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广西兴安转Bt水稻大田两迁害虫发生动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sui H  Li ZY  Xu YB  Han C  Han LZ  Chen FJ 《应用生态学报》2011,22(11):3021-3025
以转Bt水稻华恢1号(Cry1Ac/ CryAb融合基因型,简称HH1)及其对照亲本明恢63(简称MH63)稻田两迁害虫稻纵卷叶螟和白背飞虱为研究对象,系统研究转基因抗虫水稻种植下两迁害虫的发生规律及其致害力差异.结果表明:转Bt水稻及其对照亲本上稻纵卷叶螟的落卵量和幼虫发生量无显著差异,但转Bt水稻的卷叶株率和卷叶率都显著低于对照亲本.表明转Bt水稻对靶标害虫稻纵卷叶螟具有较高抗性.转Bt水稻及对照亲本上白背飞虱若虫、成虫及整个种群的发生动态差异不显著,且转Bt水稻对长翅型和短翅型成虫的种群发生影响也不显著.白背飞虱发生高峰期,转Bt水稻上若虫及短翅型成虫发生量均明显高于对照亲本;相反,转Bt水稻上长翅型成虫发生量明显低于对照亲本,且水稻生育后期长翅型成虫雌性比明显低于对照亲本.转Bt水稻大面积商业化种植下其非靶标害虫白背飞虱的发生危害变得更为复杂.  相似文献   

1958年5月上旬,在江苏省兴化县海河、大邹等乡,发现南大2419小麦田内有不少枯心苗、枯苞(卽死孕穗)及白穗,经检查是大螟和二化螟的越冬幼虫为害所致。我们分别在海河乡钓鱼社、大邹乡双昇、新南等三个农业社检查,9块田計33.9亩,受害率达0.9—1.25%,平均为1.15%。 我们检查被害麦茎100根,共获二化螟5条、大螟37条。在此100根麦茎中,枯心苗36根:16根有虫,二化螟1条,大螟15条;20根无虫枯心苗中,二化螟  相似文献   

本文采用活体生测的方法测定了转cry1Ab/cry1Ac基因水稻对大螟Sesamia inferens(Walker)幼虫的取食、生长以及存活的影响。结果表明,以转cry1Ab/cry1Ac基因水稻为食的大螟3龄和5龄幼虫的累计取食量和相对摄食率与对照相比都显著的减少。取食转Bt水稻后,大螟3龄和5龄幼虫体重均出现负增长。随着取食转基因水稻时间的延长,大螟3龄幼虫的校正死亡率可以达到100%,5龄幼虫的校正死亡率达到85%。  相似文献   

为阐明转cry1Ab/cry1Ac基因水稻对大螟Sesamia inferens (Walker)作用的生理生化机制, 本研究用转cry1Ab/cry1Ac基因水稻茎秆饲喂大螟3龄和5龄幼虫, 采用酶活性测定方法研究了取食转Bt水稻对大螟幼虫体内3种保护酶SOD(superoxide dismutase)、 CAT(catalase)和POD(peroxidase)活性的影响。结果表明, 大螟3龄幼虫在取食转基因水稻24 h后SOD活性与对照相比提高了43.44%, 48 h后降至最低值; 在取食24 h后POD值达到最高值, 其酶活性比对照升高了29.22%, 最终在取食48 h后降至最低值, 并显著低于对照; 在取食转基因水稻4 h后, CAT活性升高了30.33%, 在取食48 h后, 与对照相比, CAT活性降低了27.01%; 5龄幼虫取食4 h后SOD活性显著高于对照水平, 36 h后降至最低值, 与对照相比, 活性下降了31.62%; 在取食8 h后POD活性达到最高值, 与对照相比, 升高了73.20%, 36 h后酶活性降至最低值; 在取食之初4 h CAT活性达到最高值, 与对照相比, 其值升高了75.73%, 在取食48 h后, 其活性与对照相比减少了7.55%。3龄幼虫与5龄幼虫相比, 对Bt的抗性水平较低, 自身防卫能力较差。结果说明, 在取食初期, 试虫体内保护酶活性升高, 以抵御Bt毒蛋白对虫体的伤害作用, 随着取食时间的延长, 保护酶活性迅速降低, 从而干扰虫体正常的代谢过程, 导致虫体出现中毒症状, 致使昆虫死亡。  相似文献   

