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用随机引物扩增多态DNA(RAPD)技术对三种不同组合:小麦(Triticum aestivum)( )簇毛麦(Haynaldia villosa);小麦( )羊草(Leymus chinensis)和小麦( )高冰草(Agropyron elongatum)的属间不对称杂种进行分子鉴定,不同杂种植株的基因组经随机引物扩增后,均出现双亲的多态特异产物,证实它们含有双亲的基因组。将引物OPJ-12扩增的高冰草多态特异产物(分子量为0.77bp的DNA片段)分离纯化并标记作探针,用Southern杂交证明了小麦( )高冰草杂种经OPJ-12扩增的0.77kbp特异片段与高冰草这一片段具有同源性。本文结果证明,RAPD技术可作为小麦属间不对称体细胞杂种的一种快速、简便、有效的分子鉴定方法。  相似文献   

通过PEG诱导红豆草抗羟脯氨酸细胞系原生质体与苜蓿根癌农杆菌702转化系原生质体融合,首次选择得到非对称属间体细胞杂种愈伤组织,并分化出17株小植株.PEG可诱导原生质体紧密粘连,使相连膜环化形成泡囊状结构,导致原生质体相互融合.融合诱导溶液中附加 5%~ 10%甘油可以明显提高异源融合频率.采用后滴原生质体法具有较好的结果.杂种再生芽的染色体数目处于30~60条之间,并包含红豆草的小染色体和苜蓿的2条具有2个明显缢痕的染色体.同工酶分析和胭脂碱合成酶活性检测,均证实其杂种特征.  相似文献   

电场诱导粗柠檬(CitrusjambhiriLush,2n=2x=18)叶肉原生质体与澳洲指橘(MicrocitruspapuanaSwingle,2n=2x=18)悬浮系原生质体融合,融合产物培养后再生出丛芽,经试管嫁接得到完整植株。再生植株的细胞学检查表明它们具有18条染色体,为二倍体;植株的叶片形态与叶肉亲本(粗柠檬)一样;用6个10-mer随机引物分析再生植株的杂种特性:在4个引物(OPA-07、OPAN-07、OPE-05和OPA-08)的扩增带型图中,再生植株的带型与粗柠檬完全一样,澳洲指橘的特征带未在植株中出现;在引物OPS-13和引物OPA-04的扩增带型图中,再生植株都具有澳洲指橘的特征带。细胞学和RAPD分析的结果表明,通过对称融合得到了澳洲指橘与粗柠檬的属间二倍体体细胞杂种植株。这是柑橘属间对称融合再生二倍体叶肉亲本类型植株的首例报道。  相似文献   

利用250条10-聚寡核苷酸随机引物对具粘果山羊草(Aegilops kotschyi)、易变山羊草(Ae.variabilis)、偏凸山羊草(Ae.ventricosa)和二角山羊草(Ae.bicornis)细胞质不育系及其保持系5-1的总DNA进行了RAPD多态性分析,其中31条引物对4种不育系及其保持系总DNA均无扩增,217条引物扩增条带完全相同。有2条随机引物在2种不育系之间有特异的扩增片段,其中引物S22在偏凸山羊草细胞质雄性不育系基因组DNA中扩增出分子量约为1600bp的特异带,引物S202在粘果山羊草细胞质雄性不育系基因组DNA中扩增出约1300bp特异带。线粒体基因组DNA的RAPD分析表明,4种不育系及其保持系mtDNA存在明显的差异。证明了S22—1600为偏凸山羊草细胞质不育系及其mtDNA基因组DNA的RAPD特异片段.S202—1300可能为粘果山羊草细胞质不育系及其ctDNA基因组DNA的RAPD特异片段。  相似文献   

