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对亚洲百合的花丝进行离体培养,并利用常规石蜡制片技术对诱导效果最好的材料进行细胞形态学观察,研究花丝在离体培养过程中器官形成的细胞形态学变化。结果表明:花丝在MS+BA0.5 mg/L+NAA0.5 mg/L的培养基上诱导效果最好。离体培养后其形态学下端切口内方的1~3层细胞首先启动脱分化,然后是内方的10~12层细胞,而其他部位的细胞自始至终未启动脱分化。亚洲百合的再生方式为器官发生型,器官通过胚性愈伤组织间接产生,在胚性愈伤组织团表面附近形成芽原基,或在胚性愈伤组织团内部形成根原基,有时同时分别在内、外形成根原基和芽原基后再通过维管组织连接成完整的植株。本研究为亚洲百合的人工调控提供基础理论依据。  相似文献   

陈瑶  刁瑕  宦云敏  杜阳春  李维  何兵 《广西植物》2017,37(9):1111-1121
为探究小檗科植物八角莲组织培养的器官发生方式,该研究以八角莲离体叶片、叶柄在MS培养基上诱导产生的愈伤组织、不定芽、不定根为对象,用连续石蜡切片技术分析八角莲组织培养的器官发生途径。结果表明:八角莲愈伤组织形成的解剖学特征是靠近表皮的薄壁细胞经激素刺激恢复分裂能力,继续培养形成拟分生组织。拟分生组织可形成许多分化中心。通过对八角莲组织培养产生的不定芽细胞组织学观察发现芽原基起源于愈伤组织外侧的几层薄壁细胞,芽原基背离愈伤组织中央生长形成不定芽,故八角莲脱分化形成的芽起源方式为外起源。而八角莲的根原基起源于组织深处髓部薄壁细胞和部分维管形成层细胞,进而形成类似球形或楔形并朝韧皮部突起的根原基轮廓,根原基继续发育会突破表皮生成不定根,起源方式为内起源。八角莲离体再生途径为器官发生型,在组培苗生长过程中先诱导形成不定芽,再诱导形成不定根,在愈伤组织上形成维管组织将不定芽和不定根连接成完整植株。  相似文献   

盾叶薯蓣类原球茎发育的形态解剖学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨盾叶薯蓣类原球茎形态建成的发育机理及植株移栽成活率高的原因,对盾叶薯蓣离体培养条件下形成类原球茎的形态发生过程进行形态学和石蜡切片组织学观察,并与不定芽的发生进行比较。结果表明:类原球茎是由愈伤组织中致密的卵圆形胚性细胞团分化出芽原基和鳞片叶,随后出现初生增厚分生组织和原形成层(维管束原),其类原球茎形态建成。不定根的发生为内起源,其维管组织与类原球茎的维管组织相连接,故移栽成活率高。而不定芽为愈伤组织表面的胚性细胞分裂产生的分生细胞团分化而来,其不定根通常发生在茎基部形成的愈伤组织表面,故不易成活。  相似文献   

槐树子叶组织培养中的形态发生研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
槐树子叶在MS附加0.1~5 mg/L BA 和0.1—5 mg/L 2,4-D的培养丛上培养两周,获得了灰色疏松型及白、绿色紧密型两种类型的愈伤组织。后者经培养产生不定芽并再生植株。子叶切块在MS 附加0.1~8 mg/L 2,4-D等培养基上培养3周,在切口处形成愈伤组织的同时,由其表面直接分化产生胚状体。组织学观察表明,胚状体来源于子叶的表皮及叶肉细胞,胚状体产生通过单细胞起源及多细胞出芽两种方式发生。胚状体发育依次通过球形胚、心形胚、鱼雷形胚和子叶胚等阶段形成再生植株,其发育过程与合子胚相似。  相似文献   

