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目的了解多重耐药(MDR)铜绿假单胞菌armA基因与可移动遗传元件的携带情况及其相关性;分析armA基因的周边环境,探讨armA基因转移的可能机制。方法收集MDR铜绿假单胞菌98株,琼脂稀释法测定MIC,PCR方法检测16S rRNA甲基化酶基因armA、I型整合子、可移动元件IS26及重要耐药基因侧翼基因环境,测序并拼接PCR产物明确耐药基因座位排列,并对armA基因进行周边序列分析。结果 98株MDR铜绿假单胞菌检出5株armA基因PCR扩增阳性,携带armA基因的菌株对庆大霉素和阿米卡星全耐药;检出20株携带I型整合子,17株携带可移动元件IS26;armA基因扩增阳性的菌株均携带I型整合子和IS26;序列测序显示armA定位于Tn1548相关区域,位于插入序列ISCR1的下游,该序列含多种移动元件。结论大连市氨基糖苷类高水平耐药基因armA广泛分布在MDR铜绿假单胞菌中,均对庆大霉素和阿米卡星高度耐药;该基因定位在转座子Tn1548的质粒上,提示16S rRNA甲基化酶基因armA的广泛播散可能是可移动元件ISCR1-armA-IS26结构参与其中。  相似文献   

插入序列(insertion sequence, IS)是细菌中最简单的移动遗传因子,由两端的反向重复序列(inverted repeats, IR)和中间的转座酶 (transposase)编码序列组成。在细菌中,因为插入序列的转座酶催化活性中心氨基酸序列不同,所以将其转座酶分为DDE转座酶、DEDD转座酶、HUH转座酶和丝氨酸转座酶。在转座过程中,根据插入序列是否有复制,将插入序列的转座分为复制型转座(replicative -ansposition)和非复制型转座(non-replicative transposition),而将形成夏皮罗中间体(Shapiro intermediate)的非复制型转座称为保守型转座(conservative transposition)。此外,插入序列通过不同的转座机制插入到基因编码区导致基因突变、缺失和倒置;或者插入到基因上游,通过自身启动子或与基因形成杂交启动子来影响插入序列下游基因的表达,从而帮助细菌抵抗复杂的环境变化。本文主要围绕细菌插入序列的特征、转座酶、转座机制和转座影响展开综述,以期为进一步研究插入序列的机制和插入序列在细菌中所起的作用提供参考。  相似文献   

摘要:目的 了解大连地区分离的耐碳氢霉烯类铜绿假单胞菌的金属β-内酰胺酶、整合子I和ISCR1的分布情况,并分析其基因多态性特征。方法 收集临床分离的89株耐亚胺培南铜绿假单胞菌,PCR检测金属酶、整合子I、ISCR1耐药基因。脉冲场凝胶电泳(PFGE)进行细菌基因分型。结果 89株亚胺培南耐药的铜绿假单胞菌中,ISCR1基因阳性菌25株(25/89,28%),其中84%(21/25)为多重耐药,5类及以上药物耐药的菌株占64%(16/25),金属酶基因阳性为11株(11/89,12%),其中有8株携带IMP-1基因,3株携带VIM-2,整合子I基因阳性43株(43/89,48%)。但携带金属酶的菌株整合子I、ISCR1基因扩增均为阴性;PFGE分型结果显示:89株耐亚胺培南的铜绿假单胞菌分为15基因型(A~O),其中A型46株、B型16株、C型4株、D型5株、E型4株、F型3株、G型2株、H型2株,I型~O型各有1株。基因型集中的A型~G型,各型中的菌株来源于不同医院,呈多态性,每群均存在克隆株。结论 基因捕获元件整合子I基因及ISCR1广泛分布在大连地区耐碳氢霉烯类铜绿假单胞菌中,并与细菌的多重耐药、泛耐药显著相关,特别是ISCR1基因;大连地区整合子I、ISCR1并未携带金属酶基因盒。PFGE结果提示本地区铜绿假单胞菌具有基因多态性,但仍存在高度同源性的流行优势基因型。  相似文献   

