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转基因作物对土壤生态系统的影响   总被引:47,自引:7,他引:40  
综述了转基因作物对土壤生态系统影响的研究进展,包括转基因作物中的外源基因在土壤中的活性,转基因作物对土壤微生物区系有土壤酶活性的影响以及转基因作物对土壤动物区系的影响,转基因作物对土壤生态系统的影响与导入的外源基因特性和土壤类型相关,转基因产物进入土壤后引起的土壤生物变化的程度依赖于许多因素,最重要的决定因素是生态系统的复杂性和稳定性,评价不同转基因作物对土壤生态系统的影响具有重要的生态学意义,急需发展和完善以分子生物学为主的风险评价方法。  相似文献   

转苏云金杆菌杀虫蛋白(Bt)基因作物的商品化种植可能对土壤生态系统产生不利影响是近10年来颇有争议的问题.转Bt基因作物可通过多种方式向土壤中释放苏云金杆菌杀虫蛋白即Bt蛋白,从而引起土壤生物和生态系统基本功能的变化;蚯蚓可加快动植物残体的降解,促进有机质的分解和矿化,与其他土壤生物相比,蚯蚓对某些污染物更敏感.本文从研究中用到的蚯蚓种类、采用的实验方式、研究的科学问题等方面综述了转Bt基因作物对土壤动物蚯蚓影响的研究进展,并对转Bt基因作物对土壤动物蚯蚓影响研究的发展趋势进行了展望,旨在为转Bt基因作物对非靶标土壤动物的影响提供参考,进而为全面评价转Bt基因作物对土壤生态系统的影响提供依据.  相似文献   

转Bt基因作物Bt毒蛋白在土壤中的安全性研究   总被引:19,自引:5,他引:14  
商业化的转Bt基因作物获准在田间大面积种植,使其释放的Bt毒蛋白对土壤生态系统的生态风险性问题成为人们关注的焦点,本文综述了转Bt抗虫作物以植株残体、根系分泌物、花粉等形式释放的Bt毒蛋白通过田间耕作等方式进入土壤后的一些安全性问题,包括土壤活性颗粒对Bt毒蛋白的吸附作用。Bt毒蛋白在土壤中的杀虫活性、存留,土壤微生物对Bt毒蛋白的降解作用以及Bt毒蛋白对土壤生物的影响等。  相似文献   

转转基因植物对根际土壤生态系统的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着全世界转基因植物种植的普及,转基因植物对生态环境的影响也受到人们的广泛关注。本文针对转基因植物对土壤生态系统带来的潜在风险做了较全面的探讨,概述了转基因植物在土壤中的残留、外源基因的水平转移及其表达产物对土壤生物、土壤理化性质的影响,为今后更安全利用转基因植物提供借鉴。  相似文献   

土壤微生物是土壤生态系统的一个重要组成部分,对土壤中的生物化学循环起着不可替代的驱动作用。转基因作物在生长过程中会不可避免地与土壤微生物发生交流,开展转基因作物对土壤微生物群落影响的研究对于科学评价转基因作物的潜在风险具有重要意义。随着现代生物技术的不断发展,土壤微生物多样性及其分析方法已经从传统的分离培养发展到从种群角度去研究整个土壤微生态系统内的微生物。但是由于土壤微生物的各种特性(如大部分不可培养、体积微小及群体效应等)和仪器设备检测性能的局限性,单一的研究方法会存在一些弊端,还需要结合其他的手段共同研究土壤生态系统中的微生物多样性。目前,人们对土壤微生物多样性的研究主要包括物种多样性、功能多样性、结构多样性及遗传多样性等4个方面,国内外关于转基因作物对土壤微生物多样性及其群落结构影响的研究方法很多,对常见的研究方法进行了总结,并提出了今后转基因作物对土壤微生物多样性及群落结构影响的研究策略。  相似文献   

我国转基因水稻商品化应用的潜在环境生物安全问题   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
转基因水稻的研发和商品化应用将为提高我国水稻的生产力提供新的机遇,并缓解我国的粮食安全问题.转基凶水稻的人规模环境释放和商品化生产可能会带来一定的环境生物安全问题,处理不好会影响转基因水稻的进一步研究和发展.通常所指的环境生物安全问题主要包括以下几个方面:(1)抗生物胁迫转基因对非靶标生物的影响及效应;(2)外源基因向非转基因作物和野生近缘种逃逸及其可能带来的生态后果;(3)转基因作物对农业生态系统、土壤微生物以及生物多样性的潜在影响;(4)抗生物胁迫转基因的长期使用导致靶标生物对转基因产生抗性等.为了安全有效和持续利用转基因生物技术及其产品,有必要对转基因水稻的环境生物安全性进行科学评价.基于风险评价的原则,本文对转基因水稻在我国商品化生产和大规模种植可能带来的环境生物安全问题进行了理性分析,希望为我国转基因水稻商品化应用的决策和生物安全评价提供科学依据.  相似文献   