伊贝母体细胞无性系的建立及其胚状体的发生   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报道了伊贝母体细胞无性系的建立及其胚状体的发生。已继代培养三年零六个月共30多代的鳞芽愈伤组织,目前仍有分化能力。通过愈伤组织形态细胞学的观察,发现伊贝母体细胞无性系形成小鳞茎的途径有二:一是由特化了的愈伤组织表皮细胞。经多次分裂发育成不定芽而形成小鳞茎;二是由愈伤组织表层或内层特化了的胚性细胞,经多次分裂发育成胚状体而形成小鳞茎。不定芽和胚状体的形态发生是有区别的。  相似文献   

菜心带子叶的子叶柄在培养基中是否添加AgNO3与ABA可导致两种不同的植株再生方式:添加AgNO3与ABA时由外植体直接出芽,而不加AgNO3与ABA则植株再生经过愈伤组织阶段再分化成芽。培养1—3d,子叶柄切口端之皮层及维管束的薄壁细胞开始启动,细胞迅速分裂而形成分生细胞团和少量愈伤组织。第4天,在不含AgNO3与ABA的培养基上,分生细胞团则形成根原基进而发育成根;或者去分化形成愈伤组织。在这种条件下,只有少数芽原基可由培养15d后的愈伤组织再分化产生.在含AgNO3与ABA的培养基上,分生细胞旺盛增殖而形成大量分生细胞团,并由这种分生细胞团直接形成大量的芽原基.10d左右即可产生为数众多的丛生不定芽.AgNO3与ABA相配合抑制了不定根及愈伤组织的形成和生长,促进大量增生的分生细胞团直接分化为不定芽的芽原基.  相似文献   

亚麻植株的再生及诱导因素的研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
亚麻根、下胚轴、茎和叶外植体在适宜培养基上可产生愈伤组织和不定芽。愈伤组织在分化培养基上产生幼芽。在生根培养基上小苗生根长大。组织细胞学观察表明,下胚轴表皮、皮层和韧皮部细胞都能产生小分生细胞团,后者形成不定芽和愈伤组织。愈伤组织边缘区域分化芽原基,内部产生大量的分生组织结节和维管组织结节。根原基起源于维管组织结节的形成层状细胞。不同器官外植体再生植株的潜力不同,对诱导条件的反应有差别,其中茎和下胚轴切段易兼生不定芽和愈伤组织,再生植株频率高。外源激素、基本培养基和损伤刺激明显影响植株再生。  相似文献   

以欧石楠茎段为外植体,研究其体细胞胚胎发生和植株再生。对影响茎段不定芽分化及胚性愈伤组织诱导的主导因子进行比较分析,并研究其体胚萌发、生根及移栽;同时,采用树脂切片法对茎段脱分化产生胚性愈伤组织及体胚发育过程进行组织细胞学观察。结果表明,接种在1/2WPM基本培养基上的茎段,胚性愈伤组织诱导率为88.7%,显著高于其他处理,不定芽诱导率可达90.6%,平均分化倍数为3.6个,平均分化苗高3.82cm;体细胞经过成熟培养后。在添加1.0mg·L-1 ZT和0.3mg·L-1 IBA的1/2WPM培养基上萌发,萌发的体胚在I/2WPM附加0.2mg·L-1 NAA和0.3mg·L-1 IBA的培养基上形成完整的体胚苗植株,体胚苗生根率达到87.4%,经炼苗后移栽到蛭石:珍珠岩=3:1(V/V)的栽培基质中,成活率可达63.7%。在显微镜下可观察到球形胚、心形胚、鱼雷形胚和子叶形胚;体细胞胚以间接方式发生,表现为愈伤组织外层细胞直接发生和愈伤组织组织内部细胞发生。  相似文献   

小麦根愈伤组织胚胎发育过程研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
实验通过对6个人工合成小麦品系和对照品种“中国春”种子根愈伤组织分化形成再生植株的过程进行形态和组织切片观察,发现分化初期有2种途径,一种是从愈伤组织先形成不定胚,然后再发育成不定芽和不定根,另一种途径是直接从愈伤组织中分化发育成不定根和不定芽;分化后期不定芽和不定根生长发育有3种类型:一种是不定芽发育先于不定根,一种是不定芽与不定期不定芽和不定根生长发育有种类型:一种是不一定芽发育先于不定根,一  相似文献   

