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新疆木垒波斑鸨营巢成功率的初步研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
1998年 4月中旬~ 7月中旬 ,对分布于新疆木垒的波斑鸨 (Chlamydotisundulatamacqueenii)种群的营巢成功率进行了初步考察与研究。考察中共发现 16个巢、2 5窝幼雏。每巢产卵 3~ 6枚 ,卵鲜重 (6 4 7± 5 8)g ,卵径为 6 0 9mm× 43 9mm。产卵有两个高峰期 ,表明雌鸟第 1次繁殖失败后可再次产卵。第 1产卵期的巢卵数为(4 1± 0 8)枚 ,第 2产卵期的巢卵数为 (3 5± 0 6 )枚。雌鸟营巢成功率为 77 5 %~ 87 5 % ,卵的孵化率为83 6 %。每窝内从破壳到具备飞行能力的幼雏数基本不变 ,表明繁殖雌鸟大都能将幼雏全部抚育到可以飞行的年龄  相似文献   

新疆木垒波斑鸨的繁殖成功率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者于 1998~ 2 0 0 0年 4~ 7月 ,采用野外直接观察、栖息地植被样方调查和无线电跟踪等方法对分布于新疆木垒的波斑鸨 (Chlamydotiundulatamacqueenii)种群的繁殖生态进行了初步观察与研究。考察中共发现45个巢、 84窝幼雏。研究结果表明 ,木垒波斑鸨有两个产卵高峰期 ,表明雌鸟第一次繁殖失败后可能再次产卵。雌鸟营巢成功率平均为 0 5 0 5。波斑鸨的窝卵数在 2~ 6枚之间 ,出现 4枚卵的频率最高。第一产卵期内的平均窝卵数 ( 4 0± 0 8枚 /窝 )大于第二产卵期内的平均窝卵数 ( 3 3± 0 8枚 /窝 )。木垒波斑鸨种群三年间卵孵化率分别为 0 84、 0 80和 1,繁殖成功率为 0 45 6。种群在繁殖期几乎不受人类活动干扰 ,巢卵及幼雏损失主要来自天敌捕食 ,如沙狐、大和棕尾等.  相似文献   

栗斑腹在吉林省为留鸟 ,一年可繁殖两次 ,其雏鸟为典型的晚成鸟。 4月末开始有求偶追逐和争雌行为 ,5月中旬产卵。雌雄鸟筑巢时间分别是 43 min/d和 3 6min/d(筑巢第 4天 )。平均窝卵数为 5 .0 9± 0 .5 8枚 /巢 (n=3 1 ) ,孵卵前、中、后期雌鸟孵卵占白天活动时间的 3 5 %、74.5 %和 67.6% ,孵化期为 1 2 d,孵化率为 3 6.3 % ,2、8日龄喂雏分别为 4.5次 /h和 9.0次 /h。雏鸟的体重及外部器官的发育除嘴峰外 ,生长曲线均符合 Logistic方程 ,而嘴峰长的生长近似直线 ,栗斑腹雏鸟生长发育体重的生长模型为 :W =1 4.95 /1 +(e- 0 .552 ( t- 3.6 3) ) ,雏鸟 1 1日龄后出飞 ,繁殖成活率为 2 7.7%。  相似文献   

广西防城发现黄嘴白鹭的繁殖种群   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
20 0 2年 3~ 8月 ,在广西防城万鹤山首次发现国家Ⅱ级重点保护动物黄嘴白鹭的繁殖种群 ,约 4巢 ,8只成鸟 1 4只雏鸟。黄嘴白鹭于该年 3月底 4月初迁来筑巢繁殖。巢材多为常绿、落叶阔叶树枯枝和松枝。窝卵数 4枚 ,卵为淡蓝青色。雌雄鸟轮流交替孵卵 ,孵化期 2 4 5 0± 1 5 0 ( 2 3~ 2 6)d ,孵化率1 0 0 %。育雏期 41± 2 ( 3 9~ 43 )d ,窝雏数 3 5 0± 0 2 9( 3~ 4)只 ,雏鸟成活率 87 5 0 %。食性主要为鱼( 77 84% )、虾 ( 1 6 76% )和青蛙 ( 5 40 % )。  相似文献   

青海湖鸬鹚繁殖成功率初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2000年3—8月对青海湖西山鸬鹚岛鸬鹚(Phalacrocorax carbo)不同繁殖阶段的成功率做了初步观察。鸬鹚卵的窝卵数为3.47枚,孵化率为37.9%,雏鸟成活率为61.1%,繁殖成功率为23.2%。孵化期的前3d,鸬鹚巢的损失率高达36.1%;育雏期前10d雏鸟损失率为25%。这些数据可看作鸬鹚种群-青海湖湿地生态系统的一个重要组分——动态监测的起始数据之一,可在未来进一步的比较分析中得到应用。  相似文献   

