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山茶属连蕊茶组6种植物花粉形态特征研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
首次用扫描电子显微镜观察了山茶属(Camelliaa)连蕊茶组(Sect.Theopsis Coh.St.)6种植物花粉的形态特征。结果表明,这6种植物的花粉外壁纹饰可分为4大类型:皱波状(肖长尖连蕊茶Camellia subacutissima Chang和岳麓连蕊茶Chandelii Sealy);不规则皱网状(毛柄连蕊茶C.fraternal Hance和七瓣连蕊茶C.septempetala Changet L.L.Qi);脑纹状(柃叶连蕊茶C.euryoides Lindl.);穴状(小长尾连蕊茶C.parvicaudata Chang)。不同种植物花粉外壁纹饰存在一定差异,可为组内种间的区分提供参考依据,具有分类学意义。  相似文献   

Sect.Camellia植物迄今已合格发表的名称有 72种,l亚种和7变种,其中 Sect.Paracamellia中的威宁短柱茶 C.weiningensis和 Sect.Corallina中的连山离蕊茶 C.lienshanensis应归属本组。经研究订正,确认该组共12种和6变种,其余名称均作为相应种、变种和变型的同物异名,文中讨论了物种的形态变异与分化,分布与替代,自然杂交等问题.  相似文献   

山茶属(Camellia)植物集茶叶、茶油及茶花三大特色为一身。近年来,该属连蕊茶组(Sect. Theopsis)和毛蕊茶组(Sect. Eriandria)植物随着野生资源在束花茶花种质创新等方面的发展而逐渐受到关注。为在未来山茶的开发应用中进一步利用两组资源,本文重点总结连蕊茶组和毛蕊茶组的植物资源、观赏性及适应性、种质创新等方面的研究进展。1)山茶属主要包括闵天禄、张宏达及Sealy三个分类系统研究,按照张宏达分类系统,连蕊茶组资源48种,毛蕊茶组15种;闵天禄分类学系统连蕊茶组19种,毛蕊茶组9种。2)两组资源具开花繁密,叶形较小的特点;花的挥发性成分以苯乙醇、芳樟醇、柏木醇为主。3)在应用研究中主要体现在束花茶花的育种,连蕊茶组植物10余种,毛蕊茶组1~2种已用于种质创新。从目前的研究来看,两组资源的基础研究相对薄弱,亟需结合经典分类及现代分子生物等技术开展全面的综合性基础研究;在充分发挥我国特有连蕊茶组和毛蕊茶组资源的基础上,聚焦抗逆性及观赏性的种质创新,不断丰富该类资源在园林景观等方面的应用。  相似文献   

贵州大树茶的核型变异与进化   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文对贵州大树茶7种1变种11类型的核型进行了分析。结果表明,这些种类均为二倍体2n=30。五室茶Camellia quinquelocularis 2n=30=24m+6sm;四球茶C.tetracocca 2n=30=22m+8sm;大理茶C.taliensis 2n=30=22m+8sm;秃房茶C.gymnogyna 2n=30=22m+6sm+2st与2n=30=20m+8sm+2st;假秃房茶C. gymnogynoides 2n=30=22m+6sm+2st与2n=30=20m+8sm+2st;榕江茶C. jungkiangensis 2n=30+20m+8sm+2st;茶C.sinensis 2n=30=20m+8sm+2st以及变种淡红花茶C.sinensis var.ruolla 2n=30=20m+8sm+2st;均属2A核型。染色体结构变异在茶组植物演化中起了重要作用。所划分的两大类核型,即m和sm类与m,sm,和st类是与其子房室数,即5室和3室相一致的。根据核型的不对称性程度、外部形态及生化分析,探讨了各种类的亲缘关系与系统演化途径,论证了茶组植物的原产地是位于滇、桂、黔毗邻交汇处的云贵高原,探讨了茶组植物的分类学问题。  相似文献   

