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云南哀牢山山地湿性常绿阔叶林附生植物的多样性和分布   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:17  
附生植物对山地森林生态系统的物种多样性形成及其维持机制、生态系统的水分和养分循环等有重要作用。作者调查分析了云南哀牢山原生山地湿性常绿阔叶林 80株不同种类、不同径级乔木上附生植物种类、数量及空间分布特征,结果表明该区森林附生植物种类较为丰富。共收集到附生植物 69种,分属 33科 49属,其中维管束植物32种,苔藓植物 37种。附生维管束植物的Shannon Wiener指数和Simpson指数分别为 2. 93和 0. 91,附生苔藓植物分别为 3. 31和 0. 95。附生维管束植物中蕨类较为丰富,以棕鳞瓦韦 (Lepisorusscolopendrium)、拟书带蕨 (Vittariaflexuosoides)、柔毛水龙骨(Polypodiodesamoenavar. pilosa)等为主;附生种子植物以黄杨叶芒毛苣苔 (Aeschynanthusbuxifolius)、长叶粗筒苣苔(Briggsialongifolia)、白花树萝卜 (Agapetesmannii)等为主。该地区全年气候潮湿、温凉,使得附生苔藓植物非常丰富,主要优势种类包括东亚鞭苔 (Bazzaniapraerupta)、小叶鞭苔 (B. ovistipula)、齿边广萼苔(Chandonanthushirtellus)、树平藓 (Homaliodendronflabellatum)、刺果藓 (Symphyodonperrottetii)、青毛藓 (Dicran odontiumdenudatum)、小蔓藓(Meteoriellasoluta)、尖喙藓(Kindbergiapraelonga)等。从空间分布特点上看,  相似文献   

上海市树附生苔藓植物生态位   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
徐晟翀  曹同  于晶  陈怡  宋国元 《生态学杂志》2006,25(11):1338-1343
生态位理论在植被生态研究中有着重要的应用价值,引入生态位理论对树附生苔藓植物进行了研究。在上海市市区和郊区主要公园、部分街道及校园,包括崇明岛等地区,共设立18个样点,调查发现43种树附生苔藓植物,其中藓类植物39种,苔类植物4种。根据盖度值计算了43种树附生苔藓植物的生态位宽度。结果表明,树附生苔藓植物种数(N)与生态位宽度(B)符合公式N=0.3423e-0.0369B,r=0.9347,大部分的树附生植物生态位宽度很窄,67.44%种类的生态位宽度小于0.1。本文计算了43种树附生苔藓植物的生态位重叠值,应用主分量分析法和最小生成树法对它们进行分类。将43种树附生苔藓植物分成3个生态类群,它们与生境关系显著。因此,在苔藓植物保护中应特别注意对树附生苔藓植物及其生境的保护。  相似文献   

边缘效应对山地湿性常绿阔叶林附生植物的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为热带、亚热带地区森林生态系统中重要组成成分之一的附生植物,对环境变化尤为敏感。为了解附生植物对森林生境破碎化的响应,本研究选择哀牢山北段徐家坝山地湿性常绿阔叶林因人为干扰而形成的四处森林边缘为研究对象,分别在距离林缘10、20、40和80m的位置设立样带,采用树干取样法调查各样带内距地面0-2m范围附生植物的物种组成、生物量和附生苔藓植物的生活型特征。结果显示:边缘效应对单位面积附生植物的生物量和附生苔藓植物盖度均具有极显著的影响(P〈0.001),其中附生苔藓比附生蕨类对边缘效应更为敏感。边缘效应对附生苔藓植物的作用强度在各生活型之间存在着差异,其中对丛集型(P=0.014)和交织型(P=0.030)的附生苔藓植物的影响最显著。综合附生植物在各样带的分布特征,我们认为单位面积上附生植物的生物量和附生苔藓植物的盖度可作为指示森林边缘生境的重要指标。黄牛毛藓(Ditrichum pallidum)、角状刺枝藓(Wijkia hornschuchi)和格氏剪叶苔(Herbertus giraldianus)的分布具有指示林缘生境的意义,而尖叶羽藓(Thuidium philibertii)、大羽藓(zcymbifolium)、多疣麻羽藓(Claopodium pellucinerve)、波叶金枝藓(Pseudotrismegistia undulata)和扭叶藓(Trachypus bicolor)的分布局限于林内,具有一定的保护价值。  相似文献   

