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光周期对雄性布氏田鼠种内个体气味辨别的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张立  房继明  孙儒泳 《兽类学报》2004,24(4):304-310
本文研究了成年雄性布氏田鼠对不同光照周期下(长光照: LD; 短光照: SD) 的陌生雌鼠和陌生雄鼠气味的行为表现。实验发现: 所有被试雄鼠对LD 雄鼠、雌鼠气味比SD 雄鼠、雌鼠气味有更多的社会探究行为。LD 雄鼠比SD 雄鼠对同性或异性陌生个体气味的嗅闻和挖掘行为要多, 而且差异显著。在探究LD 动情雌鼠气味源时, LD 雄鼠比SD 雄鼠表现出更多的嗅闻和挖掘行为; 在探究SD 动情雌鼠气味源时, LD 和SD 雄鼠的行为反应没有明显差别。所有被试雄鼠在LD 雄鼠气味源箱中的停留时间都显著多于在SD 雄鼠气味源箱中的停留时间。LD 雄鼠在LD 雌鼠气味源箱中的停留时间显著多于在SD 雌鼠气味源箱中的停留时间; 而SD 雄鼠在LD 和SD 雌鼠气味源箱中的进入频次和停留时间没有明显差别。同时, LD 雄鼠对LD 动情雌鼠的气味在嗅闻频次和嗅闻时间上多于非动情LD 雌鼠, 而对SD 动情和非动情雌鼠的气味没有表现出明显的偏好; SD 雄鼠对LD 和SD 动情雌鼠的嗅闻行为仅在频次上显著多于对非动情雌鼠的嗅闻, 而在时间上没有显著差别。结果表明: 布氏田鼠嗅觉通讯中的个体气味及其对气味进行辨别过程中的行为反应都随着光照周期的不同而发生变化。动物的个体气味带有季节性信息, 来源于长光照下的气味比短光照下的气味更具有性吸引; 短光照在一定程度上可能抑制了雌鼠的动情和雄鼠的性行为反应。其嗅觉通讯行为的适应意义可能在于: 减少秋季短日照环境下的繁殖活动, 提高雄性个体之间的社会容忍性以利于集群越冬。  相似文献   

通过雄性布氏田鼠(Microtus brandti)对配偶和陌生雌鼠气味的辨别实验发现:(1)雌鼠动情状况对雄鼠气味行为反应的影响,当配偶雌鼠处于动情期时,被试雄鼠对动情陌生雌鼠巢垫物的溴闻和舔舐的持续时间都明显多于对非动情陌生雌鼠巢垫物的嗅闻和舔舐时间,而其他行为没有明显判别当配偶雌鼠处于非动情期时,雄鼠对动情的和非动情的陌生雌鼠的气味行为反应都没有明显判别当陌生雌鼠处于动情期时,被试雄鼠对动情配偶气味的嗅闻时间明显多于对非动情配偶的嗅闻时间,而其他行为反应没有明显差异;当陌生雌鼠处于非动情期时,被试雄鼠对动情配偶雌鼠巢垫物的嗅闻时间,挖掘频次,舔舐频次和时间都明显多于对非动情配偶气味的嗅闻,而且雄鼠在动情配偶气味周围搔扒体侧行为的发生频次和持续时间也多于在非动情配偶气味周围的搔扒行为;(2)熟悉性对雄鼠气味行为反应的影响,当配偶雌鼠和陌生雌鼠都处于动情期或都处于非动情期时,被试雄鼠对陌生雌鼠气味的探究行为(嗅问、挖掘和舔噬)和搔扒体侧行为明显多于对配偶雌鼠气味的探究;雄鼠访问陌生雌鼠气味源箱的频次和在其中的停留时间也都多于访问配偶雌鼠气味源箱的频次和停留时间;当配偶雌鼠处于动情期而陌生雌鼠处于非动情期时,被试雄鼠对配偶气味的嗅闻,挖掘和自身修饰行为明显多于对陌生雌鼠气味的行为反应,进入配偶气味源箱中的访问频次也多于进入陌生雌鼠气味源箱的访问频次。结果说明:雌鼠与被试雄鼠的熟悉程度和雌鼠的动情状况直接影响雄性布氏田鼠的社会探究和气味选择行为,即雄鼠偏好并选择动情雌鼠和陌生雌鼠,雄性布氏田鼠对雌鼠气味的行为反应也表现出田鼠属动物典型的多配制种类特征。  相似文献   

