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为了筛选对茶叶害虫有控制作用的蚂蚁种类,采用样地调查法研究了重庆地区茶园蚁科昆虫进行区系。发现蚁科昆虫4亚科,19属,39种,其中记录中国特有种7个,重庆新记录种37个。区系分析表明:重庆地区茶园蚂蚁区系在属级水平上以东洋界和古北界成分为主体,与马来西亚界和非洲界关系最紧密,与马拉加西界关系最远;在种级水平上以东洋界成分为主体,与古北界关系最紧密,与非洲界和马拉加西界关系最远;在中国动物地理区划中以华中区成分为主体,与其它地理区之间随着距离增加,关系逐步疏远。  相似文献   

西双版纳石灰岩山地森林蕨类区系的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
西双版纳位于云南南部,与老挝及缅甸接壤。根据调查,现已知西双版纳石灰岩山地森林中蕨类区系有蕨类植物127种(包括变种),隶属于24个科,54个属,在该蕨类区系中,最大的科分别是水龙骨科,凤尾蕨科,铁角蕨科,铁线蕨科及三叉蕨科;最大的属分别为凤尾蕨属,铁角蕨属,铁线蕨属,石韦属及毛蕨属,该地蕨区系具有东南亚热带的性质,其分布区类型的组成是,热带分布或主产热带的科占总科数的70%以上,热带分布的属占总  相似文献   

对陕西境内木本种子植物区系属一级的热带地理成分进行了研究,全省木本种子植物区系中的热带地理成分共包括泛热带成分、热带亚洲和热带美洲间断成分、旧世界热带成分、热带亚洲至热带大洋洲成分、热带亚洲至热带非洲成分及热带亚洲成分6种类型,共95属,归属于53科。在各种热带地理成分中,陕西木本植物区系与泛热带成分联系最为密切,各类热带地理成分主要分布于陕西秦岭以南地区。从科、属、种的分布区格局以及木本热带区系成分的群落学作用等方面分析,陕西植物区系具有明显的温带性质,同时,区系也呈现一定的热带—温带过渡性特点。  相似文献   

西双版纳植物区系的特点与亲缘   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
西双版纳植物区系经初步资料整理统计有种子植物 3336种 ,隶属于 1 1 4 0个属 ,大约 1 97个科。植物区系成分构成是热带分布的科和属分别占总科和属数的 60 .1 %和 83.5% ,在热带分布属中 ,又以热带亚洲成分占优势 (占 32 .8% )。通过植物区系组成和地理成分分析 ,认为该植物区系是热带性质的 ,属于热带亚洲区系的一部分 ,并带有明显热带边缘性质和几种地理成分交汇的特点。西双版纳植物区系与广西热带植物区系和海南热带植物区系在发生上同源 ,主要来自于古南大陆与古北大陆区系成分的融合 ,在发展上受热带亚洲植物区系的渗透和强烈影响。  相似文献   

西双版纳植物区秒的特点与亲缘   总被引:21,自引:5,他引:16  
朱华  李延辉等 《广西植物》2001,21(2):127-136
西双版纳植物区系经初步资料整理统计有种子植物3336种,隶属于1140个属,大约197个科。植物区系成分构成是热带分布的科和属分别占总科和属数的60.1%和83.5%,在热带分布属中,又以热带亚洲成分占优势(占32.8%)。通过植物区系组成和地理成分分析,认为该植物区系是热带性质的,属于热带亚洲区系的一部分,并带有明显热带边缘性质和几种地理成分交汇的特点,西双版纳植物区系与广西热带植物区系和海南热带植物区秒的发生上同源,主要来自于古南大陆与古北大陆区系成分的融合,在发展上受热带亚洲植物区系的渗透和强列影响。  相似文献   

广东省古田自然保护区植物区系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
古田自然保护区植物区系的地理成分分析表明,优势科主要由华夏植物区系的表征科组成;属的分布以泛热带成分占首位,其次是热带亚洲成分,说明本区系受热带植物区系的深刻影响,但属内种系贫乏的热带成分改变不了其南亚热带植物区系的本质特性.与周围地区植物区系比较,显示本区与香港和鼎湖山的关系最密切,在区系分区上应同归属于华夏植物区系的华南亚区.  相似文献   