云南树干附生苔藓生物量沿纬度及海拔梯度的变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨不同森林群落树干附生苔藓的生物量及其组成沿纬度、海拔梯度的变化格局,采用样地调查法,对云南热带(勐腊县)、亚热带(镇沅县)及亚高山(丽江玉龙县)不同海拔不同森林类型中树干附生苔藓的总生物量、优势组分生物量和不同生活型组分生物量的分布格局进行调查研究。结果表明:(1)随着纬度、海拔的升高,3种代表性森林类型单位面积树干附生苔藓植物的生物量上升,以丽江亚高山针叶林最高(3.57 g·400 cm~(-2));镇沅亚热带常绿阔叶林次之,为2.00 g·400 cm~(-2);勐腊热带森林最低,仅为0.53 g·400 cm~(-2)。(2)3种森林类型树干附生苔藓植物的优势组分中无相同物种。(3)随着纬度、海拔的上升,单位面积附生苔藓植物平均生物量上升,优势种类的相对生物量占比有所下降,勐腊热带森林、镇沅哀牢山亚热带常绿阔叶林和丽江玉龙雪山亚高山针叶林树干附生苔藓优势组分的生物量分别占总生物量的92.3%、75.6%和85.2%。(4)随着纬度和海拔的上升,3种森林类型树干附生苔藓植物群落不同生活型组分的生物量存在明显的分异规律。细平铺型、扇形和丛集型分别为勐腊热带森林、镇沅哀牢山亚热带常绿阔叶林和丽江玉龙雪山亚高山针叶林的优势附生苔藓生活型。  相似文献   

北京百花山自然保护区树附生苔藓植物物种多样性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
北京百花山保护区树附生苔藓植物共有13科21属34种,其中优势科有丛藓科(Pottiaceae)、薄罗藓科(Leskeaceae)、绢藓科(Entodontaceae)、木灵藓科(Orthotrichaceae)和灰藓科(Hypnaceae),优势种有中华细枝藓(Lindbergia sinensis)、金灰藓(Pylaisiella polyantha)、细枝藓(L.brachyptera)、盔瓣耳叶苔(Frullania musicicola)等.海拔1200 m以下地带(14种)、海拔1400 ~ 1500 m地带(11种)以及海拔1700 m以上地带(10种)是百花山树附生苔藓植物垂直分布的3个高峰.海拔1200 ~ 1300 m为低谷(5种).树附生植物物种Shannon指数最大的是白桦(Betula platyphylla)(1.816),最小的是核桃楸(Juglans mandshurica)(1.500);山杨(Populus davidiana)树附生植物的Pielou均匀度指数最高(0.910),辽东栎(Quercus liaotungensis)最小(0.591);辽东栎Simpson指数最大(0.335),山杨最小(0.181);辽东栎Patrick指数最大(13),山杨和核桃楸最小(7).树附生苔藓植物物种多样性大小与生境、树皮上的裂缝、水湿条件等相关.  相似文献   

以云南哀牢山湿性常绿阔叶林中的附生苔藓植物为对象,研究林内4种树干附生苔藓植物阿萨羽苔(Plagiochila assamica Steph.)、西南树平藓(Homaliodendron montagneanum(Müll.Hal.)M.Fleisch.)、刀叶树平藓(H.scalpellifolium(Mitt.)M.Fleisch.)、大羽藓(Thuidium cymbifolium(Dozy et Molk.)Dozy et Molk.)的吸水力、失水特征和脱水耐性,稳定碳同位素(δ~(13)C)值,以及水分变化对苔藓净光合速率和荧光参数的影响。结果显示:(1)4种附生苔藓植物均具有较强的吸水能力和较低持水力,脱水耐性较强,脱水后均可迅速复水;(2)4种附生苔藓植物的δ~(13)C值较低,其水分利用效率小于其他维管束植物;除大羽藓外,其余3种附生苔藓雨季的δ~(13)C值与水分利用效率均高于干季;(3)4种附生苔藓植物的净光合速率(Pn)随着含水量的降低而降低,在含水量小于60%~80%时,其最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)急剧下降,反映出这些附生苔藓植物的光合、荧光特性对水分变化非常敏感。  相似文献   