电场诱导酸橙(CitrusaurantitumL.)叶肉原生质体与澳洲指橘(MicrocitruspapuanaSwingle)悬浮系原生质体融合,融合产物经培养再生出具有三种叶片形态的植株,绝大部分与酸橙叶片完全相似(即叶肉亲本型植株);有2棵植株叶片大且厚;有1棵植株出现二叶和三叶。细胞学检查表明这些植株均为二倍体。采用RAPD标记对前两种植株进行杂种特性分析,共选用4个10-mer随机引物进行扩增。在引物OPAA-17的扩增产物中,再生植株的带型与酸橙一致;在引物OPA-08的扩增产物中,再生植株的带型与酸橙或澳洲指橘相似;而在引物OPA-04和OPA-07的扩增产物中,再生植株的带型出现三种情况,4个引物的扩增结果证明所分析的植株均是体细胞杂种。综合染色体检查和RAPD标记的结果,表明获得了酸橙与澳洲指橘属间二倍体体细胞杂种植株。  相似文献   

BT型细胞质雄性不育水稻及其三系的线粒体DNA研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用RAPD技术对BT型水稻胞质雄性不育系秀A及其保持系秀B、恢复系湘晴以及杂种F1代的线粒体DNA进行了比较分析。结果表明不育系与其保持系间存在显著差异;不育系与其F1之间mtDNA也存在差异。在引物OPJ-08的扩增产物中,秀A扩增出一条分子量为800bp的多态性片段,在引物OPK-10的扩增产物中,杂种F1扩增出一条分子量为900bp的片段。把这两片段回收、克隆并制备探针,OPJ-08800的Southern杂交结果显示不育系与其F1杂交图谱存在多态性;OPK-10900的Suthern杂交结果显示不育系与其保持系同存在差异。推测这两片段与育性可能有一定的联系。  相似文献   

在已知参数条件下,通过电场诱导酸橙(Citrus aurantium L.)叶肉原生质体和沙漠蒂甜橙(C.sinensis Osbeck cv.Shamouti)的胚性愈伤组织原生质体融合,融合产物经培养再生出40棵植株.染色体检查表明所得到的植株具有36条染色体,为四倍体植株.再生植株具有翼叶,叶片厚,表现出多倍体的特征.采用2个10-碱基随机引物鉴别再生植株的杂种特性.在2个引物的扩增带型中,再生植株的随机扩增带图里出现了融合亲本的特征带.对再生植株染色体计数和RAPD分析的结果表明它们是酸橙和甜橙种间异源四倍体体细胞杂种植株.这些体细胞杂种植株的获得为选择具有酸橙优良性状、同时抗CTV的新型砧木提供了好的试材.  相似文献   

抗白粉病小偃麦异代换系的细胞学和RAPD鉴定   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用细胞学和RAPD方法,对从长穗偃麦草与普通小麦复合杂交后代中选育的抗白粉病小麦种质系山农87074-526和山农87074-551进行了鉴定。结果表明,两种质系的根尖细胞染色体数目均为2n=42,花粉母细胞减数分裂中期I(PMC MI)染色体构型为2n=21Ⅱ;二者杂交F1 PMC MI染色体构型亦为2n=21Ⅱ,两种质系分别与小麦中国春的杂种F1 PMC MI染色体构型均为2n=20Ⅱ 2I,说明两种质系为相同的双体异代系。在苗期和成株期两种质系对白粉病15号菌种均表现免疫,其白粉病抗性为显性,并且来自长穗偃麦草,抗白粉病基因位于它们所含的偃麦草染色体上。从80个随机引物中,筛选出2个引物OPE13和OPH15能在两种质系中稳定地扩增出长穗偃麦草亲本的特异DNA片段。  相似文献   

在已知参数条件下,通过电场诱导酸橙(Cit-rus aurantium L.)叶肉原生质体和沙漠蒂甜橙(C.sinensis Osbeck cv.Shamouti)的胚性愈伤组织原生质体融合,副合产物经培养再生出40棵植株。染色体检查表明所得到的植株具有36条染色体。为四倍体植株。再生植株具有翼叶,叶片厚,表现出多倍体的特征,采用2个10-碱基随机引物鉴别再生植株的杂种特性。在2个引物的扩增带型中,再生植株的随机扩增带图里出现了融合亲本的特征带。对再生植株染色体计数和RAPD分析的结果表明它们是酸橙和甜橙种间异源四倍体体细胞杂种植株。这些体细胞杂种植株的获得为选择具有酸橙优良性状、同时抗CTV的新型砧木提供了好的试材。  相似文献   