根田鼠气味识别的性二型   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
孙平  赵亚军  赵新全 《兽类学报》2004,24(4):315-321
以新鲜尿和粪作气味源,在行为选择箱中观察根田鼠的行为识别模式,结果表明:雌鼠对陌生同性尿、粪气味源行为识别的差异不显,雄鼠对陌生同性尿、粪气味源的行为识别在多个指标上存在显差异;根田鼠对陌生异性尿、粪的行为响应模式无明显差异;除嗅舔时间外,雌、雄鼠对粪气味的行为识别在其他指标上不存在明显差异;比较雌、雄鼠对尿刺激的行为识别发现,雄鼠对尿刺激的访问频次和反标记显大于雌鼠,雌性嗅舔时间显大于雄性,其他方面二之间并无显差异。因此,雌、雄性根田鼠对粪气味的行为识别模式不存在性别差异;对尿气味的行为识别模式存在性别差异。  相似文献   

通过观察非动情期的棕色田鼠对麻醉的同种个体身体气味源的探究行为 ,包括雄鼠对麻醉雄鼠和雌鼠的嗅闻、雌鼠对麻醉雄鼠和雌鼠的嗅闻 ,分析了棕色田鼠在社会探究中对不同气味源的反应格局。结果表明 ,棕色田鼠对同种个体肛殖区和面部的嗅闻频次及嗅闻持续时间最多 (P <0 0 5 ) ;对背部、腹部、肋部嗅闻的频次和持续时间较少。在对同一部位的嗅闻中 ,在嗅闻频次上 ,雄鼠对雄鼠的嗅闻、雌鼠对雌鼠的嗅闻以及雌鼠对雄鼠的嗅闻都显著多于雄鼠对雌鼠的嗅闻 (P <0 0 5 ) ;在嗅闻时间上 ,性别组合对同一部位的探究行为没有显著影响 ,但气味源与性别组合有交互作用 (P <0 0 5 ) ,影响探究行为。这些结果说明棕色田鼠的肛殖区和面部是重要的气味源 ,而且在对同一气味源的探究中存在性别差异。但在非动情期 ,异性间的探究并不总是高于同性间的探究  相似文献   

非繁殖期大仓鼠对同种气味的反应和个体间的行为关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在实验室通过对陌生成年大仓鼠(Cricetulustriton)非繁殖期的气味偏好,性别选择和两鼠间的行为关系的实验研究表明,用Y-型迷宫进行选择测试时,与空白组比较,大仓鼠了同种个体鼠垫的气味,在雌雄巢垫气味之间,雌鼠偏好雄性巢垫的气味,雄鼠不表现性别偏好,与空白组比较,被试鼠选择同种个体;在雌雄个体之间,雄性大仓鼠选择同性个体,雌性不表现性别偏好,在观察箱内,无论同性相遇还是异性相遇,两鼠间攻  相似文献   

大仓鼠在繁殖期的行为关系及交配行为   总被引:19,自引:5,他引:14  
张健旭  张知彬 《兽类学报》1999,19(2):132-142
在Y型迷宫中进行气味选择测定时,被试大仓鼠偏好异性的气味,证明身体气味有性吸引和性识别作用。在Y型迷宫进行性别选择测定时,在雌雄靶鼠个体之间,被试大仓鼠不表现出性别偏好,这是攻击行为和交配行为共同影响的结果;与空白相比较,被试鼠都选择靶鼠,说明独居大仓鼠之间存在频繁的探究行为。通过观察箱内对两鼠间的行为关系的观察发现,异性之间主要有攻击行为和交配行为;同性之间主要发生攻击行为,同时胜鼠或优势鼠的胁腺标记行为显著多于从属鼠,说明胁腺标记可以表明优势地位;雄鼠与非性接受状态的雌鼠相遇时,攻击行为很少,但无友好行为,只有简单的雄鼠爬跨雌鼠的行为;任何陌生的雄鼠与性接受状态的雌鼠相遇发生交配行为,交配结束又相互攻击;交配行为表现为多次爬跨多次射精;雄鼠有库利奇(Coolidge)效应,雌鼠可以连续接受几只雄鼠的交配,表明大仓鼠为多配制的婚配制度。从行为关系和交配行为看大仓鼠在繁殖期独居,无固定的配偶  相似文献   

