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李勤  李婧方 《生命科学》2010,(9):930-940
在生物医学研究领域中,阵列光镊与微流控芯片的结合已经成为进行细胞操纵、转移以及少量细胞样品分选等方面最有希望的方法之一。光镊技术对样品具有非接触弹性控制、无机械损伤、可无菌操作等优势,以及微流控芯片分析的高效、多功能、微型化、低成本等优势,成为芯片实验室(Lab-on-a-Chip)的重要研究方面。该文概述了阵列光镊技术的形成与研究现状以及微流控芯片技术的发展与应用现状,分析了在不同阵列光镊形成方法下结合微流控芯片可实现的功能与应用,并对其发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

突破传统机械框架 ,光学微处理技术取得重大进展中国科学技术大学激光生物实验室研制的“光学微操作微加工装置与技术”和承担的 863自动化领域重大项目“全光学生物微操作系统”于 2 0 0 0年 8月 2 4日通过中科院主持的鉴定和验收。该课题组十年来坚持光学微处理技术这一方向研究 ,努力开发光学微操作微加工技术。所研制的设备克服了传统机械法在对微小粒子 ,特别是对微小封闭体系 ,进行微操控和微加工的困难。中国科学院遗传所、生物物理所、力学所等单位与该课题组合作利用光学微操作微加工装置 ,已取得了多项新颖的科研成果 ,展示了这一…  相似文献   

细胞机械性能与细胞的生理状态与功能存在密切联系。早期对于细胞机械性能的研究受制于技术条件,只能获得细胞群的弹性或剪切模量,使得少量异质细胞的机械表型被淹没。近年来,单细胞机械性能检测技术得到了蓬勃发展。原子力显微镜、微吸管技术、光镊与光学拉伸、磁扭转流变仪与磁镊等单细胞机械性能检测技术展现出非常高的检测精度,但检测通量相对较低。新型微流控高通量检测方法的出现使检测通量呈几何式增长,有望解决大样本快速检测的需求。本文首先综述原子力显微镜、微吸管、光镊与光学拉伸和磁扭转流变仪与磁镊等单细胞机械性能检测技术。在此基础上,重点介绍细胞过孔、剪切诱导细胞变形和拉伸诱导细胞变形3种新兴微流控高通量检测技术的工作原理及最新研究进展,探讨各类方法的优缺点。最后,本文展望单细胞机械性能检测技术的未来发展方向。  相似文献   

介绍了染色体分选技术的基本原理和样品处理的基本流程,对根尖分生区采用同步化处理,制备染色体悬浮液,最后通过流式细胞仪的分析与收集获得纯度高、数量多的目标染色体。综述了染色体分选技术在植物学研究中的主要应用,包括物理图谱的构建、DNA分子标记的开发、以及复杂多倍体植物的基因组测序等。通过染色体分选技术的不断完善与发展,应用于染色体分选的探针标记不断开发,以及分选后的染色体DNA纯化和扩增技术的优化,将为多倍体植物如甘蔗等基因组学研究提供更有效的帮助。  相似文献   

单分子光镊技术是近年来发展起来的一种新型的高分辨率光学技术,可以在单分子水平上实时观测并研究生物大分子或复合物相互作用的动态行为。光镊次毫秒级的时间分辨率和皮牛顿的力分辨率可使我们精确获得中间态、折叠速率(两态迁移速率)、作用力、能量、距离等重要的动力学信息;不同于传统的结构生物学方法,光镊实验是在生理条件下进行的,这些优势都使得光镊技术成为生物物理学领域一项不可或缺的技术手段。该文将主要针对这项单分子光学技术的原理及其在生物动力学上的应用和发展前景作简要介绍。  相似文献   

光镊与介电泳微操纵技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周金华  龚錾  李银妹 《激光生物学报》2007,16(1):119-126,F0003
光镊和介电泳技术都是非侵入式微操纵技术,发展迅速,应用广泛。而不同的研究目的需要选择合适的研究手段,鉴于两种技术具有一些相似的特点而又有着不同优势,简要介绍其工作原理,从微粒的俘获、分选、旋转和相关物理量测量等方面进行比较,阐明各自优势所在,并展望光镊和介电泳技术的结合发展。  相似文献   

梁鹏  刘博  王钰  薛莹  李备 《微生物学报》2021,61(4):781-792
自然界相当多的微生物是未培养的,对这些"微生物界暗物质"进行研究,对于研究微生物的进化过程,充分利用微生物资源具有重要意义。对未培养微生物的分离与培养已成为当前国际研究热点,本文对显微操作、荧光活化分选、微流控分选、光镊技术、激光诱导向前转移等可用于微生物分离与培养的技术原理、发展历程进行简单介绍,对比分析了每种分选技术的优点与不足,重点阐述了激光诱导向前转移技术应用于微生物分离的技术优势,并进一步对未来应用于未培养微生物的研究进行了初步展望。  相似文献   

