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本文对山茶属(Camellia)中的茶组(Sect.Thea)和秃茶组(Sect.Glaberrima)植物47种和3变种进行了分类学订正研究。将秃茶组并人茶组之中,确认世界茶组植物共有12种和6变种。讨论了茶组植物分化与分布,并展示了我国茶叶种质资源的丰富性和利用潜力。  相似文献   

山茶属连蕊茶组6种植物花粉形态特征研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
首次用扫描电子显微镜观察了山茶属(Camelliaa)连蕊茶组(Sect.Theopsis Coh.St.)6种植物花粉的形态特征。结果表明,这6种植物的花粉外壁纹饰可分为4大类型:皱波状(肖长尖连蕊茶Camellia subacutissima Chang和岳麓连蕊茶Chandelii Sealy);不规则皱网状(毛柄连蕊茶C.fraternal Hance和七瓣连蕊茶C.septempetala Changet L.L.Qi);脑纹状(柃叶连蕊茶C.euryoides Lindl.);穴状(小长尾连蕊茶C.parvicaudata Chang)。不同种植物花粉外壁纹饰存在一定差异,可为组内种间的区分提供参考依据,具有分类学意义。  相似文献   

叶创兴   《广西植物》1993,13(4):306-310
作者通过比较认为山茶属金花茶组的模式和古茶组的模式不是同一分类单位,因而取消金花茶组是不恰当的。金花茶组是一个自然的集合体。作者详细地分析了山茶属内演化的四个阶段:第一阶段表现为苞被不分化、大型、宿存、子房5室、心皮部分分离;第二阶段演化出苞被宿存和苞被脱落两个类群,前者较为原始的代表是离蕊茶织和短蕊茶组,较为进化的代表是管蕊茶组;后者较为原始的代表是半宿萼茶组、瘤果茶组、糙果茶组,较为进化的代表是油茶组、短柱茶组、红山茶组;第三阶段是苞被分化为小苞片和萼片的类群,金花茶组和长柄茶组是较为原始而茶组、超长柄茶组则是较为进化的代表;第四阶段的连蕊茶组和毛蕊茶组苞萼小型化且宿存,的代表,雌、雄蕊均高度连合,子房室不完全发育 它们只能由第三阶段具有多数小苞片的原始类群发展出来,认为把山茶属划分为四个亚属的系统是合理的。 作者还认为,花的颜色以及其他相似性状的集合是划分山茶属次级分类单位的重要依据;分类系统的自然性和实用性相结合是分类学家始终应该追随的目标,混淆不同差异的做法是不可取的。最后,作者认为山茶属没有真正的顶生花。  相似文献   

Sect.Camellia植物迄今已合格发表的名称有 72种,l亚种和7变种,其中 Sect.Paracamellia中的威宁短柱茶 C.weiningensis和 Sect.Corallina中的连山离蕊茶 C.lienshanensis应归属本组。经研究订正,确认该组共12种和6变种,其余名称均作为相应种、变种和变型的同物异名,文中讨论了物种的形态变异与分化,分布与替代,自然杂交等问题.  相似文献   

通过对Camellia nitidissimaChi和Camellia petelotii(Merr.)Sealy的核糖体DNAITS区序列进行分析,结果表明两者的ITS区序列存在一定的差异,Camellianitidissima与Camelliatunghinensis,Camellialimonia和Camelliapingguoensis的亲缘关系比与Camelliapetelotii的关系更近,说明两者是相互独立的种。  相似文献   

为探讨山茶属茶亚属(Camellia subgen.Thea)中长柄山茶组(sect.Longipedicellata)、金花茶组(sect.Chrysantha)和超长柄茶组(sect.Longissima)的系统位置和亲缘关系,本研究选取了该属4个亚属11组28个种及2个外类群的材料,对这些材料的叶绿体4个DNA片段(rp/16、psbA-trnH、trnL-F和rp/32-trnL)进行了测序,运用邻接法(neighbor-joining)、最大简约法(maximum-parsimony)和贝叶斯推断(Bayesian inference)对获得的序列进行了联合矩阵分析.并构建基因树.基因树的拓扑结构显示:1)金花茶组包括3个平行的支系,并且长柄山茶组的模式种长柄山茶(Camellia longipedicellata)嵌于其中一个支系,因而金花茶组可能是一个并系或多系类群;2)长柄山茶与越南分布的金花茶组种类在分子系统树上构成一个单系支,暗示了长柄山茶组和金花茶组之间可能具有紧密的亲缘关系;3)超长柄茶组不是一个单系类群,该组的河口超长柄茶(C.hekouensis)位于系统树的基部,与山茶属其余种构成姐妹群.由于缺乏更广泛取样的分析,超长柄茶在山茶属中的系统位置仍然不明确,超长柄茶组与长柄山茶组的亲缘关系问题也没有得到解决.  相似文献   

