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利用扫描电镜(SEM)对芸香科山小橘属(Glycosmis)12个分类群16个样品的花粉形态特征(包括花粉大小、萌发孔及外壁纹饰等)进行了观察研究,其中光叶山小橘(G.craibii var.glabra)、长果山小橘(G.erythrocarpa)、锈毛山小橘(G.esquirolii)、长叶山小橘(G.longifolia)、亮叶山小橘(G.lucida)、海南山小橘(G.montana)、少花山小橘(G.oligantha)、小花山小橘(G.parviflora)和华山小橘(G.pseudoracemos)等9个分类群的花粉形态为首次报道.结果表明,国产山小橘属植物的花粉均为单粒花粉,近球形或长球形,花粉大小范围为(15.90~23.92)×(14.56 ~ 22.00) μm,极面观为圆形、三裂圆形或近三角形,极轴与赤道轴比值(P/E)范围为1.03 ~1.31,均为3孔沟;根据花粉外壁纹饰可以将国产种类划分为条网状、复条网状、条纹-穿孔纹饰以及孔穴状纹饰等四种类型,其中小花山小橘不同来源花粉的外壁纹饰差异较大,至少存在5种类型:(1)极面穴状,赤面条网状或穿孔,(2)极面穴状,赤面均匀分布圆形穿孔,(3)具复条网状,(4)条网状兼具不规则小穿孔,(5)条网状兼近圆形穿孔纹饰.研究发现山小橘属植物的花粉形态特征具有较高的多样性,为该属植物的分类及系统学研究提供了可用的孢粉学资料.  相似文献   

用扫描电子显微镜对中国鸡矢藤属(Paederia L.)6种1变种植物的花粉进行观察。结果表明:鸡矢藤属植物的花粉均为单粒,辐射对称,小型或中型,极面观3-裂圆形至钝三角形,赤道面观呈长圆球形或近长球形,具3个萌发沟,无内萌发孔。外壁纹饰网状、细网状或穿孔状,孔边缘具小刺状突起或无。臭鸡矢藤(P.foetida)和白毛鸡矢藤(P.pertomentosa)具有花粉二型现象,其中白毛鸡矢藤(P.pertomentosa)是首次报道。花粉二型现象与花柱二型现象可能没有直接的关联性,与前人的观点一致。推测鸡矢藤属外壁纹饰的可能演化趋势为:穿孔、网状、细网状→粗网状;网眼内无棒状突起→网眼内有棒状突起。鸡矢藤属花粉的外壁纹饰变化较大,且无内萌发孔,是茜草科花粉过渡类型的特征。  相似文献   

淫羊藿属(Epimedium L.)植物多为常用药材,分类和药材鉴定较为困难。该文采用扫描电镜对中国产淫羊藿属31种药用植物花粉的形态、大小和表面纹饰等进行了比较观察。结果显示:(1)淫羊藿属植物花粉形态多为长球形,少数为球形,大小为(15.5~25.0)×(27.3~48.1)μm,极面观多为三裂圆形,具三孔沟。(2)花粉粒外壁表面纹饰有网状、条网状、条纹状等类型。(3)花粉粒外壁纹饰如网眼的形状、大小和网脊表面特征等在各物种间有一定差异。研究结果为淫羊藿属药材鉴定与植物分类提供了重要的参考。  相似文献   

手参属花粉形态及其分类学意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首次报道了兰科的手参属Gymnadenia国产5种植物花粉形态的研究结果,并与邻近的兜被兰属 Neottianthem 花粉进行了对比研究。前者花粉小块形状大多不规则,少数为三棱锥体形;而后者花粉小块大多形状为三棱锥体形,少数形状不规则。手参属花粉外壁表面具很细微的小穿孔、皱波状,小穴和小穿孔与沟渠状纹饰共存,或沟渠状等;而兜被兰属外壁表面纹饰明显,具有5种类型: (1)小穿孔,(2)表面近光滑,(3)沟渠状,(4)拟网状,(5)典型的网状纹饰。手参属花粉表面具粘丝,而兜被兰属花粉表面没有发现粘丝。此外,本文还探讨了手参属和兜被兰属两属花粉在分类学上的意义。  相似文献   