个体辨别对于减少同种争斗以及配偶选择具有重要意义。我们用棉棒粘取鳄蜥(Shinisaurus crocodilurus)尿液作为气味源,以香水作为对照,测定鳄蜥对熟悉个体气味、陌生个体气味以及香水的舔舌次数和舔舌潜伏期,来探讨鳄蜥通过化学信息辨别熟悉和陌生个体的能力。结果显示,不论是雌性还是雄性,对不同个体尿液的舔舌次数均显著高于对香水的,舔舌潜伏期显著短于香水的;尽管雄性对陌生同性个体气味与熟悉同性个体气味的舔舌次数无显著差异,但对前者的舔舌潜伏期显著短于后者;雄性对陌生雌性气味的舔舌次数显著多于熟悉雌性气味的,对前者的舔舌潜伏期显著短于后者;雌性对陌生雄性气味的舔舌潜伏期显著短于对熟悉雄性气味的;雄鳄蜥对陌生雌性气味的舔舌次数显著多于雌鳄蜥对陌生雄性的。结果表明,鳄蜥能辨别同种个体的化学信息,并能通过化学信息来辨别熟悉和陌生个体,推测鳄蜥的这种辨别能力对其领域分配以及繁殖交配有重要作用。  相似文献   

成年布氏田鼠对个体气味信号的识别与记忆   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
林琳  张立 《兽类学报》2005,25(1):52-56
将配对饲养的成年雌雄布氏田鼠分离, 通过分开单独饲养12 h , 1 d、2 d、3 d、5 d 和7 d 后雌、雄鼠对原配偶异性和陌生异性气味信号的选择实验, 探讨布氏田鼠对气味信号的识别和记忆。实验表明: 在分离12 h 和1 d 后, 雄鼠对陌生雌性气味的选择和探究行为显著多于对熟悉雌鼠气味, 而雌鼠对两种气味并未表现显著的探究差异; 布氏田鼠对气味信号的记忆维持的强度和时间随个体不同而产生差异, 雄鼠在分离后12 h、1d、2 d 中对陌生雌鼠气味均表现出差异明显的探究行为, 而后, 各项探究行为的差异均不明显。雌鼠探究行为变化比较缓慢。据此推测雄鼠对气味的记忆维持在2 d 左右。  相似文献   

根为检验根田鼠对不同亲属关系异性成体尿气味的识别能力,通过一雄两雌配对实验建立实验种群,从而产生同胞、父系半同胞和陌生个体。在行为选择箱中记录了雌、雄根田鼠对亲属系数分别为0、0.25 和0.5 异性尿气味的行为响应模式。结果如下:雌性根田鼠对3 种不同亲属关系雄鼠气味的接近潜伏期的差异达到极显著水平(P < 0.01),嗅闻时间的差异也达到显著水平(P <0.05),而嗅闻频次和反标记的差异均未达到显著水平(P >0.05)。雄性根田鼠对3 种不同亲属关系雌鼠气味的接近潜伏期和嗅闻时间的差异都未达到显著水平(P >0.05)。对不同亲属关系的气味嗅闻频次和反标记的比较分析表明,三者间的差异也未达到显著水平(P >0.05)。因此,雌性根田鼠能够识别不同亲属关系异性气味并对不同气味表现出不同的行为响应模式;而雄鼠不能识别3 种气味并对其表现出类似的行为模式。  相似文献   

