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分析了十三碳二元酸发酵过程中产酸期的代谢特点,对产酸期四相体系发酵动力学进行了研究。提出了菌体生长、产物形成及底物消耗的动力学模型,对模型参数进行了回归估值,并对产酸期进行了拟合,结果表明,模型的计算值和实测值较为吻合,平均相对偏差为3.6%。利用所建模型对产酸期进行了多种操作条件下的模拟计算,结果表明,提高进入产酸期的菌体浓度、缩短菌体生长期时间及降低发酵液中产物浓度具有提高产物形成速率的有效途径。  相似文献   

朱萌  罗鸣 《微生物学杂志》2001,21(2):58-58,62
就假丝酵母对石油烷烃进行发酵生成十三碳二元酸进行了研究。当湿菌体含量升至 6 .0 %以上时 ,在pH7.0、温度 30℃和发酵时间 12 0h的条件下 ,流加轻油发酵 ,十三碳二元酸的生成量可达 70 g/L以上。  相似文献   

就假丝酵母对石油烷烃进行发酵生成十三碳二元酸进行了研究.当湿菌体含量升至6.0%以上时,在pH7.0、温度30℃和发酵时间120h的条件下,流加轻油发酵,十三碳二元酸的生成量可达70g/L以上.  相似文献   

从能利用正十二烷产生1,12-十二碳二元酸的热带假丝酵母突变株D28出发,经两次紫外线照射诱变,选育到一株从正十三烷产生1,13-十三碳二元酸较高的突变株2—23号菌。该突变株较出发菌株提高产酸率20%,达40.4g/L。突变株2—23也能将一定链长的长链烷烃以较高的产率转变成相应的单一二元酸。此外,在产酸摇瓶条件试验中观察到烷烃的诱导作用,使突变株产酸能力得以提高。用烷烃预培养的种子发酵正十三烷,其产生1,13一十三碳二元酸的量较糖质碳源培养的种子发酵时要提高30%。  相似文献   

研究了利用粪产碱杆菌 (Alcaligenesfaecalis)发酵生产热凝胶的发酵条件 ,氮源是菌体生长的限制性底物 ,单纯地提高初始底物 (氮源 )浓度并不一定能促进细菌的生长和产物的合成。在分批发酵过程中 ,底物消耗导致培养环境pH的改变也是影响细菌进一步生长和产物合成的重要因素。通过增加培养基中初始氯化铵的浓度并同时控制发酵过程的pH条件 ,得到了较高的菌体浓度 ,热凝胶的合成水平也得到了显著提高。当培养基中NH4Cl浓度提高到3.6g/L时 ,菌体浓度达到72g/L ,热凝胶合成的产量可达 30.5g L ,比原来NH4Cl浓度为11g L时提高了51.7%。提高菌体浓度意味着需要提高溶氧水平来满足细菌的生长和代谢。初始氮源NH4Cl浓度的增加虽然能使菌体浓度得到提高 ,但发酵过程对溶氧的需求也相应增加 ,需要提高搅拌转速和通风以增加供氧水平。但高搅拌速率产生的高剪切力对热凝胶的凝胶性能将产生破坏作用 ,因此在发酵过程中需要综合考虑细菌培养密度对合成热凝胶产量和质量的影响。  相似文献   

以转高等植物ALD和TPI基因的鱼腥藻 7120为对象 ,研究了ALD和TPI两个酶表达量对细胞光合固碳效率的影响。考察了初始pH、NaHCO3浓度和CO2浓度对转基因藻和野生藻生长、光合活性及无机碳亲和力的影响。结果表明 ,转基因藻在较高碳源浓度下 ,其生长速率和光合放氧活性比野生藻有显著的提高 ,并且可以比野生藻耐受更高的pH。在含有2%CO2的空气中 ,转基因藻对外源无机碳的亲和力比野生藻提高了4.06倍.  相似文献   

