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此前已构建了基于SemlikiForest病毒(SemlikiForestvirus,SFV)复制子载体的表达猪瘟病毒(classicalswinefevervirus,CSFV)E2基因的新型猪瘟DNA疫苗pFV1CS-E2,通过动物试验证实,该疫苗以600μg/头的剂量免疫3次,免疫猪能抵抗致死剂量猪瘟强毒的攻击。为进一步评价该疫苗在较低的免疫剂量和较少的免疫次数情况下的免疫效力,将DNA疫苗pSFV1CS-E2和空载体pSFV1CS按100μg/头的剂量,接种猪只2次,然后用致死剂量的猪瘟强毒石门株进行攻击。结果表明,pSFV1CS-E2免疫组(n=5)所有免疫猪在加强免疫后均产生了猪瘟特异性中和抗体,攻毒后所有猪只抗体迅速升高,除了短期体温升高外,未出现任何其它临床症状,部分猪出现短期轻微病毒血症,个别猪的部分脏器出现轻微病变;而空载体免疫组(n=3)猪只在攻毒前一直没有检出特异性抗体,攻毒后全都出现典型的猪瘟临床症状和严重的病毒血症,有2头猪分别于攻毒后第10和11d死亡,剖检时可见典型猪瘟病理变化。结果表明,基于甲病毒复制子载体的猪瘟DNA疫苗有望成为具有开发价值的猪瘟标记疫苗。  相似文献   

此前已构建了基于Semliki Forest病毒(Semliki Forest virus,SFV)复制子载体的表达猪瘟病毒(classical swine fever virus,CSFV)E2基因的新型猪瘟DNA疫苗pFV1CS-E2,通过动物试验证实,该疫苗以600μg/头的剂量免疫3次,免疫猪能抵抗致死剂量猪瘟强毒的攻击。为进一步评价该疫苗在较低的免疫剂量和较少的免疫次数情况下的免疫效力,将DNA疫苗pSFV1CS-E2和空载体pSFV1CS按100μg/头的剂量,接种猪只2次,然后用致死剂量的猪瘟强毒石门株进行攻击。结果表明,pSFV1CS-E2免疫组(n=5)所有免疫猪在加强免疫后均产生了猪瘟特异性中和抗体,攻毒后所有猪只抗体迅速升高,除了短期体温升高外,未出现任何其它临床症状,部分猪出现短期轻微病毒血症,个别猪的部分脏器出现轻微病变;而空载体免疫组(n=3)猪只在攻毒前一直没有检出特异性抗体,攻毒后全都出现典型的猪瘟临床症状和严重的病毒血症,有2头猪分别于攻毒后第10和11d死亡,剖检时可见典型猪瘟病理变化。结果表明,基于甲病毒复制子载体的猪瘟DNA疫苗有望成为具有开发价值的猪瘟标记疫苗。  相似文献   

为了构建猪瘟重组腺病毒载体疫苗,通过细菌内同源重组法构建了含有猪瘟病毒E2基因的重组腺病毒rAdV-E2.测定其一步生长曲线,同时用间接免疫荧光试验和Western blotting检测外源基因表达,然后用rAdV-E2免疫家兔,免疫后6周用猪瘟兔化弱毒疫苗株(c株)进行攻击,攻毒后3 d取其脾脏,用实时荧光定量RT-PCR检测C株病毒RNA.结果表明,该重组腺病毒传至第10代时,毒价可达1.0×1010TCID<,50/mL;外源基因可在其中得到稳定表达;rAdV-E2接种兔免疫后2周产生猪瘟特异性抗体,免疫后5 W抗体达到峰值,攻毒后rAdV-E2接种兔和C株接种兔均未出现定型热反应,从其脾脏也未检测到C株病毒RNA,而野生型腺病毒接种兔均出现了定型热反应,并且从其脾脏检测大量C株病毒RNA,其含量达到了103拷贝/μL以上.由此表明,rAdV-E2可望开发为猪瘟候选疫苗.  相似文献   

基于Semliki Forest病毒RNA复制子的猪瘟RNA疫苗初步研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
将猪瘟病毒E2基因克隆于我们此前构建的衍生于Semliki Forest病毒(semliki forest virus,SFV)RNA复制子的新型真核表达载体pSFV1CS中,获得重组质粒pSFV1CS-E2。用纯化的pSFV1CS-E2分别转染BHK-21细胞和293T细胞,经间接免疫荧光试验检测显示,CSFV E2基因在转染细胞中得到表达。小鼠接种试验结果表明,10μg或100μg pSFV1CS-E2可诱导小鼠产生猪瘟特异性抗体。  相似文献   

