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建立绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)转基因小鼠,继而传代建系。采用显微注射法,将GFP基因注入FVB/NJ小鼠受精卵原核内,获得子代鼠。分娩后3周剪取仔鼠尾,提取基因组DNA,应用PCR、Southern印迹技术进行整合检测。结共用雌性小鼠200只,注射受精卵1586枚,移植卵数386枚,受体鼠32只,怀孕鼠4只,子代鼠18只,有4只为阳性:取2只首建鼠的胚胎,在荧光显微镜下观察GFP表达明显,表明初步获得了转绿色荧光蛋白基因小鼠,  相似文献   

目的建立绿色荧光蛋白转基因小鼠模型,并采取胚胎冷冻的方法进行保种。方法通过原核显微注射法,把线性化、纯化后的外源基因pEGFP注射入BDF1小鼠受精卵中,胚胎移植给同期发情的假孕受体母鼠,获得子代小鼠。经鉴定对有表达的转基因鼠进行胚胎冷冻保种。结果移植注射胚胎385枚给30只假孕小鼠共出生了306只后代鼠,经PCR和southern blot检测得到5只阳性小鼠。F2代转基因鼠胚胎冷冻240枚胚胎。结论通过显微注射法使外源基因pEGFP在小鼠基因组中得到整合,建立了转pEGFP的转基因小鼠模型。  相似文献   

胚胎工程技术是动物品种、品系培育,种质资源保存及转基因动物制备、保种的重要手段。配子的冷冻保存技术目前广泛应用于胚胎工程。和胚胎冷冻相比小鼠精子冷冻技术方便、高效尤其适用于转基因及突变系小鼠的保种。成功的精子冷冻要求复苏后通过体外受精(IVF)获得胚胎,再移植入受体,生长发育并产出幼仔。胚胎体外培养获得足够的晚桑葚胚和早期囊胚是胚胎干细胞建立与制备嵌合体小鼠的成功关键,暂时不用的胚胎应仍能耐受冷冻保存,待复苏移植,建立新的繁殖群。但小鼠精子冷冻研究在我国开展的十分有限,缺乏相关资料数据。本实验对不同周龄SPF级昆明(KM)小鼠进行精子冷冻及冻融精子IVF,并将IVF获得的2-细胞胚胎分别进行胚胎移植、体外培养、胚胎冷冻及复苏后移植,应用冻融小鼠精子进行胚胎工程实践。  相似文献   

目的研究卵巢移植在胰腺癌转基因小鼠模型保种传代中的应用。方法通过显微手术将SV40T阳性转基因小鼠的卵巢原位移植给相同背景品系去除卵巢的正常FVB雌鼠体内。移植后与正常FVB雄鼠配种,后代以PCR检测确定阳性,统计后代发病情况。并对移植受体鼠进行卵巢的组织切片观察。结果实验中移植用供体鼠19只。成功移植给32只受体。其中有21只移植受体怀孕产子,得到后代159只,存活96只,PCR检测阳性34只,阳性率约为25.4%。结论卵巢移植可被用于转基因小鼠的传代繁殖保种。  相似文献   

昆明小鼠精子冷冻的研究(简报)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胚胎工程技术是动物品种、品系培育,种质资源保存及转基因动物制备、保种的重要手段。配子的冷冻保存技术目前广泛应用于胚胎工程。和胚胎冷冻相比小鼠精子冷冻技术方便、高效尤其适用于转基因及突变系小鼠的保种。成功的精子冷冻要求复苏后通过体外受精(IVF)获得胚胎,再移植入受  相似文献   

不同品系小鼠胚胎玻璃化冷冻保存的比较研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
目的 研究甘油作为冷冻保护剂、不同基因型小鼠对胚胎玻璃化冷冻的影响。方法 采用 6 5mol L的甘油作为冷冻保护剂 ,采用二步法对CBA、NOD、C57BL 6J、ICR及CD1小鼠 3 5d的胚胎进行玻璃化冷冻 ,并比较了不同品系小鼠胚胎的复苏率及移植受孕率。结果和结论 CBA、NOD、C57BL 6J,ICR及CD1的复苏率分别为 5 7 6 %、4 8%、31 3%、86 5 %及 88% ,移植受孕率为 2 1%、2 3 5 %、11%、38%和 35 5 % ,封闭群小鼠的胚胎复苏率、移植受孕率均显著高于近交系小鼠。这提示胚胎的复苏率及移植受孕率可能与小鼠的不同基因型有关。五个品系中 ,桑椹胚及早期囊胚的体外复苏率均显著高于扩张囊胚。这说明不同基因型及胚胎的不同发育阶段对胚胎玻璃化冷冻效果有影响  相似文献   

