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舟山及其邻近岛屿獐种群的初步研究   总被引:12,自引:7,他引:5  
舟山海岛上的獐(Hydropotes inermis),定海县志(1923)已有简要记录。作者在1978年调查时发现,舟山岛及其邻近较大的岛屿上普遍有獐,1976年海岛獐单位面积产量,5倍于浙江大陆邻近10个县的产量(盛和林,1981)。为进一步合理利用和发展獐资源,继而对舟山岛獐的种群结构繁殖和种群增长等问题进行研究,同时又对邻近10多个岛屿进行了访问调查,兹将初步结果报道如下。  相似文献   

浙江海岛鸟兽地理生态学的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
对浙江洞头岛及舟山五岛的鸟兽调查表明,海岛动物的种数较相邻大陆为低,但种群密度却高于大陆,岛上的某些种类出现生态位扩展的现象。舟山五岛兽类的种数和岛屿面积呈正相关,其关系式为S=2.12A~(0.29),但种群密度随着岛屿面积的增大而下降。文中据此提出了保护和发展岛屿动物资源的某些措施。  相似文献   

(石匈)洲岛是广东省西南部雷州半岛东侧的一个小岛,位于北纬20°51′—20°56′;东经110°39′—110°39′。岛形由东北向西南斜行,长约10公里;西北向东南较窄,约5公里宽。岛屿面积仅54平方公里。岛面地势平缓,中央略台升,岛周海滩开阔。属热带海洋性气候,炎热,多风而潮湿。岛上居民约三万,村寨散座全岛,以渔业为主兼营农业。村寨周围及农田附近种植有笆蕉,剑麻,竹林,果树。另有榕树等乔木和灌丛。建国后,岛上普遍种植木麻黄树作防风林及用柴林。农作物以水稻,玉米等为主。  相似文献   

獐(Hydropotes inermis)是东亚特有种,其自然分布范围仅限于中国与朝鲜半岛,过度的人为干扰造成獐种群数量锐减和分布空间破碎化,形成孤立的岛屿化分布。为了解獐在岛屿化城市森林公园中的生存状况,我们利用红外相机技术在南京老山森林公园及周边对秋冬季獐进行监测,分析了其活动节律和生境选择偏好。2020年10月—2021年3月,共设置了35个相机位点,期间共拍摄獐的有效照片233张,有效探测次数245次,相对丰富度指数为10.7。獐的日活动节律呈双峰模式,分别在04:00—06:00和18:00—20:00达到高峰;獐活动节律存在月间变化,月活动高峰为12月;不同的温度区间对獐的活动有显著影响,环境温度4~6℃时獐的活动强度最大;广义线性模型结果表明,獐对常绿落叶阔叶林、优势灌丛高度≥120 cm的生境有显著偏好,且相对丰富度指数与距最近路口距离呈正相关,与干扰指数呈负相关。与其他大面积的自然保护区和水网地域相比,城市森林公园中的獐虽呈现出典型的晨昏活动模式但无明显的夜行性活动特点,对距最近水源距离呈随机选择。老山地区獐受干扰强度较大。因此,合理管控老山森林公园及周边地区的人类活...  相似文献   

本地段位于珠江口西侧,主要包括新会和台山县的沿海和岛屿,约北纬22°以南,东经112°15′—113°5′,海岸线长约180公里,濒临热带南海,为热带北缘地区。境内地形属华南型山地海岸,海岸曲折,岬角、海湾、溺谷和岛屿多,其中大的岛屿有上川、下川岛等。沿海丘陵、平原面积大,砂滩、泥滩交错分布。气候为热带季风气候型,温度高,雨量丰富。但季节分明(表1),夏秋季台风影响大,冬季偶有寒潮影响。  相似文献   