化学合成H5N1亚型禽流感病毒M2蛋白N端胞外域基因序列3拷贝基因(3M2e),与人结核杆菌hsp70蛋白基因融合,克隆至原核表达载体pET-32a(+),构建表达载体pET-3M2e 与pET-3M2e-hsp70。重组质粒转化大肠杆菌BL21,经IPTG诱导重组蛋白获得表达,通过镍亲和层析获得纯化的融合蛋白,利用Western blot鉴定重组蛋白免疫原性。将纯化的重组蛋白免疫20日龄的禽流感非免鸡,以人工合成的M2e与KLH偶联后免疫鸡作为阳性对照,以pET-32a(+)载体蛋白注射组作为阴性对照,初免后2周加强免疫。通过抗M2e抗体检测、 细胞病变抑制试验与间接免疫荧光试验评价重组蛋白免疫后产生的体液免疫反应; 利用流式细胞分群及细胞因子产量检测评价重组蛋白免疫后产生的细胞免疫反应。加强免疫后4周用100EID50的H9N2亚型AIV攻毒,通过Real-time PCR检测攻毒后3、5、7天免疫鸡泄殖腔棉拭子中病毒的含量。结果表明,重组蛋白3M2e hsp70免疫组能够刺激免疫鸡产生较高的抗体水平及细胞免疫应答,并且攻毒后泄殖腔棉拭子中病毒含量明显降低。  相似文献   

【目的】为研制预防猪圆环病毒II型(PCV2)感染的重组伪狂犬病病毒(PRV)活载体疫苗。【方法】将PCV2 ORF2基因插入到PRV通用载体pG中,利用脂质体LipofectamineTM2000试剂盒将重组转移质粒pGO与猪PRV弱毒HB98株DNA共转染猪睾丸(ST)细胞,通过3轮蚀斑纯化重组病毒。将重组病毒、商品化PCV2灭活苗及DMEM培养液分别免疫6周龄雌性昆明小鼠,4周后加强免疫1次,首免后第8周用PCV2强毒NY株对小鼠进行攻毒。【结果】成功获得表达ORF2基因的重组病毒PGO,首免重组病毒后小鼠体内抗PCV2的ELISA抗体水平很低,二免后小鼠PCV2特异的ELISA抗体水平明显升高,并且重组病毒组能够激发PCV2特异的淋巴细胞增殖效应。攻毒试验表明重组病毒组和PCV2灭活疫苗组均能有效抵抗PCV2强毒攻击。【结论】表明表达ORF2基因的重组病毒PGO具有良好免疫原性。  相似文献   

摘要:【目的】为研制预防猪圆环病毒II型(PCV2)感染的重组伪狂犬病病毒(PRV)活载体疫苗。【方法】将PCV2 ORF2基因插入到PRV通用载体pG中,利用脂质体LipofectamineTM 2000试剂盒将重组转移质粒pGO与猪PRV弱毒HB98株DNA共转染猪睾丸(ST)细胞,通过3轮蚀斑纯化重组病毒。将重组病毒、商品化PCV2灭活苗及DMEM培养液分别免疫6周龄雌性昆明小鼠,4周后加强免疫1次,首免后第8周用PCV2强毒NY株对小鼠进行攻毒。【结果】成功获得表达ORF2基因的重组病毒PGO,首免重组病毒后小 鼠体内抗PCV2的ELISA抗体水平很低,二免后小鼠PCV2特异的ELISA抗体水平明显升高,并且重组病毒组能够激发PCV2特异的淋巴细胞增殖效应。攻毒试验表明重组病毒组和PCV2灭活疫苗组均能有效抵抗PCV2强毒攻击。【结论】表明表达ORF2基因的重组病毒PGO具有良好免疫原性。  相似文献   

