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外源RNA干涉基因在烟草中的转化及表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据RNA干涉机制,以TMV复制酶基因为靶标基因,针对TMV 5个株系复制酶基因间高度同源序列设计引物,经RT-PCR反应获得靶序列,构建靶序列反向重复结构的RNA干涉双元载体.用根癌农杆菌介导将外源基因转化至烟草品种K326基因组中,培育RNA干涉转基因烟草.人工接种病毒验证转基因烟草中外源基因在植物抗病毒能力方面的表达效果,实时荧光定量PCR分析转基因烟草抗病毒能力.结果表明,实验培育的RNA干涉转基因烟草67%对TMV呈现高度抗性;荧光定量PCR分析显示,对TMV具高度抗性的转基因烟草中病毒复制酶基因转录产物mRNA存在很大程度的降解,证实了RNA干涉技术在培育抗病毒烟草品种中的效果.  相似文献   

为了探索拟南芥AtCIPK23基因对烟草耐旱能力的影响,对3个转AtCIPK23基因阳性纯合株系KA13、KA14和KA44与野生型烟草K326(对照)进行了自然干旱处理,测定离体叶片的失水速率、叶绿素含量、相对电导率、脯氨酸和可溶性糖含量,并分析了转基因及野生型材料对活性氧的清除能力,对活性氧清除基因NtSODNtCATNtAPX及干旱胁迫相关基因NtDREBNtLEA5NtCDPK2的表达量进行检测。结果表明:(1)转基因烟草离体叶片的失水速率明显低于K326;自然干旱7 d后,野生型K326出现了明显的干旱胁迫症状;干旱7 d进行复水后,转基因株系的复水存活率明显高于K326。(2)转基因株系中的叶绿素、脯氨酸及可溶性糖含量比K326显著提高,电导率则明显降低。(3)野生型烟草K326中H2O2的积累量明显高于3个转基因株系,转基因株系中ROS清除机制的3个关键基因NtSODNtCATNtAPX被诱导上调表达。(4)抗旱相关基因NtDREBNtLEA5NtCDPK2仅在转基因烟草中受干旱诱导。研究认为,AtCIPK23基因可能具有提高植物抗旱能力的功能。  相似文献   

通过RT-PCR从美洲商陆叶片中获得PAPN端氨基酸修饰的cDNA克隆PAP-sp1。构建携带PAP-sp1的植物转化载体pBPAP,利用农杆菌介导将PAP-sp1导入烟草品种K326叶片细胞,通过抗性筛选、组织化学和PCR鉴定获得了转基因烟草植株,按形成转基因不定芽的外植体数统计,烟草K326的转化率高达8.1%。攻毒实验表明,与对照植株相比,转基因烟草株系发病推迟,感病程度较低,开花结果提早。  相似文献   

应用RNAi技术培育抗2种病毒病的转基因烟草   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分别提取烟草普通花叶病(TMV)和烟草黄瓜花叶病(CMV)的病毒RNA。经反转录和外壳蛋白阅读框PCR扩增,获得TMV和CMV外壳蛋白基因cDNA, 分别进行两种病毒已知株系cDNA序列比对获得各自的保守序列,设计干涉序列,将干涉片段扩增产物连接到pMD18-T的相邻酶切位点,制备融合序列,并将其正向和反向序列插入pUCCRNAi载体,再转化到pCAMBIA2300-35S-OCS表达载体中。利用农杆菌LBA4404侵染烟草K326,获得3份含有TMV和CMV外壳蛋白基因干涉序列的转化材料,经分子鉴定证实干涉序列已导入烟草,并采用荧光定量PCR技术对其mRNA表达差异进行分析。抗病性调查表明转化烟株对TMV和CMV抗性都显著增强。  相似文献   

