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目的对普通级新西兰兔进行剖宫产,获得无菌兔,比较无菌兔、SPF兔和普通级兔的脏器系数。方法采取剖宫产手术获得无菌兔,在无菌隔离器内人工哺乳饲养。用电子天平和刻度尺测量无菌兔、SPF兔和普通兔心、肝、脾、肺、肾、肾上腺、胸腺、脑等脏器的脏器重量和长度,计算脏器系数。结果经检测无菌兔符合国家标准;无菌级、SPF级和普通级新西兰兔在左颌下腺、右颌下腺、心脏、肺、胆囊、脾脏、左肾上腺、右肾上腺、子宫+卵巢、左睾丸、胃长、蚓突长度、盲肠长度、盲肠总重、盲肠干重、胃总重、胃干重等17项指标差异显著(P〈0.05);脑、肝脏、左肾、右肾、胰脏、右睾丸、胃宽、小肠长度、直肠长度、大肠长度等10项指标差异不显著(P〉0.05)。结论不同等级微生物环境对新西兰兔脏器系数有显著影响。  相似文献   

三种微生物学级别SSB小鼠主要脏器的解剖学比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对普通,清洁,无菌近交系SSB小鼠的主要脏器进行解剖学比较,发现该三种微生物学级别SSB小鼠胸腺、脾脏和肺的重量与体重的比值均为CV>CL>CGF。GF小鼠心脏和肝脏极显著小于CV,GF小鼠消化道变化最明显的是盲肠肥大。  相似文献   

目的采用对SPF级KM小鼠进行剖宫产术,用无菌奶妈代乳方法,培育出GF级(即无菌级)KM小鼠,了解GF级KM小鼠的生长发育并绘制出生长曲线;测定其不同生长阶段的主要脏器重量及血液生理生化值并进行比较分析。方法①分别称取60只(雌雄各半)0~112日龄GF级KM小鼠体重,绘制其生长曲线;②随机抽取28、56、112日龄的KM小鼠60只(雌雄各半),活体称重,依次剖取心、肝等主要脏器称重;③小鼠眼眶采血,测定其血常规和生化值。结果 GF级KM小鼠的体重随着日龄的增长而逐渐增加,断奶后1~2周内增重最为迅速,4周后的雄鼠体重明显高于雌鼠;主要脏器(心、肝、脾、肺、脑等)重量随年龄增大均逐渐增加,盲肠体积增大尤其明显,而胸腺随着日龄的增加而逐渐萎缩,其重量迅速减轻;同一日龄GF级KM小鼠的雌雄间血常规和生化值指标均存在差异,但随着年龄的增加差异的项目逐渐增多。结论 GF级KM小鼠生长发育和血液生理生化的研究结果可为KM小鼠的标准化及最终成为国际标准品系提供基础数据。  相似文献   

目的探讨苏丹红对小白鼠血液和组织器官的影响。方法取小鼠连续12 d腹腔注射不同剂量苏丹红Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ(0、40、80、160 mg/kg),末次给药24 h后采集血样,用血细胞分析仪检测血常规指标,毛细血管法测定凝血时间,剖腹取主要器官称重,计算脏器系数。结果苏丹红Ⅰ和Ⅱ组血液红细胞数明显减少,而苏丹红Ⅲ和Ⅳ组不明显,苏丹红不同剂量之间比较,低剂量苏丹红Ⅰ和高剂量苏丹红Ⅱ组比苏丹红Ⅲ和Ⅳ组血液红细胞数变化明显;苏丹红Ⅰ和Ⅱ组血液血红蛋白含量明显降低,而苏丹红Ⅲ和Ⅳ组血红蛋白含量变化不明显。四种不同剂量苏丹红组小鼠血液中血小板数量减少,随着剂量增加小鼠血液凝固时间延长。随着苏丹红剂量增加,苏丹红I和II组小鼠血液白细胞数比对照组明显增加,苏丹红Ⅲ和Ⅳ组白细胞数有增加趋势但差异不显著。与对照组比较,苏丹红组小鼠血液白细胞数明显增加、而淋巴细胞和单核细胞显著减少。随着苏丹红注射剂量增加,肾脏和脾脏脏器系数较对照组明显增大,肝脏脏器系数变化不明显。结论苏丹红对小鼠血液细胞、血红蛋白、血小板和凝血时间以及组织器官都有不同程度影响。  相似文献   