通过多次野外调查及资料整理,对纳板河流域国家级自然保护区蕨类植物的区系组成、地理成分、区系联系、性质及起源等方面进行了分析研究。结果显示:(1)纳板河保护区共有蕨类植物43科90属239种,优势科为水龙骨科、金星蕨科、凤尾蕨科、蹄盖蕨科、三叉蕨科,优势属为凤尾蕨属、鳞盖蕨属、毛蕨属、石韦属。(2)纳板河保护区蕨类植物区系具有明显的热带向亚热带过渡的性质,当属热带亚洲蕨类植物区系,但在一定程度上受到中国-喜马拉雅蕨类植物区系的影响。(3)纳板河保护区在地理亲缘关系上与云南大围山最为密切,与海南岛、哀牢山保护区的关系次之,与苍山、轿子雪山及雕林山保护区的联系较为疏远。  相似文献   

通过野外调查和资料整理,统计分析梅花山自然保护区蕨类植物区系组成和分布区类型,比较其与周边相邻4个自然保护区的蕨类植物区系的相似性。结果表明:(1)梅花山自然保护区共有蕨类植物42科83属189种,科、属组成优势现象明显,区系起源古老。(2)分布区类型在科、属级水平上以泛热带分布和世界分布为主,种级水平以热带亚洲分布、东亚分布和中国特有分布为主,热带亲缘明显,具有由热带向温带过渡的性质。(3)在地理亲缘关系上,梅花山与梁野山的蕨类植物区系联系最为紧密,与圭龙山的关系次之,与热带区系性质较强的南靖南亚热带雨林自然保护区和典型的中亚热带性质的武夷山自然保护区的种子植物区系联系较为疏远,具有从南亚热带向中亚热带过渡的明显特点。  相似文献   

本文系统分析了各大动物地理界叶蜂总科特有属现象、特有属间亲缘关系及其分布,并探讨了其起源与传播途径。叶蜂总科在世界各大动物地理界的分布格局为:一个东亚主要分布和分化中心,4个次级分化中心:非洲中部、南美中偏西北部、北美、地中海地区。各个次级中心均与主要中心具有相当密切的联系。北美的特有属集中分布现象不显著。叶蜂总科的起源地区可能位于东亚中南部或其附近。非洲界和新热带界分布的叶蜂总科属数比较少,但特有属比例很高,说明其隔离分化程度较大。新北亚界和西古北区分布的叶蜂总科属数较多,但特有率较低,表明隔离分化程度较小。东方界的叶蜂区系既贫乏且特化程度很低,所分布的属除个别特有属外均与东亚区共有,可能是由东亚区系向南衰减弱化而成。澳洲界处于叶蜂总科区系的外缘,区系成分十分贫乏。  相似文献   

利用大尺度的蕨类植物分布信息和野外考察资料, 探讨了滇西北地区蕨类植物的物种多样性及其区系组成。结果表明, 滇西北地区分布有蕨类植物50 科, 136 属, 624 种, 是中国蕨类植物最为丰富的地区之一。蕨类植物的优势科主要包括鳞毛蕨科Dryopteridaceae、水龙骨科Polypodiaceae 和蹄盖蕨科Athyriaceae 等; 优势属主要包括鳞毛蕨属Dryopteris、耳蕨属Polystichum 和铁角蕨属Asplenium 等。在科、属、种的水平上, 热带区系成分始终占据主导地位, 表明研究区域内蕨类植物的区系起源可能与热带蕨类区系之间存在着密切的联系。但从科水平到属和种的水平, 热带区系成分所占比重有所降低, 这可能与不同分类阶元所代表的地质历史和研究区域的地壳抬升历史有关。研究区域内分布着中国特有蕨类植物物种205 种, 明显高于周边其他地区, 这暗示着滇西北地区可能是云南地区蕨类植物中国特有种分布最为集中的地区之一。在科和属的层次上, 滇西北地区蕨类植物均表现出较强的区系分化特征, 这可能与研究区域内复杂的地形和特殊的地质历史有关。  相似文献   

More than 1982 species in 90 genera were included in an analysis of the biogeography of the Phytoseiidae, a family of predatory mites. Seven biogeographic regions were taken into account: Nearctic, Neotropical, Ethiopian, West Palaearctic, East Palaearctic, Oriental, and Australasian. The number of species was particularly high in the Neotropical, Oriental, and West Palaearctic regions. These regions also present the highest levels of species endemism. The number of genera was quite similar in all regions except for the Neotropics, which also had a high level of endemism. The possible Gondwanian (Neotropical, Ethiopian, Australasian, and Oriental regions) origin of the Phytoseiidae, most probably in the Neotropics, and their possible radiation to Laurasia (Nearctic, West Palaearctic, and East Palaearctic regions) are discussed. The comparison between genera and species in the different biogeographic regions indicate the importance of both dispersal and vicariance events in the evolution of the group. Dispersal is assumed to have been most important between Neotropical and Nearctic regions and between East Palaearctic and Oriental regions, whereas vicariance could have been the dominating process between Australasian, Ethiopian, and Oriental regions, as well as between West and East Palaearctic regions. A parsimony analysis of endemicity showed the Neotropical and the Nearctic regions to be isolated from the other regions. This is certainly due to a diversification after the continents drifted apart and then a high dispersal between Nearctic and Neotropical regions. Different phylogenetic hypotheses and scenarios are proposed for each subfamily based on the results obtained and further investigations are proposed.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 845–856.  相似文献   

