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卧龙圈养大熊猫母兽带仔野化培训   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对卧龙圈养大熊猫进行母兽带仔野化培训.初步建立了大熊猫初生幼仔到半岁幼兽的野化培训方法;建立了大熊猫幼仔与研究者的隔离方法,避免了培训个体对人和人工饲养环境的依赖;探索了提高圈养大熊猫活力的新方法;初步证明了带仔野化培训的科学性和合理性。  相似文献   

一九五八年九月甘六日是中国科学院生物物理研究所成立的日子,光阴荏苒,生物物理所在前进改革中迎来了“三十而立”之年.它已从过去的三个研究室发展成为十一个研究室和两个附属工厂;由几十人发展壮大到八百人的队伍;以近十年间统计,已获各种成果奖二百零八项,其中有三分之一项目获得国家自然科学奖、国家发明奖、中国科学院  相似文献   

本实验室学术委员会第一次会议于一九八五年十一月二十七一二十九日在北京举行.除了艾棣教授(赫尔辛基大学)、柯夫教授(康乃尔大学)及朱澄教授(北京大学)因故缺席以外,其余委员都出席了会议.中国科学院微生物研究所所长宋大康教授致辞并代表研究所向各委员颁发了聘书.研究所业务处处长杨菊菊同志出席了会议.学术委员会主任魏江春同志向委员们传达了中国科学院院长卢嘉锡及副院长周光召关于开放实验室的讲话内容;介绍了该实验室的筹建过程;提出了本实验室的研究方向及课题申请指南草案交会议审议.经会议讨论修改后一致通过了本实验室的研究方向及课题申请指南.会议还审议了十二件课题申请书;通过了其中九项.此外,经会议讨论决定,本实验室将编辑出版年报,以发表本实验室的研究成果.年报将以英文版公开发行.本实验室学术委员会同时也是年报编辑委员会.  相似文献   

住院医师培训是医学教育中重要环节之一,是提高临床医疗水平的关键。因此,如何探索科学、合理的住院医师培养方案,已成为临床医学教育探索的重要课题。本文对肝胆外科住院医师规范化培训的实践进行了总结分析,希望对提高肝胆外科住院医师规范化培训效果起到一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

1984年8月8—15日在哈尔滨市召开了中国林学会第二届森林生态专业委员会暨森林生态系统定位研究方法学术讨论会。这次会议主要任务是: 一、讨论在科技改革的新形势下,森林生态研究如何为我国四化建设服务以及发展我国森林生态学的问题; 二、结合国家任务、课题项目和生态学理论,交流森林生态系统定位研究方法,实验手段和已取得的学术成果; 三、选举产生第二届森林生态专业委员会。参加会议的代表116人,来自全国60个科研、教学、生产、科技情报、出版和新闻单位;提交的学术论文92篇,与上届学术讨论会相比,论文数量增加了,质量也提高了,这  相似文献   

“研究性课题”是编排在现行高中生物教材中的一类实施研究性学习的课程载体.主要介绍了研究性课题的内涵及特征,阐述了课题的指导策略和设计要素,选取了“培养学生搜集和分析资料能力”这一专题(采用1个典型案例),进行了研究性课题案例的指导设计、教学实践以及分析.由此可得出结论:生物学是与生产和现实生活密切联系的学科,非常适合开展研究性课题;一个自由、和谐、宽松和平等的教学氛围是激发学生创造性思维所必需的;研究性课题有极大的开放性,因此教师要把握好开放的“度”;教师应注重启发学生拓宽搜集资料的渠道,教给他们处理资料信息的方法.  相似文献   

1995年度,国家自然科学基金微生物学学科共统一受理各类申请379项,其中面上项目370项(自由申请298项,青年基金41项,地区基金31项),国家杰出青年科学基金9项。经过评审,面上55项获得资助(自由申请43项,青年基金7项,地区基金5项),1人获得国家杰出青年科学基金。与去年相比,今年申请课题的学术质量有所提高,但微生物学领域的基础研究工作有萎缩的势头。  相似文献   