Li N  DU XZ  Pan XM  Wang JS  Song CF 《遗传》2011,33(5):520-526
TA3-13是克隆于小麦冷胁迫蛋白基因的截短片段。原核表达的TA3-13蛋白能够诱导烟草产生显著的抗烟草花叶病毒(TMV)的作用。文章将TA3-13基因片段克隆到植物表达载体pBI121上,构建成转基因重组体pB-3-13,通过冻融法转化农杆菌EHA105,构建成转基因侵染菌株。采用叶盘法将pB-3-13转化三生烟草,经卡那霉素抗性筛选,获得48株T0代再生植株。通过PCR检测,鉴定出33株转基因单株,收获了20株种子作为T1代株系。PCR-Southern杂交结果显示,PCR阳性条带与TA3-13探针有特异性杂交,说明外源基因被转化到烟草的基因组中。选取两个T1代株系的烟草植株用于各项测定。GUS组织化学活性鉴定和RT-PCR检测结果显示,外源基因可以成功地表达。接种TMV病毒后,转基因烟草抗TMV的能力较转空载体烟草提高3~5倍。转基因烟草具有抗TMV侵入和抗病毒病害发展的作用,同时转基因烟草可以抗细菌软腐病菌的扩展。  相似文献   

通过构建植物表达载体,由农杆菌介导,将望江南核糖体失活蛋白基因cassin转入烟草。PCR和Southern blot杂交结果证明:外源基因已经以单拷贝整合到烟草基因组内,并且在后代发生遗传分离。RT—PCR和Northern blot杂交结果显示:外源基因可以正常转录。用不同浓度的TMV机械摩擦接种转基因T1、T2代各3个自交株系,以非转基因烟草为阴性对照,实验结果表明转基因烟草对TMV表现出不同程度的抗性。  相似文献   

利用农杆菌介导的遗传转化法将含有普通烟草Ubi.U4启动子驱动MrCN基因表达的元件导入TMV敏感烟草品种K326中,对筛选鉴定出的T0代转基因植株接种TMV,测定其接种前后不同时期的理化指标,以接种TMV的野生型植株为对照。结果显示,转基因植株和野生型植株接种TMV前叶绿素(Chl)和MDA含量YLSOD、POD和CAT酶活力均无显著差异,但接种TMV后野生型植株Chl含量逐渐降低,转基因植株Chl含量先增后降,在接种TMV后5d时转基因植株叶片Chl含量显著高于野生型植株。接种前期(0-3d)转基因植株MDA含量略低于野生型植株,但差异不显著;但接种后期(3~5d)前者的MDA含量显著低于后者。接种TMV后转基因植株中SOD、POD及CAT酶活性变化幅度较野生型植株高,以CAT的变幅最为显著。另外,Real-timePCR分析结果表明,接种TMV后3d时转基因植株删蹦、PR-1α及NrCN表达量均显著高于野生型植株。以上结果表明,通过转基因技术提高烟草抗病基NNrCN的表达量,能提高防御酶活性及病程相关基因的表达量,从而延缓植株感染TMV的发病时间,增强敏感植株对TMV的抗性。  相似文献   

PopW是克隆于青枯劳尔氏菌Ralstonia solanacearum ZJ3721中的一种新的编码harpin蛋白的基因,原核表达的PopW蛋白能够诱导烟草对TMV的抗性、促进烟草生长、提高烟草品质。将popW基因连接到植物表达载体pBI121上,构建成重组转基因载体pB-popW,通过冻融法转化根癌土壤杆菌EHA105,获得阳性转化子。再采用叶盘法转化三生烟Nicotiana tobacum cv.Xanthi nc.,经卡那霉素抗性筛选、PCR检测、RT-PCR分析获得21个株系的T3代阳性植株。PCR及RT-PCR检测结果表明popW基因已经整合到烟草基因组中,并在转录水平正常表达。GUS染色进一步证明popW基因在翻译水平上进行了表达,且不同株系之间表达存在差异。对烟草花叶病毒(TMV)的抗病性测定结果表明,转基因烟草对TMV的抗病性增强,防效最高达54.25%。转基因烟草在生长上也具有一定优势,生长15 d的根长最高为野生型的1.7倍,移栽后60 d的株高、鲜重、干重最高分别为野生型烟草的1.4、1.7和1.8倍。  相似文献   

