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半圈养条件下白唇鹿行为时间分配及活动规律的研究   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
白唇鹿 (Cervus albirostris)是我国青藏高原特有种 ,在鹿类进化史上极其重要。因其药用价值很高 ,几十年来捕杀现象严重 ,数量大为减少 ,濒于灭绝 ,1 988年被列为国家一级保护动物 [13 ] 。目前白唇鹿分布在 2 9°~ 40°N,92°~ 1 0 2°E的区域内[1] 。它们主要活动于海拔 350 0~ 50 0 0 m之间的高寒半荒漠草原 ,高山草甸草原和亚高山灌丛草原 [7] 。国内对白唇鹿的研究 ,涉及到食性[7,11] 、繁殖[3~ 5] 、形态、生态地理分布[6] 等 ,而对白唇鹿非发情期行为时间分配尚无报道。 1 998年 3~ 4月我们在上海野生动物园对其进行了专题研…  相似文献   

敦煌莫高窟崖顶灌木林带防风固沙效应   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
汪万福  王涛  李最雄  张伟民 《生态学报》2004,24(11):2492-2500
敦煌莫高窟的风沙防治必须要建立一个完整的防护体系 ,灌木林带的建立是这一综合防护体系中不可缺少的重要组成部分。通过对已建立的两条灌木林带防护效应的观测分析 ,结果表明 :灌木林带使其周围的气流场重新分布 ,改变了近地表风沙流结构 ,0 .5、2 m高处的风速梯度发生显著变化。在林带高 2 0~ 30倍的有效防护范围内风速降低 6 8.1%~ 4 0 .7% ,两条林带后2 m处的输沙率分别是林带前缘 30 m对照处的 1/ 38和 1/ 138,3a时间灌木林带内积沙厚度达 0 .7m。沙地浅层 (0~ 2 0 cm )细沙(0 .2 5~ 0 .1m m)和微沙 (0 .1~ 0 .0 5 mm)含量分别增加了 2 0 .6 %、5 .5 % ,有机质含量在植物根系分布范围内成倍增加。灌木带对区域小气候的改善效应明显。流沙地 0 .5、1和 1.5 m高处日平均气温比灌木带内分别高出 0 .5、0 .9和 0 .2℃ ,而相对湿度灌木林带内比流沙地平均高 0 .4、0 .3和 0 .1%。浅层土壤 (0~ 2 0 cm)温度昼夜变程与地表温度变化基本呈正弦态分布 ,并以垂直方向向下传递 ,但变幅较地表为小。灌木林带内 0~ 2 0 cm土壤平均温度比流沙地高 0 .7℃  相似文献   

一、老鼠瓜的形态及分布"老鼠瓜"因它的果实被老鼠喜食而得名.它是优良的固沙植物,又是经济价值很高的药用植物、油料植物和食用植物,是干旱荒漠地区的一种很值得重视的经济植物.这种植物在天山南北的戈壁、沙漠边缘时常可见.它为藤本状的半灌木,枝条呈辐射状平铺于地面,长可达2~3米;单叶互生,托叶呈倒勾刺状,花白色或粉红色,雄蕊较花被为长;果实椭圆形,为肉质浆果状的蒴果,看起来犹如葫芦状的瓜蛋儿,待到八,九月份,果熟  相似文献   

1植物名称鸦胆子[Brucea javanica(L.)Merr.]。 2材料类别带节茎段。  相似文献   

浙江仙居俞坑森林群落特征研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
浙江省仙居县俞坑境内由于地形复杂 ,水热条件优越 ,加上以前交通不便 ,限制了人类的频繁活动 ,使原有的植物种类得以保存和发展。这是括苍山系仅存的一片次生湿润常绿阔叶林 ,属中亚热带低海拔地区典型的地带性植被。此地于 1991年建立了县级自然保护区 ,目前对该群落仅在演替方面作过研究[1] 。本文主要对该群落的特征进行研究 ,为这一类型的植被研究和资源保护提供资料。1 自然概况俞坑位于浙江省仙居县境内 ,距括苍山主峰米筛浪约 4 0km ,为括苍山尾部。地理位置为 2 8°0′5″N、12 0°0′5″E ,面积约 3km2 [2 ] ,海拔高度在 4…  相似文献   