关于水貂血液指标及器官系数的研究,国外已有报道。(1952)记述了成年水貂血红蛋白(Hb)含量、红细胞数、白细胞数及白细胞分类;和(1967)研究了雌性水貂血红蛋白含量、红细胞数、心脏、肝脏及肺脏相对重量的年龄变化;和(1973)对5种彩色水貂的血红蛋白含量作过测定。国内尚未见有水貂这方面的报道。  相似文献   

目的建立无菌太湖猪多项生理数据背景资料。方法对4头25 d无菌猪和4头同窝普通级群体,雌雄比3∶1,测定并比较血液常规、生化、免疫球蛋白和主要脏器发育指标。运用异速生长建模,对主要脏器重量相对体重的异速生长进行了分析。结果 (1)无菌猪与普通级猪的12项血常规和8项血生化指标差异有显著性(P0.05);(2)无菌猪与普通级猪的平均体重、血清中Ig M表达量差异达到显著性水平(P0.05),且无菌猪缺少肠系膜淋巴结;(3)无菌猪的心脏、脾和胃与体重呈负异速生长(异速生长指数b1),肠道与体重的异速生长指数为1.78,为正异速生长;而普通级猪的心脏、胃和肠道与体重呈负异速生长(b1),肾与体重的异速生长指数最大,为1.20,呈正异速生长。结论微生物学等级差异影响了猪体重、血液及脏器、免疫系统的发育。  相似文献   

snthr-1Bao稀毛小鼠的生物学特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对稀毛小鼠snthr-1Bao和对照组DBA/2小鼠的生长情况、繁殖性能、形态学和大体解剖学进行了观察.结果表明snthr-1Bao小鼠的生长发育较DBA/2小鼠迟缓,被毛异常,呈稀疏状.在繁殖学特性方面,snthr-1Bao小鼠与DBA/2小鼠相比雄性睾丸组织绝对重量和脏器系数均比DBA/2小,差异呈极显著性(P<0.01);断奶仔数比DBA/2小鼠少,差异呈极显著性(P<0.01).对大体解剖学特性的观察表明,两种品系小鼠的心、肝、脾、肺、肾、肾上腺、胸腺、脑等脏器的位置、形态结构无差异,但有些脏器的绝对重量和脏器系数存在品系间差异(P<0.05或P<0.01).血液生理指标方面两种品系小鼠相比在白细胞、嗜中性白细胞、嗜酸性粒细胞以及嗜碱细胞的数量上存在差异(P<0.01).因此,该突变不仅影响小鼠被毛的正常生长,还影响小鼠的生长发育、繁殖性能及血液生理指标.  相似文献   

目的测定绿色荧光蛋白转基因小鼠不同年龄段的生理生化、组织病理学等方面的指标,为该品种转基因小鼠应用于毒理学等领域研究提供理论依据。方法定期测定不同周龄段(4~6周龄,6~8周龄,9~12周龄,13~14周龄)141只绿色荧光蛋白转基因(GFP)小鼠和100只对照组C57BL/6J小鼠的体重和摄食量,对上述两种动物定期取血,测定血生化及血液学指标,对动物进行大体解剖,计算主要脏器(心、肝、脾、肺、肾、脑、胸腺,性腺)的脏器系数并进行组织病理学检测。结果①体重和摄食量:4周龄的GFP小鼠,其体重明显低于对照组,差异具有显著性(P<0.01);4~5周龄的GFP小鼠,其摄食量明显高于对照组,差异具有显著性(P<0.01)。②血常规测定:6~8周龄,9~12周龄的GFP小鼠,其红细胞计数(RBC)明显低于对照组,差异具有显著性(P<0.01);9~12周龄,13~14周龄的GFP小鼠,其白细胞计数(WBC)明显高于对照组,差异具有显著性(P<0.01)。③血生化测定:6~8周龄,9~12周龄,13~14周龄的GFP小鼠,其尿酸(UA)值明显高于对照组,差异具有显著性(P<0.01);6~8周龄,9~12周龄的GFP小鼠,其总蛋白(TP),白蛋白(ALB)明显低于对照组,差异具有显著性(P<0.01)。④脏器系数:6~8周龄,9~12周龄的GFP小鼠,其胸腺的脏器系数明显低于对照组,差异具有显著性(P<0.01);9~12周龄,13~14周龄的GFP小鼠,其肝脏的脏器系数明显高于对照组,差异具有显著性(P<0.01)。⑤病理检测:6~8周龄有部分GFP小鼠胸腺发育不良,其他受检脏器和其他年龄段动物未见明显病理改变。结论①绿色荧光蛋白转基因小鼠与对照组C57BL/6J小鼠相比,在体重(4周龄)、摄食量(4~5周龄)、血常规(红细胞计数RBC、白细胞计数WBC、血红蛋白HGB)、血生化(尿酸UA、总蛋白TP、白蛋白ALB)、脏器系数(胸腺,肝脏)等指标上存在明显差异,但是其值均在正常范围内。②绿色荧光蛋白转基因小鼠在6~8周龄有部分小鼠胸腺发育不良。  相似文献   

