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李俊  伍晓明 《西北植物学报》2012,32(7):1488-1499
被子植物早期胚胎形态建成是其有性生殖过程中一个重要发育阶段。在这一阶段中,被子植物形体基本特征形成,包括顶-基轴极性建立、不同细胞层分化以及分生组织形成。合子极性直接与顶基细胞命运相关,但其极性产生机理仍然不明。研究表明,WOX家族转录因子、生长素定向运输以及生长素响应应答可能参与了早期顶-基模型建成;辐射对称模型的建立可能由细胞与细胞间相互作用来介导;生长素流可能参与胚胎顶端组织形成。该文对近年来被子植物早期胚胎形态建成过程中的合子极性建立与生长、合子分裂及其顶基细胞的形成、胚根原特化及根极的形成、辐射对称模式及表皮原特化、顶端分生组织特化及子叶起始等方面的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

从合子到种子——胚胎发生的基因调控   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从合子极性与不对称分裂,胚胎发育格局的形成,胚分生组织发育,胚体、胚柄和胚乳发育的相互关系及胚的成熟和休眠等5个方面对基因调控胚胎发生的过程作了简要介绍。  相似文献   

生长素浓度梯度对生长素调控植物胚胎和器官发育、向地性和向光性生长等具有重要作用。生长素浓度梯度的形成依赖于生长素的极性运输。生长素极性运输主要由极性定位于细胞膜上的输出载体PIN(pin-formed family)家族蛋白  相似文献   

生长素参与植物生长发育的各个阶段,如胚胎发生、发育,营养器官发生与形态建成,极性与轴向的建立,维管组织分化,生殖器官的发育等。虽然生长素在植物的各组织器官和细胞中发挥着重要的作用,植物内源生长素的生物合成却是在特异的组织——细胞快速分裂的幼嫩组织中完成的,然后通过韧皮部或受严格控制的细胞—细胞运输系统运送至植物各个部分。生长素的极性运输导致其积累在某些局部组织和细胞内,形成特定梯度分布。生长素对植物生长发育众多方面的调节正是依赖于这一特性。该文综述了近年来有关植物生长发育过程中生长素浓度梯度的形成和相应的生理功能,以及细胞骨架中的微丝参与调控生长素极性运输的研究工作。  相似文献   

细胞分化是生物生长发育的重要过程, 受到一系列信号的精确调控。植物特有的转录因子HD-Zip III在细胞分化中发挥了重要作用。该文对HD-Zip III基因类型和结构特点进行了简要介绍, 重点论述了HD-Zip III在胚胎形态发生、顶端分生组织形成、叶极性建立和维管组织分化等发育过程中的作用, 系统总结了HD-Zip III基因在不同层次受到的调控, 探讨了该家族基因与陆生维管植物进化的关系。  相似文献   

生长素调控植物株型形成的研究进展   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
高等植物通过调节顶端分生组织和侧生分生组织的活性建立地上株型系统,分生组织的活性受环境信号、发育阶段和遗传因素的综合调控,植物激素参与这些信号的整合。顶端优势是植物分枝调控的核心问题,而生长素对顶端优势的形成和维持发挥关键作用。本文综述了近几年与植物地上部分株型形成相关的生长素合成代谢、极性运输及信号转导领域的研究进展,并提出了展望。  相似文献   

高等植物通过调节顶端分生组织和侧生分生组织的活性建立地上株型系统, 分生组织的活性受环境信号、发育阶段和遗传因素的综合调控, 植物激素参与这些信号的整合。顶端优势是植物分枝调控的核心问题, 而生长素对顶端优势的形成和维持发挥关键作用。本文综述了近几年与植物地上部分株型形成相关的生长素合成代谢、极性运输及信号转导领域的研究进展, 并提出了展望。  相似文献   

生长素对拟南芥叶片发育调控的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
叶片(包括子叶)是茎端分生组织产生的第一类侧生器官,在植物发育中具有重要地位。早期叶片发育包括三个主要过程:叶原基的起始,叶片腹背性的建立和叶片的延展。大量证据表明叶片发育受到体内遗传机制和体外环境因子的双重调节。植物激素,尤其是生长素在协调体内外调节机制中起着不可或缺的作用。生长素的稳态调控、极性运输和信号转导影响叶片发育的全过程。本文着重介绍生长素在叶片生长发育和形态建成中的调控作用,试图了解复杂叶片发育调控网络。  相似文献   

