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彭丹  武志强 《生物多样性》2022,30(3):21416-2886
植物中雌雄性别分化是一种进化的性状。雌雄异株在多个开花植物谱系中独立演化, 但各个支系的性染色体状态、性别决定区域与性别决定基因不尽相同。多样的植物性染色体和性别决定系统为研究植物性别相关基因的形成机制、性别决定区域和性染色体进化提供了极好的机会。随着测序技术的进步和分析方法的提高, 近年来越来越多物种性别决定的相关分子机制得到解析, 并将理论成果应用于提升经济效益与城市环境等实际问题中。本文将从目前的研究现状和方法, 性别决定单、双基因模型的建立, 植物性染色体进化过程等方面进行总结, 对未来植物性别决定的研究提出四点建议: (1)研究方向逐步从基因研究扩展到调控途径研究; (2)从单一物种转向相关科属比较研究; (3)改进现有性别决定基因模型或探索新模型和性别模式物种; (4)加强性别鉴定技术在实际生产中的研发工作。同时探讨性别决定理论研究未来在农业生产、园艺绿化种植中幼苗性别鉴别筛选等方面的应用前景。  相似文献   

陆静  陈赢男  尹佟明 《植物学报》2021,56(1):90-103
雌雄异株植物是研究性别决定遗传机制及性染色体起源与进化的理想材料, 而克隆性别决定基因是解析性别决定遗传机制的关键。木本植物中有丰富的雌雄异株植物, 且包括2种相反的性别决定系统: XY型(雌株为同配型的XX, 雄株为异配型的XY)和ZW型(雌株为异配型的ZW, 雄株为同配型的ZZ)。此外, 不同性别植株的经济价值也有所不同。在木本植物中开展性别决定机制研究不仅具有重要的理论意义, 还具有较高的生产应用价值。随着大规模基因测序技术的快速发展, 越来越多的木本植物性别决定基因被鉴定和克隆, 为解析雌雄异株植物性别决定机制和性染色体的演化过程提供了有力的实验证据。该文详细总结了近年来木本植物性别决定基因研究的重要进展, 并展望了未来的研究方向及发展趋势。  相似文献   

杨仙荣  王美琴  李少华 《遗传》2014,36(9):849-856
人类Y染色体由于其性别决定的特殊功能和独有的进化史一直以来都备受关注。Y染色体起源于常染色体,经历了严重的退化过程。由于其缺乏重组,蛋白编码基因少,重复序列多所以研究进展缓慢。近年来,随着比较基因组及测序技术的快速发展,对人类Y染色体最终命运的争论不断加剧,Y染色体的研究正逐步成为热点。文章综述了人类Y染色体的结构、遗传特点、起源及进化过程,并根据目前的研究进展对Y染色体的最终命运进行了讨论,提出了作者的一些看法,以期为从事遗传及性染色体进化的研究者提供参考。  相似文献   

李书粉  李莎  邓传良  卢龙斗  高武军 《遗传》2015,37(2):157-164
XY性染色体决定系统是决定植物性别的主要方式,但是对于其起源与演化机制却知之甚少。目前认为,携带控制雌蕊或雄蕊发育基因的一对常染色体由于某种未知原因的突变形成早期的neo-Y或neo-X性染色体,随着演化的进行,早期XY性染色体之间的重组逐渐受到抑制,非重组区域扩展最终形成异型的性染色体。研究发现,重复序列的累积以及DNA甲基化等因素都可能参与了XY性染色体的异染色质化、重组抑制及Y染色体体积增大过程。转座子作为一种基因组中含量最高的重复序列在性染色体演化中扮演了重要的角色,包括性染色体演化的起始激发,以及导致性染色体局部表观遗传修饰使其发生异染色质化扩展和重组抑制。文章综述了转座子在植物性染色体上的累积及其与性染色体异染色质化之间的关系,并简要分析了转座子在性染色体演化过程中的作用。  相似文献   

植物性别决定的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈书燕  安黎哲 《西北植物学报》2004,24(10):1959-1965
通过回顾近年来以多种植物为材料进行的性染色体观察,性别决定基因及调控方式的研究,对植物性别决定的机制进行了初步探讨,从而可以看出不同植物具有不同的性别决定机制:对于有性染色体的植物而言,目前已经从Y染色体上分离和鉴定了许多与雄性发育紧密相关的基因;部分性别决定基因和调控序列已利用构建减法文库,诱导突变体等方法从一些植物中获得。此外,还有研究表明,DNA脱甲基化,以及某些激素(如赤霉素、乙烯、Ace)都对植物的性别决定有重要作用。  相似文献   

赵光强 《生物学通报》2002,37(12):19-21
高等植物的性别表型具多态性,这与植物性别决定的遗传基础有关,高等植的性别与性别决定基因,性染色体及常染色体有关,其性别决定系统有性别决定基因决定性别、性染色体决定性别及X染色体与常染色体间的基因平衡决定性别等多种方式。  相似文献   