解剖数据是实验动物主要的生物学特性指标。该文对实验室驯养树鼩(7~9月龄)的体尺、骨骼、乳头、肠道及脏器重量与系数等解剖学数据进行了测定与分析。31项解剖数据测量结果显示雌、雄个体间体高、右耳宽、回肠及结肠差异显著(P<0.05),体斜长、胸深、躯干长、左右两前肢长、右后肢长、左右两侧耳长、左耳宽、龙骨长、左右两侧胫长、十二指肠及空肠长等差异极显著(P<0.01)。以体长为因变量,尾长、躯干长、左前肢长、右前肢长、左后肢长及右后肢长等为自变量作逐步回归分析,回归方程为:体长=13.90+尾长×0.16。37项脏器及系数测定结果:雌雄间比较,体重、心、肺、脾、左肾、右肾、膀胱、左海马、右海马、左颌下腺、左甲状腺、右甲状腺重量差异极显著(P<0.01)。小肠、右颌下腺、左肾上腺之间差异显著(P<0.05);心、肺、胃、膀胱、小肠、大肠、脑、右海马、左肾上腺系数雌雄间差异极显著(P<0.01)。右肾、左海马、左颌下腺、右肾上腺、左右两侧甲状腺系数之间达到了显著性水平(P<0.05)。以动物体重为因变量,以主要脏器指标:心脏、肺、肝、脾、左肾、右肾、脑为自变量,作逐步回归分析,回归方程为:体重=62.73+左肾×79.213+心脏×24.09。实验室驯养树鼩不同性别对体尺、脏器及系数、肠道等解剖数据有一定影响,为树鼩实验动物化及人类疾病动物模型研究提供基础数据。  相似文献   

血液学指标不仅可以反映动物生理和病理变化,也能体现动物对环境的适应。本文利用血液学方法检测了27尾龙洞山溪鲵(Batrachuperus londongensis)个体的血细胞组成和血红蛋白含量,龙洞山溪鲵血红蛋白平均含量为4.16×10~(-2) g/ml;红细胞卵圆形,细胞核椭圆形位于中央或亚中央,红细胞平均含量为6.04×10~4个/mm3;白细胞数量较少,多为圆形或近圆形,平均含量为2.90×10~3个/mm3;白细胞中淋巴细胞最多,其次为单核细胞、嗜碱性细胞和中性细胞,嗜酸性细胞最少。血液参数中仅中性细胞和嗜碱性细胞的百分比在雌雄之间存在显著差异;头体长、体重和各血液参数的相关性均不显著。同时,将研究结果与其他小鲵科动物的数据进行了比较。本文报道的龙洞山溪鲵血细胞组成和血红蛋白含量的基础数据为其后续的健康监测和诊断以及适应进化的研究提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

