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白灵侧耳(白灵菇)交配系统特性的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过连锁分析对白灵侧耳(白灵菇)交配系统特性进行了研究,结果表明:白灵侧耳的交配系统由A、B两对不亲和性因子构成,A、B不连锁,其中A因子由独立的1个亚基构成,B因子由2个遗传距离为1cM的α、β亚基构成;供试的双核菌株及其4个交配型基准株A1B1、A2B2、A1B2和A2B1的菌丝生长最适宜温度分别为26.1℃、26.9℃、25.9℃、26.4℃和25.4℃。  相似文献   

大豆种皮色相关基因研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Song J  Guo Y  Yu LJ  Qiu LJ 《遗传》2012,34(6):687-694
大豆种皮色在从野生大豆到栽培大豆的演变过程中逐渐从黑色变成黄色,是重要的形态标记,因此,大豆种皮色相关基因研究无论对进化理论还是育种实践都具有重要的意义。种皮颜色是通过各种花色苷的沉积而形成的。虽然很多植物色素沉积的分子调控机制比较明晰,但大豆中控制种皮颜色形成的基因尚未被完全了解。文章综述了控制大豆种皮色基因与位点的相关研究进展,主要有I、T、W1、R、O 5个经典遗传位点,其中I位点被定位在第8号染色体(A2连锁群)一个富含查尔酮合成酶(CHS)的区域,CHS基因在大豆中是多基因家族且同源性较高;定位于第6号染色体(C2连锁群)T位点的基因F3’H已被克隆和转基因验证,由于碱基缺失导致所编码的氨基酸缺少了保守域GGEK,从而不能与血红素结合而丧失功能;R位点定位在第9号染色体(K连锁群)A668-1与K387-1两标记之间,可能是R2R3类MYB转录因子,也可能是UDP类黄酮3-O糖基转移酶;O位点定位在第8号染色体(A2连锁群)Satt207与Satt493两标记之间,其分子特性尚不清楚;W1位点可能由F3’5’H基因控制遗传。  相似文献   

肺形侧耳味道鲜美,营养丰富,深受广大消费者喜爱。它属于四极性异宗结合担子菌,但其交配型位点结构仍未被解析。本研究利用二代测序技术对肺形侧耳的基因组进行测序,通过生物信息学方法找到了肺形侧耳野生菌株X1菌株后代单核菌株的交配型位点。结果显示肺形侧耳的A交配型位点较为特异,2株原生质体单核化菌株(X1-1和X1-15)的A交配型位点结构差异较大,X1-1含一对保守的HD1和HD2基因,而X1-15除了一对HD1和HD2基因外,还含有额外的2个HD2基因和1个HD1基因。肺形侧耳的B交配型位点与其他担子菌的交配型位点相似,含有8个信息素受体基因和1个信息素前体基因。本研究揭示的肺形侧耳特异的交配型位点结构为后期的遗传育种提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

陆光远  杨光圣  傅廷栋 《遗传学报》2004,31(11):1309-1315
在显性细胞核雄性不育系Rs1046A和双低油菜品种Samourai构建的回交分离群体中,运用AFLP和SSR两种标记技术构建了一个甘蓝型油菜(Brassica napus L.)的分子标记遗传连锁图谱。该图谱共包含138个AFL.P标记、83个SSR标记和1个形态标记,分布于18个主要连锁群、2个三联体和1个连锁对上,图谱总长度为2646cM,偏分离标记的比例为11.7%。显性细胞核雄性不育基因Ms被定位到第10连锁群(LG10)上。同时,偏分离标记聚集于第8连锁群(LG8)和第16连锁群(LGl6)的末端,形成了十分明显的偏分离标记密集区域。研究结果对于油菜核不育两型系的分子标记辅助选择育种具有重要意义,同时也为克隆和分离核不育基因以及研究核不育的分子机理打下了良好的基础。  相似文献   