植物胚胎发生基因调控的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈金军  张学文 《西北植物学报》2004,24(11):2183-2187
植物胚胎发生是指单细胞的受精卵经过一系列受控的细胞分裂和分化,发育为成熟的多细胞种胚的过程,也是一个基因有序的选择性表达调控的过程。主要从胚胎发生的3个时期即原胚期——极性建成、球形胚-心形胚过度期——区域形态建成、器官形成与成熟期——分生组织形成及发育等方面对基因调控的研究进展作一简要综述。  相似文献   

李林川  瞿礼嘉 《植物学报》2006,23(5):459-465
叶片(包括子叶)是茎端分生组织产生的第一类侧生器官, 在植物发育中具有重要地位。早期叶片发育包括三个主要过程: 叶原基的起始, 叶片腹背性的建立和叶片的延展。大量证据表明叶片发育受到体内遗传机制和体外环境因子的双重调节。植物激素, 尤其是生长素在协调体内外调节机制中起着不可或缺的作用。生长素的稳态调控、极性运输和信号转导影响叶片发育的全过程。本文着重介绍生长素在叶片生长发育和形态建成中的调控作用, 试图了解复杂叶片发育调控网络。  相似文献   

Flowering-plant embryogenesis generates the basic body organization, including the apical and basal stem cell niches, i.e. shoot and root meristems, the major tissue layers and the cotyledon(s). gnom mutant embryos fail to initiate the root meristem at the early-globular stage and the cotyledon primordia at the late globular/transition stage. Tissue-specific GNOM expression in the gnom mutant embryo revealed that both apical and basal embryo organization depend on GNOM provascular expression and a functioning apical-basal auxin flux: GNOM provascular expression in gnom mutant background resulted in non-cell-autonomous reconstitution of apical and basal tissues which could be linked to changes in auxin responses in those tissues, stressing the importance of apical-basal auxin flow for overall embryo organization. Although reconstitution of apical-basal auxin flux in gnom results in the formation of single cotyledons (monocots), only additional GNOM epidermal expression is able to induce wild-type apical patterning. We conclude that provascular expression of GNOM is vital for both apical and basal tissue organization, and that epidermal GNOM expression is required for radial-to-bilateral symmetry transition of the embryo. We propose GNOM-dependent auxin sinks as a means to generate auxin gradients across tissues.  相似文献   

The sequence of events in the functional body pattern formation during the somatic embryo development in cowpea suspensions is described under three heads. Early stages of somatic embryogenesis were characterized by both periclinal and anticlinal cell divisions. Differentiation of the protoderm cell layer by periclinal divisions marked the commencement of somatic embryogenesis. The most critical events appear to be the formation of apical meristems, establishment of apical-basal patterns of symmetry, and cellular organization in oblong-stage somatic embryo for the transition to torpedo and cotyledonary-stage somatic embryos. Two different stages of mature embryos showing distinct morphology, classified based on the number of cotyledons and their ability to convert into plantlets, were visualized. Repeated mitotic divisions of the sub-epidermal cell layers marked the induction of proembryogenic mass (PEM) in the embryogenic calli. The first division plane was periclinally-oriented, the second anticlinally-oriented, and the subsequent division planes appeared in any direction, leading to clusters of proembryogenic clumps. Differentiation of the protoderm layer marks the beginning of the structural differentiation in globular stage. Incipient procambium formation is the first sign of somatic embryo transition. Axial elongation of inner isodiametric cells of the globular somatic embryo followed by the change in the growth axis of the procambium is an important event in oblong-stage somatic embryo. Vacuolation in the ground meristem of torpedo-stage embryo begins the process of histodifferentiation. Three major embryonic tissue systems; shoot apical meristem, root apical meristem, and the differentiation of procambial strands, are visible in torpedo-stage somatic embryo. Monocotyledonary-stage somatic embryo induced both the shoot apical meristem and two leaf primordia compared to the ansiocotyledonary somatic embryo.  相似文献   

Influence of auxin on the establishment of bilateral symmetry in monocots   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
To study the influence of auxin on the shift from radial to bilateral symmetry during monocot embryogenesis, the fate of young wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) zygotic embryos has been manipulated in vitro by adding auxins, an auxin transport inhibitor and an auxin antagonist to the culture medium. The two synthetic auxins used, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T), induced identical phenotypes. In the most severe cases, the shift from radial to bilateral symmetry was blocked resulting in continuous uniform radial growth. The natural auxin indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) induced the same phenotype. The effect of 2,4,5-T and 2,4D depended on their concentrations and on the developmental stage of the isolated embryos. In the presence of 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA), an auxin transport inhibitor, the overall embryo symmetry was abnormal. The relative position of the shoot apical meristem in comparison with the scutellum was anomalous. The quality of shoot apical meristem and the scutellum differentiation was altered compared with normal developed embryos. No root meristem was differentiated. The effect of TIBA depends on its concentration and on the developmental stage of the isolated embryos. By contrast, 2-(pchlorophenoxy)-2-methylpropionic acid (PCIB) which is described as an auxin antagonist, has no visible direct effect on the embryonic symmetry. These observations indicate that auxin influences the change from radial symmetry to embryonic polarity during monocot embryogenesis. A model of auxin action during early wheat embryo development is proposed.  相似文献   