山茶属(Camellia)植物集茶叶、茶油及茶花三大特色为一身。近年来,该属连蕊茶组(Sect. Theopsis)和毛蕊茶组(Sect. Eriandria)植物随着野生资源在束花茶花种质创新等方面的发展而逐渐受到关注。为在未来山茶的开发应用中进一步利用两组资源,本文重点总结连蕊茶组和毛蕊茶组的植物资源、观赏性及适应性、种质创新等方面的研究进展。1)山茶属主要包括闵天禄、张宏达及Sealy三个分类系统研究,按照张宏达分类系统,连蕊茶组资源48种,毛蕊茶组15种;闵天禄分类学系统连蕊茶组19种,毛蕊茶组9种。2)两组资源具开花繁密,叶形较小的特点;花的挥发性成分以苯乙醇、芳樟醇、柏木醇为主。3)在应用研究中主要体现在束花茶花的育种,连蕊茶组植物10余种,毛蕊茶组1~2种已用于种质创新。从目前的研究来看,两组资源的基础研究相对薄弱,亟需结合经典分类及现代分子生物等技术开展全面的综合性基础研究;在充分发挥我国特有连蕊茶组和毛蕊茶组资源的基础上,聚焦抗逆性及观赏性的种质创新,不断丰富该类资源在园林景观等方面的应用。  相似文献   

根据对9个标本馆收藏的225份湖南荨麻科(Urticaceae)楼梯草属(Elatostema J.R.Forster&G.Forster)植物标本的研究,结合野外调查,确认湖南现有楼梯草属植物18种4变种.文中编排了分种(变种)检索表,列出了查阅的标本和分布资料,对有争议的植物作了分类学讨论.  相似文献   

为探讨山茶属茶亚属 (Camellia subgenThea) 中长柄山茶组 (sectLongipedicellata)、金花茶组 (sectChrysantha)和超长柄茶组 (sectLongissima) 的系统位置和亲缘关系,本研究选取了该属4个亚属11组28个种及2个外类群的材料,对这些材料的叶绿体4个DNA片段 (rpl16、psbA trnH、trnL F和rpl32 trnL) 进行了测序,运用邻接法 (neighbor joining)、最大简约法 (maximum parsimony) 和贝叶斯推断 (Bayesian inference) 对获得的序列进行了联合矩阵分析,并构建基因树。基因树的拓扑结构显示:1) 金花茶组包括3个平行的支系,并且长柄山茶组的模式种长柄山茶 (Camellia longipedicellata) 嵌于其中一个支系,因而金花茶组可能是一个并系或多系类群;2) 长柄山茶与越南分布的金花茶组种类在分子系统树上构成一个单系支,暗示了长柄山茶组和金花茶组之间可能具有紧密的亲缘关系;3) 超长柄茶组不是一个单系类群,该组的河口超长柄茶 (C. hekouensis) 位于系统树的基部,与山茶属其余种构成姐妹群。由于缺乏更广泛取样的分析,超长柄茶在山茶属中的系统位置仍然不明确,超长柄茶组与长柄山茶组的亲缘关系问题也没有得到解决。  相似文献   

中国石杉属(狭义)小杉兰组的分类学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文将石杉科石杉属(狭义)分为两组,即小杉兰组Sect.Huperzia和蛇足石杉组Sect.Serratae (Rothm.)Holub,对小杉兰组的概念进行了修订并对国产有关种类进行了分类学研究。共记载国产小杉 兰组植物12种1变种,并包括1个新组合:Huperzia quasipolytrichoides(Hayata)Ching var. rectifolia (J.F.Cheng)H.S.Kung et L.B.Zhang,2个新异名:H.hupehensis Ching和H.whangshanensisChing et P.C.Chiu.  相似文献   