侧耳属核rDNA转录间区扩增产物的限制性酶切分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
马富英  罗信昌 《菌物学报》2002,21(3):356-362
对侧耳属18个形态种52个菌株和蘑菇属、香菇属、亚侧耳属各1个菌株的核糖体DNA转录间区进行PCR特异性扩增后,用7种限制性内切酶进行酶切分析。结果表明,BamHⅠ对所有的菌株均无酶切位点;AluⅠ, Hae Ⅲ,HinfⅠ, TaqⅠ, HhaⅠ, MspⅠ可分别将52个菌株分为6, 5, 5, 4, 2, 2组,且可将金顶侧耳与其它侧耳区分开。基于限制性酶切多态性构建的聚类图表明,在93%相似水平,可将所有的侧耳分为七组,第一组:糙皮侧耳、佛罗里达侧耳、美味侧耳、裂皮侧耳、黄白侧耳、哥伦比亚侧耳、灰白侧耳、白阿魏蘑、阿魏蘑及一些未定名的侧耳;第二组:刺芹侧耳;第三组:肺形侧耳和凤尾菇;第四组:具核侧耳;第五组:鲍鱼菇和囊盖侧耳;第六组:红平菇和桃红侧耳;第七组:金顶侧耳。聚类图结果进一步表明,金顶侧耳与其它侧耳的关系较双孢蘑菇和香菇与其它侧耳的关系要远。  相似文献   

侧耳属核rDNA转录间区扩增产物的限制性酶切分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
马富英  罗信昌 《菌物系统》2002,21(3):356-362
对侧耳属18个形态种52个菌株和蘑菇属、香茹属、亚侧耳属各1个菌株的核糖体DNA转录间区进行PCR特异性扩增后,用7种限制性内切酶进行酶切分析。结果表明,BamH I对所有的菌株均无酶切位点;Alu I,Hae III,Hinf I,Hha I,MspI可分别将52个菌株分为6,5,5,4,2,2组,且可将金顶侧耳与其它侧耳区分开。基于限制性酶切多态性构建的聚类图表明,在93%相似水平,可将所有的侧耳分为七组,第一组:糙皮侧耳、佛罗里达侧耳、美味侧耳、裂皮侧耳、黄白侧耳、哥伦比亚侧耳、灰白侧耳、白阿魏蘑、阿魏蘑及一些未定名的侧耳;第二组:刺芹侧耳;第三组:肺形侧耳和凤尾茹;第四组:具核侧耳;第五组:鲍鱼茹和囊盖侧耳;第六组:红平茹和桃红侧耳;第七组:金顶侧耳。聚类图结果进一步表明,金顶侧耳与其它侧耳的关系较双孢蘑菇和香茹与其它侧耳的关系要远。  相似文献   

Wang XL  Gao XW  Li G  Wang HL  Geng SD  Kang F  Nie XX 《遗传》2011,33(12):1398-1408
以遗传性状差异较大的甜瓜材料日本安农二号与新疆哈密瓜K413杂交产生的143个F2单株为作图群体,以AFLP与SSR分子标记为主构建了包含12个连锁群、142个遗传标记位点的甜瓜遗传图谱,其中包括121个AFLP标记、16个SSR标记、3个STS标记、2个性状标记,连锁群总长度为1 014.2 cM。应用复合区间作图法对甜瓜果实的大小、长宽比、糖度、硬度以及甜瓜种子的长、宽、形状、重量等性状进行遗传定位与分析。基因定位结果显示控制果肉颜色的基因位于C9连锁群AFLP分子标记NDAA与NCFA之间。其他性状表现为数量性状控制,共检测到25个数量性状基因座,不同性状基因座位有重叠分布的特点。其中C5连锁群标记NCA-N73C区间检测到QTLs Sl5.1、Sw5.1和Swt5.1分别控制种子长、宽和千粒重,分别可解释表型变异的17%、19%和23%。该区域包含的来自母本安农二号的基因位点对甜瓜种子的长、宽、千粒重均有明显的抑制作用;位于C8连锁群标记N73A与NFDA间的QTL通过影响种子的宽度从而影响种子的形状与重量;同样位于C8连锁群的果实长宽比QTL Fs8.1在F2和F3中均检测到,分别解释表型变异的25%和19%,表现为部分显性,来自安农二号的等位基因抑制甜瓜果实伸长,生成圆形甜瓜;还发现控制甜瓜果实心糖、边糖、果实硬度的QTL各一个。  相似文献   

