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福尔马林对固定标本DNA提取和扩增的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
夏颖哲  盛岩  陈宜瑜 《四川动物》2006,25(3):662-665
福尔马林被广泛应用于生物标本的长期保存。由于福尔马林可能影响标本DNA的质量,因此需要对福尔马林固定标本DNA的提取和扩增过程进行改进。影响从福尔马林保存标本中提取的DNA质量的主要因素包括福尔马林导致的DNA与蛋白质之间、蛋白质与蛋白质之间、DNA与DNA之间的交联,福尔马林溶液的化学成分、pH值及浓度,标本保存的时间和温度,标本保存部位等。本文总结了目前常用的对标本DNA提取和扩增过程的改进措施及其优点。  相似文献   

福尔马林固定铜鱼基因组DNA的提取与扩增   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铜鱼(Coreius heterodon)作为长江中、上游的重要经济鱼类是研究三峡大坝阻隔效应的重要材料之一。然而,过去的铜鱼标本都保存在福尔马林溶液中,有必要探讨从福尔马林固定的铜鱼标本中有效提取基因组DNA的方法以及这些DNA用于微卫星和线粒体分析的可行性。本实验通过改进的酒精梯度浸泡法去除标本中的甲醛,然后用酚-氯仿抽提法成功地提取到了铜鱼标本的基因组DNA;设计引物后进行了线粒体和微卫星的PCR扩增,扩增产物经银染检测。微卫星扩增结果显示只有部分个体可以扩出目的带,而线粒体控制区部分区段在所有个体中均能稳定重复的扩出;mtDNA SSCP分析显示带型一致。结果表明,福尔马林固定的铜鱼标本可以被用来开展短片段的扩增和遗传变异分析等方面的相关研究。  相似文献   

以95%酒精保存的黄鳝(M onopterus albus)和斑鳢(Channa maculates)标本为材料,采用先沉降DNA再去除杂质的方法从鱼类标本中提取基因组DNA。基因组DNA的琼脂糖凝胶电泳和紫外分光光度法检测以及PCR扩增结果显示,本方法提取的鱼类基因组DNA的电泳主带清晰明亮;A260/A280值在1.7830-2.0144之间;PCR扩增产物条带清晰明亮,且单一整齐没有拖带,表明本方法可从酒精保存的鱼类标本中提取比较纯净的DNA,能够满足一般分子生物学试验需要。与传统苯酚/氯仿法相比,本方法操作简单快速,避免了苯酚等物质对后续实验的影响,可作为一种常规动物组织DNA提取方法。  相似文献   

福尔马林保存的动物标本基因组DNA的提取方法   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
从在福尔马林长期保存的动物标本中提取基因组DNA用于分子生物学研究一直是一个未得到彻底解决的难题。本文提出了一种从浸泡在福尔马林的大仓鼠肝脏和日本鳗鲡肌肉标本中提取基因组DNA的新方法。取浸泡于福尔马林中的大仓鼠肝脏或日本鳗2鲡肌肉适量,用PBS溶液冲洗,放在灭菌的吸水纸上将其揩干,于超净工作台内用无菌剪刀将材料剪成50mg的小块,放入PBS液浸泡12-24h;然后转入70%的乙醇中处理12-24h。依次换入下列梯度酒精中处理:80%乙醇,2h,重复一次;90%乙醇,2h,重复一次;95%乙醇,2h,重复一次;100%乙醇,1h,重复一次。然后将材料放入1/2倍的PBS液中浸泡12h。其间更换一次溶液。提取方法参考Sambroock等人(1989),加蛋白K瓣量按标准量(100μg/mlL),在50-56℃温浴3-6h处理过程中,不断轻摇混匀,视消化效果可以重复加入标准量的1/2倍蛋白酶K进行消化,直至将材料完全消化为止;酚氯仿抽提最后一次的上清液移入透析袋中透析;沉淀DNA时,在-20℃下20min效果为宜。该方法主要特点在于对标本进行预处理,在保证不使DNA进一步了解的前提下,首先去除标本中所含的福尔马林溶液的成分,然后利用改进的酚氯仿抽提法提取该类标本的基因组DNA,再进一步用透析法纯化DNA。研究结果表明,采用该方法提取和纯化被试标本基因组DNA能较好地应用于RAPD,微卫星位点的PCR扩增、Suthern和斑点杂交。  相似文献   