禾草螟属(Chilo Zincken,1817)隶螟蛾科草螟亚科,Duponchel(1836)指定Ti-nea phragmitella Hubner作本属模式种。现因幼虫有取食禾本科植物的习性取名。本属所包括的种类多数都是重要害虫。水稻、玉米、高梁、谷子、糜子、甘蔗在不同程度上遭受蛀食;其它如在芦苇、茭白也严重发生。幼虫钻蛀植物茎秆造成枯梢、枯穗、枯心。水稻以及其它各种作物上近似种类很多。近来研究发现二化螟与茭白螟(大二化螟)并非象以往所说的同是一种,茭白螟是一个新种。糜子上也发现一个新种极易与二化螟Chilo sup-  相似文献   

【目的】为研究转Bt水稻对其非靶标害虫稻飞虱的主要捕食性天敌黑肩绿盲蝽Cyrtorhinus lividipennis种群发生动态的影响。【方法】本研究以cry1Ac/cry1Ab融合基因型转Bt抗虫水稻"华恢1号"及其对照亲本"明恢63"为供试水稻,于2011、2012和2013连续3年在广西兴安县"转基因水稻试验基地"开展大田试验。【结果】与对照亲本稻田相比,转Bt水稻稻田黑肩绿盲蝽种群发生量有增加趋势,且在2012年出现极显著差异。此外,就被捕食者褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens和白背飞虱Sogatella furcifera而言,无论在水稻品种,年份还是两者交互作用之间都存在极显著差异;而就两种稻飞虱总量而言,只在不同年份间存在极显著差异,在水稻品种及两者交互作用间不存在显著性差异。进一步通过相关分析表明,2011—2013连续3年黑肩绿盲蝽与褐飞虱、白背飞虱和两者总虫量之间均存在极显著正相关关系。【结论】转Bt水稻稻田捕食性天敌黑肩绿盲蝽的数量较大,这与非靶标害虫褐飞虱和白背飞虱种群发生量较大有关。  相似文献   

(一)二化螟在江苏省中粳区、沤田区及晚粳区为害严重,大部分枯心苗均为其造成。白穗中幼虫数目相当高,最多一株有137头。 (二)二化螟的发蛾期,一般来讲,第一代盛发期约在6月中、下旬。第二代盛发期约在8月中、下旬。根据观察记载资料,望亭一带,1952年、1953年均在9月中、下旬又起高峰,可能有不完全第三代的出现。 (三)试验记录中指出,人为的移栽对蚁螟的生存,有抑制作用。在栽培制度上,应控制第一代蛾螟卵盛孵期,在秧田内进行。以期达到水稻少受二化螟的为害。 (四)水稻受二化螟为害后,除造成枯心苗白穗外,并造成有虫株。其百分率最高占14.5%。有虫株穗与健穗,穗重相差0.46克。千粒重最高相差3.09克。 (五)在稻根稻草中,二化螟越冬比例,稻根为43.41%,稻草为56.59%。 (六)在不同播种期;移栽期各处理间,受二化螟为害,差异显著。望亭一带适宜播种期、移植期,以5月25日播种,6月28日移栽为最佳。 (七)第一代螟卵之寄生率平均为25.46%。寄生蜂种类有:(1)日本赤眼蜂,(2)稻螟黑卵蜂。 (八)在防治上,除运用行之有效的治螟办法,如秧田捕蛾采卵、点灯诱蛾、剪除枯心苗和白穗、保护寄生蜂、处理稻根外,在栽培制度上,如何利用适宜播种期,减轻或免除二化螟灾害,为今后值得注意的问题。  相似文献   

Bt水稻对田间非靶标害虫种群动态的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以转cry1Ab/cry1Ac基因水稻汕优63(以下简称汕优63/Bt)为材料,亲本汕优63(以下简称汕优63/CK)为对照,在田间自然感虫条件下研究汕优63/Bt对稻田几种非靶标害虫种群消长动态的影响。结果表明,汕优63/Bt上稻苞虫Pelopidas mathias(Fabricius)和稻眉眼蝶Mycalesis gotamaMoore幼虫数量都显著低于对照品种,但汕优63/Bt对稻苞虫的毒性强于稻眉眼蝶。汕优63/Bt上稻飞虱(白背飞虱Sogatellafurcifera(Horvath)和褐飞虱Nilaparvatalugens(Stal))混合种群数量通常与对照品种基本一致,在少数调查时间显著高于对照品种。相反,除少数调查时间与对照品种没有显著差异外,稻叶蝉(黑尾叶蝉Nephotettixcincticeps(Uhler)和二点黑尾叶蝉N.viriscens(Distant))混合种群数量通常显著高于对照品种。稻飞虱和叶蝉成为汕优63/Bt上的主要害虫。  相似文献   