片断化生境中群落的物种组成常呈现嵌套分布格局。2013年7-8月, 我们在浙江舟山群岛采用截线法对28个岛屿上的蝴蝶群落进行了野外调查, 探讨了岛屿物种嵌套分布格局及其影响因素。通过测量采集标本获得蝶类的生活史特征(最小需求面积、翅展和体重), 查阅文献资料获得蝶类的栖息地特征(岛屿面积、距最近大陆距离和距最近大岛距离), 分析了影响蝶类群落嵌套结构的因素。研究结果显示: (1)舟山群岛蝶类群落符合嵌套分布格局; (2)岛屿面积和物种最小需求面积对嵌套格局的形成有显著影响; (3)舟山群岛蝶类群落嵌套格局的形成支持选择性灭绝假说; (4)随机检验零模型结果显示该嵌套分布格局并非采样偏差造成的。因此, 在制定舟山群岛区域蝶类保护措施时, 应优先考虑那些分布在面积较大岛屿的和最小需求面积较大的物种。  相似文献   

舟山岛中国小鲵种群数量和分布的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
舟山岛自1985 年发现有中国小鲵分布后, 作者于每年12 月至翌年5 月小鲵繁殖期间, 对岛上中国小鲵的种群数量和分布情况开展全面调查, 表明其种群密度大, 分布广泛, 资源丰富。  相似文献   

为探究片段化生境中木本植物种子雨的基本特征,该研究根据2015—2020年(研究期间)在千岛湖样岛上的植物群落长期监测样地内每月收集的种子雨数据,采用Kruskal-Wallis检验对木本植物的种子雨密度进行年际差异分析,对不同传播方式物种的种子雨密度进行月份间差异性分析,并利用线性混合效应模型,探究岛屿空间特征(岛屿面积、距最近岛屿的距离、距大陆的距离)以及气候因子(0 ℃以上积温、降水量)对木本植物以及不同传播方式物种的种子雨密度的影响。结果表明:(1)2015—2020年6年间,在29个样岛用240个收集器共收集到877 178粒木本植物的成熟种子,属于26科40属52种。(2)动物传播是木本植物主要的种子传播方式,不同传播方式物种的种子雨时间动态存在较大差异。(3)木本植物的种子雨年密度与岛屿面积和年积温呈显著正相关,与年降水量呈显著负相关。(4)自主传播物种的种子雨月密度与距最近岛屿的距离呈显著正相关,而动物传播物种的种子雨月密度则与距大陆的距离呈显著正相关,风力传播物种的种子雨月密度与月积温呈极显著正相关。综上表明,生境片段化通过岛屿空间特征影响了木本植物种子雨的时间动态。  相似文献   

舟山岛中国小鲵种数量和分布的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马小梅  顾辉清 《四川动物》1999,18(3):107-108
舟山岛自1985年发现有中国小鲵分布后,作者于每年12月至翌年5月小鲵繁殖期间,对岛上中国小鲵的种群数量和分布情况开展全面调查,表明其种群密度大,分布广泛、资源丰富。  相似文献   

千岛湖岛屿维管植物β多样性及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭思羿  胡广  于明坚 《生态学报》2014,34(14):3866-3872
通过样地调查方法、Jaccard相异性指数、Spearman回归分析和非度量多维标度(NMDS)排序分析,研究了千岛湖154个岛屿上不同植物群落β多样性及其主要影响因素。结果表明不同的景观参数对不同植物生长型有不同程度的影响,其中(1)藤本、灌木的β多样性形成的主导因素是面积,即面积差越大的区域间的β多样性越高;(2)乔木的β多样性主要受到岛屿间距离的限制,岛屿间距离越远,β多样性越高;(3)草本植物的β多样性分布与岛屿面积差及岛屿间距离并未呈现出显著相关,即其分布不受这两种因素限制;(4)NMDS分析结果显示岛屿面积、形状、边缘面积比和岛屿到大陆最小距离等特征对千岛湖岛屿上植物β多样性起决定性的作用。千岛湖陆桥岛屿组成的片段化生境中植物β多样性受扩散限制和生态位假说的共同影响。  相似文献   