肺炎克雷伯菌是目前临床上最主要的耐药致病菌之一,对人类健康造成了很大威胁。近年来,细菌耐药成为治疗肺炎克雷伯菌感染的主要难题,尤其是高毒力、高耐药性肺炎克雷伯菌的出现对临床工作造成了巨大挑战,而研究表明其耐药基因和毒力基因主要由可移动遗传元件携带而传播。因此,为了更好地认识及防控肺炎克雷伯菌感染,本文对肺炎克雷伯菌基因组中几种常见可移动元件(包括质粒、前噬菌体、插入序列等)及其与肺炎克雷伯菌耐药性和致病性之间的关系进行了综述,并阐述了其在耐药基因和毒力基因传播过程中的作用机制。  相似文献   

陈琳琳  李宝泉 《生态学杂志》2015,26(10):3215-3225
抗生素抗性基因(antibiotic resistance genes, ARGs)作为一种新型的环境污染物,成为多个学科关注的焦点.其在不同环境介质中的扩散和传播具有极大的环境危害性,对人类健康造成严重威胁.插入序列共同区(insertion sequence common region, ISCR),是一种新发现的抗性基因传播元件,因其特殊的遗传结构,能够通过滚环复制及同源重组等机制移动邻近的任何DNA序列,是ARGs在不同DNA分子或不同种属细菌间水平传播的高效媒介.目前世界上发现了27种ISCR元件.大量间接证据表明,ISCR可能与许多耐药基因的移动和扩散有关,特别是多重耐药性(multiple drug resistance, MDR)形成与传播.因此,ISCR很可能是抗生素抗性基因在环境中扩散传播的关键因子.本文就ARGs水平传播、ISCR结构特征、ISCR种类及其相关ARGs及其研究方法等进行综述,并揭示ISCR元件可能的生态风险,提出了今后的研究重点,以期为今后深入开展相关研究打下基础.  相似文献   

抗生素在医疗、畜牧和水产养殖业的大量使用造成了环境中耐药细菌和抗性基因的日益增加,也加速了抗性基因在环境细菌间的传播扩散.本研究以环境样本直接提取的总DNA为模板,运用热不对称交错PCR (thermal asymmetric interlaced PCR, Tail-PCR)技术直接扩增抗生素抗性基因上下游序列.通过优化Tail-PCR反应程序,单循环同时扩增出tetW基因的多条侧翼序列,包括6条上游序列和9条下游序列.基于序列的生物信息学分析发现,上游包括一段反向重复序列和已知的一段tetW调节肽序列以及一个已知的插入序列,下游包括一个保守的未知序列和一个开放式阅读框架(the open reading frame,ORF)编码甲基转移酶.结果不仅发现了可能协助tetW基因传播的功能元件,也提供了一个未知侧翼序列高效和便捷的研究方法,即采用Tail-PCR技术,一组样品即能便捷获得多条侧翼序列.  相似文献   

别路垚  徐海 《微生物学通报》2015,42(11):2215-2222
整合性接合元件是近年来在细菌中发现的一种可移动的基因元件,它位于染色体上,可通过接合转移的方式介导细菌间基因的水平转移。这种基因的水平转移有助于细菌适应特定的环境条件,但许多整合性接合元件包含耐药基因,这些遗传元件的水平转移极大地加速了耐药基因在同种及不同种属之间的传播,造成细菌的耐药以至多重耐药问题日益严重,耐药机制日趋复杂;同时整合性接合元件与基因岛有着密切的联系,因此对其特征及转移机制进行研究很有必要。  相似文献   