NH4+对L-色氨酸发酵的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探究NH4+浓度对大肠杆菌E.coli TRTH发酵生产L-色氨酸的影响。方法:通过外源添加试验,利用30 L发酵罐进行分批补料发酵试验,考察E. coli TRTH发酵生产L-色氨酸过程中生物量、L-色氨酸产量、有机酸含量、耗糖速率、发酵液中NH4+浓度及质粒稳定性变化。建立了大肠杆菌合成L-色氨酸的代谢流平衡模型,应用 MATLAB 软件计算出E. coli TRTH发酵中后期代谢网络的代谢流分布。结果:发酵结果显示,利用NaOH和氨水混合补料,控制NH4+浓度在120 mmol/L以下,菌体能够以较长时间和较高比生长速率保持对数生长,最终菌体生物量和L-色氨酸产量分别提高了12.16%和19.80%。随着NH4+浓度的增加,发酵液中丙酮酸、乳酸及乙酸浓度均略有增加,细胞质粒稳定性下降。控制NH4+浓度在120 mmol/L以下,E. coli TRTH发酵生产L-色氨酸的代谢流量分析结果表明,EMP途径的代谢流量降低7.31%,PP途径的代谢流量增加7.14%,TCA循环的代谢流量降低22.04%。结论:高浓度的NH4+导致菌体生长提前结束,耗糖速率降低,产酸受阻,控制NH4+浓度在120 mmol/L以下,解除了NH4+对菌体生长和产物生成的抑制,使得菌体生物量和L-色氨酸产量大幅提高,实现了高密度发酵培养的目的。  相似文献   

从能利用正十二烷产生1,12-十二碳二元酸的热带假丝酵母突变株D28出发,经两次紫外线照射诱变,选育到一株从正十三烷产生1,13-十三碳二元酸较高的突变株2—23号菌。该突变株较出发菌株提高产酸率20%,达40.4g/L。突变株2—23也能将一定链长的长链烷烃以较高的产率转变成相应的单一二元酸。此外,在产酸摇瓶条件试验中观察到烷烃的诱导作用,使突变株产酸能力得以提高。用烷烃预培养的种子发酵正十三烷,其产生1,13一十三碳二元酸的量较糖质碳源培养的种子发酵时要提高30%。  相似文献   

十三碳二元羧酸发酵技术的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以一株热带假丝酵母菌(Candida tropicalis) SP1为出发菌株,经紫外线反复诱变获取一株难以同化烷烃的突变株SPUV56,摇瓶培养5d平均产酸量达72g/L,较出发菌株提高了1.25倍,并利用突变株SPUV56在137L自控罐上扩试,补加醋酸盐发酵,144h产酸量达153g/L,比不加醋酸盐发酵提高了29.7%。采用提 高搅拌混合效果和低溶解氧发酵过程控制方法,可有效地提高菌体的产酸能力,在20m3发酵罐中发酵生产十三碳二元羧酸,总培养时间144h,产酸量可达172g/L,放罐体积15.0m3,产量为2.25t。  相似文献   

人三叶因子3在毕赤酵母中表达条件的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高人三叶因子 3 (HumanTrefoilfactor 3 ,hTFF3 )在毕赤酵母中的表达量 ,研究了转化子生长的培养条件 ,包括不同碳源对转化子生长的影响和接种量、甲醇浓度、pH值、摇瓶转速及不同诱导时间对人三叶因子 3表达的影响。结果表明转化子在生长阶段加入葡萄糖生长旺盛 ,培养 14h后OD600 就可达到 50。在 100mL生长培养基上的菌液以 1∶1接入诱导培养基时蛋白表达量最高 ;转化子在 1%的甲醇、pH60、摇瓶转速240r/min的条件下诱导4 8h ,菌体密度OD600为 15 ,目的蛋白表达量达到 20mg L。用 5L发酵罐进行了高密度发酵 ,经2%甲醇32h诱导 ,最终菌体密度OD600 达到 120 ,每升发酵液中含目的蛋白100mg。  相似文献   