林荣  邹琦丽   《广西植物》1988,(1):89-91+105
用金桔茎段为外植体,培养在附加1.0毫克/升BA和0.l毫克/升IBA的MS培养基上,诱导愈伤组织和芽形成。观察了愈伤组织和芽形成过程中的组织细胞学变化。培养一周后,在茎组织切口两端开始膨大,细胞增大和开始分裂。培养两周后,开始形成瘤状愈伤组织。在愈伤组织中有形成层状分生组织、维管组织结节和分生细胞团。培养四周后,表层的分生细胞团分化形成大量芽原基,同时愈伤组织深层也出现分生细胞团。带节茎段可从切口两端的愈伤组织分化形成芽,亦可从叶腋的潜伏芽直接形成芽。  相似文献   

Summary The effect of the type of gelling agent and of several antibiotics on the adventitious bud regeneration from in vitro leaves was tested on eight pear genotypes. The use of gellan gum (Phytagel™) in the medium instead of agar had a very strong positive effect on the rate of adventitious bud regeneration for all pear genotypes tested in this study. This gelling agent induced faster cell divisions than agar, thus more callus was produced on wound sites and subsequently more buds regenerated. Incubation on gellan gum medium during the first 20 d of bud induction was sufficient to induce a stimulatory effect on regeneration and limited the production of hyperhydric buds. In the prospect of Agrobacterium transformation, the effect of several antibiotics was tested. Cefotaxime (200 mg/l) plus ticarcillin/clavulanic acid (100 mg/l) could be used in the culture medium without affecting the frequency of bud regeneration. The inhibition of bud regeneration was obtained with different kanamycin concentrations according to the gelling agent in the medium. On gellan gum medium, a concentration of 100 mg/l of kanamycin was suitable. These conditions can be recommended for experiments on Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of pear, where bacterial inoculation and presence of antibiotics generally reduce and delay bud regeneration.  相似文献   

Internode explants collected from in vitro grown shoots of two clones of Fagus sylvatica L. (European beech) and five clones of F. orientalis Lipski (Oriental beech) were used to evaluate their bud regeneration capacity. Adventitious shoot-buds formed on callus, which developed from internode segments cultured in a Woody Plant Medium supplemented with different concentrations of either thidiazuron (TDZ) or benzyladenine (BA). After 4 weeks of culture on induction media, the explants were transferred to a proliferation medium supplemented with 2.2 μM BA, 9.1 μM zeatin and 2.9 μM indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) for another 8 weeks. Medium containing TDZ was much more efficient than medium containing BA in inducing adventitious buds, the optimal TDZ concentration being 4.5 μM and the optimal BA concentration 17.8 μM. Genotypic variation in shoot regeneration capacity was observed among the two Fagus species and between clones within each species, with a significant interaction between TDZ concentration and genotype regarding mean bud number. Thidiazuron induction medium supplemented with a range of individual auxins was investigated, and it was found that IAA or indole-3-butyric acid at 2.9 μM enhanced the bud forming capacity of explants. Morphogenic response varied significantly with the position of the internode along the stem. The highest regeneration potential was obtained from apical internodes, while those distal to the apex were the least productive. Elongated shoots of adventitious origin can be readily proliferated by axillary branching. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

陈斌  宫明雪  刘筱玮  李洪瑶  王欢  何淼 《广西植物》2020,40(11):1638-1644
为探明绵枣儿(Barnardia japonica)在哈尔滨地区的年生长节律以及花芽分化进程,该文以从长白山引种至东北林业大学花卉研究所苗圃内的绵枣儿为材料,采用田间观察法研究绵枣儿的年生长节律,并采用石蜡切片法观察其花芽分化各阶段的形态解剖学特征。结果表明:(1)绵枣儿在哈尔滨地区的生长节律大致可以分为四个时期,即花芽分化与发育期、开花期、结实期、休眠期。(2)绵枣儿花芽分化进程可以分为七个阶段,即4月中上旬,由于土壤温度较低,鳞茎仍处于未分化期; 4月下旬进入花序原基分化期; 5月上旬苞片原基分化; 5月下旬为小花原基分化期; 5月末至6月初花被片原基分化; 6月上旬进入雄蕊原基分化期; 6月下旬为雌蕊原基分化期。该研究明确了绵枣儿在哈尔滨地区的年生长节律和花芽分化各阶段的解剖学特性,为园林应用和新品种的选育提供了一定的科学依据。  相似文献   