附生植物是山地森林生态系统中重要的结构性成分。因受林冠调查技术限制, 人们对林冠附生植物知之甚少。本文在前人有关西双版纳植物区系研究的基础上, 结合野外调查和标本资料, 对该地区附生植物的物种组成与分布进行了整理。结果表明, 西双版纳热带森林附生维管植物共有29科134属486种, 约占全部维管植物的11%。附生兰科是最丰富的类群(69属293种), 其中以石斛属(Dendrobium) (49种)和石豆兰属(Bulbophyllum) (48种)物种数最多。蕨类是仅次于兰科的附生类群(13科38属97种), 其中水龙骨科(51种)占附生蕨类总数的50%以上。基于生活史和养分来源的划分标准, 该地区48%的附生物种属于兼性附生, 其次是以兰科为主的专性附生(46%), 半附生仅占6%。从区系上看, 西双版纳附生植物属的分布具有明显的热带亚洲性质。附生植物主要分布于资源受限的林冠生境, 对环境变化极为敏感, 在人为干扰日益加剧的背景下, 这类植物正面临严重威胁。因此, 需要加强对西双版纳林冠亚系统的保护。  相似文献   

湖南小溪自然保护区树附生苔藓植物研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用水平拉线法调查了小溪国家级自然保护区中树附生苔藓植物的种类,并对其进行了地理成分的分析.研究结果表明:该地区附生苔藓植物共18科26属共43种,其中苔类植物6科6属6种,藓类植物12科20属37种;树附生苔藓植物区系成分以东亚成分为主,其次为热带亚洲成分,再次为旧世界温带成分及温带亚洲成分.  相似文献   

附生植物作为山地森林生态系统中重要的结构性成分,在维持森林生态系统生物多样性格局、水分和养分循环等方面发挥着重要作用。本文通过野外调查、标本查阅并结合相关文献,对云南哀牢山地区附生维管植物物种组成及分布进行了系统研究。结果显示,哀牢山地区附生维管植物共有23科83属218种,其中附生蕨类和兰科植物最丰富。附生蕨类有34属93种,以附生-石生蕨类生活型占优势,其中水龙骨科17属62种,占附生蕨类的66.67%,瓦韦属(Lepisorus)和石韦属(Pyrrosia)分别有13种和10种。附生兰科植物有26属65种,其中石斛属(Dendrobium)和石豆兰属(Bulbophyllum)分别有12种和8种。该地区附生维管植物属的分布具有明显的热带性质并以热带亚洲分布居多。附生植物生长于生境因子变化剧烈、资源有限的林冠,对环境变化敏感,极易遭受破坏且破坏后难以恢复,不少附生植物具有很高的药用、观赏等价值。因此,应加强对附生维管植物这一特殊类群的保护。  相似文献   

自然界中各种生物为各自的生存,彼此间建立起多种巧妙的种间关系。其中一些植物在其它植物体上栖息的现象叫附生。附生植物和被其依附的植物之间一般不发生直接的营养联系。图中示附生在维栗树(Castanea henryi)干上的凤尾蕨科的蜈蚣草(Pteris mttata),它靠降落  相似文献   

