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报道了一种云实属 ( Caesalpinia L.)植物菱叶云实在中国的分布新记录。  相似文献   

中国云实属植物叶脉形态学   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对中国云实属植物小叶叶片脉序的观察表明,该属植物小叶叶片脉序类型非常一致,均为环结曲行羽状脉,二级脉急转曲行.叶脉分支一般为四级,少数达五级.盲脉不分支或分支较少,最多两次分支.见血飞亚属与云实亚属叶片脉序特征相似,属于同一自然类群.编写了中国云实属植物叶片脉序特征分种检索表.  相似文献   

综述了云实属植物的化学成分及药理作用的研究进展,为研究该属植物的生物活性成分和医药用途提供参考。  相似文献   

第一期(2006年1月)值得注意的中国南部植物……………………………………………………………………丘华兴陈炳辉曾飞燕(1)香港蕨类植物新记录(英文)………………………………………………………………严岳鸿吴世捷邢福武(5)中国云实属植物分类学修订…………………………………  相似文献   

高黎贡山地区杜鹃花科特有植物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高黎贡山地区拥有丰富的杜鹃花科特有植物种类。分布于高黎贡山的杜鹃花科特有植物达93种及变种,占该地区杜鹃花科总种数和变种数187种的49%强,其中有中国特有种38种及变种,云南特有种5种,高黎贡山地区特有种50种及变种。本文分别对不同类别的杜鹃花科特有种及其分布进行讨论。  相似文献   

弗特吉族在中国的发现及其意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在连续数年的稀有濒危植物调研中,发现特产于江苏宜兴的小叶金缕梅实属一误订。该植物花两性,绝无花瓣,故可以肯定是金缕梅亚科中我国唯一缺少的弗特吉族植物。弗特吉族在中国的发现,使中国成为世界上唯一拥有该亚科五个族的国家,证明中国是世界金缕梅亚科的多样性中心,填补了该族在东亚分布的空白,为中国新生代植物研究和对金缕梅科以及被子植物的系统学研究提供了不可缺少的活材料。  相似文献   

正史海苍茫,收集资料实属不易,考证更是倍加艰辛。《中国植物分类学纪事》的内容可谓中国植物分类学历史上首部十分全面、非常详细、令人信服的纪事。马金双等作者们在收集资料、挖掘整理、细节考证、深入研究等方面值得称赞。该书以编年纪事方式记载当代,特别是过去百年间,中国植物分类学的主  相似文献   

对中国堇菜属美丽堇菜亚属植物进行了系统学修订,确认中国堇菜属美丽堇菜亚属植物共有6种,列出分种检索表,对《中国植物志》51卷中未记载的3种进行了详细的描述,并对塔城堇菜、深紫堇菜及隐距堇菜进行了绘图。  相似文献   

中医认为恶性肿瘤发展的后期需要进行活血化瘀治疗。苏木(CAE)为豆科云实属植物的干燥心材,具有行血祛瘀、消肿止痛的功效。近年来研究证实,苏木提取物不仅可以抑制肿瘤细胞的增殖、侵袭和转移,促进肿瘤细胞凋亡,而且能够抑制肿瘤血管生成因子的信号传导途径,从而抑制肿瘤新生血管的生成。苏木提取物在多系统中发挥着不同机制的抗肿瘤作用。本文就苏木提取物在抗肿瘤治疗中的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

蝟实(Kolkwitzia amabilis Graebn.)为忍冬科(Caprifoliaceae)蝟实属(Kolkwitzia)植物,多年生小灌木,为中国特有的单种属珍稀植物[1],常生于海拔300~1 340 m的阳坡或半阳坡,在土层薄、岩石裸露的阳坡亦能正常生长[2].  相似文献   