1999年 5~ 7月 ,通过野外直接观测的方法 ,对栗斑腹的繁殖过程进行了调查。结果表明 :在1 0 3 78hm2 样地内共有 4 5个巢 ,种群密度为 0 81只 hm2 。平均窝卵数为 5 0 9枚 ,孵化期为 1 2d,孵化率为 36 3% ,繁殖成功率为 2 7 7% ,繁殖生产力为 0 4 9。  相似文献   

吉林省白城地区干草原栗斑腹鹀的繁殖生态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
栗斑腹鹀在吉林省为留鸟,一年可繁殖两次,其雏鸟为典型的晚成鸟.4月末开始有求偶追逐和争雌行为,5月中旬产卵.雌雄鸟筑巢时间分别是43min/d和36min/d(筑巢第4天).平均窝卵数为5.09±0.58枚/巢(n=31),孵卵前、中、后期雌鸟孵卵占白天活动时间的35%、74.5%和67.6%, 孵化期为12d,孵化率为36.3%, 2、8日龄喂雏分别为4.5次/h和9.0次/h.雏鸟的体重及外部器官的发育除嘴峰外,生长曲线均符合Logistic方程,而嘴峰长的生长近似直线,栗斑腹FDA1雏鸟生长发育体重的生长模型为W=14.95/1+(e-0.552(t-3.63)),雏鸟11日龄后出飞,繁殖成活率为27.7%.  相似文献   

2012年和2013年两年的4至7月,在内蒙古通辽市扎鲁特旗对栗斑腹鹀(Emberiza jankowskii)的繁殖生态及子代性比进行了研究,发现栗斑腹鹀产首枚卵的时间为5月13日至6月12日,窝卵数平均为(5.1 ± 0.6)枚(4 ~ 6枚,n = 51),孵卵期平均为(11.5 ± 0.7)d(10 ~ 12 d,n = 19)。其中,2012年总计30巢,成功出飞13巢,繁殖成功率为43.3%;2013年总计30巢,成功出飞15巢,繁殖成功率为50.0%。栗斑腹鹀子代总体性比(雄性︰雌性)为(1.38 ± 1.03)︰1(0.25︰1 ~ 4.00︰1,n = 12),2012年和2013年的子代性比分别为(1.20 ± 1.08)︰1(1.50︰1 ~ 4.00︰1,n = 5)和(0.86 ± 0.65)︰1(0.25︰1 ~ 2.00︰1,n = 7),年际间栗斑腹鹀子代性比差异均不显著,P值分别为0.62(2012年)、0.44(2013年)与0.72(2012和2013年)。本研究对该地区栗斑腹鹀子代性比及提高栗斑腹鹀繁殖成功率和稳定其性比的措施进行了初步讨论。  相似文献   

1999年5~7月,通过野外直接观测的方法,对栗斑腹鹀的繁殖过程进行了调查.结果表明:在103.78 hm2样地内共有45个巢,种群密度为0.81只/hm2.平均窝卵数为5.09枚,孵化期为12 d,孵化率为36.3%,繁殖成功率为27.7%,繁殖生产力为0.49.  相似文献   

环境因子对笼养朱鹮自然繁殖的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
2004年3~7月,在陕西省洋县对人工饲养条件下朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)的自然繁殖进行了研究。18对繁殖鸟的窝卵数平均为(3.10±0.54)枚,孵化率26.2%,育雏成功率64.7%。当笼舍面积低于某一阈值时,窝卵数与笼舍面积呈明显正相关(Pearson,r=0.591,P<0.01)。出壳数、出飞数均与巢距遮荫树的距离呈负相关(Pearson,r1=-0.674,P1<0.05;r2=-0.677,P2<0.05)。亲鸟的繁殖经验对繁殖成功率没有显著影响,营巢环境是影响自然繁殖成功率的重要因素。  相似文献   

Annual and seasonal variation in reproductive timing and performance were studied in a population of the Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos minor over 10 years in southern Sweden. The median laying date of the first egg varied by up to 17 days between years, being generally larger than the variation of laying dates within years. Neither clutch size, brood size in successful nests, fledging success in successful nests nor mean nestling weight differed significantly between years. There was no trend for mean clutch size to vary between early and late years. In spite of a more than threefold variation in population size, no reproductive variable demonstrated an apparent density-dependence. Within the season, clutch size declined steeply with increasing clutch initiation date, whereas fledging success and nesting success did not, leading to a trend in brood size almost identical to the trend in clutch size. The survival prospects of fledged young declined with increasing clutch initiation date, and it is argued that the clutch size laid is a strategic adjustment to laying date. Out of 124 breeding attempts, 34% did not produce fledged young. In 9% of the breeding attempts, pairs laid no eggs. At least 20% of the breeding attempts failed after egg-laying. The most common cause of breeding failure was loss of the breeding partner followed by nest abandonment (40% of the failures). Only 16–28% of the failures were due to predation on the nest. Most complete failures, and also partial losses from nests, occurred at the early breeding stages. It is argued that the early nestling phase may be a critical stage, which the woodpeckers adjust to coincide with the seasonal food peak, explaining the strikingly late breeding season compared with other non-migrant species.  相似文献   

