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【目的】近年来随着交通条件的改善,每年有大量西方蜜蜂Apis mellifera蜂场从全国各地赶到云南放蜂。本研究旨在揭示西方蜜蜂这一外来蜂种对云南本地传粉蜂种类、数量及其物种多样性的影响。【方法】采用马来氏网收集、调查了云南省罗平县西方蜜蜂高放蜂密度试验点(鲁特和走马田)、中放蜂密度试验点(外纳和下阿列)和低放蜂密度试验点(马把和下庄科)共6个试验点包括山林生境和农田生境的本地传粉蜂群落结构;并对比分析了不同放蜂密度、不同生境下各试验点传粉蜂物种多样性指数(H′)、均匀度指数(J′)及丰富度指数(Dm)之间的差异。【结果】采集到的1 715头本地传粉蜂隶属于10科53种,其中蜜蜂科(Apidae)、隧蜂科(Halictidae)和胡蜂科(Vespidae)为优势类群,东方蜜蜂Apis cerana和切淡脉隧蜂Lasioglossum excisum为优势种。在放蜂密度(试验点周围3 km范围内西方蜜蜂蜂群数量)为723~2 750群这一变动范围内,各试验点本地传粉蜂物种数量、个体数量均随西方蜜蜂放蜂密度的增大而减少,物种多样性指数(H′)及丰富度指数(Dm)也相应降低,但西方蜜蜂放蜂密度对本地传粉蜂均匀度指数(J′)没有影响。此外,在相同放蜂密度下,山林生境的本地传粉蜂物种多样性均显著高于农田生境。【结论】云南罗平本地传粉蜂的群落结构及物种多样性受西方蜜蜂放蜂密度的影响,在放蜂密度从723~2 750群这一变动范围内,放蜂密度越大,本地传粉蜂的个体数、物种数、多样性指数和丰富度指数越小。本研究结果为进一步研究合理控制西方蜜蜂放蜂密度以保护云南本地传粉蜂种的多样性提供了思路。  相似文献   

应用中华蜜蜂和意大利蜜蜂为设施西瓜授粉,对其高温条件下的授粉行为进行对比观察。结果表明:两种蜜蜂的授粉行为相似,但在访花时间、访花间隔、访花频率和采集专一性等行为上存在差异。中华蜜蜂和意大利蜜蜂的棚内活动时间分别为5.54 h和5.50 h,与西瓜开花时间基本重合;意大利蜜蜂的单花访花时间3.03±0.17 s比中华蜜蜂的访花时间2.66±0.15 s长,而访花间隔3.22±0.24 s显著低于中华蜜蜂的4.07±0.30 s,访花频率9.53±0.38朵/min显著高于中华蜜蜂的8.09±0.29朵/min。中华蜜蜂在5∶00-7∶00、7∶00-9∶00、9∶00-11∶00采集花粉中西瓜花粉的比例分别为11.03%、13.31%和12.62%,意大利蜜蜂在相应时间段采集花粉中西瓜花粉的比例分别为54.31%、55.97%和32.32%,差异显著。本研究认为中华蜜蜂和意大利蜜蜂都能高效地完成设施西瓜的授粉任务,而且意大利蜜蜂在西瓜授粉上更具优势。  相似文献   

【目的】蜜蜂等传粉昆虫是生态系统的关键种,其种群下降趋势是目前全球关注的热点问题,探讨传粉昆虫现状和保护途径具有重要实践意义。【方法】对四川地区城市园林里中华蜜蜂Apis cerana cerana进行调查,记录其拜访行为、蜜粉源植物和营巢生境特征,并观察主要植物的其他访花昆虫。【结果】城市园林中有大量开花植物,花期持续时间长,是蜜蜂可利用的食物资源;中华蜜蜂在城市中广泛活动,所调查城市都观测到采集蜂进行有效采集,在冬季中华蜜蜂蜂群也能正常活动;城市中其他访花昆虫以鳞翅目和双翅目为主,蝴蝶等会竞争食物资源,行为分析认为蜜蜂具有竞争优势;部分人工绿地和半自然生境可成为中华蜜蜂的营巢地。【结论】城市园林可为中华蜜蜂提供适宜的生存环境,建议改善城市景观和园林管理以更好地发挥园林生境的保护作用。  相似文献   