为了获得新型双价"自杀性"DNA疫苗,将猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(Porcine reproductive and respiratorysyndrome virus,PRRSV)GP5基因克隆于此前构建的表达猪瘟病毒(Classical swine fever virus,CSFV)E2基因的甲病毒复制子载体疫苗pSFV1CS-E2中.为了增强免疫效果,在密码子优化的GP5基因中插入了泛DR表位(PADRE),在CSFV E2基因后融合伪狂犬病病毒(PrV)UL49基因,获得了6种重组质粒.间接免疫荧光试验显示,PRRSV GP5和CSFV E2基因在瞬时转染的293T细胞中得到同时表达,将6种重组质粒和空载体pSFV1CS分别免疫BALB/c小鼠,用间接ELISA方法检测血清抗体水平,通过基于CSFE/WST-8的淋巴细胞增殖试验和细胞因子ELISA评价疫苗诱导的细胞免疫.结果显示,除pSFV1CS组外,从各疫苗组小鼠血清中均可检测到低水平的针对GP5和E2蛋白的抗体;各疫苗组小鼠脾细胞经CSFV和PRRSV刺激后均能诱导特异性的淋巴细胞增殖:部分疫苗组小鼠脾细胞经CSFV和PRRSV刺激后可分泌较高水平的IFN-γ和IL-4;引入UL49的疫苗组细胞免疫应答显著高于其它疫苗组.结果表明,这些共表达GP5和E2蛋白的自杀性DNA疫苗可以诱导体液免疫和细胞免疫,PrV UL49可以增强其细胞免疫应答.  相似文献   

为研制猪瘟活载体疫苗,构建共表达猪瘟病毒E2基因和猪白细胞介素2基因的重组腺病毒并研究其免疫原性。应用PCR方法从pMD19-T-E2质粒和pMD19-T-pIL2质粒中分别扩增E2基因和pIL-2基因,将扩增的全长E2基因和pIL-2的编码区基因序列通过柔性接头序列(5个甘氨酸密码子)串联,插入腺病毒穿梭载体AdTrack中,在受体菌中与骨架载体AdEasy同源重组。重组质粒AdEasy-E2-pIL-2转染HEK293细胞,包装出重组腺病毒rAd-E2-pIL-2。用rAd-E2-pIL-2免疫家兔,经兔体交互免疫试验评定其免疫效果。结果显示,经RT-PCR和West-ern blot检测,成功构建了rAd-E2-pIL-2,重组病毒滴度达108.12PFU/mL。rAd-E2-pIL-2接种家兔后刺激接种兔产生猪瘟病毒特异性抗体,淋巴细胞转化试验结果显示猪瘟病毒诱导兔淋巴细胞特异性增殖,攻毒后rAd-E2-pIL-2接种兔和猪瘟病毒C株接种兔均未出现定型热反应。研究结果表明,rAd-E2-pIL-2免疫兔可以预防猪瘟病毒C株接种引发的体温反应,rAd-E2-pIL-2可望成为猪瘟候选疫苗。  相似文献   

为了评价基因Ⅰ型乙型脑炎病毒prM-E DNA疫苗与prM和EⅢ融合抗原亚单位疫苗采用DNA初免-蛋白加强免疫策略对小鼠的免疫效果,本研究将prM-E融合基因插入到pVAX1真核表达载体中,构建重组表达载体prM-E-pVAX1作为DNA疫苗进行初免,利用原核表达系统获得的prM和EⅢ融合抗原作为亚单位疫苗进行加强免疫。将32只4−6周龄雌性BALB/c小鼠随机分成4组,设置prM-E-pVAX1 DNA疫苗组、DNA初免-蛋白加强免疫组、prM和EⅢ融合抗原亚单位疫苗组及pVAX1载体对照组,通过ELISA检测血清中特异性抗体水平;通过噬斑减少中和试验滴定中和抗体滴度;通过细胞因子表达丰度和淋巴细胞增殖试验分析不同疫苗免疫组诱导产生的细胞免疫反应。结果表明,用DNA初免-蛋白加强策略免疫的小鼠诱导产生的中和抗体滴度略高于prM和EⅢ融合抗原亚单位疫苗免疫组,显著高于prM-E-pVAX1 DNA疫苗免疫组。DNA初免-蛋白加强策略在小鼠模型中诱导产生了有效的Th1/Th2型免疫反应,特别是显著诱导了Th1型细胞免疫反应。本研究为预防流行性乙型脑炎提供了新的免疫策略和理论参考依据。  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of the chimeric marker vaccine candidate CP7_E2alf in different formulations for oral immunization against classical swine fever (CSF). In the first experiment, three wild boars were vaccinated orally with the liquid chimeric virus CP7_E2alf, whereas in the second experiment, four wild boars and four domestic pigs were immunized with the lyophilized chimera administered in gelatine capsules and new baits. The chimera was safe for wild boars and domestic pigs. All animals vaccinated orally with the liquid chimera were seropositive 21 days after vaccination, and neither viraemia nor virus shedding were observed after challenge with a highly virulent CSF virus. At necropsy, viral genome of the challenge virus was detected in some organs of all surviving wild boars. Lyophilized chimera administered orally did not protect the animals. The reasons for the inefficacy of the lyophilized vaccine virus are discussed. Irrespective of the negative result with lyophilized virus, the study and previous experiences (Reimann et al., Virology, 307:213–227, 2004) suggest that the chimera CP7_E2alf is a potential CSF marker vaccine candidate.  相似文献   