Double-nesting behaviour, a rare breeding system in which females lay in two nests, one incubated by herself and the other one by her mate, could be considered an intermediate stage in the evolutionary trend from biparental to uniparental care of single clutches. We examined the occurrence and success of double-nesting behaviour in Red-legged Partridges Alectoris rufa in Central Spain. Clutch size and hatching success were recorded, as well as the variation in these between years and between incubating sexes. Participation in incubation was higher for females (94.76%) than males (41.0%), and the proportion of incubating males varied markedly between years, with no incubating males in one dry year and approximately 50% of males incubating in other years. There was significant variation among years and between sexes in laying date, clutch size and hatching success. Clutch size decreased with later laying date in males and females. The probability of clutch loss to predation differed between sexes, being much higher for nests incubated by females. Our results suggest that both rainfall and predation influence the occurrence and success of double-nesting.  相似文献   

We analyzed individual variation in work load (nest visit rate) during chick‐rearing, and the consequences of this variation in terms of breeding productivity, in a highly synchronous breeder, the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris) focusing on female birds. There was marked (10‐ to 16‐fold) variation in total, female and male nest visit rates, among individuals, but individual variation in female nest visit rate was independent of environment (rainfall, temperature) and metrics of individual quality (laying date, clutch size, amount of male provisioning help), and was only weakly associated with chick demand (i.e., day 6 brood size). Female nest visit rate was independent of date and experimentally delayed birds provisioned at the same rate as peak‐nesting birds; supporting a lack of effect of date per se. Brood size at fledging was positively but weakly related to total nest visit rate (male + female), with >fivefold variation in nest visit rate for any given brood size, and in females brood size at fledging and chick mass at fledging were independent of female nest visit rate, that is, individual variation in workload was not associated with higher productivity. Nevertheless, nest visit rate in females was repeatable among consecutive days (6–8 posthatching), and between peak (first) and second broods, but not among years. Our data suggest that individual females behave as if committed to a certain level of parental care at the outset of their annual breeding attempt, but this varies among years, that is, behavior is not fixed throughout an individual's life but represents an annually variable decision. We suggest females are making predictable decisions about their workload during provisioning that maximizes their overall fitness based on an integration of information on their current environment (although these cues currently remain unidentified).  相似文献   

Early arrival to breeding grounds is a life history trait in birds that can result in fitness benefits. We studied the relationship between arrival date and breeding success of individuals in a central Iberian population of white stork Ciconia ciconia , between 1999 and 2005, and the ways in which other potential factors, such as age or sex, affect this relationship. Our results showed that age was the factor most closely related to arrival date and breeding success. Older individuals returned earlier to the breeding grounds, achieved larger clutch sizes and produced more chicks than younger birds. After controlling statistically for age effect, breeding probability (laid eggs or not) and laying date were still significantly explained by arrival date. A higher probability of failure to reproduce (no eggs laid) was found in birds arriving later than in those arriving early. However, clutch size and nestling success (number of nestlings in the nest 40 days after hatching) were not correlated with arrival date. Food availability in the study area throughout the breeding cycle, due to a nearby rubbish dump, could be the factor mitigating differences in clutch size and nestling success related to individual arrival date.  相似文献   

The time between egg laying and chick fledging is of crucial importance for the survival of young birds. I analyzed breeding output at consecutive phases of growth of young Coots (Fulica atra) relative to the clutch size and laying date. Considering the specific breeding biology of the Coot, I tested whether chick survival reveals clutch size-dependent variability. Clutch size did not affect hatching success; it only affected brood size, and that merely temporarily. During the first 20 days after hatching, i.e. during the time of the highest chick mortality, birds with larger clutches lost chicks at a higher rate. As a result, the number of fledged chicks was independent of the initial number of chicks, and pairs with different clutch sizes had a similar number of fledglings. The laying date had no effect. This pattern of age-related chick survival points to the greater role of the type of chick growth (semi-precocial) and behavior in their survival.  相似文献   

CapsuleThe intensity of parental defence, irrespective of the value of offspring, may be one of the proximate causes of breeding success, reflecting the quality of breeders.

Aims To test whether female Hen Harrier investment in defence towards a human predator influences breeding success.