一种提取动物基因组总DNA的野外样品保存方法   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为了确定一种方便的野外动物样品保存方法,以新鲜材料作对照,从-20℃冰箱、70%乙醇、含50mmol/L EDTA的70%乙醇、95%乙醇、液氮处理的高原鼠肌肉和肝脏组织中提取基因组总DNA。通过琼脂糖凝胶电泳和紫外分光光度计对提取的基因组总DNA质量进行检测。结果显示:相同处理的肝脏DNA产量大,肌肉组织提取的DNA质量好;各种保存方法提取的DNA降解程度依次为,-20℃冰箱、70%乙醇>含50mmol/L EDTA的70%乙醇、95%乙醇>液氮>新鲜。选择新鲜肌肉和95%酒精处理的肌肉样品提取的总DNA作模板,进行微卫星PCR扩增,均可获得清晰的电泳带。将该方法用于高原鼢鼠,进行线粒体12S rRNA、Cytb和D-loop区测序,结果显示该方法保存的样品与新鲜样品没有差别。因此,在野外用95%乙醇固定肌肉样品是一种可行的样品保存方法。  相似文献   

鲜叶保存方法对茶树基因组DNA提取效果的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
探讨一种简便有效的鲜叶保存方法,对克服茶树DNA研究中远距离采样的困难具有重要意义.为此,以槠叶齐品种的鲜梢为材料,分别采用-20℃、-70℃、硅胶脱水干燥3种方法保存样品,采用改进的CTAB法与SDS法分别对3种方法保存的样品及对照样(鲜叶)进行基因组DNA的提取与纯化,对所得DNA的质量进行多重检测的结果表明,硅胶脱水干燥法保存的样品与其他几种方法保存的样品一样,都提取获得了高质量的DNA,因此,硅胶脱水干燥法可作为远距离采样制备茶树DNA的一种较好的鲜叶保存方法,具有操作简单、经济实用、不受时空等条件限制的特点,该方法同样适用于其他植物.  相似文献   

福尔马林固定标本是宝贵的遗传资源,但是如何有效利用其中的遗传信息一直存在问题。本文尝试从标本预处理、消化、PCR扩增各方面综合考虑和优化改进,成功提取并扩增21头福尔马林固定白暨豚标本线粒体DNA控制区410bp片段。采用了3种预处理方法尽量去除固定标本中残存的甲醛,从试验结果来看,从酒精梯度 临界点干燥处理的标本中提取的DNA在扩增时具有明显优势。通过蛋白酶K消化过程中对于酶的浓度、温浴时间的比较试验,发现随着采用大幅提高酶浓度、延长消化时间等高强度的蛋白酶消化操作后,DNA的质量和产量均得到显著提高。针对标本DNA降解严重的特点,设计特异性好且长度合适的引物以及使用巢式引物扩增,均提高了标本DNA扩增的特异性和灵敏度。通过对所测得的2l头白暨豚线粒体DNA控制区部分序列的对比,发现全部个体在该片段上的序列完全一致,说明白暨豚遗传多样性极低。  相似文献   

张国彦  翟保平 《昆虫学报》2009,52(3):345-352
高质量的基因组DNA样品是分子生态学研究的先决条件。本研究目的在于探索从东方粘虫Pseudaletia separata (Walker)成虫自然种群的乙醇保存标本中分离高质量基因组DNA的有效方案。在2 mL微型离心管中进行4种提取方案的实验比较,结果发现采用传统的苯酚抽提方法的2种方案提取腹部中段组织的基因组DNA,样品合格率只有7.69%~40%。但是,如果在苯酚抽提以前加入高浓度盐和十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTAB),就会使DNA样品合格率达到68.42%~95.28%,而且DNA平均产量达到5.59~10.04 mg/g,明显高于前者的2.83~5.78 mg/g (统计检验表明,在不同种群中差异显著或不显著)。研究结果还证明腹部组织比胸部组织更适宜提取DNA。对来自一个自然种群的99头东方粘虫DNA合格样品的统计分析表明,DNA提取总量(μg)与组织样品用量(mg)之间存在弱的正相关关系,平均DNA提取量(mg/g)与组织样品用量(mg)之间存在中度负相关关系。总之,在2 mL微型离心管中,用10~20 mg腹部组织,利用CTAB+苯酚抽提方法可以获得高纯度和高含量的基因组DNA样品。用该方案提取的基因组DNA能够顺利地进行微卫星位点的分离和基因分型。  相似文献   

福尔马林固定标本是宝贵的遗传资源,但是如何有效利用其中的遗传信息一直存在问题。本文尝试从标本预处理、消化、PCR扩增各方面综合考虑和优化改进,成功提取并扩增21头福尔马林固定白豚标本线粒体DNA控制区410bp片段。采用了3种预处理方法尽量去除固定标本中残存的甲醛,从试验结果来看,从酒精梯度 临界点干燥处理的标本中提取的DNA在扩增时具有明显优势。通过蛋白酶K消化过程中对于酶的浓度、温浴时间的比较试验,发现随着采用大幅提高酶浓度、延长消化时间等高强度的蛋白酶消化操作后,DNA的质量和产量均得到显著提高。针对标本DNA降解严重的特点,设计特异性好且长度合适的引物以及使用巢式引物扩增,均提高了标本DNA扩增的特异性和灵敏度。通过对所测得的21头白鱀豚线粒体DNA控制区部分序列的对比,发现全部个体在该片段上的序列完全一致,说明白豚遗传多样性极低。  相似文献   