以9个大白菜品种和10个结球甘蓝品种为试材,对位于芸薹属A基因组10个连锁群的207对SSR引物进行PCR筛选,共筛选出33个大白菜相对于结球甘蓝的特异SSR标记,涉及了大白菜的10个连锁群,其中位于A1连锁群3对,A2连锁群4对,A3连锁群5对,A4连锁群2对,A5连锁群3对,A6连锁群4对,A7连锁群2对,A8连锁群1对,A9连锁群2对,A10连锁群7对。为进一步利用SSR标记鉴定结球甘蓝—大白菜异附加系奠定了基础。  相似文献   

米曲霉(Aspergillus oryzae)是一种十分重要的工业微生物,但由于其菌丝体和孢子均含有多个细胞核,并且对多种抗性药物具有抗性,导致其遗传转化和分子生物学研究较其他模式丝状真菌困难。目前米曲霉遗传转化主要采用营养缺陷型作为筛选标记。尿嘧啶营养缺陷型是米曲霉转化中最常用的一种营养缺陷型标记,其筛选标记基因pyrG编码乳清酸核苷-5′-磷酸脱羧酶为尿嘧啶的前体尿苷合成所必需。本研究以米曲霉3.042为背景,利用紫外线诱变和5-氟乳清酸(5-FOA)胁迫筛选获得5株尿嘧啶营养缺陷型菌株,经DNA测序5株菌株均为pyrG基因不同位点突变,确定为尿嘧啶营养缺陷型。以筛选到的尿嘧啶营养缺陷型菌株为背景,利用农杆菌介导的米曲霉转化系统,成功构建了米曲霉尿嘧啶营养缺陷型为筛选标记的农杆菌转化体系。  相似文献   

凤尾菇和桃红平菇种间原生质体电融合获杂种菌株   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以有自然标记的双核风尾菇(Pleurotus sajor-caju)和桃红平菇(P.Rhodophyllus)为出发菌株,以它们携带营养缺陷型标记的单孢菌株为直接亲本,采用BAEKON 2 000基因转移仪进行侧耳属种间原生质体电融合,成功地获得若干株融合体,其中有一株编号为F57的融台体已培育出子实体。比较了融合体F57与亲本的形态、生理、生化和遗传等性状,结果证实,融合体F57是一株新的种间杂种菌株。  相似文献   

Recombination analysis of naturally diploid Candida albicans.   总被引:15,自引:8,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
A multiply auxotrophic strain, hOG45, was derived from Candida albicans ATCC 10261. Prototrophic revertants of this multiple auxotroph were selected after mutagenesis. These prototrophic revertants were distinguishable from the original prototroph, ATCC 10261, because of their mitotic instability. They gave rise to auxotrophic derivatives which displayed one or more of the auxotrophic requirements characteristic of hOG45. Two of the auxotrophic requirements, those for adenine and methionine, frequently reappeared together in the auxotrophic derivatives of the prototrophic revertants. This apparent linkage of ade and met was confirmed by protoplast fusion analysis of the original auxotroph. These data indicate that C. albicans ATCC 10261 is diploid, the multiple auxotroph h0G45 is homozygous for recessive auxotrophic alleles, the prototrophic revertants are multiple heterozygotes, the auxotrophic derivatives are homozygotes produced by mitotic crossing-over, and the association between the ade and met alleles is due to linkage.  相似文献   

O'Donnell AF  Tiong S  Nash D  Clark DV 《Genetics》2000,154(3):1239-1253
Steps 6 and 7 of de novo purine synthesis are performed by 5-aminoimidazole ribonucleotide carboxylase (AIRc) and 4-[(N-succinylamino)carbonyl]-5-aminoimidazole ribonucleotide synthetase (SAICARs), respectively. In vertebrates, a single gene encodes AIRc-SAICARs with domains homologous to Escherichia coli PurE and PurC. We have isolated an AIRc-SAICARs cDNA from Drosophila melanogaster via functional complementation with an E. coli purC purine auxotroph. This cDNA encodes AIRc yet is unable to complement an E. coli purE mutant, suggesting functional differences between Drosophila and E. coli AIRc. In vertebrates, the AIRc-SAICARs gene shares a promoter region with the gene encoding phosphoribosylamidotransferase, which performs the first step in de novo purine synthesis. In Drosophila, the AIRc-SAICARs gene maps to section 11B4-14 of the X chromosome, while the phosphoribosylamidotransferase gene (Prat) maps to chromosome 3; thus, the close linkage of these two genes is not conserved in flies. Three EMS-induced X-linked adenine auxotrophic mutations, ade4(1), ade5(1), and ade5(2), were isolated. Two gamma-radiation-induced (ade5(3) and ade5(4)) and three hybrid dysgenesis-induced (ade5(5), ade5(6), and ade5(8)) alleles were also isolated. Characterization of the auxotrophy and the finding that the hybrid dysgenesis-induced mutations all harbor P transposon sequences within the AIRc-SAICARs gene show that ade5 encodes AIRc-SAICARs.  相似文献   

