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燃煤烟气脱硫副产物对萝卜营养的作用及其机理研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过不同类型土壤的盆栽试验,来探讨燃煤烟气脱硫副产物对萝卜营养作用及其机理,结果表明:(1)适量施用条件下供试物活性钙对萝卜有较高的生物有效性,在花岗岩红壤、赤红壤上较适宜的供试物施用量范围是5-10g·kg-1,砂页岩赤红壤为10-20g·kg-1.(2)适量施用供试物可消除萝卜缺钙导致的养分吸收生理障碍因素,增强萝卜对养分的吸收,因而促进萝卜生长,提高产量.(3)供试物施用未导致萝卜重金属的生物富集,不影响农产品安全性.  相似文献   

粉煤灰滤泥混合物对土壤性质、萝卜产量与品质的影响   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
粉煤灰和滤泥以1:1(w/w)比例混合并添加少量化肥配制成混合物,通过盆栽试验研究该混合物农用对土壤生物化学性质、萝卜产量和品质的影响以及重金属在土壤和萝卜中的富集状况。结果表明,该混合物中Dd、Pb、Cr、As和Hg含量均明显低于国家农用粉煤灰中污染物控制标准;施用一定数量的该混合物未见导致重金属在土壤和萝卜中的明显富集作用,重金属污染指数均<1;土壤细菌数量显著增加;脲酶、磷酸酶和纤维素酶的活性增强;促进了萝卜的生长发育和代谢作用,萝卜的生物产量、经济产量、还原糖和维生素C的含量均明显提高,因此,适量施用该混合物未见导致重金属对土壤和萝卜的明显污染,且具有较明显的改土培肥、增产和提高萝卜品质的效果。  相似文献   

采用贵州黄壤、石灰土和浙江水稻土,通过盆栽试验探讨了在3种土壤上施用含不同浓度重金属的污泥对小麦、水稻生长及锌(Zn)镉(Cd)吸收性的影响.结果表明: 不同土壤施用同种污泥所产生的重金属污染风险不同,在黄壤和水稻土上施用高浓度重金属污泥对作物的污染风险较高.一次施用Zn、Cd浓度分别为1789、8.47 mg·kg-1的污泥1.6%,使黄壤小麦籽粒中Zn、Cd浓度分别达109、0.08 mg·kg-1;第二次施用后种植水稻,糙米中Zn、Cd浓度达52.0、0.54 mg·kg-1.而施用污泥后石灰性土壤的两种作物其可食部分均无重金属污染风险.土壤醋酸铵提取态Zn是影响麦粒和糙米中Zn浓度的主要因素,而土壤醋酸铵提取态Cd对麦粒和糙米中Cd浓度无明显影响.施用高浓度重金属污泥使3种土壤Zn、Cd全量显著提高,且两次施用后土壤全量Zn均超过国家土壤环境质量二级标准.  相似文献   

为探究不同改良剂对酸性土壤铝(Al)胁迫条件下镉(Cd)锌(Zn)超积累植物伴矿景天Sedum plumbizincicola生长以及镉和锌吸取修复效率的影响,分别添加不同种类改良剂(钙镁磷肥(CMP)、MgCO3、KH2PO4)和不同浓度CMP进行温室盆栽试验。结果表明,CMP能够一定程度上提高土壤pH值并降低土壤交换性Al的浓度,MgCO3能够显著提高土壤pH值和降低土壤交换性Al的浓度,KH2PO4能够降低土壤中交换性Al浓度但未改变土壤pH值。施用适量的CMP(9.39 mg/kg)能够提高伴矿景天生物量和Cd、Zn吸取修复效率,用量过高会抑制伴矿景天生长和Cd、Zn修复效率;施用MgCO3可增大伴矿景天生物量和Cd、Zn修复效率,施用KH2PO4反而抑制了伴矿景天生长。酸性土壤上施用适量的CMP和MgCO3能够缓解伴矿景天的铝毒作用,维持较高的重金属吸收效率。  相似文献   