袁正宏 《微生物与感染》2006,1(1):F0003-F0003
复旦大学上海医学院教育部/卫生部医学分子病毒学实验室是一个已有20年历史的部级重点实验室,自建立以来始终以国家防病治病的重大需求为目标,以严重危害我国人民身体健康的如病毒性肝炎、结核等传染性疾病为重点,分别从病原微生物的基因结构功能、发病机制、机体免疫应答以及疾病诊断和防治等方面进行科学研究。近5年,实验室主持了国家“863”课题5项,“973”课题3项、国家自然科学基金课题14项,同时还承担其他如上海市、对外合作等科研项目36项。  相似文献   

专科医师培训过程中存在的几个重点问题与对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
专科医师培训是我国卫生事业发展中的一项重要任务,也是提高医学专业技术人员专业化水平的一项重要举措.文章总结专科医师培训工作中存在的问题及应对措施,以期对拟开展专科医师培训工作的地区作出指导.  相似文献   

<正> 中国植物学会真菌学会虫生真菌专业组主办的全国第三届虫生真菌学术讨论会1991年10月16—19日在福建农学院举行。参会代表71人,收到学术论文50余篇,集中反映了近年来我国虫生真菌的研究和应用成果。继珠海会议以来,我国虫生真菌的研究和应用又有了长足的进展。“七五”期间,有多项关于白僵菌生产工艺和冬虫夏草人工栽培的国家攻关课题取得了可喜的成果并通过鉴定,有的已达到国际先进水平。白僵菌新菌株的选育、使用范围的扩大、新工艺、新剂型的进一步研究,促使防治手段日臻完善。绿僵  相似文献   

The introduction of the new immigration rules will considerably reduce the number of overseas doctors available for junior hospital appointments over the next five years. To offset this sponsorship schemes should be offered by universities and colleges comprising training courses, entry to examinations, and hospital appointments, and training programmes should be adapted to make objectives attainable in the four years available to overseas doctors. Employment of overseas doctors can ease the transition within the staffing structure to fewer juniors and more consultants, but planning is urgently required, and in particular the service and manpower needs of the National Health Service must be considered.  相似文献   

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) promoted and supported an important training program for the training of tissue bank operators and medical doctors within its radiation and tissue banking program. The purpose of the program was to train an increase number of tissue bank operators and medical doctors in Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and Eastern Europe, that were working or were associated to a number of tissue banks established in these regions under the IAEA program during the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s. The National University of Singapore Tissue Bank was designated, in 1996, as the Regional Training Centre (RTC) for Asia and the Pacific region and later on, in 2002, as the International Training Centre (ITC) for the whole IAEA program. The National Atomic Energy Commission of Argentina and the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Buenos Aires were also designated, in 1999, as the Regional Training Centre for the Latin American region. The objective of the ITC was to train tissue banks operators and medical doctors from all over the world and the RTCs to train tissue bank operators and medical doctors mainly from the Asia and the Pacific and the Latin American regions. Since 1997, training of tissue bank operators and medical doctors were carried out using the modality of distance training courses. However, due to its limitation, this type of courses was transformed, in 2002, in an Internet training course modality, with the purpose to increase not only the number of participants but, at the same time to reduce, as much as possible, the costs associated with the organisation of these courses. Since November 1997, the number of training courses carried out in the RTCs established under the IAEA program was 14, eight of them under the Internet training course modality. The total number of students registered in these courses was 261 and the total number of students graduated was 166 for a rate of approval of 63.6%. The National University of Singapore and the Faculty of Medicine from the University of Buenos Aires are the academic institutions that provide the certificate/diploma to the graduated students.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES--(a) To compare current vocational training in general practice with that ascertained by a survey in 1980; (b) to compare the training of trainees in formal training schemes with that of trainees arranging their own hospital and general practice posts. DESIGN--National questionnaire survey of United Kingdom and armed services trainees who were in a training practice on 1 April 1989. Questionnaires were distributed by course organisers. SETTING--Research project set up after an ad hoc meeting of trainees at the 1988 national trainee conference. SUBJECTS--2132 Of the 2281 trainees (93%) known to be in a training practice on 1 April 1989. RESULTS--1657 Trainees returned the questionnaires, representing 73% of all trainees known to be in a training practice on 1 April 1989. Between 1980 and 1989 there were significant improvements in the trainee year, and there was also evidence of improvements in general practice study release courses. There was no evidence of improvement in other aspects of training. General practice trainees spent an average of three years in junior hospital posts, which provided very little opportunity for study related to general practice. Training received during tenure of hospital posts differed significantly between trainees in formal schemes and those arranging their own hospital posts. During the trainee year training was almost the same for those in formal schemes and those arranging their own posts. Regions varied significantly in virtually all aspects of general practice training. CONCLUSIONS--The trainee year could be improved further by enforcing the guidelines of the Joint Committee on Postgraduate Training for General Practice. The poor training in junior hospital posts reflected the low priority that training is generally given during tenure of these posts. A higher proportion of general practice trainees should be attached to vocational training schemes. More hospital trainees could attend general practice study release courses if these were designed specifically with the needs of hospital doctors in mind.  相似文献   