Abstract A new tryptophan auxotroph of Streptomyces venezuelae was isolated by transduction of a histidine mutant to His+ after hydroxylamine mutagenesis of the transducing lysate. Cotransduction of at least two his genes and two trp genes was then demonstrated. One trp and two his markers were not cotransducible with this gene cluster, but the separate trp marker, trp -4, was cotransducible with a nic marker. These results are compatible with the distribution of similar markers on the conjugational linkage map of S. coelicolor A3(2), and so support the hypothesis of conservation of linkage relationships among putative homologous loci within the genus Streptomyces .  相似文献   

Similar to other eukaryotes, yeasts have parallel pathways of one-carbon metabolism in the cytoplasm and mitochondria and have folylpolyglutamate synthetase activity in both compartments. The gene encoding folylpolyglutamate synthetase is MET7 (also referred to as MET23) on chromosome XV and appears to encode both the cytoplasmic and mitochondrial forms of the enzyme. In order to determine the metabolic roles of both forms of folylpolyglutamate synthetase, we disrupted the met7 gene and determined that the strain is a methionine auxotroph and an adenine and thymidine auxotroph when grown in the presence of sulfanilamide. The met7 mutant becomes petite under normal growth conditions but can be maintained with a grande phenotype if the strain is tup and all media are supplemented with dTMP. A met7 gly1 strain is auxotrophic for glycine when grown on glucose but prototrophic when grown on glycerol. A met7 ser1 strain cannot use glycine to suppress the serine auxotrophy of the ser1 phenotype. A met7 shm2 strain is nonviable. In order to disrupt just the mitochondrial folylpolyglutamate synthetase activity, we constructed mutants with an inactivated chromosomal MET7 gene complemented by genes that express only cytoplasmic folylpolyglutamate synthetase, including the Lactobacillus casei folC gene and the yeast MET7 gene with its mitochondrial leader sequence deleted (MET7Deltam). All the genes providing cytoplasmic folylpolyglutamate synthetase complemented the methionine auxotrophy as well as the synthetic lethality of the shm2 strain and the synthetic glycine auxotrophy of the gly1 strain. The strains lacking the mitochondrial folylpolyglutamate synthetase had longer doubling times than the isogenic wild-type strains but retained the function of the mitochondrial folate-dependent enzymes to produce formate, serine, and glycine. Mutants complemented by the bacterial folC gene or by the MET7Deltam gene on a 2mu plasmid remained grande without the tup mutation and supplementation and dTMP. Mutants complemented by the MET7Deltam gene integrated in single copy became petites under those conditions, indicating a deficiency in dTMP production but this is likely due to lower expression of cytoplasmic folylpolyglutamate synthetase by the MET7Deltam gene.  相似文献   

Two linkage groups were established in Bacillus pumilus NRRL B-3275 by bacteriophage PBS1 transduction. Group L contains the auxotrophic markers gly, his, and met. Group M contains the markers argO, met, ura, and cys.  相似文献   