黄河上游玛曲县生态环境问题与综合治理对策   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
1 自然地理条件概况玛曲县位于甘肃省西南部 ,10 0°4 5′4 5″~ 10 2°2 9′0 0″E ,33°0 6′30″~ 34°30′15″N ,土地总面积 1 0 19× 10 4 km2 ,是黄河上游以藏民族聚居为主的纯牧业县。阿尼玛卿山、西倾山两大山系主脉形成的西部高山区、中南部阿尼玛卿山东南端和西倾山前山地带丘陵区及黄河沿岸河流阶地构成地形地貌格局[12 ] ,大部分区域海拔 35 0 0~ 380 0m。玛曲属高原大陆性气候 ,年平均气温 1.1℃~2 .7℃ ,年平均降水量 5 0 1.6~ 6 15 .5mm ,主要集中于 5~ 9月 ,年蒸发量 10 0 0~ 15 0 0mm[5] 。年平均风速 2…  相似文献   

西双版纳大卡老寨农地景观格局变化   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
农地景观比自然景观更具有变异性 ,它既受到自然环境的制约 ,又受到人类活动和社会经济条件的影响和干预。大范围地区农耕生态系统的景观格局一直都是景观生态学研究热点之一[1~ 4 ] ,然而村级水平的景观格局的研究报道则不多见[5] 。本文以西双版纳热带山区大卡老寨为例 ,对农地景观的格局及其变化进行了初步调查与分析。1 材料与研究方法1.1 自然概况大卡老寨是隶属勐腊县勐仑镇大卡办事处的一个爱尼族村寨 ,地处N2 1°4 1′ ,E10 1°2 5′ ,距勐仑镇8km ,距勐仑自然保护区 10km。年平均气温2 1 5℃ ,≥ 10℃积温为 7811℃ ,年降…  相似文献   

亚硫酸对玉米和高粱苗的伤害及磷酸缓冲液的防护作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
二氧化硫(SO2)是我国主要大气污染物,严重影响植物生长和作物产量,因此探讨提高植物抗性,减轻SO2伤害的有效途径已为国内外诸多学者所关注[1~6]。刘荣坤等[2,7]首次提出用(1/15)mol·L-1,pH64的磷酸缓冲液处理小麦苗,可稳定膜结构,减少K 渗漏,提高SOD和POD活性,增强或新增同工酶,对SO2伤害有一定的防护作用。前述研究主要以小麦为研究材料,对某些木本植物也有一定的作用[8],对其它农作物的适用性还未见报道。SO2进入植物体内主要是通过亚硫酸(HSO-3或SO2-3)启动自由基进行过氧化伤害[5],而亚硫酸的直接影响与磷…  相似文献   

灌木年轮学研究进展   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
芦晓明  梁尔源 《生态学报》2013,33(5):1367-1374
灌木往往分布在树线以上或以北的高海拔和高纬度地区以及干旱、半干旱区,是把传统上以乔木为主的树轮研究扩展至森林分布界限以外的唯一选择.尽管灌木具有以上研究潜力,迄今用于树木年代学研究的灌木种类仅有30种左右.介绍了灌木年轮研究方法,综述了过去几十年来环北极高纬度地区,干旱、半干旱区以及高海拔地区的灌木年轮研究的主要进展.主要研究进展如下:(1)发掘一些灌木的树木年代学潜力;(2)揭示限制灌木生长的主要环境因子,并尝试利用灌木年轮宽度等指标重建过去区域气候变化历史;(3)探讨全球变暖的背景下,灌木的生长或分布范围的变化;(4)通过人为控制增温来揭示变暖对灌木生理特征和生长的影响.这些研究展示了灌木在扩展传统乔木树轮研究网络方面的潜力,也是树木年代学研究中最有前景的研究方向之一.目前的灌木年轮学研究多集中于环北极苔原带.作为地球的第三极,青藏高原具有广泛的高山灌木分布,具有把青藏高原边缘区以乔木为主的树木年轮网络扩展至更高海拔和高原内部的潜力.青藏高原高山灌木的年轮学研究并没有引起足够的重视.青藏高原高山灌木的生长是如何适应极端环境条件的,全球变暖的背景下,青藏高原高山灌木的分布和生长正在发生哪些变化等,都有待深入研究.  相似文献   