Swertia mussotii Franch. is a herb used for treatment of liver disease in Qinghai-Tibcran Plateau folk. Further investigation on chemical constituents in aqueous extract of Swertia mussotii Franch. has been reported here. Seven compounds (Ⅰ, Ⅲ–Ⅷ) were achieved except mangiferin (Ⅱ) isolated previously by a chromatograph. They belong in secoiridoids, flavonoids and xanthonoids, respectively. The structures of known compounds were identified as amarogentin(Ⅲ), swertisin(Ⅷ), 8-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl-1, 3, 5-trihydroxyxanthone(Ⅶ) and 8-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-6)-β-D-glucopyranosyl)-I, 7-dihydroxy-3-methoxyxanthone (Ⅵ). The structures of other three new compounds have been elucidated as 7-O-β-D-xylopy-ranosyl-1, 8-dihydroxy-3-methoxyxanthone (Ⅳ), 7-O-[α-L-rhamnopyranosyl- (1-2)-β-D-xylopyranosyl]-l,8-dihydroxy-3-methoxyxanthone(Ⅰ)and 3-O-β-D-glucopyranosy 1,8-dihydroxy-5-methoxyxanthone (Ⅴ), by means of the chemical and spectral methods. Mangiferin, amarogentin and 7-0- [α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1-2)-β-D-xylopyranosyl]-l,8-dihydroxy-3-methoxyxanthone are the principal glucosides in this plant.  相似文献   

In this study, antitumor activity of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG; major component of green tea polyphenol), eugenol (active component of clove), and amarogentin (active component of chirata plant) either alone or in combination were evaluated in Hela cell line. It was evident that EGCG with eugenol–amrogentin could highly inhibit the cellular proliferation and colony formation than individual treatments. Induction of apoptosis was also higher after treatment with EGCG in combination with eugenol–amrogentin than individual compound treatments. The antiproliferative effect of these compounds was due to downregulation of cyclinD1 and upregulation of cell cycle inhibitors LIMD1, RBSP3, and p16 at G1/S phase of cell cycle. Treatment of these compounds could induce promoter hypomethylation of LimD1 and P16 genes as a result of reduced expression of DNA methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1). Thus, our study indicated the better chemotherapeutic effect of EGCG in combination with eugenol–amarogentin in Hela cell line. The chemotherapeutic effect might be due to the epigenetic modification particularly DNA hypomethylation through downregulation of DNMT1.  相似文献   

J. Bricout 《Phytochemistry》1974,13(12):2819-2823
The bitter constituents of Gentiana lutea L. roots were isolated and identified by mass spectrometry. Gentiopicroside, swertiamarin, amarogentin were characterized and their abundance evaluated. Amarogentin was shown to be the main bitter constituent of the roots. By cultivation of Gentiana lutea, roots with a high content in amarogentin can be obtained in 2 yr.  相似文献   

From the roots of Gentiana pannonica, Scop. a new strongly bitter secoiridoid acyl glucoside (amaropanin) was isolated and identified as desoxy amarogentin (sweroside-2′,3″,3?-dihydroxydiphenyl-2-carboxyl acid ester). Amaropanin is chromatographically detectable also in the root of G. purpurea L. and G. punctata L.  相似文献   

A rapid, sensitive and selective LC-MS-MS method for the simultaneous quantitation of picroside-I and kutkoside (active constituents of herbal hepatoprotectant picroliv) was developed and validated in rabbit plasma. The analytes and internal standard (Amarogentin) were extracted using Oasis HLB solid phase extraction cartridges. Analysis was performed on Spheri RP-18 column (10 microm, 100 mm x 4.6 mm i.d.) coupled with guard column using acetonitrile:MilliQ water (50:50, %v/v) as mobile phase at a flow rate of 1 ml/min with a retention time of 1.39, 1.33 and 1.42 min for picroside-I, kutkoside and amarogentin, respectively. The quantitation was carried out using an API-4000 LC-MS-MS with negative electro spray ionization in multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode. The precursor to product ion transitions for picroside-I, kutkoside and amarogentin were m/z 491 > 147, 199; 511 > 167, 235; 585 > 227, respectively. The method was validated in terms of establishing linearity, specificity, sensitivity, recovery, accuracy and precision (within- and between-assay variation), freeze-thaw (f-t), auto injector and dry residue stability. Linearity in plasma was observed over a concentration range of 1.56-400 ng/ml with a limit of detection (LOD) of 0.5 ng/ml for both analytes. The recoveries from spiked control samples were > 60 and > 70% for picroside-I and kutkoside, respectively. Accuracy and precision of the validated method were within the acceptable limits of < 20% at low and < 15% at other concentrations. The analytes were stable after three freeze-thaw cycles and their dry residues were stable at -60 degrees C for 15 days. The method was successfully applied to determine concentrations of picroside-I and kutkoside post i.v. bolus administration of picroliv in rabbit.  相似文献   