Summary Explants derived from adventitious buds, rhizomes, stems, and leaves of a medicinal plant, Polygonatum cyrtonema, were studied for plantlet regeneration, and only adventitious bud explants were able to be regenerated into plantlets. Regeneration was also accompanied by the formation of rhizome-like tissue, the medicinal portion of the plant. The optimum hormone combination for plantlet regenertion was 4.44 μM benzyladenine plus 2.26 μM 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, at which new adventitious buds were obtained from 96.6% of the adventitious bud explants, with an average of 5.2 buds per explant. The best medium for root induction was half-strength Murashige and Skoog medium with 4.57 μM α-naphthaleneacetic acid, as 92% of regenerated buds rooted. Regenerated plantlets were successfully transferred to a greenhouse with 86% survival. Histological observation indicated that new adventitious buds originated from the superficial meristematic cell cluster of the granular callus induced from adventitious bud explants via organogenesis.  相似文献   

菜心组织培养技术初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
为建立菜心(Brassica campestris ssp.chinensis var.utilis)的快繁技术体系,以花药和子叶-子叶柄为外植体进行组织培养研究。结果表明,花药培养以选取未开放的花蕾为宜,且花柱略高于花瓣,此时小孢子多数处于单核靠边期。菜心花粉的萌发率不高,且秋冬季的花粉比夏季的萌发率高。菜心花药愈伤组织诱导培养基为:MS+1.0 mg L–1 KT+1.0 mg L–1 2,4-D+3%糖+6 g L–1琼脂+8%椰乳,不定芽诱导培养基为:MS+2.0 mg L–1 6-BA+0.5 mg L–1 NAA+1.0 g L–1活性炭+2%糖+6 g L–1琼脂或MS+2.0 mg L–1 ZT+0.5 mg L–1 IAA+0.5 g L–1 AgNO3+1.0 g L–1活性炭+2%糖+6 g L–1琼脂。花药培养的不定芽诱导率为36.7%,不定芽培养出现褐化现象,不能形成再生植株;而以子叶-子叶柄为外植体培养获得的植株再生率可达80%。  相似文献   

以野生黑果枸杞(Lycium ruthenicum Murr.)的无菌苗叶片作为外植体,建立了两条再生体系:一条是经愈伤组织再分化的间接再生体系,一条是不经愈伤组织再分化的直接再生体系。并采用流式细胞术(FCM)及ISSR分子标记技术对两种途径再生苗进行了遗传稳定性分析。结果表明:(1)最佳愈伤组织诱导培养基为MS+1.5 mg·L-12,4-二氯苯氧乙酸(2,4-D),诱导率达100%;最佳分化培养基为MS+1.5 mg·L-16-苄氨基腺嘌呤(6-BA)+0.1 mg·L-1吲哚-3-丁酸(IBA),1 g愈伤组织上的平均不定芽数为39.4个。(2)叶片直接诱导不定芽的最佳培养基为MS+0.5 mg·L-16-BA+0.3 mg·L-1α-萘乙酸(NAA),不定芽诱导率为92.9%,每个外植体上平均不定芽数为18.1个。(3)两条途径再生的不定芽在不含植物生长调节剂的MS培养基上,2周内均可正常生根。(4)FCM结果显示亲本苗及2种再生苗均为二倍体。(5)ISSR分析表明,间接再生苗的平均遗传相似性系数为0.84,直接再生苗的平均遗传相似性系数为0.91,直接再生体系是一种更加快速高效的繁殖方法。  相似文献   