金百合的离体快速繁殖   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
1 植物名称 金百合 (Liliumtrompeten)。2 材料类别 带腋芽的幼嫩茎段。3 培养条件 以MS为基本培养基。 (1 )芽诱导培养基 :MS 6 BA 0 .6~ 1 .0mg·L-1(单位下同 ) NAA 0 .3~ 0 .4;(2 )增殖培养基 :MS 6 BA 0 .5~ 1 .0 NAA 0 .1~ 0 .2 ;(3)生根培养基 :MS NAA 0 .3~ 0 .5。培养基含蔗糖 30g·L-1、琼脂 9g·L-1,pH 5 .8。培养温度2 2~ 2 5℃ ,光照度 1 5 0 0lx ,光照时间 1 2h·d-1。4 生长与分化情况4.1 愈伤组织及芽的诱导 取金百合花序下端幼嫩的带腋芽茎段 ,…  相似文献   

近年来山东乳山茶业逐渐兴起, 但由于北方冬春季温度低和倒春寒频繁发生, 茶叶种植面积逐年减小。如何在低成本管理的基础上提高茶叶产量和品质, 成为乳山茶园管理的一大难题。以2007年春季采用水平梯田整地种植的茶园为试验区, 以梯田周围营造的4种网格(8 m × 80 m, 12 m × 80 m, 20 m × 80 m, 40 m × 80 m)茶园防护林为研究对象, 分别在2013年4月、8月和12月, 测定风速、空气温度、土壤温度、空气相对湿度及土壤相对湿度, 以纯茶园作为对照, 进行了小气候因子测定和分析。结果表明: (1) 4种防护林均能有效地降低茶园内风速, 调节气温、土壤温度和土壤相对湿度, 增加空气相对湿度, 为茶树生长提供适宜的生态环境; (2)由于区域水分通量和太阳辐射的季节变化, 4种防护林的小气候调节效应也表现出一定的季节性差异; (3)主成分分析结果表明, 4种茶园防护林中, 影响小气候因子的主要因素是气温和土壤温度, 其因子负荷量分别为-0.978和0.986, 但风速与气温呈极显著相关关系, 与土壤温度之间无显著线性关系, 因此, 风速也能间接地影响林内小气候; (4) 8 m × 80 m的防护林对小气候的总体调节效应优于其他3种防护林。  相似文献   

Drylands cover more than 40% of the land surface of the Earth and are characterized by patchy vegetation and that permits erosion of the surface. Vegetation-aeolian transport is an important feedback in drylands, particularly those undergoing shrub encroachment. Although one side of the feedback, the influence of vegetation loss on aeolian transport, has been well studied, the other, the influence of aeolian transport on existing vegetation, has been never studied in detail. In this study, a new ecological-wind erosion model (ECO-WEMO) that contains an aeolian transport component was created to simulate how aeolian transport impacts vegetation pattern and causes the state change. Two modeling scenarios were investigated: 1) stable grass and shrub communities without/with aeolian transport and 2) unstable shrub and grass communities without/with aeolian transport disturbed by different drought conditions. The first scenario focuses on the simulation of the influence of aeolian transport on vegetation communities and the second scenario focuses on the simulation of the state change of vegetation communities. The results from the first scenario show that: First, the mean biomasses of grass and shrub become consistent in the case of no wind in both shrub-dominated and grass-dominated communities. Second, the mean biomass of shrub becomes higher than the grass in the case of wind in shrub-dominated communities and the mean biomass of grass becomes higher than the shrub in the case of wind in grass-dominated communities. Third, the dust flux of shrub-dominated communities is higher than the grass-dominated communities. Fourth, the net change in surface height in shrub-dominated communities has a considerably higher range than in grass-dominated communities. Fifth, the spatial pattern of shrub-dominated communities is sparser than the spatial pattern of grass in the vegetation communities in the case of wind. The results from the second scenario show that: First, the state change only took place from grass-dominated communities to shrub-dominated communities in the condition of drought. Second, the state change only took place in the case of wind. Third, the state change didn't take place after the slight and moderate droughts but only took place after the drought. Fourth, large vegetation biomass reduction only took place in the case of wind after the severe drought. Our results confirm, in a modeling context, the important role that aeolian transport can play in vegetation dynamics and state change in deserts.  相似文献   