【目的】为了解决紫花苜蓿传粉昆虫不足的问题,提高苜蓿种子产量。【方法】比较了西方蜜蜂Apis mellifera和地熊蜂Bombus terrestris采集规律及为苜蓿授粉的效果。【结果】发现两种蜂日工作时间和出巢温度没有显著差异,但采集行为不同,地熊蜂利用体重优势更容易打开龙骨瓣,访花频率显著高于意大利蜜蜂,单花访问时间短于意大利蜜蜂,二者授粉后结荚率及单株产量没有显著差异。蜂种、携粉回巢率、访花频率是影响苜蓿种子生产的主要因素。【结论】试验数据表明意大利蜜蜂和地熊蜂为苜蓿传粉效果都很好,但意大利蜜蜂饲养管理技术成熟,价格低廉,适合苜蓿制种及规模化生产中应用。  相似文献   

周志勇  张红  梁铖  邹宇  董捷  袁晓龙  黄家兴  安建东 《昆虫学报》2015,58(12):1315-1321
【目的】为了比较西方蜜蜂 Apis mellifera 和兰州熊蜂 Bombus lantschouensis 在设施桃园内对不同时期桃花的访花偏好性、以及这种偏好性与花粉活力和采集花粉花蜜之间的关系。【方法】记录2种蜂在温室桃园内访问早期花、中期花和晚期花的比例,测定桃花不同时期的花粉活力以及2种蜂携带的花粉活力,观察2种蜂采集花蜜和采集花粉的成功率,统计2种蜂访花过程中桃花所处的枝条数及植株数。【结果】桃花不同时期的花粉活力差异显著,早期花花药未开裂,花粉未释放,中期花花粉活力(58.3%)显著高于晚期花花粉活力(34.2%)(P<0.01);西方蜜蜂更加偏好访问中期花,对中期花的访问率高达75.3%,显著高于兰州熊蜂对中期花的访问率(49.2%)(P<0.01);西方蜜蜂携带的花粉活力(92.1%)显著高于兰州熊蜂携带的花粉活力(72.9%),但是西方蜜蜂采集花粉和采集花蜜的成功率均低于兰州熊蜂(P<0.01);在访问一定数量的桃花过程中,兰州熊蜂在设施桃园内访问的枝条数和植株数较多,分布范围较广(P<0.01)。【结论】和兰州熊蜂相比,西方蜜蜂对活力花粉的辨别能力更强,更加偏好访问花粉活力较高的花朵,这种偏好性导致其采集花粉花蜜的成功率降低。  相似文献   

【目的】植物的挥发性气味对传粉者的选择具有重要的影响,为探究红阳猕猴桃Actinidia chinensis ‘Hongyang’雌花的挥发性气味对东方蜜蜂Apis cerana和西方蜜蜂Apis mellifera行为反应的差异。【方法】利用顶空固相微萃取与气质联用技术(Headspace solid phase microextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry,HS-SPME-GC-MS)鉴定红阳猕猴桃雌花挥发性物质成分及相对含量,并通过气相色谱-触角电位联用测量系统(GC-EAD)和Y型嗅觉仪测定东方蜜蜂和西方蜜蜂对红阳猕猴桃雌花气味的触角电位和行为反应。【结果】GC-MS结果表明,红阳猕猴桃雌花挥发性气味含有33种成分,包括醇类、酯类、酮类、烃类、萜烯类、醛类、胺类和盐类。GC-EAD结果表明,红阳猕猴桃雌花挥发性物质中7种化合物芳樟醇、壬醛、苯乙醇、2,6,6-三甲基-2-环己烯-1,4-二酮、苯甲酸乙酯、水杨酸甲酯和顺式-3-己烯醇2-甲基丁酸酯能够引起东方蜜蜂和西方蜜蜂的触角反应,而3种化合物乙酸叶醇酯、水杨酸乙酯和β-紫罗酮只引起东方蜜蜂的触角反应。嗅觉行为反应结果表明,红阳猕猴桃雌花的气味对东方蜜蜂具有引诱作用(P> 0.05),引诱率为60%;对西方蜜蜂具有驱避作用(P <0.01),驱避率是67.5%。【结论】东方蜜蜂和西方蜜蜂对红阳猕猴桃雌花挥发性气味的响应存在显著差异,东方蜜蜂对红阳猕猴桃雌花的气味无明显趋性,而西方蜜蜂对红阳猕猴桃雌花的气味具有明显驱避。因此,为红阳猕猴桃授粉时,东方蜜蜂相对于西方蜜蜂更理想。  相似文献   