对棕榈科(Palmae)省藤亚科(Calamoideae)省藤族(Calameae)省藤属(Calamus)8种4变种、钩叶藤属(Plectocomia)1种、黄藤属(Daemonorops)1种、蛇皮果属(Salacca)2种共4个属16种植物的花粉进行了光镜和扫描电镜观察。省藤属植物的花粉均为两沟型花粉,外壁纹饰为网状、穿孔或小凹穴等类型;黄藤属的黄藤(Daemonorops matgaritae)花粉为近环沟型,外壁纹饰为颗粒状,其萌发孔特征与以前报道不一致。钩叶藤属的钩叶藤(Plectocomia kerrana)花粉为两沟型,外壁纹饰为网状。蛇皮果属的滇西蛇皮果(Salacca secunda)花粉的萌发孔为2沟,外壁纹饰为稀疏的穿孔或者小孔穴,而蛇皮果(S.zal-acca)花粉萌发孔为近环沟型,外壁纹饰为刺状突起,刺之间为密集的小穿孔。研究表明,花粉特征可以反映省藤属内的种间差异,支持褐鳞省藤(Calamus balansaeanus var.castaneolepis)、滇缅省藤(C.erectus var.birmanicus)及长穗省藤(C.palustrisvar.longistachys)作为变种,支持勐腊鞭藤(C.karinensis)作为种的等级地位;另外花粉特征对于探索省藤属和其他属的亲缘关系具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

延龄草科四属花粉形态的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
韦仲新  王红 《云南植物研究》2001,23(4):T001-T003
对延龄草科重楼属Paris L.延龄草属Trillium L.Medeola L.属和Scoliopus Torr.属以及百合科百合属Lilium L.和萱草属Hemerocallis L.花粉进行了光镜和电镜的观察和比较。结果表明,在延龄草科中,重楼属,Medeola属和Scoliopus属花粉具有较多的相似性:具单一远极沟,极面观椭圆形,外壁为网状纹饰或皱波-网状纹饰。而延龄草属花粉与它们的差异则较大,为圆形,无萌发孔,外壁非网状纹饰,而是颗粒状,疣状,芽孢状,星状和微刺状等纹饰。百合属中的Lilium michauxii和萱草属中的金针菜Hemerocallis citrina花粉均为单一远极沟,外壁表面为网状纹饰。但其网脊特别粗,具不规则突起并形成棱角(H.citina)或由许多排列成念珠状的、形状不一的分子组成(Lilium michauxii),结构特别复杂。就其萌发孔类型和纹饰特征看,它们与延龄草科中的重楼属,Medeola属和Scoliopus属花粉具有较多的性。花粉外壁的层次结构在延龄草科各属之间(延龄草属除外),甚至在延龄草科与百合科之间均没有多大的差异。  相似文献   

12种十字花科植物花粉形态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用扫描电子显微镜对十字花科8属12种植物的花粉形态特征进行了观察分析.其中8种为首次报道.观察结果表明:4族8属12种十字花科植物花粉形态的一般特征为:花粉粒长球形至超长球形;极面观三裂圆形,少数四裂圆形;外壁纹饰为网状或细网状纹饰;三沟,偶四沟.12种植物的花粉可划分为5种类型:(1)花粉粒长球形,网状纹饰,三沟;(2)花粉粒超长球形,网状纹饰,三沟;(3)花粉粒长球形,细网状纹饰,三沟;(4)花粉粒超长球形,细网状纹饰,三沟;(5)花粉粒长球形,三或四沟,网状纹饰.十字花科花粉形态特征在不同族间、不同属间以及同属不同种间均没有明显规律,在十字花科分类过程中,不宜单独以花粉形态特征作为依据.  相似文献   