横断山区蚜虫区系的特异性与历史渊源   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
文章系统分析了横断山区蚜虫区系的特异性,主要表现在:区系成分的复杂性、古北与东洋成分的交融性、区系组成的特有性和物种分布的间断性.进一步结合地质历史事件对横断山区蚜虫区系的历史渊源及其特异性演化进行了初步讨论.根据蚜虫类分布特点,建议古北区和东洋区在横断山区的分界线南移至丽江一线;横断山区蚜虫和其他地区的间隔分布可能是由地质历史上板块运动和青藏高原的隆升及第四纪冰期-间冰期的循环往复造成的;横断山区蚜虫区系是一个复合区系,同其他动物地理区划如新北区、澳洲区、非洲区等的蚜虫区系都有密切的历史渊源,青藏高原和横断山区的隆起及第四纪冰期-间冰期的循环往复又使得本区蚜虫区系有着独特的演化历程,从而造成了本区蚜虫区系的特有性.  相似文献   

The Hydrachnidia (water mites) represent the most important group of the Arachnida in fresh water. Over 6,000 species have been described worldwide, representing 57 families, 81 subfamilies and more than 400 genera. The article analyzes extant water mite diversity and biogeography. Data on distribution and species richness of water mites are substantial but still far from complete. Many parts of the world are poorly investigated, Oriental and Afrotropical regions in particular. Moreover, information among different freshwater habitats is unbalanced with springs and interstitial waters disproportionately unrepresented. Therefore, more than 10,000 species could be reasonably expected to occur in inland waters worldwide. Based on available information, the Palaearctic region represents one of the better investigated areas with the highest number of species recorded (1,642 species). More than 1,000 species have been recorded in each of the Neotropical (1,305 species) and Nearctic regions (1,025 species). Known species richness is lower in Afrotropical (787 species) and Australasian (694 species) regions, and lowest in the Oriental region (554 species). The total number of genera is not correlated with species richness and is distinctly higher in the Neotropical (164 genera); genus richness is similar in the Palaearctic, Nearctic and Australasian regions (128–131 genera) and is lower in the Afrotropical and Oriental regions with 110 and 94 genera, respectively. A mean number of about three genera per family occur in the Palaeartic, Nearctic and Oriental while an average of more than four genera characterizes the families of Australasian and Afrotropical regions and more than five genera those of the Neotropical. Australasian fauna is also characterized by the highest percentage of endemic genera (62%), followed by Neotropical (50.6%) and Afrotropical (47.2%) regions. Lower values are recorded for the Palaearctic (26.9%), Oriental (24.4%) and Nearctic (21.4%). The Palaearctic and Nearctic have the highest faunistic similarity, some minor affinities are also evident for the generic diversification of Holarctic and Oriental families. The faunas of Southern Hemisphere bioregions are more distinct and characterized by the presence of ancient Gondwanan clades with a regional diversification particularly evident in the Neotropics and Australasia. This scenario of water mite diversity and distribution reflect the basic vicariance pattern, isolation, phylogenetic diversification, recent climatic vicissitudes and episodes of dispersal between adjacent land masses together with extant ecological factors can be evoked to explain distribution patterns at a global scale. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers & K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   

中国蚋类区系分布和地理区划(双翅目:蚋科)   总被引:13,自引:10,他引:3  
报道我国蚋类的区系分布和地理区划,根据代表性类群的界间替代分布,对我国蚋类在东洋,古北两界的分布界限初步划线,分析表明,我国蚋类区系分布具有自北向南减弱,接壤区系的相似性和具有明显的地方性等特点,在区系分析的基础上,对我国蚋类进行三级地理区划。  相似文献   

庐山蛾类区系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方育卿 《动物学研究》1986,7(2):147-154
庐山,地处中亚热带北沿,北纬29.35°,东经115.59°,属亚热带东部季风区域。庐山襟江带湖,雨量充沛,植物种类繁多,种子植物有1800余种,隶属158科642属。因此,庐山蛾类也较丰富。笔者于1975年5月开始,对庐山蛾类进行了调查,共鉴定出蛾类455种。现将庐山蛾类区系报告如下。 区系分析 庐山蛾类已鉴定出32科340届455种。区系情况如表。 从表可以看出:  相似文献   