This first ever study was carried out to explore the floristic composition of protected and unprotected forests of Sathan Gali, District Mansehra, KP, Pakistan. The study area being the part of the Western Himalayas harbours rich floristic diversity. In the current investigation, an effort was made to record primary data about floral diversity of the area. The study area was visited recurrently during 2013 and 2014. Plants were collected from different sampling sites, identified, preserved and deposited in Herbarium of Hazara University, Mansehra. A total of 127 plants species including 59 common and 68 different were found in 13 stands of reserved forest. The different species were only confined with this forest whereas common plant species were distributed in both forests. The dominant family was Asteraceae (13 species, 10.7%) followed by Labiateae (10 species, 7.75%), Poaceae and Rosaceae (8 species, 6.2%) each, Polygonaceae and Pteridaceae by (5 species, 3.87%) each. Angiosperms were represented by 118 (92.91%), plant species, Pteridophytes 5(3.93%) species and Gymnosperms 4 (3.14%) species were recorded in reserved forest. Only single species of climber was documented. The number of herbs, shrubs and trees species recorded were 73.64%, 13.17% and 10.07% respectively. A total of 103 plant species of 55 families including 61 common in both forest types and 42 species different to guzara Forest. These plant species were recorded from 22 sampling stands. Angiosperms by (92.3%) plant species, Gymnosperms (2.88%) and Pteridophytes (4.8%) were recorded. The dominant family was Poaceae by 11 plant species followed by Asteraceae and Rosaceae each represented by 10 species and Pteridaceae by 5 plant species. Habit wise 69.23% were herbs, 14.42% shrubs and 16.34% species of tree were reported. This study will assist ecologists, botanists, taxonomist, conservationists and policy makers to mend, and manage the current vegetation status and sustainability for upcoming generations. The present investigation will also serves as base line for future researches on the Himalaya regions.  相似文献   

李晓东  巢欣  刘惠秋  杨清  杨胜娴  巴桑 《生态学报》2023,43(18):7746-7760
为探究雅鲁藏布江中游浮游植物群落分布格局及其优势种时空生态位特征,于2021年7月、10月对该水域进行浮游植物样品的采集和水体理化因子的测定,鉴定浮游植物物种,计算浮游植物优势种生态位宽度、生态位重叠值、生态响应速率及相对资源占有率,运用共现网络模型分析群落的种间关联性,并对浮游植物优势种与环境因子进行Pearson相关性分析。结果表明:该水域共鉴定到浮游植物644种,隶属于8门12纲25目49科152属,其中,优势种22种,优势种中硅藻占90.9%,在群落中占绝对优势;丰水期的肘状针杆藻丰度最大(74.193×104细胞/L)且出现频率最高(0.867),是丰水期绝对优势种;整体上优势种生态位宽度时间(0.833)>空间(0.254),优势种时空生态位宽度主要受空间生态位宽度的影响,空间异质性是影响该水域浮游植物优势种分布的主要因素;优势种时空二维生态位无意义重叠的种对占40.69%,优势种时空二维的生态位重叠以中、低等级为主,优势种间对时空资源需求异质性高,种间潜在竞争关系较弱;该水域枯水期浮游植物群落的网络结构紧密,群落连通性、群落复杂度和物种间生态位...  相似文献   