L. Yiming  J. Niemelä  L. Dianmo 《Oecologia》1998,113(4):557-564
Because of their poor dispersal ability, amphibians are well suited for testing the selective extinction theory on islands. Amphibian fauna in the Zhoushan archipelago, China, exhibit a high level of nestedness (C = 0.893), and the species number is lower on islands than on similar sized areas on the mainland. No correlation was found between island-specific species richness and the nearest distance from a larger island, distance from the mainland or density of human population. These results suggest that no amphibian colonisation has occurred in the archipelago since island isolation 7000–9000 years ago. Furthermore, the results imply that selective extinction contributes to the nestedness of amphibians in the Zhoushan archipelago. The incidence of a species on the islands is significantly correlated with log area of the smallest island occupied by the species and the number of provinces on the Chinese mainland in which the species occur. However, there is no correlation with average body length of adults and island occurrence. It is concluded that (1) the area of the smallest island occupied by a species is a good estimate of the minimum area for a viable population of the species and a good predictor of species incidence on islands, (2) species with a restricted distribution range are more vulnerable to extinction from islands than those with a wide distribution range and (3) the effect of body size on occurrence on the islands is uncertain, and may be specific to the archipelago and taxa studied. The observed nestedness of amphibian assemblages has two implications for conservation: (1) not only can all the species found in several small reserves be found on a large reserve of the same total size, but additional species can be found on the single large reserve; (2) for a reserve to maintain viable populations of all species in a region it should be at least as large as the smallest island occupied by the most vulnerable species. Received: 16 December 1996 / Accepted: 22 September 1997  相似文献   

Chinese water deer is a rare and vulnerable animal in China because of the poaching for medical use and the habitat loss. In this study, the genetic diversity and population genetic structure of 40 Chinese water deer from three populations in Zhoushan Archipelago were investigated with ten highly polymorphic microsatellite loci, including 4 screened from the nuclear DNA in the study, and 6 selected from the literature. According to the results, these captive populations had a higher genetic diversity than other rare cervid species, such as forest musk deer. No signs of inbreeding were detected. Low genetic differentiation among these populations was found. The probable reasons included the isolation by distance, the exchange among islands, or the supplement of the wild Chinese water deer. We proposed the deer raisers to strengthen the exchanges from different islands or mainland, and if possible, some deer would be returned to the wild to expand the wild population.  相似文献   

Populations of the water snake, Nerodia sipedon, on islands in western Lake Erie are polymorphic for color pattern. These populations include banded, intermediate, and unbanded morphs while surrounding mainland populations consist solely of the banded morph. The hypothesis that this polymorphism is maintained by strong selection and migration pressures is widely accepted. Unbanded morphs are apparently more cryptic along island shorelines while banded morphs are more cryptic on the mainland. Migration of banded morphs from the mainland explains their persistence in island populations. Data collected in a capture-mark-recapture program on six islands provide no evidence of differential selection among morphs; morph frequencies do not differ among age classes, between once-captured and multiply-captured snakes, or between scarred and unscarred snakes. Furthermore, herring gulls, the most common snake predators in the island area, appear to detect banded and unbanded model snakes with equal ease. High site fidelity of water snakes and the distribution of morphs among islands suggest that migration from the mainland is not common. However, islands close to each other are similar in morph frequency, and water snakes have colonized islands elsewhere in the Great Lakes, indicating that some migration does occur. Recently, the frequency of banded morphs has increased in island populations while adult population sizes have declined. This increase in banded morphs is interpreted as reflecting an increased impact of migration from the mainland into these reduced populations. One scenario for the evolution and maintenance of this polymorphism is that selection was important in establishing unbanded morphs in island populations as they became isolated from the mainland. As populations declined to their present size, the impact of migration from the mainland increased and is now swamping the effect of selection. Further declines in island population size may result in fixation of the banded morph.  相似文献   