生物炭对不同土壤化学性质、小麦和糜子产量的影响   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
陈心想  何绪生  耿增超  张雯  高海英 《生态学报》2013,33(20):6534-6542
以小麦和糜子为供试作物,利用室外盆栽试验,研究了不同添加量生物炭与矿质肥配施对两种不同土壤化学性质及小麦和糜子产量的影响。生物炭当季用量设5个水平:B0 (0 t/hm2)、B5 (5 t/hm2)、B10 (10 t/hm2)、B15 (15 t/hm2)和B20 (20 t/hm2),氮磷钾肥均作基肥施用。结果表明:1.与对照相比,施用生物炭可以显著增加新积土糜子季土壤pH值,其他处理随生物炭用量的增加虽有增加趋势但差异不显著;显著增加新积土土壤阳离子交换量,增幅为1.5 %—58.2 %;显著增加两种土壤有机碳含量,增幅为31.1 %—272.2 %;2.两种土壤的矿质态氮含量、新积土土壤有效磷和速效钾含量随生物炭用量的增加而显著提高,氮磷钾增幅分别为6.0 %—112.8 %、3.8 %—38.5 %和6.1 %—47.2 %;3.生物炭可显著提高塿土上作物氮吸收量,而作物磷、钾吸收量虽有增加,但差异不显著。生物炭对小麦和糜子的增产效应尚不稳定,在试验最高用量时甚至产生轻微抑制作用。总之,施用生物炭在一定程度上可以改善土壤化学性质,提高土壤有效养分含量,但生物炭对土壤和作物的影响与土壤、作物类型及土壤肥力密切相关。  相似文献   

土壤酸化危害及防治技术研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目前我国酸化土壤呈现面积大、分布广及酸化程度高等特点,酸化土壤的结构差、肥力低且有毒重金属含量高,影响作物生长发育,严重威胁粮食安全及农田可持续发展。本文就土壤酸化的成因及危害、耐酸作物品种筛选及耐酸机制等方面进行了论述,对土壤酸化防治措施提出了相应的对策,指出今后的研究重点应放在以下几方面:(1)进一步研究脱硫技术和好氧堆肥技术,从而减少氮、硫氧化物的排放;(2)研制并推广低成本、肥效持久以及环境危害小的中性(碱性)肥料,提高氮肥利用率,减少由过量施用生理酸性肥料带来的酸化危害;(3)加强作物根际致酸性研究,筛选"耐酸性强、致酸性低"的作物品种;(4)研究豆科作物与禾本科作物轮作模式及轮作年限对土壤酸度的影响,探索豆科作物与禾本科作物间作轻简化栽培模式,以缓解由单作豆科作物带来的土壤酸化问题。  相似文献   

基于紫色菜园土壤莴笋-白菜-甜玉米轮作4年12季连续定位施钾肥试验,研究不同种类钾肥及用量对重庆地区紫色菜园土上作物产量和土壤微生物群落结构的影响,为该地区作物生产确定合理的施钾技术提供科学依据。结果表明,在施用氮磷肥基础上,不同钾肥处理莴笋、白菜、甜玉米产量均显著提高;从3种作物4年平均产量和钾肥效益看,以单施适量化学钾(K_2)、单施适量秸秆钾(M_2)和秸秆还田配施少量化学钾(K_1+M_1)的施钾肥模式对白菜的增产效果好,增产28.05%—30.27%;M_2和K_1+M_1施钾肥模式对莴笋的增产效果较好,增产13.89%和13.81%;K_1+M_1施钾肥模式对甜玉米的增产效果最好,增产15.10%,表明秸秆还田配施少量化学钾(K_1+M_1)模式在供试3种作物生产中具有很好的应用前景。不同施钾处理对土壤微生物群落结构及丰度均会产生一定影响,以秸秆还田配施少量化学钾肥(K_1+M_1)对提高土壤细菌、真菌、革兰氏阳性菌的作用较好,并显著增加土壤微生物总PLFA含量,缓解对土壤微生物生存环境的胁迫,说明K_1+M_1能为土壤微生物的生长繁育创造有利环境。莴笋、白菜、甜玉米3种作物4年平均产量与土壤细菌、真菌、革兰氏阳性菌和革兰氏阴性菌数量间存在显著相关性(P0.05),而不同钾肥处理对土壤微生物特征具有一定影响,说明施钾肥可能会调节土壤微生物特征,从而促进作物增产。  相似文献   