The World fauna of the tribe Eupitheciini is the most species-rich in the family Geometridae. This tribe includes about 1900 species (almost 3000 species-group names) from 47 genera; about one third of the genera (15) are monotypic. The generic diversity of Eupitheciini is the highest in the Australian (38 genera, 11 of them endemic) and Oriental regions (32 genera, 4 endemic) and the lowest in the Neotropical Region (possibly one genus only). The faunas of different biogeographic regions can be arranged in following order by their species richness: the Palaearctic (487 species), Oriental (397), Neotropical (346), Australian (251), Afrotropical (198), and Nearctic Regions (166 species). Eupithecia is the most species-rich genus in the family Geometridae and the entire order Lepidoptera, and one of the largest genera in the whole World fauna of insects. The greatest number of species of this genus is recorded in the Palaearctic Region (466 species), where Eupithecia accounts for about 95% of the tribe Eupitheciini. The mainland of the Oriental Region (especially the Himalayas) is also very species-rich; however the proportion of the Eupithecia representatives decreases towards Malaysia, Sundaland, and the Australian Region (about 2% of the tribe). The Eupitheciini faunas have the greatest similarity at the generic level between the Oriental and Australian Regions (the Jaccard and Sørensen coefficient values being 0.62 and 0.77, respectively). The Palaearctic fauna is more similar to the Afrotropical and Oriental faunas at the genus-group level. On the whole, the fauna of the Nearctic Region is similar to that the West Palaearctic, with the exception of the fact that representatives of the genera Gymnoscelis and Chloroclystis are absent in North America, although two endemic genera Nasusina and Prorella are present. At the genus-group level, the Nearctic fauna of Eupitheciini is more similar to the Neotropical (the Jaccard and Sørensen coefficients 0.20 and 0.33, respectively) than to the Palaearctic fauna (0.17 and 0.29). The number of synonymies is very high in the tribe Eupitheciini because of the homogeneity of this group, whose species are difficult to identify without the use of elaborate anatomical techniques. Modern revisions, catalogues, surveys, and atlases on Eupitheciini are absent for many countries and large geographic regions. Revisions of pugs of the tribe Eupitheciini for some biogeographic regions are extremely difficult because of fragmentation of entomological collections including the type specimens of many species-group taxa. A large fraction of synonyms is characteristic of parts of the World with the best known faunas: Europe (64% of synonyms) and North America (39%). On the contrary, the lowest levels of synonymy are typical of the less known faunas of the regions situated at the equatorial latitudes, namely the Neotropical (9%) and Afrotropical (8%) ones.  相似文献   

横断山区昆虫区系初探   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
王书永 《昆虫学报》1990,33(1):94-101
1981—1984年,中国科学院青藏高原科学考察队在我国西南部的横断山区进行了大规模的多学科综合考察,收集昆虫标本17万多号.横断山区特殊的自然地理条件孕育着独特的昆虫区系.种类繁庶、成分复杂,特有种,尤其高山特有种相当丰富,物种分化显著,并具有地域上的狭布性,构成本区昆虫区系特征.作者根据古北、东洋、高山特有三种主要成分的分布,试提出古北、东洋两大区系在本区的分异界线.典型东洋区系成分一般限于海拔2,800—3,000m以下地区,约与亚热带常绿阔叶林分布上线一致.  相似文献   

为揭示四川鞍子河国家级自然保护区及邻近地区蚂蚁区系特征,2016年6—7月采用样地调查法研究了该区域的蚂蚁区系.结果显示:共采集蚂蚁6亚科32属62种;在世界动物地理界中,分布于东洋界的共32属,东洋界分布种最多(62种),新热带界种最少(3种);在中国动物地理区中,西南区种最多(62种),蒙新区种最少(4种);在种的...  相似文献   

本文就科昆虫的起源,各亚科、族及属的分布特点进行了分析和总结;并根据各属的世界分布情况,将其分为8种类型。文中还就中国科昆虫的地理分布及特点作了初步的探讨,结果表明:在我国已知的2亚科4族20个属中,东洋区分布的有10个属,其中有3个属仅分布于我国;古北区分布的有1个属;东洋-古北区分布的有3个属;东洋-新北区分布的有1个属;东洋-古北-新北区分布的有4个属;东洋-古北-新北-非洲区分布的有1个属。此外,科昆虫在中国的一个主要分布特点就是多数种类集中分布于华中区、华南区和西南区;而华中区则很可能是科种类的分化中心,并以此为中心向其他区扩散。  相似文献   

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