Due to the need for in vivo photo-genotoxicity tests, the in vivo photo-comet assay was established in epidermal cells of the SKH-1 mouse. Groups of 10 male SKH-1 mice each were treated once orally with vehicle only, with three fluoroquinolones (25 mg/kg clinafloxacin, 20 mg/kg lomefloxacin, 200 mg/kg ciprofloxacin) or with 200mg/kg 8-methoxypsoralene (8-MOP). Thirty minutes after treatment half of the mice in each group were exposed to 23.8 J/cm2 UVA. Thereafter the mice were killed and their epidermal cells tested in the alkaline (pH >13) comet assay; at the same time after administration, compound-treated, non-irradiated mice were killed and analysed. A negative control group of ten male SKH-1 mice received the vehicle only; half of these animals were exposed to UVA, half were not. The comet tail lengths of epidermal cells of the mice were statistically significantly increased for all three fluoroquinolones (FQ) tested in combination with UV irradiation. Treatment with 8-methoxypsoralene+UV induced a significant reduction of comet tail length. Tail intensity and tail moment gave essentially the same results after combined exposure (compound+UV). Without irradiation, the tail lengths of controls and compound-treated mice were comparable under the conditions of this study. In contrast, tail intensity and tail moment were increased for all test compounds (including 8-MOP), without irradiation. Irradiated controls had a tail length comparable to non-irradiated controls, while tail intensity and tail moment were clearly increased in irradiated controls. In conclusion: under the present experimental conditions the in vivo photo-comet assay is able to detect photo-chemically induced DNA strand breaks as well as photo-chemically induced DNA cross-links.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether decreased day lengths affect reproduction or the immune system in inbred mice. Irrespective of a nocturnal pineal melatonin rise, the signal for day length information, body and testis weights were the same in various strains 8 weeks after transfer from long to short days (16 to 8 h of light/day) compared to mice that remained in long days. Serum testosterone was unaffected by the photoperiod shift. The second goal was to determine whether the shift from long to short days influenced lymphocyte populations in spleen or blood, as well as innate and cell-mediated immune cell functions in C3H/HeN mice, an inbred strain with a robust melatonin rhythm. By flow cytometry, a stable percentage and number of B cells, T cells, and natural killer cells were identified in spleen from mice in both long and short days during the day and night. This complement of immunophenotypes in spleen suggests that equivalent functional capabilities persist in secondary lymphoid tissue of mice irrespective of day length. This was supported by findings that cytolytic activity by splenic natural killer cells (innate immunity) and antigen-induced T cell-dependent B cell antibody production (adaptive immunity) were similar in mice in long and short days. In blood, cell numbers but not helper T cell subset percentages (i.e., naive, memory, cytotoxic, or activated) were augmented in mice in short compared to long days, a consequence of increased circulating B cells. Day length differences in certain immunophenotypes in circulation may forecast photoperiod-mediated alterations in responsiveness to pathogens that are associated with a change in season. At night, the reduced proportion of cytotoxic T cells (long and short days), as well as increases in the percentage of activated T cells (long days), B cells (short days), and NK cell activity (long and short days) relative to daytime, suggests that surveillance and function by select immunophenotypes may adapt to circadian transitions even in highly inbred species. Thus, inbred mice retain capabilities for photoperiod to influence trait-specific aspects of immune cell but not reproductive function.  相似文献   

We used a novel mouse model to study the effects of selectivebreeding for high locomotor activity (14 generations) on relativeorgan sizes, hematocrit (Hct), and blood hemoglobin (Hb) concentration.We also examined effects of exercise training and genotype-by-environmentinteractions by housing animals for 8 weeks with wheels thatwere either free to rotate or locked. Mice from the four replicateHigh-Runner (HR) lines were smaller in total body mass but hadlarger body mass-adjusted kidneys relative to the four Controllines (P < 0.05). Control and HR lines did not differ significantlyfor mass-adjusted tail length or masses of the "triceps surae"hindlimb muscle group, heart (ventricle), spleen, liver, adrenalglands or gonads. Wheel access caused a reduction in body massand an increase in relative heart mass. In females only, wheelaccess caused a reduction in relative spleen mass. Wheel accessdid not affect relative tail length or relative mass of thetriceps surae, liver, adrenal gland or gonads. Significant interactionsbetween selection history and wheel access were observed infemales for spleen, liver, and gonad mass as well as Hct andHb. Wheel access caused increases in both Hct and Hb, mainlyin the HR lines. The mini-muscle phenotype, caused by a Mendelianrecessive allele that halves hindlimb muscle mass, was significantlyassociated with several other body composition traits, includingreduced body mass, increased tail length, increased heart mass,increased liver mass (females only), increased mean adrenalgland mass (females only), increased mean kidney mass (malesonly), and reduced Hct (wheel-access females only). Resultsare discussed in context of the beneficial acclimation hypothesis,genotype-by-environment interactions, and the potential for"nurture" to be self-reinforcing of "nature" in some complexbehavioral-physiological phenotypes.  相似文献   