灵芝胞外多糖分批发酵非结构动力学模型   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
李平作  章克昌 《生物技术》1999,9(3):24-26,34
在2L搅拌发酵罐上提出了描述了灵芝胞外多糖分批发酵过程中菌球生长、底物消耗和胞外多糖形成的非结构动力学模型。首先研究了灵芝分批发酵特性,结果表明该发酵过程属菌体生长和产物形成相偶联型。然后在总结文献的基础上,运用动力学模型,经过非线性回归,得到了模型中的参数值。通过计算机模拟,证明模型预测值与实际实验值具有良好的拟合性。  相似文献   

谭云  黎继烈  王卫  罗倩  朱晓媛 《菌物学报》2016,35(1):94-103
构建了重组毕赤酵母产青霉素G酰化酶的分批发酵动力学模型。实验考察了分批发酵过程中甘油消耗、甲醇浓度、菌体浓度、溶氧、补料时间对青霉素G酰化酶活力的影响。应用Matlab软件,对菌体生长、基质消耗和产物生成方程进行最优参数估算和非线性拟合,得到相应的动力学模型。模型的计算值与实验值能较好地拟合,表明所建模型能较好反映重组毕赤酵母产青霉素G酰化酶的分批发酵过程。  相似文献   

通过三联30L全自动发酵罐对虾青素产生菌法夫酵母的分批发酵动力学进行了研究,结果表明,法夫酵母的生长与限制性基质葡萄糖浓度之间符合Logistic方程,建立了细胞生长、产物合成和基质消耗随时间变化的数学模型。应用MATLAB软件对发酵动力学模型进行最优参数估计和非线性拟和,获得最大比生长速率(umax)和产物得率(Yp/x)分别为0.1829/h、0.1524g/g,虾青素分批发酵中细胞生长与产物合成属于偶联型,模型模拟计算结果和实验值能较好地吻合,动力学研究结果表明该模型能较好地反映细胞的生长、底物消耗和产物合成过程机制。  相似文献   

Production of bio-pharmaceuticals in cell culture, such as mammalian cells, is challenging. Mathematical models can provide support to the analysis, optimization, and the operation of production processes. In particular, unstructured models are suited for these purposes, since they can be tailored to particular process conditions. To this end, growth phases and the most relevant factors influencing cell growth and product formation have to be identified. Due to noisy and erroneous experimental data, unknown kinetic parameters, and the large number of combinations of influencing factors, currently there are only limited structured approaches to tackle these issues. We outline a structured set-based approach to identify different growth phases and the factors influencing cell growth and metabolism. To this end, measurement uncertainties are taken explicitly into account to bound the time-dependent specific growth rate based on the observed increase of the cell concentration. Based on the bounds on the specific growth rate, we can identify qualitatively different growth phases and (in-)validate hypotheses on the factors influencing cell growth and metabolism. We apply the approach to a mammalian suspension cell line (AGE1.HN). We show that growth in batch culture can be divided into two main growth phases. The initial phase is characterized by exponential growth dynamics, which can be described consistently by a relatively simple unstructured and segregated model. The subsequent phase is characterized by a decrease in the specific growth rate, which, as shown, results from substrate limitation and the pH of the medium. An extended model is provided which describes the observed dynamics of cell growth and main metabolites, and the corresponding kinetic parameters as well as their confidence intervals are estimated. The study is complemented by an uncertainty and outlier analysis. Overall, we demonstrate utility of set-based methods for analyzing cell growth and metabolism under conditions of uncertainty.  相似文献   