模拟医学是一门将成为未来医学实践教学主流的教育学科。我国模拟医学学科建设还处于起步阶段,与国外发达国家相比明显滞后。从模拟医学专业课程、专科医师培训、理论研究、相关学术组织和学术交流等方面对国外模拟医学学科发展现状进行了分析,并对比我国模拟医学学科发展现状,提出要积极借鉴国外先进经验,勇于创新,进一步完善我国模拟医学学科体系建设,搭建更多学术交流平台,扩大模拟医学理论体系的内涵和外延,以构建具有中国特色的模拟医学学科体系。  相似文献   

"Naturopathic medicine" is a recent manifestation of the field of naturopathy, a 19th-century health movement espousing "the healing power of nature." "Naturopathic physicians" now claim to be primary care physicians proficient in the practice of both "conventional" and "natural" medicine. Their training, however, amounts to a small fraction of that of medical doctors who practice primary care. An examination of their literature, moreover, reveals that it is replete with pseudoscientific, ineffective, unethical, and potentially dangerous practices. Despite this, naturopaths have achieved legal and political recognition, including licensure in 13 states and appointments to the US Medicare Coverage Advisory Committee. This dichotomy can be explained in part by erroneous representations of naturopathy offered by academic medical centers and popular medical Web sites.  相似文献   



The increase in non-communicable disease (NCD) is becoming a global health problem and there is an increasing need for primary care doctors to look after these patients although whether family doctors are adequately trained and prepared is unknown.


This study aimed to determine if doctors with family medicine (FM) training are associated with enhanced empathy in consultation and enablement for patients with chronic illness as compared to doctors with internal medicine training or without any postgraduate training in different clinic settings.


This was a cross-sectional questionnaire survey using the validated Chinese version of the Consultation and Relational Empathy (CARE) Measure as well as Patient Enablement Instrument (PEI) for evaluation of quality and outcome of care. 14 doctors from hospital specialist clinics (7 with family medicine training, and 7 with internal medicine training) and 13 doctors from primary care clinics (7 with family medicine training, and 6 without specialist training) were recruited. In total, they consulted 823 patients with chronic illness. The CARE Measure and PEI scores were compared amongst doctors in these clinics with different training background: family medicine training, internal medicine training and those without specialist training. Generalized estimation equation (GEE) was used to account for cluster effects of patients nested with doctors.