The effects of two auxin polar transport inhibitors, N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) and 3,3[prime],4[prime],5,7-pentahydroxyflavone (quercetin), on attaining bilateral symmetry from radial symmetry during early wheat embryogenesis were investigated by using an in vitro culture system. Although NPA and quercetin belong to two different classes of auxin transport inhibitors, the phytotropins and the flavonoids, respectively, they induced the same specific abnormal phenotypes during embryo development. These abnormal embryos differentiated multiple meristems (i.e., multiple shoot and root meristems) and multiple organs (i.e., multiple coleoptiles and scutella). Multiple shoot apical meristem phenotypes were characterized by partly multiplied embryonic axes and supernumerary scutella. The differentiation of multiple primary roots in addition to multiple shoot meristems and multiple scutella led to the formation of polyembryos. The occurrence of multiple shoot meristem phenotypes depended on the concentration of the inhibitor and the developmental stage of the isolated embryo. Embryos treated with NPA or quercetin developed multiple radicle phenotypes less frequently than they developed multiple shoot meristem phenotypes. Our observations suggest that the root meristem differentiates later than the shoot meristem. Our data support the hypothesis that polar transport of auxin has a determining influence on the differentiation of the embryonic axis and the scutellum.  相似文献   

Leaves originate from the shoot apical meristem, a small mound of undifferentiated tissue at the tip of the stem. Leaf formation begins with the selection of a group of founder cells in the so-called peripheral zone at the flank of the meristem, followed by the initiation of local growth and finally morphogenesis of the resulting bulge into a differentiated leaf. Whereas the mechanisms controlling the switch between meristem propagation and leaf initiation are being identified by genetic and molecular analyses, the radial positioning of leaves, known as phyllotaxis, remains poorly understood. Hormones, especially auxin and gibberellin, are known to influence phyllotaxis, but their specific role in the determination of organ position is not clear. We show that inhibition of polar auxin transport blocks leaf formation at the vegetative tomato meristem, resulting in pinlike naked stems with an intact meristem at the tip. Microapplication of the natural auxin indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) to the apex of such pins restores leaf formation. Similarly, exogenous IAA induces flower formation on Arabidopsis pin-formed1-1 inflorescence apices, which are blocked in flower formation because of a mutation in a putative auxin transport protein. Our results show that auxin is required for and sufficient to induce organogenesis both in the vegetative tomato meristem and in the Arabidopsis inflorescence meristem. In this study, organogenesis always strictly coincided with the site of IAA application in the radial dimension, whereas in the apical-basal dimension, organ formation always occurred at a fixed distance from the summit of the meristem. We propose that auxin determines the radial position and the size of lateral organs but not the apical-basal position or the identity of the induced structures.  相似文献   

The establishment of the apical-basal axis is a critical event in plant embryogenesis, evident from the earliest stages onwards. Polarity is evident in the embryo sac, egg cell, zygote, and embryo-suspensor complex. In the embryo-proper, two functionally distinct meristems form at each pole, through the localized expression of key genes. A number of mutants, notably of the model genetic organism Arabidopsis thaliana, have revealed new gene functions that are required for patterning of the apical-basal axis. There is now increasing evidence that two particular modes of signalling, via auxin and cell wall components, play important roles in co-ordinating the gene expression programmes that define determinative roles in the establishment of polarity.  相似文献   

Summary Embryo development is a very key phase in the life cycle of seed plants. At maturity, the embryo contains the complete machinery to elaborate the entire plant body. While the embryogenic process is an innate feature of the zygote, gametic and somatic cells can undergo embryogenesis under the appropriate culture conditions. Embryogenesis is a highly regulated process and the use of mutants, especially in Arabidopsis, has allowed the identification of genes regulating pattern formation during this process. The use of such mutants has revealed the eritical roles of auxin levels and transport in the establishment of embryo axis. Root and shoot apical meristem function and integrity, have been defined by examination of genes involved in their identity and function. Further knowledge of the molecular and biochemical aspects of zygotic embryogenesis should contribute to our understanding of the underlying regulatory pathways and networks and also provide critical insights into unique totipotent features of the plant cell.  相似文献   

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