为了评估转基因水稻释放后对非靶标害虫及其天敌的影响, 本研究在浙江大学实验农场和中国水稻研究所实验农场2008和2009年连续两年监测了转Bt基因水稻对田间稻飞虱着卵量、卵孵化率、卵被捕食率、卵被寄生率和卵死亡率的影响。结果表明: 两年2个调查地点3个水稻品系(克螟稻1、克螟稻2和秀水11)上的稻飞虱平均每分蘖着卵量、卵孵化率、卵被捕食率和卵被寄生率的趋势基本一致, 而且田间3个水稻品系上稻飞虱卵量的高峰期均持续2周左右; 但是两年2个调查地点3个水稻品系上稻飞虱卵死亡率则没有一致的趋势。此外, 总体上3个水稻品系上稻飞虱平均每分蘖着卵量、卵孵化率、卵被捕食率、卵被寄生率和卵死亡率差异均不显著(P>0.05)。因此, 稻田中转Bt基因水稻对稻飞虱卵没有显著的影响。  相似文献   

在转Bt基因水稻商业化之前需要评价其对靶标害虫及其天敌的影响.本研究连续2年在3个地点调查了3种转Bt水稻材料和非转基因水稻田间稻纵卷叶螟为害情况,稻纵卷叶螟及其4种捕食类天敌的种群密度、相对丰富度和种群动态.结果表明,水稻材料对卷叶率和稻纵卷叶螟幼虫种群密度有显著影响.非转基因水稻田间卷叶率显著高于3种转Bt基因水稻田.在调查期间,不同地点3种非转基因水稻田间稻纵卷叶螟幼虫的种群密度以及它在植食类功能团内的相对丰富度均显著高于3种转Bt基因水稻田.水稻材料、水稻材料×调查日期、水稻材料×调查年份、水稻材料×调查日期×调查年份对稻纵卷叶螟幼虫的种群动态均有显著影响.但是,3种转Bt基因水稻材料和非转基因水稻田间4种捕食类天敌的相对丰富度、种群密度以及种群动态基本没有显著差异.从上述结果可推论,转Bt基因水稻中的Bt蛋白能明显抑制稻纵卷叶螟的发生,但对4种捕食类天敌没有显著影响.  相似文献   

Transgenic rice to control stem borer damage is under development in China. To assess the potential of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) transgenes in stem borer control, the toxicity of five Bt protoxins (Cry1Aa, Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac, Cry1Ba and Cry1Ca) against two rice stem borers, Sesamia inferens (pink stem borer) and Chilo suppressalis (striped stem borer), was evaluated in the laboratory by feeding neonate larvae on artificial diets containing Bt protoxins. The results indicated that Cry1Ca exhibited the highest level of toxicity to both stem borers, with an LC50 of 0.24 and 0.30 μg/g for C. suppressalis and S. inferens, respectively. However, S. inferens was 4-fold lower in susceptibility to Cry1Aa, and 6- and 47-fold less susceptible to Cry1Ab and Cry1Ba, respectively, compared to C. suppressalis. To evaluate interactions among Bt protoxins in stem borer larvae, toxicity assays were performed with mixtures of Cry1Aa/Cry1Ab, Cry1Aa/Cry1Ca, Cry1Ac/Cry1Ca, Cry1Ac/Cry1Ba, Cry1Ab/Cry1Ac, Cry1Ab/Cry1Ba, and Cry1Ab/Cry1Ca at 1:1 (w/w) ratios. All protoxin mixtures demonstrated significant synergistic toxicity activity against C. suppressalis, with values of 1.6- to 11-fold higher toxicity than the theoretical additive effect. Surprisingly, all but one of the Bt protoxin mixtures were antagonistic in toxicity to S. inferens. In mortality-time response experiments, S. inferens demonstrated increased tolerance to Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac compared to C. suppressalis when treated with low or high protoxin concentrations. The data indicate the utility of Cry1Ca protoxin and a Cry1Ac/Cry1Ca mixture to control both stem borer populations.  相似文献   