湛江市城市森林树种结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查湛江市道路、公园和附属三类绿地159个单位的100 452株乔木,比较其物种多样性特征、物种组成特性、相对多度、物种重要值。结果表明:(1)湛江城市森林有52科204种乔木,物种多样性较丰富,树种结构受绿地类型、生境与人文等因素影响;(2)物种组成反映出热带季雨林地带性特色,外来种有96种,应用丰富,但乡土植物开发不足;(3)在调查的植株中,少数优势种占很大比例,其中,道路绿地前25种植物相对多度高达89.66,公园有最多的非常见种;(4)物种重要值SI>1的有26种,7种基调树种反映了湛江城市森林的基本特色。  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of 29 herbaceous understory monocot species was studied in a tropical cloud forest of northern coastal Venezuela (Henri Pittier National Park). Of the 23 plant species, 6 (26.1%) were self-incompatible and 17 (73.9%) self-compatible, the latter consisting of 12 (52.2%) fully self-compatible and 5 (21.7%) partially self-compatible species. An analysis of sexual systems and temporal variation of sex expression showed that of 29 monocot species, 14 (48.3%) were hermaphrodite and adichogamous, 14 (48.3%) monoecious and dichogamous, and one (3.4%) dioecious. The combination of monoecy and dichogamy prevented autogamy in 11 (91.7%) of the 12 self-compatible and monoecious species; one (8.3%) was autogamous. Of all species, 24 (82.8%) were obligate outbreeders, 2 (6.9%) spontaneously autogamous, and 3 (10.3%) partially autogamous. Ovule and flower abortion were not significantly different between the different groups. Pollen-ovule ratio was significantly different between monoecious and hermaphrodite species. The number of pollen grains and ovules per flower and the pollen-ovule ratio were variable among various pollination types. The average pollen-ovule ratio was higher in beetle-, dipteran-, and wind-pollinated species than in bee-, bird-, and bat-pollinated species. The first three pollination types were restricted to monoecious species, and the second three groups were restricted to hermaphrodite species. Of 33 plant species investigated, 12 (36.4%) displayed vegetative reproduction. The reproductive features of the understory monocot species are discussed in the context of life form, devices of cross-pollination, and geological history of the tropical cloud forest.  相似文献   

用活体观察法对迄今缺乏了解的麦积山肉鞭类原生动物的物种多样性进行了调查,共鉴定出水生肉鞭虫100种,包括2个未知种。鞭毛亚门(Mastigophora)有2纲9目15科31属59种。植鞭纲(Phytomastigophorea)有52种,其中眼虫目(Euglenida) 36种,占鞭毛虫物种总数的61.02%,为优势类群;动鞭纲(Zoomastigophorea)仅有7种,没有明显的优势类群。肉足亚门(Sarcodina)有4纲6目19科32属41种。叶足纲(Lobosea)有31种,其中变形目(Amoebida)16种,占肉足虫物种总数的39.02%,为优势类群;表壳目(Arcellinida)12种,占29.27%,为次优势类群。在麦积山风景名胜区的南坡(为嘉陵江水系)分布有71种,北坡(为渭河水系)分布有56种,分水岭分布有13种,水生肉鞭毛虫的群落组成也显著不同;与国内典型的长江水系、雅鲁藏布江水系和黄河水系相比,麦积山分布的水生肉鞭毛虫群落组成均存在显著性差异。结果表明,麦积山水生肉鞭毛虫物种十分丰富,特有和稀有物种繁多,具有鲜明的独特性。  相似文献   

Breeding systems and mating systems of plants in a previously studied secondary deciduous forest were reanalysed in the context of new data. In this analysis, we increased the number of plant species (up to approximately 25% of the plant species in the community), included other life forms (23 annual and perennial species, plus habitat disturbance categories), and considered information about pollinator specificity. The frequencies of species with different sexual systems in a sample of 51 species were 82% hermaphrodite, 14% monoecious, and 4% dioecious. The frequencies of breeding systems in the sample of 49 hermaphroditic and monoecious species were 53% self-incompatible and 47% self-compatible. Self-compatible species included seven partially self-compatible, three self-compatible non-autogamous, and 13 self-compatible autogamous species. None of the species evaluated proved to be agamospermous. Fifty-five percent of the species tested were obligate outbreeders. The proportion of self-incompatible species was higher among trees and shrubs than among annual herbs. The proportion of self-compatible species for perennial herbs and lianas was not different. The association between annual herbs and autogamy was not strong: seven of 13 species were autogamous, five were partially self-compatible, and one was self-incompatible. The main characteristics or factors associated with breeding system were life cycle and successional stage. Short-lived species were mostly self-compatible, and xenogamy tended to be associated with forest and forest-border. In contrast, pollination specificity and life form were not consistently related to breeding system (self-compatibility or self-incompatibility) and mating system (xenogamy or autogamy).  相似文献   