黑麂粪便DNA提取及其PCR检测   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
采集了黑麂(Muntiacus crinifrons)的新鲜粪便以及在野外自然条件下保存较长时间的粪便样品,晾干后带回实验室,提取其DNA;同时提取黑麂肌肉、皮张样品的DNA,用以对比粪便样品的提取效果。电泳检测结果显示,此方法使用实验室中常用的分子生物学试剂,可以从黑麂粪便样品中抽提到高质量的粪便DNA并克服分子粪便学研究中常见的PCR反应抑制物的影响。为其它濒危鹿科动物的非损伤性取样提供了的新途径,为其遗传结构、遗传多样性现状等研究提供了更加广阔的取材空间。  相似文献   

Archival formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded and ethanol-fixed tissues represent a potentially invaluable resource for gene expression analysis, as they are the most widely available material for studies of human disease. Little data are available evaluating whether RNA obtained from fixed (archival) tissues could produce reliable and reproducible microarray expression data. Here we compare the use of RNA isolated from human archival tissues fixed in ethanol and formalin to frozen tissue in cDNA microarray experiments. Since an additional factor that can limit the utility of archival tissue is the often small quantities available, we also evaluate the use of the tyramide signal amplification method (TSA), which allows the use of small amounts of RNA. Detailed analysis indicates that TSA provides a consistent and reproducible signal amplification method for cDNA microarray analysis, across both arrays and the genes tested. Analysis of this method also highlights the importance of performing non-linear channel normalization and dye switching. Furthermore, archived, fixed specimens can perform well, but not surprisingly, produce more variable results than frozen tissues. Consistent results are more easily obtainable using ethanol-fixed tissues, whereas formalin-fixed tissue does not typically provide a useful substrate for cDNA synthesis and labeling.  相似文献   

Formalin removal from archival tissue by critical point drying   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Fang SG  Wan QH  Fujihara N 《BioTechniques》2002,33(3):604, 606, 608-604, 606, 610
The extraction of high-quality nucleic acid may be problematic in formalin-fixed tissues because of cross-linking between proteins and DNA. Old fixed tissue specimens do produce fragmented DNA (<1.2 kb), which is only used for PCR amplification. Here we show that high molecular weight DNA (>194 kb) can be successfully extracted from fixed tissue samples (16-70 years old) by gradual dehydration and critical point drying. The reliability of extracted DNA was measured by its ability to serve as a template for the amplification of mtDNA fragments (403 and 1198 bp) and an nDNA fragment (1844 bp). In addition, fingerprinting analysis was performed using DNA from fixed human tissue to ensure the ability of extracted DNA to hybridize with the DNA probe. DNA derived by this method can be subject to amplification, complete digestion by restriction endonuclease, and hybridization.  相似文献   

Extraction of cellular DNA from human cells and tissues fixed in ethanol   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
DNA can be extracted from ethanol-fixed lymphoid cells and tissues. The fixation procedure is simple and rapid, and the DNA extraction itself is the same as that normally used for fresh tissue or cells. DNA extracted from ethanol-fixed material is indistinguishable from DNA extracted from fresh samples based on its purity, its ability to be digested with restriction endonucleases, and its ability to specifically hybridize to DNA probes. The capability to extract DNA from ethanol-fixed cells and tissues eliminates the need for stringent handling and storage requirements of fresh or frozen specimens.  相似文献   

The use of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues for HPV DNA detection by PCR from biopsy materials is not entirely clear in retrospective studies. The aim of our study was to evaluate the usefulness and efficiency of FFPE tissues from laryngeal cancer (LSCC) in HPV detection by immunohistochemistry reaction (IHC) and PCR-DNA enzyme immunoassay method (PCR/DEIA) and to compare with HPV detection from DFT. HPV-DNA was amplified from 54 FFPE tissues from LSCC specimens by the short PCR fragment (SPF10) primer set using PCR/DNA method and monoclonal anti Human Papillomavirus antibodies in IHC. In the same patients 54 specimens were collected and immediately deep-frozen and stored at (-70°C) to (-80°C). All the FFPE and deep-frozen tissue (DFT) specimens were positive for β-globin amplification. HPV was detected by two methods (SPF10 PCR/DEIA and IHC) in 14 (25.92%) out of 54 specimens from FFPE. Significant differences were found between the HPV detection using PCR/DEIA method and IHC method in FFPE tissues. The comparative analysis of the 54 samples after assuming PCR method in FFPE tissues showed accuracy of 92.6%, sensitivity of 90.5% and specificity of 93.9%. The FFPE tissues method has high sensitivity, specificity and accuracy when used to detect HPV DNA by PCR reaction and it is comparable to DFT results. DNA quality of FFPE samples is adequate and it can be used in HPV-DNA detection and in retrospective studies on LSCC.  相似文献   