Chilo suppressalis and Sesamia inferens are two important lepidopteran rice pests that occur concurrently during outbreaks in paddy fields in the main rice-growing areas of China. Previous and current field tests demonstrate that the transgenic rice line Huahui 1 (HH1) producing a Cry1Ab-Cry1Ac hybrid toxin from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis reduces egg and larval densities of C. suppressalis but not of S. inferens. This differential susceptibility to HH1 rice correlates with the reduced susceptibility to Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac toxins in S. inferens larvae compared to C. suppressalis larvae. The goal of this study was to identify the mechanism responsible for this differential susceptibility. In saturation binding assays, both Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac toxins bound with high affinity and in a saturable manner to midgut brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV) from C. suppressalis and S. inferens larvae. While binding affinities were similar, a dramatically lower concentration of Cry1A toxin binding sites was detected for S. inferens BBMV than for C. suppressalis BBMV. In contrast, no significant differences between species were detected for Cry1Ca toxin binding to BBMV. Ligand blotting detected BBMV proteins binding Cry1Ac or Cry1Ca toxins, some of them unique to C. suppressalis or S. inferens. These data support that reduced Cry1A binding site concentration is associated with a lower susceptibility to Cry1A toxins and HH1 rice in S. inferens larvae than in C. suppressalis larvae. Moreover, our data support Cry1Ca as a candidate for pyramiding efforts with Cry1A-producing rice to extend the activity range and durability of this technology against rice stem borers.  相似文献   

Two transgenic rice lines (T2A‐1 and T1C‐19b) expressing cry2A and cry1C genes, respectively, were developed in China, targeting lepidopteran pests including Chilo suppressalis (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). The seasonal expression of Cry proteins in different tissues of the rice lines and their resistance to C. suppressalis were assessed in comparison to a Bt rice line expressing a cry1Ab/Ac fusion gene, Huahui 1, which has been granted a biosafety certificate. In general, levels of Cry proteins were T2A‐1 > Huahui 1 > T1C‐19b among rice lines, and leaf > stem > root among rice tissues. The expression patterns of Cry protein in the rice line plants were similar: higher level at early stages than at later stages with an exception that high Cry1C level in T1C‐19b stems at the maturing stage. The bioassay results revealed that the three transgenic rice lines exhibited significantly high resistance against C. suppressalis larvae throughout the rice growing season. According to Cry protein levels in rice tissues, the raw and corrected mortalities of C. suppressalis caused by each Bt rice line were the highest in the seedling and declined through the jointing stage with an exception for T1C‐19b providing an excellent performance at the maturing stage. By comparison, T1C‐19b exhibited more stable and greater resistance to C. suppressalis larvae than T2A‐1, being close to Huahui 1. The results suggest cry1C is an ideal Bt gene for plant transformation for lepidopteran pest control, and T1C‐19b is a promising Bt rice line for commercial use for tolerating lepidopteran rice pests.  相似文献   

转Bt水稻土壤跳虫群落组成及其数量变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
祝向钰  李志毅  常亮  袁一扬  戈峰  吴刚  陈法军 《生态学报》2012,32(11):3546-3554
以转Bt水稻恢复系"克螟稻"(Cry1Ab纯合基因型)和"华恢1号"(Cry1Ab+Cry1Ac融合基因型)以及融合基因型转Bt水稻杂交系"Bt汕忧63",及其对照亲本水稻"秀水11"、"明恢63"和"汕优63"稻田土壤跳虫类群为对象,系统研究转Bt水稻种植下土壤跳虫群落组成及其数量动态变化,以评价不同基因型和不同育种品系转Bt水稻种植下稻田土壤生态安全性。结果表明,转Bt水稻种植导致土壤跳虫个别稀有类群的消失,并显著影响半土生和真土生类群以及土壤跳虫总量,但对群落多样性、均匀度和种类丰富度等影响不显著。与对照亲本相比,Cry1Ab转Bt稻田半土生类群和土壤跳虫总量及其种类丰富度指标显著增加了54.7%、44.4%和26.7%;Cry1Ab+Cry1Ac转Bt杂交稻田球角跳属百分比和真土生跳虫数量显著增加了212.3%和180.4%。就恢复系处理而言,与Cry1Ab转Bt水稻相比,Cry1Ab+Cry1Ac转Bt水稻种植导致棘跳属、球角跳属和原等跳属百分比以及半土生跳虫数量分别显著降低了62.1%、56.7%、61.8%和43.4%,同时,显著提高了裔符跳属百分比达88.2%。就Cry1Ab+Cry1Ac融合基因型转Bt水稻而言,与恢复系相比,转Bt杂交稻种植导致球角跳属和原等跳属百分比,半土生类群和土壤跳虫总量及其种类丰富度和群落多样性显著增加了312.9%和171.6%,302.4%和233.2%,以及54.0%和26.7%,同时,显著降低了裔符跳属百分比达65.5%。  相似文献   