目的调查多耐药肺炎克雷伯菌中65种获得性耐药基因和7种可移动遗传元件遗传标记基因的存在状况,以及获得性耐药基因和可移动遗传元件遗传标记基因的相关性。方法收集绍兴地区六家医院分离的肺炎克雷伯菌共20株,采用PCR的方法分析65种β-内酰胺类、氨基糖苷类、喹诺酮类获得性耐药基因和7种转座子、插入序列、接合性质粒遗传标记基因,并用指标聚类分析(SPSS法)分析β-内酰胺类、氨基糖苷类和喹诺酮类获得性耐药基因与整合子、转座子、插入序列、接合性质粒遗传标记基因的相关性。结果 20株肺炎克雷伯菌共检测到14种获得性耐药基因(包括6种β-酰胺类获得性耐药基因、6种氨基糖苷类获得性耐药基因、2种喹诺酮类获得性耐药基因)和6种可移动遗传元件遗传标记基因(包括1种整合子遗传标记基因、3种转座子和插入序列基因遗传标记基因、2种接合性质粒遗传标记基因),其余52种基因均未检测到。SPSS法将上述阳性检出基因分成两大簇群。结论绍兴地区六家医院的多耐药肺炎克雷伯菌菌株对抗菌药物的耐药表型与获得性耐药基因相关,且可移动遗传元件的水平转移使细菌的耐药性在同种细菌菌株之间甚至不同种细菌菌株之间得以快速传播。获得性耐药基因与可移动遗传元件遗传标记基因的指标聚类分析显示:OXA-1、aac(6’)-Ⅰb、qnrB、IMP、aadA5、VEB、KPC、qnrS等基因与接合性质粒遗传标记traA相关,提示这些基因在F接合性质粒上;DHA、aph(3′)-Ⅰ等基因与转座子遗传标记tnpU、tnp513相关,提示它们位于转座子上;TEM-1、aac(3)-Ⅱ、qacE△1与接合性质粒遗传标记trbC相关,提示TEM-1、aac(3)-Ⅱ等基因和Ⅰ类整合子可能位于宽范围接合性质粒上;ant(3″)-Ⅰ、rmtB等基因与ISEcp1较为相关,提示这些基因位于插入序列上。  相似文献   

目的了解深圳地区耐亚胺培南临床菌株的分布及携带碳青霉烯酶基因的情况,并检测其携带的可移动基因元件。方法 2014—2016年中山大学附属第八医院(深圳)送检标本中分离耐亚胺培南菌株96株,参照美国CLSI的M100S25标准进行药敏分析;采用Carba NP-d试验检测碳青霉烯酶表型;PCR检测碳青霉烯酶基因及可移动基因元件I类整合子、插入序列共同区(Insertion sequence common region,ISCR),对肠杆菌科加测质粒复制子类型。结果 96株耐亚胺培南临床菌株对多种临床常用抗菌药物均耐药;其中52株碳青霉烯酶表型阳性;68株携带碳青霉烯酶基因,其中61株携带D类碳青霉烯酶基因,3株携带bla_(VIM),2株携带blaKPC,1株携带bla_(IMP),1株携带bla_(NDM-1);I类整合子检出率为69.8%,其可变区携带有耐药相关基因盒aad A1、aac A4、dfr A12、aad A5、dfr A17和未知功能的orf F,未发现碳青霉烯是耐药基因;ISCR1检出率为16.7%;肠杆菌科菌株64.3%携带质粒,以Inc F型为主。结论深圳地区耐亚胺培南临床菌株具有多重耐药表型,绝大多数产碳青霉烯酶,碳青霉烯酶基因多存在于细菌染色体上,这类菌株同时携带多种可移动的基因元件及耐药基因,因此,其耐药性具有稳定遗传和水平播散的能力,应密切关注。  相似文献   

目的了解大连地区分离的耐碳青霉烯类铜绿假单胞菌的金属β-内酰胺酶、整合子I和ISCR1的分布情况,并分析其基因多态性特征。方法收集临床分离的89株耐亚胺培南铜绿假单胞菌,PCR检测金属酶、整合子I、ISCR1耐药基因。脉冲场凝胶电泳(PFGE)进行细菌基因分型。结果 89株亚胺培南耐药的铜绿假单胞菌中,ISCR1基因阳性菌25株(25/89,28%),其中84%(21/25)为多重耐药,5类及以上药物耐药的菌株占64%(16/25),金属酶基因阳性为11株(11/89,12%),其中有8株携带IMP-1基因,3株携带VIM-2,整合子I基因阳性43株(43/89,48%)。但携带金属酶的菌株整合子I、ISCR1基因扩增均为阴性;PFGE分型结果显示:89株耐亚胺培南的铜绿假单胞菌分为15个基因型(A~O),其中A型46株、B型16株、C型4株、D型5株、E型4株、F型3株、G型2株、H型2株,I型~O型各有1株。基因型集中的A型~G型,各型中的菌株来源于不同医院,呈多态性,每群均存在克隆株。结论基因捕获元件整合子I基因及ISCR1广泛分布在大连地区耐碳青霉烯类铜绿假单胞菌中,并与细菌的多重耐药、泛耐药显著相关,特别是ISCR1基因;大连地区整合子I、ISCR1并未携带金属酶基因盒。PFGE结果提示本地区铜绿假单胞菌具有基因多态性,但仍存在高度同源性的流行优势基因型。  相似文献   