利用RAPD分析鉴定花椰菜杂种纯度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)分析方法,鉴定花椰菜F1代杂种纯度。筛选出20个10bp随机引物对杂种F1代和父母本基因组DNA进行RAPD分析,共获得扩增片段124条,分子量在0.3-3kb之间,其中2个引物S120和S174可用来鉴定杂种纯度。RAPD分析结果与田间形态鉴定结果基本一致,表明RAPD分析方法适用于花椰菜杂种的纯度鉴定。  相似文献   

Li C  Xia G  Xiang F  Zhou C  Cheng A 《Plant cell reports》2004,23(7):461-467
Two types of protoplasts of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Jinan 177) were used in fusion experiments—cha9, with a high division frequency, and 176, with a high regeneration frequency. The fusion combination of either cha9 or 176 protoplasts with Russian wildrye protoplasts failed to produce regenerated calli. When a mixture of cha9 and 176 protoplasts were fused with those of Russian wildrye, 14 fusion-derived calli were produced, of which seven differentiated into green plants and two differentiated into albinos. The morphology of all hybrid plants strongly resembled that of the parental wheat type. The hybrid nature of the cell lines was confirmed by cytological, isozyme, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) analyses. GISH analysis revealed that only chromosome fragments of Russian wildrye were transferred to the wheat chromosomes of hybrid calli and plants. Simple sequence repeat (SSR) analysis of the chloroplast genome of the hybrids with seven pairs of wheat-specific chloroplast microsatellite primers indicated that all of the cell lines had band patterns identical to wheat. Our results show that highly asymmetric somatic hybrid calli and plants can be produced via symmetric fusion in a triparental fusion system. The dominant effect of two wheat cell lines on the exclusion of Russian wildrye chromosomes is discussed.Abbreviations GISH Genome in situ hybridization - RAPD Random amplified polymorphic DNA - SCF Small chromosome fragment - SSR Simple sequence repeat  相似文献   

Protoplast fusion was induced between sainfoin and alfalfa by an improved polyethyleneglycol (PEG) method. The intergeneric somatic calluses were selected based on complementation of hydroxyproline-resistance of sainfoin and hormone autonomy growth of alfalfa transformation cell line. 17 somatic hybrid plantlets were regenerat-ed. PEG could induce the tight agglutination of protoplasts. During diluting and washing process, cyclization of the linked membrane and formation of vesicle-like structures were observed, resulting in protoplast fusion. 5%-10% glycerol supplemented in the fusion inducing solution markedly increased the frequency of heterogeneous fusion. Better fusion results were obtained when mixed protoplast suspension was dripped in petri dishes in which PEG solution was previously placed. Chromosome number of regenerated hybrid buds varied from 30 to 60. The genome of hybrids in-cluded the small chromosome from sainfoin and two chromosomes with two clear constrictions from alfalfa. The hybrid  相似文献   

Protoplast fusion was induced between sainfoin and alfalfa by an improved polyethyleneglycol (PEG) method. The intergeneric somatic calluses were selected based on complementation of hydroxyproline-resistance of sainfoin and hormone autonomy growth of alfalfa transformation cell line. 17 somatic hybrid plantlets were regenerated. PEG could induce the tight agglutination of protoplasts. During diluting and washing process, cyclization of the linked membrane and formation of vesicle-like structures were observed, resulting in protoplast fusion. 5%–10% glycerol supplemented in the fusion inducing solution markedly increased the frequency of heterogeneous fusion. Better fusion results were obtained when mixed protoplast suspension was dripped in petri dishes in which PEG solution was previously placed. Chromosome number of regenerated hybrid buds varied from 30 to 60. The genome of hybrids included the small chromosome from sainfoin and two chromosomes with two clear constrictions from alfalfa. The hybridity of obtained hybrid calluses was confirmed by their isayrne banding patterns and their nopaline synthetase activity.  相似文献   