氮肥对不同无机碳含量土壤二氧化碳释放的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
施用氮肥会导致土壤pH值降低,其对不同无机碳含量的土壤二氧化碳(CO2)释放的影响如何,尚不清楚.采用室内密闭培养试验研究了氮肥及其配施硝化抑制剂(DCD)对不同无机碳含量土壤pH、矿质态氮和CO2释放的影响.结果表明:与不施氮肥相比,施用氮肥不同程度地降低了水稻土、砂姜黑土、塿土3类供试土壤的pH,提高了土壤碳累积释放量,49 d培养结束时,土壤碳累积释放量分别提高了39.4%、23.4%和71.8%;氮肥配施DCD后显著抑制了土壤硝化作用的进行,至培养结束时,3类供试土壤pH值均显著高于仅施氮肥处理,水稻土、砂姜黑土CO2平均释放量与仅施氮肥相比无显著性差异,塿土CO2平均释放量比纯施氮肥平均降低了12.5%.土壤无机碳能有效缓冲由氮肥施入而导致的土壤酸化,氮肥施入后石灰性土壤CO2释放不仅来源于土壤有机碳的矿化,可能还有一部分来源于无机碳的溶解释放.我国不同地区间土壤无机碳含量各有差异,长期大量氮肥投入下土壤酸化和无机碳库消耗问题应引起足够的重视.  相似文献   

土壤类型与作物基因型对花生籽实镉积累的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以花生主产区的棕壤和潮土为供试土壤,以种植面积最大的白沙1016、花育22和湛油27基因型花生(Arachis hypogaea)为供试作物,采用不添加Cd(对照)和添加Cd(1.5 mg· kg-1)处理进行盆栽试验,研究土壤类型和作物基因型对花生籽实Cd积累的影响.结果表明:两种土壤对照处理的3种基因型花生籽实Cd含量均低于国家食品安全标准,而Cd处理下均高于食品安全标准.同种土壤Cd处理3种基因型花生籽实Cd含量显著高于对照,不同基因型间表现为湛油27>白沙1016>花育22,棕壤花生籽实Cd含量及总量均高于潮土.对照处理3种基因型花生籽实Cd生物富集系数均大于1.0,Cd处理下多小于1.0,表明花生籽实对土壤中Cd的累积能力较强,土壤Cd含量进一步增加时,其生物富集能力降低.  相似文献   

以花生主产区的棕壤和潮土为供试土壤,以种植面积最大的白沙1016、花育22和湛油27基因型花生(Arachis hypogaea)为供试作物,采用不添加Cd(对照)和添加Cd(1.5 mg·kg-1)处理进行盆栽试验,研究土壤类型和作物基因型对花生籽实Cd积累的影响.结果表明:两种土壤对照处理的3种基因型花生籽实Cd含量均低于国家食品安全标准,而Cd处理下均高于食品安全标准. 同种土壤Cd处理3种基因型花生籽实Cd含量显著高于对照,不同基因型间表现为湛油27>白沙1016>花育22,棕壤花生籽实Cd含量及总量均高于潮土. 对照处理3种基因型花生籽实Cd生物富集系数均大于1.0,Cd处理下多小于1.0,表明花生籽实对土壤中Cd的累积能力较强,土壤Cd含量进一步增加时,其生物富集能力降低.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the use of Concarpus biochar as a soil amendment for reducing heavy metal accessibility and uptake by maize plants (Zea mays L.). The impacts of biochar rates (0.0, 1.0, 3.0, and 5.0% w/w) and two soil moisture levels (75% and 100% of field capacity, FC) on immobilization and availability of Fe, Mn, Zn, Cd, Cu and Pb to maize plants as well as its application effects on soil pH, EC, bulk density, and moisture content were evaluated using heavy metal-contaminated soil collected from mining area. The biochar addition significantly decreased the bulk density and increased moisture content of soil. Applying biochar significantly reduced NH4OAc- or AB-DTPA-extractable heavy metal concentrations of soils, indicating metal immobilization. Conocarpus biochar increased shoot dry biomass of maize plants by 54.5–102% at 75% FC and 133–266% at 100% FC. Moreover, applying biochar significantly reduced shoot heavy metal concentrations in maize plants (except for Fe at 75% FC) in response to increasing application rates, with a highest decrease of 51.3% and 60.5% for Mn, 28% and 21.2% for Zn, 60% and 29.5% for Cu, 53.2% and 47.2% for Cd at soil moisture levels of 75% FC and 100% FC, respectively. The results suggest that biochar may be effectively used as a soil amendment for heavy metal immobilization and in reducing its phytotoxicity.  相似文献   