ISCR elements: novel gene-capturing systems of the 21st century?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"Common regions" (CRs), such as Orf513, are being increasingly linked to mega-antibiotic-resistant regions. While their overall nucleotide sequences show little identity to other mobile elements, amino acid alignments indicate that they possess the key motifs of IS91-like elements, which have been linked to the mobility ent plasmids in pathogenic Escherichia coli. Further inspection reveals that they possess an IS91-like origin of replication and termination sites (terIS), and therefore CRs probably transpose via a rolling-circle replication mechanism. Accordingly, in this review we have renamed CRs as ISCRs to give a more accurate reflection of their functional properties. The genetic context surrounding ISCRs indicates that they can procure 5' sequences via misreading of the cognate terIS, i.e., "unchecked transposition." Clinically, the most worrying aspect of ISCRs is that they are increasingly being linked with more potent examples of resistance, i.e., metallo-beta-lactamases in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and co-trimoxazole resistance in Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. Furthermore, if ISCR elements do move via "unchecked RC transposition," as has been speculated for ISCR1, then this mechanism provides antibiotic resistance genes with a highly mobile genetic vehicle that could greatly exceed the effects of previously reported mobile genetic mechanisms. It has been hypothesized that bacteria will surprise us by extending their "genetic construction kit" to procure and evince additional DNA and, therefore, antibiotic resistance genes. It appears that ISCR elements have now firmly established themselves within that regimen.  相似文献   

In the past decade CTX-M enzymes have become the most prevalent extended-spectrum beta-lactamases, both in nosocomial and in community settings. The insertion sequences (ISs) ISEcp1 and ISCR1 (formerly common region 1 [CR1] or orf513) appear to enable the mobilization of chromosomal beta-lactamase Kluyvera species genes, which display high homology with blaCTX-Ms. These ISs are preferentially linked to specific genes: ISEcp1 to most blaCTX-Ms, and ISCR1 to blaCTX-M-2 or blaCTX-M-9. The blaCTX-M genes embedded in class 1 integrons bearing ISCR1 are associated with different Tn402-derivatives, and often with mercury Tn21-like transposons. The blaCTX-M genes linked to ISEcp1 are often located in multidrug resistance regions containing different transposons and ISs. These structures have been located in narrow and broad host-range plasmids belonging to the same incompatibility groups as those of early antibiotic resistance plasmids. These plasmids frequently carry aminoglycoside, tetracycline, sulfonamide or fluoroquinolone resistance genes [qnr and/or aac(6')-Ib-cr], which would have facilitated the dissemination of blaCTX-M genes because of co-selection processes. In Escherichia coli, they are frequently carried in well-adapted phylogenetic groups with particular virulence-factor genotypes. Also, dissemination has been associated with different clones (CTX-M-9 or CTX-M-14 producers) or epidemic clones associated with specific enzymes such as CTX-M-15. All these events might have contributed to the current pandemic CTX-M beta-lactamase scenario.  相似文献   

The emergence of antibiotic and antimicrobial resistance in Gram-negative bacteria is incremental and linked to genetic elements that function in a so-called 'one-ended transposition' manner, including ISEcp1, ISCR elements and Tn3-like transposons. The power of these elements lies in their inability to consistently recognize one of their own terminal sequences, while recognizing more genetically distant surrogate sequences. This has the effect of mobilizing the DNA sequence found adjacent to their initial location. In general, resistance in Gram-negatives is closely linked to a few one-off events. These include the capture of the class 1 integron by a Tn5090-like transposon; the formation of the 3' conserved segment (3'-CS); and the fusion of the ISCR1 element to the 3'-CS. The structures formed by these rare events have been massively amplified and disseminated in Gram-negative bacteria, but hitherto, are rarely found in Gram-positives. Such events dominate current resistance gene acquisition and are instrumental in the construction of large resistance gene islands on chromosomes and plasmids. Similar combinatorial events appear to have occurred between conjugative plasmids and phages constructing hybrid elements called integrative and conjugative elements or conjugative transposons. These elements are beginning to be closely linked to some of the more powerful resistance mechanisms such as the extended spectrum β-lactamases, metallo- and AmpC type β-lactamases. Antibiotic resistance in Gram-negative bacteria is dominated by unusual combinatorial mistakes of Insertion sequences and gene fusions which have been selected and amplified by antibiotic pressure enabling the formation of extended resistance islands.  相似文献   