【背景】东方蜜蜂微孢子虫(Nosema ceranae)专性侵染成年蜜蜂中肠上皮细胞而导致的微孢子虫病给养蜂业造成严重损失。【目的】检测东方蜜蜂微孢子虫nce-miR-23928及其靶基因在侵染意大利蜜蜂(Apis mellifera ligustica)工蜂过程的表达谱,为深入探究nce-miR-23928在东方蜜蜂微孢子虫侵染中的功能及调控机制提供依据。【方法】通过RNAhybrid、miRanda和TargetScan软件预测nce-miR-23928的靶基因。使用BLAST工具将上述靶基因比对到基因本体论(geneontology,GO)、京都基因和基因组百科全书(Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes, KEGG)、Nr和Swiss-Prot数据库以获得相应注释。采用实时荧光定量PCR(realtimequantitativePCR,RT-qPCR)技术检测nce-miR-23928及其靶基因在东方蜜蜂微孢子虫侵染意蜂工蜂过程中的相对表达量。【结果】相较于接种后1 d (1 day post infection, 1 dpi),nce-...  相似文献   

【目的】调查安徽省内7种常见蜜蜂病毒:蜜蜂畸翅病毒(Deformed wing virus,DWV)、以色列急性麻痹病毒(Israeli acute paralysis virus,IAPV)、急性蜜蜂麻痹病毒(Acute bee paralysis virus,ABPV)、慢性麻痹病毒(Chronic bee paralysis virus,CBPV)、黑蜂王台病毒(Black queen cell virus,BQCV)、囊状幼虫病病毒(Sacbrood virus,SBV)、克什米尔病毒(Kashmir bee virus,KBV)的感染发生情况,为安徽养蜂业可持续健康发展提供理论依据。【方法】运用反转录RT-PCR和序列分析比对的方法对安徽省内21个乡镇中的38个蜂场蜜蜂样品进行研究分析,以获得以上7种蜜蜂病毒的特异性发生情况。【结果】意大利蜜蜂Apis mellifera蜂场感染率:DWV(64%),IAPV(43%),CBPV(32%),ABPV(14%),BQCV(11%);中华蜜蜂Apis cerana蜂场感染率:DWV(80%),IAPV(40%),CBPV(30%),ABPV(10%),BQCV(0)。SBV和KBV在所有的蜜蜂样品中均未检测到。【结论】DWV,IAPV,CBPV,ABPV,BQCV在安徽省内大范围都存在发生流行现象,SBV和KBV对安徽蜜蜂的潜在危害可能性小。  相似文献   

【目的】本研究旨在明确西方蜜蜂Apis mellifera几丁质合成酶(chitin synthase, CHS)基因的分子特性,并揭示CHS在西方蜜蜂工蜂幼虫响应蜜蜂球囊菌Ascosphaera apis胁迫的免疫应答中的功能。【方法】利用相关生物信息学软件预测和分析西方蜜蜂CHS蛋白的分子特性、保守基序和结构域。使用MEGA X软件对西方蜜蜂和其他昆虫CHSs的氨基酸序列进行系统进化分析。采用体外转录法合成CHS和egfp的dsRNA,饲喂蜜蜂球囊菌胁迫的西方蜜蜂工蜂3日龄幼虫以进行RNAi,并利用RT-qPCR检测西方蜜蜂工蜂5日龄幼虫肠道中CHS及宿主响应蜜蜂球囊菌侵染的免疫相关基因abaecin,apidaecin,birc5,defensin-1和PGRP-S2的表达量。【结果】西方蜜蜂CHS蛋白含有1 572个氨基酸,属于20种氨基酸,其中正电荷氨基酸与负电荷氨基酸分别为177和169个,分子量约为178.77 kD,等电点为6.65;含纤维素合酶CESA3催化结构域。在西方蜜蜂和东方蜜蜂A.cerana等共13种昆虫的CHSs中均鉴定到3个Motif (Motif 1,...  相似文献   