本文重点讨论金花茶组Sect.Chrysantha H.T.Chang的分类学位置。通过对金花茶C.chrysantha(Hu)Tuyama、亮叶离蕊茶C.nitidissima Chi和分布于越南北部的多瓣山茶C.petelotii(Merr.)Sealy的模式标本和原始材料的研究考订,确认金花茶的拉丁名称应进一步更正为C.petelolii(Merr.)Sealy.对古茶组Sect.Archecamellia Sealy和金花茶组的特征性状的比较分析表明,J.R.Sealy[1] 以C.petelotii(Merr.)Sealy为模式建立的古茶组是一个自然类群,金花茶组和J.R.Sealy的古茶组之间分类学特征相同,两组的模式同为一种-C.petelotii, 从而认为金花茶组不能成立,被首次归并到古茶组中。同时认为《山茶属植物的系统研究》一书改变了古茶组的分类学概念和转移了组的模式是不妥的。通过研究,确认古茶组共有16种和3变种,除原古茶组的7种外,包括连蕊茶组Sect.Theopsis中的C.indochinensis和金花茶组中6种和3变种被转移到本组之中,以及本文提出的两个新种。原金花茶组其余16种(包括未正式发表的4种)、2变种和3个变型均作为相应种或变种的同物异名归并。此外,还讨论了各种错误鉴定和有关分化与分布的问题。  相似文献   

长毛红山茶和长尾红山茶的核型分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
<正> 长毛红山茶(Camelliav uillosa Chang et S.Y.Liang)和长尾红山茶(C.longicaudata Chang et S.Y.Liang)均为张宏达教授定的新种,分别隶属于山茶属(Camellia)红山茶组(Sect.Camellia)的滇山茶亚组(Subsect.Reficulala)和光果红山茶亚组(Subsect.Lucidissima),前者分布在我国的湖南、广西和贵州,后者分布在广东和广西。 红山茶组共有33个种、1个亚种,7个变种。根据文献资料统计,该组作过染色体计数的有10个种,1个亚种和6个变种,作过核型分析的有4个种、1个亚种和2个变种。本文对该组的长毛红山茶和长尾红山茶的核型作首次报道,并与该组的10个种,1个亚种和6个变种的染色体数目或核型作了比较。  相似文献   

中国石杉属(狭义)小杉兰组的分类学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文将石杉科石杉属(狭义)分为两组,即小杉兰组Sect.Huperzia和蛇足石杉组Sect.Serratae (Rothm.)Holub,对小杉兰组的概念进行了修订并对国产有关种类进行了分类学研究。共记载国产小杉 兰组植物12种1变种,并包括1个新组合:Huperzia quasipolytrichoides(Hayata)Ching var. rectifolia (J.F.Cheng)H.S.Kung et L.B.Zhang,2个新异名:H.hupehensis Ching和H.whangshanensisChing et P.C.Chiu.  相似文献   

本文继续报道了薯蓣属(Dioscorea L.)块茎类5个组(sect. Combilium Pr.et Burk.,Sect. Lasiophyton Pr. et Burk., Sect. Opsophyton Uline, Sect. Shannicorea Pr. et Burk., Sect. Enantiophyllum Uline)23个种和变种的染色体数,并对一些分类群进行了讨论。它们都是基数为10的多倍体,是本属进化的类型。 根据染色体数的演化和二倍体种类的地理分布,我们推论我国横断山脉地区可能是薯蓣属的起源中心。  相似文献   

南山茶Camellia semiserrata Chi染色体核型的分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
<正> 引言 南山茶(Camellia semiserrata Chi)又名广宁红花油茶,属山茶属(Camellia L.)山茶亚属(Subg.Camellia)红山茶组(Sect.Camellia),分布于我国广东和广西。南山茶的种子油可供食用,为我国南方主要油料经济树种之一,花红色,形大而艳丽,可供观赏。 山茶属植物约共二百种,但已做过染色体计数者仅47种,做过核型分析者则不超过10种。本文提供的南山茶染色体核型的资料将有助于山茶属植物的遗传育种工作和属内系  相似文献   