东北槭属的花粉形态及其在分类上的意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曹伟  卓丽环 《植物研究》1992,12(3):309-315
本文采用光学显微镜和扫描电镜,对我国东北地区械属10种变1种的花粉形态进行了观察。本属花粉近球形式长球形,赤道面观为近圆形或窄椭圆形,极面观为3裂圆形,极轴长2.-40μm;具3沟,沟明显;外壁通常具条纹状纹饰,稀具网状纹饰。从观察材料看,本属花粉可归之为2个类型:(1)色木槭型:(Mono maple type):外壁具条纹状纹饰,条纹宽0.250.50μm;(2)梣叶槭型(Ash-leaved maple type):外壁具条网状纹饰,网眼形状不规则,多为长形,长约3μm;网脊宽0.7μm,这正好与分类学家根据形态划分的个亚属相吻合。花粉形态所提供的资料,也支持色木槭(Acermono Maxim.)和平基槭(A.truncatum Bge.)作为两个独立种的处理意见。  相似文献   

中国菟丝子属植物花粉的扫描电镜观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张芝玉  郭澄  苏中武  李承祜   《广西植物》1991,11(4):308-311+393
本文作者用扫描电镜(SEM)对国产菟丝子属(Cuscuta L.)10种植物的花粉形态进行了观察。具3沟萌发孔的花粉为本属基本类型。根据萌发孔的数目,外壁纹饰等特征,该属花粉可划分为三个类型:(1)具3沟,外壁具穿孔,表面散生小刺状突起;(2)具3—5沟,外壁具网状纹饰,网脊上散生小刺状突起;(3)具3—6沟,外壁具小刺状突起,穿孔偶见。本文观察结果与刘炳仑等曾报道过光学显微镜(LM)下的结果不完全一致。最后,对菟丝子属的花粉形态的演化趋势以及属内亚属间关系进行了讨论。  相似文献   

中国柽柳科植物花粉形态的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
席以珍 《植物研究》1988,8(3):23-42
本文用光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察了分布于我国的4属30种柽柳科植物花粉形态。并用透射电镜研究了柽柳属的代表种, Tamarix elongata外壁内部的超微结构。本科花粉为三沟, 少数属种为三拟孔沟。根据扫描电镜观察, 柽柳属花粉外壁表面具粗网状纹饰和细网状纹饰, 以及界于这两个类型之间的过渡类型。水柏枝属外壁表面具粗网状纹饰, 细网状纹饰, 小穿孔以及小的蠕虫状突起。红沙属和枇杷柴属均为细网状纹饰。 本科柽柳属花粉与杨柳科中柳属的花粉特征较相似, 本文提出了它们之间的区别。  相似文献   

为深入研究绣球属植物花粉形态的分类学价值和系统学意义,厘清绣球属与近缘属之间的系统发育关系,该文利用扫描电子显微镜(SEM,scanning electron microscope)对国产绣球属及其近缘属41种绣球花科(Hydrangeaceae)植物的花粉形态以及表面纹饰进行了观察。结果表明:绣球属及其近缘属的花粉为三孔沟;形状多数为长圆体形或近球体形;赤道面观为椭圆形或圆形;极面观多为圆形,少数为三角形或圆三角形。花粉外壁纹饰可分为网状和孔穴状。网眼内的三级纹饰可分为光滑和具颗粒状突起。根据花粉形状和外壁纹饰类型将上述物种划分为4个组,即花粉的形状为长圆体形,表面纹饰为孔穴纹饰;花粉的形状为长圆体形,表面纹饰为网状纹饰;花粉的形状为近球体形,表面纹饰为孔穴纹饰;花粉的形状为近球体形,表面纹饰为网状纹饰。以上可进一步细分为8个类型。上述表明花粉形态证据可为绣球属及其近缘属的属下分类和种间界定提供重要佐证;但结合前人的系统发育重建分析该属植物花粉形态的系统学意义相对有限,如花粉形态证据对于该属及其近缘种属系统发育树上大支的界定难以提供有力的证据。  相似文献   

