呈不规则波动;温带植物功能型(除温带灌木类外)适宜区面积减小至2050年(RCP8.5)的13.6%;温带常绿针叶灌木适宜区面积增大,2050年(RCP2.6)高适宜区向西移动且面积增至当前的8.25倍;高寒类植物功能型适宜区面积则呈缩小趋势,高适宜区东移。  相似文献   

南昌市不同植物类群叶片氮磷浓度及其化学计量比   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
对南昌大学前湖校区89种主要植物叶片的N、P浓度及其化学计量比进行了研究,结果表明:乔灌、常绿、针叶、种子、裸子和单子叶植物类群的N浓度分别低于相对应的草本、落叶、阔叶、蕨类、被子和双子叶植物类群,而C3和C4植物差异不显著;乔灌、常绿和裸子植物类群的P浓度含量分别低于相对应的草本、落叶和被子植物类群,而针叶和阔叶、蕨类和种子、单子叶和双子叶、C3和C4植物类群间差异不显著;乔木、阔叶、被子和双子叶植物类群叶片N/P分别高于相对应的灌草、针叶、裸子和单子叶植物类群,而常绿和落叶、蕨类和种子、C3和C4植物类群之间差异不显著.可见,不同类型植物对N和P的吸收利用存在差异,且对不同养分供应采取不同的适应对策.结合研究区土壤养分现状,建议优先选择常绿、针叶、裸子和单子叶植物类群作为城市园林植物.  相似文献   

附生植物作为山地森林生态系统中重要的结构性成分,在维持森林生态系统生物多样性格局、水分和养分循环等方面发挥着重要作用。本文通过野外调查、标本查阅并结合相关文献,对云南哀牢山地区附生维管植物物种组成及分布进行了系统研究。结果显示,哀牢山地区附生维管植物共有23科83属218种,其中附生蕨类和兰科植物最丰富。附生蕨类有34属93种,以附生-石生蕨类生活型占优势,其中水龙骨科17属62种,占附生蕨类的66.67%,瓦韦属(Lepisorus)和石韦属(Pyrrosia)分别有13种和10种。附生兰科植物有26属65种,其中石斛属(Dendrobium)和石豆兰属(Bulbophyllum)分别有12种和8种。该地区附生维管植物属的分布具有明显的热带性质并以热带亚洲分布居多。附生植物生长于生境因子变化剧烈、资源有限的林冠,对环境变化敏感,极易遭受破坏且破坏后难以恢复,不少附生植物具有很高的药用、观赏等价值。因此,应加强对附生维管植物这一特殊类群的保护。  相似文献   

林冠附生植物生态学研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
林冠附生植物及其枯死存留物是构成山地湿性森林生态系统中生物区系、结构和功能的重要组分。由于在林冠攀爬技术上的限制,过去对林冠附生植物在生态系统结构和功能过程中的作用未能引起足够的重视。近20年来,随着对林冠生物多样性及其在生态系统功能过程影响的认识和研究技术上的提高,对林冠附生生物的研究已逐步从个体水平转移到系统水平上。有关林冠附生植物多样性、生物量及其生态学效应已成为近年来国际上新兴研究领域——“林冠学”的研究热点之一。许多研究表明,林冠附生植物在生态系统水平上的交互作用比它们的解剖、形态和生理特征更为重要。国外大量的研究结果表明,林冠是一个适合于许多生物种类生存的场所,其数量比想象的更为丰富。在全球范围内估计有29 500余种附生植物,其中维管束附生植物的种类高达24 000种,约占总维管束植物种类的10%。林冠附生物的生物量在世界各地森林中存在较大的差异,其范围在105~44 000 kg·hm-2之间,其中在一些热带和温带天然老龄林中林冠附生物的生物量超过了宿主林木的叶生物量。林冠附生植物还具有较大的叶面积指数(LAI)。林冠附生物丰富的物种组成、较高的生物量、独特的生理形态特征以及它们分布于森林与大气相互作用的关键界面,使得它们在生态系统物种多样性形成及其维持机制、养分和水分循环、指示环境质量等方面具有重要的作用。林冠附生植物及其枯死残留物具有较强的能力吸收雨水和空气中的营养物质,在林冠层中形成一个潮湿的环境促进氮固定,林冠附生植物群落还能为生存于林冠的其它生物(如鸟类、哺乳动物、两栖动物、爬行动物和昆虫等)提供食物和栖息场所。林冠附生植物的生长发育与分布格局除与宿主有关外,还受到环境因素(气候、地形、微生境条件等)和人为干扰的影响。由于世界各地森林类型多样和环境条件各异,目前国际上有关附生物的研究仍十分活跃,建立了林冠研究网络,研究不同类型森林中附生植物及其枯死残留物的动态及其与群落特征、环境因子的数量关系,探讨、交流和发展有效的标准测量方法和技术是该领域研究的主要内容。国内对林冠附生植物生态学的研究刚刚起步,有待于今后加强该领域的研究。  相似文献   