茶组植物中茶氨酸和没食子酸的高压液相色谱分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用高效液相色谱(HPLC)技术对茶属茶组的6种3变种植物叶中的茶氨酸和没食子酸含量进行定量分析.结果表明,茶氨酸和没食子酸均普遍存在于这几种茶组植物中,二者在大理茶与广西茶中的含量与大叶茶最为接近,野生的大理茶在云南民间亦作为茶叶的原料使用,有悠久的历史,提示大理茶有可能是大叶茶的基源植物之一.  相似文献   

Based on recent molecular and morphological studies we present a modern worldwide phylogenetic classification of the ± 12074 grasses and place the 771 grass genera into 12 subfamilies (Anomochlooideae, Aristidoideae, Arundinoideae, Bambusoideae, Chloridoideae, Danthonioideae, Micraioideae, Oryzoideae, Panicoideae, Pharoideae, Puelioideae, and Pooideae), 6 supertribes (Andropogonodae, Arundinarodae, Bambusodae, Panicodae, Poodae, Triticodae), 51 tribes (Ampelodesmeae, Andropogoneae, Anomochloeae, Aristideae, Arundinarieae, Arundineae, Arundinelleae, Atractocarpeae, Bambuseae, Brachyelytreae, Brachypodieae, Bromeae, Brylkinieae, Centotheceae, Centropodieae, Chasmanthieae, Cynodonteae, Cyperochloeae, Danthonieae, Diarrheneae, Ehrharteae, Eragrostideae, Eriachneae, Guaduellieae, Gynerieae, Hubbardieae, Isachneae, Littledaleeae, Lygeeae, Meliceae, Micraireae, Molinieae, Nardeae, Olyreae, Oryzeae, Paniceae, Paspaleae, Phaenospermateae, Phareae, Phyllorachideae, Poeae, Steyermarkochloeae, Stipeae, Streptochaeteae, Streptogyneae, Thysanolaeneae, Triraphideae, Tristachyideae, Triticeae, Zeugiteae, and Zoysieae), and 80 subtribes (Aeluropodinae, Agrostidinae, Airinae, Ammochloinae, Andropogoninae, Anthephorinae, Anthistiriinae, Anthoxanthinae, Arthraxoninae, Arthropogoninae, Arthrostylidiinae, Arundinariinae, Aveninae, Bambusinae, Boivinellinae, Boutelouinae, Brizinae, Buergersiochloinae, Calothecinae, Cenchrinae, Chionachninae, Chusqueinae, Coicinae, Coleanthinae, Cotteinae, Cteniinae, Cynosurinae, Dactylidinae, Dichantheliinae, Dimeriinae, Duthieinae, Eleusininae, Eragrostidinae, Farragininae, Germainiinae, Gouiniinae, Guaduinae, Gymnopogoninae, Hickeliinae, Hilariinae, Holcinae, Hordeinae, Ischaeminae, Loliinae, Melinidinae, Melocanninae, Miliinae, Monanthochloinae, Muhlenbergiinae, Neurachninae, Olyrinae, Orcuttiinae, Oryzinae, Otachyriinae, Panicinae, Pappophorinae, Parapholiinae, Parianinae, Paspalinae, Perotidinae, Phalaridinae, Poinae, Racemobambosinae, Rottboelliinae, Saccharinae, Scleropogoninae, Scolochloinae, Sesleriinae, Sorghinae, Sporobolinae, Torreyochloinae, Traginae, Trichoneurinae, Triodiinae, Tripogoninae, Tripsacinae, Triticinae, Unioliinae, Zizaniinae, and Zoysiinae). In addition, we include a radial tree illustrating the hierarchical relationships among the subtribes, tribes, and subfamilies. We use the subfamilial name, Oryzoideae, over Ehrhartoideae because the latter was initially published as a misplaced rank, and we circumscribe Molinieae to include 13 Arundinoideae genera. The subtribe Calothecinae is newly described and the tribe Littledaleeae is new at that rank.  相似文献   