林冠附生植物生态学研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
林冠附生植物及其枯死存留物是构成山地湿性森林生态系统中生物区系、结构和功能的重要组分。由于在林冠攀爬技术上的限制,过去对林冠附生植物在生态系统结构和功能过程中的作用未能引起足够的重视。近20年来,随着对林冠生物多样性及其在生态系统功能过程影响的认识和研究技术上的提高,对林冠附生生物的研究已逐步从个体水平转移到系统水平上。有关林冠附生植物多样性、生物量及其生态学效应已成为近年来国际上新兴研究领域——“林冠学”的研究热点之一。许多研究表明,林冠附生植物在生态系统水平上的交互作用比它们的解剖、形态和生理特征更为重要。国外大量的研究结果表明,林冠是一个适合于许多生物种类生存的场所,其数量比想象的更为丰富。在全球范围内估计有29 500余种附生植物,其中维管束附生植物的种类高达24 000种,约占总维管束植物种类的10%。林冠附生物的生物量在世界各地森林中存在较大的差异,其范围在105~44 000 kg·hm-2之间,其中在一些热带和温带天然老龄林中林冠附生物的生物量超过了宿主林木的叶生物量。林冠附生植物还具有较大的叶面积指数(LAI)。林冠附生物丰富的物种组成、较高的生物量、独特的生理形态特征以及它们分布于森林与大气相互作用的关键界面,使得它们在生态系统物种多样性形成及其维持机制、养分和水分循环、指示环境质量等方面具有重要的作用。林冠附生植物及其枯死残留物具有较强的能力吸收雨水和空气中的营养物质,在林冠层中形成一个潮湿的环境促进氮固定,林冠附生植物群落还能为生存于林冠的其它生物(如鸟类、哺乳动物、两栖动物、爬行动物和昆虫等)提供食物和栖息场所。林冠附生植物的生长发育与分布格局除与宿主有关外,还受到环境因素(气候、地形、微生境条件等)和人为干扰的影响。由于世界各地森林类型多样和环境条件各异,目前国际上有关附生物的研究仍十分活跃,建立了林冠研究网络,研究不同类型森林中附生植物及其枯死残留物的动态及其与群落特征、环境因子的数量关系,探讨、交流和发展有效的标准测量方法和技术是该领域研究的主要内容。国内对林冠附生植物生态学的研究刚刚起步,有待于今后加强该领域的研究。  相似文献   

Abstract. Vascular epiphytes were studied in forests at altitudes from 720 to 2370 m on the Atlantic slope of central Veracruz, Mexico. The biomass of all trees of each species > 10 cm diameter at breast height within plots between 625 and 1500 m2 was estimated. The number of species per plot ranged between 22 and 53, and biomass between 9 and 249 g dry weight/m2. The highest values, both of species and biomass, were found at an intermediate altitude (1430 m). Habitat diversity may contribute to epiphyte diversity in humid forests, but the importance of this effect could not be distinguished from the influence of climate. A remarkably high number of bromeliads and orchids grew in relatively dry forests at low altitudes. In wet upper montane forests, bromeliads were replaced by ferns, while orchids were numerous at all sites, except for a pine forest. The number of epiphytic species and their biomass on a tree of a given site were closely related to tree size. According to Canonical Correspondence Analysis, the factor determining the composition of the epiphytic vegetation of a tree was altitude and to some extent tree size, whereas tree species had practically no influence. The only trees which had an evidently negative effect on epiphytes were pines, which were particularly hostile to orchids and to a lesser degree to ferns, and Bursera simaruba, which generally had few epiphytes due to its smooth and defoliating bark.  相似文献   

Question: Disturbance effects on dry forest epiphytes are poorly known. How are epiphytic assemblages affected by different degrees of human disturbance, and what are the driving forces? Location: An inter‐Andean dry forest landscape at 2300 m elevation in northern Ecuador. Methods: We sampled epiphytic bryophytes and vascular plants on 100 trees of Acacia macracantha in five habitats: closed‐canopy mixed and pure acacia forest (old secondary), forest edge, young semi‐closed secondary woodland, and isolated trees in grassland. Results: Total species richness in forest edge habitats and on isolated trees was significantly lower than in closed forest types. Species density of vascular epiphytes (species per tree) did not differ significantly between habitat types. Species density of bryophytes, in contrast, was significantly lower in edge habitat and on isolated trees than in closed forest. Forest edge showed greater impoverishment than semi‐closed woodland and similar floristic affinity to isolated trees and to closed forest types. Assemblages were significantly nested; habitat types with major disturbance held only subsets of the closed forest assemblages, indicating a gradual reduction in niche availability. Distance to forest had no effect on species density of epiphytes on isolated trees, but species density was closely correlated with crown closure, a measure of canopy integrity. Main conclusions: Microclimatic changes but not dispersal constraints were key determinants of epiphyte assemblages following disturbance. Epiphytic cryptogams are sensitive indicators of microclimate and human disturbance in montane dry forests. The substantial impoverishment of edge habitat underlines the need for fragmentation studies on epiphytes elsewhere in the Tropics.  相似文献   