1. Differences in body size between mainland and island populations have been reported for reptiles, birds and mammals. Despite widespread recognition of insular shifts in body size in these taxa, there have been no reports of such body size shifts in amphibians. 2. We provide the first evidence of an insular shift in body size for an amphibian species, the rice frog Rana limnocharis. We found significant increases in body size of rice frogs on most sampled islands in the Zhoushan archipelago when compared with neighbouring mainland China. 3. Large body size in rice frogs on islands was significantly related to increased population density, in both breeding and non-breeding seasons. Increases in rice frog density were significantly related to higher resource availability on islands. Increased resource availability on islands has led to higher carrying capacities, which has subsequently facilitated higher densities and individual growth rates, resulting in larger body size in rice frogs. We also suggest that large body size has evolved on islands, as larger individuals are competitively superior under conditions of harsh intraspecific competition at high densities. 4. Increases in body size in rice frogs were not related to several factors that have been implicated previously in insular shifts in body size in other taxa. We found no significant relationships between body size of rice frogs and prey size, number of larger or smaller frog species, island area or distance of islands from the mainland. 5. Our findings contribute to the formation of a broad, repeatable ecological generality for insular shifts in body size across a range of terrestrial vertebrate taxa, and provide support for recent theoretical work concerning the importance of resource availability for insular shifts in body size.  相似文献   

Aim Predator–prey dynamics in fragmented areas may be influenced by spatial features of the landscape. Although little is known about these processes, an increasingly fragmented planet underscores the urgency to predict its consequences. Accordingly, our aim was to examine foraging behaviour of an apex mammalian predator, the wolf (Canis lupus), in an archipelago environment. Location Mainland and adjacent archipelago of British Columbia, Canada; a largely pristine and naturally fragmented landscape with islands of variable size and isolation. Methods We sampled 30 mainland watersheds and 29 islands for wolf faeces in summers 2000 and 2001 and identified prey remains. We examined broad geographical patterns and detailed biogeographical variables (area and isolation metrics) as they relate to prey consumed. For island data, we used Akaike Information Criteria to guide generalized linear regression model selection to predict probability of black‐tailed deer (main prey; Odocoileus hemionus) in faeces. Results Black‐tailed deer was the most common item in occurrence per faeces (63%) and occurrence per item (53%) indices, representing about 63% of mammalian biomass. Wolves consumed more deer on islands near the mainland (65% occurrence per item) than on the mainland (39%) and outer islands (45%), where other ungulates (mainland only) and small mammals replaced deer. On islands, the probability of detecting deer was influenced primarily by island distance to mainland (not by area or inter‐landmass distance), suggesting limited recolonization by deer from source populations as a causal mechanism. Main conclusions Although sampling was limited in time, consistent patterns among islands suggest that population dynamics in isolated fragments are less stable and can result in depletion of prey. This may have important implications in understanding predator–prey communities in isolation, debate regarding wolf–deer systems and logging in temperate rain forests, and reserve design.  相似文献   

Aim This study aims to explain the patterns of species richness and nestedness of a terrestrial bird community in a poorly studied region. Location Twenty‐six islands in the Dahlak Archipelago, Southern Red Sea, Eritrea. Methods The islands and five mainland areas were censused in summer 1999 and winter 2001. To study the importance of island size, isolation from the mainland and inter‐island distance, I used constrained null models for the nestedness temperature calculator and a cluster analysis. Results Species richness depended on island area and isolation from the mainland. Nestedness was detected, even when passive sampling was accounted for. The nested rank of islands was correlated with area and species richness, but not with isolation. Idiosyncrasies appeared among species‐poor and species‐rich islands, and among common and rare species. Cluster analysis showed differences among species‐rich islands, close similarity among species‐poor and idiosyncratic islands, and that the compositional similarity among islands decreased with increasing inter‐island distance. Thus, faunas of species‐poor, smaller islands were more likely to be subsets of faunas of species‐rich, larger islands if the distance between the islands was short. Main conclusions Species richness and nestedness were related to island area, and nestedness also to inter‐island distances but not to isolation from the mainland. Thus, nestedness and species richness are not affected in the same way by area and distance. Moreover, idiosyncrasies may have been the outcome of species distributions among islands being influenced also by non‐nested distributions of habitats, inter–specific interactions, and differences in species distributions across the mainland. Idiosyncrasies in nested patterns may be as important as the nested pattern itself for conservation – and conservation strategies based on nestedness and strong area effects (e.g. protection of only larger islands) may fail to preserve idiosyncratic species/habitats.  相似文献   