 利用目前国际上比较常用的植被—气候相关分析的气候指标,如Kira的温暖指数和寒冷指数,徐文铎的湿润指数,Penman的可能蒸散和干燥度指标,Thornthwaite的潜在可能蒸散和水分指数,Holdridge生命地带分类系统指标以及气温和降水等单一气候因子,综合对中国亚热带常绿阔叶林优势种及常见种进行TWINSPAN分类和DCA排序,可将植物种分为8个水热分布类群,较好地反映出优势种及常见种沿热量和水分梯度的分布格局。并总结了这8个水热分布类群的气候指标范围。这8个类群是:Ⅰ高温湿润型,Ⅱ高中温湿润型,Ⅲ低中温湿润型,Ⅳ高低温中湿型,Ⅴ低低温中湿型,Ⅵ低温半湿润型,Ⅶ高低温低湿型,Ⅷ低低温低湿型  相似文献   


Two nuclear techniques, Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis (EDXRF) and Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA), were used to analyze aerosol samples collected in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Na, Cl, Mn, V, Al, Sm, Mo, W, La, As, Br, Sb, K, Ba, Se, Th, Cr, Rb, Ca, Fe, Ce, and Sc were determined by INAA, and Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, As, Se, Br, Rb, Sr, Hg, and Pb were determined by EDXRF. A preliminary identification of the main source of the atmospheric aerosol was performed based on enrichment factor and correlation coefficient calculations.


Sugars and Organic Acids of Vitis vinifera   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Glucose, fructose, galactose, sucrose, maltose, melibiose, raffinose, and stachyose were identified in the leaves, bark, roots, and berries of Vitis vinifera L. var. Thompson Seedless. In addition to these sugars, verbascose and manninotriose were found in the leaves and bark.

Malic, tartaric, citric, isocitric, ascorbic, cis-aconitic, oxalic, glycolic, glyoxylic, succinic, lactic, glutaric, fumaric, pyrrolidone carboxylic, α-ketoglutaric, pyruvic, oxaloacetic, galacturonic, glucuronic, shikimic, quinic, chlorogenic, and caffeic acids were identified in the leaves, bark, roots, and berries.

Glucose, fructose, sucrose, malate, tartrate, and citrate were determined quantitatively in the leaf, petiole, xylem, bark, tendril, bud, puduncle pedicel, berry, lateral roots, and main roots at 4 separate physiological stages of growth. In addition, changes in the concentrations of fructose, glucose, malate, and tartrate in leaves were measured during a 36-day period starting from budburst.


Leishmaniasis worldwide and global estimates of its incidence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As part of a World Health Organization-led effort to update the empirical evidence base for the leishmaniases, national experts provided leishmaniasis case data for the last 5 years and information regarding treatment and control in their respective countries and a comprehensive literature review was conducted covering publications on leishmaniasis in 98 countries and three territories (see 'Leishmaniasis Country Profiles Text S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9, S10, S11, S12, S13, S14, S15, S16, S17, S18, S19, S20, S21, S22, S23, S24, S25, S26, S27, S28, S29, S30, S31, S32, S33, S34, S35, S36, S37, S38, S39, S40, S41, S42, S43, S44, S45, S46, S47, S48, S49, S50, S51, S52, S53, S54, S55, S56, S57, S58, S59, S60, S61, S62, S63, S64, S65, S66, S67, S68, S69, S70, S71, S72, S73, S74, S75, S76, S77, S78, S79, S80, S81, S82, S83, S84, S85, S86, S87, S88, S89, S90, S91, S92, S93, S94, S95, S96, S97, S98, S99, S100, S101'). Additional information was collated during meetings conducted at WHO regional level between 2007 and 2011. Two questionnaires regarding epidemiology and drug access were completed by experts and national program managers. Visceral and cutaneous leishmaniasis incidence ranges were estimated by country and epidemiological region based on reported incidence, underreporting rates if available, and the judgment of national and international experts. Based on these estimates, approximately 0.2 to 0.4 cases and 0.7 to 1.2 million VL and CL cases, respectively, occur each year. More than 90% of global VL cases occur in six countries: India, Bangladesh, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia and Brazil. Cutaneous leishmaniasis is more widely distributed, with about one-third of cases occurring in each of three epidemiological regions, the Americas, the Mediterranean basin, and western Asia from the Middle East to Central Asia. The ten countries with the highest estimated case counts, Afghanistan, Algeria, Colombia, Brazil, Iran, Syria, Ethiopia, North Sudan, Costa Rica and Peru, together account for 70 to 75% of global estimated CL incidence. Mortality data were extremely sparse and generally represent hospital-based deaths only. Using an overall case-fatality rate of 10%, we reach a tentative estimate of 20,000 to 40,000 leishmaniasis deaths per year. Although the information is very poor in a number of countries, this is the first in-depth exercise to better estimate the real impact of leishmaniasis. These data should help to define control strategies and reinforce leishmaniasis advocacy.  相似文献   