Epiphytes are conspicuous structural elements of tropical forest canopies. Individual tree crowns in lowland forests may support more than 30 ant species, yet we know little about the effects of epiphytes on ant diversity. We examined the composition of arboreal ant communities on Annona glabra trees and their interactions with the epiphytic orchid Caularthron bilamellatum in Panama. We surveyed the ants on 73 trees (45 with C. bilamellatum and 28 lacking epiphytes) and recorded their nest sites and behavioral dominance at baits. We found a total of 49 ant species (in 20 genera), ranging 1–9 species per tree. Trees with C. bilamellatum had higher average (±SD) ant species richness (4.2±2.28) than trees without epiphytes (2.7±1.21). Hollow pseudobulbs (PBs) of C. bilamellatum were used as nest sites by 32 ant species, but only 43 percent of suitable PBs were occupied. Ant species richness increased with PB abundance in trees, but nest sites did not appear to be a limiting resource on A. glabra. We detected no close association between ants and the orchid. We conclude that higher ant species richness in the presence of the orchid is due to bottom‐up effects, especially the year‐round supply of extrafloral nectar. The structure of ant communities on A. glabra partly reflects interference competition among behaviorally dominant species and stochastic factors, as observed in other forests.  相似文献   

Stranglers must undergo a transformation in growth form from epiphyte to tree to become reproductive mature and thus require developmental and/or physiological plasticity to cope with radical changes in their rooting environment. Differences in leaf structure and water relations between epiphytic-phase and free-standing individuals were marked in the five Ficus species examined. Epiphytic Ficus had several-fold higher specific leaf area (cm2 g?1) and 2- to 4-fold lower stomatal densities than conspecific trees. Osmotic potentials at full saturation were, on average, 0-6 MPa higher (less negative) and the bulk modulus of elasticity approximately 50% lower in epiphytic plants than in conspecific trees. This resulted in leaves of epiphytic and tree individuals losing turgor at approximately the same relative water content, hut at a substantially higher leaf water potential in the epiphytic plants. In contrast, differences in leaf structure and water relations between epiphytes and trees of Clusia minor and Coussapoa villosa were small. In greenhouse experiments, alteration of the water and nutrient supply to epiphytic F. tuerckheimmii plants did not lead to significant changes in leaf structure.  相似文献   