作者研究了胸腺依赖抗原 (SRBC) (羊红血细胞 ,sheepredbloodcells ,SRBC)和非胸腺依赖抗原 (细菌脂多糖 ,lipopolysaccharide ,LPS)的免疫活化对黑线毛足鼠气味信号和内分泌状态的影响。成年雄鼠注射SRBS5天后 ,其气味的性吸引力下降 ,这种结果伴随着粪便中睾酮含量的下降。SRBC处理后 ,雄性气味吸引力降低 ,这在体液免疫反应低的雄性个体中最明显。与SRBC的作用相反 ,注射LPS的雄性个体的气味吸引力增加 ,成熟雌性个体用于嗅闻嗅觉刺激上的时间差异与经LPS和盐处理过的雄鼠的粪便中睾酮浓度的差异呈正相关。作者讨论了这两种相反的嗅觉效应的适应性意义  相似文献   

The ability to discriminate among individuals plays a fundamental role in the establishment of social relationships in animals. We examined how Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) discriminate among individuals using odor. In the first experiment, the ability of male gerbils to discriminate among five odor sources from different individuals was investigated using a habituation-dishabituation paradigm. After male gerbils had been habituated to a scent from one individual, they were exposed to familiar and unfamiliar scents from different donors simultaneously. Where urine and ventral gland secretions were used, the subjects spent more time investigating novel odors than familiar ones, suggesting that they were able to discriminate individual differences in these odor sources. However, with the scents of feces and saliva, they could detect, but could not discriminate individual differences; with scent from inside the pinnae, they could not even detect. In the second experiment, we tested whether cross-habituation occurred between the scents of urine and ventral gland secretions. A male was exposed repeatedly to urine from one of two familiar donor males during four habituation trials, and was then exposed to the ventral gland secretions from two donors simultaneously. The subject males spent more time investigating scents of ventral gland secretions, but there was no difference in the investigation time between ventral gland scents from the two donors. These results suggest that male gerbils discriminate among individuals using odors from urine and ventral gland secretions and that cross-habituation may not occur between these scents during social-memory formation.  相似文献   

Scents, detected through both the main and vomeronasal olfactory systems, play a crucial role in regulating reproductive behaviour in many mammals. In laboratory mice, female preference for airborne urinary scents from males (detected through the main olfactory system) is learnt through association with scents detected through the vomeronasal system during contact with the scent source. This may reflect a more complex assessment of individual males than that implied by laboratory mouse studies in which individual variation has largely been eliminated. To test this, we assessed female preference between male and female urine using wild house mice with natural individual genetic variation in urinary identity signals. We confirm that females exhibit a general preference for male over female urine when able to contact urine scents. However, they are only attracted to airborne urinary volatiles from individual males whose urine they have previously contacted. Even females with a natural exposure to many individuals of both sexes fail to develop generalized attraction to airborne male scents. This implies that information gained through contact with a specific male's scent is essential to stimulate attraction, providing a new perspective on the cues and olfactory pathways involved in sex recognition and mate assessment in rodents.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that body odorants, including anal scents and urinary odors, contribute to sex discrimination and mate identification in European ferrets of both sexes. We assessed the possible role of the vomeronasal organ (VNO) in these functions by surgically removing the organ bilaterally in sexually experienced female ferrets. Lesioned (VNOx) and sham-operated control (VNOi) females reliably discriminated between male- and female-derived anal scent gland as well as fresh urinary odors in habituation/dishabituation tests. However, VNOi females spent significantly more time than VNOx subjects investigating male urinary odors in these tests. Also, VNOi females, but not VNOx subjects, preferred to investigate day-old male versus female urine spots as well as wooden blocks that had previously been soiled by male versus female ferrets. Both groups of female ferrets preferred to approach volatile odors from a breeding male instead of an estrous female in Y-maze tests and both groups showed similar levels of receptive sexual behavior in response to a male's neck grip. The VNO is apparently not required for olfactory sex discrimination or mate recognition in this carnivore, but instead may play a role in promoting continued contact with nonvolatile body odors previously deposited by opposite-sex conspecifics during territorial scent marking.  相似文献   