Hematologic, protein electrophoresis, serum biochemistry, and cholinesterase values were determined in 36 free-living black stork nestlings (Ciconia nigra) between 25 and 53 days of age in order to establish normal reference values for this population. The following values were evaluated: white blood cell counts, red blood cell counts, packed cell volume, hemoglobin, heterophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, prealbumin, albumin, alpha-globulin, beta-globulin, gamma-globulin, total protein, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, lactate dehydrogenase, creatine kinase, calcium, phosphorus, iron, cholesterol, glucose, triglycerides, uric acid, urea, creatinine, total solids, bile acids, and butyrylcholinesterase. Sex-dependent differences were observed in hemoglobin, prealbumin, albumin, gamma-globulin, total protein, alkaline phosphatase, and triglycerides. Packed cell volume, butyrylcholinesterase, aspartate aminotransferase, creatine kinase, and creatinine increased with age, whereas albumin, mean cell volume, calcium, phosphorus, cholesterol, and total solids decreased with age. These hematologic and serum biochemistry values can be used as reference ranges in free-living black stork nestlings.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to analyze the selenoprotein expression levels in gastric cancer patients. We enrolled 40 patients (29 males, 11 females) who were recently diagnosed with gastric cancer and 50 healthy people (30 males, 20 females) as controls. The expression of 25 selenoprotein genes (Dio1, Dio2, Dio3, Gpx1, Gpx2, Gpx3, Gpx4, Gpx6, SelH, SelI, SelK, SelM, SelN, SelO, SelP, SelS, SelT, SelV, SelW, SelX, Sel15, Sps2, TR1, TR2, and TR3) in human gastric cancer tissues, para-carcinoma tissues, adjacent normal gastric tissues, erythrocytes, and lymphocytes in the gastric cancer group and healthy control group was analyzed by qRT-PCR. Here, we showed that among the 25 selenoproteins, 13 selenoproteins in erythrocytes (Gpx1, Gpx4, Sel15, TR1, TR2, SelH, SelK, SelM, SelO, SelS, SelV, SelW, and Sps2), 15 selenoproteins in lymphocytes (Gpx1, Gpx4, Sel15, TR1, TR2, SelH, SelK, SelN, SelO, SelS, SelT, SelV, SelX, SelW, and Sps2) and 13 selenoproteins in gastric cancer and para-carcinoma tissues (Dio1, Dio2, Dio3, Gpx1, Gpx4, Sel15, SelH, SelK, SelM, SelS, SelT, SelW, and Sps2) were significantly decreased (P < 0.05) in the gastric cancer group compared to the control group. In summary, the decreasing expression of selenoprotein genes in gastric cancer patients play an important role in the gastric cancer, although further studies are needed to better understand our findings.  相似文献   