引入西方蜜蜂对中蜂的危害及生态影响   总被引:42,自引:9,他引:33  
杨冠煌 《昆虫学报》2005,48(3):401-406
作者阐述自1896年中国引进西方蜜蜂Apis melliferaL.的优良品种如意大利蜂Apis mellifera ligusticaSpinola和喀尼阿兰蜂Apis mellifera Carnica Pollmann以来,使当地的东方蜜蜂Apis cerana F.受到严重危害,其分布区域缩小75%以上,种群数量减少80%以上。使山林植物授粉总量减少,导致植物多样性减少。文中提出: 建立自然保护区保存本地蜜蜂遗传特性,和采用基因转移等技术,培育具有西方蜜蜂优良生产性能的中蜂新品种,逐步恢复中蜂的种群数量。  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2022,25(4):101995
Beekeeping with Apis cerana of Korean apiculture is facing with serious colony collapse caused by invasive Sacbrood virus (SBV) disease. This fatal brood disease was the main reason of more than 90% colony lost in Korea leading almost the extinct crisis. Sacbrood virus can infect either larvae or adult honeybees, with a higher sensibility of larvae to the infection. Since SBV has spread to all over the country, efforts have been made to treat and prevent this devastating disease although no effective results have so far been obtained. Several studies have demonstrated that Apis mellifera bee colonies that express an efficient hygienic behavior exhibit a higher resistance to the brood disease. In this study we demonstrated that the differences of hygienic behavior between A. cerana and A. mellifera. A. cerana more efficiently removed the pin-killed brood than A. mellifera. On the other hand, A. mellifera more efficiently removed SBV-infected larvae and SBV-dead brood than A. cerana. However, it remains unclear whether the advantage of hygienic bee could have efficacy against Sacbrood disease on A. cerana colonies.  相似文献   

The cavity-nesting Apis mellifera and Apis cerana bees detect, uncap, and remove diseased brood. The hygiene behaviour of open-air-nesting bees Apis dorsata and Apis laboriosa was investigated in India and Nepal. Sealed A. dorsata pupae were pin-killed or deep-frozen. The workers removed 73 or 37% of damaged pin-killed pupae depending on the diameter of the pins, and only 7% of the frozen undamaged pupae. Migrating A. dorsata and A. laboriosa left unopened the sealed brood in deserted combs. Thus, A. dorsata and A. laboriosa do not open undamaged cells with dead brood. This behaviour is a more efficient mechanism in preventing the spread of diseases and parasitic mites than uncapping and removing dead pupae by A. mellifera and A. cerana. It may be beneficial for migrating A. dorsata and A. laboriosa to temporarily disuse part of the comb cells in exchange for arresting the mites there and thus reducing the increase of their population.  相似文献   

The honeybee is an excellent model organism for research on learning and memory among invertebrates. Learning and memory in honeybees has intrigued neuroscientists and entomologists in the last few decades, but attention has focused almost solely on the Western honeybee, Apis mellifera. In contrast, there have been few studies on learning and memory in the Eastern honeybee, Apis cerana. Here we report comparative behavioral data of color and grating learning and memory for A. cerana and A. mellifera in China, gathered using a Y-maze apparatus. We show for the first time that the learning and memory performance of A. cerana is significantly better on both color and grating patterns than that of A. mellifera. This study provides the first evidence of a learning and memory difference between A. cerana and A. mellifera under controlled conditions, and it is an important basis for the further study of the mechanism of learning and memory in honeybees.  相似文献   

NPV of Spodoptera littoralis was completely inactivated in vitro following 10 min of exposure to a temperature higher than 90°C, but survived 3 weeks at ?20°C. At pH 12, some 75% of the infectivity was lost. Measurable proteolysis in vitro of the polyhedral protein by a larval midgut extract could be obtained only when the pH of the reaction mixture was raised to an unnatural level of 10.5, the natural pH of the midgut content being 8.5 or 9.5 according to different authors. The plant growth retardant Phosfon synergized mortality caused by the NPV. The virus could be cross-transmitted to two congeneric species of Spodoptera (S. exigua and S. litura), but could not infect any of four tested species belonging to other genera of the Moctuid family.  相似文献   

The ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor is a major global threat to the Western honeybee Apis mellifera. This mite was originally a parasite of A. cerana in Asia but managed to spill over into colonies of A. mellifera which had been introduced to this continent for honey production. To date, only two almost clonal types of V. destructor from Korea and Japan have been detected in A. mellifera colonies. However, since both A. mellifera and A. cerana colonies are kept in close proximity throughout Asia, not only new spill overs but also spill backs of highly virulent types may be possible, with unpredictable consequences for both honeybee species. We studied the dispersal and hybridisation potential of Varroa from sympatric colonies of the two hosts in Northern Vietnam and the Philippines using mitochondrial and microsatellite DNA markers. We found a very distinct mtDNA haplotype equally invading both A. mellifera and A. cerana in the Philippines. In contrast, we observed a complete reproductive isolation of various Vietnamese Varroa populations in A. mellifera and A. cerana colonies even if kept in the same apiaries. In light of this variance in host specificity, the adaptation of the mite to its hosts seems to have generated much more genetic diversity than previously recognised and the Varroa species complex may include substantial cryptic speciation.  相似文献   

以中华蜜蜂和意大利蜜蜂为试验材料,通过组织相应无王群,把一蜂种无王群中的子脾加入到另一蜂种无王群中,进行中蜂和意蜂无王群培育非自身蜂种蜂子和改造王台特性研究,当未培育出蜂王时,分别从原有王群中调入子脾进行第2、第3期试验。结果表明:中蜂无王群中的工蜂会清除引入意蜂子脾中的蜂卵,但随着引入意蜂子脾封盖子羽化出房的意蜂幼蜂数量增加而逐渐接受意蜂幼虫,蜂群未改造意蜂王台,只培育出中蜂蜂王;意蜂无王群中的工蜂会随着引入中蜂子脾中羽化出房的中蜂幼蜂数量增加而逐渐接受中蜂卵及幼虫,并从第2期试验开始会改造中蜂王台,但最终只培育出意蜂蜂王。  相似文献   

Dynamics of enterobacteria of normal intestinal microflora was studied in Apis mellifera mellifera L. bees hibernating under snow in the Western Urals. The cell numbers (N) of the predominant species Klebsiella oxytoca increased from 10-10(6) CFU/bee in November 2004 to 10(4)-10(7) CFU/bee in March 2005; its frequency of occurrence (P) increased from 92 to 100%. Increase of Providencia rettgeri (11.2004: N up to 10(6), P 25%; 03.2005: N 10(2)-10(6), P 80%) was accompanied by the substitution of Morganella morganii (11.2004: N up to 10(6), P 25%) with Proteus vulgaris (03.2005: N up to 10(5), P 8%). By spring, Hafnia alvei and Citrobacter sp., which are pathogenic to bees, disappeared (11.2004: N up to 10(5), P 13 and 10%, respectively). Endophytic species Pantoea agglomerans, Leclecria sp., and other representatives of the "Enterobacter agglomerans" group were present in November and after the first emergence in spring (N up to 10(5); November: P 15%; April: P 23%). In April, the number of enterobacteria decreased to 10(5), and P. rettgeri became the predominant species (P 54%) instead of K. oxytoca (P 43%).  相似文献   

为了明确中华蜜蜂和意大利蜜蜂在皖南山区生态适应性,研究两种蜜蜂的食物生态位、时间生态位和空间生态位及其差异,结果是中蜂与意蜂食物(蜜源植物)资源生态位宽度分别是 0.923、0.765,中蜂对蜜源植物采集喜好性差异小,而意蜂差异大,中蜂对意蜂生态位重迭为0.160,中蜂对意蜂生态位相似性为0.755;油菜花期,中蜂与意蜂时间资源生态位宽度分别是0.879、0.801,枇杷花期,分别是0.760、0.677,中蜂与意蜂的空间资源生态位宽度分别是0.797、0.670.中蜂3种生态位宽度均大于意蜂,中蜂三维生态位值是意蜂的1.61倍和1.57倍.表明中蜂在皖南山区生态适应性比意蜂强.  相似文献   

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