 本文研究了北京东郊污灌区重金属在作物—土壤中的迁移、分布、积累规律,证实本区蔬菜中汞含量比粮食作物约大3—15倍,比水果约大6—200倍。麦粒、糙米中的Cu、Hg、Cd、Pb、Ni的含量与土壤含量相关性不显著。架豆中重金属含量与土壤中重金属含量的相关性,只有Zn,Pb达显著水平。白菜土有机质含量与重金属含量相关性达显著水平,而白菜的重金属含量与土壤的重金属含量相关性却不显著。说明除了土壤中重金属的总量外,有效态含量的多少,是影响本区作物吸收积累重金属的主要因素。 本区施污泥的土壤和生长的作物Cd/Zn大部小于1%、盆栽试验证明:施用本区污泥污水对水稻生长发育的影响比施污泥灌清水的影响大些,因此,施用含重金属污泥时,最好不要超过5000斤/亩。大田和室内模拟试验证明:重金属从土壤中迁移到植物,由植物带走输出的量极少,其中以带走输出的Hg、Cd,As相对较多,带走输出的Pb、Cr相对的少些。  相似文献   

李影  陈明林 《生态学报》2010,30(21):5949-5957
通过盆栽模拟栽培试验,研究了节节草生长对铜尾矿砂重金属形态转化和土壤酶活性的影响。结果表明,节节草生长显著提高了尾矿砂中有机物结合态重金属比例(P0.01),降低了交换态和残渣态重金属比例(P0.05)。土壤过氧化氢酶、脲酶、多酚氧化酶和蔗糖酶活性均随着节节草的生长而不同程度的升高,其中过氧化氢酶和脲酶活性均与植物生长时间呈显著正相关(r过氧化氢酶=0.911,P0.05;r脲酶=0.957,P0.01),多酚氧化酶和蔗糖酶活性在植物生长旺盛期达到峰值,分别是对照组的2.40和2.02倍,随后迅速下降;而磷酸酶活性却显著下降(r磷酸酶=-0.923,P0.05)。土壤酶活性与节节草地下部分干重的相关性大于地上部分;且与土壤有机物结合态重金属的含量呈显著正相关,与交换态和残渣态重金属含量呈显著负相关。节节草生长不仅促进了铜尾矿砂重金属朝螯合态方面转化,有效降低重金属的生物有效性,同时还显著地改善了铜尾矿砂的基质环境和土壤肥力。因此,节节草在铜尾矿废弃地恢复实践中具有较大的应用潜力。  相似文献   

汞对萝卜种子发芽及幼苗某些生理特性的影响   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
研究了重金属汞离子(Hg^2 )对萝卜种子发芽及幼苗某些生理特性的影响。结果表明,随着汞离子浓度的增加和处理时间的延长,萝卜种子的发芽率和发芽指数以及幼苗的生长势和生长量均明显下降。幼苗子叶叶绿素a、b的含量下降。幼苗根系、茎叶过氧化物酶的活性则明显升高。  相似文献   

Abstract A growth experiment with native plants in pots exposed to natural environmental conditions evaluates the use of sewage sludge as a soil amendment in restoration of a southern California salt marsh. Sludge containing desirable organic matter but also undesirable heavy metal contaminants was mixed with a readily available matrix soil to reduce metal concentrations to levels below legal limits for land applications of sludge. Soil nutrient analysis revealed expected increases in total nitrogen and total phosphorus content with increasing sludge concentration. Soil metals analysis, however, revealed decreases in metal content with increased sludge concentration, a trend evidently caused by higher than expected metal content in the matrix soil. Five artificial soil mixtures ranging from 0 to 70% sludge were accompanied by natural wetland soil controls. Pots containing these soils were placed into a natural salt marsh. The pots were then planted with two native salt marsh plant species, Salicornia virginica and Frankenia grandifolia. Aboveground biomass was harvested after 12 months. Plant growth displayed no obvious change with increasing sludge concentration. Over the concentration ranges used, increased nutrient content did not stimulate plant growth and increased metal content did not inhibit plant growth. Plants grew better in natural wetland soil than in artificial soil mixtures, a trend probably caused by the substantially finer texture and higher organic content of natural soil. All sludge treatments differed more from the natural soil than from each other, implying that within the ranges examined, soil texture and organic content exerted more influence on plant growth than did metal or nutrient concentration. These results suggest that incorporating this sewage sludge in the soil of the restored salt marsh will neither benefit nor harm the plants that will live there and that greatest plant growth will be achieved by mixing the sludge with a fine‐grained matrix soil.  相似文献   