现行高中生物教材中,对动物的XY、ZW型等性别决定和伴性遗传涉及较多,而对植物的性别决定,几乎未谈及,为此,本文仅就植物性别的染色体和伴性遗传作一介绍。 自1923年发现植物性染包体以来,现已知有25科70多种植物含有性染色体,这些植物多为雌雄异株,它们的性别决定的方式有:  相似文献   

哺乳动物性别分化调控的分子机制的研究特别是性别分化的层次调控、剂量补偿和性染色体进化这三个领域,已取得快速进展。已经发现Y染色体性别决定区基因(SRY)、X染色体DSS-AHC决定区基因1(DAX-1)、甾类生成因子1基因(SF1)和Wilms瘤抑制基因(WT-1)等与哺乳动物性别决定有关。SRY启动睾丸分化,但胚胎发育成雄性的其余步骤由事丸分泌的激素控制。DAX-1且编码一种女性特异功能的蛋白质,它在男性中被SRY所抑制。SF-1和WT-1在SRY开启之前作用于性腺和肾上腺发育的启动。哺乳动物通过随机失活雌性两条X染色体中的一条来使X连锁的基因在两性间的表达水平达到平衡(剂量补偿)。X染色体失活由X染色体失活中心(XIC)控制。失活的X染色体专一转录基因(XIST)是XIC的强烈候选者,它可能参与X失活的启动。对有袋目和单孔目动物性染色体的研究为我们提供了其进化的信息。有证据支持性染色体起源于一对同源常染色体,而SRY的祖先基因可能是SOX-3。  相似文献   

雌雄异株植物是植物性别决定机制及演化的重要研究材料,通过分子生物学技术分离性别决定的相关基因是揭示雌雄异株植物性别决定的关键问题之一。近10年来已经分离到了多个性染色体连锁的基因DD44X/Y、SLX/Y3、SLX/Y4、MROS3、SLZPT2-1、SLZPT4-1。尽管这些基因都存在于性染色体上,但是对其功能分析发现这些基因并不是性别决定的关键基因,而是性别决定控制系统中的成员之一。另外MADS-box基因也和性别特征器官的建成有关。本文对这些基因的结构及在性别决定中的功能研究进行综述和分析,并对可能的新的研究方向进行评价。  相似文献   

雌雄异株植物性别决定相关功能基因研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
雌雄异株植物是植物性别决定机制及演化的重要研究材料,通过分子生物学技术分离性别决定的相关基因是揭示雌雄异株植物性别决定的关键问题之一.近10年来已经分离到了多个性染色体连锁的基因DD44X/Y、SlX/Y3、SlX/Y4、MROS3、SLZPT2-1、SLZPT4-1.尽管这些基因都存在于性染色体上,但是对其功能分析发现这些基因并不是性别决定的关键基因,而是性别决定控制系统中的成员之一.另外MADS-box基因也和性别特征器官的建成有关.本文对这些基因的结构及在性别决定中的功能研究进行综述和分析,并对可能的新的研究方向进行评价.  相似文献   

Sex chromosomes in dioecious and polygamous plants evolved as a mechanism for ensuring outcrossing to increase genetic variation in the offspring. Sex specificity has evolved in 75% of plant families by male sterile or female sterile mutations, but well-defined heteromorphic sex chromosomes are known in only four plant families. A pivotal event in sex chromosome evolution, suppression of recombination at the sex determination locus and its neighboring regions, might be lacking in most dioecious species. However, once recombination is suppressed around the sex determination region, an incipient Y chromosome starts to differentiate by accumulating deleterious mutations, transposable element insertions, chromosomal rearrangements, and selection for male-specific alleles. Some plant species have recently evolved homomorphic sex chromosomes near the inception of this evolutionary process, while a few other species have sufficiently diverged heteromorphic sex chromosomes. Comparative analysis of carefully selected plant species together with some fish species promises new insights into the origins of sex chromosomes and the selective forces driving their evolution.  相似文献   

Plant sex determination and sex chromosomes   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Charlesworth D 《Heredity》2002,88(2):94-101
Sex determination systems in plants have evolved many times from hermaphroditic ancestors (including monoecious plants with separate male and female flowers on the same individual), and sex chromosome systems have arisen several times in flowering plant evolution. Consistent with theoretical models for the evolutionary transition from hermaphroditism to monoecy, multiple sex determining genes are involved, including male-sterility and female-sterility factors. The requirement that recombination should be rare between these different loci is probably the chief reason for the genetic degeneration of Y chromosomes. Theories for Y chromosome degeneration are reviewed in the light of recent results from genes on plant sex chromosomes.  相似文献   