Question: Disturbance effects on dry forest epiphytes are poorly known. How are epiphytic assemblages affected by different degrees of human disturbance, and what are the driving forces? Location: An inter‐Andean dry forest landscape at 2300 m elevation in northern Ecuador. Methods: We sampled epiphytic bryophytes and vascular plants on 100 trees of Acacia macracantha in five habitats: closed‐canopy mixed and pure acacia forest (old secondary), forest edge, young semi‐closed secondary woodland, and isolated trees in grassland. Results: Total species richness in forest edge habitats and on isolated trees was significantly lower than in closed forest types. Species density of vascular epiphytes (species per tree) did not differ significantly between habitat types. Species density of bryophytes, in contrast, was significantly lower in edge habitat and on isolated trees than in closed forest. Forest edge showed greater impoverishment than semi‐closed woodland and similar floristic affinity to isolated trees and to closed forest types. Assemblages were significantly nested; habitat types with major disturbance held only subsets of the closed forest assemblages, indicating a gradual reduction in niche availability. Distance to forest had no effect on species density of epiphytes on isolated trees, but species density was closely correlated with crown closure, a measure of canopy integrity. Main conclusions: Microclimatic changes but not dispersal constraints were key determinants of epiphyte assemblages following disturbance. Epiphytic cryptogams are sensitive indicators of microclimate and human disturbance in montane dry forests. The substantial impoverishment of edge habitat underlines the need for fragmentation studies on epiphytes elsewhere in the Tropics.  相似文献   

Water use patterns of two species of strangler fig, Ficus pertusa and F. trigonata, growing in a Venezuelan palm savanna were contrasted in terms of growth phase (epiphyte and tree) and season (dry and wet). The study was motivated by the question of how C3 hemiepiphytes accommodate the marked change in rooting environment associated with a life history of epiphytic establishment followed by substantial root development in the soil. During the dry season, stomatal opening in epiphytic plants occurred only during the early morning, maximum stomatal conductances were 5 to 10-fold lower, and midday leaf water potentials were 0.5–0.8 MPa higher (less negative) than in conspecific trees. Watering epiphytes of F. pertusa during the dry season led to stomatal conductances comparable to those exhibited by conspecific trees, but midday leaf water potentials were unchanged. During the rainy season, epiphytes had lower stomatal conductances than conspecific trees, but leaf water potentials were similar between the two growth phases. There were no differences in 13C between the two growth phases for leaves produced in either season. Substrate water availability differed between growth phases; tree roots extended down to the permanent water table, while roots of epiphytic plants were restricted to material accumulated behind the persistent leaf bases of their host palm tree, Copernicia tectorum. Epiphytic substrate moisture contents were variable during both seasons, indicating both the availability of some moisture during the dry season and the possibility of intermittent depletion during the rainy season. Epiphytic strangler figs appear to rely on a combination of strong stomatal control, maintenance of high leaf water potentials, and perhaps some degree of stem water storage to cope with the fluctuating water regime of the epiphytic environment.  相似文献   

Light is considered a non‐limiting factor for vascular epiphytes. Nevertheless, an epiphyte's access to light may be limited by phorophyte shading and the spatio‐temporal environmental patchiness characteristic of epiphytic habitats. We assessed the extent to which potential light interception in Rodriguezia granadensis, an epiphytic orchid, is determined by individual factors (plant size traits and leaf traits), or environmental heterogeneity (light patchiness) within the crown of the phorophyte, or both. We studied 104 adult plants growing on Psidium guajava trees in two habitats with contrasting canopy cover: a dry tropical forest edge, and isolated trees in a pasture. We recorded the number of leaves and the leaf area, the leaf position angles, and the potential exposure of the leaf surface to direct irradiance (silhouette area of the leaf blade), and the potential irradiance incident on each plant. We found the epiphytes experience a highly heterogeneous light environment in the crowns of P. guajava. Nonetheless, R. granadensis plants displayed a common light interception strategy typical of low‐light environments, resembling terrestrial, forest understory plants. Potential exposure of the total leaf surface to direct irradiance correlated positively with plant size and within‐plant variation in leaf orientation. In many‐leaved individuals, within‐plant variation in leaf angles produced complementary leaf positions that enhanced potential light interception. This light interception strategy suggests that, in contrast to current wisdom, enhancing light capture is important for vascular epiphytes in canopies with high spatio‐temporal heterogeneity in light environments.  相似文献   