Classical swine fever virus (CSFV) is the causative agent of classical swine fever (CSF), a highly contagious disease of pigs. There are numerous CSFV strains that differ in virulence, resulting in clinical disease with different degrees of severity. Low-virulent and moderately virulent isolates cause a mild and often chronic disease, while highly virulent isolates cause an acute and mostly lethal hemorrhagic fever. The live attenuated vaccine strain GPE(-) was produced by multiple passages of the virulent ALD strain in cells of swine, bovine, and guinea pig origin. With the aim of identifying the determinants responsible for the attenuation, the GPE(-) vaccine virus was readapted to pigs by serial passages of infected tonsil homogenates until prolonged viremia and typical signs of CSF were observed. The GPE(-)/P-11 virus isolated from the tonsils after the 11th passage in vivo had acquired 3 amino acid substitutions in E2 (T830A) and NS4B (V2475A and A2563V) compared with the virus before passages. Experimental infection of pigs with the mutants reconstructed by reverse genetics confirmed that these amino acid substitutions were responsible for the acquisition of pathogenicity. Studies in vitro indicated that the substitution in E2 influenced virus spreading and that the changes in NS4B enhanced the viral RNA replication. In conclusion, the present study identified residues in E2 and NS4B of CSFV that can act synergistically to influence virus replication efficiency in vitro and pathogenicity in pigs.  相似文献   

Immunosuppression with cyclosporin A or cyclophosphamide had no apparent effect on the disease course of guinea pigs infected with a virulent strain of Junin virus. Immunosuppression of guinea pigs infected with an attenuated strain of Junin virus led to fulminating Argentine hemorrhagic fever. All immunosuppressed infected animals died. Virus distribution patterns in target organs, as determined by plaque assay and fluorescent antibody procedures, were similar to those from non-immunosuppressed animals infected with a virulent strain. Histopathological lesions in immunosuppressed guinea pigs infected with an attenuated strain of virus were similar to those in non-immunosuppressed guinea pigs infected with a virulent strain. Histological changes attributable to the immunosuppressive drug(s) were regularly observed. Immunosuppressed animals infected with attenuated Junin virus and non-immunosuppressed animals infected with virulent virus failed to develop antibody or responded at a minimal level. Virus-specific cytotoxic spleen cell activity, previously shown to be antibody dependent, failed to develop in the same animals. The presence of a competent immune response, probably serum antibody, determined whether Argentine hemorrhagic fever infection of the guinea pig was lethal or whether recovery ensued; no evidence for harmful effects of the immune response was obtained.  相似文献   

African swine fever(ASF) is a devastating infectious disease in swine that is severely threatening the global pig industry. An efficacious vaccine is urgently required. Here, we used the Chinese ASFV HLJ/18 as a backbone and generated a series of genedeleted viruses. The virulence, immunogenicity, safety, and protective efficacy evaluation in specific-pathogen-free pigs,commercial pigs, and pregnant sows indicated that one virus, namely HLJ/18-7GD, which has seven genes deleted, is fully attenuated in pigs, cannot convert to the virulent strain, and provides complete protection of pigs against lethal ASFV challenge.Our study shows that HLJ/-18-7GD is a safe and effective vaccine against ASFV, and as such is expected to play an important role in controlling the spread of ASFV.  相似文献   

Antibody levels in post-infection sera from a pig inoculated with a low virulent strain of classical swine fever virus (Hannover 62) and in sera from two pigs inoculated with another low virulent strain (Spielbach 66) and from an in-contact pig were assayed by complement fixation and immunofluorescence using classical swine fever virus (ALD strain) and bovine virus diarrhoea virus (UG 59 strain) as antigens. The complement fixation test used was modified by addition of a preparation of porcine Glq to the complement and by mercaptoethanol treatment of the immune serum before use. The mercaptoethanol treatment of the immune serum resulted in complete elimination of a haemolytic prozone often seen with porcine immune sera. In the sera from the inoculated animals complement-fixing antibodies appeared earlier than neutralizing antibodies. A few weeks after inoculation there was a correlation between the presence of complement-fixing and neutralizing antibodies. During the entire observation period of 13 weeks it was not possible to demonstrate complement-fixing or neutralizing antibodies in serum from a pig exposed to infection by contact with the two pigs inoculated with the Spièlbach 66 strain of classical swine fever virus.  相似文献   