1986年台风袭击了长白山,在西、南坡的寒温带针叶林和岳桦林带形成了大量林窗.为了探究在强风干扰下寒温带森林植被受损和变化特征,揭示植被受损与灾后变化规律及其影响因子,2017年在长白山海拔1600~1800 m设立研究区.利用遥感资料,对研究区依据植被破坏程度和灾后变化程度进行植被差异分区,并布设了40个样方进行植被调查.结果表明: 按森林结构的受损程度可将长白山寒温带风灾区分为3个等级,轻度破坏、中度破坏和重度破坏,其中,中度破坏区的面积最大,其次是轻度破坏区、重度破坏区.乔木受损差异显著,轻度破坏区、中度破坏区和重度破坏区乔木优势种的数量分别减少20%、50%和85%,岳桦的抗风性大于鱼鳞云杉,大径级岳桦的抗风性大于小径级的岳桦.植被受损程度与坡度的相关性最强,随着坡度的增加,受风灾破坏程度减小.1987—2017年间,长白山寒温带风灾区的植被发生明显变化,根据变化的程度可将研究区分为3个等级:变化快、变化中等和变化慢,其中,变化中等的区域面积最大,其次是变化慢、变化快的区域;植被变化程度与海拔的相关性最强,随着海拔的增加,植被变化变慢.乔木的恢复较慢,鱼鳞云杉略好于岳桦;植被变化主要表现在灌木层和草本层,变化快的区域灌木层发育好于草本层;变化中等的区域草本层发育好于灌木层;变化慢的区域灌木层发育差异大,但草本层总体上表现为低矮稠密.  相似文献   

Nick Cutler 《Polar Biology》2011,34(5):693-706
Biological modification of the physical environment is a characteristic feature of primary succession that is of particular importance in stressful, high-latitude habitats. However, the degree of spatiotemporal variability in biotic reaction is poorly understood. This is a significant gap in our knowledge of primary succession, as spatiotemporal variability in biotic reaction may be linked to divergent development during succession. The aim of this research was to infer long-term, spatiotemporal changes in vegetation and environmental parameters during primary succession from a chronosequence of lava flows in Iceland. Vegetation surveys and measurement of key environmental variables (temperature, relative humidity and wind speed) were carried out on seven lava flows aged 26–848 years. The duration of snow cover was inferred from temperature data using a novel technique. Paired measurements were taken in topographical low and high points, as previous studies in this location have indicated divergent vegetation development according to topographical position. The analysis indicated the long-term amelioration of microclimate. Vegetation development was associated with increased soil temperatures, decreased wind speeds and increased duration of snow-lie. There was also evidence that microenvironmental changes paralleled changes in vegetation structure, although the relationship varied according to the environmental parameter studied. It is likely that positive feedback between shrub development and snow accumulation structures the vegetation on the study sites. These findings have implications for sub-arctic areas where shrub cover is expanding due to climate change and for the development of vegetation on terrain exposed by retreating ice.  相似文献   