We previously reported that ethanol fixation and paraffin embedding of tissues produce excellent histomorphology and good preservation of macromolecules. Here, we present a detailed evaluation of ethanol-fixed tissues for proteomic initiatives. When proteins were extracted from ethanol-fixed, paraffin-embedded prostate tissue, resolved by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE), and stained by standard methods, several hundred protein molecules could be detected and successfully analyzed by mass spectrometry. Protein profiles obtained from ethanol-fixed tissues were highly similar to those observed from frozen tissues, in contrast to the poor protein recovery from formalin-fixed material. The protein content of specific cells that were microdissected from ethanol-fixed tissue sections using laser capture microdissection could also be successfully analyzed by 2-DE. We observed that eosin staining of tissue sections had a detrimental effect on protein separation, whereas hematoxylin staining had minimal consequence. In order to illustrate the applicability of ethanol-fixed tissues for proteomic discovery studies, we compared the protein profiles of patient-matched, normal prostatic epithelial cells and invasive adenocarcinoma cells obtained from ethanol-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues. A number of differentially expressed proteins was discovered and identified by mass spectrometry. Immunohistochemical analyses performed on ethanol-fixed tissue sections were in agreement with the proteomic discovery findings. In light of these results, we conclude that ethanol-fixed tissues can be successfully utilized for proteomic analyses.  相似文献   

During the course of diagnostic surgical pathology, pathologists have established a large collection of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues that form invaluable resources for translational studies of cancer and a variety of other diseases. Accessibility of macromolecules in the fixed tissue specimens is a critical issue as exemplified by heat-induced antigen retrieval (AR) immunohistochemical (IHC) staining. On the basis of observations that heating may also enhance in situ hybridization (ISH) and the similarity of formalin-induced chemical modifications that occur in protein and in DNA, we designed a study to examine the efficiency of DNA extraction from archival formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues using an adaptation of the basic principles of the AR technique, i.e., heating the tissue under the influence of different pH values. Archival paraffin blocks of lymph nodes, tonsil, and colon were randomly selected. Each paraffin block was prepared in 34 microtubes. For each paraffin block, one tube was used as a control sample, using a non-heating DNA extraction protocol. The other 33 tubes were tested using a heating protocol under 11 variable pH values (pH 2 to 12) under three different heating conditions (80, 100, and 120C). Evaluation of the results of DNA extraction was carried out by measuring yields by photometry and PCR amplification, as well as kinetic thermocycling (KTC)-PCR methods. In general, lower pH (acid) solutions gave inferior results to solutions at higher pH (alkaline). Heating tissues at a higher temperature and at pH 6-9 gave higher yields of DNA. There appeared to be a peak in terms of highest efficiency of extracted DNA at around pH 9. The average ratios 260:280 of extracted DNA also showed better values for samples heated at 120C. PCR products of three primers showed satisfactory results for DNA extracted from archival paraffin-embedded tissues by heating protocols at pH 6-12, with results that were comparable to the control sample subjected to the standard non-heating, enzymatic DNA extraction method. This study is the first to document the use of heating at an alkaline pH for DNA extraction from archival formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues, a recommendation based on the principles of AR for protein IHC. These findings may lead to a more effective protocol for DNA extraction from archival paraffin-embedded tissues and may also provide enhanced understanding of changes that occur during formalin-induced modification of nucleic acids.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of fixation time and enzymatic digestion on immunohistochemical staining for bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) in excised rat and human gastrointestinal tissues and human brain tumors which had been fixed in formalin after intravenous administration of BUdR shortly before biopsy of tissue. In formalin-fixed rat gastrointestinal tissues not treated with proteinase, the reaction products were insufficient to identify BUdR-positive cells. Results similar to those in ethanol-fixed tissue were obtained when formalin-fixed tissue sections were treated with protease, pepsin, or trypsin. The longer the material had been fixed in formalin, the longer the incubation in proteinase required to identify BUdR-labeled nuclei. The BUdR labeling indices of formalin-fixed human brain tumor specimens treated with protease were comparable to those of ethanol-fixed tissues. Sufficient BUdR staining was obtained even in tissues fixed in formalin for prolonged periods. Therefore, the BUdR labeling index can be determined retrospectively in clinical materials stored in formalin.  相似文献   

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