Within similar clinic settings, FM trained doctors had higher CARE score than doctors with no FM training. In hospital clinics, the difference of the mean CARE score for doctors who had family medicine training (39.2, SD = 7.04) and internal medicine training (35.5, SD = 8.92) was statistically significant after adjusting for consultation time and gender of the patient. In the community care clinics, the mean CARE score for doctors with family medicine training and those without specialist training were 32.1 (SD = 7.95) and 29.2 (SD = 7.43) respectively, but the difference was not found to be significant. For PEI, patients receiving care from doctors in the hospital clinics scored significantly higher than those in the community clinics, but there was no significant difference in PEI between patients receiving care from doctors with different training backgrounds within similar clinic setting.


Family medicine training was associated with higher patient perceived empathy for chronic illness patients in the hospital clinics. Patient enablement appeared to be associated with clinic settings but not doctors’ training background. Training in family medicine and a clinic environment that enables more patient doctor time might help in enhancing doctors’ empathy and enablement for chronic illness patients.  相似文献   

Training for general practitioners usually provides little experience in research, business management, or dealing with chronic disease. It is these areas that could provide scope for further training after becoming a general practitioner principal and provided career goals. Formally recognised research practices, perhaps with one partner coordinating research but all participating, and district research facilitators could increase both the quality and the quantity of research in general practice. Recognising the different skills of doctors in the partnership and referring patients to the most appropriate partner will improve care for patients as well as provide career development. Further training could be aimed at filling gaps in the practice''s pool of skills. Good management skills are becoming more important as practice teams get bigger and fundholding spreads. Some doctors may wish to become full time or part time managers and the idea of accredited courses for management has been raised.  相似文献   

Part-time training of doctors with domestic commitments has taken place successfully in the Oxford region since 1966; 249 doctors have now passed through such training schemes and a further 120 are currently training part-time. Two training schemes are now offered for doctors at senior house officer and registrar level: one of six to eight sessions a week for those undertaking recognised training aiming for consultant or principal in general practice posts, the other of one to two sessions a week providing ad hoc training for those unable for personal reasons to follow a recognised training programme. For doctors at senior registrar level, part-time training entails five to eight sessions a week. Of the 115 doctors who have left the schemes and are now in career posts in the United Kingdom, 19% are now consultants, 30% in other hospital posts, 27% in general practice, and 18% are clinical medical officers; overall, 71% of those in career posts are working part-time. This experience shows that part-time training can be successful and that there is a continuing need for part-time career posts.  相似文献   

目的:探讨早期康复治疗在脑血管病康复中的应用及疗效观察早期康复治疗对脑血管病患者功能重建是否有效,是否值得推广。方法:选取本院神经科2009年6月至2010年3月住院40例脑血管病患者,随机分为康复治疗组和对照组(每组20例),康复治疗组在进行常规治疗的同时,进行早期康复训练,并且在康复治疗前后分别进行Barthel指数(ADL)评分,以量化分析治疗前后的效果。结果:经康复训练后,康复治疗组治疗前与治疗后比较,ADL评分有明显的增高,二者的差异具有显著性(P<0.01);康复治疗组与对照组在神经功能恢复方面,有明显的好转,二者的差异具有显著性(P<0.01)。结论:脑血管病患者早期进行常规治疗,同时行康复训练治疗,有助于神经功能的恢复,提高自理能力及生活质量,此治疗方案对脑血管患者的康复有积极的作用,疗效满意,方法值得在康复相关科室长期应用推广。  相似文献   

如何提高我国临床课程青年教师团队的素质与教学能力,是近年来伴随国内医学教育发展扩大而日益突出的问题。作为当前医学临床课程的教学主力,青年教师的教学能力会对医学临床课程教学效果产生重大影响。但绝大部分临床课程青年教师都毕业于医学院校,未曾接受专业的师范类培训,导致尽管自身临床知识丰富,但教学水平明显受限的情况发生。本研究采取对我院各科室青年临床教师进行问卷调查的方法,深入分析青年教师的临床教学能力现状与问题,并提出改进方案,以使他们能够更快完成青年临床医师与青年临床教师之间的角色变换,提升自身教学能力,进而提高我院临床课程的教学质量。  相似文献   

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