吕素青  李月从  许清海  李英  刘耀亮  梁剑 《生态学报》2012,32(24):7654-7666
空气花粉研究是现代孢粉学、植被变迁与预测的重要内容之一.陕西省黄土高原地区洛川县2007-2009连续2a的空气花粉分析表明:空气花粉组成与区域植被分布特征和植物花期一致.与2007—2008年相比,2008-2009年的花粉总通量及蒿属花粉通量明显增加,但木本植物花粉通量降低,这主要与2008-2009年降水明显偏少密切相关.2007-2008年降雨量高于500 mm,花粉组合中乔木花粉百分比高于30%,表现出森林植被特点;2008-2009年降雨量少于450 mm,花粉组合中草本花粉高于80%,乔木花粉低于10%,更多表现出草原植被特点.但从植被观测来看并没有明显的变化,表明花粉组合较植被对气候变化更为敏感.主要花粉类型与气候因子的相关分析表明:气候因子影响空气花粉的组成及数量.栎属、松属、蔷薇科花粉数量主要受春季温度影响,温度越高花粉数量越多;其他季节花粉数量主要受相对湿度影响,湿度越低,花粉数量越大.榆属花粉数量主要与冬季温度有关,温度越高,花粉数量越高.杨属只受春季温度影响,春季温度越低,花粉数量越多.胡颓子科花粉含量主要受春季相对湿度、风速影响,相对湿度越低,风速越大,花粉数量越多.绝大多数草本花粉数量均主要受春、冬季相对湿度及风速影响,相对湿度越低,风速越大,花粉数量越高;此外,禾本科花粉数量还受春季温度影响,温度越高,花粉数量越多;菊科花粉数量在夏秋季节还受温度、湿度和风速的共同影响,温度越低,湿度越低,风速越大,花粉数量越多.这些结果表明,黄土高原中部地区的空气花粉特征能反映区域植被组成,且对气候变化非常敏感,对认识和预测当地气候变化与植被动态等具有重要意义.  相似文献   

荒漠草原区柠条固沙人工林地表草本植被季节变化特征   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
研究荒漠草原人工林固沙区地表草本植被季节变化特征及其和柠条林龄的关系,对于分析柠条人工林地表草本植物的季节适应性和制订合理的人工林管理措施均具有重要的科学意义。选择6、15、24年生和36年生柠条人工林为研究对象,通过调查每个样地5月、8月和10月地表草本植物密度、物种数、盖度和高度,分析了荒漠草原区柠条人工固沙林生长过程中地表草本植被季节变化特征及其影响因素。结果表明,地表草本植物物种数在柠条林龄6和15a时受季节改变的影响较小,在24a之后受到季节变化的显著影响(P0.05)。地表草本植物密度在柠条林龄6a时受季节改变的影响较小,但在15a之后季节变化显著影响地表草本植物个体数分布(P0.05),而且在10月具有最多的地表草本植物个体数。地表草本植被盖度和高度均受到季节变化的显著影响(P0.05),而受林龄的影响较小;不同年龄林地地表草本植被盖度和高度均表现为10月和8月较高,5月较低。研究表明,荒漠草原柠条人工林固沙区,柠条林发育生长和灌木形态的改变不仅影响土壤营养条件,而且还可以调控由于季节改变而引起的土壤温湿度变化,柠条林龄和季节更替二者交互作用,共同影响地表草本植被的季节变化特征。  相似文献   

在干旱风沙区宁夏盐池县,选择典型放牧柠条锦鸡儿灌丛林地为研究样地,以邻近长期围栏封育灌丛林地为对照,调查了春季、夏季和秋季放牧和封育2种类型样地的地表植被、土壤性状和地面节肢动物分布特征,分析了灌丛林地地面节肢动物群落组成及多样性对放牧管理的响应规律.结果表明:1)放牧导致植被高度、土壤细砂粒含量和土壤电导率显著降低,而土壤容重和粗砂粒含量显著升高.2)调查共获得地面节肢动物13目40科,其中优势类群为蚁科和拟步甲科,其个体数占总个体数的68.75%;常见类群4类,其个体数占总个体数的20.82%;其余34类为稀有类群,其个体数占总个体数的10.44%.在春季、夏季和秋季,放牧和封育样地间地面节肢动物群落组成均差别较大,反映了地面节肢动物对包括放牧管理和季节变化双重作用下环境变化的敏感性和适应性.3)放牧导致地面节肢动物多度显著升高.但放牧样地和封育样地间地面节肢动物类群数、Shannon指数、均匀度指数和优势度指数在3个季节中均无显著差异.4)相关分析表明,地面节肢动物多度、均匀度指数、优势度指数均与植被高度、植物多度、土壤水分、土壤pH值和电导率存在相关性,而地面节肢动物Shannon指数与植被高度、土壤水分和土壤细砂粒存在相关性.偏冗余分析(RDA)表明,土壤pH值、植物多度、土壤含水量和温度是影响地面节肢动物群落个体数分布的关键驱动因子.研究表明,放牧管理条件下植被高度、土壤pH、土壤水分和土壤温度差异导致不同地面节肢动物类群表现出了不同的响应模式.灌丛对地面节肢动物多样性的保育效应能够削弱放牧干扰的负向影响.但放牧干扰下春季灌丛林地植食性地面节肢动物多度增加,需注重放牧易导致灌丛林病虫害发生和进行防控.  相似文献   