Two processes are thought to generate positive relationships between species richness and island area. The areaper se hypothesis states that larger islands maintain larger populations, which are less susceptible to extinction. The habitat hypothesis states that larger islands contain more habitats, and therefore a greater number of habitat specialists. However, the importance of each mechanism is debated. I tested the areaper se and habitat hypotheses by comparing relationships between plant abundance, age and island area in five shrub species on islands off the coast of British Columbia, Canada. Results showed that two shrub species increased in both abundance and age with island area. The remaining three species showed no differences in abundance and age with island area. Conifer abundances increased with island area, which generated differences in habitat availability. Smaller islands were dominated by open habitat, while larger islands contained both open and forested habitats. Changes in habitat availability with island area could explain patterns in plant abundance and age. The two species that increased in abundance with island area were commonly found in conifer forest on the mainland, and their distributions were consistent with the distribution forest habitat. Positive relationships between plant age and island area in these two species may result from lower survivorship in the open habitat, which dominated small islands. The three species that showed no relationship between abundance and island area are commonly found in open habitat on the mainland, and their island distributions paralleled the availability of open habitat on islands. Similar plant ages on different sized islands may result from their occurrence in open habitat on both large and small islands. Overall results support the habitat hypothesis and indicate that species distributions result from the interaction between habitat affinities and changes in habitat availability with island area.  相似文献   

Hu J  Fang SG  Wan QH 《Biochemical genetics》2006,44(3-4):161-172
The Chinese water deer (Hydropotes inermis inermis) is endemic to China. Historically, the species was widely distributed, but now, habitat loss and poaching have reduced its range and number drastically. In order to provide useful information for its conservation, we have investigated the genetic diversity and population structure of the Chinese water deer by analyzing the 403 bp fragment of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region (D-loop). Eighteen different haplotypes were detected in 40 samples. Overall, Chinese water deer have a relatively high-genetic diversity compared to other rare cervid species, with a haplotype diversity of 0.923+/-0.025 and nucleotide diversity of 1.318 +/- 0.146%. No obvious phylogenetic structure among haplotypes was found for samples of different origin. An analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed significant differentiation between the Zhoushan and the mainland population (F(ST)= 0.088, P < 0.001; Phi( ST ) = 0.075, P = 0.043), which suggests that exchanges of individuals between Zhoushan and the mainland should be avoided. We also recommend that a breeding center be set up for the mainland population.  相似文献   

Three of the six species of shrew in Finland, Sorex araneus, S. caecutiens, and S. minutus , are common on the mainland and widespread on islands in lakes. The islands range from 0.01 to 500 ha in area, and from 10 to 3000 m in isolation (distance from the mainland). The species-area relationship, the lack of importance of habitat diversity, the increasing frequency of unoccupied small islands with isolation, and direct observations of small populations, all suggest that populations on small islands have a high extinction rate. Demographic stochasticity is the main cause of extinctions in the superior competitor, S. araneus , which occurs consistently on islands greater than 2 ha. The small species, S. caecutiens and S. minutus , are more sensitive to environmental stochasticity than is S. araneus , and are inferior to it in interspecific competition; these factors probably contribute to the absence of the small species from many islands tens of hectares in area. Frequent colonization of islands less than 500 m from the mainland is indicated by large numbers of shrews trapped from tiny islets where breeding is not possible, by increasing epigenetic divergence of island populations with isolation, and by observations of dispersal to and colonization of islands. Dispersal ability decreases with decreasing individual size, which may partly explain the absence of the small shrews from many relatively large islands. The shrew populations persist in a dynamic equilibrium on the islands. Epigenetic morphological variation is a useful tool in ecological studies of island populations.  相似文献   

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