To illustrate the ecological factors and process leading to the observed diversity patterns of vascular epiphytes, we examined the effect and importance of host tree traits on epiphyte richness and spatial aggregation of epiphytes. The study was conducted in warm-temperate forest in Japan. The recorded host traits were diameter, height, species, habitat topography, and growth rate, and we analyzed the effects and importance of these traits on three species groups: total epiphytic species, epiphytic orchid species, and epiphytic pteridophyte species. Diameter and species of host trees had the greatest influence on epiphytes and their magnitudes were roughly similar in all species groups. Growth rate and topography were less important than host size and species. Growth rate had a negative effect on all three groups, and topography was important for pteridophytes. Epiphyte richness did not exhibit clear spatial aggregation. Our results suggest that size, stability, and quality of the host are equally important in determining epiphyte colonization.  相似文献   

附生地衣是森林附生植物的重要类群之一, 在维护森林生态系统的物种多样性以及水分和养分循环等方面发挥着重要作用。作者于2005年12月至2006年5月利用树干取样法调查了云南哀牢山徐家坝地区原生山地常绿阔叶林及其次生群落栎类萌生林、滇山杨(Populus bonatii)林和花椒(Zanthoxylum bungeanum)人工林中525株不同种类和径级树木距地面 0–2.0 m处附生地衣的组成和分布, 并收集了各个群落地面上凋落的地衣, 分析了林冠层附生地衣的物种组成。研究结果表明, 该区森林中附生地衣物种比较丰富。共收集到附生地衣61种, 分属17科29属, 其中原生林、栎类萌生林、滇山杨林和花椒人工林分别有51、53、46和23种。在树干距地面 0–2.0 m位置, 各群落中的附生地衣组成明显不同;但在林冠层中, 各群落内的附生地衣基本相似。原生林中附生地衣种类较多, 但分布不均匀。树干附生地衣的Shannon-Wiener和Simpson多样性指数以栎类萌生林最高, 分别为2.71和0.89;花椒林和滇山杨林次之, 分别为2.43–2.45和0.88–0.89;原生林最低, 为1.25和0.67。树干方位、宿主种类和宿主径级等都对附生地衣的物种组成和多样性有着重要影响, 附生地衣更多地出现于树干南向方位, 云南越桔(Vaccinium duclouxii)的附生地衣最为丰富, 胸径5.0–25.0 cm的树木上附生地衣较多。哀牢山山地森林群落中丰富的附生地衣种类及物种多样性在维系本区山地森林生态系统生物多样性格局方面具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

Recent work on bryophyte diversity in lowland forests of northern South America has suggested the existence of a new type of cloud forest, the ‘tropical lowland cloud forest’ (LCF). LCF occurs in river valleys in hilly areas with high air humidity and morning fog, and is rich in epiphytes. We explored epiphyte abundance and canopy microclimate of LCF in a lowland area (200–400 m asl) near Saül, central French Guiana. We analyzed the vertical distribution of epiphytic cover and biomass on 48 trees, in LCF and in lowland rain forest (LRF) without fog. Trees in LCF had significantly more epiphytic biomass than in LRF; mean total epiphytic biomass in LCF was about 59 g/m2, and 35 g/m2 in LRF. In all height zones on the trees, total epiphyte cover in LCF exceeded that in LRF, with ca 70 percent mean cover in LCF and ca 15 percent in LRF. During both wet and dry seasons, mean diurnal relative air humidity (RH) was higher in LCF than in LRF, and persistence of high RH after sunrise significantly longer in LCF. We suggest that the prolonged availability of high air humidity in LCF and the additional input of liquid water through fog, enhance epiphyte growth in LCF by shortening the desiccation period and lengthening the period of photosynthetic activity of the plants.  相似文献   