四环素调控SV40Tag转基因小鼠模型的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的构建四环素调控的SV40T转基因小鼠模型。方法同时显微注射外源基因p205-rtTA-C3和pTRE-Tag至FVB小鼠原核,注射受精卵移植到同期发情的假孕受体出生个体,经PCR和Southern检测获得阳性转基因小鼠。结果经PCR结合Southern检测得到rtTA和Tag双阳性转基因小鼠一只,rtTA单阳性两只和Tag单阳性一只。结论通过饮水给与四环素的双阳性小鼠可在卵巢中检测到Tag mRNA的表达。  相似文献   

目的探讨分离小鼠囊胚内细胞群类胚胎干细胞及用于制作嵌合体小鼠的方法及应用价值。方法分离3.5d小鼠囊胚内细胞群的类胚胎干细胞作为供体细胞,通过显微注射方法将分离的类胚胎干细胞注射到供体小鼠的囊胚腔中,再将注射后的囊胚移植到假孕雌鼠的子宫中制作嵌合体小鼠。结果分离36枚囊胚的内细胞群类胚胎干细胞,注射256只昆明小鼠囊胚中,移植32只假孕雌鼠子宫中,获产崽2窝,共12只,其中2只获毛色嵌合体小鼠。结论采用该技术分离所获得的类胚胎干细胞作为供体细胞制作嵌合体小鼠获得成功,该方法为ES细胞介导的转基因动物制作增添了一条新的途径,在同种不同品系的动物改良及遗传病基因治疗中有一定的应用价值,尤其是对未能建立ES细胞系的大动物的遗传工程操作具有一定意义。  相似文献   

不同品系小鼠的体外受精、胚胎冷冻及移植的比较研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的 探讨不同品系小鼠的体外受精、胚胎和精子的低温保存效果。方法 本实验分别在中国科学院上海实验动物中心 (SLAC)和日本熊本大学动物资源开发中心 (CARD)对 13个品系小鼠 (C57BL 6J、BALB c、C3H HeJ、ICR、KM、FVB、MRL、NOD、CBA、DBA 2、CD 1、BDF1、B6C3F1)的体外受精 (IVF)率、胚胎培养及移植成绩进行了比较研究。结果 各品系小鼠新鲜精子的IVF率 15 1%~ 87 9% ,冻融精子的IVF率 8%~ 80 % ;冷冻胚胎的复苏率4 2 6 %~ 83 9% ;冻融胚胎移植后的产仔率在 17 8%~ 5 1 8%。结论 遗传背景不同的小鼠体外受精率、冷冻胚胎复苏率和胚胎移植的产仔率差异有显著性。但同一品系两个实验室间的新鲜精子的IVF率、冷冻胚胎的复苏率及移植产仔率差异无显著性 (P >0 0 5 ) ;冻融精子的体外受精率CARD明显高于SLAC(P <0 0 1)。  相似文献   

为了构建四环素调控的人A30P突变α-synuclein转基因小鼠模型,将外源基因pTRE2-syn和pBC-rtTA同时显微注射到FVB小鼠(Mus muscculus)受精卵的雄原核中,将注射后存活的受精卵移植到同期发情的假孕受体鼠输卵管中,出生个体经PCR检测,获得rtTA和A30P突变α-synuclein双阳性转基因雌鼠1只,A30P单基因阳性雄鼠13只并传代.强力霉索诱导后双阳性后代脑区各部分A30P突变α-synucleinmRNA均有表达,而在诱导满4周后,脑干α-synuclein蛋白表达明显增加,8周后增加更明显.结果表明,通过强力霉素诱导后,可在小鼠小脑、脑干、海马、皮层检测到A30P mRNA表达,脑干α-synuclein表达量显著增加.  相似文献   