转基因植物对农业生物多样性的影响   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:17  
论述了近年来转基因植物对农业生态系统生物多样性影响的研究进展.主要在遗传多样性、物种多样性和生态系统多样性3个层次上予以评述.包括转基因植物对作物遗传多样性的影响;转基因植物的外源基因向杂草和近缘野生种转移;转基因抗虫植物对目标害虫的影响。抗除草剂转基因植物对作物和杂草的影响,抗病毒转基因植物对病毒的影响;转基因植物对非目标生物的影响,对土壤生态系统的影响等.  相似文献   

转基因作物对土壤微生物的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球范围内转基因农作物的大量种植不仅带来巨大的经济利益,同时也引发了人们关于转基因作物对包含土壤微生物在内的土壤生态系统的潜在风险的忧虑.转基因作物对土壤微生物的影响包括外源基因表达蛋白对非靶标土壤微生物的直接影响,也包括因外源基因导入而植物根系分泌物组分变化引起的间接影响.目前,对转基因作物的大多数研究表明,转基因作物能引起土壤微生物种群数量和结构的变化.但是,转基因作物对土壤微生物的影响力度有大有小,持续时间有长有短,评价不一.本文综述了不同种类转基因作物对土壤微生物的影响,对转基因作物种类、试验技术和原则等影响评价结果准确性的因素进行了讨论,提出了进一步研究需要注意的问题.  相似文献   

转基因大豆种植后其外源基因表达产物会以叶片残体等形式暴露于土壤生态系统中,并对土壤动物存在潜在风险.本文利用我国自主研制的转hrpZm基因抗疫霉根腐病大豆B4J8049、转Cry1C基因抗食叶性害虫大豆A2A8001、转Cry1Iem基因抗食心虫大豆C802及非转基因对照亲本大豆Williams82,采用直接喂饲试验,通过60 d喂饲调查白符跳的存活率、繁殖率、体长变化等,研究3种转基因大豆材料对非靶标生物白符跳的影响.结果表明: 转基因大豆B4J8049、A2A8001和C802残体对环境指示生物白符跳的存活率、繁殖率及生长发育均无显著不良影响.初步确认转基因大豆B4J8049、A2A8001和C802在短时期内对环境无安全性风险,为其推广提供了生态安全基础数据.  相似文献   

转Bt基因作物Bt毒素在土壤中的环境去向及其生态效应   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:13  
综述了转Bt基因作物的Bt毒素在土壤中的环境去向及其生态效应的研究进展。重点阐述了:①Bt毒素与土壤表面活性颗粒结合及其与土壤理化性质的关系;②Bt毒素微生物利用与降解;③Bt毒素的杀虫活性;④后茬作物和土壤动物对Bt毒素的吸收与利用;⑤Bt毒素的垂直运移;⑥Bt毒素对土壤生物和生态过程的影响。转Bt基因作物的Bt毒素对土壤生态系统的影响急需在生态系统水平进行深入细致的长期定位研究。  相似文献   

Biotechnologies have been utilized "ante litteram" for thousands of years to produce food and drink and genetic engineering techniques have been widely applied to produce many compounds for human use, from insulin to other medicines. The debate on genetically modified (GM) organisms broke out all over the world only when GM crops were released into the field. Plant ecologists, microbiologists and population geneticists carried out experiments aimed at evaluating the environmental impact of GM crops. The most significant findings concern: the spread of transgenes through GM pollen diffusion and its environmental impact after hybridisation with closely related wild species or subspecies; horizontal gene transfer from transgenic plants to soil microbes; the impact of insecticide proteins released into the soil by transformed plants on non-target microbial soil communities. Recent developments in genetic engineering produced a technology, dubbed "Terminator", which protects patented genes introduced in transgenic plants by killing the seeds in the second generation. This genetic construct, which interferes so heavily with fundamental life processes, is considered dangerous and should be ex-ante evaluated taking into account the data on "unexpected events", as here discussed, instead of relying on the "safe until proven otherwise" claim. Awareness that scientists, biotechnologists and genetic engineers cannot answer the fundamental question "how likely is that transgenes will be transferred from cultivated plants into the natural environment?" should foster long-term studies on the ecological risks and benefits of transgenic crops.  相似文献   