Two different morphogenetic pathways, adventitious bud and corm-like structure (CLS), were observed on organogenic calli derived from the petioles of Amorphophallus albus in vitro. The organogenic calli was established via culture of petiole segments on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 1.0 mg l−1 α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and 1.0 mg l−1 6-benzyladenine (BA) and subculture of the petiole-derived calli on MS medium with 0.5 mg l−1 NAA and 0.5 mg l−1 BA. These organogenic calli were used to induce morphogenesis via culture on MS medium with various concentrations of NAA and BA. BA alone favoured adventitious bud differentiation (57.0 ± 8.3% at maximum) from the organogenic calli but inhibited CLS formation. In the presence of NAA and BA, both adventitious bud and CLS were observed in a same culture system. The maximum CLS formation (71.2 ± 9.3%) were found on MS medium with 0.5 mg l−1 NAA and 2.0 mg l−1 BA, associated with 26.7 ± 8.6% adventitious bud differentiation. A small part of the adventitious buds developed into normal shoots which needed rooting culture phase to form complete plants. About 80% survival rate was obtained with these plants after transplantation to soil. More than 90% of the CLSs produced complete plants with shoots and root systems, regardless of the rooting media tested. Transplantation of the CLS-derived plants to soil gave 100% survival rate. Histological observations revealed both the two morphogenetic events originated from the meristematic cells located in superficial layers of callus tissue.  相似文献   

Nodular meristematic callus was induced on the basal cut surface of apical shoot explants of salvia cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 4.5, 13.5, or 22.5 μM thidiazuron (TDZ). Cultures were incubated in the dark for 1 wk and then transferred to light conditions for 4 wk. A higher percentage of explants developing callus was observed on medium containing either 4.5 or 13.5 μM TDZ, although explants on 4.5 μM developed larger calluses. The callus was maintained on medium containing 4.5 μM TDZ and 0.45 mM ascorbic acid. Shoot differentiation, after each of three successive maintenance passages, was induced from callus grown on medium containing either 4.4 or 8.8 μM benzyladenine (BA). A greater number of shoots were harvested from callus differentiated on BA (4.4 or 8.8 μM) medium with 0.45 mM ascorbic acid added. Shoots developed roots on MS medium supplemented with 4.9 μM of indole-3-butyric acid. The addition of ascorbic acid to the shoot differentiation medium enhanced rooting, number of roots per shoot, and survival rate. Approximately 75% in vitro plantlets were acclimatized to ex vitro conditions. Histological investigations confirmed both adventitious meristem initiation during the callus induction phase, and subsequent organogenic shoot development on the differentiation medium. The novel protocol for the meristematic callus induction and plant regeneration in this study may be useful for biotechnological applications for salvia improvement via genetic transformation or mutagenesis and in vitro propagation approaches.  相似文献   

Robaina  R. R.  Garcia-Reina  G.  Luque  A. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,204(1):137-142
Explants of Gelidium versicolor, Grateloupia doryphora and Laurencia sp. were cultivated in Provasoli enriched seawater culture medium (PES) adjusted to several osmolalities (0.5, 0.7, 1.0 and 1.5 Os kg–1) and solidities (agar concentration = 3, 8 and 15 g L–1). Osmolality was adjusted by dilution of seawater with distilled water (50, 70 and 100% seawater) and by NaCl addition. Explants of Laurencia sp. and Grateloupia doryphora showed bud regeneration and callus formation. Explants of Gelidium versicolor only showed bud regeneration. Osmolalities of 0.5 and 1.05 Os kg–1. inhibited or drastically reduced bud regeneration and callus formation. The highest callus formation and bud regeneration were observed at 0.7 to 1.0 Os kg–1. An increase in the agar concentration of the culture medium was positively correlated with callus formation and negatively correlated with bud regeneration. An increase in the percentage of seawater increased the solidity of the culture medium and was positively correlated with callus formation. Glycerol was an effective carbon source for the vegetative propagation of axenic explants of Grateloupia doryphora, promoting growth and bud regeneration. An increase in glycerol concentration in the culture medium increased its osmolality, inhibiting the growth of the explants and their morphogenetic development.  相似文献   

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