The epiphytic component of four monospecific seagrass beds from Papua New Guinea was studied structurally and functionally. The floristic composition and abundance of the epiphytes on leaves of four seagrass species (Cymodoceoideae) showed considerable variation, but on all four seagrass species, the same algae were among the five quantitatively most important epiphytes: encrusting coralline algae, Cyanophyta, Ceramium gracillimum (Harv.) Mazoyer, Polysiphonia savatierii Hariot and Audouinella spp. The temporal pattern of the epiphytic algae showed more or less the same features on the four seagrass species.Annual mean biomass of epiphytes and seagrass leaves ranged from 54 g ADW m?2 in a community of Cymodocea rotundata Ehrenb. and Hempr. ex Aschers. to 169 g ADW m?2 in a community of Syringodium isoetifolium (Aschers.) Dandy. The contribution of the epiphytic component to the total above-ground biomass ranged from 22 to 24%. Productivity of epiphytes was highest on leaves of Halodule uninervis (Forssk.) Aschers. (2.12 g ADW m?2 sediment surface day?1) and the epiphytic community contributed 35–44% of the total above-ground production of these four seagrass communities.  相似文献   

Recent studies have described a new tropical lowland forest type in the Guianas, the tropical lowland cloud forest. It is characterized by an enriched epiphytic species diversity particularly for bryophytes compared to common lowland rainforest, and is facilitated by frequent early morning fog events in valley locations. While the increase in epiphytic species diversity in lowland cloud forests has been documented, uncertainties remain as to (1) how this small scale variation in water supply is shaping the functional diversity of epiphytic components in lowland forests, and (2) whether information on functional group composition of epiphytes might aid in discerning these cloud forests from the common lowland rainforest. We compare the distribution of functional groups of epiphytes across height zones in lowland cloud forest and lowland rain forest of French Guiana in terms of biomass, cover as well as the composition of bryophyte life-forms. Both forests differed in functional composition of epiphytes in the canopy, in particular in the mid and outer canopy, with the cloud forest having a higher biomass and cover of bryophytes and vascular epiphytes as well as a richer bryophyte life-form composition. Bryophyte life-forms characteristic for cloud forests such as tail, weft and pendants were almost lacking in the canopies of common rain forest whereas they were frequent in lowland cloud forests. We suggest that ground-based evaluation of bryophyte life-form composition is a straightforward approach for identifying lowland cloud forest areas for conservation, which represent biodiversity hotspots in tropical lowland forests.  相似文献   

Host traits partly determine the abundance and species richness of epiphytes in tropical forests. It has been proposed that older trees with rough bark and evergreens often house more individuals and more epiphytic species than those with thin, smooth, and peeling bark, which harbor few epiphytes. We hypothesize (i) that epiphytes are more abundant and species-rich in the more shaded forest, which is related to bark roughness, and (ii) that epiphytes are distributed in the middle of the host, where microenvironmental conditions are more favorable to survival. We evaluated abundance, species richness, and vertical distribution of epiphytes in two tropical dry forests, according to the deciduousness and basal area of the trees. Moreover, we selected the most abundant epiphytes to test whether their distribution is related to a specific bark type and examine their vertical distribution in two dry forests. We distinguished a high abundance and species richness of epiphytes in the deciduous forest, although basal area and host species richness were higher in the semi-deciduous forest. In both forests, we found a positive relationship between epiphyte abundance and basal area. Higher abundance of epiphytes was related to the predominance of Tillandsia schiedeana, a drought-adapted species, in both forests. Unexpectedly, epiphytes abundantly colonized Bursera simaruba, a host with peeling bark and a very branched crown, where small individuals of T. schiedeana colonized abundantly toward the top of the crown. Our results show the importance of the tropical dry forest, particularly, B. simaruba, in maintaining epiphyte diversity in terms of T. schiedeana colonization.  相似文献   

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