J. Grace  S. J. Allen  C. Wilson 《Oecologia》1989,79(2):198-204
Summary Temperatures of terminal meristems of forest, krummholz and dwarf shrub vegetation were measured at altitudes of 450, 600, 650 and 850 m in the Cairngorm Mountains of Scotland. Simultaneously, the air temperature above the vegetation was recorded, so that it was possible to calculate the difference between meristem and air temperature, sometimes called the excess temperature. This temperature increased linearly with the net radiation absorbed at each station, and the slope was dependent on wind speed and the height of the vegetation. In the extreme cases the slopes were practically zero for forest and 0.028° C W-1 m2 for dwarf shrubs. The latter implies a temperature excess of about 15° C in bright sunshine and low wind speeds. A model is developed to calculate the excess temperature from a knowledge of vegetational height and climatological variables.  相似文献   

The expansion of shrubs into tundra areas is a key terrestrial change underway in the Arctic in response to elevated temperatures during the twentieth century. Repeat photography permits a glimpse into greening satellite pixels, and it shows that, since 1950, some shrub patches have increased rapidly (hereafter expanding), while others have increased little or not at all (hereafter stable). We characterized and compared adjacent expanding and stable shrub patches across Arctic Alaska by sampling a wide range of physical and chemical soil and vegetation properties, including shrub growth rings. Expanding patches of Alnus viridis ssp. fruticosa (Siberian alder) contained shrub stems with thicker growth rings than in stable patches. Alder growth in expanding patches also showed strong correlation with spring and summer warming, whereas alder growth in stable patches showed little correlation with temperature. Expanding patches had different vegetation composition, deeper thaw depth, higher mean annual ground temperature, higher mean growing season temperature, lower soil moisture, less carbon in mineral soil, and lower C:N values in soils and shrub leaves. Expanding patches—higher resource environments—were associated with floodplains, stream corridors, and outcrops. Stable patches—lower resource environments—were associated with poorly drained tussock tundra. Collectively, we interpret these differences as implying that preexisting soil conditions predispose parts of the landscape to a rapid response to climate change, and we therefore expect shrub expansion to continue penetrating the landscape via dendritic floodplains, streams, and scattered rock outcrops.  相似文献   

Question: Do shrubs influence the spatial pattern of soil seed banks in herbaceous vegetation and are these effects influenced by wind direction, sampling position (windward vs leeward sides of the shrub) and distance from the shrub? Location: Horqin desert in eastern Inner Mongolia, China. Methods: A pioneer shrub, Artemisia halodendron, occurring in a mobile sandy habitat was used as a case study. Species composition and abundance of the seed bank and established herbaceous vegetation around six target shrubs were sampled along transects aligned to the four main wind directions and at 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4.5 and 6 m from the shrub base on both windward and leeward sides of a transect. Results: The presence of shrubs significantly modified the spatial pattern of seed deposition, but effects varied with wind direction, sampling position and distance from the shrub. More seeds were deposited on the leeward side than on the windward sides in all four transects, especially on transects with the most prevailing wind directions. Shrubs also caused a marked variation in seed deposition across sampling locations; this effect was more pronounced on the leeward side of transects with the most prevailing wind directions, suggesting the mean range of the shrub's influence is within ca. 2 m. Conclusions: The study shows clear evidence of shrubs as a source of spatial heterogeneity in seed availability in the herbaceous layer. Shrub presence effects were strongly influenced by complex interactions between wind direction, sampling position, and distance from the shrub.  相似文献   

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