自然界中大多数微生物处于未培养状态,被称为“微生物暗物质”。随着微生物单细胞分离方法的不断更新,利用新技术、新方法应对微生物纯培养的挑战获得了重要进展,这些新的分离及培养策略对推动微生物资源学的发展具有重要意义。尽管宏基因组学和基因组学数据相关成果日益增多,但微生物单细胞的分离与培养对于系统研究微生物的生态功能、遗传进化等仍至关重要。本文主要概述了目前使用的或正在研发的膜扩散培养法、微流控分选、荧光激活细胞分选、单细胞拉曼分选、光镊技术、显微操作技术等单细胞分离技术的原理与应用,及其在微生物单细胞分离和培养方面的优点与不足,同时展望了这些单细胞分离技术未来的发展和应用前景。  相似文献   

随着单细胞测序技术的发展,人们对细胞异质性的关注越来越密切.单细胞操纵是研究细胞异质性的前提.基于光与物质的相互作用可以实现细胞的光学操纵,本文主要综述了激光显微切割、光镊、激光诱导前向转移和光流体等光学操纵方法的原理与应用.光学操纵无需接触,对细胞污染小、损伤小,而且易于和其他技术集成,对单细胞操纵和分析具有重要意义.  相似文献   

水稻染色体标本制备的风油精法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水稻的染色体较小,不同的染色体在形态上较难区分。常规的压片技术由于很难使染色体分散,且也不能完全排除细胞质的干扰,因而很不适用于水稻染色体核型分析及显带。Kurata 等(1978)采用酶解与火焰干燥技术制备水稻染色体标本,获得清晰的染色体图象,从而成功地进行了水稻染色体的核型分析。陈瑞阳等(1982)参照人类染色体  相似文献   

Liu X  Wang H  Li Y  Tang Y  Liu Y  Hu X  Jia P  Ying K  Feng Q  Guan J  Jin C  Zhang L  Lou L  Zhou Z  Han B 《Journal of biotechnology》2004,109(3):217-226
We report the development of a laser micromanipulation system and its application in the isolation of individual rice chromosomes directly from a metaphase cell. Microdissection and flow sorting are two major methods for the isolation of single chromosome. These methods are dependent on the techniques of chromosome spread and chromosome suspension, respectively. In the development of this system, we avoided using chromosome spread and cell suspension was used instead. The cell wall of metaphase rice cell was cut by optical scissors. The released single chromosome was captured by an optical trap and transported to an area without cell debris. The isolated single chromosome was then collected and specific library was constructed by linker adaptor PCR. The average insert size of the library was about 300 bp. Two hundred inserts of chromosome 4 library were sequenced, and 96.5% were aligned to the corresponding sequences of rice chromosome 4. These results suggest the possible application of this method for the preparation of other subcellular structures and for the cloning of single macromolecule through a laser microbeam trap.  相似文献   

Application of laser optical tweezers in immunology and molecular genetics.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Optical tweezers, based on a compact diode pumped Nd:YAG laser providing 350 mW at 1,064 nm coupled into a Zeiss IM 35 microscope, were used to sort CD4+ T cells into a capillary for further mechanical handling and to establish contact between single human natural killer (NK) cells and human erythroleukemia cells (K562) as targets. After contact and a lag phase of a few tens of seconds, the target cell starts to change its morphology and membrane blebbing occurs. The kinetics of the attack of the NK cell on K562 cells is not straightforward but governed by temporal oscillations in the shape of the target cell (zeosis). In a second application, the optical tweezers are combined with a UV laser microbeam based on a pulsed UV laser and with flow cytometry and sorting. With the pulsed laser, segments of sorted chromosome 1 of the chinese hamster karyotype (CHV 79) can be easily micro-dissected and subsequently collected using the optical tweezers. This allows preparation of a few hundred chromosome segments per day without mechanical contact and in an absolutely sterile way and thus may provide an interesting basic technique in any type of genome sequencing project.  相似文献   

Since the 1960s, several new attempts have been made to improve the management of single prokaryotic cells using micromanipulator techniques. In order to facilitate the isolation of pure cultures we have recently developed an improved micromanipulation method for routine work. With the aid of this method single prokaryotic cells can be picked out of a mixed community under direct visual control. The isolated aerobic or anaerobic cells can be grown in pure culture or can be subjected to single cell PCR. Other powerful and completely new approaches are the applications of laser micromanipulation systems, such as optical tweezers or laser microdissection techniques. Of the latter two methods only optical tweezers have been successfully applied to cloning prokaryotic cells.  相似文献   

光镊是由美国科学家Arthur Ashkin于1986年发明的,是一种利用高度汇聚的激光束产生的三维梯度势阱来俘获、操纵微小粒子的技术。因其可俘获、操纵单个细胞,并在细胞和亚细胞层次上为生物医学研究提供方便,近年来,已越来越多地被应用于生物医学研究中。本文在介绍光镊的原理和特点的基础上,阐述了光镊(尤其是拉曼光镊)技术在生物医学领域中的研究进展、现状和展望。  相似文献   