Silene latifolia is a dioecious plant with heteromorphic sex chromosomes that have originated only ~10 million years ago and is a promising model organism to study sex chromosome evolution in plants. Previous work suggests that S. latifolia XY chromosomes have gradually stopped recombining and the Y chromosome is undergoing degeneration as in animal sex chromosomes. However, this work has been limited by the paucity of sex-linked genes available. Here, we used 35 Gb of RNA-seq data from multiple males (XY) and females (XX) of an S. latifolia inbred line to detect sex-linked SNPs and identified more than 1,700 sex-linked contigs (with X-linked and Y-linked alleles). Analyses using known sex-linked and autosomal genes, together with simulations indicate that these newly identified sex-linked contigs are reliable. Using read numbers, we then estimated expression levels of X-linked and Y-linked alleles in males and found an overall trend of reduced expression of Y-linked alleles, consistent with a widespread ongoing degeneration of the S. latifolia Y chromosome. By comparing expression intensities of X-linked alleles in males and females, we found that X-linked allele expression increases as Y-linked allele expression decreases in males, which makes expression of sex-linked contigs similar in both sexes. This phenomenon is known as dosage compensation and has so far only been observed in evolutionary old animal sex chromosome systems. Our results suggest that dosage compensation has evolved in plants and that it can quickly evolve de novo after the origin of sex chromosomes.  相似文献   

X chromosome inactivation in eutherian mammals has been thought to be tightly controlled, as expected from a mechanism that compensates for the different dosage of X-borne genes in XX females and XY males. However, many X genes escape inactivation in humans, inactivation of the X in marsupials is partial, and the unrelated sex chromosomes of monotreme mammals have incomplete and gene-specific inactivation of X-linked genes. The bird ZW sex chromosome system represents a third independently evolved amniote sex chromosome system with dosage compensation, albeit partial and gene-specific, via an unknown mechanism (i.e. upregulation of the single Z in females, down regulation of one or both Zs in males, or a combination). We used RNA-fluorescent in situ hybridization (RNA-FISH) to demonstrate, on individual fibroblast cells, inactivation of 11 genes on the chicken Z and 28 genes on the X chromosomes of platypus. Each gene displayed a reproducible frequency of 1Z/1X-active and 2Z/2X-active cells in the homogametic sex. Our results indicate that the probability of inactivation is controlled on a gene-by-gene basis (or small domains) on the chicken Z and platypus X chromosomes. This regulatory mechanism must have been exapted independently to the non-homologous sex chromosomes in birds and mammals in response to an over-expressed Z or X in the homogametic sex, highlighting the universal importance that (at least partial) silencing plays in the evolution on amniote dosage compensation and, therefore, the differentiation of sex chromosomes.  相似文献   

In mammals, birds, snakes and many lizards and fish, sex is determined genetically (either male XY heterogamy or female ZW heterogamy), whereas in alligators, and in many reptiles and turtles, the temperature at which eggs are incubated determines sex. Evidently, different sex-determining systems (and sex chromosome pairs) have evolved independently in different vertebrate lineages. Homology shared by Xs and Ys (and Zs and Ws) within species demonstrates that differentiated sex chromosomes were once homologous, and that the sex-specific non-recombining Y (or W) was progressively degraded. Consequently, genes are left in single copy in the heterogametic sex, which results in an imbalance of the dosage of genes on the sex chromosomes between the sexes, and also relative to the autosomes. Dosage compensation has evolved in diverse species to compensate for these dose differences, with the stringency of compensation apparently differing greatly between lineages, perhaps reflecting the concentration of genes on the original autosome pair that required dosage compensation. We discuss the organization and evolution of amniote sex chromosomes, and hypothesize that dosage insensitivity might predispose an autosome to evolving function as a sex chromosome.  相似文献   

Sex chromosomes originated from autosomes but have evolved a highly specialized chromatin structure. Drosophila Y chromosomes are composed entirely of silent heterochromatin, while male X chromosomes have highly accessible chromatin and are hypertranscribed as a result of dosage compensation. Here, we dissect the molecular mechanisms and functional pressures driving heterochromatin formation and dosage compensation of the recently formed neo-sex chromosomes of Drosophila miranda. We show that the onset of heterochromatin formation on the neo-Y is triggered by an accumulation of repetitive DNA. The neo-X has evolved partial dosage compensation and we find that diverse mutational paths have been utilized to establish several dozen novel binding consensus motifs for the dosage compensation complex on the neo-X, including simple point mutations at pre-binding sites, insertion and deletion mutations, microsatellite expansions, or tandem amplification of weak binding sites. Spreading of these silencing or activating chromatin modifications to adjacent regions results in massive mis-expression of neo-sex linked genes, and little correspondence between functionality of genes and their silencing on the neo-Y or dosage compensation on the neo-X. Intriguingly, the genomic regions being targeted by the dosage compensation complex on the neo-X and those becoming heterochromatic on the neo-Y show little overlap, possibly reflecting different propensities along the ancestral chromosome that formed the sex chromosome to adopt active or repressive chromatin configurations. Our findings have broad implications for current models of sex chromosome evolution, and demonstrate how mechanistic constraints can limit evolutionary adaptations. Our study also highlights how evolution can follow predictable genetic trajectories, by repeatedly acquiring the same 21-bp consensus motif for recruitment of the dosage compensation complex, yet utilizing a diverse array of random mutational changes to attain the same phenotypic outcome.  相似文献   

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