Glycosmis longipetala F. J. Mou & D. X. Zhang is described from Guangxi and Yunnan provinces in southwestern China. The new species is similar to G. Cochinchinensis (Lour.) Pierre ex Engl. By its simple leaves, but distinguishable in having long-elliptic or oblanceolate (vs. Ovate) leaves, long-ovoid to ellipsoid (vs. Ovoid) floral buds, ovaries with many tubercles (vs. Smooth) and glabrous (vs. Pubescent) stamens. The pollen grains of the new species are 23.9±3.09 (20.8-27.0)×22.0±1.80 (20.4-24.4) μm in size with reticulate exine ornamentation in equatorial area and foveolate in polar area. The chromosome number of the new species is 2n=72.  相似文献   

樱属花粉形态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对樱属(Cerasus)9个种和变种的花粉形态进行光学显微镜观察,并结合电镜观察结果进行初步比较。结果表明,樱属花粉的极面观为圆形或近三裂圆形,赤道面观为椭圆形,三孔沟,外壁纹饰多为条纹状。属内特征基本一致,但种间存在着花粉大小、外壁纹饰的细微差别。  相似文献   

刘林德  张萍  孙京田  祝宁 《植物研究》2000,20(3):300-303
用扫描电子显微镜观察了刺五加和无梗五加花粉的亚显微形态特征。花粉粒的赤道面观呈近圆形,极面观呈三裂圆形,具三孔沟。无梗五加、刺五加雄株的花粉表面纹饰为网状;刺五加两性株的花粉的表面纹饰亦呈网状,但有些花粉网脊不连续。无梗五加的花粉粒大小为26.5μm×27.4μm;刺五加雄株的花粉粒大小为21.1μm×22.1μm;刺五加两性株的花粉粒大小约为21.6μm×23.9μm。研究结果表明,无梗五加和刺五加雄株花粉的亚显微形态特征支持传统的属级和种级水平的分类;刺五加两性株某些花粉粒亚显微形态的独特表现可能与其发育不正常有关。  相似文献   

长蕊木兰花粉形态观察   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
徐凤霞  龚洵 《广西植物》2003,23(4):321-322,338
长蕊木兰(Alcimandra cathcartii)花粉粒椭圆形,具远极单萌发沟,外壁雕纹小穴状。外壁覆盖层具穿孔,柱状层有不典型的小柱,内壁可明显地分为3层。  相似文献   

Pollen of 34 accessions (23 species, one putative hybrid) of South Pacific and Hawaiian Cyrtandra was investigated by SEM. Most pollen grains are isopolar, 3-colpate, spheroidal in equatorial view, and circular in polar view. Only C. kamooloaensis (Hawaii) exhibits suboblate pollen grains. Average equatorial diameters range from 9 to 16mum. In general, colpi are long and tapering. Colpus membranes show granular elements which decrease in size from the equatorial to the polar regions. Most taxa exhibit a microreticulate mesocolpial exine pattern, in some cases with a tendency to reticulate or fossulate pattern. Lumina size varies within the mesocolpial region of single grains, average lumina diameter is either similar throughout grains or decreases towards the colpial borders or the apocolpial region. C. kamooloaensis exhibits the smallest lumina reported for Hawaiian Cyrtandra so far. In some species, distinct free-standing columellae are present. Except for a fine granular ornamentation of shallow grooves on the muri of the Samoan C. richii supratectal elements are lacking. Pollen of South Pacific Cyrtandra does not provide characters directly suitable for generic subdivisions. There is no obvious correlation between morphologically defined species groups and exine types, but some evidence for parallel evolution of these types. Nearly related taxa (e.g., the C. cymosa group of Gillett 1973) show considerable palynological differences. Variation within some currently accepted species is more prominent than between taxa clearly belonging to different evolutionary lines. This could reflect deficiencies in species delimitation.  相似文献   