Methods Generalized linear mixed models were used, with nest content, date of visit, the interaction (nest content*date), breeding success (number of fledglings/clutch size) and presence or absence of male as explanatory variables. ‘Female’ was included as a random variable in the model. Alarm call rate by a female Hen Harrier during the first three minutes after my arrival at a nest was used as a dependent variable (as an indicator of parental investment in defence towards a human predator).

Results Females were present and alarmed in 100% of visits whereas males were present in 37% of visits. The individual variations in female investment in defence, after controlling for the principal determinants of nest defence, were significantly correlated with breeding success of each pair.

Conclusion The relationship between female investment in nest defence and reproductive success can be explained through differences in female quality. Good quality females, as measured by the level of investment in nest defence, probably also invested more in other breeding aspects not controlled in this study obtaining higher reproductive success.  相似文献   

The breeding success and chronology of Wood Storks Mycteria americana were studied at eight colonies in northern and central Florida during 1981–1985. Mean ± s.d. clutch size for all colony-years was 3.07 ± 0.56 (n = 2694 nests), with three-egg clutches (72%) most frequent. Mean clutch size among all colonies and years ranged from 2.73 ± 0.55 to 3.41 ± 0.61. Many colonies exhibited significant negative trends in clutch size with, hatching date because of a proportional decrease in four-egg clutches later in the season. Mean colony clutch size was not correlated with nest numbers, nesting density or mean hatching date within most years. Mean ± s.d. number of fledglings for all colonies and years was 1.29 ± 1.16 fledglings per nest (n = 2812 nests). Mean annual fledging rates in colonies ranged from 0 (colony failed) to 2.66 fledglings per nest. Most breeding failure occurred prior to egg hatching, and the second highest mortality occurred between hatching and 2 weeks of age. Four-egg clutches fledged more storks than three-egg clutches, which in turn were more successful than two-egg clutches. However, all clutch sizes showed similar fledgling per egg rates. The seasonal decline in productivity was associated proportionally with smaller clutch sizes later in the breeding season. An increase in mean hatching date was correlated with an increase in latitude. There was greater within-year breeding synchrony among colonies than interyear breeding synchrony within each colony. Breeding synchrony was not correlated with mean hatching date, latitude, longitude, nest numbers or nesting density.  相似文献   

We used presentations of models to determine the effectiveness of nest defence in the Acadian Flycatcher Empidonax virescens against a nest predator (Blue Jay Cyanocitta cristata ) and a brood parasite (Brown-headed Cowbird Molothrus ater ). Principal components analysis (PCA) of four component variables of nest defence (call rate, swoop rate, closest approach and number of adults) generated a measure of overall nest defence (aggression). We determined effectiveness of defence by looking for correlations between measures of defence and measures of nest success (nest predation and brood parasitism). We also determined whether nest defence increased with clutch size, nestling age and time in the breeding season. Defence against model Brown-headed Cowbirds did not correlate with levels of parasitism, clutch size, age of young or time of breeding. There was, however, a strong, but insignificant, trend for nests with high levels of all measures of defence to suffer less from brood parasitism. Aggression, vocalization rate, closest approach and number of adults defending against models of predatory Blue Jays correlated positively with nesting success during the egg stage but not the nestling stage of the nesting cycle. Aggression, vocalization rate, closest approach correlated with clutch size and age of the brood. These results suggest that nest defence can effectively deter nest predators, but may be less effective against brood parasites. Different behavioural components of nest defence may work at different stages of the nest cycle and against different nest predators. The components of nest defence that correlated with nest success also correlated with clutch value, a result consistent with hypotheses on the evolution of nest defence.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Few investigators have examined how a female's prior history (i.e., number of clutches laid previously and whether those nesting attempts were successful or not) might influence the success of a particular clutch. Our objective was to determine the seasonal change in the mean number of fledglings successfully leaving nests in a population of Prairie Warblers ( Dendroica discolor ). To do so, we calculated the success of each clutch in the laying sequence (i.e., first, second, third, …, n th) and sorted them further by whether they were laid before (first-brood clutches) or after (second-brood clutches) the first brood fledged. In our sample population of 70 females we knew the fate of all clutches laid during a breeding season. Although the number of fledglings per successful clutch varied slightly, the probability that a clutch would be successful (i.e., produce at least one fledgling) and the number of fledglings per nest attempt increased during the breeding season. Thus, later clutches were more productive than earlier clutches. The low probability of producing a successful first clutch early in the breeding season would seem to favor selection for females that wait until later in the season to begin breeding. However, the seasonal reproductive success of females may be more dependent on breeding early (increasing the number of clutches laid in a season) than on the higher probability of success with later clutches. Our results indicate that further study of seasonal changes in reproductive success and their causes is needed.  相似文献   

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