利用农杆菌介导的遗传转化法将含有普通烟草Ubi.U4启动子驱动NrCN基因表达的元件导入TMV敏感烟草品种K326中,对筛选鉴定出的T0代转基因植株接种TMV,测定其接种前后不同时期的理化指标,以接种TMV的野生型植株为对照。结果显示,转基因植株和野生型植株接种TMV前叶绿素(Chl)和MDA含量及SOD、POD和CAT酶活力均无显著差异,但接种TMV后野生型植株Chl含量逐渐降低,转基因植株Chl含量先增后降,在接种TMV后5 d时转基因植株叶片Chl含量显著高于野生型植株。接种前期(03 d)转基因植株MDA含量略低于野生型植株,但差异不显著;但接种后期(35 d)前者的MDA含量显著低于后者。接种TMV后转基因植株中SOD、POD及CAT酶活性变化幅度较野生型植株高,以CAT的变幅最为显著。另外,Real-time PCR分析结果表明,接种TMV后3 d时转基因植株MAPK、PR-1a及NrCN表达量均显著高于野生型植株。以上结果表明,通过转基因技术提高烟草抗病基因NrCN的表达量,能提高防御酶活性及病程相关基因的表达量,从而延缓植株感染TMV的发病时间,增强敏感植株对TMV的抗性。  相似文献   

以土壤农杆菌介导的转化方法将盐地碱蓬的腺苷甲硫氨酸合成酶cDNA(SsSAMS2)转化到烟草K326中。PCR分析的结果表明,SsSAMS2整合进K326的基因组内。共筛选到8个转基因纯合品系,分析其中3个品系(ST8.9、ST14—2、ST3.5)基因表达和多聚胺含量的结果表明,SsSAMS2可在转基因烟草中表达,转基因烟草中的多聚胺含量明显高于野生型烟草。这些结果表明,腺苷甲硫氨酸合成酶基因已在转基因烟草中过量表达并导致多聚胺含量提高。  相似文献   

Cassin, the new gene of ribosome-inactivating protein (RIP) isolated from Cassia occidentalis, was inserted into expression vector pBI121 to produce plant expression vector pBI121-cassin (Figs.1, 2). pBI121-cassin was introduced into tobacco cultivar 'K326' by the Agrobacteriurm tumefaciens transformation method and more than 100 independent transformants were obtained. Southern blot hybridization analysis showed that a single gene locus was inserted into the chromosome of the transgenic tobacco lines (Fig.5) and PCR analysis of segregation population of progeny indicated that the inheritance of transgene was dominant in transgenic lines (Fig.4, Table 1). Results of RT-PCR and Northern blot hybridization analysis showed that transgene could be transcribed correctly (Figs.5, 6) . Three self-pollination lines of transgenic T(1) and T(2) were challenged with TMV at different concentration titers by mechanical inoculation. The transgenic lines exhibited different levels of resistance to TMV with the nontransgenic plants. After both titers of TMV concentration were inoculated, transgenic lines were considered as the highly resistant type with a delay of 4-13 d in development of symptoms and 10%-25% of test plants were infected, while nontransgenic control plants were susceptible typical symptoms on the newly emerged leaves (Table 2). One T(2) line, T(2)-8-2-1, was regarded as an immune type because it did not show any symptoms during 70 d and all plants were shown to be virus free by ELISA tests.  相似文献   

Summary Cross protection of plant viruses is a phenomenon in which plants infected with one strain of a virus are protected from the effects of superinfection by other related strains. Recently, we have succeeded in the introduction and expression of a cDNA copy of the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) genomic RNA in transgenic tobacco plants. Using this system, we introduced a cDNA copy of a mild strain of TMV into tobacco plants. The transgenic plants did not develop any severe symptoms upon inoculation with a virulent TMV strain, indicating that these transgenic plants were cross protected against TMV infection. The system described here can be a useful model system to study the mechanism(s) of cross protection.  相似文献   