The ability to taste bitterness evolved to safeguard most animals, including humans, against potentially toxic substances, thereby leading to food rejection. Nonetheless, bitter perception is subject to individual variations due to the presence of genetic functional polymorphisms in bitter taste receptor (TAS2R) genes, such as the long-known association between genetic polymorphisms in TAS2R38 and bitter taste perception of phenylthiocarbamide. Yet, due to overlaps in specificities across receptors, such associations with a single TAS2R locus are uncommon. Therefore, to investigate more complex associations, we examined taste responses to six structurally diverse compounds (absinthin, amarogentin, cascarillin, grosheimin, quassin, and quinine) in a sample of the Caucasian population. By sequencing all bitter receptor loci, inferring long-range haplotypes, mapping their effects on phenotype variation, and characterizing functionally causal allelic variants, we deciphered at the molecular level how a subjects’ genotype for the whole-family of TAS2R genes shapes variation in bitter taste perception. Within each haplotype block implicated in phenotypic variation, we provided evidence for at least one locus harboring functional polymorphic alleles, e.g. one locus for sensitivity to amarogentin, one of the most bitter natural compounds known, and two loci for sensitivity to grosheimin, one of the bitter compounds of artichoke. Our analyses revealed also, besides simple associations, complex associations of bitterness sensitivity across TAS2R loci. Indeed, even if several putative loci harbored both high- and low-sensitivity alleles, phenotypic variation depended on linkage between these alleles. When sensitive alleles for bitter compounds were maintained in the same linkage phase, genetically driven perceptual differences were obvious, e.g. for grosheimin. On the contrary, when sensitive alleles were in opposite phase, only weak genotype-phenotype associations were seen, e.g. for absinthin, the bitter principle of the beverage absinth. These findings illustrate the extent to which genetic influences on taste are complex, yet arise from both receptor activation patterns and linkage structure among receptor genes.  相似文献   

Gentiana lutea belonging to the Gentianaceae family of flowering plants are routinely used in traditional Serbian medicine for their beneficial gastro-intestinal and anti-inflammatory properties. The aim of the study was to determine whether aqueous root extracts of Gentiana lutea consisting of gentiopicroside, gentisin, bellidifolin-8-O-glucoside, demethylbellidifolin-8-O-glucoside, isovitexin, swertiamarin and amarogentin prevents proliferation of aortic smooth muscle cells in response to PDGF-BB. Cell proliferation and cell cycle analysis were performed based on alamar blue assay and propidium iodide labeling respectively. In primary cultures of rat aortic smooth muscle cells (RASMCs), PDGF-BB (20 ng/ml) induced a two-fold increase in cell proliferation which was significantly blocked by the root extract (1 mg/ml). The root extract also prevented the S-phase entry of synchronized cells in response to PDGF. Furthermore, PDGF-BB induced ERK1/2 activation and consequent increase in cellular nitric oxide (NO) levels were also blocked by the extract. These effects of extract were due to blockade of PDGF-BB induced expression of iNOS, cyclin D1 and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). Docking analysis of the extract components on MEK1, the upstream ERK1/2 activating kinase using AutoDock4, indicated a likely binding of isovitexin to the inhibitor binding site of MEK1. Experiments performed with purified isovitexin demonstrated that it successfully blocks PDGF-induced ERK1/2 activation and proliferation of RASMCs in cell culture. Thus, Gentiana lutea can provide novel candidates for prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Swertia corymbosa (Griseb.) Wight ex C. B. Clarke, a valuable medicinal plant, has been investigated for its regeneration potential using nodal explants. Out of a range of concentrations of cytokinins [6-benzyl adenine (BA), 6-furfurylaminopurine (Kn), 2-isopentenyl adenine (2iP), thidiazuron (TDZ), and zeatin (Z)] used as supplements with MS, BA at 4.40 μM concentration proved best for multiple shoot induction yielding 26.50 ± 0.26 shoots after 12 weeks of culture. Addition of low concentration of NAA (1.3 μM) in MS medium supplemented with the cytokinin BA (4.40 μM) favoured shoot multiplication. A mean number of 35.78 ± 0.81 shoots were produced per explant. Additive effect of BA (4.40 μM) in combination with Kn (4.64 μM) produced highest number of shoots (83.20 ± 4.29). Addition of GA3 (1.4 μM) to the above medium not only favored shoot elongation but also enhanced the number of shoots (113.98 ± 3.80). The microshoots were rooted successfully on half-strength MS medium supplemented with 9.8 μM of IBA. The plantlets were successfully transferred to hardening medium containing vermiculite with 87 % survival rate. Screening of the antibacterial, antioxidant activity and estimation of total phenolic and flavonoid content of methanolic extracts of micropropagated plants were also carried out and compared with that of the wild-grown plants. In all the tests, methanolic extract from wild-grown plants showed higher antioxidant, antimicrobial activity, total phenolic and flavonoid content than in vitro propagated plants. The content of secondary metabolites in wild-grown plants and in vitro propagated plants was determined by HPLC coupled with ESI-MS and the presence of loganic acid, swertiamarin, sweroside, gentiopicroside, isovitexin, amoroswertin, amarogentin, gentiacaulein, decussatin, and swertianin in the samples were confirmed. Gentiopicroside (40.726 mg/g) and swertianin (29.598 mg/g) were found to be the major compounds which may be responsible for the antimicrobial and antioxidant activities. The results of the present study confirmed the therapeutic potency of S. corymbosa used in the traditional medicine; in addition, the protocol for in vitro production developed in the present study could be applied for mass multiplication and for the conservation of germplasm.  相似文献   