The Bacteroides species harbor a family of conjugative transposons called tetracycline resistance elements (Tcr elements) that transfer themselves from the chromosome of a donor to the chromosome of a recipient, mobilize coresident plasmids, and also mediate the excision and circularization of members of a family of 10- to 12-kbp insertion elements which share a small region of DNA homology and are called NBUs (for nonreplicating Bacteroides units). The NBUs are sometimes cotransferred with Tcr elements, and it was postulated previously that the excised circular forms of the NBUs were plasmidlike forms and were transferred like plasmids and then integrated into the recipient chromosome. We used chimeric plasmids containing one of the NBUs, NBU1, and a Bacteroides-Escherichia coli shuttle vector to show that this hypothesis is probably correct. NBU1 contained a region that allowed mobilization by both the Tcr elements and IncP plasmids, and we used these conjugal elements to allow us to estimate the frequencies of excision, mobilization, and integration of NBU1 in Bacteroides hosts to be approximately 10(-2), 10(-5) to 10(-4), and 10(-2), respectively. Although functions on the Tcr elements were required for the excision-circularization and mobilization of NBU1, no Tcr element functions were required for integration into the recipient chromosome. Analysis of the DNA sequences at the integration region of the circular form of NBU1, the primary insertion site in the Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron 5482 chromosome, and the resultant NBU1-chromosome junctions showed that NBU1 appeared to integrate into the primary insertion site by recombining within an identical 14-bp sequence present on both NBU1 and the target, thus leaving a copy of the 14-bp sequence at both junctions. The apparent integration mechanism and the target selection of NBU1 were different from those of both XBU4422, the only member of the conjugal Tcr elements for which these sequences are known, and Tn4399, a mobilizable Bacteroides transposon. The NBUs appear to be a distinct type of mobilizable insertion element.  相似文献   

An Escherichia coli strain, ECOR28, was found to have insertions of an identical sequence (1,279 bp in length) at 10 loci in its genome. This insertion sequence (named IS621) has one large open reading frame encoding a putative protein that is 326 amino acids in length. A computer-aided homology search using the DNA sequence as the query revealed that IS621 was homologous to the piv genes, encoding pilin gene invertase (PIV). A homology search using the amino acid sequence of the putative protein encoded by IS621 as the query revealed that the protein also has partial homology to transposases encoded by the IS110/IS492 family elements, which were known to have partial homology to PIV. This indicates that IS621 belongs to the IS110/IS492 family but is most closely related to the piv genes. In fact, a phylogenetic tree constructed on the basis of amino acid sequences of PIV proteins and transposases revealed that IS621 belongs to the piv gene group, which is distinct from the IS110/IS492 family elements, which form several groups. PIV proteins and transposases encoded by the IS110/IS492 family elements, including IS621, have four acidic amino acid residues, which are conserved at positions in their N-terminal regions. These residues may constitute a tetrad D-E(or D)-D-D motif as the catalytic center. Interestingly, IS621 was inserted at specific sites within repetitive extragenic palindromic (REP) sequences at 10 loci in the ECOR28 genome. IS621 may not recognize the entire REP sequence in transposition, but it recognizes a 15-bp sequence conserved in the REP sequences around the target site. There are several elements belonging to the IS110/IS492 family that also transpose to specific sites in the repeated sequences, as does IS621. IS621 does not have terminal inverted repeats like most of the IS110/IS492 family elements. The terminal sequences of IS621 have homology with the 26-bp inverted repeat sequences of pilin gene inversion sites that are recognized and used for inversion of pilin genes by PIV. This suggests that IS621 initiates transposition through recognition of their terminal regions and cleavage at the ends by a mechanism similar to that used for PIV to promote inversion at the pilin gene inversion sites.  相似文献   