The pollen morphology of twenty‐five Chinese species belonging to two sections of Glochidion and one species from Phyllanthus subgen. Phyllanthodendron was examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results showed that pollen grains of Glochidion are isopolar, spheroidal to rarely subprolate in shape, (3)4–5(6)‐colporate in aperture pattern, and tectate‐reticulate to tectate‐rugulate in exine ornamentation. Fusion of colpus ends was observed in some pollen grains of G. pseudo‐obscurum and G. wrightii. The pollen grains of Phyllanthus dunnianus are similar to those of Glochidion species in their spheroidal shape and four‐colporate aperture pattern, but are slightly larger in size, and show tectate‐perforate exine ornamentation. In Glochidion, pollen morphology appears to be useful for distinguishing several macromorphologically similar. Additionally, palynological characters provide evidence for the taxonomy of the supergenus Phyllanthus s.l.  相似文献   

Eva Luegmayr 《Grana》2013,52(4-5):221-232
Pollen of 108 species out of 18 genera (from all tribes of the Old World Gesneriaceae [subf. Cyrtandroideae]) was examined using light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The pollen grains are small sized, isopolar and 3-colpate or 3-colporate. In equatorial view they are mostly spheroidal (rarely suboblate or oblate), in polar view circular or subangular. The most variable character is the exine structure and -sculpture. The tectum is perforate, microreticulate, coarsely reticulate or rugulate. Further important characters of the tectum are (a) the presence or absence of conical supratectate sculptural elements, and (b) the width of lumina being either equal or exhibiting different at the apo- and mesocolpium. Ten exine types are distinguished. Some genera and species can be well referred to a special exine type, e.g., Aeschynanthus, Epithema, Stauranthera grandiflora; in other genera several exine types occur, e.g., in the large and heterogeneous genus Didymocarpus. The pollen morphology of the two large subfamilies Cyrtandroideae and Gesnerioideae is compared.  相似文献   

The pollen morphology of 28 species of Parnassia L. was investigated with light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The shape of pollen grains in this genus varies from subspheroidal to prolate in equatorial view and is three-lobed circular in the polar view. Pollen grains are usually radially symmetrical, isopolar, tricolporate or syntricolporate, with reticulate sculpture. The pollen characteristics among species are fairly similar to each other. Morphological information regarding the pollen grains shows that Parnassia is a natural genus. Based on exine ornamentation observed under SEM, three types of pollen grains were recognized: (i) type I, with foveolate-reticulate sculpture; (ii) type II, with a finely reticulate sculpture; and (iii) type III, with a coarsely reticulate sculpture. Most sections of this genus have one type of sculpture of pollen morphology, but Sect. Nectarotrilobos has three types of sculpture and Sect.Saxifragastrum has two types of sculpture. All three types of sculpture can be found in Southwest China,with species with the longest (Parnassia delavayi Franch.) and shortest (Parnassiafaberi Oliv.) colpi,implying that Southwest China is the center of diversification of the genus.  相似文献   

The pollen morphology of 28 species of Parnassia L. was investigated with light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The shape of pollen grains in this genus varies from subspheroidal to prolate in equatorial view and is three-lobed circular in the polar view. Pollen grains are usually radially symmetrical, isopolar, tricolporate or syntricolporate, with reticulate sculpture. The pollen characteristics among species are fairly similar to each other. Morphological information regarding the pollen grains shows that Parnassia is a natural genus. Based on exine ornamentation observed under SEM, three types of pollen grains were recognized: (i) type Ⅰ, with foveolate-reticulate sculpture; (ii) type Ⅱ, with a finely reticulate sculpture; and (iii) type Ⅲ, with a coarsely reticulate sculpture. Most sections of this genus have one type of sculpture of pollen morphology, but Sect. Nectarotrilobos has three types of sculpture and Sect.Saxifragastrum has two types of sculpture. All three types of sculpture can be found in Southwest China,with species with the longest (Parnassia delavayi Franch.) and shortest (Parnassia faberi Oliv.) colpi,implying that Southwest China is the center of diversification of the genus.  相似文献   

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