Essential herpesvirus glycoproteins are involved in membrane fusion processes during infection, e.g., viral penetration and direct cell-to-cell transmission. We previously showed that the gD-homologous glycoprotein gp50 of pseudorabies virus (PrV) is essential for virus entry into target cells but proved to be dispensable for direct viral cell-to-cell spread in cell culture (I. Rauh and T. C. Mettenleiter, J. Virol. 65:5348-5456, 1991). For gp50-negative (gp50-) viruses, after phenotypic complementation necessary for primary infection, the only means of viral spread is by way of direct cell-to-cell transmission. In contrast, virus mutants lacking the essential gB-homologous glycoprotein gII after phenotypic complementation are only able to infect primary target cells and are blocked in further viral spread. To analyze how these in vitro phenotypes translate into virus replication in the animal, mice were infected intranasally with gp50- or gII- PrV mutants after prior phenotypic complementation by propagation on cell lines providing the essential glycoprotein in trans. Our results show that whereas the gII- mutants did not cause disease or any symptoms, gp50- mutants derived from two different PrV strains were fully virulent, with animals exhibiting severe symptoms ultimately leading to death. However, free infectious virus could not be recovered from either gp50- or gII- PrV-infected animals. We conclude that direct cell-to-cell transmission as the only means of viral spread of the gp50- mutants is sufficient for a full virulent phenotype in mice. After infection of pigs with phenotypically complemented gp50- PrV, only mild symptoms were observed, whereas the gII- mutant was totally avirulent. In both cases, shedding of infectious virus did not occur, in contrast to results with animals infected by gX- PrV that showed severe signs of disease and extensive virus shedding. After challenge infection with the highly virulent NIA-3 strain, the previously gII- PrV-infected animals exhibited severe symptoms, whereas the gp50- PrV-infected pigs showed a significant level of protection. In conclusion, vaccination with a PrV mutant lacking glycoprotein gp50, which is unable to spread between animals because of a lack of formation of free infectious virions, can confer on pigs protection against challenge infection. These results provide the basis for the development of new, nonspreading live herpesvirus vaccines based on gp50- PrV mutants.  相似文献   

Mouse Potency Assay for Western Equine Encephalomyelitis Vaccines   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A potency assay for Western equine encephalomyelitis vaccine was developed which utilized mice as the test animal instead of guinea pigs or hamsters. By immunizing several groups of mice with dilutions of the vaccine and challenging them intracerebrally with virulent virus, it was possible to determine mathematically a dose of vaccine capable of protecting 50% of the animals (ED(50)). When log dilutions of virulent virus were used to challenge mice which were immunized with dilutions of the vaccine, there was no difference among the ED(50) values for the dilutions of challenge virus. In a direct comparison of ED(50) values determined from the immunization of mice and those determined from the immunization of guinea pigs, there were no differences in the rankings of the vaccines.  相似文献   

In rhesus monkeys a wide dosage range of 17D yellow fever (YF) vaccine extending to a level even below that recommended for vaccination of man elicited an immune response providing solid protection to challenge with virulent YF virus. Forty-three of 45 monkeys vaccinated with 10(2.3) or greater weanling mouse mean lethal doses of 17D vaccine were resistant to challenge 20 weeks later with virulent Asibi strain YF virus. Monkeys given graded doses of lesser amounts of vaccine were progressively more susceptible to challenge. With a vaccine dose >/= 10(2.3) weanling mouse mean lethal doses, plaque neutralization (PN) seroconversion rates were 90% or greater, whereas hemagglutination-inhibiting (HI) and complement-fixing (CF) seroconversion rates were unrelated to vaccine dosage and were generally in the range of 20 to 80%. Ninety-six percent (51 of 54) of immune monkeys had PN titers >/=0.7 log(10) (fivefold) neutralization index as compared to approximately 55 to 65% who showed HI or CF titers >/=2 log(2) (fourfold) neutralization index. After challenge with Asibi strain YF virus, antibody titers of all three tests increaed equally. In rhesus monkeys PN antibody titers were well correlated with YF immunity, whereas HI and CF antibody titers were not.  相似文献   

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