It is well known that parts of earthworms can survive if they are cut off. Our aim was to link the regeneration capacity of an earthworm, Eisenia fetida (Oligochaeta, Annelida) with the site of the amputation, so we amputated earthworms at different body segment locations along the length of the body to examine the different survival rates and regeneration lengths of the anterior, posterior, and medial sections.
The greatest survival rates occurred for earthworms with the most body segments remaining after amputation. The anterior regeneration lengths were of two types. The lengths of regeneration of amputated from body segment 6/7 to further down the body posteriorly increased gradually (Type LI). However, the regeneration lengths of earthworm which were amputated behind the 23rd segment, with less than a quarter of the total segments remaining, did not increase until the blastema and tail bud formation (Type LII). These treatments were not completely regeneration. There were significant differences in both survival rates and lengths of regeneration lengths between immature earthworms and clitellate adult earthworms during the early stages of regeneration, but not at later stages of regeneration. The immature earthworms had a greater regeneration potential than clitellate adults amputated at the same segment. The survival rates of earthworms were correlated significantly with the number of body segments remaining after amputation, but not with the position of the amputation. The relationships between the survival rates and the numbers of remaining segments could be described by linear regressions. The anterior regeneration lengths were correlated with the position of the amputation, but not with the number of remaining segments; the posterior regeneration lengths, were not correlated with the number of segments remaining nor the amputation position. The anterior regeneration length was not related to the survival rates for all earthworm amputations after 30 days but was related in this way after 60 days.  相似文献   

It is well known that parts of earthworms can survive if they are cut off. Our aim was to link the regeneration capacity of an earthworm, Eisenia fetida (Oligochaeta, Annelida) with the site of the amputation, so we amputated earthworms at different body segment locations along the length of the body to examine the different survival rates and regeneration lengths of the anterior, posterior, and medial sections.
The greatest survival rates occurred for earthworms with the most body segments remaining after amputation. The anterior regeneration lengths were of two types. The lengths of regeneration of amputated from body segment 6/7 to further down the body posteriorly increased gradually (Type LI). However, the regeneration lengths of earthworm which were amputated behind the 23rd segment, with less than a quarter of the total segments remaining, did not increase until the blastema and tail bud formation (Type LII). These treatments were not completely regeneration. There were significant differences in both survival rates and lengths of regeneration lengths between immature earthworms and clitellate adult earthworms during the early stages of regeneration, but not at later stages of regeneration. The immature earthworms had a greater regeneration potential than clitellate adults amputated at the same segment. The survival rates of earthworms were correlated significantly with the number of body segments remaining after amputation, but not with the position of the amputation. The relationships between the survival rates and the numbers of remaining segments could be described by linear regressions. The anterior regeneration lengths were correlated with the position of the amputation, but not with the number of remaining segments; the posterior regeneration lengths, were not correlated with the number of segments remaining nor the amputation position. The anterior regeneration length was not related to the survival rates for all earthworm amputations after 30 days but was related in this way after 60 days.  相似文献   

The concept of critical day length is well established among rodents; reproductive function is maintained when day lengths are greater than some specific threshold. In addition to day length cues, seasonal breeding in deer mice can also be regulated by food availability. The caloric threshold necessary to support reproduction remains unspecified for seasonally breeding rodents. The present study examined the interaction between photoperiod and food availability on reproductive function in adult male deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus). A critical caloric intake profile was constructed in long (16L:8D) and short (8L:16D) photoperiods; groups of deer mice in both photoperiods either received food ad libitum or 90, 80, or 70% of their individual ad libitum food intake for 10 wk. At autopsy, paired testes, epididymides, and seminal vesicles were removed and weighed. Body mass, total body fat, and total body water contents were also obtained. Short, as compared to long, day lengths inhibited the reproductive systems of male deer mice. However, food consumption interacted with photoperiod to affect reproductive function. Significant reductions in reproductive organ size as well as spermatogenic activity were observed among short-day mice after a 10% reduction in ad libitum food intake. Long-day animals required a 20% reduction in caloric intake to depress reproductive function. Body mass and total body water content were generally unaffected by either photoperiod or food consumption. Total body fat content was reduced in short- as compared to long-day mice. Individual reproductive responsiveness to short days increased as food availability decreased.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

There are 7 species of pangolin in the world. This paper deah with the measurement of some morphology indices in Manis petadactyla and Mania javanica. Measured variables included the body weight, the total body length, the length of head and body, the length of tail,the length of protruding rim of external ear, the length of hind feet, the length of middle claws of fore feet, the length of middle claws of hind feet, the number of rows of scales round mid-body, the number of single flank scales of edge tail. All variables measured were compared respectively between this 2 species. The results indicated that: ( 1 ) there were no signifieant differences in body weight and length of hind feet between this 2 species, but differences in the other variables were extremely significant. (21 The ratio of the length of middle claws of hind feet and fore feet in Mania pentadactyla was less than 1/2 ( n = 48 ), while Mania jaw, nica was more than 1/2 ( n = 15 ) ; the length of protruding rim of external ear in Mania pentadactyla was over 10 mm { n = 38 ), whereas Manis javanica was under 10 mm { n = 13 ) ; the number of single flank scales of edge tail in Mania pentadactyla was not beyond 21 (n = 65), and Mania javanica exeeeded 21 (n = 14) . So the ratio of the length of middle claws of hind feet and fore feet, the length of protruding rim of external ear, arid the ntunber of single flank scales of edge tail should be regard as distinctive features and taxonomic indices between this 2 species. (3) The relationships between body weight ( Y) and the total body length, the length of head and body, the length of tail {X) were positive correlation, and satisfied relation equation Y= aX^b.  相似文献   