High biomass producing plant species, such as Helianthus annuus, have potential for removing large amounts of trace metals by harvesting the aboveground biomass if sufficient metal concentrations in their biomass can be achieved However, the low bioavailability of heavy metals in soils and the limited translocation of heavy metals to the shoots by most high biomass producing plant species limit the efficiency of the phytoextraction process. Amendment of a contaminated soil with ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) or citric acid increases soluble heavy metal concentrations, potentially rendering them more available for plant uptake. This article discusses the effects of EDTA and citric acid on the uptake of heavy metals and translocation to aboveground harvestable plant parts in Helianthus annuus. EDTA was included in the research for comparison purposes in our quest for less persistent alternatives, suitable for enhanced phytoextraction. Plants were grown in a calcareous soil moderately contaminated with Cu, Pb, Zn, and Cd and treated with increasing concentrations of EDTA (0.1, 1, 3, 5, 7, and 10 mmol kg(-1) soil) or citric acid (0.01, 0.05, 0.25, 0.442, and 0.5 mol kg(-1) soil). Heavy metal concentrations in harvested shoots increased with EDTA concentration but the actual amount of phytoextracted heavy metals decreased at high EDTA concentrations, due to severe growth depression. Helianthus annuus suffered heavy metal stress due to the significantly increased bioavailable metal fraction in the soil. The rapid mineralization of citric acid and the high buffering capacity of the soil made citric acid inefficient in increasing the phytoextracted amounts of heavy metals. Treatments that did not exceed the buffering capacity of the soil (< 0.442 mol kg(-1) soil) did not result in any significant increase in shoot heavy metal concentrations. Treatments with high concentrations resulted in a dissolution of the carbonates and compaction of the soil. These physicochemical changes caused growth depression of Helianthus annuus. EDTA and citric acid added before sowing of Helianthus annuus did not appear to be efficient amendments when phytoextraction of heavy metals from calcareous soils is considered.  相似文献   

Ling Li  Xuyu Yan  Juan Li  Yashan Tian  Pan Ren 《Phyton》2021,90(1):35-50
Heavy metal-contaminated soil is one of the major environmental pollution problems of agricultural production and human health in the world. Remediation of heavy metals in soil is one of the most popular research subjects. Different remediation strategies have been reported to remove heavy metals from contaminated soil, among which phytoremediation is the most important one. Compared with other major crops, cotton shows the strongest and most widespread resistance to abiotic stresses, such as heavy metals. Although heavy metal stress adversely affects the growth and development of cotton, cotton possesses a set of sophisticated stress-resistance strategies. As the main product of cotton is nonedible fibers, which have a large biomass and strong heavy metal absorption and enrichment capacities, cotton is an ideal crop to restore heavy metal-contaminated soils and has unique advantages in terms of both ecological and economic benefits, with great application prospects. In this review, based on domestic and foreign research results in recent years, the effects of heavy metals on cotton growth and product quality were analyzed, the heavy metal absorption, accumulation, translocation and enrichment characteristics of cotton plants were summarized, and the adaptation and tolerance mechanisms of cotton to heavy metals were explored. Furthermore, the view that cotton is an effective crop to remediate heavy metal pollution in farmland soil has been proposed, and popularization and application suggestions for planting cotton to repair heavy metal pollution have been put forward to provide a reference for the comprehensive evaluation of the economic feasibility of cotton to repair heavy metal pollution in farmland soil.  相似文献   

王波  毛任钊  曹健  王元仲  高云风  李冬梅 《生态学报》2006,26(12):4082-4090
随着工业和农业的快速发展,农田受到重金属污染的压力越来越大,其土壤环境质量的及时监测和掌握重金属在其空间的变异规律对农业生产具有十分重要的意义。利用地统计学和GIS技术对海河低平原区(肥乡县)农田土壤耕层(0—20Cm)8种重金属含量空间变异性进行了研究。结果表明:去除异常值后,8种重金属含量都符合正态分布,且其含量算术平均值未超过国家土壤环境质量二级标准。通过变异函数分析,Ph和Cr具有纯块金效应,Cu和Zn符合指数模型,Ni和Cd符合球状模型,地和As符合带基台值的线性模型。在该地区以2.0km为取样间距较大,以后调查时应该缩小间隔。Zn和Cd的空间变异性受人为因素影响较小,而Cu、Ni、Hg和As的空间变异性受人为因素影响较大,Ph和Cr在整个研究尺度上具有恒定的变异。Cu、Zn、Ni、Hg、As和Cd的变程差异较大,在2.5—13.7km之间。通过普通kriging法局部插值,Cu、Zn、Ni和As含量由西南部向东北部含量逐步升高,但是Hg却表现出相反的分布趋势。这将为当地正在开展的优势农产品区域布局规划提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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