A short review of the use of optical tweezers in fungal cell biological research is provided. First, we describe how optical tweezers work. Second, we review how they have been used in various experimental live-cell studies to manipulate intracellular organelles, hyphal growth and branching, and whole cells. Third, we indicate how optically trapped microbeads can be used for the localized delivery of chemicals or mechanical stimulation to cells, as well as permitting measurements of the growth forces generated by germ tubes. Finally, the effects of optical trapping on fungal cell viability and growth are assessed. Parts of this review were presented at the Mycological Society of Japan (MSJ) / British Mycological Society (BMS) Joint Symposium, “The new generation mycologists in Japan and the UK” held in Chiba, Japan on June 3, 2006.  相似文献   

采用摄像、录像和视屏监控系统及显色偏振装置与光钳系统耦合,从空间分辨、色分辨和时间分辨多方面改善系统品质,实现了光钳捕获与操纵生物活体的动态监测、实时记录、资料保存和屏幕再现的功能,并能测量光钳操纵细胞的位移量和由此计算操纵速度,提高了光钳的自我调整和光钳操纵细胞的精细度。本研究为激光光钳技术在细胞工程等方面的应用研究提供了行之有效的技术手段。  相似文献   

活细胞染色体切割(光刀)和光捕捉(光钳)的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了光捕捉活细胞染色体的最新实验结果。对PTK_2有丝分裂细胞的染色体先围激光刀切割,再用光钳捕捉使该切割的染色体片断的行为发生改变。光捕捉中期切割的染色体片断有可能使它们整合到同一个子细胞中或丢失在分裂沟中。光捕捉后期切割的染色体可使该切割片断或掺入相反的细胞中或丢失在分裂沟中或回到原有的相应子细胞中。光捕捉操纵染色体去水螈肺上支子细胞中不仅同样有效,还可以在纺缍体的边缘,即纺缍体和间丝笼之间的细胞质清澈区域内用光钳操纵染色体片断移动,旋转。根据细胞和染色体形态和行为,对700-840nm波长范围内的各种波长的光捕捉进行了比较,结果表明,700nm或800-820nm波长操纵的细胞,出现最少的异常细胞百分率,760nm则诱发百分之百的异常细胞率。根据各方面的综合比较,700nm为最佳波长,共次为1060和800nm。760nm损伤细胞最严重,应避免使用。文中并讨论了光捕捉染色体的应用前景。  相似文献   

Studies of the deformation characteristics of single biological cells can offer insights into the connections among mechanical state, biochemical response and the onset and progression of diseases. Deformation imposed by optical tweezers provides a useful means for the study of single cell mechanics under a variety of well-controlled stress-states. In this paper, we first critically review recent advances in the study of single cell mechanics employing the optical tweezers method, and assess its significance and limitations in comparison to other experimental tools. We then present new experimental and computational results on shape evolution, force--extension curves, elastic properties and viscoelastic response of human red blood cells subjected to large elastic deformation using optical tweezers. Potential applications of the methods examined here to study diseased cells are also briefly addressed.  相似文献   

The optical alignment of biological samples is of great relevance to microspectrometry and to the micromanipulation of single particles. Recently, Bayoudh et al. (J. Mod. Opt. 50:1581–1590, 2003) have shown that isolated, disk-shaped chloroplasts can be aligned in a controlled manner using an in-plane-polarized Gaussian beam trap, and suggested that this is due to their nonspherical shape. Here we demonstrate that the orientation of various micrometer-sized isolated biological particles, trapped by optical tweezers, can be altered in a controlled way by changing the plane of linear polarization of the tweezers. In addition to chloroplasts, we show that subchloroplast particles of small size and irregular overall shape, aggregated photosynthetic light-harvesting protein complexes as well as chromosomes can be oriented with the linearly polarized beam of the tweezers. By using a laser scanning confocal microscope equipped with a differential polarization attachment, we also measured the birefringence of magnetically oriented granal chloroplasts, and found that they exhibit strong birefringence with large local variations, which appears to originate from stacked membranes. The size and sign of the birefringence are such that the resulting anisotropic interaction with the linearly polarized laser beam significantly contributes to the torque orienting the chloroplasts.  相似文献   

A dispersed, rye-specific element has been used to isolate clones of rye origin from wheat plants containing only a single rye chromosome arm or segment. In this way a set of 23 YAC clones has been isolated from the short arm of rye chromosome 1 (1RS). This technique was extended to isolate clones from a small region of 1RS that contains a large number of agronomically important genes. The targeted cloning method allowed the isolation of 26 classes of lambda clones representing about 5% of the region. Ten of the lambda clones could be mapped to segments within this region. A third example of the application of this technique involved the isolation of clones from a very small but fully functional rye chromosome, the midget chromosome. These clones have allowed the confirmation of the origin of the midget from 1RL, and may provide a tool for the isolation of structural elements of cereal chromosomes. This technique allows the identification of clone libraries for any rye chromosome or chromosome arm, since substitution, addition and translocation lines are available for all rye chromosomes. Furthermore, the technique allows isolation of clones derived from segments of the rye genome recombined into wheat. The method is technically simple and both lambda and YAC libraries can be constructed. Synteny between the genomes of the cereals allows region-specific libraries from rye to be used to target regions of the wheat and barley genomes.  相似文献   

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