High-yielding dwarf clones of Hevea brasiliensis are tolerant to wind damage and therefore useful for high-density planting. The identification of molecular markers for the dwarf character is very important for isolating true-to-type high-yielding dwarf hybrid lines in the early stage of plant breeding programs. We have identified a dwarf genome-specific random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) marker in rubber tree. A total of 115 random oligonucleotide 10-mer primers were used to amplify genomic DNA by PCR, of which 19 primers produced clear and detectable bands. The primer OPB-12 generated a 1.4-kb DNA marker from both natural and controlled F1 hybrid progenies (dwarf stature) derived from a cross between a dwarf parent and a normal cultivated clone as well as from the dwarf parent; it was absent in other parent (RRII 118). To validate this DNA marker, we analyzed 22 F1 hybrids (13 with a dwarf stature and nine with a normal stature); the dwarf genome-specific 1.4-kb RAPD marker was present in all dwarf-stature hybrids and absent in all normal-stature hybrids. This DNA marker was cloned and characterized. DNA marker locus specificity was further confirmed by Southern blot hybridization. Our results indicate that Southern blot hybridization of RAPD using probes made from cloned DNA fragments allows a more accurate analysis of the RAPD pattern based on the presence/absence of specific DNA markers than dye-stained gels or Southern blot analysis of RAPD blots using probes made from purified PCR products. Detection of RAPD markers in the hybrid progenies indicates that RAPD is a powerful tool for identifying inherited genome segments following different hybridization methods in perennial tree crops.  相似文献   

Protoplast fusion was induced between sainfoin and alfalfa by an improved polyethyleneglycol (PEG) method. The intergeneric somatic calluses were selected based on complementation of hydroxyproline-resistance of sainfoin and hormone autonomy growth of alfalfa transformation cell line. 17 somatic hybrid plantlets were regenerated. PEG could induce the tight agglutination of protoplasts. During diluting and washing process, cyclization of the linked membrane and formation of vesicle-like structures were observed, resulting in protoplast fusion. 5%–10% glycerol supplemented in the fusion inducing solution markedly increased the frequency of heterogeneous fusion. Better fusion results were obtained when mixed protoplast suspension was dripped in petri dishes in which PEG solution was previously placed. Chromosome number of regenerated hybrid buds varied from 30 to 60. The genome of hybrids included the small chromosome from sainfoin and two chromosomes with two clear constrictions from alfalfa. The hybridity of obtained hybrid calluses was confirmed by their isayrne banding patterns and their nopaline synthetase activity. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

Summary Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) protoplasts, inactivated by iodoacetamide, and non-morphogenic Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) protoplasts, both derived from suspension cultures, were electrofused and putative somatic hybrid plants were recovered. Two different genotypic fusion combinations were carried out and several green plants were regenerated in one of them. With respect to plant habitus, leaf and inflorescence morphology, the regenerants had phenotypes intermediate between those of the parents. Southern hybridization analysis using a rice ribosomal DNA probe revealed that the regenerants contained both tall fescue- and Italian ryegrass-specific-DNA fragments. A cloned Italian ryegrass-specific interspersed DNA probe hybridized to total genomic DNA from Italian ryegrass and from the green regenerated somatic hybrid plants but not to tall fescue. Chromosome counts and zymograms of leaf esterases suggested nuclear genome instability of the somatic hybrid plants analyzed. Four mitochondrial probes and one chloroplast DNA probe were used in Southern hybridization experiments to analyze the organellar composition of the somatic hybrids obtained. The somatic hybrid plants analyzed showed tall fescue, additive or novel mtDNA patterns when hybridized with different mitochondrial gene-specific probes, while corresponding analysis using a chloroplast gene-specific probe revealed in all cases the tall fescue hybridization profile. Independently regenerated F. arundinacea (+) L. multiflorum somatic hybrid plants were successfully transferred to soil and grown to maturity, representing the first flowering intergeneric somatic hybrids recovered in Gramineae.  相似文献   