用浮游动物评价巢湖东湖区的水质和营养类型   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
于2005年6月至2006年6月对巢湖东湖区的浮游动物进行了采样调查,初步研究了巢湖东湖区的浮游动物的种类组成、群落结构特征以及浮游动物物种的多样性,并对巢湖东湖区的水质状况和营养类型作出了评价。研究结果显示浮游动物153种,其中原生动物43属59种,占总种数的38.56%;轮虫类20属48种,占总种数的31.37%;枝角类14属26种,占总种数的16.99%;桡足类20种,占总种数的13.07%。浮游动物的物种多样性随着季节的变化而变化;污生指数法评价结果表明巢湖东湖区的水质状况从2005年6月至2006年6月均处于β-中污带级;用浮游动物数量(ind·L-1)作为湖泊水体营养程度的生物量指标,其结果显示巢湖东湖区水体从2005年6-9月和2006年3-6月巢湖东湖区水体的营养状况处于富营养状态。  相似文献   

The microhabitat distribution of two congeneric species Dactylogyrus carpathicus and D. malleus (Monogenea) parasitizing the gills of the barbel (Barbus barbus L.) was investigated. We tested whether congeneric species exhibited microhabitat preference and whether interspecific interactions could be attributed to the microhabitat segregation of congeners. The outlying mean index method was used to evaluate species microhabitats. Gill variables (different microhabitats within gills) were used as environmental factors characterizing the gills. When abundances of both species were highest, and no significant difference was found between the abundance of the two species, the gill segments and gill areas were the most important factors segregating the Dactylogyrus species on the gills. Niche overlap was low within each of the four gill arches, and parasites were segregated in the same microhabitats within each gill arch. When abundances of both species were low, each monogenean species was segregated at the level of the gill arches. When abundances of both species increased, the niche and overlap between species increased. The distribution of both congeneric species confirmed microhabitat preference within the gills. The results suggest that microhabitat preference is dependent on species abundances, species being segregated in the case of low abundance, possibly to increasing mating opportunities. Both niche and overlap between species increased with species abundance. In the case of the high abundance of both species, microhabitat preference seems to be related to interspecific interactions between monogenean species, as previously found for endoparasitic species.  相似文献   

山东省滨州市湿地水鸟的多样性调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吕磊  贾少波 《动物学杂志》2010,45(3):133-138
于2008年3月~2009年4月,采用路线调查法和定点观察法对滨州市区水鸟多样性情况进行了调查,共记录7目15科36属64种。其中国家Ⅰ级保护鸟类1种,国家Ⅱ级保护鸟类2种;冬候鸟10种(15.6%),夏候鸟18种(28.1%),旅鸟28种(43.8%),留鸟8种(12.5%)。区系组成包括:古北界40种(62.5%),东洋界6种(9.4%),广布种鸟类18种(28.1%)。多样性分析显示,滨州市区水鸟的Shannon-Wiener指数H′=2.5655、Pielou指数J=0.6169及G-F指数DG-F=0.6137。在市区3个水库中,北海水库的水鸟多样性指数最高。人类活动和自然环境恶化是该地区水鸟面临的主要威胁。  相似文献   

种间分离的研究对揭示种间相互作用、群落组成与动态具有重要意义。本研究在南岭国家级自然保护区的常绿阔叶林内,设置了36个样方,以样方内株数≥10的27个物种为研究对象,在样方调查的基础上,运用ArcGIS软件、N×N最近邻体列联表、2×2列联表截表以及Pielou分离指数,研究了群落内27个物种的种间分离规律,采用Clark_Evans最近邻体法测定了27个物种的分布格局。结果显示:(1)27个物种中,有3个呈聚集分布,24个呈随机分布;(2)常绿阔叶林植物群落中正分离种对占59.83%,随机毗邻种对占40.17%,没有负分离,群落稳定;(3)正分离主要发生在群落优势种或建群种之间,优势种之间也有随机毗邻发生;(4)呈聚集分布的物种与其它物种主要表现为正分离,一般不表现为负分离;而呈随机分布的物种之间多数表现为随机毗邻,也有部分表现为正分离或负分离;(5)群落内27个物种互相交错分布,是全面不分离的。  相似文献   

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