The rapid development of agricultural biotechnology and release of new transgenic plants for agriculture has provided many economic benefits, but has also raised concern over the potential impact of transgenic plants on the environment. Considerable research has now been conducted on the effects of transgenic plants on soil microorganisms. These effects include unintentional changes in the chemical compositions of root exudates, and the direct effects of transgenic proteins on nontarget species of soil microorganisms. Most studies to date suggest that transgenic plants that have been released cause minor changes in microbial community structures that are often transient in duration. However, due to our limited knowledge of the linkage between microbial community structure and function, more work needs to be done on a case-by-case basis to further evaluate the effects of transgenic plants on soil microorganisms and soil ecosystem functions. This review summarizes the results of a variety of experiments that have been conducted to specifically test the effects of transgenic plants on soil microorganisms, and particularly examines the types of methods that are being used to study microbial interactions with transgenic plants.  相似文献   

The -glucuronidase (GUS) gene is to date the most frequently used reporter gene in plants. Marketing of crops containing this gene requires prior evaluation of their biosafety. To aid such evaluations of the GUS gene, irrespective of the plant into which the gene has been introduced, the ecological and toxicological aspects of the gene and gene product have been examined. GUS activity is found in many bacterial species, is common in all tissues of vertebrates and is also present in organisms of various invertebrate taxa. The transgenic GUS originates from the enterobacterial species Escherichia coli that is widespread in the vertebrate intestine, and in soil and water ecosystems. Any GUS activity added to the ecosystem through genetically modified plants will be of no or minor influence. Selective advantages to genetically modified plants that posses and express the E. coli GUS transgene are unlikely. No increase of weediness of E. coli GUS expressing crop plants, or wild relatives that might have received the transgene through outcrossing, is expected. Since E. coli GUS naturally occurs ubiquitously in the digestive tract of consumers, its presence in food and feed from genetically modified plants is unlikely to cause any harm. E. coli GUS in genetically modified plants and their products can be regarded as safe for the environment and consumers  相似文献   

转Bt基因玉米的生态安全性研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着转基因作物的应用和推广 ,转 Bt基因作物释放后对生态环境及其它方面产生的潜在影响越来越受到重视。分别从生物活性杀虫晶体蛋白在土壤中的残留特性、杀虫晶体蛋白对土壤中非目标生物的影响、转 Bt基因玉米植株体成分的变化、转Bt基因玉米花粉中杀虫晶体蛋白的表达特性及其在田间和马力筋叶片上的散积状况、花粉中表达的杀虫晶体蛋白对君主斑蝶的毒性、君主斑蝶幼虫暴露在 Bt花粉中的概率及综合风险评价估算等方面对转 Bt基因玉米产生的杀虫晶体蛋白与土壤生态环境的相互作用、花粉对非目标生物影响的研究现状进行了综述。通过对转 Bt基因作物生态安全性的科学评价和广泛宣传 ,以确保生物技术的健康发展。  相似文献   

Transgenic crops are approved for release in some countries, while many more countries are wrestling with the issue of how to conduct risk assessments. Controls on field trials often include monitoring of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) from crops to surrounding soil microorganisms. Our analysis of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and of the sensitivity of current techniques for monitoring HGT from transgenic plants to soil microorganisms has two major implications for field trial assessments of transgenic crops: first, HGT from transgenic plants to microbes could still have an environmental impact at a frequency approximately a trillion times lower than the current risk assessment literature estimates the frequency to be; and second, current methods of environmental sampling to capture genes or traits in a recombinant are too insensitive for monitoring evolution by HGT. A model for HGT involving iterative short-patch events explains how HGT can occur at high frequencies but be detected at extremely low frequencies.  相似文献   

Assessing the impact of transgenic plant products on soil organisms   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Little is known about the impact of transgenic plant products on soil organisms. However, previous research with synthetic organics, allelochemicals, and extracellular enzymes can be used to guide future research in this area. Projects designed to quantify the impact of transgenic plants on soil organisms must clearly establish that the gene products are responsible for any observed changes. This can only be achieved by determining the fate of transgenic plant gene products during the period of the soil bioassay. The overall impact of transgenic plants will be dictated by not only the primary gene product, but secondary products resulting from abiotic and biotic soil reactions. Primary and secondary products may exhibit both acute and chronic impacts. Such impacts are best quantified using a soil microcosm in which fungal populations and micro- and mesofauna are monitored.  相似文献   

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