All 14 strains of B. subtilis can use the following 17 sources of carbon and energy: D-glucose, D-mannose, D-glucosamine, salicin, D-ribose, maltose, sucrose, cellobiose, trehalose, arbutin, starch, mannitol, glycerol, glycerate, pyruvate, fumarate, and L-proline. All 15 strains of B. licheniformis can use the following 41 sources of carbon and energy: D-glucose, D-galactose, D-mannose, D-fructose, D-glucosamine, alpha-methyl-D-glucoside, beta-methyl-D-glucoside, salicin, D-gluconate, saccharate, D-xylose, L-arabinose, L-rhamnose, D-ribose, maltose, sucrose, cellobiose, melibiose, trehalose, arbutin, raffinose, starch, inulin, mannitol, D-sorbitol, glycerol, glycerate, citrate, L-malate, D-malate, mucate, pyruvate, fumarate, alpha-L-alanine, alpha-D-alanine, asparagine, L-glutamate, L-arginine, DL-ornithine, L-proline, and 4-amino-n-butyrate. The 29 strains form two distinct groups. Group A includes the 15 strains of B. licheniformis and 2 strains of B. subtilis; group B is formed of 11 strains of B. subtilis; the remaining strain of B. subtilis belongs to neither group. Bacillus licheniformis is a more homogeneous species than B. subtilis. The percentage of guanine + cytosine in the DNA of all 29 strains was determined. In the 14 strains of B. subtilis the average is 46.3% +/- 1.5. In the 15 strains of B. licheniformis the average is 46.4% +/- 0.9.  相似文献   

The symposium on Antibodies as Drugs, organized by Keystone Symposia and chaired by J. Marks, (University of California Los Angeles, USA), E.S. Ward (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, USA) and L. Weiner (Georgetown University Medical Center, USA), was held in Whistler, British Columbia. This Canadian Rockies village, which will host the 2010 Olympic Games, served as an enchanting backdrop to the meeting. The >350 speakers and attendees included scientists from major pharmaceutical firms, e.g., Abbott, MedImmune/Astra Zeneca, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Merck & Co, Pfizer, Sanofi-Aventis, Schering, GlaxoSmithKline, Eli Lilly, Hoffmann LaRoche, Novartis, Wyeth, and biotechnology companies, e.g., Ablynx, Medarex, Morphosys, GenMab, Amgen, Genentech, ImmunoGen, Agensys, Domantis, Biogen Idec, Centocor, LFB, Micromet, PDL Biopharma, Borean Pharma, Dyax Corp, Symphogen, Syntonix. Academic research groups at Imperial College London, University of Oxford, ETH Zürich, Scripps, Institute Cochin, Karolinska Institute, Utrecht University, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Baylor College, Paul Ehrlich Institute, University of California San Francisco, University of California San Diego, University of Nantes, University of Tours, and Ludwig Institute were also represented, as were regulatory authorities, including the US Food and Drug Administration, National Institutes of Health and the Public Health Agency of Canada). The meeting was very interactive, and included thoughtful exchanges during the different sessions and networking events.  相似文献   

A. Kondili, D. Nibouche, K. Adamyan, K. Huber, H. Ector, I. Masic, R. Tarnovska, M. Ivanusa, V. Staněk, J. Videbæk, M. Hamed, A. Laucevicius, P. Mustonen, J-Y. Artigou, A. Cohen, M. Rogava, M. Böhm, E. Fleck, G. Heusch, R. Klawki, P. Vardas, C. Stefanadis, J. Tenczer, M. Chiariello, J. Elias, H. Benjelloun, O. Rødevand, P. Ku?akowski, E. Apetrei, V.A. Lusov, R.G. Oganov, V. Obradovic MD, G. Kamensky, M.F. Kenda, C. Höglund, T.F. Lüscher, R. Lerch, M. Jokhadar, H. Haouala, V. Sansoy, V. Shumakov, A. Timmis  相似文献   

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