Micraspis discolor (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) is a widely distributed coleoptera predator in southern Asia in rice ecosystem, and adult M. discolor feed on both rice pollen and soft-bodied arthropods. Bitrophic bioassay and tritrophic bioassay were conducted to evaluate the potential impact of Cry1Ac/Cry1Ab-expressing rice Huahui 1 and its non-transgenic counterpart Minghui 63 on fitness parameters of adult M. discolor. The results showed that the survival, and fecundity of this beetle’ adults were not different when they fed on Bt rice or non-Bt rice pollen or Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) reared on Bt rice or non-Bt rice. Toxicity assessment to ensure M. discolor adults were not sensitive to Cry1Ab or Cry1Ac protein independent from the pollen background, M. discolor adults were fed with an artificial diet containing Cry1Ac, Cry1Ab or both protein approximately 10 times higher concentration than in Huahui 1 rice pollen. No difference was detected for any of the life-table parameters tested between Cry protein-containing and pure diet. Artificial diet containing E-64 (N-(trans-Epoxysuccinyl)-L-leucine 4-guanidinobutylamide) was included as a positive control. In contrast, the pre-oviposition and fecundity of M. discolor were significantly adversely affected by feeding on E-64-containing diet. In both bioassays, the uptakes of Cry protein by adult M. discolor were tested by ELISA measurements. These results indicated that adults of M. discolor are not affected by Cry1Ab- or Cry1Ac-expressing rice pollen and are not sensitive to Cry protein at concentrations exceeding the levels in rice pollen in Huahui1. This suggests that M. discolor adults would not be harmed by Cry1Ac/Cry1Ab rice if Bt rice Huahui 1 were commercialized.  相似文献   

The biological control function provided by natural enemies is regarded as a protection goal that should not be harmed by the application of any new pest management tool. Plants producing Cry proteins from the bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), have become a major tactic for controlling pest Lepidoptera on cotton and maize and risk assessment studies are needed to ensure they do not harm important natural enemies. However, using Cry protein susceptible hosts as prey often compromises such studies. To avoid this problem we utilized pest Lepidoptera, cabbage looper (Trichoplusia ni) and fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda), that were resistant to Cry1Ac produced in Bt broccoli (T. ni), Cry1Ac/Cry2Ab produced in Bt cotton (T. ni), and Cry1F produced in Bt maize (S. frugiperda). Larvae of these species were fed Bt plants or non-Bt plants and then exposed to predaceous larvae of the green lacewing Chrysoperla rufilabris. Fitness parameters (larval survival, development time, fecundity and egg hatch) of C. rufilabris were assessed over two generations. There were no differences in any of the fitness parameters regardless if C. rufilabris consumed prey (T. ni or S. frugiperda) that had consumed Bt or non-Bt plants. Additional studies confirmed that the prey contained bioactive Cry proteins when they were consumed by the predator. These studies confirm that Cry1Ac, Cry2Ab and Cry1F do not pose a hazard to the important predator C. rufilabris. This study also demonstrates the power of using resistant hosts when assessing the risk of genetically modified plants on non-target organisms.  相似文献   

Tian JC  Chen Y  Li ZL  Li K  Chen M  Peng YF  Hu C  Shelton AM  Ye GY 《PloS one》2012,7(4):e35164


The commercial release of rice genetically engineered to express a Cry1Ab protein from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) for control of Lepidoptera in China is a subject of debate. One major point of the debate has focused on the ecological safety of Bt rice on nontarget organisms, especially predators and parasitoids that help control populations of insect pests.