A family of novel mobile DNA elements is described, examples of which are found at several independent locations and encode a variety of antibiotic resistance genes. The complete elements consist of two conserved segments separated by a segment of variable length and sequence which includes inserted antibiotic resistance genes. The conserved segment located 3' to the inserted resistance genes was sequenced from Tn21 and R46, and the sequences are identical over a region of 2026 bases, which includes the sulphonamide resistance gene sull, and two further open reading frames of unknown function. The complete sequences of both the 3' and 5' conserved regions of the DNA element have been determined. A 59-base sequence element, found at the junctions of inserted DNA sequences and the conserved 3' segment, is also present at this location in the R46 sequence. A copy of one half of this 59-base element is found at the end of the sull gene, suggesting that sull, though part of the conserved region, was also originally inserted into an ancestral element by site-specific integration. Inverted or direct terminal repeats or short target site duplications, both of which are characteristics of class I and class II transposons, are not found at the outer boundaries of the elements described here. Furthermore, the conserved regions do not encode any proteins related to known transposition proteins, except the DNA integrase encoded by the 5' conserved region which is implicated in the gene insertion process. Mobilization of this element has not been observed experimentally; mobility is implied from the identification of the element in at least four independent locations, in Tn21, R46 (IncN), R388 (IncW) and Tn1696. The definitive features of these novel elements are (i) that they include site-specific integration functions (the integrase and the insertion site); (ii) that they are able to acquire various gene units and act as an expression cassette by supplying the promoter for the inserted genes. As a consequence of acquiring different inserted genes, the element exists in a variety of forms which differ in the number and nature of the inserted genes. This family of elements appears formally distinct from other known mobile DNA elements and we propose the name DNA integration elements, or integrons.  相似文献   

Combinatorial genetic evolution of multiresistance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The explosion in genetic information, whilst extending our knowledge, might not necessary increase our conceptual understanding on the complexities of bacterial genetics, or why some antibiotic resistant genotypes such as blaCTX-M-15 and blaVIM-2 appear to dominate. However, the information we have thus far suggests that clinical isolates have 'hijacked' plasmids, primarily built of backbone-DNA originating from environmental bacteria. Additionally, the combinatorial presence of other elements such as transposons, integrons, insertion sequence (IS) elements and the 'new' ISCR (IS common region) elements have also contributed to the increase in antibiotic resistance - an antibiotic resistant cluster composing four or five genes has become commonplace. In some instances, the presence of antibiotics themselves, such as fluoroquinolones, can mediate a bacterial SOS cell response, subsequently amplifying and/or augmenting the transfer of large genetic entities therefore, potentially promoting long-term detrimental effects.  相似文献   

We have used a differential cloning approach to isolate ribosomal/non-ribosomal frontier sequences from Xenopus laevis. A ribosomal intergenic spacer sequence (IGS) was cloned and shown not to be physically linked with the ribosomal locus. This ribosomal orphon contained the IGS sequences found immediately downstream of the 28S gene and included an array of enhancer repetitions and a non-functional spacer promoter. The orphon sequence was flanked by a member of the novel 'Frt' low copy repetitive element family. Three individual Frt repeats were sequenced and all members of this family were shown to lie clustered at two chromosomal sites, one of which contained the ribosomal orphon. One of the Frt elements contained an insertion of 297 bp that showed extensive homology to sequences within at least three other Xenopus genes. Each homology region was flanked by members of the T2 family of short interspersed repetitive elements, (SINEs), and by its target insertion sequence, suggesting multiple translocation events. The data are discussed in terms of the evolution of the ribosomal gene locus.  相似文献   

Alu elements are a class of repetitive DNA sequences found throughout the human genome that are thought to be duplicated via an RNA intermediate in a process termed retroposition. Recently inserted Alu elements are closely related, suggesting that they are derived from a single source gene or closely related source genes. Analysis of the type III collagen gene (COL3A1) revealed a polymorphic Alu insertion in intron 8 of the gene. The Alu insertion in the COL3A1 gene had a high degree of nucleotide identity to the Sb family of Alu elements, a family of older Alu elements. The Alu sequence was less similar to the consensus sequence for the PV or Sb2 subfamilies, subfamilies of recently inserted Alu elements. These data support the observations that at least three source genes are active in the human genome, one of which is distinct from the PV and Sb2 subfamilies and predates either of these two subfamilies. Appearance of the Alu insertion in different ethnic populations suggests that the insertion may have occurred in the last 100,000 years. This Alu insert should be a useful marker for population studies and for marking COL3A1 alleles.  相似文献   

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