以北里孢菌(Kitasatospora sp.)MY 5-36为供试菌株,对ε-聚赖氨酸分批补料发酵动力学模型进行研究。建立了该菌株发酵合成ε-聚赖氨酸的菌体生长、产物合成和总糖消耗的动力学模型,并通过Origin 8.1软件对模型参数进行非线性拟合。结果表明:菌体量和聚赖氨酸的产量分别为16.25和13.15 g/L,产物合成与菌体生长的关系为部分耦联型。经验证,预测值与实验值有良好的拟合性,拟合度分别为0.999、0.995和0.992,说明所构建模型能够较好地反映ε-聚赖氨酸分批补料发酵过程。  相似文献   

目的 :研究姬松茸产活性多糖的发酵动力学。方法 :以 5L发酵罐分批发酵和基于Logistic和Luedeking&Piret方程。结果 :菌体生长和胞内活性多糖生成是同步的 ;发酵液流变特性参数稠度系数 (K)先增后降 ,而流变特性指数 (n)先降后升。得到描述分批发酵过程的动力学数学模型和模型参数 ,同时对实验数据与模型参数进行了验证比较 ,模型计算与实验结果较好拟合。结论 :产活性多糖属于偶联型以及模型可用于预测发酵过程  相似文献   

A cellular automata model to simulate penicillin fed-batch fermentation process(CAPFM)was established in this study,based on a morphologically structured dynamic penicillin production model,that is in turn based on the growth mechanism of penicillin producing microorganisms and the characteristics of penicillin fed-batch fermentation.CAPFM uses the three-dimensional cellular automata as a growth space,and a Moore-type neighborhood as the cellular neighborhood.The transition roles of CAPFM are designed based on mechanical and structural kinetic models of penicillin batch-fed fermentation processes.Every cell of CAPFM represents a single or specific number of penicillin producing microorganisms,and has various state.The simulation experimental results show that CAPFM replicates the evolutionary behavior of penicillin batch-fed fermentation processes described by the structured penicillin production kinetic model accordingly.  相似文献   

A simple structured mathematical model coupled with a methodology of state and parameter estimation is developed for lipase production by Candida rugosa in batch fermentation. The model describes the system according to the following qualitative observations and hypothesis: Lipase production is induced by extracellular oleic acid present in the medium. The acid is transported into the cell where it is consumed, transformed, and stored. Lipase is excreted to the medium where it is distributed between the available oil-water interphase and aqueous phase. Cell growth is modulated by the intracellular substrate concentration. Model parameters have been determined and the whole model validated against experiments not used in their determination. The estimation problem consists in the estimation of three state variables (biomass, intra- and extracellular substrate) and two kinetic parameters by using only the on-line measurement provided by exhaust gas analysis. The presented estimation strategy divides the complex problem into three subproblems that can be solved by stable algorithms. The estimation of biomass (X) and the specific growth rate (mu), is achieved by a recursive prediction error algorithm using the on-line measurement of the carbon dioxide evolution rate. mu is then used to perform an estimation of intracellular substrate and the other kinetic parameter related to substrate transport (A) by an adaptive observer. Extracellular substrate is then evaluated by means of the estimated values of intracellular substrate and biomass through the material balance of the reactor. Simulation and experimental tests showed good performance of the developed estimator, which appears suitable to be used for process control and monitoring. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship of dissolved oxygen and culture redox potential (CRP) on amino acid production. Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 14296 was used for all experiments. The fermentation can be divided into a growth phase and a production phase. Our results indicate that in order to get higher amino acid production, a lower oxygen supply during the exponential phase is favored. A higher oxygen supply rate appears to be necessary during the production phase. Culture redox potential (CRP) was used to monitor the fermentation. CRP readings were observed to drop to a characteristic minimum value as the metabolic state changed from a growth to production phase. This was evidenced by the commencement of amino acid production and a simultaneous uptake of lactate. Upon lactate exhaustion, the CRP increased abruptly. At the same time, maximal amino acid yields were observed. By the use of minimum CRP as an indication of metabolic phase changes, the agitation rate was changed to increase oxygen supply during the production phase. This significantly increased amino acid production. These results show that culture redox potential measurements can be used to monitor and optimize amino acid production by process manipulation.  相似文献   

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