目的应用鼠胚质控中的小鼠胚胎体外培养模型,探讨两种胚胎培养方式(四孔皿与微滴法)在单胚观察时间上的差异以及对2-细胞鼠胚体外发育潜能的影响。方法取6-8周龄的昆明白雌性小鼠。采用HMG10IU促排卵,48 h后注射HCG 10IU促卵泡成熟,取形态正常的2-细胞鼠胚。每5-10个胚胎培养在含500μL培养基的四孔皿中(A组),或单个胚胎接种在含50μL的培养微滴中(B组)。培养后,每隔24 h在倒置显微镜下观察一次,计算单胚观察时间,并检测24 h时的≥4细胞胚形成率、48 h的融合胚形成率7、2 h的囊胚与扩张囊胚形成率、96 h囊胚孵化率。结果两种培养方式于同一试验条件下分别试验5次,A组培养83个胚胎,B组培养69个2-细胞鼠胚。在每一个观察点上,微滴培养的单胚观察时间远超过四孔皿培养(P〈0.001)。但两组各时间点的胚胎发育率相似,无显著差异(P〉0.05)。结论尽管微滴单胚培养方式的胚胎暴露培养箱外时间长,但与四孔皿多胚培养方式比较,两者间2-细胞鼠胚的体外发育潜能相似。  相似文献   

Transgenic mouse production via pronuclear microinjection is a complex process consisting of a number of sequential steps. Many different factors contribute to the effectiveness of each step and thus influence the overall efficiency of transgenic mouse production. The response of egg donor females to superovulation, the fertilization rate, egg survival after injection, ability of manipulated embryos to implant and develop to term, and concentration and purity of the injected DNA all contribute to transgenic production efficiency. We evaluated and compared the efficiency of transgenic mouse production using four different egg donor mouse strains: B6D2/F1 hybrids, Swiss Webster (SW) outbred, and inbred FVB/N and C57BL/6. The data included experiments involving 350 DNA transgene constructs performed by a high capacity core transgenic mouse facility. Significant influences of particular genetic backgrounds on the efficiency of different steps of the production process were found. Except for egg production, FVB/N mice consistently produced the highest efficiency of transgenic mouse production at each step of the process. B6D2/F2 hybrid eggs are also quite efficient, but lyze more frequently than FVB/N eggs after DNA microinjection. SW eggs on the other hand block at the 1-cell stage more often than eggs from the other strains. Finally, using C57BL/6 eggs the main limiting factor is that the fetuses derived from injected eggs do not develop to term as often as the other strains. Based on our studies, the procedure for transgenic mouse production can be modified for each egg donor strain in order to overcome any deficiencies, and thus to increase the overall efficiency of transgenic mouse production.  相似文献   

A total of 70,629 predominantly transgenic mouse embryos prepared from 9,727 pregnant female donors were cryopreserved using a method leading to a high revitalisation rate. Against loss, 125 mutant mouse lines were protected. An average of 7.26 embryos (eight-cell embryos) per pregnant donor was received. To reduce the number of animals required as embryo donors, a special breeding exclusively for cryopreservation was omitted if possible and subsequently the number of animals used for freezing was reduced remarkably. The advantage of this strategy is that (mutant) mouse lines out of current use do not have to be kept in a breeding nucleus.In parallel, this procedure leads to rederivation and improves the export of mice to other facilities. The cryopreservation of these 125 mutant lines keeps the potential to save approximately 20,000 laboratory mice per year to be bred if they were kept in a breeding stock. This is a major contribution to the “3R” requirements developed by Russel and Burch to reduce the number of laboratory animals.  相似文献   

采用玻璃化冷冻法对ICR、C57BL/6、DBA~*C57BL/6杂交F1代三种品系小鼠的不同阶段胚胎进行冷冻保存,比较胚胎解冻后形态良好率、体外发育率和移植后的出生率,结果表明解冻后各品系小鼠胚胎从2细胞到桑椹胚形态良好率在75%以上,其中8细胞胚胎形态良好率在83%以上,而囊胚的形态良好率仅在40%左右。解冻后胚胎体外培养的发育率随胚胎发育阶段的提高而提高,桑椹胚的发育达93%以上。体外受精2细胞冷冻胚与体内受精2细胞冷冻胚比较,二者形态良好率差异无显著意义(74%∶75%),但体内受精冷冻胚的发育率明显高于体外受精冷冻胚(76%:40%,p<0.01);胚胎经过三次反复冻融后形态良好率无显著差别;冷冻2细胞胚移植后的受孕率与仔鼠出生率分别达64%和40%,但均低于新鲜2细胞胚。  相似文献   

为了评价利用不同冷冻保护剂冷冻早期卵裂期胚胎的效果,用小鼠为实验动物,采用慢速冷冻、快速融解的冷冻技术,比较丙二醇、二甲基亚砜和甘油作冷冻保护剂对小鼠2-细胞、4-细胞、8-细胞胚胎冷冻后胚胎存活率和囊胚形成率的影响。发现以丙二醇和蔗糖为冷冻保护剂冷冻4-细胞、8-细胞胚胎,解冻后胚胎成活率和囊胚形成率显著高于以二甲基亚砜或甘油为冷冻保护剂。结果表明,丙二醇是一种冷冻早期卵裂期小鼠胚胎有效的冷冻保护剂。  相似文献   