三七环二肽成分   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
从三七(Panax notoginseng)的根中分离得到14个环二肽成分,通过波谱解析其结构分别鉴定为环-(亮氨酸-苏氨酸)(1)、环-(亮氨酸-异亮氨酸)(2)、环-(亮氨酸-缬氨酸)(3)、环-(异亮氨酸-缬氨酸)(4)、环-(亮氨酸-丝氨酸)(5)、环-(亮氨酸-酪氨酸)(6)、环-(缬氨酸-脯氨酸)(7)、环-(丙氨酸-脯氨酸)(8)、环-(苯丙氨酸-酪氨酸)(9)、环-(苯丙氨酸-丙氨酸)(10)、环-(苯丙氨酸-缬氨酸)(11)、环-(亮氨酸-丙氨酸)(12)、环-(异亮氨酸-丙氨酸)(13)、环-(缬氨酸-丙氨酸)(14)。其中化合物1为新化合物,化合物4~10为新天然化合物,化合物2~3、11~14为已知化合物;化合物2和11、3和4、12和13分别为一对混合物,比例分别为2:1、1:1和2:1。  相似文献   

This review article summarizes our knowledge of the metabolism of mono- and sesquiterpenoids in mammals, microorganisms, cloned-insect enzymes, and plant-cultured cells. A number of unusual enzymatic reactions and products are reported such as the stereoselective formation of primary alcohols from sterically congested Me2C groups. Such enzymatic processes, including unknown chemical transformations under abiotic conditions, could lead to the discovery of new chemical reactions and might be helpful in the design of new drugs. The transformations of the following mono- and sesquiterpenoids (in alphabetical order) are discussed: (+)-(1R)-aromadendrene (61), (-)-allo-aromadendrene (62), (+/-)-camphene (21), (-)-cis-carane (20), (+)-3-carene (17), (+/-)-carvone (27), (-)-beta-caryophyllene (43), (+)-cedrol (35), cuminaldehyde (25), (+)-curdione (69), (-)-cyclocolorenone (60), (-)-elemol (51), (2E,6E)-farnesol (31), germacrone (67), ginsenol (40), (-)-globulol (63), isoprobotryan-9alpha-ol (82a), juvenile hormone III (33), (+)-ledol (65), (+)-longifolene (46), myrcene (3), (-)-myrtenal (23), (+)-nootkatone (48), patchouli alcohol (37), (-)-perillaldehyde (24), (-)-alpha- and beta-pinene (8 and 9), alpha-santalol (28), (-)-6beta-santonin (83a), 6beta-tetrahydrosantonin (83b), beta-selinene (57), alpha-thujone (26a), beta-thujone (26b), T-2 toxin (87), and valerianol (53).  相似文献   

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