The generalized transducing phage Pf16h2 has been used to confirm linkage relationships of chromosomal markers of Pseudomonas putida previously determined from their time-of-entry in Hfr crosses, and to map new auxotrophic mutations. By means of spot matings using Hfr donors of known origin of transfer, catabolic markers forming part of a closely linked group of operons referred to as a superoperonic cluster have been shown to be chromosomally located and their map positions determined. R-prime-mediated interspecific complementation has been used to equate functionally 21 auxotrophic loci in P. putida and P. aeruginosa, and the distribution of these loci on the two genetic maps has been compared. While both maps reveal that auxotrophic markers are largely restricted to about 40% of the chromosome and that auxotrophic markers of similar phenotype are not clustered, there is evidence of at least seven chromosomal rearrangements since divergence from a presumed common ancestor.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of yeast RAS1 and RAS2 genes   总被引:59,自引:0,他引:59  
We present a genetic analysis of RAS1 and RAS2 of S. cerevisiae, two genes that are highly homologous to mammalian ras genes. By constructing in vitro ras genes disrupted by selectable genes and introducing these by gene replacement into the respective ras loci, we have determined that neither RAS1 nor RAS2 are by themselves essential genes. However, ras1 - ras2 - spores of doubly heterozygous diploids are incapable of resuming vegetative growth. We have determined that RAS1 is located on chromosome XV, 7 cM from ade2 and 63 cM from his3; and RAS2 is located on chromosome XIV, 2 cM from met4 . We have also constructed by site-directed mutagenesis a missense mutant, RAS2val19 , which encodes valine in place of glycine at the nineteenth amino acid position, the same sort of missense mutation that is found in some transforming alleles of mammalian ras genes. Diploid yeast cells that contain this mutation are incapable of sporulating efficiently, even when they contain wild-type alleles.  相似文献   

Donahue TF  Henry SA 《Genetics》1981,98(3):491-503
An extensive genetic analysis of inositol auxotrophic mutants of yeast is reported. The analysis includes newly isolated mutants, as well as those previously reported (Culbertson and Henry 1975). Approximately 70% of all inositol auxotrophs isolated are shown to be alleles of the ino1 locus, the structural gene for inositol-1-phosphate synthase, the major enzyme involved in inositol biosynthesis. Alleles of two other loci, ino2 and ino4, comprise 9% of total mutants, with the remainder representing unique loci or complementation groups. The ino1 locus was mapped by trisomic analysis with an n + 1 disomic strain constructed with complementing alleles at this locus. The ino1 locus is shown to be located between ura2 (11.1 cm) and cdc6 (21.8 cm) on chromosome X. An extended map of chromosome X of yeast is presented. Unlike most yeast loci, but similar to the his1 locus, the ino1 locus lacks allelic representatives that are suppressible by known suppressors. This finding suggests that premature termination of translation of the ino1 gene product may be incompatible with cell viability.  相似文献   

A transformation scheme for Cryptococcus neoformans to yield high-frequency, integrative events was developed. Adenine auxotrophs from a clinical isolate of C. neoformans serotype A were complemented by the cryptococcal phosphoribosylaminoimidazole carboxylase gene (ade2) with a biolistic DNA delivery system. Comparison of two DNA delivery systems (electroporation versus a biolistic system) showed notable differences. The biolistic system did not require linear vectors and transformed each auxotrophic strain at similar frequencies. Examination of randomly selected transformants by biolistics showed that 15 to 40% were stable, depending on the recipient auxotroph, with integrative events identified in all stable transformants by DNA analysis. Although the ade2 cDNA copy transformed at a low frequency, DNA analysis found homologous recombination in each of these transformants. DNA analysis of stable transformants receiving genomic ade2 revealed ectopic integration in a majority of cases, but approximately a quarter of the transformants showed homologous recombination with vector integration or gene replacement. This system has the potential for targeted gene disruption, and its efficiency will also allow for screening of DNA libraries within C. neoformans. Further molecular strategies to study the pathobiology of this pathogenic yeast are now possible with this transformation system.  相似文献   

The substitution of the relA gene mutant allele with wild type allele of this gene in strictly auxotrophic strain of Escherichia coli K-12 GT25, carrying thr B1007 mitation, results in the appearance of the partial dependence of the bacterial growth upon threonine. On the other hand, the introduction of relA mutation into genome of incomplete threonine auxotroph, which was isolated as pseudorevertant from the strict threonine auxotroph CP78, recovered the strict dependency of the growth on the presence of threonine in the medium. The introduction of relA mutation into genome of partial isoleucine auxotroph, carrying a mutation in ilvA gene, reduces the residual activity of threonine deaminase under the conditions of derepression and results in the appearance of strict dependency of bacterial growth on the presence of isoleucine. These data indicate that operons, which control the biosynthesis of threonine and isoleucine, are positively regulated by the product of relA gene. The possibility of using leaky mutations, which lead to incomplete block of these amino acids synthesis, for testing allelic state of relA gene is discussed.  相似文献   

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