Urine is involved in sexual communication in New World monkeys and lemurs, but most studies of the role of olfaction in sexual communication in Old World monkeys have focused on vaginal secretions rather than urine. We investigated whether female urine promotes male sexual behaviors (approaches and inspections of genital area) in Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). We used a sequential presentation paradigm in behavioral experiments, presenting unfamiliar female urine and control cotton swabs to males living in a social group with cycling females. We tested whether males (N = 3) showed more processing behaviors (licking, sniffing, tasting) toward female urine (22 stimuli per male from prefertile, fertile, and postfertile phases, based on urinary estrone and progesterone conjugate profiles) than control odor (8 stimuli per male). We then compared male sexual behaviors toward resident females pre- and post-exposure to stimuli and in relation to the females’ reproductive status (perifertile, nonfertile, and pregnancy periods, based on fecal estrone and progesterone conjugate profiles). We found that males showed significantly more processing behaviors toward urine stimuli than to controls but that male behavior did not vary across urine samples from prefertile, fertile, and postfertile phases. Exposure to unfamiliar female urine stimuli did not modulate male approaches to and inspections of resident females at any stage of the female reproductive cycle. Although our study is limited by its small sample size, the results suggest that female urine contains compounds that males detect, but we found no evidence that female urine is related to male sexual behaviors.  相似文献   

Biological odours that convey cues regarding individual identity can provide valuable information mediating many aspects of mammalian social relationships such us dominance hierarchies, group memberships, territorial and mating activities. The ability of the subterranean rodent, tuco‐tuco (Ctenomys talarum), to discriminate between soiled shavings, urine and faeces from different individuals was investigated using the habituation–discrimination paradigm. Discrimination by both males and females was tested using scents obtained from same‐ and opposite‐sex individuals. Each test subject was habituated for three consecutive days to odour samples from the same individual; on the fourth day a scent from a novel individual was provided. For all odour sources, animals spent significantly less time investigating the habituation scent over successive trials, indicating that animals perceived the stimulus as familiar. For all stimuli, test subjects spent more time investigating the novel odour, rather than the familiar one. Animals spent more time investigating soiled shavings than urine or faeces. Both males and females discriminated novel from familiar odours in shavings and urine regardless of the gender of the odour donors. In contrast, test animals discriminated between familiar and novel odours in feces only when the fecal donors were of different sex from subjects. Possible territorial and reproductive functions of individual scent discrimination are discussed.  相似文献   

化学通讯对哺乳动物的生存和繁殖起着重要作用。研究了雄性大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)对同伴个体尿液气味行为反应的发育模式。结果显示,在成年雌性个体的尿液气味刺激下,雄性个体表现显著多的嗅闻行为和嗅闻/舔舐环境行为,但是嘶咬气味刺激物的行为明显减少。在雌性个体的尿液气味刺激下,不同年龄段的雄性个体行为表现不同,成年雄性个体表现较亚成年和幼年个体显著多的舔舐行为。此外,成年个体和亚成年个体均表现较多的嗅闻/舔舐环境行为,而幼年个体则无该行为表现。幼年个体较成年和亚成年个体表现显著多的气味涂抹行为,而且嘶咬气味刺激物的时间较亚成年个体显著多。幼年个体和亚成年个体对雌性和雄性个体尿液气味刺激的行为反应不存在显著差异。研究结果表明,雄性大熊猫对同种个体尿液中化学信息的行为反应呈现出年龄差异。  相似文献   

The function of an odour may be reflected in its fade-out time in the environment. In this study, we investigated fade-out times of two specific odours, the anogenital area scent and that of the posterolateral region. These two odours support opposite-sex preferences in male and female meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus, but convey nonidentical information to conspecifics during the breeding season. The first experiment tested whether meadow voles respond preferentially to scents that were aged for 15 min (fresh) to 30 d. Males preferred female anogenital area scent to male anogenital area scent if both scents were ≤ 10 d old. By comparison, females preferred male anogenital area scent to female anogenital area scent if the scents were ≤ 25 d old. However, male and female voles preferred the posterolateral scent of males to that of females if the scents were ≤ 1 d old. Thus, fade-out times for these two scents differ for males and females, suggesting different functions. In the second experiment, male and female voles preferred fresh anogenital area scent and fresh posterolateral region scent compared with those same scents that were older. This result suggests that older scents may have lost information over time about the sex of the donor. Overall, data from both experiments indicate that voles may use specific scents for communication in different social contexts.  相似文献   

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