Methodology/Principal Findings

A tritrophic bioassay was conducted to evaluate the potential impact of Cry1Ab-expressing rice on fitness parameters of a predaceous ground spider (Pardosa pseudoannulata (Bösenberg et Strand)) that had fed on Bt rice-fed brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens (Stål)) nymphs. Survival, development time and fecundity of this spider were not different when they were fed with Bt rice-fed or non-Bt rice-fed prey. Furthermore, ELISA and PCR gut assays, as well as a functional response trial, indicated that predation by P. pseudoannulata was not significantly different in Bt rice or non-Bt rice fields.


The transgenic Cry1Ab rice lines tested in this study had no adverse effects on the survival, developmental time and fecundity of P. pseudoannulata in the laboratory or on predation under field conditions. This suggests that this important predator would not be harmed if transgenic Cry1Ab rice were commercialized.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that insecticidal transgenic crops can indirectly cause detrimental effects on arthropod predators or parasitoids when they prey on or parasitize sublethally affected herbivores. Our studies revealed that Chrysoperla carnea is negatively affected when fed Bt-susceptible but not Cry1Ac-resistant Helicoverpa armigera larvae that had fed Bt-transgenic cotton expressing Cry1Ac. This despite the fact that the predators ingested 3.5 times more Cry1Ac when consuming the resistant caterpillars. In order to detect potential differences in the nutrient composition of prey larvae, we evaluated the glycogen and lipid content plus the sugar and free amino acid content and composition of caterpillars fed non-Bt and Bt cotton. The only change in susceptible H. armigera larvae attributable to Bt cotton feeding were changes in sugar concentration and composition. In case of the Cry1Ac-resistant H. armigera strain, feeding on Bt cotton resulted in a reduced glycogen content in the caterpillars. The predators, however, appeared to compensate for the reduced carbohydrate content of the prey by increasing biomass uptake which caused an excess intake of the other analyzed nutritional compounds. Our study clearly proves that nutritional prey-quality factors other then the Bt protein underlie the observed negative effects when C. carnea larvae are fed with Bt cotton-fed prey. Possible factors were an altered sugar composition or fitness costs associated with the excess intake of other nutrients.  相似文献   

Maize stem borer (Chilo partellus) is a major insect pest of maize and sorghum in Asia and Africa. Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) δ-endotoxins have been found effective against C. partellus, both in diet-overlay assay and in transgenic plants. Gene stacking as one of the resistance management strategies in Bt maize requires an understanding of receptor sharing and binding affinity of δ-endotoxins. In the present study, binding affinity of three fluorescein isothiocyanate labeled Cry1A toxins showed high correlation with the toxicity of respective δ-endotoxins. Competitive binding studies showed that Cry1Ab toxins share some of the binding sites with Cry1Aa and Cry1Ac with low affinity and that Cry1Ab may have additional binding sites that are unavailable to the other two toxins tested.  相似文献   

Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)-secreted crystal (Cry) toxins form oligomeric pores in host cell membranes and are a common element in generating insect-resistant transgenic crops. Although Cry toxin function has been well documented, cellular defences against pore-formation have not been as well developed. Elucidation of the processes underlying this defence, however, could contribute to the development of enhanced Bt crops. Here, we demonstrate that Cry1Ca-mediated downregulation of microRNA-7322-5p (miR-7322-5p), which binds to the 3′ untranslated region of p38, negatively regulates the susceptibility of Chilo suppressalis to Cry1Ca. Moreover, Cry1Ca exposure enhanced phosphorylation of Hsp19, and hsp19 downregulation increased susceptibility to Cry1Ca. Further, Hsp19 phosphorylation occurs downstream of p38, and pull-down assays confirmed the interactions between Hsp19 and Cry1Ca, suggesting that activation of Hsp19 by the miR-7322-5p/p38/Hsp19 pathway promotes Cry1Ca sequestration. To assess the efficacy of targeting this pathway in planta, double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) targeting C. suppressalis p38 (dsp38) was introduced into a previously generated cry1Ca-expressing rice line (1CH1-2) to yield a single-copy cry1Ca/dsp38 rice line (p38-rice). Feeding on this rice line triggered a significant reduction in C. suppressalis p38 expression and the line was more resistant to C. suppressalis than 1CH1-2 in both short term (7-day) and continuous feeding bioassays as well as field trials. These findings provide new insights into invertebrate epithelium cellular defences and demonstrate a potential new pyramiding strategy for Bt crops.  相似文献   

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