The effect of vinblastine sulfate on gamma-radiation-induced DNA strand breaks in different tissues of tumour bearing mice, was studied by single-cell gel electrophoresis. Intraperitonial administration of different doses (0.25-2.0mg/kg body weight) of vinblastine sulfate 30 min prior to 4 Gy gamma-radiation exposure showed a dose-dependent decrease in the yield of DNA strand breaks in murine fibrosarcoma, blood leukocytes and bone marrow cells. The dose-dependent protection of cellular DNA against radiation-induced strand breaks as evidenced from comet tail length, tail moment and percent DNA in the tail, was more pronounced in bone marrow cells than in the cells of the tumor fibrosarcoma. In fibrosarcoma cells, the decrease in comet tail length, tail moment and percent DNA in the tail was detected at lower doses of vinblastine sulfate administration and these parameters were not significantly altered at higher doses, from that of the control irradiated. From this study, it appears that in addition to anticancer activity, vinblastine sulfate could offer protection to the normal tissues against gamma-radiation-induced DNA strand breaks.  相似文献   

The growth and development of three groups of genetically identical F1 C57BL/6J female x SJL/J male mice were compared to examine whether embryo manipulation affects subsequent postnatal growth and development of mammalian embryos: (1) controls--the natural offspring of timed matings, (2) transferred controls--offspring from 2-cell embryos transferred to recipients 1 day asynchronous, and (3) transferred half embryos--offspring developing from one blastomere from the 2-cell stage transferred to recipients 1 day asynchronous. The recipients were C57BL/6J females. No differences were found in the age at eye opening and vaginal opening. At 5 days after birth the median body weights of the controls were lower than the weights of the transferred groups. This result could be explained by the larger litter size in the control group. The overall variances of the body weights did not differ between the groups. By the second week after birth a marked increase in overall variances of body weights of the transferred groups, compared with the control group, was observed. At 5 days after birth, the median tail lengths did not differ between groups, and overall variances were the same. By the second week, the overall variances of the tail lengths of the transferred groups were significantly greater than that of the control group. Possibly the increased overall variances of the body weight and the tail length of the transferred groups are related to the smaller litter size in these groups which affects competition for food and the ambient temperature in the nest. The overall results suggest newborn mice that have developed from half embryos have compensated for their initial deficiency. The intraclass correlation coefficients for body weight and tail length are approximately the same in all groups. Thus, producing artificial identical twins by embryo bisection may not affect their potential usefulness in the design of experiments.  相似文献   

Trypanosomosis (surra) caused by Trypanosoma evansi is quite common among horses where the parasite is endemic. In the present study, T. evansi was isolated from an infected horse and maintained by subinoculation in Swiss albino mice. At the peak of parasitemia (5 x 10(6) parasites per ml of blood), 0.25 ml of the tail blood from infected mice was inoculated intraperitoneally and subcutaneously to 2 groups of adult pigeons and 2 groups of pigeon nestlings. Four days after inoculation, the trypanosomes occurred in the peripheral circulation of pigeon nestlings, but no parasitemia was observed in adult pigeons. The body temperatures of infected nestlings increased to 104 F, whereas uninfected controls remained steady at 102 F; thus, elevated temperatures coincided with parasite presence in the peripheral circulation. A decrease in hemoglobin concentration of blood also was observed in infected nestlings. On microscopic examination, increases in length and breadth of trypomastigotes and vigorous flagellar movement of the parasites were observed. The virulence and pathogenicity of the parasites after adaptation to nestlings remained unchanged for albino mice as proved by the death of all subinoculated mice. Furthermore, polymerase chain reaction studies confirmed that the genomic DNA of trypanosomes in pigeon blood was the same as that of T. evansi. This is the first report of the establishment of T. evansi infection in pigeon nestlings.  相似文献   

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