附生植物生理生态适应性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
附生植物是生活在其它植物体或残体上的特殊植物类群,大多生长于森林冠层,空间上远离地面土壤,在光能、水分和养分吸收方面具有明显的局限性。对附生植物的类群、分布、生态功能及对环境的适应性进行了综述,着重分析了附生植物在环境资源有限的生境中生长旺盛并占据重要生态位的原因。同时对今后的研究方向进行了展望,即更新附生植物数据库,明确附生植物水分和养分来源及利用策略,加强对附生植物开发利用及资源恢复重建的研究。  相似文献   

Factors influencing the niche differentiation of epiphytes have been determined for the epiphytic bromeliads that coexist in the seasonally dry forest of Chamela, Mexico. Over 40 percent of the bromeliad epiphytes were distributed in only 5 percent of the trees. The occurrence of compound leaves in host trees was highly correlated with abundance of epiphytes, as these allow scattered light to penetrate throughout the canopy. The effect of leaf type overrides the effect of bark type, the main factor determining seedling establishment in moist forests. Eight species had the atmospheric life form, while only two species had tanks, formed by overlapping leaf bases and associated to a lower drought tolerance. Distribution in the canopy is counter to that observed in moist forests, since tank species occur in the upper canopy. Tank life forms showed most annual carbon gain during the rainy season, when the newly leafed out trees provide shade to the lower canopy. Atmospheric species had photosynthetic activity for longer into the dry period, possibly supported by dew and fog events. Leaf angles, orientation, trichome, and stomata densities are discussed in relation to water and light use among the species with contrasting ecological strategies.  相似文献   

The potential importance of CO2 derived from host tree respiration at night as a substrate for night time CO2 uptake during CAM was investigated in the subtropical and tropical epiphytic vine Hoya carnosa in a subtropical rainforest in north-eastern Taiwan. Individuals were examined within the canopies of host trees in open, exposed situations, as well as in dense forests. Although night time CO2 concentrations were higher near the epiphytic vines at night, relative to those measured during the day, presumably the result of CO2 added to the canopy air by the host tree, no evidence for substantial use of this CO2 was found. In particular, stable carbon isotope ratios of H. carnosa were not substantially lower than those of many other CAM plants, as would be expected if host-respired CO2 were an important source of CO2 for these CAM epiphytes. Furthermore, laboratory measurements of diel CO2 exchange revealed a substantial contribution of daytime CO2 uptake in these vines, which should also result in lower carbon isotope values than those characteristic of a CAM plant lacking daytime CO2 uptake. Overall, we found that host-respired CO2 does not contribute substantially to the carbon budget of this epiphytic CAM plant. This finding does not support the hypothesis that CAM may have evolved in tropical epiphytes in response to diel changes in the CO2 concentrations within the host tree canopy.  相似文献   

The epiphyte community is the most diverse plant community in neotropical cloud forests and its collective biomass can exceed that of the terrestrial shrubs and herbs. However, little is known about the role of mycorrhizas in this community. We assessed the mycorrhizal status of epiphytic (Araceae, Clusiaceae, Ericaceae, and Piperaceae) and terrestrial (Clusiaceae, Ericaceae) plants in a lower montane cloud forest in Costa Rica. Arbuscular mycorrhizas were observed in taxa from Araceae and Clusiaceae; ericoid mycorrhizas were observed in ericaceous plants. This is the first report of intracellular hyphal coils characteristic of ericoid mycorrhizas in roots of Cavendishia melastomoides, Disterigma humboldtii, and Gaultheria erecta. Ericaceous roots were also covered by an intermittent hyphal mantle that penetrated between epidermal cells. Mantles, observed uniquely on ericaceous roots, were more abundant on terrestrial than on epiphytic roots. Mantle abundance was negatively correlated with gravimetric soil water content for epiphytic samples. Dark septate endophytic (DSE) fungi colonized roots of all four families. For the common epiphyte D. humboldtii, DSE structures were most abundant on samples collected from exposed microsites in the canopy. The presence of mycorrhizas in all epiphytes except Peperomia sp. suggests that inoculum levels and environmental conditions in the canopy of tropical cloud forests are generally conducive to the formation of mycorrhizas. These may impact nutrient and water dynamics in arboreal ecosystems.  相似文献   

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