Resistance to tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) is controlled by the single dominant gene N in Nicotiana glutinosa L. This gene has been transferred to cultivated tobacco (N. tabacum L.) by interspecific hybridization and backcrossing, but has historically been associated with reduced yields and/or quality in flue-cured tobacco breeding materials. Past researchers have suggested the role of pleiotropy and/or linkage drag effects in this unfavorable relationship. Introduction of the cloned N gene into a TMV-susceptible tobacco genotype (cultivar ‘K326’) via plant transformation permitted investigation of the relative importance of these possibilities. On average, yield and cash return ($ ha−1) of 14 transgenic NN lines of K326 were significantly higher relative to an isoline of K326 carrying N introduced via interspecific hybridization and backcrossing. The negative effects of tissue culture-induced genetic variation confounded comparisons with the TMV-susceptible cultivar, K326, however. Backcrossing the original transgenic lines to non-tissue cultured K326 removed many of these unfavorable effects, and significantly improved their performance for yield and cash return. Comparisons of the 14 corresponding transgenic NN backcross-derived lines with K326 indicated that linkage drag is the main factor contributing to reduced yields in TMV-resistant flue-cured tobacco germplasm. On average, these transgenic lines outyielded the conventionally-developed TMV-resistant K326 isoline by 427 kg ha−1 (P < 0.05) and generated $1,365 ha−1 more (P < 0.05). Although transgenic tobacco cultivars are currently not commercially acceptable, breeding strategies designed to reduce the amount of N. glutinosa chromatin linked to N may increase the likelihood of developing high-yielding TMV-resistant flue-cured tobacco cultivars.  相似文献   

The response of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv Xanthi-nc) plants with elevated catalase activity was studied after infection by tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). These plants contain the yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) peroxisomal catalase gene CTA1 under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter. The transgenic lines exhibited 2- to 4-fold higher total in vitro catalase activity than untransformed control plants under normal growth conditions. Cellular localization of the CTA1 protein was established using immunocytochemical analysis. Gold particles were detected mainly inside peroxisomes, whereas no significant labeling was detected in other cellular compartments or in the intercellular space. The physiological state of the transgenic plants was evaluated in respect to growth rate, general appearance, carbohydrate content, and dry weight. No significant differences were recorded in comparison with non-transgenic tobacco plants. The 3,3'-diaminobenzidine-stain method was applied to visualize hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) in the TMV infected tissue. Presence of H(2)O(2) could be detected around necrotic lesions caused by TMV infection in non-transgenic plants but to a much lesser extent in the CTA1 transgenic plants. In addition, the size of necrotic lesions was significantly bigger in the infected leaves of the transgenic plants. Changes in the distribution of H(2)O(2) and in lesion formation were not reflected by changes in salicylic acid production. In contrast to the local response, the systemic response in upper noninoculated leaves of both CTA1 transgenic and control plants was similar. This suggests that increased cellular catalase activity influences local but not systemic response to TMV infection.  相似文献   

RNA-interference (RNAi) silences gene expression by'guiding mRNA degradation in asequence-specific fashion.Small interfering RNA (siRNA),an intermediate of the RNAi pathway,has beenshown to be very effective in inhibiting virus infection in mammalian cells and cultured plant cells.Here,wereport that Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transient expression of short hairpin RNA (shRNA) couldinhibit tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) RNA accumulation by targeting the gene encoding the replication-asso-ciated 126 kDa protein in intact plant tissue.Our results indicate that transiently expressed shRNA efficientlyinterfered with TMV infection.The interference observed is sequence-specific,and time-and site-dependent.Transiently expressed shRNA corresponding to the TMV 126 kDa protein gene did not inhibit cucumbermosaic virus (CMV),an unrelated tobamovirus.In order to interfere with TMV accumulation in tobaccoleaves,it is essential for the shRNA constructs to be infiltrated into the same leaves as TMV inoculation.Ourresults support the view that RNAi opens the door for novel therapeutic procedures against virus diseases.We propose that a combination of the RNAi technique and Agrobacterium-mediated transient expressioncould be employed as a potent antiviral treatment in plants.  相似文献   

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