Deng J  Cui H  Zhi D  Zhou C  Xia G 《Plant cell reports》2007,26(8):1233-1241
Callus-derived protoplasts of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Hesheng 3) irradiated with ultraviolet light were fused by using the PEG method with cell suspension-derived protoplasts of Arabidopsis thaliana. Regenerated calli and green plants resembling that of wheat were obtained. The hybrid nature of putative calli and plants were confirmed by isozyme, random amplified polymorphic DNA and genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) analyses. GISH results indicated that 1∼3 small chromosome fragments of A. thaliana were found introgression into the terminals of wheat chromosomes, forming highly asymmetric hybrids. Cytoplasmic genome tests did not show any cytoplasmic genetic materials from A. thaliana. However, variations from the normal wheat cytoplasmic genome were found, indicating recombination or rearrangement occurred during the process of somatic hybridization. The chromosome elimination in the asymmetric somatic hybridization of remote phylogenetic relationship was discussed. A miniature inverted-repeat transposable element related sequence was found by chance in the hybrids which might accompany and impact the process of somatic hybridization. Jingyao Deng and Haifeng Cui provided same contribution to this work.  相似文献   

Bulked segregant analysis was employed to identify random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers linked to the restorer gene (Rfo) used in theOgura radish cytoplasmic male sterility of rapeseed. A total of 138 arbitrary 10-mer oligonucleotide primers were screened on the DNA of three pairs of bulks, each bulk corresponding to homozygous restored and male sterile plants of three segregating populations. Six primers produced repeatable polymorphisms between paired bulks. DNA from individual plants of each bulk was then used as a template for amplification with these six primers. DNA polymorphisms generated by four of these primers were found to be completely linked to the restorer gene with the polymorphic DNA fragments being associated either with the fertility restorer allele or with the sterility maintainer allele. Pairwise cross-hybridization demonstrated that the four polymorphic DNA fragments did not share any homology. Southern hybridization of labelled RAPD fragments on digested genomic DNA from the same three pairs of bulks revealed fragments specific to either the male sterile bulks or to the restored bulks and a few fragments common to all bulks, indicating that the amplified sequences are low copy. The four RAPD fragments that were completely linked to the restorer locus have been cloned and sequenced to develop sequence characterized amplified regions (SCARs). This will facilitate the construction of restorer lines used in breeding programs and is the first step towards map-based cloning of the fertility restorer allele.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the production of intergeneric somatic hybrid plants between two sexually incompatible legume species. Medicago sativa (alfalfa, lucerne) leaf protoplasts were inactivated by lethal doses of iodoacetamide. Onobrychis viciifolia (sainfoin) suspension-cell protoplasts were gamma-irradiated at lethal doses. Following electrofusion under optimized conditions about 50,000 viable heterokaryons were produced in each test. The fusion products were cultured with the help of alfalfa nurse protoplasts. Functional complementation permitted only the heterokaryons to survive. A total of 706 putative heterokaryon-derived plantlets were regenerated and 570 survived transplantation to soil. Experimentation was aimed at the introduction of proanthocyanidins (condensed tannins) from sainfoin, a bloat-safe plant, to alfalfa, a bloat-causing forage crop; however, no tannin-positive regenerant plants were detected. Most regenerant plants have shown morphological differences from the fusion parents, although, as expected, all resembled the recipient parent, alfalfa. Southern analysis using an improved total-genomic probing technique has shown low levels of sainfoin-specific DNA in 43 out of 158 tested regenerants. Cytogenetic analysis of these asymmetric hybrids has confirmed the existence of euploid (2n=32; 17%) as well as aneuploid (2n=30, 33–78; 83%) plants. Pollen germination tests have indicated that the majority of the hybrids were fertile, while 35% had either reduced fertility or were completely sterile.  相似文献   

Species containing E genome of Thinopyrum offered potential to increase the genetic variability and desirable characters for wheat improvement. However, E genome specific marker was rare. The objective of the present report was to develop and identify sequenced characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers that can be used in detecting E chromosome in wheat background for breeding purpose. Total 280 random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primers were amplified for seeking of E genome specific fragments by using the genomic DNA of Thinopyrum elongatum and wheat controls as templates. As a result, six RAPD fragments specific for E genome were found and cloned, and then were converted to SCAR markers. The usability of these markers was validated using a number of Egenome-containing species and wheat as controls. These markers were subsequently located on E chromosomes using specific PCR and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). SCAR markers developed in this research could be used in molecular marker assisted selection of wheat breeding with Thinopyrum chromatin introgressions.  相似文献   

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