We examined possible genotype effects on the survival of 8- to 16-cell mouse embryos isolated from four inbred strains (C57BL/6N, BALB/cAnN, DBA/2N, and C3H/HeN), a outbred stock (ICR), and various crosses after cryopreservation by vitrification or conventional slow freezing using glycerol solutions. The rates of in vitro development of C57BL/6N, BALB/cAnN, C3H/HeN, and ICR embryos to expanded blastocysts ranged from 86% to 94% after slow freezing and 85% to 97% after vitrification. The cryopreservation method did not significantly influence in vitro embryo survival after thawing (P >0.05). Although genotype significantly influenced the in vitro survival of embryos (P = 0.008), this presumably resulted from an increased difficulty in assessing the quality grade of C3H/HeN embryos prior to cryopreservation. The rates in vivo development of C57BL/6N, BALB/cAnN, C3H/HeN, DBA/2N, and ICR embryos to normal day 18–19 fetuses ranged from 19% to 64% after slow freezing and from 18% to 63% after vitrification. The in vivo development of cryopreserved embryos was significantly influenced by cryopreservation method and genotype (P = 0.01 and P = 0.001, respectively). Vitrification yielded significantly higher rates of in vivo development than that after slow freezing (P > 0.05). In vivo development rates of DBA/2N and ICR♀ X B6D2F1 ♂ embryos after cryopreservation were significantly higher than that of embryos from BALB/cAnN and C3H/HeN mice (P < 0.05). These results indicate that parental genotype exerts little or no effect on the ability of embryos to develop in vitro after vitrification or slow freezing. Differences in the ability of cryopreserved embryos to develop normally in vivo may reflect inherent genotype related differences in their post-implantation developmental potential and not their sensitivity to cryoinjury. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • 1 This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America.
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    Archiving of mouse stocks by cryopreservation of sperm has great potential, because it is simple, rapid, and cheap. However, for some of the most commonly used inbred strains, including C57BL/6J, the postthaw fertility of the sperm (0%-12%) is too low to be useful without recourse to zona nicking or intracytoplasmic sperm injection to aid penetration of the zona pellucida. In the present study, nonmotile sperm and cell debris were removed from thawed suspensions of C57BL/6J mouse sperm, and the remaining, largely progressively motile sperm were used for in vitro fertilization. These sperm fertilized 38%-88% of denuded, zona-intact eggs, and when 2-cell embryos were transferred to pseudopregnant recipient mice, 40%-63% produced live-born young. The production of 2-cell embryos and the birth of live pups at these rates indicate that cryopreservation of sperm is a practical way to archive the haploid genome of genetically altered C57BL/6J mice.  相似文献   

    Our Department of Experimental Embryology originated from The Laboratory of Embryo Biotechnology, which was organized and directed by Dr. Maria Czlonkowska until her premature death in 1991. Proving successful international transfer of frozen equine embryos and generation of an embryonic sheep-goat chimaera surviving ten years were outstanding achievements of her term. In the 1990s, we produced advanced fetuses of mice after reconstructing enucleated oocytes with embryonic stem (ES) cells, as well as mice originating entirely from ES cells by substitution of the inner cell mass with ES cells. Attempts at obtaining ES cells in sheep resulted in the establishment of embryo-derived epithelioid cell lines from Polish Heatherhead and Polish Merino breeds, producing overt chimaeras upon blastocyst injection. Successful re-cloning was achieved from 8-cell rabbit embryos, and healthy animals were born from the third generation of cloned embryos. Recently mice were born after transfer of 8-cell embryonic nuclei into selectively enucleated zygotes, and mouse blastocysts were produced from selectively enucleated germinal vesicle oocytes surrounded by follicular cells, upon their reconstruction with 2-cell nuclei and subsequent activation. Embryonic-somatic chimaeras were born after transfer of foetal fibroblasts into 8-cell embryos (mouse) and into morulae and blastocysts (sheep). We also regularly perform the following applications: in vitro production of bovine embryos from slaughterhouse oocytes or those recovered by ovum pick up; cryopreservation of oocytes and embryos (freezing: mouse, rabbit, sheep, goat; vitrification: rabbit, cow); and banking of somatic cells from endangered wild mammalian species (mainly Cervidae).  相似文献   

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